Set value (TRUE, FALSE) on a checkbox

I want to set the value of a checkbox to FASLE when a second checkbox is checked (TRUE). Any idea?

Hello here are two scripts which may help.
With the first one, select a range of cells whose top-left one contain the master checkbox, the bottom-right one contain the slave checkbox.
Running the script will set the slave box to the opposite of the master one.
With the second one, select a range whose cells of left column contain master checkboxes and column to the right contain slave checkboxes.
Running the script will set the slave boxes to the opposite of the corresponding master ones.
--[SCRIPT setslavecheckbox]
Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : setslavecheckbox.scpt
déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
Sélectionner un bloc de cellules dont
la cellule en haut à gauche contient la case à cocher maitre
la cellule en bas à droite contient la case à cocher 'esclave'
Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Numbers puis choisir setslavecheckbox
Si la case maitre est cochée, la case esclave sera décochée.
Si la case maitre est dé-cochée, la case esclave sera cochée.
L'aide du Finder explique:
L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
Sous 10.6.x,
aller dans le panneau "Général" du dialogue Préférences de l'Éditeur Applescript
puis cocher la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus".
Save the script as a Script: setslavecheckbox.scpt
Move the newly created file into the folder:
<startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
Select a range of cells whose
top left cell contain the master checkbox
the bottom right cell contain the slave checkbox.
Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Numbers, then choose "setslavecheckbox"
If the master checkbox is checked, the slave one will be unchecked.
If the slave checkbocx in unchecked, the slave one will be checked.
The Finder's Help explains:
To make the Script menu appear:
Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
Under 10.6.x,
go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
on run
set {dName, sName, tName, rname, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my getSelParams()
tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
set valeur_maitre to value of cell rowNum1 of column colNum1
set valeur_esclave to value of cell rowNum2 of column colNum2
end tell
if valeur_maitre = valeur_esclave then my switchCheckBox(dName, sName, tName, rowNum2, colNum2)
end run
set {rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my getCellsAddresses(dname,s_name,t_name,arange)
on getCellsAddresses(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name)
local two_Names, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2
tell application "Numbers"
set d_Name to name of document d_Name (* useful if we passed a number *)
tell document d_Name
set s_Name to name of sheet s_Name (* useful if we passed a number *)
tell sheet s_Name
set t_Name to name of table t_Name (* useful if we passed a number *)
end tell -- sheet
end tell -- document
end tell -- Numbers
if r_Name contains ":" then
set two_Names to my decoupe(r_Name, ":")
set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to my decipher(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, item 1 of two_Names)
if item 2 of two_Names = item 1 of two_Names then
set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to my decipher(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, item 2 of two_Names)
end if
set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to my decipher(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name)
set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
end if -- r_Name contains…
return {row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2}
end getCellsAddresses
set { dName, sName, tName, rname, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my getSelParams()
on getSelParams()
local r_Name, t_Name, s_Name, d_Name
set {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
if r_Name is missing value then
if my parleAnglais() then
error "No selected cells"
error "Il n'y a pas de cellule sélectionnée !"
end if
end if
return {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} & my getCellsAddresses(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name)
end getSelParams
set {rowNumber, columnNumber} to my decipher(docName,sheetName,tableName,cellRef)
apply to named row or named column !
on decipher(d, s, t, n)
tell application "Numbers" to tell document d to tell sheet s to tell table t to ¬
return {address of row of cell n, address of column of cell n}
end decipher
set { d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
on getSelection()
local _, theRange, theTable, theSheet, theDoc, errMsg, errNum
tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
tell sheet i
set x to the count of tables
if x > 0 then
repeat with y from 1 to x
(selection range of table y) as text
on error errMsg number errNum
set {_, theRange, _, theTable, _, theSheet, _, theDoc} to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
return {theDoc, theSheet, theTable, theRange}
end try
end repeat -- y
end if -- x>0
end tell -- sheet
end repeat -- i
end tell -- document
return {missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value}
end getSelection
on parle_anglais()
return (do shell script "defaults read 'Apple Global Domain' AppleLocale") does not start with "fr_"
end parle_anglais
on parleAnglais()
local z
tell application "Numbers" to set z to localized string "Cancel"
on error
set z to "Cancel"
end try
return (z is not "Annuler")
end parleAnglais
on decoupe(t, d)
local oTIDs, l
set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
set l to text items of t
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
return l
end decoupe
my switchCheckBox(dName, sName, tName, rowNum, colNum)
on switchCheckBox(d, s, t, r, c)
tell application "Numbers" to tell document d to tell sheet s to tell table t to tell cell r of column c
set oldVal to value
set value to (not oldVal)
set format to checkbox
end tell
end switchCheckBox
--[SCRIPT setslavecheckboxes]
Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : setslavecheckboxes.scpt
déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
Sélectionner un bloc de cellules dont
les cellules de la colonne de gauche contiennent les cases à cocher maitresses.
les cellules de la colonne de droite contient les cases à cocher 'esclaves'
Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Numbers puis choisir setslavecheckboxes
Si la case maitre est cochée, la case esclave sera décochée.
Si la case maitre est dé-cochée, la case esclave sera cochée.
L'aide du Finder explique:
L'Utilitaire AppleScript permet d'activer le Menu des scripts :
Ouvrez l'Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
Cochez la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus".
Sous 10.6.x,
aller dans le panneau "Général" du dialogue Préférences de l'Éditeur Applescript
puis cocher la case "Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus".
Save the script as a Script: setslavecheckboxes.scpt
Move the newly created file into the folder:
<startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
Select a range of cells whose
cells of the left column contain master checkboxes
cells of the right column contain the slave checkboxes.
Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Numbers, then choose "setslavecheckboxes"
If the master checkbox is checked, the slave one will be unchecked.
If the slave checkbocx in unchecked, the slave one will be checked.
The Finder's Help explains:
To make the Script menu appear:
Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
Select the "Show Script Menu in menu bar" checkbox.
Under 10.6.x,
go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
on run
set {dName, sName, tName, rname, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my getSelParams()
tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
set les_valeurs to value of cells colNum1 thru colNum2 of rows rowNum1 thru rowNum2
end tell
set i to 0
repeat with valeursd_uneligne in les_valeurs
set r to i + rowNum1
if item 1 of valeursd_uneligne = item -1 of valeursd_uneligne then my switchCheckBox(dName, sName, tName, r, colNum2)
set i to i + 1
end repeat
end run
set {rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my getCellsAddresses(dname,s_name,t_name,arange)
on getCellsAddresses(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name)
local two_Names, row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2
tell application "Numbers"
set d_Name to name of document d_Name (* useful if we passed a number *)
tell document d_Name
set s_Name to name of sheet s_Name (* useful if we passed a number *)
tell sheet s_Name
set t_Name to name of table t_Name (* useful if we passed a number *)
end tell -- sheet
end tell -- document
end tell -- Numbers
if r_Name contains ":" then
set two_Names to my decoupe(r_Name, ":")
set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to my decipher(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, item 1 of two_Names)
if item 2 of two_Names = item 1 of two_Names then
set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to my decipher(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, item 2 of two_Names)
end if
set {row_Num1, col_Num1} to my decipher(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name)
set {row_Num2, col_Num2} to {row_Num1, col_Num1}
end if -- r_Name contains…
return {row_Num1, col_Num1, row_Num2, col_Num2}
end getCellsAddresses
set { dName, sName, tName, rname, rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my getSelParams()
on getSelParams()
local r_Name, t_Name, s_Name, d_Name
set {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
if r_Name is missing value then
if my parleAnglais() then
error "No selected cells"
error "Il n'y a pas de cellule sélectionnée !"
end if
end if
return {d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} & my getCellsAddresses(d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name)
end getSelParams
set {rowNumber, columnNumber} to my decipher(docName,sheetName,tableName,cellRef)
apply to named row or named column !
on decipher(d, s, t, n)
tell application "Numbers" to tell document d to tell sheet s to tell table t to ¬
return {address of row of cell n, address of column of cell n}
end decipher
set { d_Name, s_Name, t_Name, r_Name} to my getSelection()
on getSelection()
local _, theRange, theTable, theSheet, theDoc, errMsg, errNum
tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
tell sheet i
set x to the count of tables
if x > 0 then
repeat with y from 1 to x
(selection range of table y) as text
on error errMsg number errNum
set {_, theRange, _, theTable, _, theSheet, _, theDoc} to my decoupe(errMsg, quote)
return {theDoc, theSheet, theTable, theRange}
end try
end repeat -- y
end if -- x>0
end tell -- sheet
end repeat -- i
end tell -- document
return {missing value, missing value, missing value, missing value}
end getSelection
on parle_anglais()
return (do shell script "defaults read 'Apple Global Domain' AppleLocale") does not start with "fr_"
end parle_anglais
on parleAnglais()
local z
tell application "Numbers" to set z to localized string "Cancel"
on error
set z to "Cancel"
end try
return (z is not "Annuler")
end parleAnglais
on decoupe(t, d)
local oTIDs, l
set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
set l to text items of t
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
return l
end decoupe
my switchCheckBox(dName, sName, tName, rowNum, colNum)
on switchCheckBox(d, s, t, r, c)
tell application "Numbers" to tell document d to tell sheet s to tell table t to tell cell r of column c
set oldVal to value
set value to (not oldVal)
set format to checkbox
end tell
end switchCheckBox
To be honest, I don't understand the need for such tools.
Why use two checkboxes when a single one would be sufficient?
For instance, I saw tables with a checkbox which was checked when the described being was a male
and an other checkbox which was checked when the described being was a female.
As far as I know, when the first box is unchecked, the being is a female so the second box is useless.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 5 novembre 2010 10:40:24

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    Revision: 12057
    Revision: 12057
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-20 11:22:05 -0800 (Fri, 20 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    Label (and RichText) will show text as tooltip if truncated and new showTruncationTip flag is set to true (defaults to false because Label is often used in skin that have their own tooltip logic).
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    Doc Notes: New API (showTruncationTip)
    Bugs: SDK-23639
    Reviewer: Gordon
    API Change: Yes
    Is noteworthy for integration: Yes
    tests: checkintests mustella/gumbo/components/Button mustella/gumbo/components/Label
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Hi blabla12345,
    (untested and without warranty)
    replace this line:
    const sSaveCUBE = "CUBE";
    with this:
    const sSaveCUBE = "cube";
    Have fun

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         private boolean _x6 = true;
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         private boolean _x9 = true;
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    Look at a BitSet to hold your boolean values.
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    Second query :
    It is linked to the first query with the primary key BPO_RECP_NO
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    I need to find a way to set values BOE_PAY_OTH.BPO_AMT, BOE_PAY_OTH.BPO_DTX_CODE to zero and display them so that there is no overlapping .
    Is there a way for me to achieve this .
    Please help . Thanks.

    This overlapping is usually dealt with in the layout by putting a frame in the appropriate place rather than in the queries. The frame stops items from
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    With the script below, I can check if a registry key is present, and if it is not, it will create that registry key. But I just want to know if that registry key is present, and get $True / $False as a result of script. - Is this possible with DSC?
    Configuration ClientConfig
    Param ($MachineName)
    Node $MachineName
    Registry FooCorpReg1
    Ensure = "Present"
    ValueName = "Name"
    ValueData = "DSCDemo"
    # Save the MOF file
    ClientConfig -MachineName "localhost" -OutPutPath "c:\Temp\DSC"
    #Start configuration
    Start-DscConfiguration -Path "C:\Temp\DSC\" -Wait -Verbose
    Best regards,
    Anders Johansson

    Not what DSC does or is for.  Use erg to look for vale.
    Test-Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Test1\Name
    That is all - it returns true or false.

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    (NOTE: This uses classes I made to wrap the Dispatch calls)
    Word wordApp = new Word();
    Documents docs = wordApp.getDocuments();
    Document doc ="D:\\JavaProjects\\Test.doc");
    //GET VIEW
    View wordView = wordApp.getActiveWindow().getView();
    System.out.println("Show All: " + wordApp.getActiveWindow().getView().isShowAll());
    System.out.println("Show Paragraphs: " + wordApp.getActiveWindow().getView().isShowParagraphs());
    System.out.println("Show All: " + wordApp.getActiveWindow().getView().isShowAll());
    System.out.println("Show Paragraphs: " + wordApp.getActiveWindow().getView().isShowParagraphs());
    wordApp.quit(new Variant[] {});
    System.exit(0);The actual Dispatch calls are:
    private final static int SHOW_ALL_TRUE = -1;
    private final static int SHOW_ALL_FALSE = 0;
    * Sets the property (boolean) ShowParagraphs.
    public void setShowParagraphs(boolean showParagraphs)
         Dispatch.put(this, "ShowParagraphs", new Boolean(showParagraphs));
    * Returns Boolean of whether or not this is set to show paragraphs.
    public boolean isShowParagraphs()
         return getBooleanValue(Dispatch.get(this, "ShowParagraphs"));
    private boolean getBooleanValue(Variant variantBoolean)
         int intVariant = new Integer(variantBoolean.toString()).intValue();
         return (intVariant == View.SHOW_ALL_TRUE);
    }I'm wondering if the problem is that I get back either -1 or 0 and if maybe that means something else?

    1: Properties persistence is not a DEFECT but a FEATURE . It was implemented in MS Word so users could change MS word WITHOUT HAVING TO DO IT EACH TIME THEY START IT UP.
    2: Don't you intialise all your variables in your code after you instanciated them ? I am sure you do so and therefore the persitence feature you described should not be annoying you at all. It is not necessary to intialise variables in the BASIC langage but that does not mean you should not do it.
    3: (-1) was chosen arbitrary by Microsoft as the TRUE value for Boolean datatype and 0 the value for FALSE when they designed Visual Basic. This is not a problem if you write code properly
    I recommend you test bool variable in any langages using the following test:
    (myBool <> 0)
    you need to understand what you are working with before you complain about it.
    Argument for Argument sake is not good and if you think MS word is a bad program just don't use it. go and write your own word processor in JAVA.

  • Why does my preferred search engine gets hide set to True in search.json after every update to Firefox?

    I use DuckDuckGo as my preferred search engine. Everytime Firefox gets updated it dissappears from the drop down menu of search engines. I found in search.json that the Hide value would be set to True. By changing it to False and restarting Firefox DuckDuckGo would be back, until the next update. Why is this happening? It is an extension available from the Mozilla/Firefox extension/addons site.

    First of all, thank you for providing troubleshooting info (Troubleshooter addon), have you tried the searchreset tool.

  • Regional Setting changing "True" to "Vrai" in France

    Portal 5.0.2, classic ASP. Our report is based on several boolean parameters. The form is submitted by a VBScript function which sets the parameters to a boolean to true or false. Our French users are receiving errors when this function is called - according the POST data in the error page, the "true" has become "vrai" - which it sees as a string. We did not have this problem before 5.0.2, I'm not sure where to start with this one. Will my german users also see "wahr" and "unwahr"?
    Wendy RamsaurKSA

    A boolean variable will have the value true or false. That value only becomes a string when there is a conversion from boolean to string. For example, the following VBScript code converts a boolean to a string:
    Dim bVBBoolDim strVBBoolbVBBool = truestrVBBool = CStr(bVBBool)
    or this Javsscript code which converts a boolean to a string:
    var bBool = new Boolean(1);var strBool = bBool.toString();
    In VBScript, the assumption is that you are converting the boolean to a string for the purpose of displaying the value to an end user. So it attempts to "display" the value in the most suitable way for the end user. In the localized French IE, VBScript will convert the booleanvalue true to the string"vrai".
    If you call a VBScript function passing a boolean value on the same page, then the boolean will never be converted to a string and there will be no problem. When you try to pass a boolean value back to the server through a form parameter, that value must be converted to a string since that is the only way to send the value over Http. The best solution is to realize that there could be conversion error and pass an integer instead of a boolean. You might also have a similar problem if you were passing a datetime value. A datetime value internally is just a number. But if you try to pass it as a form parameter, then it will be converted to a string (and formatted according to some locale). The best bet is to proactively format in a locale neutral fashion so that the server will always know how to interpret the datetime regardless of the version of IE or the locale of the user.

  • UNABLE TO SET parallel_automatic_tuning=TRUE IN Oracle9i Enterprise Edition

    i am trying to set parallel_automatic_tuning=TRUE . but i am unable to set it.
    My oracle version is as below.
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Please help to resolve this issue.

    hi i am unable to set the value as true for parallel_automatic_tuning parameter. ,
    fast_start_parallel_rollback string LOW
    log_parallelism integer 1
    parallel_adaptive_multi_user boolean TRUE
    parallel_automatic_tuning boolean FALSE
    parallel_execution_message_size integer 2148
    parallel_instance_group string
    parallel_max_servers integer 5
    parallel_min_percent integer 0
    parallel_min_servers integer 0
    parallel_server boolean FALSE
    parallel_server_instances integer 1
    parallel_threads_per_cpu integer 2
    recovery_parallelism integer 0

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