Setting jvm arguments

I know there is a way to get jvm arguments from a java program using the method.
But, is there a way to set them from a java program ?
Would appreciate any help.

For a web application, the JVM properties indeed need to be set for the application server's JVM and as such it cannot be set in the IDE. (The IDE cannot pass the parameters anyway since it merely invokes the commands provided by the appserver to start/stop/deploy-apps).
To solve your problem, you will need to set the JVM arguments at the appserver. You can set the JVM arguments in the admin console of the appserver. If you jush wish to set some environment properties for a given webapp, then you can use 'System.setProperty("environment.setting","local");' in the app's initialization code.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="" href="">
            <j2se version="1.7+"  java-vm-args=",pkcs11"/>
            <jar href="dsapplet.jar"/>
        <property name="" value="sunpkcs11,pkcs11"/>
                 <param name="java_arguments" value=",pkcs11"/>
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    Ah, yes - it is the defaults for MaxPermSize
    that are 32m for client and 64m for server.The default MaxPermSize is 64m for both client and
    server, at least in 1.4 and later releases.
    However, starting with 1.5, the default value for
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         args[0].i=(int) 0;
         args[1].i=(int) val1;
         args[2].i=(int) val2;
         args[3].i=(int) val3;
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    Thanks for the help.

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    does this mean its working? im expecting a more definitive message.

    hm... this is interesting.. so if i am able to get
    this file in my applet and update the appropriate
    line, it should update the jvm heap size? the lineid
    update is :
    deployment.javapi.jre.1.5.0_06.args=-Xmx164mSince the applet already runs, the heap size will not
    It will change for the next applet run, after closing
    the browser.
    Note that I did not try all this, so it is up to you
    to experiment.
    My idea was not to change the file from the applet.
    You said 'I cannot ask all the users to change the
    heap size
    in the Java control panel'. I just offered you an
    alternative to
    this: write a program that changes the file and find
    a way
    to make them run this program.ok thanks for the suggestion..
    i think i may have a link on the homepage which opens an applet that sets this file.. and then instruct them to restart the browser. it would be nice to keep it all within the browser instead of having them click an exe..
    ill let you know if it works.
    thanks again so much.

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    Thanks a lot

    If I do:
    set JAVAOPTIONS=-Dworking.dir="%USERPROFILE%"
    java ...
    quoting does NOT workWindoze shell (cmd.exe) deals with the quotes you supplied EXACTLY as it is supposed to.
    contrary to the
    straightforward shell command.
    I need JAVAOPTIONS because it is the only way to
    have the parameter passed to Java WebStart.The exact behavour varies between different Windoze versions.
    You need to think laterally. Starting from
    set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dworking.dir=%USERPROFILE%first, there are spaces in that so we need the whole thing quoted
    set _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dworking.dir=%USERPROFILE%"next, that probably won't work as it is, assuming JAVAOPTIONS expands to
    -Dworking.dir=C:\Documents and Settings\fubarso we need to insert some escaped quotes as well
    set _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dworking.dir=\"%USERPROFILE%\""which, with any luck, should see JAVAOPTIONS expanding to
    -Dworking.dir="C:\Documents and Settings\fubar"If you still have problems, Google for how to escape special characters in the Windoze shell.

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    Benzion wrote:
    I already explained. We want the Server to run without debug, to get best performance. And to be able to switch debug on and off when we need debugging. Without restarting the server.No, you didn't explain that at all. You just said you wanted to turn debug on and off. You didn't say why.
    Have you measured any kind of performance degradation with leaving it turned on all the time? I doubt there is any. It will just sit listening for a debugger to connect. If one doesn't, then no resources will be consumed (apart from one listening server socket).

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    What do you mean by set the heap? Set its size?Yes, what I mean is heap size. I got the problem java.lang.outOfmemory, and try ind the solution. Some of solution said set the heap size but it didn't explain in more detail.
    Look at the arguments to java. (I mean "java" as in
    "java.exe", the JVM executable.)What u mean look at the arguments to java?

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    I want to set"path to keystore" ,JVM system properties on oracle portal,
    Like i want to configure my keystore with oracle portal so that my application can make a success full connection with back end using https.
    i read the following note from one of the Oracle tech note,which says that
    It is important that this system property is passed as a command line option to Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J). Setting the property in will not help because the system property is read first before OC4J reads this file. Therefore, it is best to modify the <java-option> line in the OC4J_portal section of ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml.
    So, i made the required changes to OC4J_portal section of opmn.xml file as below
    added value is shown in bold
    <data id="java-options" value="-server -Xrs\oracle\OraPortal\j2ee\OC4J_Portal\config\java2.policy -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx256m\keystore1"/>
    Even after making these changes, my application not able to make connection using https.
    Could u guys explain me, what things are going wrong or somethings else i need to do to make it work.
    Any thoughts would be highly appreciated.
    <Neeraj Sidhaye/>

    Hello Guys,
    I want to set"path to
    keystore" ,JVM system properties on oracle
    if the above is an exact copy of the values you inserted then it looks like you have two typos in the command line parameters. -> trustStore -> trustStorePassword

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              We are using Weblogic's capi to access JMS from a C program. We are running on a Sun Solaris 2.9 machine and linking our program with the 1.4.2 Java Vritual Machine. The program runs ok but we would like to turn on the "verbose:gc" option of the JVM that's started by the capi.
              We've tried using the JMSJVMOPTS environment variable specified in the capi documentation to do this but it doesn't apprear to be working. We set JMSJVMOPTS to "-verbose:gc" and run our program but it doesn't seem to have any affect. Is this the proper way to specify additional options to the JVM when using the capi? Are we doing something wrong? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
              Bill Sublett

    Yes you can but you will be implementing a type a schedule which you will have to develop within your BPEL process.
    I'm assuming that you are populating a open interface table, or a custom table and the concurrent program reads from this location.
    A way you could do this is select from the table before you do an insert, if the row count is X or greater then invoke a concurrent program.

  • Unable to set JVM file encoding to UTF-8 on Windows

    I am running Tomcat on 1.5.0_05 JRE. I tried several things to set the jvm file encoding to UTF-8 instead of the default Cp1252, but no luck yet.
    The most intuitive approach seems to be to use a JVM option like
    but this does not seem to have any effect. I have a WinXP pro m/c. I saw some bug reports which seemed to indicate that changing the JVM file encoding is not an available that correct? I would really appreciate any help/pointers on this. I will post the solution if I find something in the meantime.

    I am fail to set it too. I think it is better to separate the file.encoding into two, one for accept local OS, the other for compile .java and .jsp and so on files. So we can change it and the bugs will be decrease!

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    I can't succeed in setting parameters in FSCRIPT that require quotes (as
    __-fl "(err:sh:*)"__:
    SetPartArgs VisionFrontEnd "-fl aFile(err:sh:*) +(trc:user9:*:*) -fm
    This sets the line, but the partition can't start.
    SetPartArgs VisionFrontEnd "-fl "aFile(err:sh:*)"
    "+(trc:user9:*:*)" -fm "(n:1024,x:800000,i:128)"
    (with or without '\' protecting)
    This sets the line to 'empty', with an error saying that aFile(err:sh:*)
    can't be found
    How to set something on the parameter arguments list that contains log flags

    While the user long and short name is a matter of convenience when logging in (the computer will "prefill" the user name at the server login window based on what account was used to log on to the local machine), what counts is the UID number of the account.
    Most "home" user accounts end up with a "501" UID meaning that it is the first account created and it is an administrator account on the home machine.
    What we have found is users are quite creative as to what they use for account names on their home machines and most times they are not compatible with the company standard of first initial last name we use for accounts.
    So we let them do what they want but let them know the login and password of the network account so they receive access to network resources based on that account.

  • JVM arguments

    I am using a pre-determined set of VM arguments where -Xmx was 500m. I am a bit skeptic about the 500m, would there be any problem of not using VM memory arguments which are not multiples of 256m(I am not sure if there is a word for memory sizes which are exact figures like 256, 512, 1k etc).
    Would there be any performance difference(big or small) between using 500m and 512m as the -xmX VM argument.
    Thank you very much,

    1) You have allocated 500 MB. You use 296.
    2) You have allocated 512 MB. You use 296.
    Do you think there's a performance difference? :) There won't be unless your program's GC behavior accidentally leads to thrashing in that lat particular 12 MB, which is unlikely.
    The word you are looking for are "powers of 2" I think, by the way.

Maybe you are looking for

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