Services failed to start

I'm trying to get an installation running, and while it seems most things are up and running, a few services are failing to start.
com.adobe.livecycle.DataTypesUtility and com.adobe.livecycle.PDFUtility fail to start. Their errors are similar:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Component: com.adobe.livecycle.DataTypesUtility version:1.0 must be in a running state prior to starting service: DataTypesUtilityService version: 1.0
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Component: com.adobe.livecycle.PDFUtility version: must be in a running state prior to starting service: PDFUtilityService version: 1.0
How something can be started, before it is started, I'm not sure.
The server (open)SUSE, on a 64bit system.

16:10:17,248 INFO  [Server] Starting JBoss (MX MicroKernel)...
16:10:17,251 INFO  [Server] Release ID: JBoss [Trinity] 4.2.1.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_1_GA date=200707131605)
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server] Using config: org.jboss.system.server.ServerConfigImpl@7bd63e39
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server] Server type: class org.jboss.system.server.ServerImpl 
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server] Server loaded through: org.jboss.system.server.NoAnnotationURLClassLoader 
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server] Boot URLs: 
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server]   file:/opt/jboss/lib/endorsed/serializer.jar 
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server]   file:/opt/jboss/lib/endorsed/xalan.jar 
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server]   file:/opt/jboss/lib/endorsed/xercesImpl.jar 
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server]   file:/opt/jboss/lib/jboss-jmx.jar 
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server]   file:/opt/jboss/lib/concurrent.jar 
16:10:17,251 DEBUG [Server]   file:/opt/jboss/lib/log4j-boot.jar 
16:10:17,252 DEBUG [Server]   file:/opt/jboss/lib/jboss-common.jar 
16:10:17,252 DEBUG [Server]   file:/opt/jboss/lib/jboss-system.jar 
16:10:17,252 DEBUG [Server]   file:/opt/jboss/lib/jboss-xml-binding.jar 
16:10:17,252 INFO  [Server] Home Dir: /opt/jboss 
16:10:17,252 INFO  [Server] Home URL: file:/opt/jboss/ 
16:10:17,252 DEBUG [Server] Library URL: file:/opt/jboss/lib/ 
16:10:17,253 INFO  [Server] Patch URL: null 
16:10:17,253 INFO  [Server] Server Name: lc_mysql 
16:10:17,253 INFO  [Server] Server Home Dir: /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql 
16:10:17,253 INFO  [Server] Server Home URL: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/ 
16:10:17,253 INFO  [Server] Server Log Dir: /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/log 
16:10:17,253 DEBUG [Server] Server Data Dir: /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/data 
16:10:17,253 INFO  [Server] Server Temp Dir: /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/tmp 
16:10:17,254 DEBUG [Server] Server Config URL: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/ 
16:10:17,254 DEBUG [Server] Server Library URL: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/ 
16:10:17,254 INFO  [Server] Root Deployment Filename: jboss-service.xml 
16:10:17,257 DEBUG [Server] Starting General Purpose Architecture (GPA)... 
16:10:17,528 DEBUG [Server] Created MBeanServer:[ defaultDomain='jboss' ] 
16:10:17,581 DEBUG [Server] Boot url list: [file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/] 
16:10:17,582 DEBUG [Server] Creating loader for URL: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/ 
16:10:17,587 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] setRepository,,{ url=file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/ ,addedOrder=0} 
16:10:17,587 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] setRepository,,{ url=file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/ ,addedOrder=0} 
16:10:17,587 DEBUG [UnifiedLoaderRepository3] Adding{ url=file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/ ,addedOrder=0} 
16:10:17,766 DEBUG [Server] Failed to create xmbean for: org.jboss.system.server.ServerInfo 
16:10:17,781 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.6.0_20,Sun Microsystems Inc. 
16:10:17,781 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 16.3-b01,Sun Microsystems Inc. 
16:10:17,781 INFO  [ServerInfo] OS-System: Linux 2.6.34-9-desktop,amd64 
16:10:17,781 DEBUG [ServerInfo] Full System Properties Dump 
16:10:17,781 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. 
16:10:17,781 DEBUG [ServerInfo] SUN_STANDARD 
16:10:17,781 DEBUG [ServerInfo] HotSpot 64-Bit Server Compiler 
16:10:17,781 DEBUG [ServerInfo] Linux 
16:10:17,781 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     sun.boot.class.path: /opt/jboss/lib/endorsed/serializer.jar:/opt/jboss/lib/endorsed/xalan.jar:/opt/jboss/lib/e ndorsed/xercesImpl.jar:/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/resources.jar:/usr/lib6 4/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/rt.jar:/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/sunr sasign.jar:/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0- sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/jce.jar:/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/usr/li b64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/classes 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.vm.specification.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.runtime.version: 1.6.0_20-b02 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo] jboss 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.bind.address: 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.home.dir: /opt/jboss 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     user.language: en 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     sun.boot.library.path: /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.home.url: file:/opt/jboss/ 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.version: 1.6.0_20 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     user.timezone: Canada/Atlantic 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo] true 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.server.home.dir: /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jgroups.bind_addr: 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo] 64 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.endorsed.dirs: /opt/jboss/lib/endorsed 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.server.home.url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/ 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     sun.cpu.isalist: 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     sun.jnu.encoding: UTF-8 
16:10:17,782 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     file.encoding.pkg: 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     file.separator: / 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo] Java Platform API Specification 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.class.version: 50.0 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.server.config.url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/ 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo] US 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.home: /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo] mixed mode 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.lib.url: file:/opt/jboss/lib/ 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     bind.address: 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     os.version: 2.6.34-9-desktop 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     path.separator: : 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.vm.version: 16.3-b01 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.protocol.handler.pkgs: 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.awt.printerjob: sun.print.PSPrinterJob 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo] UnicodeLittle 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.server.temp.dir: /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/tmp 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     sun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval: 3600000 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     user.home: /home/jboss 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.specification.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. 
16:10:17,783 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.library.path: /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/amd64/server:/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1. 6.0/jre/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/../lib/amd64:/usr/java/packages/ lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.vendor.url: 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo] 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.vm.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     sun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval: 3600000 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo] Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.class.path: /opt/jboss/bin/run.jar 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.server.log.dir: /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/log 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jbossmx.loader.repository.class: 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo] Java Virtual Machine Specification 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.vm.specification.version: 1.0 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     sun.cpu.endian: little 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     sun.os.patch.level: unknown 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.server.lib.url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/ 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo] /tmp 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.vendor.url.bug: 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo] /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/data 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.rmi.server.hostname: 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     os.arch: amd64 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.awt.graphicsenv: sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment 
16:10:17,784 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.ext.dirs: /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-sun-1.6.0/jre/lib/ext:/usr/java/packages/lib/ext 
16:10:17,785 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     user.dir: /opt/jboss/bin 
16:10:17,785 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     line.separator: 
16:10:17,785 DEBUG [ServerInfo] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
16:10:17,785 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.server.base.dir: /opt/jboss/server
16:10:17,785 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     jboss.server.base.url: file:/opt/jboss/server/
16:10:17,785 DEBUG [ServerInfo]
16:10:17,785 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     file.encoding: UTF-8
16:10:17,785 DEBUG [ServerInfo]     java.specification.version: 1.6
16:10:17,785 DEBUG [ServerInfo] lc_mysql
16:10:17,808 DEBUG [Server] Created system MBean: jboss.system:type=ServerInfo
16:10:17,815 DEBUG [Server] Failed to create xmbean for: org.jboss.system.ServiceController
16:10:17,855 DEBUG [ServiceController] Controller MBean online
16:10:17,856 DEBUG [Server] Created system MBean: jboss.system:service=ServiceController
16:10:17,992 DEBUG [Server] Created system XMBean: jboss.system:service=MainDeployer
16:10:17,992 DEBUG [ServiceController] Creating service jboss.system:service=MainDeployer
16:10:18,010 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Creating jboss.system:service=MainDeployer
16:10:18,027 DEBUG [Files] Failed to delete dir: /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/tmp/deploy
16:10:18,029 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Created jboss.system:service=MainDeployer
16:10:18,029 DEBUG [ServiceController] Creating dependent components for: jboss.system:service=MainDeployer dependents are: []
16:10:18,029 DEBUG [ServiceController] starting service jboss.system:service=MainDeployer
16:10:18,029 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Starting jboss.system:service=MainDeployer
16:10:18,029 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Started jboss.system:service=MainDeployer
16:10:18,029 DEBUG [ServiceController] Starting dependent components for: jboss.system:service=MainDeployer dependent components: []
16:10:18,031 DEBUG [Server] Shutdown hook added
16:10:18,102 DEBUG [Server] Created system XMBean: jboss.system:service=JARDeployer
16:10:18,102 DEBUG [ServiceController] Creating service jboss.system:service=JARDeployer
16:10:18,103 DEBUG [JARDeployer] Creating jboss.system:service=JARDeployer
16:10:18,120 DEBUG [JARDeployer] Created jboss.system:service=JARDeployer
16:10:18,121 DEBUG [ServiceController] Creating dependent components for: jboss.system:service=JARDeployer dependents are: []
16:10:18,121 DEBUG [ServiceController] starting service jboss.system:service=JARDeployer
16:10:18,121 DEBUG [JARDeployer] Starting jboss.system:service=JARDeployer
16:10:18,121 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Adding deployer: org.jboss.deployment.JARDeployer@6b359c1b
16:10:18,122 DEBUG [SuffixOrderHelper] Static suffix exists; ignoring request for adding enhanced suffix: 700:.jar
16:10:18,122 DEBUG [JARDeployer] Started jboss.system:service=JARDeployer
16:10:18,122 DEBUG [ServiceController] Starting dependent components for: jboss.system:service=JARDeployer dependent components: []
16:10:18,158 DEBUG [Server] Created system XMBean: jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer
16:10:18,158 DEBUG [ServiceController] Creating service jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer
16:10:18,159 DEBUG [SARDeployer] Creating jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer
16:10:18,172 DEBUG [SARDeployer] Created jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer
16:10:18,172 DEBUG [ServiceController] Creating dependent components for: jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer dependents are: []
16:10:18,172 DEBUG [ServiceController] starting service jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer
16:10:18,173 DEBUG [SARDeployer] Starting jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer
16:10:18,173 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Adding deployer: org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer@6564dbd5
16:10:18,182 DEBUG [SARDeployer] Started jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer
16:10:18,182 DEBUG [ServiceController] Starting dependent components for: jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer dependent components: []
16:10:18,182 INFO  [Server] Core system initialized
16:10:18,197 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Starting deployment of package: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/jboss-service.xml
16:10:18,197 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Starting deployment (init step) of package at: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/jboss-service.xml
16:10:18,239 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Copying file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/jboss-service.xml -> /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/tmp/deploy/tmp192933469839917509jboss-service.xml
16:10:18,249 DEBUG [MainDeployer] using deployer org.jboss.deployment.SARDeployer@6564dbd5
16:10:18,322 DEBUG [SARDeployer] Found classpath element: [classpath: null]
16:10:18,324 DEBUG [SARDeployer] codebase URL is file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/
16:10:18,324 DEBUG [SARDeployer] listing codebase for archives matching *
16:10:18,327 DEBUG [SARDeployer] URLLister class is
16:10:18,333 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/cglib.jar
16:10:18,333 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jnpserver.jar
16:10:18,333 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jaxen.jar
16:10:18,333 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/hibernate3.jar
16:10:18,333 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar
16:10:18,333 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bsh.jar
16:10:18,333 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bsh-deployer.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbosssx.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/commons-collections.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/antlr.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/javassist.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossts-common.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jpl-util.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-iiop.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/commons-logging.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-cache-jdk50.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-jca.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-remoting-int.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-monitoring.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-ejb3x.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/mail-plugin.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/autonumber-plugin.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/dom4j.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/el-api.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossjta-integration.jar
16:10:18,334 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/commons-codec.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/mail.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-j2ee.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/hibernate-annotations.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-jsr77.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-srp.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossjta.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/log4j.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-common-jdbc-wrapper.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossws-integration.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossha.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jmx-adaptor-plugin.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bindingservice-plugin.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/ejb3-persistence.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-serialization.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/activation.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/joesnmp.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/scheduler-plugin.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/xmlentitymgr.jar
16:10:18,335 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jpl-pattern.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/properties-plugin.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/scheduler-plugin-example.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/avalon-framework.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jgroups.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-hibernate.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jacorb.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bcel.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-saaj.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/log4j-snmp-appender.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/quartz.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-transaction.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-management.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-jaxrpc.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-vfs.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/commons-httpclient.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-remoting.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bsf.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jsp-api.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/servlet-api.jar
16:10:18,336 DEBUG [SARDeployer] deployed classes for file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-jsr88.jar
16:10:18,337 DEBUG [SARDeployer] about to copy 0 local directories
16:10:18,337 DEBUG [SARDeployer] looking for nested deployments in : file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/jboss-service.xml
16:10:18,339 DEBUG [DeploymentInfo] createLoaderRepository from config: LoaderRepositoryConfig(repositoryName: JMImplementation:service=LoaderRepository,name=Default, repositoryClassName: null, configParserClassName: null, repositoryConfig: null)
16:10:18,340 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] setRepository,,{ url=null ,addedOrder=0}
16:10:18,340 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] setRepository,,{ url=null ,addedOrder=0}
16:10:18,340 DEBUG [UnifiedLoaderRepository3] Adding{ url=null ,addedOrder=0}
16:10:18,341 DEBUG [ClassLoaderUtils] Multiple class loaders found for pkg:
16:10:18,392 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/cglib.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,399 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jnpserver.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,424 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jaxen.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,628 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/hibernate3.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,637 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,662 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bsh.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,665 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bsh-deployer.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,696 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbosssx.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,737 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/commons-collections.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,774 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/antlr.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,814 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/javassist.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,824 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossts-common.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,836 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jpl-util.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,870 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-iiop.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,876 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/commons-logging.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,925 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-cache-jdk50.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,944 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-jca.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,946 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-remoting-int.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,951 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-monitoring.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,956 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-ejb3x.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,957 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/mail-plugin.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,959 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/autonumber-plugin.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,992 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/dom4j.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:18,994 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/el-api.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,134 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,136 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossjta-integration.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,138 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/commons-codec.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,153 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/mail.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,176 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-j2ee.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,193 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/hibernate-annotations.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,195 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-jsr77.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,201 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-srp.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,225 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossjta.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,239 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/log4j.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,249 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-common-jdbc-wrapper.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,250 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossws-integration.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,261 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jbossha.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,264 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jmx-adaptor-plugin.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,275 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bindingservice-plugin.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,278 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/ejb3-persistence.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,308 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,320 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-serialization.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,324 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/activation.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,328 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/joesnmp.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,333 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/scheduler-plugin.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,334 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/xmlentitymgr.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,335 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jpl-pattern.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,342 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/properties-plugin.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,348 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/scheduler-plugin-example.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,351 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/avalon-framework.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,446 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jgroups.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,448 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-hibernate.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,640 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jacorb.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,660 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bcel.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,662 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-saaj.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,663 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/log4j-snmp-appender.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,677 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/quartz.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,680 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-transaction.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,686 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-management.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,688 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-jaxrpc.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,693 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-vfs.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,700 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/commons-httpclient.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,742 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-remoting.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,748 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/bsf.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,753 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jsp-api.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,756 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/servlet-api.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,760 DEBUG [RepositoryClassLoader] Added url: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/lib/jboss-jsr88.jar, to ucl:{ url=null ,addedOrder=2}
16:10:19,760 DEBUG [MainDeployer] found 0 subpackages of file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/jboss-service.xml
16:10:19,760 DEBUG [MainDeployer] Watching new file: file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/jboss-service.xml
16:10:19,760 DEBUG [MainDeployer] create step for deployment file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/jboss-service.xml
16:10:19,760 DEBUG [SARDeployer] Deploying SAR, create step: url file:/opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/conf/jboss-service.xml
16:10:19,760 DEBUG [SARDeployer] Registering service UCL=jmx.loading:UCL=5982bcde
16:10:19,762 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean:,name=Manager with code:
16:10:19,844 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean:,name=Manager
16:10:19,846 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] MainDeployer set to jboss.system:service=MainDeployer in,name=Manager
16:10:19,847 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] SARDeployer set to jboss.system:service=ServiceDeployer in,name=Manager
16:10:19,847 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] EARDeployer set to jboss.j2ee:service=EARDeployer in,name=Manager
16:10:19,848 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] EJBDeployer set to jboss.ejb:service=EJBDeployer in,name=Manager
16:10:19,848 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] RARDeployer set to jboss.jca:service=RARDeployer in,name=Manager
16:10:19,849 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] CMDeployer set to jboss.jca:service=ConnectionFactoryDeployer in,name=Manager
16:10:19,850 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] WARDeployer set to jboss.web:service=WebServer in,name=Manager
16:10:19,850 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] CARDeployer set to jboss.j2ee:service=ClientDeployer in,name=Manager
16:10:19,851 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] MailService set to jboss:service=Mail in,name=Manager
16:10:19,852 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] JNDIService set to jboss:service=Naming in,name=Manager
16:10:19,852 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] JTAService set to jboss:service=TransactionManager in,name=Manager
16:10:19,853 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] UserTransactionService set to jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction in,name=Manager
16:10:19,853 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] RMI_IIOPService set to jboss:service=CorbaORB in,name=Manager
16:10:19,854 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create xmbean object: jboss:service=AttributePersistenceService with code: with descriptor: resource:xmdesc/AttributePersistenceService-xmbean.xml
16:10:19,875 DEBUG [ModelMBeanInvoker] Loaded persistence mgr:
16:10:19,875 DEBUG [ObjectStreamPersistenceManager] load,
16:10:19,898 DEBUG [ObjectStreamPersistenceManager] Store file is: /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/data/xmbean-attrs/AttributePersistenceService.ser
16:10:19,898 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=AttributePersistenceService
16:10:19,898 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss.system:service=ThreadPool with code: org.jboss.util.threadpool.BasicThreadPool
16:10:19,936 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:19,937 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] Name set to JBoss System Threads in jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:19,938 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ThreadGroupName set to System Threads in jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:19,939 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] KeepAliveTime set to 60000 in jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:19,951 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] MaximumPoolSize set to 10 in jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:19,952 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] MaximumQueueSize set to 1000 in jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:19,953 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] BlockingMode set to run in jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:19,954 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create xmbean object: jboss.system:type=Log4jService,service=Logging with code: org.jboss.logging.Log4jService with descriptor: resource:xmdesc/Log4jService-xmbean.xml
16:10:20,007 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss.system:type=Log4jService,service=Logging
16:10:20,008 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ConfigurationURL set to resource:jboss-log4j.xml in jboss.system:type=Log4jService,service=Logging
16:10:20,008 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] Log4jQuietMode set to true in jboss.system:type=Log4jService,service=Logging
16:10:20,009 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] RefreshPeriod set to 60 in jboss.system:type=Log4jService,service=Logging
16:10:20,009 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss.rmi:type=RMIClassLoader with code:
16:10:20,013 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss.rmi:type=RMIClassLoader
16:10:20,013 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] Property set to java.rmi.server.RMIClassLoaderSpi in jboss.rmi:type=RMIClassLoader
16:10:20,014 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ClassName set to org.jboss.system.JBossRMIClassLoader in jboss.rmi:type=RMIClassLoader
16:10:20,014 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss:service=WebService with code: org.jboss.web.WebService
16:10:20,028 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=WebService
16:10:20,029 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] BindAddress set to in jboss:service=WebService
16:10:20,029 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] Port set to 8083 in jboss:service=WebService
16:10:20,030 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] Host set to in jboss:service=WebService
16:10:20,030 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] DownloadServerClasses set to true in jboss:service=WebService
16:10:20,031 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] DownloadResources set to false in jboss:service=WebService
16:10:20,031 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=WebService depends on jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:20,031 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering ThreadPool with object name jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:20,039 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create xmbean object: jboss:service=NamingBeanImpl with code: org.jnp.server.NamingBeanImpl with descriptor: resource:xmdesc/NamingBean-xmbean.xml
16:10:20,075 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=NamingBeanImpl
16:10:20,076 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create xmbean object: jboss:service=Naming with code: org.jboss.naming.NamingService with descriptor: resource:xmdesc/NamingService-xmbean.xml
16:10:20,119 DEBUG [ModelMBeanInvoker] Ignoring obsolete legacy interceptor:
16:10:20,119 DEBUG [ModelMBeanInvoker] Ignoring obsolete legacy interceptor:
16:10:20,119 DEBUG [ModelMBeanInvoker] Ignoring obsolete legacy interceptor:
16:10:20,121 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=Naming
16:10:20,121 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] CallByValue set to true in jboss:service=Naming
16:10:20,122 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] Port set to 1099 in jboss:service=Naming
16:10:20,123 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] BindAddress set to in jboss:service=Naming
16:10:20,124 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] RmiPort set to 1098 in jboss:service=Naming
16:10:20,124 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] RmiBindAddress set to in jboss:service=Naming
16:10:20,125 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=Naming depends on jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:20,125 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering LookupPool with object name jboss.system:service=ThreadPool
16:10:20,132 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=Naming depends on jboss:service=NamingBeanImpl
16:10:20,132 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering Naming with object name jboss:service=NamingBeanImpl
16:10:20,135 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create xmbean object: jboss:service=JNDIView with code: org.jboss.naming.JNDIView with descriptor: resource:xmdesc/JNDIView-xmbean.xml
16:10:20,181 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=JNDIView
16:10:20,182 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] HANamingService set to jboss:service=HAJNDI in jboss:service=JNDIView
16:10:20,182 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: with code:
16:10:20,189 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean:
16:10:20,189 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] LoginConfig set to in
16:10:20,189 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: with code:
16:10:20,203 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean:
16:10:20,203 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ConfigResource set to login-config.xml in
16:10:20,204 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: with code:
16:10:20,228 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean:
16:10:20,228 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ServerMode set to true in
16:10:20,229 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] SecurityManagerClassName set to in
16:10:20,230 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] DefaultUnauthenticatedPrincipal set to anonymous in
16:10:20,230 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] DefaultCacheTimeout set to 1800 in
16:10:20,231 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] DefaultCacheResolution set to 60 in
16:10:20,231 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] DeepCopySubjectMode set to false in
16:10:20,231 DEBUG [JaasSecurityManagerService] setDeepCopySubjectMode=false
16:10:20,232 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss:service=XidFactory with code:
16:10:20,249 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=XidFactory
16:10:20,249 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss:service=TransactionManager with code: com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.jta.TransactionManagerService
16:10:20,319 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=TransactionManager
16:10:20,319 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] TransactionTimeout set to 300 in jboss:service=TransactionManager
16:10:20,320 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ObjectStoreDir set to /opt/jboss/server/lc_mysql/data/tx-object-store in jboss:service=TransactionManager
16:10:20,320 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create xmbean object: jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction with code: with descriptor: resource:xmdesc/ClientUserTransaction-xmbean.xml
16:10:20,336 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction
16:10:20,336 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory with code: org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPProxyFactory
16:10:20,346 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory
16:10:20,347 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] InvokerName set to jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp in jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory
16:10:20,348 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] TargetName set to jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction in jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory
16:10:20,349 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] JndiName set to UserTransactionSessionFactory in jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory
16:10:20,352 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ExportedInterface set to interface in jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory
16:10:20,358 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ClientInterceptors set to [interceptors: null] in jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory
16:10:20,362 DEBUG [JRMPProxyFactory] added interceptor type: class org.jboss.proxy.ClientMethodInterceptor
16:10:20,362 DEBUG [JRMPProxyFactory] added interceptor type: class org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor
16:10:20,362 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory depends on jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp
16:10:20,362 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering <anonymous> with object name jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp
16:10:20,362 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction depends on jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory
16:10:20,362 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering <anonymous> with object name jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransactionFactory
16:10:20,362 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransaction with code: org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPProxyFactory
16:10:20,368 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransaction
16:10:20,370 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] InvokerName set to jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp in jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransaction
16:10:20,371 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] TargetName set to jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction in jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransaction
16:10:20,372 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ExportedInterface set to interface in jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransaction
16:10:20,374 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ClientInterceptors set to [interceptors: null] in jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransaction
16:10:20,374 DEBUG [JRMPProxyFactory] added interceptor type: class org.jboss.proxy.ClientMethodInterceptor
16:10:20,375 DEBUG [JRMPProxyFactory] added interceptor type: class org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor
16:10:20,375 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransaction depends on jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp
16:10:20,375 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering <anonymous> with object name jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp
16:10:20,375 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=ClientUserTransaction depends on jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransaction
16:10:20,375 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering TxProxyName with object name jboss:service=proxyFactory,target=ClientUserTransaction
16:10:20,375 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss:service=invoker,type=unified with code: org.jboss.invocation.unified.server.UnifiedInvoker
16:10:20,392 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=invoker,type=unified
16:10:20,392 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=invoker,type=unified depends on jboss:service=TransactionManager
16:10:20,392 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering <anonymous> with object name jboss:service=TransactionManager
16:10:20,392 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=invoker,type=unified depends on jboss.remoting:service=Connector,transport=socket
16:10:20,392 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering <anonymous> with object name jboss.remoting:service=Connector,transport=socket
16:10:20,392 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp with code: org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPInvoker
16:10:20,431 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp
16:10:20,431 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] RMIObjectPort set to 4444 in jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp
16:10:20,433 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ServerAddress set to in jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp
16:10:20,433 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp depends on jboss:service=TransactionManager
16:10:20,433 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering <anonymous> with object name jboss:service=TransactionManager
16:10:20,433 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss:service=invoker,type=local with code: org.jboss.invocation.local.LocalInvoker
16:10:20,439 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=invoker,type=local
16:10:20,439 DEBUG [ServiceController] recording that jboss:service=invoker,type=local depends on jboss:service=TransactionManager
16:10:20,439 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] considering <anonymous> with object name jboss:service=TransactionManager
16:10:20,439 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] About to create bean: jboss:service=invoker,type=pooled with code: org.jboss.invocation.pooled.server.PooledInvoker
16:10:20,464 DEBUG [ServiceCreator] Created bean: jboss:service=invoker,type=pooled
16:10:20,465 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] NumAcceptThreads set to 1 in jboss:service=invoker,type=pooled
16:10:20,465 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] MaxPoolSize set to 300 in jboss:service=invoker,type=pooled
16:10:20,465 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ClientMaxPoolSize set to 300 in jboss:service=invoker,type=pooled
16:10:20,466 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] SocketTimeout set to 60000 in jboss:service=invoker,type=pooled
16:10:20,466 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ServerBindAddress set to in jboss:service=invoker,type=pooled
16:10:20,467 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ServerBindPort set to 4445 in jboss:service=invoker,type=pooled
16:10:20,467 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ClientConnectAddress set to in jboss:service=invoker,type=pooled
16:10:20,469 DEBUG [ServiceConfigurator] ClientConnectPort set to 0 i

Similar Messages

  • Trying to install the latest iTunes on my Gateway w/ Windows XP.  I keep getting the message "Service 'Bonjour Service' (Bonjour Service) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."

    Hi, I'm trying to re-install the latest iTunes on my Gateway w/ Windows XP.  I had to update it a while back to put songs on my brother's iPod, but my computer froze halfway through and nothing has worked right since. 
    I keep getting the message "Service 'Bonjour Service' (Bonjour Service) failed to start.  Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."
    I looked through older discussions that told me to go to right click My Computer - Manage - Services and Applications - Services - Find Bonjour and restart it. 
    Well, the only option that I can click on is Start.  When I do, it says "Windows could not restart the Bonjour Service service on Local Computer.  Error 2: The system cannot find the file specified."
    Where do I go from here?  Help would be greatly appreciated, I've been trying to fix this for over a year now with no dice.  Also, I cannot do a factory reset (last effort) because it says the administor's account is disabled and I do not have the disc.

    Sorry if double posting is a no-no here, but I forgot to add that I've already tried disabling Spyware Doctor.

  • Apple Mobile Device Service fails to start

    The last update failed on my window 7 pc,
    resulting in me having to try it manually download and install, this also
    failed eventually it told me to delete and reinstall, this fails due to the
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    sufficient privileges to start system service, help please

    Hi there Jbrashear,
    It sounds like you want to know how to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service because of an alert that was displayed when you were trying to update or reinstall iTunes.
    The article below will walk you through the process starting or stopping the Apple Mobile Device Service on your PC.
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows - Apple Support
    Also, if you haven't already, take a look at this article which walk you through the process of completely removing iTunes and then reinstalling it.
    Remove and reinstall iTunes and related software components for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8 - Apple Support
    Take care,

  • Apple Mobile Device Service failed to start which eventually leads to windows error 193 which never goes away no matter what I do  and the dreaded

    Mid way through download of I-Tunes after clearing every Apple program from my computer I get "Apple Mobile Device Service" failed to start message.  Eventually leading to Windows error 193 (error 7).  How do I get Apple Mobile Device Service to start so I do not get error messages and failure of I-Tunes to install?

    If you have a 64-bit machine, then try the "for older video cards" version...
    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    The further information area has direct links to the current and recent builds in case you have problems downloading, need to revert to an older version or want to try the iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) release as a workaround for installation or performance issues, or compatibility with QuickTime or third party software.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there are also links to backup and recovery advice should it be needed.

  • I'm installing the newest itunes 64 bit on my win 7 64 bit professional os. using the itunes installer it loads itunes part way and then i get an error message saying that bonjour service failed to start. i cant get itunes any further. i have to back out

    I'm installing the newest version of Itunes over the last version on my laptop. win 7 pro os. it starts the install then a error msg comes up stating that Bonjour service failed to start. verify that i have sufficient priveleges to start system services. I can't retry, ignore only cancel which un-installs all that it has installed and reverts me to the last version which i had. any idea?

    it starts the install then a error msg comes up stating that Bonjour service failed to start. verify that i have sufficient priveleges to start system services.
    Sometimes we can get past that one by disabling the Bonjour Service prior to the install.
    In your Start menu, right-click Computer and select "Manage".
    Expand "Services & Applications".
    Open "Services". (Perhaps maximise the screen to better see what's going on.)
    Right-click the Bonjour Service and select "Properties".
    In the General tab, set the Startup type to "Disabled":
    ... and click OK.
    Restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • When I download itunes, it says that Ipod Service failed to start. I checked the services under task manager and when I try to start it, it says access denied. How to I get access and for the ipod service to start and run?

    Please help. My ipod classic could not be recognised by itunes when I connect my ipod to PC. Previously it has been recognised before I updated. This was a while ago now and so I removed all apple files and re installed the latest itunes but am having the same problem.
    When I download itunes, it says that Ipod Service failed to start. I checked the services under task manager and when I try to start it, it says access denied. How to I get access and for the ipod service to start and run?

    Some anti-virus programs (e.g., McAfee) have this rule that can be invoked under the "maximum protection" settings: PREVENT PROGRAMS REGISTERING AS A SERVICE. If that rule is set to BLOCK, then any attempt to install or upgrade iTunes will fail with an "iPod service failed to start" message.
    If you are getting this problem with iTunes, check to see if your anti-virus has this setting and unset it, at least for as long as the iTunes install requires. Exactly how to find the rule and turn it on and off will vary, depending upon your anti-malware software. However, if your anti-virus or anti-malware software produces a log of its activities, examining the log may help you find the problem.
    For example, here's the log entry for McAfee:
    9/23/2009 3:18:45 PM Blocked by Access Protection rule NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\iPod Service Common Maximum Protection:Prevent programs registering as a service Action blocked : Create
    Note that the log says "Common Maximum Protection: Prevent programs registering as a service". The "Common Maximum Protection" is the location of the rule, "Prevent programs registering as a service" is the rule. I used that information to track down the location in the McAfee VirusScan Console where I could turn the rule off.
    After I made the change, iTunes installed without complaint.

  • Help!!! iTunes install error "Apple Mobile Device Service Failed To Start". Error 7 (Windows Error 193)

    Help! Following a standard upgrade I got the error message "iTunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall iTunes. Error 7 (Windows Error 193).
    I am running Windows 7 and installing again brings the message "Apple Mobile Device Service failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services"
    I have uninstalled everything Apple, deleted all related folders and run as administrator numerous times with no luck.
    I had hoped that iTunes 12.1.2 would resolve the issue, unfortunately it failed to do so leaving me iTunes free which is driving me mad!
    Can anyone advise what else I can do to resolve the error and bring back iTunes?

    For general advice see Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    The steps in the second box are a guide to removing everything related to iTunes and then rebuilding it which is often a good starting point unless the symptoms indicate a more specific approach. Review the other boxes and the list of support documents further down the page in case one of them applies.
    The further information area has direct links to the current and recent builds in case you have problems downloading, need to revert to an older version, or want to try the iTunes for Windows (64-bit - for older video cards) release as a workaround for installation or performance issues, or compatibility with QuickTime or third party software.
    Your library should be unaffected by these steps but there are also links to backup and recovery advice should it be needed.

  • Dell 64 bit pc . Tried updating to latest version.  Error message says Apple mobile device service failed to start. Verify you have sufficient privileges to start system services.  What does that mean?

    I have a dell 64 bit pc and had an older version of ITunes installed.  When I tried to install the 12--- version, the install stopped with the message, "Apple Mobile Device Services failed to start, verify that you have sufficient privileges to start systems services".   I have no clue what that means.  can anyone help.  ????

    Hi doywks,
    The Apple Mobile Device is a component of iTunes that communicates between your computer and your iPhone or iOS device.  The error message you are seeing "verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services" has to do with the Windows operating system.  It's possible that you are not logged in as the administrator for your Windows PC.  Or, you may have antivirus software stopping the Apple Mobile Device from running.  
    If you are having issues updating iTunes on your PC, follow the steps in the article below.
    If you can't install or update iTunes for Windows - Apple Support
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows - Apple Support
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

  • Service 'Apple Mobile Device Service' (Apple Mobile Device Service) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services????

    I recently got an iPhone 5s and had to download the new itunes which I had been putting off for ages, otherwise it wouldn't sync. It wouldn't let me download and instead said 'service mobile device service' failed to start. I then tried to uninstall (as recommended by apple) and re install but the same error came up. If i click ignore, it finishes downloading but refuses to open, instead coming up with 'error 7 windows error 193'. Ive tried everything and this is really frustrating, help would be much appreciated

    OK Dave, i just found one solution that worked for me.  However, I find that solutions appearing on discussion threads often are very OS and machine specific, so I normally try a variety of suggestions.  After awhile one suggestion normally works.  So try this one, remembering I have a Dell PC with Win 7 x 64 which may not fit your situation. 
    Go to where you will find a solution from touringtest2.  The soulition requires an easy uninstall of Apple software items.  I followed the steps outlined exactly and have successfully installed the most recent iTunes software.  Hope this works for you and a few others too.  Apple support sure doesn't make it easy for interested users which is why I appreciate support communities like this.  Thank you touringtest2 wherever you are.  Best - RonS42

  • HT1926 Installation fails because Apple Mobile Device Service failed to start?

    When  I attempted to update ITunes, it failed at the starting services point because "Apple Mobile Device Service failed to start".  The ignore button would not work.  Retry did not fix it.  I have deleted all ITunes from my computer, restarted, and attempted a new install.  Same problem.  Help.

    The frequently suggested repair steps listed in comments at and did not work for me yesterday when I attempted for an entire day to fix this commonly reported problem with the newest iTunes update. I now realize that I overlooked one step listed in
    My computer has a Windows 64 bit operating system. I should have  paid attention to this instruction:
    "If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, you'll need to confirm that the following folders have been removed:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\
    C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes\
    C:\Program Files (x86)\iPod\  "
    Tonight, I removed those previous version files from the Program Files (x86) directory and executed the rest of the steps listed. Success resulted. If you are struggling like I did to install the iTunes newest update on a Windows 64 bit operating system, you might benefit to recheck that you followed the instruction listed above.

  • Service "Bonjour Service' failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.

    Having a little problem installing Itunes 12. Upon trying to install the program, i'm confronted with this error: "Service "Bonjour Service' failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services". Nothing I've done seems to be able to get the program to be installed. It asks if i want to retry or cancel. Clicking Retry only prompts me again with the same error message. After i hit cancel the entire installation rolls back.
    I'm currently logged in as administrator ( I don't have any other accounts on this computer), I've tried uninstalling all the components relating to apple along with its folders and restarting+RT clicking>Run as Administrator. It still refuses to install. Very frustrating. Any ideas?

    Sorry if double posting is a no-no here, but I forgot to add that I've already tried disabling Spyware Doctor.

  • Installing itunes to my laptop I get an error message  Apple mobile device service fail to start verify that you have sufficient privilegesto start system services

    Installing itunes to my laptop I get an error message  (Apple mobile device service fail to start verify that you have sufficient privileges to tart system services)

    You seem to have installED iTunes and are trying to connect your iDevice, is that right?
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod not recognized in iTunes for Windows - Apple Support
    Your statement - "installING" - also might indicate that you have insufficient privileges in Windows to properly install & use iTunes.
    If you can't install or update iTunes for Windows - Apple Support

  • Unable to install itunes 7 due to error "Bonjour service failed to start, verify you have sufficient privileges" mcafee is not blocking it, please help anyone?

    I am unable to instal itunes (greater than version 7) as it gives me the error,"Bonjour service failed to start, verify you have sufficient privileges" , i have checked on apple support and the only help for this error says that mcafee antivirus is blocking the services however i have never had mcafee installed on my pc. Anyone any other ideas as to what could be wrong?

    Hi doywks,
    The Apple Mobile Device is a component of iTunes that communicates between your computer and your iPhone or iOS device.  The error message you are seeing "verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services" has to do with the Windows operating system.  It's possible that you are not logged in as the administrator for your Windows PC.  Or, you may have antivirus software stopping the Apple Mobile Device from running.  
    If you are having issues updating iTunes on your PC, follow the steps in the article below.
    If you can't install or update iTunes for Windows - Apple Support
    How to restart the Apple Mobile Device Service (AMDS) on Windows - Apple Support
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

  • Sync problem on iPhone4 IOS5 and iTunes 10.5: Sync service failed to start

    After painful upgrade to IOS 5.0 on my iPone 4 which suffer from er 3014 unt I do full restore in other computer. Now two new problems cropped up again:
    When I sync IPhone with iTunes, the sync process started and freeze at "waing f sync service to start" and for 5 minutes or so, it end up with a dialog stated that the iPhone could not be synced because sync service failed to start
    To remedy, I have to click t start Sync again, and thios time, it will be completed.
    To solve tjhis, I have done the following, and the probelm still persist:
    a. Reinstal,l to repair iTunes
    b. Delete the Lockup folder
    c. Reset sync history
    d. reboot iPhone
    All cannot solve the problem. Help please, how to solve this problem?
    Also, when I backup my iPhone, it freeze at "Backing up iPhone" fr about 10-15 minutes, then start backup, until nearly finished, then it restart backup process again by itself, and again, freezing at "Backing up iPhone" for another 5 minutes, then it start backup and complete. I check the backup time in Preferences, it's correct.
    To solve this, I delete the backup, and start new backup, the process went OK. But when I start backup again, the above symptom (backing up, and restart backup again to complete) persist
    I have quite a rough experiences with iTunes-iPhone-iPad sync and backup all the times. Can the sync and backup process mad better and real trouble free Apple?
    Help and suggestion please. I sync iPhone and iPad2 with WIndow XP PC. iPad2 do not have problem. The problem is with iPhone4 IOS 5 32 GB (less than 2 GB free space on iPhone remains)

    I have very similar problems with my brand new iPhone and iTunes.  iTunes is virtually unusable even after multiple installs, uniinstalls, and reinstalls. Sync fails silently. Drop-down menus won't stay visible long enough to click any options.   Phone-support blames it on the fact that I use Windows XP however the iTunes page says right there: "iTunes 10.5 for Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7".  The only program I have problems with is iTunes.
    He said I have to revert to iOS 4 but he also said he thought that was impossible.  What does the OS on my phone have to do with the behavior of iTunes running on my computer?  iTunes crashed and had failures both before and after I updated to iOS 5.  Typical bad tech support just like every other company.  I thought Apple was different. Apple really stepped in it this time and it stinks.  I've seen a huge number of new problem reports here and elsewhere.

  • Service 'Bonjour Service' (Bonjour Service) failed to start

    I am trying to install iTunes and I get a popup that says, Service 'Bonjour Service' (Bonjour Service) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services. I am the admin on the computer so I don't see why I wouldn't have the privileges. I also have Safari 4.0.3 running and it works great. I have tried to run as Administrator, and still the same error. I have also tried using a "clean environment," by performing a clean boot and clearing out my temp files. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. I am not running any McAfee software by the way.

    Wish I could help but all I can say is I'm having the exact same problem and, I believe, that's why I can't update to 10.2. Why does this happen, and what can be done? Uninstall Bonjour? Will I ever need it? I really don't want to do a complete uninstall/reinstall. Anyone? Thanks--

  • ITunes 9.0 install problem: iPod service fails to start, installer quits

    I tried to upgrade my iTunes from 8.XXX(I think it was latest 8) to 9.0 but run into this problem where the installer tries to start the iPod service and fails. The installer can not continue any more and it has to be rolled back. I uinstalled 8.xx and tried again but same result. I also tried the suggestion in another thread about stopping the AppleMobileDevice service and removing the folder but it did not help. This is the error message:
    "Product: iTunes -- Error 1920. Service 'iPod Service' (iPod Service) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."
    I am logged in as the admin so I do have sufficient privileges.
    Is any one having the same problem? How do I make it work? I am using Win XP-Pro SP3 32bit.

    katkeys12 wrote:
    I also unistalled the itunesbabd quicktime and now I can't get it to download. It keeps sticking. I am concerned that my library is gone. I have no way of backing my files, laptop.
    I was finally able to make it work. I did the following steps:
    1. Delete/unistall every thing related to Apple/iTunes
    2. Delete itunes folder if its still there.
    3. open MSCONFIG->General->check off 'Load Startup Items'->click 'ok'
    4. Reboot
    5. Install iTunes
    6. You can turn on Load Startup Items after iTunes installs.
    Hope this help. Thanks for all the help. It sure was annoying!!!!

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