I have an script with the instruction "SET UPDATECALC OFF;" but if I edit the script from a Destkop Administration Services Console, the Check Syntax option marks the script with error due to this line. If I edit the same script using the Administration Services Console I installed in the same server I have the Administration Server doesn't show the error, can somebody explian me why this is happening? A. Rdz.

The calc script is as follows:
//ESS_LOCALE English_UnitedStates.Latin1@Binary
/* Name:               Pyear.CSC
Author:               XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Date of last modification:     XXXXXXXXXX
Description:          Prepares prior year for a new year. Copies Local and US Dollars from "Current Year" Scenario of closing year to the "Prior Year"
                    scenario of the new begining year.
FIX(Local, "US Dollars", Euros, "Comp Dlls Curr.", "Comp Dlls Prior", "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
DATACOPY "Current Year"->&Prior_Year TO "Prior Year"->&Curr_Year ;
Edited by: user5170363 on Oct 28, 2009 3:08 PM
I installed Administration Services Server in my computer and the problem gone but I don't think this should be the solution, please let me know your comments.

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  • Slow calc time with SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ OFF for block creation

    Hello everyone,
    I have a problem with the slow execution of one of my calc scripts:
    A simplified version of my calc script to calculate 6 accounts looks like this:
    FIX (
    @LEVMBRS("Cost Centre",0),
    The member formula for each of the accounts is realtively complex. One of the changes recently implemented for the FIX was openin up the cost center dimension. Since then the calculation runs much slower (>1h). If I change the setting to SET CREATEBLOCKONEQ ON, the calculation is very fast (1 min). However, no blocks are created. I am looking for a way to create the required blocks, calculate the member formulas but to decrease calc time. Does anybody have any idea what to improve?
    Thanks for your input
    p.s. DataStorage in the member properties for the above accounts is Never Share

    MattRollings wrote:
    If the formula is too complex it tends not to aggregate properly, especially when using ratios in calculations. Using stored members with member formulas I have found is much faster, efficient, and less prone to agg issues - especially in Workforce type apps.We were experiencing that exact problem, hence stored members^^^So why not break it up into steps? Step 1, force the calculation of the lower level member formulas, whatever they are. Make sure that that works. Then take the upper level members (whatever they are) and make them dynamic. There's nothing that says that you must make them all stored. I try, wherever possible, to make as much dynamic as possible. As I wrote, sometimes I can't for calc order reasons, but as soon as I get past that I let the "free" dense dynamic calcs happen wherever I can. Yes, the number of blocks touched is the same (maybe), but it is still worth a shot.
    Also, you mentioned in your original post that the introduction of the FIX slowed things down. That seems counter-intuitive from a block count perspective. Does your FIX really select all level zero members in all dimensions?
    Last thought on this somewhat overactive thread (you are getting a lot of advice, who knows, maybe some of it is good ;) ) -- have you tried flipping the member calcs on their heads, i.e., take what is an Accounts calc and make it a Forecast calc with cross-dims to match? You would have different, but maybe more managable block creation issues at that point.
    Cameron Lackpour

  • Unable to get the composite instance for the invocation. This could be because instance has not yet been created or because the audit level for the SOA infra has been set to Off

    I am on Oracle BPM suite on W8 64 bit. I can't launch the flow trace and get the error "Unable to get the composite instance for the invocation. This could be because instance has not yet been created or because the audit level for the SOA infra has been set to Off".  I have set the audit level to development at the soa-infra>SOA Administration> Common Properties > Audit level set to development and Capture Composite Instance State is Checked.
    Can somebody advice.

    Can you please confirm me the following steps...
    Log in to the EM console, Expand soa-infra (soa_server1) , go to the partition where your composite is been deployed, Click on your composite, On the right, click on the dropdown Settings and choose Composite Audit Level. you can choose to set the Audit Level for this composite. If you choose Inherit, it will take the settings to what the server is being set to. Otherwise, we can override it by choosing Off, Production, or Development.
    Make sure your setting for that composite is not Off, keep inherit or production or development.

  • Round off error?

    I'm playing a little bit with the trial version of Numbers, just to see if my good old Ti is still capable to run it properly before buying a full license of iWorks.
    By the way, it seems like there's some kind of round-off error. Try to build a series as follows: enter -10 in to a cell, then let Numbers build the series using the usual formula "previous cell value - 0.1". Apply a format so that only two decimal values are visible. Drag the formula and build twenty values (just to have some values). Now use the previous series and calculate its squared values. Then select some cells in the squared values column, starting from the first one: as soon as you include the squared value of -9.3 in the selection you will see that the data inspector will show a min value equal to 86.4900000000001 , which should be the squared value of +/- 9.3.
    Now, try to subtract 86.49 to that cell and you will see that the result is not exactly zero: you can try to calculate the inverse of it and, instead of an error, you get a very big (actually, not that big!) number.
    You can easily reproduce this weird behavior if you open Calculator and calculate the squared value of 9.3: until you set the precision up to 14, you get the correct value, you select precision >= 15, you get the round off value.
    So, it seems it is not a Numbers only related problem.
    Just for the record, I've just calculated the same value into Octave, and the result is correct (and different):
    86.4900000000000 (Octave)
    86.4900000000001 (Numbers)
    Yet not so serious, this kind of "numerical noise" might lead to annoying issues...

    HI SIR,
    Hi ,
    Please check in item conditions whether have you entered discount conditions in line itenm 5.

  • IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

    I have a dynamic site.
    When I insert an integer (a whole number) in a raw materials purchase table, I get the following message:
    Error Executing Database Query.
    [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'tblRawMatlPurch' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.           
    When I change to or insert a numeric, decimal, or money value, I get the following message:
    Raw Materials Decision
    Company:  Grande
    You have NOT successfully submitted the Raw Materials Decision form
    Please note that the purchase amount must be a whole number, please do not enter a decimal for this number.
    Return to correct
    I have two programs: one is in the secure section, and the name is secure/raw_materials_decision_action, indicating that the raw material purchase variable (rawMat) is a money variable. Giving this information I set it in SQL as a money variable. Here is the file:
    <!---  get Company Name --->
    <cfquery name="getCompany" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      Select companyName
      From tblCompNames
      Where companyID=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getAuthUser()#">
    <cfparam name="form.changes" default="">
    <cfset error = "">
    <!--- All users must have raw materials associated with city and product when user profile created --->
    <!--- update action --->
    <cfif form.changes NEQ "">
    <!---  go through changes - if they changed cost or selling price, will contain cost_id --->
      <cfloop index="x" list="#form.changes#">
      <cfif trim(x) NEQ "">
      <cfset thisSalesOrderID = trim(x)>
      <cfset thisRawMatID = form["rawMatID_#thisSalesOrderID#"]>
      <cfset thisCity = form["cityID_#thisSalesOrderID#"]>
      <cfset thisProduct = form["productID_#thisSalesOrderID#"]>
      <cfset thisPurchase = form["purchase_#thisSalesOrderID#"]>
      <cfif thisPurchase NEQ "" AND (not isNumeric(thisPurchase) OR thisPurchase CONTAINS ".")>
      <cfset error = "yes">
      <cfif error EQ "">
      <cfquery name="getRow" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      Select *
      From tblRawMatlPurch
      WHERE SalesOrderID=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisSalesOrderID#">
      <cfif getRow.RawMat NEQ thisPurchase>
      <cfif getRow.recordCount NEQ 0 AND trim(thisPurchase) NEQ "">
      <cfquery name="updateRow" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      Update tblRawMatlPurch
      Set CityID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisCity#">
      , ProductID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisProduct#">
      , RawMatID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisRawMatID#">
      , RawMat = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_money" value="#trim(thisPurchase)#">
      WHERE SalesOrderID=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisSalesOrderID#">
      <cfelseif getRow.recordCount NEQ 0 AND trim(thisPurchase) EQ "">
      <cfquery name="deleteRow" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      Delete From tblRawMatlPurch
      WHERE SalesOrderID=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisSalesOrderID#">
      <cfelseif getRow.recordCount EQ 0 AND thisPurchase NEQ "">
      <cfquery name="insertRow" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      Insert Into tblRawMatlPurch
      (SalesOrderID,companyID,cityID, productID,RawMatID,RawMat)
      (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisSalesOrderID#">,<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getAuthUser()#">, <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisCity#">, <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisProduct#">,<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#thisRawMatID#">,<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_money" value="#trim(thisPurchase)#">)
    However, I have a second program in the files section: the raw material decision, which indicates that the variable must be an integer (a whole number).
    <!---  Text Content for Raw Materials Decision Form
      <input type="text" name="DO NOT CHANGE". . .>
      See raw_materials_decison_es.html for Spanish version of this file --->
    <!---  User can enter just one purchase
      - the next time they use this screen it will show blank city/product/raw material purchases
      error message if they do not enter numeric value --->
    <!---  get Materials for this company --->
    <cfquery name="getMaterials" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      SELECT SalesOrderID, CityID, ProductID, RawMatID
      FROM tblRawMatID
      WHERE CompanyID=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getAuthUser()#">
      ORDER BY cityID, productID, rawMatID
    <!--- set Company name --->
    <cfset thisCompany = getCompany.companyName>
    <table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="5" align="center">
      <td colspan="5" align="right">
      <a href="logout.cfm" style="text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;">LOGOUT</a>
      <td colspan="5">
      <h2>Raw Materials Decision</h2>
      <h5>Company:  #thiscompany#</h5>
    <!---  Action display --->
    <cfif form.changes NEQ "">
      <!--- Error Message - if there --->
      <cfif error NEQ "">
      <td colspan="5">
      You have NOT successfully submitted the Raw Materials Decision form
      Please note that the purchase amount must be a whole number, please do not enter a decimal for this number.
      <br /><br />
      <a href='Javascript: history.back();'>Return to correct</a>
      <td colspan="5">
      Thank you for your submission.
    <!---  START FORM --->
      <!---  Show Materials already entered when Company set up --->
      <form action="raw_materials_decision.cfm" method="post" name="materials">
      <!---  changes hold the ID for any values that are changed to minimize time to check for changes
      - uses onChange in form input to send ID --->
      <input type="hidden" name="changes" value="" />
      <!--- top column headings for table --->
      <th>Raw Materials</th>
      <th align="center">
      <cfoutput query="getMaterials">
      <cfquery name="getCity" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      Select cityName
      From tblCities
      Where cityID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getMaterials.cityID#">
      <cfquery name="getProduct" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      Select productName
      From tblProductCategories
      Where productID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getMaterials.productID#">
      <cfquery name="getMaterial" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      Select rawMatDescription
      From tblRmatCategory
      Where rawMatID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getMaterials.rawMatID#">
      <cfquery name="getPrice" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      Select rawMatPrice
      From tblRawmatPrices
      Where rawMatID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getMaterials.rawMatID#">
      AND cityID= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getMaterials.cityID#">
      <cfquery name="getPurch" datasource="#application.dsn#">
      SELECT RawMat
      FROM tblRawMatlPurch
      WHERE companyID=<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getAuthUser()#">
      AND cityID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getMaterials.cityID#">
      AND productID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getMaterials.productID#">
      AND rawMatID =  <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#getMaterials.RawMatID#">
      <input type="hidden" name="cityID_#salesOrderID#" value="#cityID#" />
      <input type="hidden" name="productID_#salesOrderID#" value="#productID#" />
      <input type="hidden" name="rawMatID_#salesOrderID#" value="#RawMatID#">
      <td align="center">
      <input  name="purchase_#salesOrderID#" type="text" value="#getPurch.rawMat#" size="12" onchange="document.materials.changes.value=document.materials.changes.value + ', #salesOrderID#';" />
      <!--- blank space before submit button --->
      <td colspan="5">
      <br />
      <!--- submit buttons --->
      <td colspan="5">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit Raw Materials" />
      <input type="reset" value="Reset">
    I understand there is a conflict between the secure/raw_materials_decision_action program and the raw materials decision program, except, that I do not know how to fix it.
    Perhaps, I could change, the raw materials variable from money to integer. But, I am not sure this will solve the problem.
    Alternatively, I could try to change the raw_materials_decision, specification, to accept a decimal, numeric, or money variable, but, I have been revieweing the file, and I do not know how to make this change.
    It is not obvious to me.
    Is there anyone who could help with this problem to find a best possible solution?
    I would appreciate the assistance very much.
    Thank you.

    TL;DR. The error you are receiving is from SQL. Identity fields are auto-assigned by the SQL server and you are sending a prepopulated value, thus the error. I can't really tell you how to easily fix this because I'm not sure what the app is trying to do nor do I know the underlying database schema. The most likely solution is to not send the identity value in your insert query and then use select @@identity if you require the auto-assigned value.

  • Composite state is set to "off"

    I have two composites which both use an OA Adapter to dequeue messages from ECX_OUTBOUND (the XML Gateway outbound queue). In order to prevent interference between the two composites, I shut down one (called UpdatePerson) using Enterprise Manager. When I examine the diagnostic log, I find that when a message is enqueued, UpdatePerson attempts something, as seen in the messages below. Is it correct then to assume that there is a runtime overhead to having composites that are shutdown but not undeployed? How significant is this overhead?
    [2011-09-15T03:55:03.122-04:00] [soa_server1] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.soa.bpel.engine.agents] [tid: orabpel.engine.pool-5.thread-17] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 0000J9ZZs1a6qI05zzc9yW1ERs3F000002,1:33006] [APP: soa-infra] Done finding 0 expirable work items for the bpel engine
    [2011-09-15T03:55:03.146-04:00] [soa_server1] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.bpel.engine] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool-4.thread-14] [userId: weblogic] [ecid: 4496859cf93daf8e:3a6dd332:132638f2af0:-8000-000000000001ce98,0:1:100000229] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_name: UpdatePerson] [component_name: UpdatePersonBPEL] [component_instance_id: 30114] Unhandled exception for ComponentDN=default/UpdatePerson!2.0*soa_d3851fa7-aabe-4235-868e-3d507c5da21f/UpdatePersonBPEL CompositeInstanceId=30011 ComponentInstanceId=30114
    [2011-09-15T03:55:03.148-04:00] [soa_server1] [ERROR] [] [oracle.soa.bpel.engine] [tid: orabpel.invoke.pool-4.thread-14] [userId: weblogic] [ecid: 4496859cf93daf8e:3a6dd332:132638f2af0:-8000-000000000001ce98,0:1:100000229] [APP: soa-infra] [composite_name: UpdatePerson] [component_name: UpdatePersonBPEL] [component_instance_id: 30114] This exception occurred because the fault thrown in the BPEL flow was not handled by any fault handlers and reached the top-level scope. Root cause : [[ faultName: {{}remoteFault}
    messageType: {{}RuntimeFaultMessage}
    parts: {{
    summary=<summary>oracle.fabric.common.FabricInvocationException: Message Router for default/UpdatePerson!2.0*soa_d3851fa7-aabe-4235-868e-3d507c5da21f is not able to process messages. The composite state is set to "off". The composite can be turned "on" by using the administrative consoles.</summary>
    ,detail=<detail>Message Router for default/UpdatePerson!2.0*soa_d3851fa7-aabe-4235-868e-3d507c5da21f is not able to process messages. The composite state is set to "off". The composite can be turned "on" by using the administrative consoles.</detail>

    I think I have already provided you a reference on this error earlier -
    SOA-20001: Message Router for {0} is not able to process messages.
    Login to SOA EM console and "Start up" and "Activate" your composite (default/EBIZ_Sync_SummaryOrders!2.0). You may refer section "7.4.2 Managing the State of an Application from the SOA Composite Application Home Page" at -

  • The composite state is set to "off". The composite can be turned "on"

    I had deployed a composite in weblogic 10.3 from Jdeveloper am grtting this error.
    Can you help me to sort this out and this is in Active state only. Client received SOAP Fault from server : Message Router for default/EBIZ_Sync_SummaryOrders!2.0*soa_a882c40a-6e1e-440c-88c2-eea3ee854c13 is not able to process messages. The composite state is set to "off". The composite can be turned "on" by using the administrative consoles.

    I think I have already provided you a reference on this error earlier -
    SOA-20001: Message Router for {0} is not able to process messages.
    Login to SOA EM console and "Start up" and "Activate" your composite (default/EBIZ_Sync_SummaryOrders!2.0). You may refer section "7.4.2 Managing the State of an Application from the SOA Composite Application Home Page" at -

  • Set autocommit= off in JDBC driver

    i'm running jdev v. and deploying a simple ADF application on glassfish against a mySQL database v 5.1.....
    when i commit my changes to the database i receive an exception:
    at com.sun.grizzly.util.AbstractThreadPool$
    Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Can't call rollback when autocommit=true
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
        at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
        at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
        at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
    it's pretty obvious what is causing it but how do i set autocommit off in JDev?
    I've looked into bc4j.cfg but don't see any indications here. is it related to the JDBC pool on glassfish? and as such not a JDev/ADF problem?

    I found out.
    please look here
    oracle.jbo.DMLException: JBO-26065: Error during commit

  • Rounding off error between stock transport order and GR (Quantity)

    I would appreciate your help in an issue. Our customer uses stock transfer order in which a conversion rule was set. Since the transport company requires another unit, the purchase order is created in ton but MIGO is done with Megawatt Hour. SAP takes into consideration only three digits after comma. Therefore, a rounding off error occurs which can only be seen in MB52 but not in the transitsaldo MB5T. The difference or the missing quantity (i.e. 0,001 MH which is 0,0000xxx TON) can not be found and thus a GR can not be posted in MIGO either.
    If you have any idea how to solve this or if there is any OSS message on this, please post on this thread. I am waiting for your comments.

    Hi Ram Prasad,
    The note you suggested is very useful. I need to download the correction. When I use movement types
    557/558, I got the error that the transit saldo exceeded xxx MWH.
    PO = TON
    GI = 2,159 MWH
    GR = 2,157 MWH which corresponds to 0,459 TON
    Conversion rule= 1 TON = 4,7 MWH
    Do you know how to book 0,002 MWH away with these scrapping mov.types? This quantity is missing and is not shown in MB5T because this list functions with TON as far as I figured it out.
    Thanks a lot for your help.
    Esra Nilsson

  • Execute "set scan off" from vb 6.0 adodb connection

    We are trying to execute "set scan off" from vb - but it throws an error like missing or invalid option.
    We also tried clubbing two statements like - "set scan off;insert into table_name values...;" but still the errr is same,
    We are using adodb connection object's execute method.Rest all ddl and dml are working fine. Any help appreciated.

    P. Forstmann wrote:
    I don't think you can run it from an OCI/ODBC/JDBC database session.No thinking required. Quite simply, you can't run SQL*Plus commands through an ODBC connection.

  • I need a recommended way of recovering from Bus Off errors

    I have write problems when a UUT is instructed to reset. When the UUT in the reset state I get Error Passive warnings and Bus Off errors after attempting to write extended CAN messages using the Frame API.
    In brief the test goes like this,
    1. I send extended message 0x500 with 8 data bytes containing information to tell the UUT to go into reset.
    2. I wait 400ms hopeing that the UUT get's at least 1 of the 3 possible messages. It always does and does a reset.
    3. I then MUST send message 0x500 with updated data telling the UUT to come out of reset.
    Problem is the write fails with a Bus Off error (can't remember the error code as I am typing this at home). I can get this to work in a brute force kind of way by repeating these steps below several times in a loop,
    1. reopen the network object
    2. reopen all perodic tx objects,
    3. do a ncAction NC_OP_RESET on the network object,
    4. do a ncAction NC_OP_RESET on all periodic tx objects,
    5. do a ncAction NC_OP_START on the network object,
    6. do a ncAction NC_OP_START on all the periodic tx objects,
    (no warnings or errors so far from these calls allthough occasionally ends up with an exception and NI-CAN internal driver errors. I'm probably abusing the CAN standard and API with all the rapid opening and closing of all these handles and blindly ignoring errors.)
    7. then do a ncWrite for all periodic tx objects (we usually get Error Passive warnings here, if the write is repeated it frequently gets a Bus Off error).
    When the UUT (by chance in all honesty) gets the 0x500 message and comes out of reset, CAN operations are fine, but the problem lies when the UUT is in reset, I can't send the updated 0x500 message to tell it to come out of reset. I get randomly Error Passive errors and Bus Off errors.
    Found out today this is what the UUT is doing when in reset (written in PDL),
    while not received 0x500 with data indicating to come out of reset
       possibly repower most of the UUT circuitry (I can't remember)
       reset Bosch CANBUS controller circuitry on ASIC (takes 2us I'm told)
       do some unit reset processing, takes up to 100ms
    (yes, it resets the CANBUS controller roughly every 100ms!)
    I need a sensible way of recovering from a Bus Off error and retry sending that 0x500 message again.
    Any thoughts, comments, solutions?

    Hi Flump,
    The idea here is that many CAN devices will "sleep" after some predetermined period of inactivity (not receiving a frame). In such cases, the device usually wakes up after seeing activity on the bus, where the amount of time it takes to go from the "sleep" state to an "active" state will inevitably vary from device to device. Well, suppose the controller on a CAN network sends a frame to a device which is "sleeping," and the device takes, for arguments sake, 10 seconds to "wake up" and become active again. By definition in the CAN standard, frames which are not acknowledged will be retransmitted. Also in the CAN standard is the requirement that a device or controller implement transmit and receive "error counters" in order that an "errant" device or controller can be "silenced" if it continues to generate errors. There are 3 basic error states, the last (worst) of which is the Bus Off Error State, which occurs when the error counter exceeds 255. Herein lies the problem; if a device takes a long time to wake up, then a controller will send, and subsequently resend, the frame while it attempts to communicate with the "sleeping" device. Since the controller's transmit error counter will increase by 8 for each frame which is sent and NOT acknowledged, and it will continue sending frames until acknowledged, the controller can actually reach a Bus Off Error state before the device fully "wakes up." This is usually undesirable, and can be prevented.
    For more information about the CAN standard, see Appendix B of the NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual linked in the Related Links section below.
    The solution may be to send a single wake-up frame (just one time), then delay to allow the device to "wake-up," and then continue normal communication. It is important to realize that when a device "sleeps," it actually relies on the fact that a CAN controller will send frames multiple times. That is, the first frame received when a device is "sleeping" is NOT processed. The sudden voltage change on the bus caused by a frame transmission is sensed by a CAN device and will cause it to resume active operating conditions, but the frame which initiates the wakeup cannot be processed because the hardware was previously asleep (some of it literally not powered). Thus, if we have a mechanism for sending a single "wake-up" frame, and then delay until all devices (or at least the one we intend to communicate with) wake up, we can resume normal communications while knowing deterministically that subsequent commands should/will be processed by the device to which we wish to communicate.
    In the NI-CAN API, the way to transmit a single frame - one time only - is by setting the Single Shot Transmit attribute to 1 (using the set attribute function: in LabVIEW use the for the Frame API and CAN Set for the Channel API). For Frame API users, the Network Configuration object (programmed explicitly) can be used, where of course we must stop and start the task (using around the attribute setting. The sequence of events would generally be: Network Config (should have happened anyway at some point), Network Open, Stop, Set Attribute, Start, Write "wakeup frame," proceed with the program after sufficient delay. Please note that the required delay may be very small; the "10 second" wake-up time suggested for a device above is much much longer than a normal device's "wake-up period". Of course, the baud rate used on a given network will factor into how many frames can be sent by a controller in a given period, and therefore how fast a corresponding error counter will increment as a result of unacknowledged frames.
    Attached is an example, which will write a single "wake-up" frame using the technique described above, where the write will take place when a "Wake-Up" button is clicked.
    Is this what you are looking for?
    Message Edited by AdamB on 12-12-2006 04:47 AM
    Applications Engineering Team Leader | National Instruments | UK & Ireland
    Attachments: ‏73 KB

  • 'set scan off' or 'set define off' now working through JDBC on Oracle 10g

    I am using oracle 10g. I am trying to execute 'set scan off' statement through JDBC (java code) using below statement
    //get connection Connection c = this.init();  //create statement object Statement st = c.createStatement();  //execute statement st.execute("set scan off");
    but it is throwing below exception.
    'java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00922: missing or invalid option'
    I also tried 'set define off' but got same exception. But if I run these statement directly on database without using JDBC there is no exception.
    Please let me know what is the issue.

    Rajesh Panchal wrote:
    I am using oracle 10g. I am trying to execute 'set scan off' statement through JDBC (java code) using below statement
    //get connection
    Connection c = this.init(); 
    //create statement object
    Statement st = c.createStatement(); 
    //execute statement
    st.execute("set scan off");                              but it is throwing below exception.
    'java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00922: missing or invalid option'
    I also tried 'set define off' but got same exception. But if I run these statement directly on database without using JDBC there is no exception.
    Please let me know what is the issue.These are not SQL statements but specific Oracle commands. You would invoke them from PL/SQL through the command interpreter or by using Sqlplus on the commandline; if you try to execute this in a PL/SQL query window you'll get the same error.
    So no, you are not going to invoke them from JDBC.

  • A trigger returned a resultset and/or was running with SET NOCOUNT OFF while another outstanding result set was active

    I have 2 servers connected over a low speed wan and we're running SQL Server 2008 with Merge replication.
    At the subscriber, sometimes when attempting to insert new rows, I get this error:
    A trigger returned a resultset and/or was running with SET NOCOUNT OFF while another outstanding result set was active.
    My database doesn't have any triggers; the only triggers are the one created by the Merge replication
    Also, whenever this error occurs it automatically rolls back the existing transaction
    I am using DataTables and TableAdapters to
    insert and update the database using transactions
    What I have checked:
    the database log file size is below 50Mb
    Checked the source code for Zombie transactions (since I wasn't able to retrieve the actual error at the beginning)
    Checked the connection between the two servers and found it congested
    How to avoid this behavior and why it's occurring at first place?
    Why it's cancelling the open transaction?

    did the issue happen on some specific tables or all the tables?
    I suggest to run sql server trace at publisher and subscriber when the issue happens. Please involve below events and columns
    Stored      Procedures
    Unprepare SQL
     ‘Errors and Warnings’
     TextData ,error, LoginName, ApplicationName , StartTime ,EndTime,DatabaseName,NestLevel,ObjectName,ObjectType,ServerName,eventsequence,linenumber,cpu,reads ,writes,rowcounts,clientprocessid,spid,transactionid
    Once the issue happens, please check the trace to find which step or statement hit the error.

  • SQL Server set ansi_null_default off

    Hi All
    Can someone tell me the difference between having the ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT [ON/OFF]
    Ive written code below and the both create nullable columns so im very confused?
    alter database CloseMonitoring
    set ansi_null_default off
    create table tbl_compare_off
    [id] int
    alter database CloseMonitoring
    set ansi_null_default on
    create table tbl_compare_on
    [id] int

    This is what MSDN says
    When SET ANSI_NULLS is ON, a SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name = NULL returns zero rows even if there are null values in column_name.
    A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> NULL returns zero rows even if there are nonnull values in column_name.
    When SET ANSI_NULLS is OFF, the Equals (=) and Not Equal To (<>) comparison operators do not follow the ISO standard. A SELECT statement that uses WHEREcolumn_name = NULL returns
    the rows that have null values in column_name. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> NULL returns
    the rows that have nonnull values in the column. Also, a SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> XYZ_value returns all rows that are not XYZ_value and
    that are not NULL.
    Also SET ANSI_NULL OFF is a deprecated feature. 
    In a future version of SQL Server, ANSI_NULLS will always be ON and any applications that explicitly set the option to OFF will generate an error. Avoid using this feature in new development work,
    and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.
    My Blog

  • I am changing to iCloud on my iMac, MacBook Air and my iPhone. My iMac and MacBook both moved over to iCloud but my iPhone when I go to Settings and click on iCloud it shows my Mail setting turned Off. When I turn it on it wants me to create a new

    I am changing to iCloud on my iMac, MacBook Air and my iPhone. My iMac and MacBook both moved over to iCloud but my iPhone when I go to Settings and click on iCloud it shows my Mail setting turned Off. When I turn it on it wants me to create a new email address to turn on iCloud Mail. I already have to "me" accounts plus another email address and don't want to create another one. I don't understand why it's asking me to do this on my iPhone but didn't ask on my iMac or MacBook and is there a way around creating another email address?

    Hello Timmy790
    Try the suggestions in the article below to resolve the issue of seeing your old Apple ID on your iPhone.
    iOS 7: If you're asked for the password to your previous Apple ID when signing out of iCloud
    -Norm G.

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