Set  mo_global.set_policy_context in sql developer,But no datas to view

Hi All
I have query some tables in sql developer.but no datas retrivee
So i have try to set the MO_global based on org_id
" select * from Mfg_lookups; " - no data showing in sql developer
How can i fix the issue in sql developer

Please check if Note 415860.1 : "How to view org-specific data in a MOAC environment" can help.
Regards, Carlo.

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    call_SWNPost('',vMessageText, vReplyMessage, v_status_code, v_status_phrase, '');
    when others then
    raise eJavaException;
    vTextReply := dbms_lob.substr( vReplyMessage, 32000, 1 );
    if (vDebug) then
    update PEMS_PROD_2.SWN_POST_LOG set response = 'notif_id == '|| v_notification_id || 'status code == '|| v_status_code|| ' '||vTextReply where log_pk = vLogPK;
    end if;
    IF v_status_code = 200 then
    v_has_error := 'N';
    v_has_error := 'Y';
    END IF;
    -- we handle all exceptions below in case something goes wrong here.
    -- this area can die silently.
    vTextReply := replace(vTextReply,'<getNotificationResultsResponse xmlns="">', '<getNotificationResultsResponse xmlns:xyz="">');
    insert into swn_recip_response_t(notification_id) values (v_notification_id);
    when others then
    if (vDebug) then
    err_num := SQLCODE;
    err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100);
    insert into PEMS_PROD_2.SWN_POST_LOG (LOG_PK, create_date, REQUEST, notification_id) values(pems_prod_2.swn_post_log_seq.nextval,sysdate,
    'err_num - '||to_char(err_num)|| ' error_msg - '|| err_msg, v_notification_id);
    end if;
    update swn_recip_response_t
    set SWN_RECIP_RESPONSE = vTextReply
    where notification_id = v_notification_id;
    when others then
    if (vDebug) then
    err_num := SQLCODE;
    err_msg := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 100);
    insert into PEMS_PROD_2.SWN_POST_LOG (log_pk, create_date, REQUEST, notification_id) values(pems_prod_2.swn_post_log_seq.nextval,sysdate,
    'err_num - '||to_char(err_num)|| ' error_msg - '|| err_msg, v_notification_id);
    end if;
    -- parse through the XML document and update the notification and recipient records
    -- parse the clob into an xml dom object
    vReplyMessage := vTextReply;

  • Query returns record in SQL Developer but not in iSQLPlus

    ... back in a minute, I may not have done a commit at the end of the insert.
    The problem I was having was I hadnt commited the record in SQL Developer but the queries where returning records in this environment but not in iSQLPlus or Apex and it was confusing me.
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    Finally got to know the reason why Timezone Abbr woudn't show up in SQL Plus.
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    -05:00 08-SEP-12 AM -05:00 08-SEP-12 AM -05:00 08-SEP-12 AM
    Now executed the same query in SQL Developer:
    America/Chicago     08-SEP-12 AM AMERICA/CHICAGO     08-SEP-12 AM -05:00     08-SEP-12 AM
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    alter session set time_zone='America/Chicago';
    Now executing the queries to find the abbreviated time zone( in TZD format) will finally work to return a non-null char value.
    select extract(timezone_abbr from from_tz(cast(sysdate as timestamp),SESSIONTIMEZONE)) from dual;
    select to_char(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'TZD') from dual;

  • Query works in SQL Developer but not in Oracle APEX

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    ORA-06550: line 10, column 54: PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended ORA-06550: line 2, column 1: PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored ORA-06550: line 11, column 21: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting one of the following: ( begin case declare end exception exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update while with.
    The query is:
    SELECT *
    (SELECT *
    from T3_LEADS
    (SYSDATE - Last_Mailed_Date) > 60 OR Last_Mailed_Date is null
    WHERE MARKET_ID = 'Salt_Lake_City' AND rownum <= 100

    That is because when you run a SQL in SQL*Plus or SQLDeveloper the output is displayed on the screen, but in Apex you need to select those values into variables so you can do something with the data.
      v_emp_id    employee.emp_id%type;
      select emp_id
        into v_emp_id
        from employee
      where lname = 'JOHNSON' and fname = 'BILLY';
      -- Then do something with that data
      if v_emp_id between 1 and 10 then
      end if;
    end;Probably a bad SQL for an example. For your SQL though, you are selecting * which you would be able to select into a rowtype variable, but you are probably going to start having problems like "Exact fetch returns more that one row" since your query will probably return more that one value. In those cases you want to use cursors, and loop through the data one record at a time. You can Google all of that.

  • Why will a query work in SQL Developer but not in Apex?

    Here's a good one. I created a dynamic LOV with the following query.
    e.DESCR d,
    ee.ENTRD_EVNT_SK r
    PT_EVNT_IN_DIV eid,
    PT_EVNT e
    where ee.PGNT_SK = :PGNT_SK
    and ee.CNTSNT_SK = :CNTSNT_SK
    and ee.EVNT_IN_DIV_SK = eid.EVNT_IN_DIV_SK
    and eid.EVNT_SK = e.EVNT_SK
    and ee.ENTRD_EVNT_SK not in
    (select js.ENTRD_EVNT_SK
    from PT_JDG_SCR js
    where js.JDG_SK = :JDG_SK
    and js.PGNT_SK = :ai_pgnt_sk
    and js.CNTSNT_SK = :CNTSNT_SK)
    order by 1
    The query works fine in SQL Developer, but Apex gives the following error when compiling it in the LOV editor.
    "1 error has occurred
    - LOV query is invalid, a display and a return value are needed, the column names need to be different. If your query contains an in-line query, the first FROM clause in the SQL statement must not belong to the in-line query."
    I tried rearranging the entries in the From clause, but that didn't do any good.
    Do you see what I can do to make Apex accept it?

    Kim2012 wrote:
    e.DESCR d,
    ee.ENTRD_EVNT_SK r
    PT_EVNT_IN_DIV eid,
    PT_EVNT e
    where ee.PGNT_SK = :PGNT_SK
    and ee.CNTSNT_SK = :CNTSNT_SK
    and ee.EVNT_IN_DIV_SK = eid.EVNT_IN_DIV_SK
    and eid.EVNT_SK = e.EVNT_SK
    and ee.ENTRD_EVNT_SK not in
    (select js.ENTRD_EVNT_SK
    from PT_JDG_SCR js
    where js.JDG_SK = :JDG_SK
    and js.PGNT_SK = :ai_pgnt_sk
    and js.CNTSNT_SK = :CNTSNT_SK)
    order by 1
    The column named ENTRD_EVNT_SK is used twice in a select. Once in the main select and once in the inline query.
    The validation maybe choking on that.
    Try giving the column in the inline query an alias and see if that helps.

  • Able to connect via Oracle SQL Developer, but not sql plus

    Using Oracle 10.2.0.
    I can connect using the TNS connection type in SQL Developer, but cannot do so in SQL PLUS. SQL Plus gives me the error -- could not resolve the connect identifier.
    When I do tnsping USPO_ADHOC, I get:
    Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
    Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION =
    TNS-12533: TNS:illegal ADDRESS parameters
    So here is my tnsnames.ora file:
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID = intl1)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID = USSYN)
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (SID = uspo)
    Any assistance gratefully appreciated. Thanks.

    I actually did not have that environmental variable, so I added it, but nothing changed.
    I would note that if I do tnsping foo, I get: failed to resolve name.
    If I do tnsping USPO_ADHOC, I get: illegal address parameter.
    In both cases, the output correctly identified the path to my sqlnet.ora file, which is in the same directory as my tnsnames.
    So I would conclude from that, that the system was already able to find my tnsnames file.
    Anyway, here's my sqlnet.ora:
    Thanks again for any ideas!

  • Connection ... able to connect using sql developer, but not sqlplus or toad too

    Hi folks, having this issue, with only one of my so many databases, what might be the reason and how to fix/correct this, please assist.
    Able to connect using sql developer, but not sqlplus or toad too; sqlplus error: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    thanks in advance.

    SQLDEVELOPER works since it use JDBC Thin & does not use tnsnames.ora
    ORA-12154 ALWAYS only occurs on SQL Client & no SQL*Net packets ever leave client system
    ORA-12154 [B]NEVER[/B] involves the listener, the database itself or anything on the DB Server.
    ORA-12154 occurs when client requests a connection to some DB server system using some connection string.
    TNS-03505 is thrown by tnsping & is same error as ORA-12154 thrown by sqlplus or others.
    The lookup operation fails because the name provided can [B]NOT[/B] be resolved to any remote DB.
    The analogous operation would be when you wanted to call somebody, but could not find their name in any phonebook.
    The most frequent cause for the ORA-12154  error is when the connection alias can not be found in tnsnames.ora.
    The lookup operation of the alias can be impacted by the contents of the sqlnet.ora file; specifically DOMAIN entry.
    TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE: ORA-12154 & TNS-12154 TNS:could not resolve service name [ID 114085.1]

  • Can I use Oracle SQL Developer to "Move" data?

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    The name of tables are different ?
    If I understood then try this below:
    C:\> exp user/password@connectionA file=maytable.dmp tables=SAFETYADMIN_TBL_0022_43
    C:\> imp user/password@connectionB file=mytable.dmp full=y
    After this import, then you can:
    C:\>sqlplus user/password@connectionB
    SQL> insert into SAFETYUSER_TBL_0022_44
         select * from SAFETYADMIN_TBL_0022_43;
    SQL> drop table SAFETYADMIN_TBL_0022_43;Feedback if this is not that you want.

  • Apex 4.0 - Can see view data in SQL*Plus but no data in Object Browser

    Hi There,
    I have just started using Apex 4.o and migrated some apps. I have an issue with a report, but see the same issue with Object browser, which is easier to describe.
    I have a view:
    create or replace view V_PLJ_USERDEF_CODES (
             LANGUAGE_CODE) as
      select CS.CODE_SET_ID,
        from PLJ_CODES C,
             PLJ_CODE_SETS CS
       where C.CODE_SET_ID         = CS.CODE_SET_ID
         and CS.CODE_SET_TYPE_CODE = SYS_CONTEXT('PLJUMPSTART','C_USERDEF_CODE_SET');This returns data in SQL*Plus, but no data in Object Browser OR report region based on this view.
    Workspace parses in the same schema as tested in SQL*Plus.
    If, in report, I swap out view, and use underlying table - no problem.
    Any ideas -

    Hi all,
    Thanks for getting back so promptly.
    It just seems weird to me, as tables are just fine, but not views.
    In the underlying schema:
    SQL> sho user
    SQL> select count(*) from plj_codes;
    SQL> select count(*) from v_plj_userdef_codes;
            29And in the APEX schema
    SQL> sho user
    USER is "APEX_040000"
    SQL> select count(*) from icsreporting.plj_codes;
    select count(*) from icsreporting.plj_codes
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> select count(*) from icsreporting.v_plj_userdef_codes;
    select count(*) from icsreporting.v_plj_userdef_codes
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL>However, in SQL browser, I can see the data in PLJ_CODES but in V_PLJ_USERDEF_CODES, just the message "This view has no data". Indeed, it is like this for all views.
    I even explicitly granted access to APEX_040000 but no good.
    In fact, I would like to know more about how Apex gets access to do DML against the underlying parsing schema(s).
    This is a little frustrating though. It worked just fine in lots of apps in version 2.1 to 3.2
    Am I missing something
    p.s I knew there would be a question about the context, but I had already checked that. :)
    Edited by: PJ on Nov 19, 2010 4:09 AM

  • SQl Developer 3.1 / Data Miner Production Release is now available

    The SQL Developer 3.1/Data Miner Production Release is now available.
    For more details see the OTN Forum announcement:
    Thanks, Mark

    It will be there when the Oracle Cloud is released.

  • Newbie blues: Oracle Sql Developer showing different data from Sqlplus.

    Newbie blues: Oracle Sql Developer showing different data from Sqlplus.
    First of all; it would be difficult to know less about Oracle than myself.
    I just installed a recent copy of the server and am running SQl Developer
    I made a small test table , borrowed some pl sql code to add rows, then wrote code to delete some rows. Lots of fun.
    In SQL Developer “Select * from t1;” now shows 7 records, which seems right.
    I wanted other views of the data and so logged in from the command line using SQLPlus.
    The same code here shows the table prior to the delete, with 600 plus rows. Needless to say I’ve logged out and back in again, with no changes.
    No fun ! What am I not understanding here ?

    5e33d18c-3b32-48d4-82a7-676feeaa97c9 wrote:
    Newbie blues: Oracle Sql Developer showing different data from Sqlplus.
    First of all; it would be difficult to know less about Oracle than myself.
    I just installed a recent copy of the server and am running SQl Developer
    I made a small test table , borrowed some pl sql code to add rows, then wrote code to delete some rows. Lots of fun.
    In SQL Developer “Select * from t1;” now shows 7 records, which seems right.
    I wanted other views of the data and so logged in from the command line using SQLPlus.
    The same code here shows the table prior to the delete, with 600 plus rows. Needless to say I’ve logged out and back in again, with no changes.
    No fun ! What am I not understanding here ?
    Others sessions never see uncommitted data
    > then wrote code to delete some rows. Lots of fun.
    did you ever actually issue COMMIT so other session can see the changed data?

  • SQL script works in SQL Developer but not when scheduled

    I have a script that I can run, logged onto my server as a user with full permissions and into my database as SYSDBA, that produces a CSV file on the server when I run it from SQL Developer ON the server. HOWEVER, when I set it up as a scheduled job, using those SAME CREDENTIALS (same Windows/network user; same database user), I get no output. The job indicates that it's running successfully, but no file gets created.
    Any advice is greatly appreciated.
    Here's the script:
         set serveroutput on
         my_query varchar2(5000);
         my_query := q'[
    WHERE instr(client_id,'10.') is not null
         p2k.ccsd_any_query_to_csv('HRISEDB_E_OUTPUT_MK', 'dbserver_job_output.csv',my_query);
    Here's the called procedure (I don't really understand it -- I gleaned it from others on the internet):
    -- DDL for Procedure CCSD_ANY_QUERY_TO_CSV
    set define off;
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "CCSD_ANY_QUERY_TO_CSV" (p_dir in varchar2, p_filename in varchar2, p_query in varchar2) AUTHID CURRENT_USER
    l_output utl_file.file_type;
    l_theCursor integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    l_columnValue varchar2(4000);
    l_status integer;
    l_query long;
    l_colCnt number := 0;
    l_separator varchar2(1);
    l_col_desc dbms_sql.desc_tab;
    l_col_type varchar2(30);
    l_datevar varchar2(8);
    l_query := 'SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL; ';
    dbms_sql.parse(l_theCursor, p_query, dbms_sql.native);
    dbms_sql.describe_columns(l_theCursor, l_colCnt, l_col_desc);
    l_output := utl_file.fopen( p_dir, p_filename, 'w' );
    dbms_sql.parse( l_theCursor, p_query, dbms_sql.native );
    for i in 1..l_col_desc.count LOOP
    utl_file.put( l_output, l_separator || '"' || l_col_desc(i).col_name || '"' );
    dbms_sql.define_column( l_theCursor, i, l_columnValue, 4000 );
    l_separator := ',';
    end loop;
    utl_file.new_line( l_output );
    l_status := dbms_sql.execute(l_theCursor);
    while ( dbms_sql.fetch_rows(l_theCursor) > 0 ) loop
    l_separator := '';
    for i in 1 .. l_colCnt loop
    dbms_sql.column_value( l_theCursor, i, l_columnValue );
    utl_file.put( l_output, l_separator || '"' || l_columnValue || '"');
    l_separator := ',';
    end loop;
    utl_file.new_line( l_output );
    end loop;
    utl_file.fclose( l_output );
    execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format=''dd-MON-yy'' ';
    when others then
    execute immediate 'alter session set nls_date_format=''dd-MON-yy'' ';

    does oracle showing any errors in user_scheduler_job_run_details for this job ? I would advise try inserting some debug statement to identify where exactly its stuck. Also please check sample configurations syntax for user_scheduler_jobs.

  • SQL Query works in SQL Developer, but not always in MII

    Hi all,
    I encountered a strange behaviour with a query in MII 12.0.2. Maybe someone has a guess what happens.
    I have created a SQL query which runs against Oracle 10g tables. I have tested the query using SQL Developer, and it throws a couple of lines, depending on the contents of the where clause.
    Next I have copied the query to a MII SQL Query (FixedQuery). However, the output is empty most of the time, without showing any errors. After some testing I got the impression that older data are not displayed, but there is no time or date setting in MII.
    As the SQL Developer always returns rows, I am unsure where to search for the error.

    I would imagine that you have sub-select statements in your FixedQuery, all which will fall subject to the RowCount property of the query template (SQL defaults to 100), which is issued through the driver and typically honored by the database when returning the data from your request.
    Most of the native database query tools allow you to make unbound query requests with no limit on rows, which would probably account for the difference between SQL Developer and the query template.
    For SQLServer it's ROWCOUNT:
    For Oracle it's ROWNUM:
    So the answer would be not to make the query template row count some rediculous number, but more appropriately refine the way that the database request is issued.

  • Getting values in SQL Developer, but not in answers

    I joined the fact table with the other table and when i pull the columns from these tables in Answers, I am getting the result set dint result in any data. But, I am able to get the data/result in sql developer, did the same join there. Please suggest me what might be the reason. How to achieve this.This is very very urgent. Thanks for teh help!!

    Please take the SQL from OBIEE Manage Sessions and run on SQL Developer
    Make sure you are running on correct environment.
    Make sure you dont have filters in rpd.
    Update me

  • How to set ORACLE_HOME used by SQL Developer?

    I need to use OCI/Thick driver with SQL Developer to get OS authentication working. I have 64-bit windows and 64-bit oracle installed. I also have 32-bit instant client in another ORACLE_HOME, because the libs of 64-bit ORACLE_HOME won't work with SQL Developer. Quite trivial setup if the SQL Developer would just take the hint an start using the right ORACLE_HOME. I have tried making a start.bat containing following...
    set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\instantclient_11_1
    start sqldeveloper.exe
    ..but it doesn't have any effect. I can't change ORACLE_HOME in registry, because it would mess up other services requiring 64-bit oracle.

    It might be a little late for the original post, but maybe someone else will need it:
    I found that the way to solve such issue is by specifying the TNSNAMES of the wanted oracle_home. That'll do it.
    It could be done in Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> Advanced -> Tnsnames directory.
    Tested on Oracle SQL Developer and

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