Session variable usage syntax.

I happen to have a session variable called CD_Testing. I know this variable is being set to the value "Test Subject Area Description" by the init block. The text exists only in the database, I am seeing this text displayed as the description of one of my subject areas. So far so good.
What is the syntax for accessing this variable within a Static Text component? I am looking at the OBI docs that say the syntax is this:
If I use this syntax, and replace variableName with CD_Testing, I see this displayed in my dashboard, so it clearly does not work:
I have also tried these, all of which also display as seen here, not with the value of my CD_Testing variable:
VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.CD_Testing) <-- This one even matches that used in the RPD to display as SA description.
So what is the correct syntax? Why doesn't this work, and how do I get it to work?

Thanks, Christian. Do you happen to know the source of that graphic?
It looks like the answer is:
That is very different from what I saw in the Ans.Delivers.Interact.Dashboards User Guide.

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  • Session variable usage in report title

    Is there a way to add session variable s_x in the report's title text?
    What is the correct syntax?

    I tried using @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.varname']} in the narrative view and it seems to working fine and showing value without any decimals.
    You can try below:
    Write this statement - @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.varname']} in the column fx. Say its the first column.
    Then, in your narrative view, write as below and set the no. of rows to 1.
    Top @1 Products
    This should ideally work fine.

  • Session member variable usage

    I want to keep client-specific information for each incoming connection, but i heard it cannot be done with session variable. i read in a book that session variables in a servlet (or scriptlet section of a jsp page) are shared among all incoming threads (therefore all clients) accessing the servlet.
    I guess a simple example of what i want to acheive is a shopping cart, but keeping the shopping cart order in a session-like variable specific to the original client machine/user who placed the order.
    I thought of doing something like:
    request.getSession().setAttribute("ShoppingCart", cart);
    inside my doGet() method in a servlet. And a book author says it won't work. He says ff I use a member to keep information about user1, sometimes the session variable may be overwritten by user2 if they are accessing the servlet at the same time.
    1) Can someone confirm whether session variables are shared among all incoming requests to the same servlet?
    2) If so, how can i easily keep track of incoming user/client mahcine-specific information, without using cookies or other client-side storage methods.
    3) If client side storage is necessary (to keep user info), what are the common techniques and the classes used?
    I am fairly new to j2ee so i would appriciate it if you can explain in layman's terms.

    Session scope is made to save the user specific information only. All class(servlet) level members(state) can be shared by all incoming thread. So its a bad practice, if we used class level session variable which stores the client specific info.
    I dont think session will overwritten if you used session var locally(inside any method).
    When any user logs in you should create a new session for that user.
    Means if you have file which have log in functionality, Here only you need to create new session.
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    Other than this file every where you need to use
    In your case it would be
    request.getSession(false).setAttribute("ShoppingCart", cart);
    Hope This will help you.

  • Trying to move a list of form variables to session variables of the same name

    I am trying to move a list of form variables to session variables of the same name and I am having a lot of trouble.
    I have never had to post of this forum with a language question in all the 10 years I have been using ColdFusion. I was a qa Engineer @ Allaire/Macromedia back when it was going from one to the other. I have a pretty good grasp of the language.
    I have software that runs off a list. The fieldnames are variable and stored off in an array. It's survey software that runs off a "meta file". In this example; I have the number of fields in the survey set to 12 in the "metafile". I have each field declared in that file in array Session.SurveyField[1] and the above loop works fine. I include this "metafile" at the start of the process.
    I cfloop around a struct and it works wherever I have needed to use it; such as here - writing to the database for example;
    <CFQUERY NAME="InsertRec" DATASOURCE="Survey">
    INSERT into #variables.SurveyTableName#
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    ,q08_ProjAdv,q09_Color,q10_SantaClaus,q11_Supervisor,q12_SupervisorOpinion --->
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thisname = "Session." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    ,'#Session.q01_name#','#Session.q02_AcadTechORNA#','#Session.q03_Water#','#Session.q04_Fi rstAid#'
    ,'#Session.q05_CPR#','#Session.q06_LifeGuard#','#Session.q07_AED#','#Session.q08_ProjAdv# ',
    ,'#Session.q09_Color#','#Session.q10_SantaClaus#','#Session.q11_Supervisor#','#Session.q1 2_SupervisorOpinion#' --->
    NOW HERE'S THE PROBLEM: I am running into trouble when trying to move the form variables to session variables of the same name. It is the only part of the software that I still need the datanames hard coded and that is a roadblock for me.
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thissessionfield = "Session." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    <cfset thisformfield = "Form." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    <cfset #thissessionfield# = #evaluate(thisformfield)#>
    I have tried it with or without the "evaluate"; same result. It doesn't give an error; it just ignores them (session variables look as such in the next page in the chain)
    Note: they exist because I CFPARAM them in a loop like the above at the start of the procedure) - and this works just fine!
    <cflock scope="Session" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="30">
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset dataname = "Session." & Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    <cfparam name="#variables.dataname#" default="">
    I EVEN tried exploiting the Form.Fieldnames list using CFLoop over the list and the same sort of logic within and it still gives me nothing....
    Here's the FORM.FIELDNAMES value
    Here's the logic; SAME RESULT - The session variables don't get set.
    <cfloop list="#Form.FieldNames#" index="thisfield">
    <!--- <br>#thisfield# --->
    thisSESSIONfield = "Session." & thisfield;
    thisFORMfield = "Form." & thisfield;
    #thisSESSIONfield# = #thisFORMfield#;
    The CFPARAM in a loop with variable output name works just fine; so does the post (which I included above) as does the SQL Create, Param Form Variables, Param Session Variables, etc.
    THIS even works for moving BLANK to each session variable, to zero them all out at the end of the process;
    <cflock scope="Session" type="EXCLUSIVE" timeout="30">
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thislocalfield = Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    thissessionfield = "Session." & thislocalfield;
    <cfset #thissessionfield# = "">
    Expanding on that code, you would think this would work, but it doesn't;
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
    <cfset thislocalfield = Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]>
    thissessionfield = "Session." & thislocalfield;
    thisformfield = "Form." & thislocalfield;
    <!--- debug --->
    <!--- <cfoutput>#thissessionfield# = "#evaluate(thisformfield)#"</cfoutput><br> --->
    <cfset #thissessionfield# = "#evaluate(thisformfield)#">
    And see that debug code in the middle? To add insult to injury... When I uncomment that it shows me this. So it certainly looks like this should work....
    Session.q01_name = "Me"
    Session.q02_AcadTechORNA = "N/A"
    Session.q03_Water = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q04_FirstAid = "Yes (certificate is current)"
    Session.q05_CPR = "No"
    Session.q06_LifeGuard = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q07_AED = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q08_ProjAdv = "Yes (certificate expired)"
    Session.q09_Color = "Gray"
    Session.q10_SantaClaus = "Yes"
    Session.q11_Supervisor = "Da Boss"
    Session.q12_SupervisorOpinion = "Not a bad thing"
    There must be some simpler way to do this. This way won't work against all odds even though it seems so much like it should.
    So I end up having to hardcode it; still looking for an automated way to set these #@%$*@!## session variables over the list from the form variables of the same @#@!$#%$%# name. Do I sound frustrated???
    No matter what I do, if I don't HARDCODE like this;
    <cfset Session.q01_name = Form.q01_name>
    <cfset Session.q02_AcadTechORNA = Form.q02_AcadTechORNA>
    <cfset Session.q03_Water = Form.q03_Water>
    <cfset Session.q04_FirstAid = Form.q04_FirstAid>
    <cfset Session.q05_CPR = Form.q05_CPR>
    <cfset Session.q06_LifeGuard = Form.q06_LifeGuard>
    <cfset Session.q07_AED = Form.q07_AED>
    <cfset Session.q08_ProjAdv = Form.q08_ProjAdv>
    <cfset Session.q09_Color = Form.q09_Color>
    <cfset Session.q10_SantaClaus = Form.q10_SantaClaus>
    <cfset Session.q11_Supervisor = Form.q11_Supervisor>
    <cfset Session.q12_SupervisorOpinion = Form.q12_SupervisorOpinion>
    I always get this from my next page because the session variables are empty;
    You must answer question 1.
    You must answer question 2.
    You must answer question 3.
    You must answer question 4.
    You must answer question 5.
    You must answer question 6.
    You must answer question 7.
    You must answer question 8.
    You must answer question 9.
    You must answer question 10.
    I tried duplicate as well, but I can not get the above to work...
    Can anyone help me do this thing that one would think is simple????

    I think if you use structure array syntax you should get the results you want.
    <cfloop from="1" to="#Session.NumberOfSurveyFields#" index="arrayindex">
          <cfset session[Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]] = Form[Session.SurveyField[arrayindex]]>
    Or probably even easier.
    <cfset session = duplicate(form)>

  • Javacard and session variables

    I'm trying to find a reasonable Javacard technique to handle "session variables" that must be kept between successive APDUs, but must be re-initialized on each card reset (and/or each time the application is selected); e.g. currently selected file, currently selected record, current session key, has the user PIN been verified...
    Such variables are best held in RAM, since changing permanent (EEPROM or Flash) variables is so slow (and in the long run limiting the operational life of the card).
    Examples in the Java Card Kit 2.2.2 (e.g. manipulate session variables in the following way:
    1) The programmers group session variables of basic type (Short, Byte, Boolean) according to type, and map each such variable at an explicit index of a vector (one per basic type used as session variable).
    2) At install() time, each such vector, and each vector session variable, is explicitly allocated as a transient object, and this object is stored in a field of the application (in permanent memory), where it remains across resets.
    3) Each use of a session variable of basic type is explicitly translated by the programmer into using the appropriately numbered element of the appropriate vector.
    4) Vector session variables require no further syntactic juggling, but eat up an object descriptor worth of permanent data memory (EEPROM or Flash), and a function call + object affectation worth of applet-storage memory (EEPROM, Flash or ROM).
    The preparatory phase goes:
    public class MyApp extends Applet  {
    // transientShorts array indices
        final static byte       TN_IX = 0;
        final static byte       NEW_BALANCE_IX=(byte)TN_IX+1;
        final static byte      CURRENT_BALANCE_IX=(byte)NEW_BALANCE_IX+1;
        final static byte      AMOUNT_IX=(byte)CURRENT_BALANCE_IX+1;
        final static byte   TRANSACTION_TYPE_IX=(byte)AMOUNT_IX+1;
        final static byte     SELECTED_FILE_IX=(byte)TRANSACTION_TYPE_IX+1;
        final static byte   NUM_TRANSIENT_SHORTS=(byte)SELECTED_FILE_IX+1;
    // transientBools array indices
        final static byte       TRANSACTION_INITIALIZED=0;
        final static byte       UPDATE_INITIALIZED=(byte)TRANSACTION_INITIALIZED+1;
        final static byte   NUM_TRANSIENT_BOOLS=(byte)UPDATE_INITIALIZED+1;
    // remanent variables holding reference for transient variables
        private short[]     transientShorts;
        private boolean[]   transientBools;
        private byte[]      CAD_ID_array;
        private byte[]      byteArray8;  // Signature work array
    // install method
        public static void install( byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength ) {
             //Create transient objects.
            transientShorts = JCSystem.makeTransientShortArray( NUM_TRANSIENT_SHORTS,
            transientBools = JCSystem.makeTransientBooleanArray( NUM_TRANSIENT_BOOLS,
            CAD_ID_array = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray( (short)4,
            byteArray8 = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray( (short)8,
    (..)and when it's time for usage, things go:
        if (transientShorts[SELECTED_FILE_IX] == (short)0)
            transientShorts[SELECTED_FILE_IX] == fid;
        transientBools[UPDATE_INITIALIZED] =
            sig.verify(MAC_buffer, (short)0, (short)10,
                byteArray8, START, SIGNATURE_LENGTH);I find this
    a) Verbose and complex.
    b) Error-prone: there is nothing to prevent the accidental use of transientShorts[UPDATE_INITIALIZED].
    c) Wastefull of memory: each use of a basic-type state variable wastes some code; each vector state variable wastes an object-descriptor worth of permanent data memory, and code for its allocation.
    d) Slow at runtime: each use of a "session variable", especially of a basic type, goes thru method invocation(s) which end up painfully slow (at least on some cards), to the point that for repeated uses, one often attain a nice speedup by caching a session variable, and/or transientShorts and the like, into local variables.
    As an aside, I don't get if the true allocation of RAM occurs at install time (implying non-selected applications eat up RAM), or at application selection (implying hidden extra overhead).
    I dream of an equivalent for the C idiom "struct of state variables". Are these issues discussed, in a Sun manual, or elsewhere? Is there a better way?
    Other desperate questions: does a C compiler that output Javacard bytecode make sense/exists? Or a usable Javacard bytecode assembler?
    Francois Grieu

    Interesting post.
    I don't have a solution to your problem, but caching the session variables arrays in local variable arrays is a good start. This should be only done when the applet is in context, e.g. selected or accessed through the shareable interface. This values should be written back to EEPROM at e.g. deselect or some other important point of time. Do you run into problems if a tear happens? I don't think so since the session variables should be transactional, and a defined point will commit a transaction.
    Analyzing the bytecode is a good idea. I know of a view in JCOP Tools (Eclipse plugin) where you can analyze the bytecode and optimize it to your needs.

  • Session variable and initialization block issues

    We are using OBIEE and utilizes built in security features. (No LDAP or other single sign on). The user or group names are not stored in any external table. I have a need to supplement Group info of the user to the usage tracking we implemented recently as the NQ_LOGIN_GROUP.RESP column contains username instead of group name. So I created a session variable and associated with a new initialization block and also had a junk default value set to the variable. In the initialization block, I wrote the following query and as a result it inserted correct values into the table when the TEST button was clicked from the initialization block form.
    insert into stra_login_data (username, groupname, login_time) values ('VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.USER)', 'VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.GROUP)', SYSDATE)
    My intention is to make this execute whenever any user logs on. The nqserver.log reports the following error and it doesn?t insert values into the table.
    [nQSError: 13011] Query for Initialization Block 'SET_USER_LOGIN_BLOCK' has failed.
    [nQSError: 23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.USER, has no value definition.
    [nQSError: 13011] Query for Initialization Block 'SET_USER_LOGIN_BLOCK' has failed.
    [nQSError: 23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.GROUP, has no value definition.
    When I changed the insert statement as below, this does get populated whenever someone logs in. But I need the values of GROUP associated with the user as defined in the repository.
    insert into stra_login_data (username, groupname, login_time) values ('TEST_USER', TEST_GROUP', SYSDATE)
    Could someone help me out! As I mentioned above, I need the GROUP info into the usage tracking. So, if there is another successful approach, could you please share?
    Thank you

    Hi Amin,
    See [this thread|]. You can't use the GROUP session variable in an Init Block unless it has been seeded from an Init Block first. There isn't an easy solution for what you want, but here are some options:
    1) Create a copy of your User => Groups assignments in your RPD in an table so you can use it in your Usage Tracking Subject Area. But this means you will have to replicate the changes in two places so it's not a good solution.
    2) As the GROUP session variable is populated when you login you could theoretically use it a Dashboard and pass it a parameter to write the value to the database. But as I am not sure how can you make fire only once when the user logins it sounds like a bad idea.
    3) Move your User => Groups assignments from your RPD to a DB table. Use OBIEE Write Back or something like Oracle APEX to maintain them.
    I think 3) is the best solution to be honest.

  • Session Variable in filter view error

    My prompt is defaulted to current 12Weeks. I used session variable in the prompt to capture 12 Weeks (Current Week and Current+12).
    so the default value is @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.PERIOD_STDATE']} where PERIOD_STDATE is my session varible.
    I am using a filter view to display the filters being applied.
    When the user opens a tab, the filter view is throwing error
    ***The syntax of the expression to be evaluated is invalid.***
    ***Expression: @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.PERIOD_STDATE']}***
    My report is running fine. I just have the date column as prompted in my report request.
    When the user hits go button on the prompt then the filter view comes up just fine.
    What is that I am doing wrong? Why does the filter view gives result after hitting GO button?
    Please help.

    1. Set the default using logical SQL. Select <presentation table>.<presentation column> from <subject area> where <presentation table>.<presentationation column> =valueof(NQ_SESSION.<session variable>)
    2. You dont have to write the exact syntax for entering the session variable in the default values. You just need to use the session variable name after selecting the session variable type in the drop down.
    Hope this helped/ answered.

  • How to pass page session variable to on-demand PL/SQL process

    I am trying to execute a stored procedure that takes two page session variables as input and executes code based on those two variables. I have tried creating a stored procedure on the db-side and calling it using:
    but APEX rejects the variables.
    I have also tried putting in the entire procedure in APEX as well, but I get the same problem. I have also tried using the :P23_TC_ID syntax, and still a no-go. What am I doing wrong?

    If PROC_UPDT_EMP is a stored procedure that takes 2 IN parameters, you would do
    proc_updt_emp(:P23_TC_ID,:P23_EMP_ID);in an after-submit page process. That would pass in the values of those 2 items from session state.

  • Passing Session variable of DATE data type to opaque view filter

    Hi Everyone,
    Can you guys please help me in passing session variable of DATE data type in RPD's physical layer 'opaque view' filter for Oracle database
    I tried following syntax, syntax wise I didn't got getting any error, but at the same time this opaque view is not fetching any records as well. my session variable is "END_DATE" and its value is 1998/12/31:00:00:00(as shown in RPD session windows, datatype is DATETIME)
    In past, I was able to pass a session variable into a opaque view filter using DATEOF function, but that was in DB2.
    I appreciate your time and help

    Finally, I got right format. here it is
    to_date(substr('valueof(NQ_SESSION.END_DATE)',1,10), 'yyyy-mm-dd')
    and here is the source from where I got this information
    Using OBIEE Session Variables in Select Tables in the Physical Layer

  • Dates Format in Promts using Session Variables

    Hi Experts,
    I have an issue in controlling date format in prompts using session variable which I am using to set default value.
    By default date format is timestamp E.g '2010-12-19 12:00:00 AM'.
    As per requriement(s) I customized the date format in Reports as 19-Dec-2010 and I saved it as "System Wide Default for <Date Column Name> "
    So, I got desired format in Reports and Date Prompts.
    Now, I need to set a default value in Date Prompt. So, in RPD I created a Session Variable which returned me date in
    DD-MON-YYYY format. Using follwing SQL :
    SELECT REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), Getdate (), 106), ' ', '-') AS [DD-Mon-YYYY]
    But in reports takes this value as string and not Datetime. So i got an error message.
    A datetime value was expected (received "19-Dec-2010").
    If i do not use above SQL to CONVERT date then default date in prompt get displayed as timestamp format and give me desired results but Formatting looks very odd in prompt
    Is this a way so I can persist the [DD-Mon-YYYY] Formatting for default value which comes using variable and still run the report.
    Above problem also exist vice versa that is if i SET that session variable and pass the datetime value to server. But there i guess I can use ToDate or some Casting in RPD column expression to handle that. Tell me if i am right ?

    That almost works. I had to adjust the syntax to the following...and then there are other issues doing this.
    select cust_no, name,'@{session.currentUser}' from customersMy write-back SQL is this:
    UPDATE customers SET NAME='@{c1}',LAST_EDITED_BY='@{c2}' WHERE CUST_NO=@{c0}But I don't want to display the cust_no column to the user. So I hide it in the UI. But if I do that I get the below error during write-back. Apparently sometimes when you hide a column on a direct query (numeric maybe?) the value doesn't transfer over to the write-back. If that's the case, this won't work for me. Hmm...
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43093] An error occurred while processing the EXECUTE PHYSICAL statement. [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 936, message: ORA-00936: missing expression at OCI call OCIStmtExecute: UPDATE customers SET NAME='Wyatt Donnely',LAST_EDITED_BY='Administrator' WHERE CUST_NO= . [nQSError: 17011] SQL statement execution failed. (HY000)

  • Session variables being lost in IE7

    has anyone else experienced, heard of, or solved this issue?
    I have a web app thats been running fine for 5+ years and using session variables (i'm currently using CF8).
    When a user goes from page to page the session is carried with them so i know their login info. However, recently some users (and not all) have complained that after logging in fine (meaning the sessions variables are created) and go to another page off of the main one only to get a timeout issue. I've compared everything from IE settings to server settings, etc. but found no differences. It's like once they navigate to another page in the app the sessions are not carried to the next page.
    My timeout code is written so that if the session variables that are created at login are not present the message will show.
    Some users had to revert back to IE6 and it worked fine. Is there something they did wrong with ther IE update or is there some sort of server hot fix for this?
    Hope someone can help... i'm baffled.

    That forum you posted is definitely my issue! However it still is unresolved and the users have yet to pinpoint the cause (just like me). I too firmly believe its due to an IE7 upgrade b/c that is when this happens.
    I've checked out the user cookies. I used this script and put it on my server and had the user try it:
    The cookies are passing over to the next pages fine (this script showed a success on the user machines). But ye the sessions are lost in my app. the CFID and CFTOKEN are changing when the user clicks to go to another page after login.
    In fact I have the CF8 server monitor up and running and when someone logs in I can see the their session info under the MEMORY USAGE --> Sessions by memory usage.
    I'm finding that users with this issue can log in fine but the session never gets registered with the server?!? Their CFID and CFTOKEN is not showing as an active session and when they click to another page their CFID is always different than their original?
    Any thoughts?

  • Filtering a Recordset with session variable

    I am trying to filter a recordset based on a session
    variable. The session variable is passed from the login page via a
    username which is their email address. This has been successful.
    However when I want to filter the users table - tbl_users to
    show their first name it doesn't work.
    I followed the adobe help tutorial plus ahave tried other
    combinations and I am now at a loss on where exactly I am going
    The recordset is rs_UserAccess
    I have a session variable called - MM_Username
    The table has 5 records of various users
    The code that I have fiddling with is -
    Dim rs_UserAccess
    Dim rs_UserAccess_numRows
    Set rs_UserAccess = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rs_UserAccess.ActiveConnection = MM_conn_sidecounter_STRING
    rs_UserAccess.Source = "SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE
    username = MM_Username"
    rs_UserAccess.CursorType = 0
    rs_UserAccess.CursorLocation = 2
    rs_UserAccess.LockType = 1
    rs_UserAccess_numRows = 0
    Any help would be appreciated. I have outlined below the
    different combinations I have tested.
    Try No1
    rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE username
    = Session("MM_Username")”
    Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'
    Expected end of statement
    /main.asp, line 182
    Try No2
    rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE username
    = Session(‘MM_Username’)”
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function
    'Session' in expression.
    /main.asp, line 186
    Try No3
    rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE username
    = Session(MM_Username)”
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined function
    'Session' in expression.
    /main.asp, line 186
    Try No4
    rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE username
    = Session Variable MM_Username"
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error
    (missing operator) in query expression 'username = Session Variable
    /main.asp, line 186
    Try No5
    rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE username
    = MM_Username"
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'
    [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters.
    Expected 1.
    /main.asp, line 186
    Thanks in advance

    Try this:
    rs_UserAccess.Source = "SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE
    username = " & Session("MM_Username")
    Keep that on one line.
    Ken Ford
    Adobe Community Expert
    Fordwebs, LLC
    "Downsy42" <[email protected]> wrote in
    message news:[email protected]...
    > Hi
    > I am trying to filter a recordset based on a session
    variable. The session
    > variable is passed from the login page via a username
    which is their email
    > address. This has been successful.
    > However when I want to filter the users table -
    tbl_users to show their first
    > name it doesn't work.
    > I followed the adobe help tutorial plus ahave tried
    other combinations and I
    > am now at a loss on where exactly I am going wrong.
    > The recordset is rs_UserAccess
    > I have a session variable called - MM_Username
    > The table has 5 records of various users
    > The code that I have fiddling with is -
    > <%
    > Dim rs_UserAccess
    > Dim rs_UserAccess_numRows
    > Set rs_UserAccess =
    > rs_UserAccess.ActiveConnection =
    > rs_UserAccess.Source = "SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE
    username = MM_Username"
    > rs_UserAccess.CursorType = 0
    > rs_UserAccess.CursorLocation = 2
    > rs_UserAccess.LockType = 1
    > rs_UserAccess.Open()
    > rs_UserAccess_numRows = 0
    > %>
    > Any help would be appreciated. I have outlined below the
    > combinations I have tested.
    > Try No1
    > rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE
    username =
    > Session("MM_Username")?
    > Message:
    > Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'
    > Expected end of statement
    > /main.asp, line 182
    > Try No2
    > rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE
    username =
    > Session(?MM_Username?)?
    > Message:
    > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error
    > [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined
    function 'Session' in
    > expression.
    > /main.asp, line 186
    > Try No3
    > rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE
    username =
    > Session(MM_Username)?
    > Message:
    > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error
    > [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Undefined
    function 'Session' in
    > expression.
    > /main.asp, line 186
    > Try No4
    > rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE
    username = Session
    > Variable MM_Username"
    > Message:
    > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error
    > [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error
    (missing operator) in
    > query expression 'username = Session Variable
    > /main.asp, line 186
    > Try No5
    > rs_UserAccess.Source ="SELECT * FROM tbl_users WHERE
    username = MM_Username"
    > Message:
    > Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error
    > [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few
    parameters. Expected 1.
    > /main.asp, line 186
    > Thanks in advance
    > Cheers
    > Downsy

  • GO URL with Session Variable

    I want to use interaction between two reports in different dashboards, which do not share the same tables but the same values.
    When clicking on column A values in Report A, I want to create action link with option to open Report B, presenting column B, which is filtered by value A.
    I also want the prompts in Report B to present the value A, as it was selected by the user on Report A.
    I thought about using GOURL in action link to specific URL. I manage to open Report B, but it is not filtered by A.
    How can I transfer the value A in the URL? how should I add the value A into '&val1=XXX'?
    I also want to transfer other prompt values (e.g. val2 of col2) from A to B. I set this prompt value to session variable, but how can I add it in the GOURL syntax of '&val2=XXX'?

    Check those links might help you.
    Integrating Oracle OBIEE Content using GO URL
    How to set session variables using url variables | OBIEE Blog
    OBIEE 10G - How to set a request/session variable using the Saw Url (Go/Dashboard) | (BI, OBIEE, O…

  • Xml search and replace for 'Session Variables' in column title view

    Hi Experts,
    I have around 10 reports where measure column titles are displayed based the session variable.
    Below is the syntax I have used in the column title
    Now I would like to replace the above syntax with some static text. To do this, I am trying to use the xml search and replace feature in the catalog manager.
    For some reason, catalog manager is unable to find the syntax in the xml file. I have tried using escape character also for the apostrophe by using &apos, but no luck.
    Any pointers on how to replace the text?

    Using Analysis get the xml conversion for @{biServer.variables['NQ_SESSION.VariableName']} from Advanced tab's xml code
    use this code to find in catalog manager, if you able to find then go for search and replace option.
    I think this should work for you.

  • Alternate method to writing filter for recordset using session variable

    I'm not sure if this can be done.  I have a user page which I'd like to return database info based upon a userid entered on another page. So far, the session variable (userid) is captured on the user page however it is supposed to return the user's name rather than displaying the session variable.
    My problem is this. Within dreamweaver, I am able to create recordsets however I cannot create a filter. The connection works. At this point, I am searching for a workaround where I can tie in the session variable to recordsets. I should make mention that whenever I update the sql statement using the recordset widget, my recordset disappears. ?  At any rate, heres a sample of the code sans connection strings, etc.
    Dim Recordset1
    Dim Recordset1_cmd
    Dim Recordset1_numRows
    Set Recordset1_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
    Recordset1_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_newuniversity1_STRING
    Recordset1_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT name FROM table WHERE userid =  '" & Session("userid_my") & "'"
    Recordset1_cmd.Prepared = true
    Set Recordset1 = Recordset1_cmd.Execute
    Recordset1_numRows = 0
    On the user page, I have a 'Welcome' and the following code
    Any suggestions? I'm afraid I'm a newbie to asp within dreamweaver cs3.

    >When I insert  request.userid_my code it returns the session variable
    AFAIK, session variables are not part of the request object - so I do not understand why you are referencing them this way. I would use the standard reference method : Welcome <%Response.Write(Session("username"))%>
    >when I insert the recordset associated with 'name' I get an Adobe End of file error. ?
    Sounds like a possible problem with your installation. You may need to try reinstalling DW. How are you "inserting" this recordset and when does the error occur?
    Regarding your next post...
    >select name from table_name where userid = '" & namemy & "'"
    >The statement consistently returns a 'quoted string not properly terminated' error.....
    The select statement you quoted is obviously not complete. If you are refering to the select in your OP:
    Recordset1_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT name FROM table WHERE userid =  '" & Session("userid_my") & "'"
    I see nothing wrong with that syntax and the string appears to be terminated correctly. If there is a different statement causing the error, please post the entire line and include a line above and below.

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