Default JVM arguments

I would like to know what are the default JVM arguments when server jvm is started without any additional flags, like this:
java -server myapp
I have been unable to find bullet proof document from those. I'm running Sun 1.5.0_08 on 32bit Win2003.
I would espacially be interested on thread stack size, useTLAB?, xmx & xms...

Ah, yes - it is the defaults for MaxPermSize
that are 32m for client and 64m for server.The default MaxPermSize is 64m for both client and
server, at least in 1.4 and later releases.
However, starting with 1.5, the default value for
PermSize, which is the initial size of the
permanent generation, is different: server is 16m,
client is 8m in 1.5 and 12m in 1.6.Already from 1.4.2: (FAQ #30)
I do find it strange that I can find no mention of these changes in the release notes;

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    If I do:
    set JAVAOPTIONS=-Dworking.dir="%USERPROFILE%"
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    Benzion wrote:
    I already explained. We want the Server to run without debug, to get best performance. And to be able to switch debug on and off when we need debugging. Without restarting the server.No, you didn't explain that at all. You just said you wanted to turn debug on and off. You didn't say why.
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    This is easy to do! Remember you can write things like
    ... ${user.home}...In your config file. So write something like:
    log4j.rootLogger=debug, R
    log4j.appender.R.File=${my.file}Then launch your app with:
    java ... -Dmy.file=goomba.txt ...

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    For -X arguments, type the command "java -X" to get a list.
    For -D arguments, check the API docs for the System.getProperties method.

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    Thanks all

    Hi everybody,
    I happy, that I'm not the only one suffering from this limitation. Right now I'm writing a Java application which will be used not only by persons who have Java experience. I guess most of them wouldn't even know how else to start it than double-clicking on the jar-file. And in my opinion, that's perfectly alright! When starting an native executable, you also don't think about defining a maximum heap size and even non-developers can easily use these applications. But I don't what to start if native applications are better or not. I really love Java and I don't want to miss it, that's for sure.
    But I don't understand, why on the one hand Java tries to "sell itself" as a real alternative to native applications and one the see the intention to let Java applications more and more "feel" like them (e.g. with introduction of features like TrayBar support or making it easy to open/edit/... files with any application assigned to that file type), but on the other hand there is no official way to easily setup the environment to start these Java apps. I mean, you can use Applets or the WebStart facility for deployment, but that can't be the right way! I can think about so many applications which I would really like to have as a real offline tool. What is, if the PCs I want to use my app on don't have an internet connection?
    Ok, but to make a long story short, I'm really looking for any way to make it easy for the users of my application to "just use it" rather then telling them when how to increase the maximum heap size or which script they have to use to run it. And the only way I see right now is the idea of using a wrapper just for starting a new VM with additional parameters. Even this is a bad hack in my opinion, but I'll try if this is useful for me.
    Anyway, I hope that maybe someone already found a better solution cause I can't believe that this problem is really uncommon.
    If I find a better solution I'll let you know.
    Black Widow

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