Service PO for Multiple Acct Assig is not created using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

Im unable to create the Service po with multiple acct assiignment using BAPI_PO_CREATE1
Header Data
      w_poheader-comp_code = w_src-bukrs.  "Company Code
      w_poheader-doc_type = w_src-bsart.   "Document type
     w_poheader-delete_ind = w_src-vrtkz. "Deletion Indicator
      CLEAR: lv_date.
          date_external            = w_src-aedat
          date_internal            = lv_date
          date_external_is_invalid = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
      w_poheader-creat_date = lv_date.    "Creation Date
      w_poheader-created_by = sy-uname.    "Creator Name
      w_poheader-vendor = w_src-lifnr.     "Vendor
      w_poheader-pmnttrms = w_src-zterm.   "Payment Terms
      w_poheader-purch_org = w_src-ekorg.  "Purchase Organization
      w_poheader-pur_group = w_src-ekgrp.  "Purchase Group
      w_poheader-ref_1    = w_src-ihrez.   "OLD PO
      w_poheaderx-comp_code = 'X'.  "Company Code
      w_poheaderx-doc_type = 'X'.   "Document type
     w_poheaderx-delete_ind = 'X'.      "Deletion Indicator
      w_poheaderx-creat_date = 'X'.    "Creation Date
      w_poheaderx-created_by = 'X'.
      w_poheaderx-vendor = 'X'.
      w_poheaderx-pmnttrms = 'X'.   "Payment Terms
      w_poheaderx-purch_org = 'X'.  "Purchase Organization
      w_poheaderx-pur_group = 'X'.  "Purchase Group
      w_poheaderx-ref_1 = 'X'.
Item Data
      w_poitem-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
      IF NOT w_src-elikz IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-delete_ind = w_src-elikz.
      IF NOT w_src-txz01 IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-short_text = w_src-txz01.
      IF NOT w_src-werks IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-plant = w_src-werks.
Material group
      IF NOT w_src-matkl IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-matl_group = w_src-matkl.
Open or Partial Qty
      IF w_src-opqty IS  NOT INITIAL.
        w_poitem-quantity = w_src-opqty.
      ELSEIF NOT w_src-paqty IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-quantity = w_src-paqty.
      IF NOT w_src-meins IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-po_unit = w_src-meins. "Base Unit of Measure
      IF NOT w_src-netpr IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-net_price = w_src-netpr.  "Net Price
      IF NOT w_src-mwskz IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-tax_code = w_src-mwskz.
      IF NOT w_src-pstyp IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-item_cat = w_src-pstyp.
      IF NOT w_src-knttp IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-acctasscat = w_src-knttp.
      w_src-vrtkz = '2'.    "Added
      IF NOT w_src-vrtkz IS INITIAL.
        w_poitem-distrib = w_src-vrtkz.
Package No
      IF w_src-srv_line_no EQ '2'.
        w_poitem-pckg_no = 0000000001. "Assign dummy package no "w_src-packno.  "Package no
      ELSEIF w_src-srv_line_no EQ '3'.
        w_poitem-pckg_no = 0000000004. "Assign dummy package no "w_src-packno.  "Package no
      IF w_poitem-delete_ind IS INITIAL AND
         w_poitem-short_text IS INITIAL AND
         w_poitem-plant IS INITIAL AND
         w_poitem-matl_group IS INITIAL AND
         w_poitem-quantity IS INITIAL AND
         w_poitem-po_unit IS INITIAL AND
         w_poitem-net_price IS INITIAL AND
         w_poitem-tax_code IS INITIAL.
        CLEAR lv_item.
        APPEND w_poitem TO i_poitem.
        CLEAR: w_poitem.
        lv_item = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
      w_poitemx-delete_ind = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-short_text = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-plant = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-matl_group = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-quantity = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-po_unit = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-net_price = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-tax_code = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-item_cat = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-acctasscat = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-distrib = 'X'.
      w_poitemx-pckg_no = 'X'.
      IF lv_item = 'X'.
        APPEND w_poitemx TO i_poitemx.
        CLEAR: w_poitemx,
PO Deliery Address
      w_poaddrdelivery-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
      IF NOT w_src-adrn2 IS INITIAL.
        w_poaddrdelivery-addr_no = w_src-adrn2.
        APPEND w_poaddrdelivery TO i_poaddrdelivery.
        CLEAR w_poaddrdelivery.
      w_poschedule-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
   w_poschedule-SCHED_LINE = w_src-
      CLEAR: lv_date.
          date_external            = w_src-eindt
          date_internal            = lv_date
          date_external_is_invalid = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF NOT lv_date IS INITIAL.
        w_poschedule-del_datcat_ext = 'D'. "Delivery Date in Day Format
        w_poschedule-delivery_date = lv_date.
        w_poschedule-quantity = w_src-menge.
        APPEND w_poschedule TO i_poschedule.
        CLEAR w_poschedule.
        lv_schd = 'X'.
      w_poschedulex-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
   w_poschedule-SCHED_LINE = 'X'.
      w_poschedulex-del_datcat_ext = 'X'.
      w_poschedulex-delivery_date = 'X'.
      w_poschedulex-quantity = 'X'.
      IF lv_schd = 'X'.
        APPEND w_poschedulex TO i_poschedulex.
        CLEAR : w_poschedulex,
PO Account Assignment
      w_poaccount-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
      w_poaccount-serial_no = w_src-zekkn.
Distribution Indicator is 1
      IF w_src-vrtkz EQ '1'.
        w_poaccount-distr_perc = w_src-vproz.
        IF NOT w_src-menge IS INITIAL.
          CLEAR lv_menge.
          lv_menge = w_src-menge.
        lv_acct_qty = lv_menge * w_src-vproz / 100.
Get Round value of Quanity
        frac = FRAC( lv_acct_qty ).
        IF frac EQ 0.
          lv_acct_qty = FLOOR( lv_acct_qty ).
          lv_acct_qty = CEIL( lv_acct_qty ).
        w_poaccount-quantity = lv_acct_qty.
      ELSEIF w_src-vrtkz IS INITIAL.
        w_poaccount-quantity = w_src-menge.
  w_poaccount-quantity = w_src-menge.    "added
      w_poaccount-gl_account = w_src-saknr.
      w_poaccount-costcenter = w_src-kostl.
      w_poaccount-asset_no = w_src-anln1.
      w_poaccount-wbs_element = w_src-wbs.
      w_poaccount-network = w_src-nplnr.
      w_poaccount-tax_code = w_src-mwskz.
      w_poaccount-activity = w_src-vornr.
      APPEND w_poaccount TO i_poaccount.
      CLEAR w_poaccount.
      w_poaccountx-po_item = w_src-ebelp.
      w_poaccountx-serial_no = w_src-zekkn.
      IF w_src-vrtkz EQ '1'.
        w_poaccountx-distr_perc =  'X'.
      w_poaccountx-quantity = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-gl_account = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-costcenter = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-wbs_element = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-network = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-tax_code = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-activity = 'X'.
      w_poaccountx-cmmt_item = 'X'.
      APPEND w_poaccountx TO i_poaccountx.
      CLEAR w_poaccountx.
Extension for ZZSub
      IF NOT w_src-zzsub IS INITIAL.
        w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOACCOUNTING'.
        w_extensionin-valuepart1+0(5) = w_src-ebelp.
        w_extensionin-valuepart1+5(2) = '01'.
        w_extensionin-valuepart1+28(5) = w_src-zzsub.
        APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
        CLEAR w_extensionin.
        w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOACCOUNTINGX'.
        w_extensionin-valuepart1+0(5) = w_src-ebelp.
        w_extensionin-valuepart1+5(2) = '01'.
        w_extensionin-valuepart1+11(1) = 'X'.
        APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
        CLEAR w_extensionin.
Extension to add Expense Type only
      IF NOT  w_src-zzexptype IS INITIAL.
        w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOHEADER'.
        w_extensionin-valuepart1+10(4) = w_src-zzexptype.
        APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
        CLEAR w_extensionin.
        w_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOHEADERX'.
        w_extensionin-valuepart1+10(4) = 'X'.
        APPEND w_extensionin TO i_extensionin.
        CLEAR w_extensionin.
      EXPORT i_extensionin[] TO MEMORY ID 'SUB'.
PO Services( One Line Iem)
      IF w_src-srv_line_no EQ '2'.
        w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000001.  "w_src-packno. "(assign package no as a dummy number)
        w_poservices-line_no = 0000000001.  "w_src-srv_line_no.    "Line item
        w_poservices-outl_ind = 'X'.
        w_poservices-subpckg_no = 0000000003.  "w_src-sub_packno. "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
     w_poservices-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
     w_poservices-base_uom = w_src-srmeins.  "Service Basic unit of Measure
     w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
        w_poservices-from_line = '1'.
     w_poservices-gr_price  = w_src-brtwr.  "GR Price
     w_poservices-short_text = w_src-sh_text1.    "Service Short Text
        APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
        CLEAR w_poservices.
PO Services(Second Line Item )
        w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000003.  "w_src-sub_packno. "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
        w_poservices-line_no = 0000000002.
        w_poservices-ext_line = w_src-extrow.    "External line
        w_poservices-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
        w_poservices-base_uom = w_src-srmeins.  "Service Basic unit of Measure
        w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
        w_poservices-gr_price  = w_src-brtwr.  "GR Price
        w_poservices-short_text = w_src-sh_text1.    "Service Short Text
        APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
        CLEAR w_poservices.
PO Service Access values
        w_posrvacc-pckg_no = 0000000003.  "w_src-sub_packno.  "Sub package no
        w_posrvacc-line_no = 0000000002.  "w_src-srv_line_no. "Line item
        w_posrvacc-serno_line = w_src-zekkn.                "'01'.
        IF w_src-vproz IS INITIAL.
          w_posrvacc-percentage = '100.0'.
        w_posrvacc-serial_no = '01'.
        w_posrvacc-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
        APPEND w_posrvacc TO i_posrvacc.
        CLEAR w_posrvacc.
      ELSEIF w_src-srv_line_no EQ '3'.
PO Services
        if w_src-srv_line_no EQ '2'.
        w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000004.  "(assign package no as a dummy number)
        w_poservices-line_no = 0000000001.  "Line item
        w_poservices-outl_ind = 'X'.
        w_poservices-subpckg_no = 0000000005.  "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
        w_poservices-from_line = '1'.
        APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
        CLEAR w_poservices.
        w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000005.  "w_src-sub_packno. "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
        w_poservices-line_no = 0000000002.
        w_poservices-ext_line = w_src-extrow.    "External line
        w_poservices-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
        w_poservices-base_uom = w_src-srmeins.  "Service Basic unit of Measure
        w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
        w_poservices-gr_price  = w_src-brtwr.  "GR Price
        w_poservices-short_text = w_src-sh_text1.    "Service Short Text
        APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
        CLEAR w_poservices.
        if  w_src-srv_line_no EQ '3'.
        w_poservices-pckg_no = 0000000005.  "w_src-sub_packno. "(Dummy No.) "Sub package no
        w_poservices-line_no = 0000000003.
        w_poservices-ext_line = w_src-extrow.    "External line
        w_poservices-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
        w_poservices-base_uom = w_src-srmeins.  "Service Basic unit of Measure
        w_poservices-price_unit = '1'.
        w_poservices-gr_price  = w_src-brtwr.  "GR Price
        w_poservices-short_text = w_src-sh_text1.    "Service Short Text
        APPEND w_poservices TO i_poservices.
        CLEAR w_poservices.
PO Service Access values
       if  w_src-srv_line_no EQ '2'.
        w_posrvacc-pckg_no = 0000000005.  "w_src-sub_packno.  "Sub package no
        w_posrvacc-line_no = 0000000002.  "w_src-srv_line_no. "Line item
        w_posrvacc-serno_line = '01'.
        w_posrvacc-percentage = '100.0'.
        w_posrvacc-serial_no = '01'.    "w_src-zekkn.
        w_posrvacc-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
        APPEND w_posrvacc TO i_posrvacc.
        CLEAR w_posrvacc.
        if  w_src-srv_line_no EQ '3'.
        w_posrvacc-pckg_no = 0000000005.  "w_src-sub_packno.  "Sub package no
        w_posrvacc-line_no = 0000000003.  "w_src-srv_line_no. "Line item
        w_posrvacc-serno_line = '01'.
        w_posrvacc-percentage = '100.0'.
        w_posrvacc-serial_no = '02'.  "w_src-zekkn.  "'01'.
        w_posrvacc-quantity = w_src-srqty.  "Service Quantity
        APPEND w_posrvacc TO i_posrvacc.
        CLEAR w_posrvacc.
***Create a NEW PO
          poheader          = w_poheader
          poheaderx         = w_poheaderx
          TESTRUN           = ' '
          exppurchaseorder  = gv_ebeln
          return            = i_return
          poitem            = i_poitem[]
          poitemx           = i_poitemx[]
          poaddrdelivery    = i_poaddrdelivery[]
          poschedule        = i_poschedule[]
          poschedulex       = i_poschedulex[]
          poaccount         = i_poaccount[]
          poaccountx        = i_poaccountx[]
          poservices        = i_poservices[]
          posrvaccessvalues = i_posrvacc[]
          extensionin       = i_extensionin[].
Commit the Transaction
          wait = 'X'.

it is solved

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          lv_subject = text-037.
          lv_attachment = text-038.
              email1            = lv_email1
              email2            = lv_email2
              email3            = lv_email3
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    Hi srinivas ,
    Could you please Check
    FORM summary_report .
      DATA: lv_success TYPE i,
              lv_error TYPE i,
              lv_total TYPE i.
      DESCRIBE TABLE gt_data LINES lv_success.
    DESCRIBE TABLE gt_error LINES lv_error.
      DESCRIBE TABLE gt_message LINES lv_error.
    lv_total = lv_success + lv_error.
      lv_total = lv_success.
      gwa_summary-record = text-008."Number of Successful records.
      gwa_summary-number = lv_success.
      APPEND gwa_summary TO gt_summary.
      gwa_summary-record = text-009."Number of error records'.
      gwa_summary-number = lv_error.
      APPEND gwa_summary TO gt_summary.
      gwa_summary-record = text-010."Total number of records processed.
      gwa_summary-number =  lv_total.
      APPEND gwa_summary TO gt_summary.
    CLEAR gt_fieldcat.
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-col_pos = 1 .
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-fieldname  = 'RECORD'.
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-tabname = 'GT_SUMMARY'.
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-seltext_l  = text-011."Records
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-outputlen = '70'.
      APPEND gwa_fieldcat_summ TO gt_fieldcat_summ.
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-col_pos = 2 .
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-fieldname  = 'NUMBER'.
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-tabname = 'GT_SUMMARY'.
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-seltext_l  = text-012."Number
      gwa_fieldcat_summ-outputlen = '10'.
      APPEND gwa_fieldcat_summ TO gt_fieldcat_summ.
    ENDFORM.                    " SUMMARY_REPORT
    *&      Form  ERROR_REPORT
    FORM error_report .
    gt_fieldcat_err[] = gt_fieldcat[].
      gv_fieldcat_err-col_pos = 1.
      gv_fieldcat_err-fieldname  = 'PERNR'.
      gv_fieldcat_err-tabname = 'GT_MESSAGE'.
      gv_fieldcat_err-seltext_l  = text-070."Employee Number
      gv_fieldcat_err-outputlen = '20'.
      APPEND gv_fieldcat_err TO gt_fieldcat_err.
      gv_fieldcat_err-col_pos = 2.
      gv_fieldcat_err-fieldname  = 'MESSAGE'.
      gv_fieldcat_err-tabname = 'GT_MESSAGE'.
      gv_fieldcat_err-seltext_l  = text-071."Error Message
      gv_fieldcat_err-outputlen = '80'.
      APPEND gv_fieldcat_err TO gt_fieldcat_err.
    ENDFORM.                    " ERROR_REPORT
    *&      Form  FINAL_REPORT
    FORM final_report .
      DATA:lv_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv,
             lt_events_summ TYPE slis_t_event,
             lv_events_summ LIKE LINE OF lt_events_summ,
             lt_events_det TYPE slis_t_event,
             lv_events_det LIKE LINE OF lt_events_det,
             lt_events_err TYPE slis_t_event,
             lv_events_err LIKE LINE OF lt_events_det,
             lt_events_msg TYPE slis_t_event,
             lv_events_msg LIKE LINE OF lt_events_det.
      lv_events_summ-name = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
      lv_events_summ-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE1'.
      APPEND lv_events_summ TO lt_events_summ.
      lv_events_det-name = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
      lv_events_det-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE2'.
      APPEND lv_events_det TO lt_events_det.
      lv_events_err-name = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
      lv_events_err-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE3'.
      APPEND lv_events_err TO lt_events_err.
      lv_events_msg-name = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'.
      lv_events_msg-form = 'TOP_OF_PAGE4'.
      APPEND lv_events_msg TO lt_events_msg.
          i_callback_program = sy-repid.
          is_layout                        = lv_layout
          it_fieldcat                      = gt_fieldcat_summ
          i_tabname                        = 'IT_SUMMARY'
          it_events                        = lt_events_summ
      IT_SORT                          =
      I_TEXT                           = ' '
          t_outtab                         = gt_summary
      PROGRAM_ERROR                    = 1
      OTHERS                           = 3
          is_layout                        = lv_layout
          it_fieldcat                      = gt_fieldcat
          i_tabname                        = 'gt_data'
          it_events                        = lt_events_det
      IT_SORT                          =
      I_TEXT                           = ' '
          t_outtab                         = gt_data
      PROGRAM_ERROR                    = 1
      OTHERS                           = 3
         is_layout   = lv_layout
         it_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat_err
         i_tabname   = 'gt_error'
         it_events   = lt_events_err
         t_outtab    = gt_error.
         is_layout   = lv_layout
         it_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat_msg
         i_tabname   = 'gt_message'
         it_events   = lt_events_msg
         t_outtab    = gt_error.
          is_layout   = lv_layout
          it_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat_err
          i_tabname   = 'gt_message'
          it_events   = lt_events_err
          t_outtab    = gt_message.
          is_layout   = lv_layout
          it_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat_msg
          i_tabname   = 'gt_message'
          it_events   = lt_events_msg
          t_outtab    = gt_message.
       i_interface_check             = ' '
      IS_PRINT                      =
       i_screen_start_column         = 0
       i_screen_start_line           = 0
       i_screen_end_column           = 0
       i_screen_end_line             = 0
      ES_EXIT_CAUSED_BY_USER        =
      PROGRAM_ERROR                 = 1
      OTHERS                        = 2
    ENDFORM.                    " FINAL_REPORT
    *&      Form  top_of_page
    FORM top_of_page1.                                          "#EC CALLED
      WRITE text-013."SUMMARY REPORT.
    ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page
    *&      Form  top_of_page2
    FORM top_of_page2.                                          "#EC CALLED
      WRITE text-014."DETAIL REPORT.
    ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page
    *&      Form  top_of_page3
    FORM top_of_page3.                                          "#EC CALLED
      WRITE text-015."ERROR REPORT
    ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page
    *&      Form  EMAIL_NOTIFICATION
    FORM email_notification .
      DATA: lv_email1  TYPE somlreci1-receiver,
           lv_email2  TYPE somlreci1-receiver,
           lv_email3  TYPE somlreci1-receiver,
           lv_subject TYPE char200,
           c_flag     TYPE c           VALUE 'X',
           lv_attachment TYPE char50.
      CLEAR: lv_email1,
      SELECT SINGLE email1
        FROM zhr_interface_pr
        INTO (lv_email1,lv_email2,lv_email3)
        WHERE zinterfaceid EQ gc_objectid.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        IF sy-batch EQ 'X'.
    Send email notification
          lv_subject = text-037.
          lv_attachment = text-038.
              email1            = lv_email1
              email2            = lv_email2
              email3            = lv_email3
              subject           = lv_subject
              attachment_name   = lv_attachment
              spool_not_created = 1
              OTHERS            = 2.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    ENDFORM.                    "
    Edited by: katewinslate@SAP on Nov 17, 2010 12:50 PM

  • I wish to download a Muse Site I did not create , using Muse. How may I do this?

    I wish to download a Muse Site I did not create , using Muse. How may I do this?
    Thank you.

    Ok once again.
    Let's assume a friend using Muse creates a site using his PC and publishes it.
    It’s now a hosted site created in Muse.
    Let’s also assume he wishes to have me work on the Muse created website which he created and published using Muse.
    Can I use my copy of Muse  on my PC , a PC different than my freinds, to download the site my friend created so I may work on it in my copy of Muse?
    It can’t be done right?

  • One Search service application for multiple web applications in a single server

      We are planning to host 17 Web applications in a single Server. Do I need to create search service application for each web application or I need to create one  Search service application , create a Content source for each web
    application and create a Result source for filtering. Which is the best approach. And which approach takes more RAM memory.
       In my application I am using Search web part, "Recently Changed Items", "Popular Items" web parts. when I created only one one  Search Service application for all web applications and using Result sources ,
    I am not getting the results. What could be the problem.

    One SSA is ok, but you should think about access rights. If the access is clear cut between all the web apps you should be ok with one SSA. Multiple result sources limiting on content source also works, but could easily be bypassed.
    Multiple SSA's will eat up RAM/CPU like a mother :)
    As for popular etc.. it could be due to how those sources are set up, but haven't investigated or tested this much.
    Search Enthusiast - SharePoint MVP/MCT/MCPD - If you find an answer useful, please up-vote it.
    Author of Working with FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint

  • Using one library for multiple computers and accounts (not store accounts)

    Okay, we currently have four macs in the house. One was recently bought: i7 iMac (late 2009), another is dying: (mid 2005 iMac), another is going somewhere else: (late 2006 iMac) and another is a laptop: C2D MBP (late 2008). We might add another computer into the mix some time later.
    Anyway, what I want to do is have one iTunes library which all of the computers can access (even guest's/friend's computers). We have a Time Capsule, and as I have heard one can make the TC the HDD for the iTunes library, I thought it best for it to be there.
    The only thing is, how can each computer (and the possible multiple accounts) each access the same library, without duplicating and messing anything up? Is that possible? If it is too hard for multiple computers to do this, I would still want the (late 2009) iMac to be able to use the same library for the two accounts on it.

    Make sure everything you want to share is on the centralized drive (music, video, and books, but if any of you have mobile devices, keep the apps on your local drive). Mount the drive on your computer. (Remember, from now on you must do this before starting iTunes.) If iTunes isn't running, start it now.
    At the moment iTunes thinks the library is on the local computer and has all the music on it so that has to be changed. Click on Music in the left window pane, select all, and delete. This deletes all the music from the library and, if you choose, from the computer too. (Until you are sure this set-up is to your liking, don't delete the music from the drive.) Now go to Preferences and select the Advanced tab. Set iTunes to look at the music folder on your shared drive. And finally, select File>Add to Library to repopulate your iTunes library. This could take a while if you have a large music collection.
    Since you changed the music location, anything that is added to one person's library will be saved onto the shared drive so it isn't too much of a hassle to manually add music. You'll have to rebuild playlists which is a minor hassle but it’s a one time deal.

  • Maintaining Service Arrangement for Employees: Address type-ID not availabl

    I´m facing the following problem while implementing CRM Service via Best Practices for CRM V1.70:
    Building Block Configuration Guide C26 CRM SERVICE:
    Section 3.3.3 WFM Core Settings:     Maintaining Service Arrangements for Employee
    Assignment Block u2018Service Arrangementsu2019:
    In Assignment block Location there is no address type-ID u2018XXDEFAULTu2019 for adress source u2018Organizationu2019. Thus I receive the following error message: u2018Enter a valid address usage typeu2019. Address type-ID u2018XXDEFAULTu2019 is only available for adress source u2018Individualu2019.
    What exactly do I have to do in order to make address type-ID u2018XXDEFAULTu2019 also available for adress source u2018Organizationu2019.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards,

    I am facing similar problem what did you do to resolve it.
    Thanks in advance.

  • I believe for the year I have not been using photoshop photography but something else so I never really used it or photoshop photography ..can you check for me

    now that I just re-newed my photoshop photography ....I have not been using that for some reason I have been using something else. they had changed me a couple
    of times last year from one thing to another I never go photoshop photography downloaded. I used the other one very little because I wasn't sure I should...gee
    I hope that makes sense.
    I need to download photoshop photography.
    Sherri nicholas

    You need to get the owner's manual for your Ford's bluetooth system to see how to put your system into discovery mode for the iPhone as well as the appropriate steps to take. 
    In addition, you should see if the iPhone is supported.

  • BDC for PA30 action hire is not creating entry in IT 1001

    Hello All,
       I created a BDC for to create hire action in system to create some dummy data, but its not creating entry in infotype 1001 for relation between person (P) and position (S). If i create entry in PA30 it create ebtry, if i try BDC in Dialog mode even then its not creating it.
      I read a lot about Dynamic action in this kind of issue but i seen table T588Z but there is no any insert dynamic action for IT 1001.
    Can anybody throw some light on the cause of the same.
    i tried to create same data with FM HR_MIANTAIN_MASTERDATA but i have to drop that idea becasue it was not able to crate record with empty PERNR field. if your answer is use this FM then please provide some working code as i searched a lot on the same issue but no any concrete proof on the same.
    appreciate any reply.

    Are you getting any error?
    If not i think you have to lock the employee before creating an entry to the IT 1001 using FM
    and create an entry to IT 1001 using BDC or HR_MIANTAIN_MASTERDATA
    and unlock an employee by using FM

  • CO-PA for good issue documents are not created

    Dear All
    We are using both account & cost based CO-PA , actually the problem is this that when we are doing the sales cycle, after billing my CO-PA document created  but the same when I do delivery COGS document not created  ,actually for sales I am taking the sales data from condition type(assignment of condition type to CO-PA value filed) and for COGS , I have assigned the COGS  GL accounts in TRANSACTION Code OKB9 (automatic determine the profitability segment) also the same GL accounts I have assigned  with value field in
    Assignment PA transfer structure
    Now when I am doing sales cycle , CO-PA document has been created when I am doing billing but when I am doing Good issue , CO-PA not created  but if I go and check the GL account of  COGS account I found the all detail of my profitability segment which hit this GL account
    Please help in this regard.

    I assume that problem relates to billing in make-to-stock scenario. Since COPA document is automatically created with billing. Please note the following -
    1. COGS GL account is not created as cost element.
    2. There is no CO / COPA document at the time of delivery.
    3. Condition type ‘VPRS’ should exist in SD pricing. It is updated form material master.
    4. Condition type ‘VPRS’ should be assigned to COPA value field (just like PR00 / price).
    5. Revenue and COGS value fields are updated at the time of billing.
    Hope it clarifies.

  • T code to find sales orders/Deliveries for which batch job could not create

    Once a PGI has been created for a sales order, the invoice should be created in nightly batch. Once is a while, something is wrong and SAP cannot create the invoice. I know there is a transaction that will list the orders / deliveries where SAP could not create the invoice. Can you tell me what that t-code is? Thanks

    I think you did not get my point corectly , I know , billing docs due list , what I  need was after batch job running , for some deliveries , due to some reason , billing docs might not have created .
    Business needs to know only thsese delivery docs in a T code or table but not all the due document . I did not find answer for this question in SDN .
    I got the answer now  for this question , it is V.21 .
    Thanks for your time .

  • Log file is not created used util.logger

    I need to write a log into a file using java.util.logging.
    File name should read from properties file.
    Issue is file is not created in D:\TestLogging.log
    Below are the configuration:
    handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
    # Number of output files to cycle through, by appending an
    # integer to the base file name:
    # Style of output (Simple or XML):
    import java.util.logging.*;
    public final class SimpleLogger {
      public static void main(String argv[]) {
      SimpleLogger thing = new SimpleLogger();
      public void doSomething() {
      fLogger.finest("this is finest");
      fLogger.finer("this is finer");
      fLogger.fine("this is fine");
      fLogger.config("this is config");"this is info");
      fLogger.warning("this is a warning");
      fLogger.severe("this is severe");
      fLogger.logp(Level.INFO, this.getClass().toString(), "doSomething", "blah");
      Throwable ex = new IllegalArgumentException("Some exception text");
      fLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Some message", ex);
      fLogger.exiting(this.getClass().toString(), "doSomething");
      private static final Logger fLogger =
    Could you please help, any configuration is missed

    Check for the file in the server folder of your server installed directory.
    ie..<Drive where server installed>:\usr\sap\<name>\<instance>\j2ee\<server node>
    Abu Bakar

  • Database not creating using DBCA

    I installed oracle on solaris 10 sparc system
    when i try to create a database using dbca, it is not creating.
    after i click on finish button on dbca to create a database, database creating windows is not opening, i mean it is in same window, i clicked thousand times on that finish button, no windows is opening, nothing is happening.
    please help, i will really appreciate if anyone tell me how to resolve this issue.
    Veeresh S

    solaris server is 64 sparc
    and i installed oracle 64 bit for sparc 64
    now this is not working.
    can i install oracle x86 in this sparc 64 bit server

  • Log file is not created using LOG4J

    Hi all,
    I want to use Log4j to log the details about my portal application. I would prefer using Log4j instead of SAP Logging. I have created properties file in my portal application which extends Abstract Portal Component. This my file which i created under dist\PORTAL-INF\classses folder. I could read the Properties file. There is no problem on that. I am able to refer the API s available in Log4j. I am using Log4j-1[1].2.14.jar.
    log4j.rootLogger = INFO, R1
    log4j.appender.R1 = org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
    log4j.appender.R1.File = LoggerForMyApplicationC.log
    log4j.appender.R1.layout.ConversionPattern=[%-5p] [%d] [%c] - [%m]%n
    But the problem is Log file is not created (LoggerForMyApplicationC.log) under \logs foler in SAP J2EE Server.
    Do i miss any other configuration? Please bring me the solution.

    Check for the file in the server folder of your server installed directory.
    ie..<Drive where server installed>:\usr\sap\<name>\<instance>\j2ee\<server node>
    Abu Bakar

  • Del Date not populating using bapi_po_create1

    I am using Bapi_po_create1 and am having a problem with delivery dates. The Po creates fine but the delivery date will not populate.
    here is the code i use to populate the Bapi
    wa_po_item_schedules1-po_item = line_c.
        wa_po_item_schedules1-delivery_date = del_date.
        wa_po_item_schedules1-quantity = scr100-qty.
        wa_po_item_schedules1-del_datcat_ext = 'D'.
        APPEND wa_po_item_schedules1 TO it_po_item_schedules1.
        wa_po_item_schedulesx-po_item = 'X'.
        wa_po_item_schedulesx-delivery_date = 'X'.
        wa_po_item_schedulesx-quantity = 'X'.
        wa_po_item_schedulesx-del_datcat_ext = 'X'.
        APPEND wa_po_item_schedulesx TO it_po_item_schedulesx.
    Any ideas?

    You are passing 'Category of delivery date' as 'D'. Could you check Category of delivery date in TPRG table ? Also check in which format you are passing the schedule date.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Since installing the add-on validator in FF4B10 I get error message

    When starting FF 4b 10 I get the following error message: load: TypeError: Components.classes[';1'] is undefined After that FF appears to run OK, although I have not checked out my add-ons.

  • Have installed flash player a few times

    i have tried a few of the different options to download and i have restarted and the message that i dont have the right flash plug in and the option to get the one i have downloaded already cofused and irratated PLEASE HELP

  • ACH EDI Mapping

    Hello, Firstly Payment is  run using transaction F110 and then a medium program for EDI transmission (SE38, SAPFPAYM) to create an extract with a user-definable name.  This extract will be placed on the SAP Server. The file will be placed in a folder

  • SPEL to disable a button

    Hi gurus I need to make a button field enabled / disabled based on another field. From the concurrent requests window users can choose the Option Reprint / Republish (Tools > Reprint / Republish ). This opens a page and we want to disable a button (a

  • Difference between content pane and jpanel?

    can anyone please tell me the difference between a contentPane and a JPanel?