Sessions/Login Problem

I have an application that I am working on that allows users
to take an online assessment. I have a login script that works at
this point - BUT it is working WAY TOO WELL!
I have an application file that sets the session.login
variable to false (using a CFPARAM tag). Once they login, it sets
that variable to TRUE, and sets some other variables such as user
id and name and other stuff.
This is what is happening -
1. User logs in
2. User is able to complete survey
3. User closes the window.
4. User (or anyone else that uses that computer) can go back
to a secured page and take another survey.
What should hapen -
1. User should NOT be able to go back to the survey once
taken - I take care of this at the end of the survey by setting a
session variable and updating the user table. (This is not complete
yet - and is not the source of the problem - YET)
2. User should NOT be able to go back to a page once the
browser is closed - they should definitely have to log back in.
QUESTION - How can I clear all session variables on window
close? Is this possible? I thought that closing a window would
destroy the session data - but apparently not.
Any advice?

hi tony,
I was jus reading the coldfusion documentation on session
variables and hope this is of use to u...
If you use ColdFusion session management, ColdFusion
automatically ends sessions and deletes all Session scope variables
if the client is inactive for the session time-out period. The
session does not end when the user closes the browser.
If you use J2EE session management, ColdFusion MX ends the
session and deletes all Session scope variables when the user
closes the browser, or if the client is inactive for the session
time-out period. If the session times out, however, the browser
continues to send the same session ID, and ColdFusion will reuse
this ID for sessions with this browser instance, as long as the
browser remains active.
# In many cases, you can effectively end a session by
clearing the Session scope, as shown in the following line. The
following list, however, includes important limitations and
<cfset StructClear(Session)>
# Clearing the Session scope does not clear the session ID,
and future requests from the browser continue to use the same
session ID until the browser exits. It also does not log the user
out, even if you use Session scope storage for login information.
Always use the cflogout tag to log users out.
# If you use J2EE session management, you can invalidate the
session, as follows:
<cfset getPageContext().getSession().invalidate()>
This line creates a pointer to the servlet page context and
calls an internal method to reset the session. This clears all
session information, including the session ID Session scope
variables, and if you are using session login storage, the login
information, for future request. However, the session information
does remain available until the end of the current request. After
you invalidate a session, attempts by the browser to access the
application will generate an invalid session exception until the
session times out.
Note: You cannot destroy the session and create a session on
the same request, as creating a new session involves sending
session cookies back.

Similar Messages

  • JDeveloper 11g R1 Toplink Session Login Problem

    Hi Everyone,
    Toplink Session Login are unsuccessful in my application. My session.xml file gives xml validation errors.
    Please help me,
    Best Regards
    XML Validation errors :
    element primary-project not expected.
    element login not expected.
    element connection-pools not expected.
    My session.xml file here:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1254"?>
    <toplink-sessions version="11g Release 1 (" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <session xsi:type="server-session">
    <server-platform xsi:type="weblogic-10-platform"/>
    <primary-project xsi:type="xml">META-INF/ToplinkMap.xml</primary-project>
    <login xsi:type="database-login">
    <default-sequence xsi:type="native-sequence">
    <login xsi:type="database-login">
    Console Error Log:
    Exception Description: Several [3] SessionLoaderExceptions were thrown:
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 35, Column 30>: XML-24534: (Error) Element 'max-connections' not expected.
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 36, Column 30>: XML-24534: (Error) Element 'min-connections' not expected.
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 37, Column 34>: XML-24521: (Error) Element not completed: 'write-connection-pool'

    Hi Gokmen,
    Enhancement for clearing the design time errors by providing support for xsi:type is planned for the Shepherd release.
    The workaround for the Connection Pool errors is to define using the API.Below sample code can be useful for you.
    Create a class which implements SessionEventListener or extend SessionEventAdapter and override the preLogin(SessionEvent event) and define read and write connections in the method.Register the SessionEventListener with session(open the session.xml in JDeveloper flat editor->Options->EventListener->browse and Select the class).
    When application is run and preLogin() event will be called and connection pool is defined with read and write connections.
    package model;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEvent;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEventAdapter;
    public class SampleEventListener extends SessionEventAdapter {
    public SampleEventListener() {
    public void preLogin(SessionEvent event) {
    System.out.println("in the pre login method");
    org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession serverSession=(org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession)event.getSession();
    serverSession.addConnectionPool("testReadPool", event.getSession().getDatasourceLogin(), 1, 10);
    public void postLogin(SessionEvent event) {
    org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession serverSession=(org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession)event.getSession();
    Hope this helps.
    P.Vinay Kumar

  • TopLink - create dynamically session login ?

    Hi all,
    pls, how can I create dynamically login to database?
    I use toplink workbench and in this step 6: [] I do not check "save Login and Password" ...
    If I set static user and password, everthing works fine, bud i need created login dynamically.. my code is:
    +protected void createSession() throws Exception {+
    System.setProperty("toplink.xml.platform", "oracle.toplink.platform.xml.jaxp.JAXPPlatform");
    XMLSessionConfigLoader loader = new XMLSessionConfigLoader(getSessionsXmlPath());
    SessionManager mgr =;
    session = (ServerSession)mgr.getSession(loader, getSessionName(), Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), true, true);
    +private DatabaseLogin applyLogin(){+
    DatabaseLogin login = new DatabaseLogin();
    login.setConnectionString("path"); //jdbc:oracle:thin:@HOST:PORT:SID - path is OK (but its SECRET) :-)
    login.setUserName("user"); //USER NAME  - user is OK, but secred ;-)
    login.setEncryptedPassword("pass"); //PASSWORD, ENCRYPTED password is OK ;-)
    return login;
    but it still returns java.lang.NullPointerException! If i set in TopLink workbench user and password, so it works..
    Any ideas, how set login in Java, pls?
    Sry for my English..
    Thanks advance!
    Bes regards, KLD

    now it's works, but I have still one problem :(
    If I create a session in the TopLink Benchmark, and I don't save a user and user's password in the connection to the DB (in Benchmark when I create Login in session.. - and this I don't want to save user and password!) the sessions is created OK:
    session = (ServerSession)mgr.getSession(loader, getSessionName(), Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), false, true);
    Login is created OK:
    +private DatabaseLogin myLogin(){+
    DatabaseLogin login = new DatabaseLogin();
    login.setConnectionString("xxx"); //jdbc:oracle:thin:@HOST:PORT:SID
    login.setUserName("xxx"); //USER NAME
    login.setEncryptedPassword(xxx"); //PASSWORD, ENCRYPTED
    return login;
    But If I want login to the DB with this login and session:
    Then return java.lang.NullPointerException
    and in console is write:
    *Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 11g ( (Build 080909)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException*
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: call invalid arguments
    Error Code: 17433
    But I don't now how? If i save user and password in benchmark, everthing works fine...
    Any ideas, pls?
    Thanks advance!
    Sry for my English...
    Best regards, KLD.

  • [CS4] Post login problem

    Hi everybody,
    I’m facing a problem I can’t solve as I’m not an expert with php : I have created a site of which first page is a login. On the second page I would like to retrieve informations from a database based on the logged on user ID. Here is the problem : I don’t know how I can insert the user ID on the SQL request (on page 2). I’ve tried to put as Run-Time value of my Recordset template $_GET[‘MM_Username’] but it does not work. Creating a session value into the bindings panel allows me to display the correct ID value (therefore MM_Username) on the HTML page but still I can’t do anything with it into my SQL request… I’m lost !
    Thanks in advance for your help/advices
    Best regards

    Sure ! Here it is (code was generated using the server behaviors panel “Log InUser”)
    if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) {
    function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")
      if (PHP_VERSION < 6) {
        $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue;
      $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue);
      switch ($theType) {
        case "text":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "long":
        case "int":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "double":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? doubleval($theValue) : "NULL";
        case "date":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL";
        case "defined":
          $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue;
      return $theValue;
    // *** Validate request to login to this site.
    if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
    $loginFormAction = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
    if (isset($_GET['accesscheck'])) {
      $_SESSION['PrevUrl'] = $_GET['accesscheck'];
    if (isset($_POST['Identifiant'])) {
      $MM_fldUserAuthorization = "niveau";
      $MM_redirectLoginSuccess = "Menu.php";
      $MM_redirectLoginFailed = "erreur.htm";
      $MM_redirecttoReferrer = false;
      mysql_select_db($database_Main, $Main);
      $LoginRS__query=sprintf("SELECT identifiant, passe, niveau FROM repertoire WHERE identifiant=%s AND passe=%s",
      GetSQLValueString($loginUsername, "text"), GetSQLValueString($password, "text"));
      $LoginRS = mysql_query($LoginRS__query, $Main) or die(mysql_error());
      $loginFoundUser = mysql_num_rows($LoginRS);
      if ($loginFoundUser) {
        $loginStrGroup  = mysql_result($LoginRS,0,'niveau');
        //declare two session variables and assign them
        $_SESSION['MM_Username'] = $loginUsername;
        $_SESSION['MM_UserGroup'] = $loginStrGroup;            
        if (isset($_SESSION['PrevUrl']) && false) {
          $MM_redirectLoginSuccess = $_SESSION['PrevUrl'];             
        header("Location: " . $MM_redirectLoginSuccess );
      else {
        header("Location: ". $MM_redirectLoginFailed );
    De : MurraySummers [email protected]
    Envoyé : vendredi 8 mars 2013 18:20
    À : Berurier75
    Objet : Post login problem
    Re: Post login problem
    created by MurraySummers <>  in Dreamweaver - View the full discussion <

  • Session Login and Logout in jsp page

    i am developing jsp page
    i completed except logout.jsp page
    my login page is in Jsp format and then business Logic in servlet and then get method & set method in
    i have login and then it sucess page there i have singout button
    if i sign out it should go to login page
    how to do
    how to make session invalidate
    how to get session id
    i have one more doubt i should check session invalidate each jsp page
    regarding session login and logout in jsp
    if anybody knows please give me a piece of code regarding login and logout

    This is part of your filter class now you need login.jsp page
    <%@taglib prefix="c" uri=""%>
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/PAS/css/site.css"/>
        <title>Automation System | Login Page</title>
    <div align="center">
        <h1>Photint Automation System</h1>
        <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="40%" bgcolor="FFFFFFFF">
                    <th align="left" height="30"> <h3>    Login</h3></th>
                        <div align="center">
                            <form name="LOGIN" action="/PAS/LoginServlet" method="POST">
                                <table border="0">
                                            <td height="15"></td>
                                            <td height="15"></td>
                                            <td height="15"></td>
                                            <td height="15"></td>
                                            <td height="30"></td>
                                            <td align="right" height="30">User Name : </td>
                                            <td align="left"  height="30"><input type="text" name="USERNAME" value="" size="35"  /></td>
                                            <td height="30"></td>
                                            <td height="30"></td>
                                            <td align="right" height="30">Password : </td>
                                            <td align="left"  height="30"><input type="password" name="PASSWORD" value="" size="35"  /></td>
                                            <td height="30"></td>
                                            <td height="50"></td>
                                            <td height="50"></td>
                                            <td align="center" height="50"><input type="submit" value="Login" name="Login" />  <input type="reset" value="Reset" name="Reset" /></td>
                                            <td height="50"></td>
    <center>Copyright &copy; 2009 Photint FZ LLC</center>
    <center>Powered by Ali Jamali</center>
    <center>Version : 1.0</center>
    </html>And you need
    package com.ali.util.filter;
    import com.ali.entity.user.UserEntity;
    import com.ali.util.HibernateUtil;
    import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
            String username = request.getParameter("USERNAME");
            String password = request.getParameter("PASSWORD");
            if (username == null || username.length() == 0) {
                System.err.println(" Username textfeild is empty ..... !");
                RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("Pages/user/LogIn.jsp");
                dispatcher.forward(request, response);
            if (UserRegistry.isUserLoggedIn(username)) {
                System.out.printf("User [%s] is already logged in. \n", username);
                RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("Pages/user/LogIn.jsp");
                dispatcher.forward(request, response);
            UserEntity user = null;
            try {
                user = (UserEntity) HibernateUtil.load(UserEntity.class, username);
                if (user == null || !user.getPassword().equals(password)) {
                    RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("Pages/user/LogIn.jsp");
                    dispatcher.forward(request, response);
                    System.err.println(" Password or username is not valid ..... !");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispatcher("Pages/user/LogIn.jsp");
                dispatcher.forward(request, response);
            HttpSession session = request.getSession();
            session.setAttribute("username", user.getFirstName());
            session.setAttribute("userType", user.isAdmin());
    }finally is you need to just one user can be online at time or need to know how many user & who is online you should at this class also
    package com.ali.util.filter;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    public class UserRegistry {
        private static final List loggedInUsers = new ArrayList();
        public static void logInUser(String username) {
        public static void logoutUser(String username) {
            if (isUserLoggedIn(username)) {
        public static boolean isUserLoggedIn(String username) {
            return loggedInUsers.contains(username);
    }If you have any more Q. or any comment , Most welcome
    Ali Jamali

  • Oracle 10g express edition browser login problem

    I installed oracle 10g express edition and after installing successfully logged in browser , unlocked hr login and also created one form then I shutdown the database and rebooted my pc and since then when I try to login to "go to Database Home page" after starting database , I get a cookie with username and password, First of all I am not sure what username/password it is expecting, I believe it requires my Windows XP username and password , I tried to enter couple of times my pc login username which has administrator privileges, I also checked it has ora_dba group but after entering pc username , password browser opens saying "unauthorized". I created another os user and tried with that still same. I tried entering oracle password "SYSTEM" and password for it but still could not login, I tried HR username password still nothing.
    I tried disabling firewall but still same issue. I tried to re-install two time but still same .
    Start database dos prompt does show all the process are started successfully .
    I also did ping for and it does ping.
    I tried everything what I knew.
    Can anyone please help me resolve this issue .

    This is how I resolved the browser login problem .
    I checked the listener log
    And found the error
    TNS-12542: TNS:address already in use
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00512: Address already in use
    I have another version for oracle installed on my pc .
    I ended both the oracle process (Oracle.exe) through the Task Manager
    Then manually started “OracleServiceXe” service through Component Services
    Control Panel – Performance & Maintenance – Administrative – Component Services
    Then did following
    Programs – Oracle Database10g ExpressEdition – Start Database
    Programs – Oracle Databse10g ExpressEdition – Go to Database Homepage –
    Enter username SYSTEM
    Enter password xxxxxx … whatever given at the time of installing.
    And I did successfully login to the browser .
    Hope this will help to those of you who have run into similar problem which I faced
    Good Luck .
    A. Patil

  • Web Center app with ADF Security - login problem

    I have a custome Oracle Web Center app.
    I have a page.html with an embedded login form posting to j_security_check. I've configured the ADF security policies to redirect to a JSPX on successful login.
    When I try the correct username/password, I get redirected not to the page I defined in ADF, but to the root page
    and i get
    Error 403--Forbidden
    I've checked the weblogic.xml as per, all the required entries are there.
    This works fine if i use a Login link with
    destination="#{'/adfAuthentication?login=true&amp;end_url=/faces/postLogin.jspx'} "
    which redirects to the default login.html and then to the right page. I've copied the form from the default login.html into my master HTML page.
    Hope my question is clear. Any suggestions why it is going to the wrong URL after login.
    Is there anything specific I should see in the jazn-data.xml or web.xml regarding the post-login URL since i cant see that in either.
    P.S. Have been advised to try here when I originally asked this in the WebCenter forum. Web Center app ADF Security - login problem
    Edited by: new_to_webcenter on 18-Jan-2011 05:25

    Thanks for your response Frank.
    The web.xml has
    When configuring ADF Security via JDev , I chose "Redirect upon successful authentication" to the Welcome Page
    this then adds into web.xml
    So the sequence which works is:
    Login via the '/adfAuthentication?login=true&end_url=/faces/postLogin.jspx' and this redirects to login.html (OOTB form which posts to j_security_check) and then to the postLogin.jspx
    I'm trying to do away with a Login link, and trying the simple login form embedded in my page alongwith other content.
    So should the form be posting to j_security_check directly or to the adfAuthentication ?

  • IMac login problems on any 10.6 update

    I have a 24" iMac that is 2 years old. After using snow leopard on my husband's new macbook I decided to get it for my imac. The base install of 10.6 works fine but of course it immediately wants to be updated to a new release. If I update it past the base install from the CD I get login problems.
    What happens is that the desktop appears and the finder menu is at the top but the date and network status etc - everything from the top right of the menu bar is missing. The computer will not move forward. No amount of waiting or button pushing will improve the situation.
    Sometimes I could log in to another account but then it would start happening on that acocunt too. I made myself a new account and it started happening on that too. Every time if I did a re-install of the base 10.6 from the CD it went back to working fine. I would have to say no to every update of 10.6 on software update. This has been going on for 6 months. I thought maybe with 10.6.4 they fixed it but it did it again.
    yesterday I did a fresh install. Thinking it was caused by my old quicken 2007 or parallels (though its v 5) or something else that has some bit that starts at login I formatted the HD , installed 10.6 fresh and installed nothing but ilife 9. I downloaded the 10.6.4 update and it still happens. I logged off my account and logged back in to test and it froze again. I am at my wits end. The only thing I saved from my old profile was my mail folder. I can find nothing else to fix. Any ideas?

    SamNS wrote:
    the desktop appears and the finder menu is at the top but the date and network status etc - everything from the top right of the menu bar is missing.
    Do things behave better if you boot into "safe mode" by holding down a shift key while your Mac is booting?

  • JDeveloper 11g R1 Toplink Session Login Unsuccessfull

    Hi Everyone,
    Toplink Session Login are unsuccessful in my application. My session.xml file gives xml validation errors.
    Please help me,
    Best Regards
    XML Validation errors :
    element primary-project not expected.
    element login not expected.
    element connection-pools not expected.
    My session.xml file here:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1254"?>
    <toplink-sessions version="11g Release 1 (" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <session xsi:type="server-session">
    <server-platform xsi:type="weblogic-10-platform"/>
    <primary-project xsi:type="xml">META-INF/ToplinkMap.xml</primary-project>
    <login xsi:type="database-login">
    <default-sequence xsi:type="native-sequence">
    <login xsi:type="database-login">
    Console Error Log:
    Exception Description: Several [3] SessionLoaderExceptions were thrown:
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 35, Column 30>: XML-24534: (Error) Element 'max-connections' not expected.
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 36, Column 30>: XML-24534: (Error) Element 'min-connections' not expected.
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: <Line 37, Column 34>: XML-24521: (Error) Element not completed: 'write-connection-pool'

    Currently the session.xml shows design time error(as support for xsi:type is not there), but this will not block deployment or functionality of application.
    The workaround for the Connection Pool errors is to
    provide name element for the connection pool in session.xml after configuring read and write connection pools at session level as below
    <login xsi:type="database-login">

  • Simultaneous login problem

    I am having simultaneous login problems. In the past I have been able to sign into my skype account on both my Mac Book Pro and my Windows 7 desktop PC. However since I had to change my password I can only login into one machine at a time now. Also when I change my password on the desktop PC I can only sign into that skype / computer. Whenever I type the same account name and same exact password on my Mac Book Pro, it says it doesn't recognize my sign-in details but I am 100% sure that I typed it in exactly the same way as I did on my desktop. Another is that when I reset my password on my Mac Book those details won't work on the Desktop PC and vice-versa.
    I would like to know what is the problem in this situation, I am not sure if this is an application error or a networking error where the account details are not signing in from a different IP or MAC address.
    Please and thank you!

    "The load balancing was already functional:"
    Do you have a description how to do that?
    I Would like to know how.
    "so ALL traffic, not going to the LAN network and so over this interface, went out on the DMZ interface, with source IP from LAN."
    If you put the VPN servers behind 1-1 NAT instead they will use the firewall as GW and the VPN clients will get at your remote sites/LAN IF you add routing definitions in VPN config what networks are reachable through VPN.
    Or you keep servers as they are but also add add more routing definitions in VPN AND static routes to each server with the firewall as gw to those remote networks. Default gw will still be through the DMZ IPs though.
    The problem with more than one VPN client from behind same IP address is, with your current server settings, most likely because of the client side NAT router isn't coping with the task. Your public IP VPN server(s) should mean NAT VPN problem is at the other end (customer/client network router/firewall).
    If two VPN clients behind same NAT router connected to different servers at your end, "" and "" (both are public IPs?) respectively I believe at least two should be able to connect.
    3G/4G modems isn't an option?
    Maybe try bringing your own tested working portable router (ethernet/wifi maybe includes a VPN client that connect to your servers) to the customer and put it temporarily on their LAN? There are these small new 3G/WiFi routers too. Depends on wether you need to be connected to customer LAN or not.
    Try other VPN solution, SSL or OpenVPN?
    Use both PPTP and L2TP simultaneously (PPTP could be troubelsome if GRE/TCP 1723 passthrough is disabled)?

  • Skype login problem on Nokia E5

    I have login problem in Nokia E5 kindly help me to make successful login

    i tried your method but my web browser doesnt give me the option:  'yes,allow always'. it only gives "continue"and "certificate details. no "yes, allow always." :/
    how can i proceed pls?

  • Roaming profile login problem to the domain

    Hi all,
    Domain Environment, DC Server with Server OS of Microsoft Server 2008 R2 Standart SP1.
    Roaming profiles unable to login to the domain on couple of PC's. They just inserting the password, starting to wait to log in with "Welcome"
    on the screen, its thinking and looks like hes gona open the user's desktop but in this secong its just logging out back to the login screen.
    Thanks for your help.
    Best Regards,
    Vlad Dodin

    Hi Vlad Dodin,
    I want to get more information about this issue.
    Had you got any error messages during the login process?
    If no domain users can log into those PCs?
    If this is just a login problem in those PCs and there is no error Roaming profiles error during the login process, this article may be helpful for you:
    How To Fix Stopping, Freezing, and Reboot Issues During Windows Login:
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information
    I hope this helps.

  • ICloud login problem on Apple Mail App

    So is Apple considering its own Mail App on the Mac to be a third part app? Been having login problems since they started requring two step verification on third party apps. Once I shut off my two step verification on my iCloud account it worked fine.

    You shouldn't need to turn off two-step verification or use an app-specific password for your Mac mail to work with iCloud (mine works fine).  Try turning tow-step verification back on.  If Mail doesn't work, go to System Preferences>iCloud, uncheck Mail, restart your Mac, then go back and check Mail again.

  • What's causing these power-up and login problems?

    I recently switched from Tiger to Leopard (installed by the repairers) and have encountered some power-up and login problems. Basically, my set up is that the computer automatically logs into a non-admin account, launches a Safari page, and then that's it - after checking the webpage, I logout of that account, into my main account, and work from there.
    In Tiger :
    A few times quite recently the computer would freeze, either while Safari was launching / opening the webpage, or when I tried to logout. Force Quit didn't work (total freeze) so I would force power-off and switch on again, and things would be fine.
    In Leopard, one of the following has begun to happen, about two weeks after I began using it:
    • The computer reaches the grey screen with an endlessly rotating gear wheel. (Power off / on again)
    • The computer logs in to the account; after selecting 'Log out...' I log out, but instead of giving me the login screen, it logs straight back into that account, and this happens every time I try 'Log out...'. (Use Fast User Switching instead to reach main account, where one or two software glitches prompt a Restart) This has happened twice.
    • This morning, the computer reached the blue screen where the pointer appeared - faded - appeared - faded etc endlessly (Power off / on again).
    Clearly it is not the System - experiencing problems in both Tiger and Leopard proves that. Nor is it my HD - I've had a new one installed. It must therefore be a setting in my login account, though it's hard to see what : I only use that account for login, and a single launch of Safari, and it's been ok for years.
    Should i create another login account and see if that solves the problem? By the way, the repairers did not give me any Leopard install disks, so please don't suggest that method of diagnosis. I only have the original Tiger disks.

    christopher rigby1 wrote:
    2. I don't know what Apple app(s) you refer to? As I said I've upgraded all the free ones, and iLife '06 is working (and I have the disks).
    Look in your Applications folder: Any Apple app there, except for the ones you've mentioned. And all the built-in parts of OSX.
    3. They told me that I CAN do a full restore from a Time Machine backup (via Disk Utility apparently).
    That should tell you something about the quality of their advice.
    See: [Mac OS X 10.6 Help Recovering your entire system|].
    Or the *Restoring your entire system from a backup* section, towards the bottom of [Mac 101: Time Machine|].
    Or look up +*Time Machine+* in Mac Help.
    Or #14 in [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).
    And if there's a problem with your installation of OSX (which seems likely), or the Apple apps, you can't reinstall them, either.
    4. Having spent hours and hours getting the machine to work properly (upgrading Mail and sorting out Mail problems, upgrading Safari, re-upgrading iTunes and sorting out problems), I'm not prepared to spend hours and hours doing the whole thing in reverse to restore Tiger, including learning HOW to do that.
    Correct; unless you have backups of the Tiger system, that's impractical at best.
    So unless anyone has a reasonably simple, straightforward answer as to what this problem might be, it looks like I must live with it.
    You have some sort of problem with your Mac and it's not going to get better on it's own. Most likely, it will get worse.
    If you haven't, try the things recommended by Dale.
    Also try running the +Apple Hardware Test.+ It's on one of the disc(s) that came with your Mac, and is tailored to it's particular hardware. The disk should have +Apple Hardware Test+ and instructions for running it printed in very tiny type.
    I sympathize with your situation, but the repair shop violated the Apple license, and put you in an untenable situation. If they won't correct it by supplying the Leopard disc, you really should report them to Apple.
    You need to purchase a retail copy of Leopard (not the gray discs that came with another Mac; they won't boot yours). They're not shown on the Apple Store website anymore, and eBay and other sellers get a premium for them, but AppleCare should have them for the original $129.

  • Keychain "login" Problems   Can't remember my Keychain password.  Admin Password also does not help. Mac Mini(Late 2012) OS 10.10.2

    Series of Keychain "Login" Problems.
    Hardware: Mac Mini (Late 2012)  2.5 GHz Intel COre i5,  4GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    OS X : 10.10.2 upgraded yesterday
    Mail wants to use "login" keychain.   I enter Password but no success.
    CalendarAgent wants to use "login" keychain.   I enter Password but no success. wants to you "login" keychain. Password, not successful.
    At some point in past days I was offered to rename Keychain, so I did.
    In Keychain Access, I deleted "Login"    and selected Delete references.
    Just now I went into ~/Library/Keychains and found Login.Keychain and Login_renamed.Keychain.
    I have renamed Login.keychain -> Login-old.keychain.
    I renamed Login_renamed.keychain-> Login.Keychain.
    In Keychain Access, I added "Login" back.  This should be the renamed keychain.
    Original problems still persist.  No noticeable changes.
    Keychain wants to use the "Login" keychain.   Can't remember my password or it is incorrect.

    I turned off and turned on the computer.  When restarting it said that it could not use the Login and did I want to create a new or use and alternate?  I created new and for the moment things seem to be working under the command of the "New Login"
    That still doesn't really alleviate the problem of the old login.

Maybe you are looking for

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