Session Time Out For UNLOGGED USER During Search -pls help

The problem lies in file under search/web/handler of an application that supports educational note sharing.
The problem is that -
When I search with query strings in different fields(as you will find in the above mentioned java files)..the keywords in resourcedto and get some files as search results.
Then I click on one of the file from within the search result and visit the file.
Here if I m logged in as an user, and the session time out is set to 1 minute in the web.xml file of the web folder not the admin folder then when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button it easily goes back to the previous search result page along with the queries string that I had input previously.
The problem is that when I m NOT LOGGED in as an user, and I've performed a search with queries and other dropdowns in the search panel, I get the search result page, I visit the file by clicking on one of them but when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button I don't see the previous search result page from where I had navigated to view the file.
Please suggest on what changes shall I make in the code so that even if I m not logged in as an user, I get back to the search result page on hitting the BACK TO SEARCH button from the file view page.Sir I m herein pasting the code of the file, but please feel free to ask for anyother file whose code you might want to see.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController;
import com.mgh.sps.common.dto.ResourceDTO;
import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionAttributeKey;
import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionManager;
import com.mgh.sps.fileusage.web.constants.FileUsageWebConstants;
public class SearchResultsController extends SimpleFormController {
     * SearchResults Controller
     * @author Muralikrishna.s
     * @Codedondate DD-MM-YY=26-07-07
     * @Usecase/s associated =UC504
     private static final Logger logger = Logger
     private final static String REG_EXP = "^[A-Za-z0-9]*$";
     private final static Pattern EMAIL_PATTERN_REG = Pattern.compile(REG_EXP);
     * Spring framework method used to hold reference data
     * @param request
     * HttpServletRequest
     * @param command
     * Object
     * @param arg2
     * Errors
     * @return Map
     * @throws Exception
     protected Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command,
               Errors errors) throws Exception {
          logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method entered:"
                    + request + "," + command + "," + errors);
                    FileUsageWebConstants.TAB_SEARCH, request);
          Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
          ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
          String[] allValues = new String[7];
          if (null != (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
                    SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request)) {
               allValues = (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
                         SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request);
                    + resourceDto.getQualification());
          String flag = (String) request.getParameter("id");
          logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method exited:");
          return search.retrieveReferenceData(resourceDto);
     * Spring framework method used to hold OnSubmit
     * @param request
     * HttpServletRequest
     * @param response
     * HttpServletResponse
     * @param command
     * Object
     * @param arg3
     * BindException
     * @return ModelAndView
     * @throws Exception
     protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request,
               HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
               throws Exception {
          logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method entered:"
                    + request + "," + command + "," + response + "," + errors);
          Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
          Map dynamic = (Map) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
          ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
          //changed by sreelatha on sep21
          //String key = request.getParameter("keywords");
          //logger.debug("&&&&&&&&&&&&& key &&&&&&&&&&&&" + key);
          String keywords = (request.getParameter("keywords"));
          if(null!=keywords) {
               keywords = keywords.trim();
//          changes end
          String[] allValues = new String[7];
          //changed by sreelatha on sep21
          //allValues[0] = request.getParameter("keywords");
          allValues[0] = resourceDto.getKeywords();
          //changes end
          allValues[1] = request.getParameter("country");
          allValues[2] = request.getParameter("universityName");
          allValues[3] = request.getParameter("subjectArea");
          allValues[4] = request.getParameter("qualification");
          allValues[5] = request.getParameter("yearLevel");
          allValues[6] = request.getParameter("specificType");
                    allValues, request);
               if(null!=keywords) {
               keywords = keywords.trim();
               String words="";
               for(int i=0;i<keywords.length();i++) {               
                    String key=String.valueOf(keywords.charAt(i));
                    if(key.contains("*")) {
                              key = key.replace("*"," ");
                         } else if(key.contains("?")) {
                              key = key.replace("?"," ");
                         } else if(key.contains("[")) {
                              key = key.replace("["," ");
                         } else if(key.contains("{")) {
                              key = key.replace("{"," ");
                         } else if(key.contains("(")) {
                              key = key.replace("("," ");
                         } else if(key.contains(")")) {
                              key = key.replace(")"," ");
                         } else if(key.contains("+")) {
                              key = key.replace("+"," ");
                         } else if(key.contains("\\")) {
                              key = key.replace("\\"," ");
                         } else if(key.contains(" ")) {
                              key = key.replace(" "," ");
                         } else if(key.contains("_")) {
                              key = key.replace("_","_");
                         } else if(!EMAIL_PATTERN_REG.matcher(key).matches()) {
                              key = key.replaceAll(key," ");
                    words = words + key;
               keywords = words;
          SessionManager.setSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.test, search.setInputValues(resourceDto, dynamic), request);
          String name = (String) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.tempName, request);
          String flag1 = request.getParameter("id");
          String status="";
          if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser"))
                    return new ModelAndView();
          if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser")){
               status = "redirect:SearchResults.htm?id=loggedInUser";
          }else if(flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("nonLoggedInUser"))
               status = "redirect:SearchResultsnlu.htm?id=nonLoggedInUser";     
          ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(super.getSuccessView());
          logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method exited:");
          return mav;

Cross-posted in many forums. Don't answer this one.

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  • Session Time Out For UNLOGGED IN USER During Search -pls help SIR!

    The problem lies in file under search/web/handler of an application that supports educational note sharing.
    The problem is that -
    When I search with query strings in different fields(as you will find in the above mentioned java files)..the keywords in resourcedto and get some files as search results.
    Then I click on one of the file from within the search result and visit the file.
    Here if I m logged in as an user, and the session time out is set to 1 minute in the web.xml file of the web folder not the admin folder then when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button it easily goes back to the previous search result page along with the queries string that I had input previously.
    The problem is that when I m NOT LOGGED in as an user, and I've performed a search with queries and other dropdowns in the search panel, I get the search result page, I visit the file by clicking on one of them but when I hit the BACK TO SEARCH button I don't see the previous search result page from where I had navigated to view the file.
    Please suggest on what changes shall I make in the code so that even if I m not logged in as an user, I get back to the search result page on hitting the BACK TO SEARCH button from the file view page.Sir I m herein pasting the code of the file, but please feel free to ask for anyother file whose code you might want to see.SEARCHRESULTSCONTROLLER.JAVA FILE CONTENT-
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.springframework.validation.BindException;
    import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
    import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleFormController;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.dto.ResourceDTO;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionAttributeKey;
    import com.mgh.sps.common.util.SessionManager;
    import com.mgh.sps.fileusage.web.constants.FileUsageWebConstants;
    public class SearchResultsController extends SimpleFormController {
    * SearchResults Controller
    * @author Muralikrishna.s
    * @Codedondate DD-MM-YY=26-07-07
    * @Usecase/s associated =UC504
    private static final Logger logger = Logger
    private final static String REG_EXP = "^[A-Za-z0-9]*$";
    private final static Pattern EMAIL_PATTERN_REG = Pattern.compile(REG_EXP);
    * Spring framework method used to hold reference data
    * @param request
    * HttpServletRequest
    * @param command
    * Object
    * @param arg2
    * Errors
    * @return Map
    * @throws Exception
    protected Map referenceData(HttpServletRequest request, Object command,
    Errors errors) throws Exception {
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method entered:"
    + request + "," + command + "," + errors);
    FileUsageWebConstants.TAB_SEARCH, request);
    Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
    ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
    String[] allValues = new String[7];
    if (null != (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
    SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request)) {
    allValues = (String[]) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(
    SessionAttributeKey.allValues, request);
    + resourceDto.getQualification());
    String flag = (String) request.getParameter("id");
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.referenceData() method exited:");
    return search.retrieveReferenceData(resourceDto);
    * Spring framework method used to hold OnSubmit
    * @param request
    * HttpServletRequest
    * @param response
    * HttpServletResponse
    * @param command
    * Object
    * @param arg3
    * BindException
    * @return ModelAndView
    * @throws Exception
    protected ModelAndView onSubmit(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response, Object command, BindException errors)
    throws Exception {
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method entered:"
    + request + "," + command + "," + response + "," + errors);
    Search search = (Search) super.getWebApplicationContext().getBean(
    Map dynamic = (Map) getServletContext().getAttribute("config");
    ResourceDTO resourceDto = (ResourceDTO) command;
    //changed by sreelatha on sep21
    //String key = request.getParameter("keywords");
    //logger.debug("&&&&&&&&&&&&& key &&&&&&&&&&&&" + key);
    String keywords = (request.getParameter("keywords"));
    if(null!=keywords) {
    keywords = keywords.trim();
    // changes end
    String[] allValues = new String[7];
    //changed by sreelatha on sep21
    //allValues[0] = request.getParameter("keywords");
    allValues[0] = resourceDto.getKeywords();
    //changes end
    allValues[1] = request.getParameter("country");
    allValues[2] = request.getParameter("universityName");
    allValues[3] = request.getParameter("subjectArea");
    allValues[4] = request.getParameter("qualification");
    allValues[5] = request.getParameter("yearLevel");
    allValues[6] = request.getParameter("specificType");
    allValues, request);
    if(null!=keywords) {
    keywords = keywords.trim();
    String words="";
    for(int i=0;i<keywords.length();i++) {
    String key=String.valueOf(keywords.charAt(i));
    if(key.contains("*")) {
    key = key.replace("*"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("?")) {
    key = key.replace("?"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("[")) {
    key = key.replace("["," ");
    } else if(key.contains("{")) {
    key = key.replace("{"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("(")) {
    key = key.replace("("," ");
    } else if(key.contains(")")) {
    key = key.replace(")"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("+")) {
    key = key.replace("+"," ");
    } else if(key.contains("
    key = key.replace("
    } else if(key.contains(" ")) {
    key = key.replace(" "," ");
    } else if(key.contains("_")) {
    key = key.replace("","");
    } else if(!EMAIL_PATTERN_REG.matcher(key).matches()) {
    key = key.replaceAll(key," ");
    words = words + key;
    keywords = words;
    SessionManager.setSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.test, search.setInputValues(resourceDto, dynamic), request);
    String name = (String) SessionManager.getSessionAttribute(SessionAttributeKey.tempName, request);
    String flag1 = request.getParameter("id");
    String status="";
    if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser"))
    return new ModelAndView();
    if (flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("loggedInUser")){
    status = "redirect:SearchResults.htm?id=loggedInUser";
    }else if(flag1 !=null && flag1.equals("nonLoggedInUser"))
    status = "redirect:SearchResultsnlu.htm?id=nonLoggedInUser";
    ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView(super.getSuccessView());
    logger.debug("SearchResultsController.onSubmit() method exited:");
    return mav;

    Cross-posted in many forums. Don't answer this one.

  • Can we define different session time-outs for different user types in the DD?

    Do you know a way to specify different session time-outs in deployment
    descriptor for different users/roles?
    For example:
    Role-A should be invalidated after 10 minutes
    Role-B should be invalidated after 100 minutes
    Shortly, I would be grateful if you can help,

    "Fehmi" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3f50fb75$[email protected]..
    Do you know a way to specify different session time-outs in deployment
    descriptor for different users/roles?
    For example:
    Role-A should be invalidated after 10 minutes
    Role-B should be invalidated after 100 minutes
    I don't believe you can timeout a session based on a user or a role. I think
    you can just specify when
    all sessions timeout (via the session descriptor). But, you may want to ask
    in the weblogic.developer.interest.servlet newsgroup.

  • How to increase the web session time out for FDM While data uploading.

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    1 - How can I increase the time for "web session time out" in FDM; and
    2 - What is the standard data loading time, e.g. how much time should it ideally take for approximately 1,000 lines to be load in Hyperion.
    Edited by: ar_aff on Sep 12, 2011 8:30 AM

    You supposedly feed it a (undocumented) parameter, -rxidletimeout, with the time in seconds, at startup.
    app.serverSettings.sessionTimeout will report back whatever value you fed it. However, in my experience so far, the timeout is somewhere around 30 seconds no matter what value you feed it. I might be doing something wrong.
    I currently have a ticket open with Adobe support about this very issue, but it's slow going. I'll try to update you with whatever I find out.
    I'd love to hear whether anyone else has this working.

  • Crystal report Viewer Session times out for more data in Portal

    Hi All,         
         I am using below java SDK code to render a report in crystal report viewer. When i refresh report with more data(more parameter value) the server session times out in portal. Is there any way to fix this issue. The report loads data and then displays in Crystal report viewer, When more data is there the server times out as the server time is set to 60 sec. Is there any way to open the crystal report viewer as and when the report loads data to avoid server time out isse.
    Please help . Please let me know if I am missing something.. Thanks in Advance!!!
    <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
           pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="false"%>
           <%@page import="*"%>
    <%@page import=""%>
    <%@page import=" "%>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
           <% response.setHeader("pragma","no-cache");//HTTP 1.1
    response.addDateHeader("Expires", -1);
    response.setDateHeader("max-age", 0);
    //response.setIntHeader ("Expires", -1);
    //prevents caching at the proxy server
    response.addHeader("cache-Control", "private"); %>
           String reportPath,Sharedpath;
           ReportClientDocument reportClientDocument;
                ParameterFieldController parameterFieldController;
                    reportPath = "reportlocation";
                 Sharedpath = "Target Location";
                    reportClientDocument = new ReportClientDocument();
               , OpenReportOptions._openAsReadOnly);
                         reportClientDocument.getDatabaseController().logon("Dbname", "dbpassword");              
                       parameterFieldController = reportClientDocument.getDataDefController()
                    parameterFieldController.setCurrentValues("", "param 1",
                         new Object[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,29});
    parameterFieldController.setCurrentValues("", "Param 2",
                  new Object[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23});
    reportClientDocument.saveAs("Target Report Name","Target Location", ReportSaveAsOptions._overwriteExisting);
    CrystalReportViewer viewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
    viewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, getServletConfig().getServletContext(), null);
           }  catch (ReportSDKException e) {
                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    Hi All,         
         I am using below java SDK code to render a report in crystal report viewer. When i refresh report with more data(more parameter value) the server session times out in portal. Is there any way to fix this issue. The report loads data and then displays in Crystal report viewer, When more data is there the server times out as the server time is set to 60 sec. Is there any way to open the crystal report viewer as and when the report loads data to avoid server time out isse.
    Please help . Please let me know if I am missing something.. Thanks in Advance!!!
    <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
           pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1" session="false"%>
           <%@page import="*"%>
    <%@page import=""%>
    <%@page import=" "%>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
           <% response.setHeader("pragma","no-cache");//HTTP 1.1
    response.addDateHeader("Expires", -1);
    response.setDateHeader("max-age", 0);
    //response.setIntHeader ("Expires", -1);
    //prevents caching at the proxy server
    response.addHeader("cache-Control", "private"); %>
           String reportPath,Sharedpath;
           ReportClientDocument reportClientDocument;
                ParameterFieldController parameterFieldController;
                    reportPath = "reportlocation";
                 Sharedpath = "Target Location";
                    reportClientDocument = new ReportClientDocument();
               , OpenReportOptions._openAsReadOnly);
                         reportClientDocument.getDatabaseController().logon("Dbname", "dbpassword");              
                       parameterFieldController = reportClientDocument.getDataDefController()
                    parameterFieldController.setCurrentValues("", "param 1",
                         new Object[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,29});
    parameterFieldController.setCurrentValues("", "Param 2",
                  new Object[] {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23});
    reportClientDocument.saveAs("Target Report Name","Target Location", ReportSaveAsOptions._overwriteExisting);
    CrystalReportViewer viewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
    viewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, getServletConfig().getServletContext(), null);
           }  catch (ReportSDKException e) {
                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block

  • Session Time out for oracle portal pages in Oracle 10g.

    We have a portal application deployed on Oracle application server. We need to apply a security control - which prompts the usr to log in after 15 minutes of inactivity.
    I have tried types of tricks but it doesn't work. The thinsgs I have tired are listed below.
    Am I still missing anything?
    Setup Session Timeout
    Change the session-timeout value in web.xml file.
    session-timeout>15 session-timeout>
    Set LDAP Connection Timeout to 15
    a) Navigate to http://:port/pls/orasso
    b) Login with an administration account
    c) Press 'SSO Server Administration'
    d) Press 'Edit SSO Server Configuration'
    e) In the section 'Single Sign-On Session Policy', changed the Single Sign-on Session Duration
    Set Global Inactivity Timeout –
    Login as ORASSO and run $ORACLE_HOME/sso/admin/plsql/sso/ssogito.sq
    set the “inactivity_period”
    After all these settings also after 15 minutes of inactivity If I click on any tab portal displays the pages.
    Please let me know if I need to make any other changes.

    Solution can be found at

  • How to set per user session time out.

    Hi folks,
    I am trying to set longer session time out to selective users with the following line, but it turns out setting this time out for the whole app. Is there a way to change the session time out per user only?

    Well, there's the rub. If you want more control over session handling, you have to take the good with the bad. My suggestion is to use a good open source caching solution and let the cache evict entries for you. You should be able to specify both an interval over which data goes stale and/or the maximum size you want the cache to reach. Really, a session is just a specialized form of caching anyway.
    - Saish

  • SSO Partner Application and Session Time out

    Hi ,
    We have an application on which is implementing the Authentication scheme as SSO, that is working well, now we want to implement Session Time out if the user is idle for some time and ask him to login again after the session fails, I have tried to implement this feature as given by Scott in the thread session timeout , well the problem is since we dont have a login page here how do we set the cookies owa_cookie.send(
    name => 'HTMLDB_IDLE_SESSION',
    value => to_char(sysdate+(20/1440),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
    expires => null,
    path => '/',
    domain => null
    and where is the current point to implement it.
    Any help on this is greatly welcome.
    Thanks in Advance.

    I don't remember how the solution works. But if you don't have a login page you can usually put code in the post-authentication process of your authentication scheme to do whatever the login page process would have done.

  • Session time out when working in application level

    We are upgraded our PROD environment from to R12.1.3
    When end user working at application level then it is throughing the session time out error, end user is not idle state he active and working on application level
    I have checked the profile ICX:Session Timeout it is 30

    Please see:
    Re: Inccreasing the timeout  parameter for the Oracle R12 session
    Also see:
    How AutoConfig sets ICX: Session Timeout [ID 307149.1]
    How To Manage Timeout at Responsibility Level [ID 412224.1]

  • Session time out in Websphere Application Server

    Hi ,
    I am using Websphere Application server 5.1 . I need to set the session time out for my web application. Actually, i edited the web.xml and set the value
         </session-config>But when I am refreshing my jsp page, after 10-15 mts, i am able to get a valid page without any problem. Actually since the session time out is 10 mts , I should not get a valid page after 10 mts . I tried one more option for setting the session time out . I opened the admin console of my App server and set the session time out there too. But session not seems to be timing out after 10-15 mts. I am still able to get a valid jsp page. I have many session attributes in that page. So after 10 mts, i should not get a valid page.. I dont know, what's wrong in my configuration. If some body knows the answer please help me.
    thanks in advance.
    Aneesh K

    So what you're trying to achieve is that the ui closes or becomes invalid if no action has been performed for a certain time? That should be easy enough, install a javax.swing.Timer somewhere in your application and set it to the time you desire. Whenever the user performs an action, invoke reset() on the timer (it's a fairly cheap operation). If the timer fires, you know the timeout occured.
    You have to decide for yourself what you consider a 'user action' in this context. If you want the session to stay alive as long as the user is still doing something, just install an AWTEventListener, which can react to pretty much anything, mouse movement, keyboard input etc.

  • Form based login, iframes and session time out

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to create a site using form based login.
    The site contains a page protected page, default.jsp that have a logout button/link (clicking it invalidates the session), and a navigation bar with links linking opening them in iframes inside the default.jsp page:
    I have also a login.jsp page and and a error.jsp page
    Everything works fine I can login, I can logout. My problem occurs when the session times out and the user tries to access protected contents in the internal frames. He then is promted for a new login. The problem is that the login,jsp page now turns up inside the jframe designatet for my contents.
    I woud have liked the login page to turn up at the top level i.e. filling the entire browser window (i.e on the same level as the default.jsp page). Is this somehow possible?
    Uno Engborg

    Easy answer: use JS to jump out iframe.
    Best answer: don't use iframes, but use server side includes like jsp:include. Iframes have too much disadvangages, topping the extremely bad SEO and UX.

  • Session time out in EP & webdynpro

    Hi can any body tell me how to control webdynpro session & portal session?
    I have created a webdynpro application & integrated in EP. I want to control the session time out for my application because if i run my application in Ep & the session time is out, i need to refresh my dynpro application.
    I want to control this session time out.

    Hi siva..
    Chk this link..
    Tabstrip: navigate with buttons instead of tabs

  • Session Time out in ADF 11g

    Hi All,
    We have developed an application in ADF 11G and its working fine now , but we have a requirement to include session time out for our application.
    Can anyone suggest or give a link giving clear information regarding this.

    The session timeout is defined in web.xml. Just open web.xml of your app and in the overview page in the Application section you see 'Session Timeout'. Set it to a value you like and you are done.

  • Session time out up to # hours for Interaction center

    Hi Experts,
    I want increase the web ui session time out up to # hours. I tried using SMICM and Technical Profile. But using these options i could not achieve such long session. I tried using RZ 11 icm keep alive parameter, but the effect will apply for all the applications in the CRM WEB UI. 
    I want do this for only Interaction center application not for all other application in CRM WEB UI .
    Please help me how I can do this.

    Hi Dinesh,
    This cannot be achieved without development enhancements to some standard SAP framework component, to introduce a "keep-alive" concept. If you are using a CMS for CTI or email integration, you need to ensure it supports keeping the communications session alive also.
    Glenn Abel
    Covington Creative

  • Is it possible to increase user exit time out for a partcular user

    Dear Sir/madam,
    Is it possible to increase the User Time Out for a Particular user ?
    We do it through RZ10 and as per I know when it is changed, it is effected to all the users.
    Pls advice.

    Hi Pranab,
    Not possible for a single user.
    Ashok Dalai

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