Set windows as startup, now impossible to boot in leopard

Dear all,
This morning i made a windows partition and tried to install windows xp in bootcamp. I had a windows partition in the past, but i needed more hard drive space so i created a new one. I thought i knew what to expect...
I just did what it said, created the partition and inserted the XP disc and it started to install. During the installation, I selected the BOOTCAMP partition and the option to not make any changes to the format. Then the computer restarted, but i got a black screen saying disk error, press any key to restart.
I was unable to find the any key, and i restarted a couple times by pressing the button at the back. Finally, I managed to eject the CD by holding the mouse button on startup and it booted in leopard again.
Then,i made a stupid mistake.
I set windows in bootcamp as my default startup disc, assuming i would be able to boot leopard at any time by pressing the option key.
But now, not only does my option-key not work and can i not reboot in leopard, I still get the disc error message from bootcamp and hance my windows XP isn't working either..
So now I'm stuck with a very useless iMac, being unable to boot in either OS.
Hopefully someone can help me with this... it would be immensely appreciated!!

Have you tried putting your Leopard disk in and holding down the C key on the keyboard and then in the utilities you can select a start up disk?

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    Kind Regards
    Go to Solution.

    I think he just left the thread without sharing his information. How rude.
    Until I discovered the green section with a link:
    Solved! Go to Solution.
    Easy to miss for a newcomer.

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    Hello cmcnanna,
    I'm sorry to hear you are having these issues with your iPhone. If your iPhone isn't starting up or responding at all, you may find the troubleshooting steps outlined in the following article helpful:
    If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch doesn't respond or doesn't turn on - Apple Support
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    Apple - Support - Service Answer Center
    - Brenden

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    Get a book. Spend more time researching. Make sure not to install x-ware or anything that isn't needed and compatible. You should invest in backups, and use restore check points.
    Try getting chkdsk to also look for bad sectors.
    And uninstall whatever was last installed. And one plus for Windows, you can rollback a driver too.
    Could happen if they ran too low on free disk space. Windows 7 SP1 is due out, and that will need 9GB of free space to install and update (you get some back but good idea to have the extra space).
    Clean out all the temp files that can clog a drive, I use CCleaner daily and sometimes there is 500MB to dump.
    A good backup/clone and Boot Camp support program:

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    ( )
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    <div class="mcePaste" id="_mcePaste" style="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden;" mcestyle="position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden;"></div>

    Hi db2
    That off the shelf MS-DOS / FAT-32 drive needs to re-partitioned GUID Partition Table / Mac OS Extended (Journaled) before you can install OS X and Startup your Intel iMac from it.
    1. Boot from your original install or retail SL DVD and open Disk Utility.
    2. Highlight the new HD in the list of drives and select the Partition tab.
    3. Under Volume Scheme select 1 Partition and click on the Options... button.
    4. Select GUID Partition Table in the drop down window and click OK.
    5. Set the Format to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and click the Apply button.
    6. Once thats done, then you can do a clean SL Install, Restore from TM , your old HD or  Bootable Clone.

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    Please try the following:
    1. Boot into Leopard as you do with holding down the Option Key.
    2. In Leopard go to *System Preferences*
    3. Under System select *Startup Disk*
    4. Highlight *Mac HD* and Restart
    See if the above works for you and that you no longer have to hold down the Option key during the subsequent startups.
    Axel F.

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    How do I get into OSX to set the main (OSX) partition as the startup drive?

    I ran Boot Camp Assisstant, followed instructions (partitioned HD: 1 for OSX, 1 smaller for Windows), inserted XP install disk, then followed Windows installer.
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    The Book now boots straight into XP, and holding Option won't invoke the Startup Disk screen to choose between OSX partition or Windows partition. I triple checked that the right partition was reformatted, so am confident it was the right one!
    +If you have an external hard drive, you may want to set it up so you can boot from there; have space to use WinClone to backup Windows at some point, as well as clone/backup OS X.+
    I have external drives, but they're all USB so no Target Mode I'm afraid.
    +If you inserted and installed Apple Setup while in Windows, you should have Apple Boot CAmp control panel startup disk and other services now.+
    I haven't inserted any other disks since the XP installation - do I now need to insert my Leopard install disk? How can I check if I have the Boot Camp control panel on the OSX partition (will it show up in XP anywhere?) ?

  • How do I repair a Windows 7 partition when it is after Windows 8 partition in a Dual Boot Setup

    I have a laptop that I purchased a year ago and which came pre-installed with Windows 8.
    Recently, I successfully added Windows 7 as a dual-boot, and this worked OK. To obtain the space for Windows 7, I shrunk the Windows 8 partition.
    In Disk Management, the Windows 8 partition is physically located after OEM and EFI partitions; Windows 7 partition is is adjacent to Windows 8.
    All went well until I shrunk the Windows 8 partition further to increase the size of the Windows 7 partition, after which Windows 7 came up with a boot error....Windows 8 still boots OK.
    I inserted my Windows 7 disk to perform a Startup/Repair, which failed because the first OS partition it sees is Windows 8 and a message tells me that I need to install the correct media for that system.
    I searched for advice and assistance to solve the no avail - and had to completely re-install Windows 7 and the associated applications.....and I really don't want to have to go through this again.
    I actually use Windows 7 more than 8, and if I have to lose one or the other, I would dump Windows 8. there a manageable way I can keep the two systems recoverable and migrateable to another disk in the future. If not, how do I safely remove  the Windows 8 partition without damaging Windows 7? Ideally, I would just like to swap the partitions
    round....but with EFI and BCD partitions, I am reluctant to go into the unknown.
    Sorry....bit of a saga....but would appreciate any advice.
    Rob Nick

    Hi Rob,
    Above all, as the purpose is to enlarge Windows 7 partition, please understand that shrink Windows 8 partition again cannot help on it. A partition can be expanded only if there is free space "after" it.
    So you will still need to delete Windows 7 partition for expanding purpose. 
    If it is fine to just make Windows 7 back to boot order. Please try following command lines. 
    Note: Please run CMD in Administrator mode.
    bcdedit /export “c:\boot”
    This is a backup. You can delete it if things go successfully.
    Then please create a new entry for Windows 7:
    bcdedit /copy {current} /d “Windows 7”
    It will provide an entry ID. Copy it and it will be used in following 2 command lines.
    bcdedit /set {identifier} device partition=X
    Replace X with the drive letter of Windows 7 system located.
    bcdedit /displayorder {identifier} /addlast
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and un-mark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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