Session Variable in PL/SQL

hi All,
I want to set a session variable in Web PL/Sql or PL/Sql procedure
& i want to retrieve in ProcessFormRequest() in my controller...
Can it be done in some ways ???
Please help....

I am trying to get the parameter from pg1(OAPage) to pg2(web pl/sql page) but i can't do it ...
The link OAPage is :OA_HTML/OA.jsp?_rc=HR_P_RATE_TOP_SS&_ri=800&OAFunc=HR_NEWHIRE_SS&_ti=713401982&retainAM=Y&addBreadCrumb=N&dialogAction=NEXT&oapc=11...
here i need to pass _ti, retainAM and other parameters to web pl/sql procedure.
i can't decalare a procedure staring ti like procedure(ti varchar2) coz while executing i am getting error... if i do with this procedure(ti varchar2) i am unable to get _ti parameter in web pl/sql.
i can get the value of ti from the table(ICXTransactions,icx_sessions) but this is not the feasible to do.
what is the expansion of parameter &oapc and &oas...
Please Help....

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    Does any one have an idea what's wrong with this code, or any suggestion how to perform similar operation.
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    DBMS_UTITLITY.EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT ('Alter Session Set TIME_ZONE = ' || '''' || 'GMT' || '''');
    local_timezone := systimestamp;
    dbms_output.put_line ('Time is : ' || local_timezone);
    This seems to work since no error is produced but does not set requested timezone. I still get local time.
    Any suggestion.
    Very Urgent.. Thanks for feedback in advance.

    I am trying to get the parameter from pg1(OAPage) to pg2(web pl/sql page) but i can't do it ...
    The link OAPage is :OA_HTML/OA.jsp?_rc=HR_P_RATE_TOP_SS&_ri=800&OAFunc=HR_NEWHIRE_SS&_ti=713401982&retainAM=Y&addBreadCrumb=N&dialogAction=NEXT&oapc=11...
    here i need to pass _ti, retainAM and other parameters to web pl/sql procedure.
    i can't decalare a procedure staring ti like procedure(ti varchar2) coz while executing i am getting error... if i do with this procedure(ti varchar2) i am unable to get _ti parameter in web pl/sql.
    i can get the value of ti from the table(ICXTransactions,icx_sessions) but this is not the feasible to do.
    what is the expansion of parameter &oapc and &oas...
    Please Help....

  • Can we use session variables in BI publisher's Data Model SQL Query?

    Hi Experts,
    We need to implement Data level security in BI Publisher 11g.
    In OBIEE we do so by using session variables, so just wanted to ask if we can use the same session variables in BI Publisher as well
    ie can we include the where clause in the Data Models SQL Query like
    Where ORG_ID = @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.INV_ORG']}
    Let me know your views on this.
    PS: We are implementing EBS r12 security in BI Publisher.

    Read this -> OBIEE 11g: Error: "[nQSError: 23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.LAN_INT, has no value definition." when Creating a SQL Query using the session variable NQ_SESSION.LAN_INT in BI Publisher [ID 1511676.1]

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    for example, I have a coldfusion session variable - session.testvar
    I am writing a Stored procedure in sql server 2000. The query within my stored procedure needs to insert a value into a table. The value needs to be my CF session variable. I have no idea how this is done, does anyone else have a hunch?
    I am using coldfusion 8 and sql server 2000.

    Pass it to the SP as a variable
    - there are examples in the cf docs

  • Prompt using SQL Results with row-wise session variable comparison

    I have a prompt on Department and I only want the departments to show that have been authorized via a session variable for that user. The session variable can return can return multiple values and is set as row-wise. The session variable is returning results and have been used successfully in an application filter.
    I'm trying to put the correct SQL statement and this syntax doesn't work:
    SELECT "Department"."Department Code" 
    FROM "UBC Financials - YTD Table"
    WHERE  "Department"."Department Code" = '@{DEPT_LIMITS}'
    Can someone give me an example that does work?

    Try something like WHERE  "Department"."Department Code" = VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION."DEPT_LIMITS")
    or else filter on department and then hit on add then Session variable

  • How to pass page session variable to on-demand PL/SQL process

    I am trying to execute a stored procedure that takes two page session variables as input and executes code based on those two variables. I have tried creating a stored procedure on the db-side and calling it using:
    but APEX rejects the variables.
    I have also tried putting in the entire procedure in APEX as well, but I get the same problem. I have also tried using the :P23_TC_ID syntax, and still a no-go. What am I doing wrong?

    If PROC_UPDT_EMP is a stored procedure that takes 2 IN parameters, you would do
    proc_updt_emp(:P23_TC_ID,:P23_EMP_ID);in an after-submit page process. That would pass in the values of those 2 items from session state.

  • Trying to move a list of form variables to session variables of the same name

    I am trying to move a list of form variables to session variables of the same name and I am having a lot of trouble.
    I have never had to post of this forum with a language question in all the 10 years I have been using ColdFusion. I was a qa Engineer @ Allaire/Macromedia back when it was going from one to the other. I have a pretty good grasp of the language.
    I have software that runs off a list. The fieldnames are variable and stored off in an array. It's survey software that runs off a "meta file". In this example; I have the number of fields in the survey set to 12 in the "metafile". I have each field declared in that file in array Session.SurveyField[1] and the above loop works fine. I include this "metafile" at the start of the process.
    I cfloop around a struct and it works wherever I have needed to use it; such as here - writing to the database for example;
    <CFQUERY NAME="InsertRec" DATASOURCE="Survey">
    INSERT into #variables.SurveyTableName#
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    ,q08_ProjAdv,q09_Color,q10_SantaClaus,q11_Supervisor,q12_SupervisorOpinion --->
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thisname = "Session." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    ,'#Session.q01_name#','#Session.q02_AcadTechORNA#','#Session.q03_Water#','#Session.q04_Fi rstAid#'
    ,'#Session.q05_CPR#','#Session.q06_LifeGuard#','#Session.q07_AED#','#Session.q08_ProjAdv# ',
    ,'#Session.q09_Color#','#Session.q10_SantaClaus#','#Session.q11_Supervisor#','#Session.q1 2_SupervisorOpinion#' --->
    NOW HERE'S THE PROBLEM: I am running into trouble when trying to move the form variables to session variables of the same name. It is the only part of the software that I still need the datanames hard coded and that is a roadblock for me.
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thissessionfield = "Session." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    <cfset thisformfield = "Form." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    <cfset #thissessionfield# = #evaluate(thisformfield)#>
    I have tried it with or without the "evaluate"; same result. It doesn't give an error; it just ignores them (session variables look as such in the next page in the chain)
    Note: they exist because I CFPARAM them in a loop like the above at the start of the procedure) - and this works just fine!
    <cflock scope="Session" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="30">
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset dataname = "Session." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    <cfparam name="#variables.dataname#" default="">
    I EVEN tried exploiting the Form.Fieldnames list using CFLoop over the list and the same sort of logic within and it still gives me nothing....
    Here's the FORM.FIELDNAMES value
    Here's the logic; SAME RESULT - The session variables don't get set.
    <cfloop list="#Form.FieldNames#" index="thisfield">
    <!--- <br>#thisfield# --->
    thisSESSIONfield = "Session." & thisfield;
    thisFORMfield = "Form." & thisfield;
    #thisSESSIONfield# = #thisFORMfield#;
    The CFPARAM in a loop with variable output name works just fine; so does the post (which I included above) as does the SQL Create, Param Form Variables, Param Session Variables, etc.
    THIS even works for moving BLANK to each session variable, to zero them all out at the end of the process;
    <cflock scope="Session" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="30">
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thislocalfield = Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    thissessionfield = "Session." & thislocalfield;
    <cfset #thissessionfield# = "">
    Expanding on that code, you would think this would work, but it doesn't;
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thislocalfield = Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    thissessionfield = "Session." & thislocalfield;
    thisformfield = "Form." & thislocalfield;
    <!--- debug --->
    <!--- <cfoutput>#thissessionfield# = "#evaluate(thisformfield)#"</cfoutput><br> --->
    <cfset #thissessionfield# = "#evaluate(thisformfield)#">
    And see that debug code in the middle? To add insult to injury... When I uncomment that it shows me this. So it certainly looks like this should work....
    Session.q01_name = "Me"
    Session.q02_AcadTechORNA = "N/A"
    Session.q03_Water = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q04_FirstAid = "Yes (certificate is current)"
    Session.q05_CPR = "No"
    Session.q06_LifeGuard = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q07_AED = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q08_ProjAdv = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q09_Color = "Gray"
    Session.q10_SantaClaus = "Yes"
    Session.q11_Supervisor = "Da Boss"
    Session.q12_SupervisorOpinion = "Not a bad thing"
    There must be some simpler way to do this. This way won't work against all odds even though it seems so much like it should.
    So I end up having to hardcode it; still looking for an automated way to set these #@%$*@!## session variables over the list from the form variables of the same @#@!$#%$%# name. Do I sound frustrated???
    No matter what I do, if I don't HARDCODE like this;
    <cfset Session.q01_name = Form.q01_name>
    <cfset Session.q02_AcadTechORNA = Form.q02_AcadTechORNA>
    <cfset Session.q03_Water = Form.q03_Water>
    <cfset Session.q04_FirstAid = Form.q04_FirstAid>
    <cfset Session.q05_CPR = Form.q05_CPR>
    <cfset Session.q06_LifeGuard = Form.q06_LifeGuard>
    <cfset Session.q07_AED = Form.q07_AED>
    <cfset Session.q08_ProjAdv = Form.q08_ProjAdv>
    <cfset Session.q09_Color = Form.q09_Color>
    <cfset Session.q10_SantaClaus = Form.q10_SantaClaus>
    <cfset Session.q11_Supervisor = Form.q11_Supervisor>
    <cfset Session.q12_SupervisorOpinion = Form.q12_SupervisorOpinion>
    I always get this from my next page because the session variables are empty;
    You must answer question 1.
    You must answer question 2.
    You must answer question 3.
    You must answer question 4.
    You must answer question 5.
    You must answer question 6.
    You must answer question 7.
    You must answer question 8.
    You must answer question 9.
    You must answer question 10.
    I tried duplicate as well, but I can not get the above to work...
    Can anyone help me do this thing that one would think is simple????

    I think if you use structure array syntax you should get the results you want.
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
          <cfset session[Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]] = Form[Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]]>
    Or probably even easier.
    <cfset session = duplicate(form)>

  • Session variable getting reset when leaving dashboard

    I have created a session variable with the 'Enable any user to set the value' option.  I'm using the session variable as the default for a dashboard prompt.  I'm able to set the variable with that  dasboard prompt, and I can confirm that it is indeed getting set properly.  So the interaction of the variable and the prompt seems to be in order.
    After I make a selection from the dashboard prompt, as long as I stay in the dashboard, the session variable stays set to my selection.  I can move from page to page and everything is fine.  The selection stays put as I have set it.  However, the moment I leave the dashboard, the session variable is reinitialized back to its default value as specified by the SQL in its initialization block.  I can go from dashboard to catalog and back to dashboard - boom, it's back to the default.  My selection has been replaced.  ???
    And here's an odd thing:  I can look in the query log and see the initialization block code getting run when I log in.  So far, so good.  I can run the dashboard, make a prompt selection, and see the query log updated just fine.  Still OK.  BUT... when I switch from dashboard to catalog and back to dashboard, the value of the session variable is reset (I see the default month in my analysis and as the prompt default upon redisplay of the dashboard page), but there's no indication in the query log that the initialization block SQL ran again.  The last SQL in the query log still shows my "selected" value in the SQL.  The dashboard page is showing the "default", while the last entry in the query log shows the "selected".
    Can anyone else confirm this odd behavior?  And is there a reason that a session variable should not retain its value throughout the session?  I've always viewed session variables as little buckets of single-cell data whose contents are consistent and static for the duration of a session, unless manually changed by a dashboard prompt.  If the behavior that I'm seeing is both replicatable and expected, it would appear that my understanding is flawed.
    Running on Windows Server 2008.  Same behavior is occurring in both Firefox 21 and IE 9.

    Thank you for your answer MK,
    I try to write a SQL in my prompt but not work for me:
    -In default selection I choose SQL Results and I type: Year(Current_date) and save my prompt and I don't see any value in my dashboardpage, if I click in prompt I can see all members of my year dimension but by default is empty.
    I modify the other solution: I have 1hour refresh time and I change for 1 minute, but doesn't work.
    the default initializer is in RPD (variable year that belongs to BI_Year Block) and I have written 2009.

  • Session variable

    I created a period status session variable which i want to use as a filter in answers. This variable takes note of the last closed period (month - YYYYMDD) when the accounting team closes it in their books. I currently have open periods taking the values of the last closed period and so the client wants these open periods to be removed from the report until the period in closed with accounting hence the use of a filter on the period (month) column. I used this filter eg Time."Fiscal Period" <=  VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION."CURR_PER_OPEN") but it is producing this message:
    The specified criteria didn't result in any data. This is often caused by applying filters that are too restrictive or that contain incorrect values. Please check your Request Filters and try again. The filters currently being applied are shown below.

    Try it like this..
    Set the default using logical SQL. Select <presentation table>.<presentation
    column> from <subject area> where
    <presentation table>.<presentationation column> =
    valueof(NQ_SESSION.<session variable>)

  • Session Variable in filter view error

    My prompt is defaulted to current 12Weeks. I used session variable in the prompt to capture 12 Weeks (Current Week and Current+12).
    so the default value is @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.PERIOD_STDATE']} where PERIOD_STDATE is my session varible.
    I am using a filter view to display the filters being applied.
    When the user opens a tab, the filter view is throwing error
    ***The syntax of the expression to be evaluated is invalid.***
    ***Expression: @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.PERIOD_STDATE']}***
    My report is running fine. I just have the date column as prompted in my report request.
    When the user hits go button on the prompt then the filter view comes up just fine.
    What is that I am doing wrong? Why does the filter view gives result after hitting GO button?
    Please help.

    1. Set the default using logical SQL. Select <presentation table>.<presentation column> from <subject area> where <presentation table>.<presentationation column> =valueof(NQ_SESSION.<session variable>)
    2. You dont have to write the exact syntax for entering the session variable in the default values. You just need to use the session variable name after selecting the session variable type in the drop down.
    Hope this helped/ answered.

  • How to pass session variable value with GO URL to override session value

    Hi Gurus,
    We have below requirement.Please help us at the earliest.
    How to pass session variable value with GO URL to override session value. ( It is not working after making changes to authentication xml file session init block creation as explained by oracle (Bug No14372679 : which they claim it is fixed in 1.7 version  Ref No :Bug 14372679 : REQUEST VARIABLE NOT OVERRIDING SESSION VARIABLE RUNNING THRU A GO URL )
    Please provide step by step solution.No vague answers.
    I followed below steps mentioned.
    ****-> Created a session variable called STATUS
    -> Create Session Init block called Init_Status with SQL
        select 'ACTIVE' from dual;
    -> Assigned the session variable STATUS to Init block Init_Status
    <RequestVariable source="url" type="informational"
    nameInSource="RE_CODE" biVariableName="NQ_SESSION.STATUS"/>
    Edit column "Contract Status" and added session variable as
    When  I run the URL above with parameter EXPIRED, the report still shows for  ACTIVE only. The URL is not making any difference with report.
    Report is picking the default value from RPD session variable init query.
    could you please let me know if I am missing something.

    Check those links might help you.
    Integrating Oracle OBIEE Content using GO URL
    How to set session variables using url variables | OBIEE Blog
    OBIEE 10G - How to set a request/session variable using the Saw Url (Go/Dashboard) | (BI, OBIEE, O…

  • The session variable, NQ_SESSION.OU_ORG, has no value definition.Please have your System Administrator look at the log for more details on this error. (HY000)

    Hi All,
    I have created a user 'Bitest' and group 'Bi_Test_Group'. Assigned the user to the group and the group to BI consumer role.
    I gave access to only procurement and spend catalog folder reports and Dashboards.
    When I login to BI Presentation Services with above created user and open any procurement and spent catalog dashboard i am getting below error in every report.
    Its BI Apps installation.I gave read  access to group to all procurement and spent subject area.
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW). 
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.OU_ORG, has no value definition.Please have your System Administrator look at the log for more details on this error. (HY000) 
    SQL Issued: {call NQSGetQueryColumnInfo('SELECT Fact."PO Amount" FROM "Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders"')}
    SQL Issued: SELECT Fact."PO Amount" FROM "Procurement and Spend - Purchase Orders"
    Please help me in resolving this issue and getting results on Dashboard.
    Thanks in advance

    Check your query or connection pool settings etc

  • Displaying Session Variable on Dashboard & creating presentation variable

    I read a bit more on mysupport and it seems that :xdo_user_roles somehow displayes all kind of roles not the ones that the user acutally belongs to.
    Now I wonder if I can use NQ_SESSION.GROUP in the BI Publisher data model.
    (A)I figured that I can create a "list of values" in the data model and there I can select Oracle BI EE as a data source. maybe in the repository I can create a column that holds the nqsession_groups that I then use in the data model sql. assuming I can use a list of values in the sql.
    (B) or I pass it as a parameter to the report/data modell just like a normal dropdownlist parameter (presentation variable)
    Then I tried adding a text item on the dashboard with
    Session Variable My Year : @{biServer.VARIABLES['v_USER_GROUPS']} *
    BUT none of them actually display any variables. :/
    *this one I created in the repository and has the correct values                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    When I remove "authenticated-role" from the BIConsumer Role in EM and visit my dashboard again I can see that the user is ONLY in role "AuthenticatedUser" now I wonder why this is the only one, I created a custom role in EM and added the user to that one but it does not show :/

  • Using Session Variable with Conditional Formatting Filter

    I'm trying to add a condition to my report in order to flag all opportunities that have a close date that is in the past. The way I'm trying to do this is by adding a condition to say when close date is less than current_date, flag the column with an image.
    Issue I'm having is that the filter window within conditional format tab appears to not have the session variable option as you do when you create a filter on a column the normal way. A colleague told me to use an SQL expression, but again this option seems to be unavailable too within the conditional format tab.
    Can anybody assist please?

    Create a new column and write a CASE WHEN condition like case when close date < current_date then 'Y' ELSE 'N' END.
    Then on your actual date column, you can do conditional analysis based on the newly created column for values having Y then the image.
    finally, you can hide the newly created column.

  • Using Session Variable in the Column Level Security

    My Question -
    1. I created an initialization block with initialization string by calling a new session variable CTP_ID_LIST in the sql command, given appropriate database connections and when I exit out of Block, and chosen Row-wise initialization. I do not see a new session variable created under variables list. Why does this happen? Please help me on this.

    This happens when you select Row-wise Initialization.
    The row-wise initialization feature allows you to create session variables dynamically and set their values when a session begins. The names and values of the session variables reside in an external database that you access through a connection pool. The variables receive their values from the initialization string that you type in the Initialization Block dialog box.
    You can also use the row-wise initialization feature to initialize a variable with a list of values. You can then use the SQL IN operator to test for values in a specified list.
    Example: Using the table values in the previous example, you would type the following SQL statement for the initialization string:
    select 'LIST_OF_USERS', USERID
    This SQL statement populates the variable LIST_OF_USERS with a list, separated by colons, of the values JOHN and JANE; for example, JOHN:JANE. You can then use this variable in a filter, as shown in the following WHERE clause:
    The variable LIST_OF_USERS contains a list of values, that is, one or more values. This logical WHERE clause expands into a physical IN clause, as shown in the following statement:
    where TABLE.USER_NAME in ('JOHN', 'JANE')

Maybe you are looking for