Setting presentation default to "encoded pixels"-

Is there a way to have QTX open a qt file in "Encoded Pixels" presentation mode automatically. OT7 opened rendered files from AE in this mode automatically. Opening a PAL menu animation rendered at 720x576 in QTX is a pain. It automatically opens it at 768x576. Any ideas would be helpful...

Install QuickTime Player 7.6.6 on your Snow Leopard machine and use it instead of QuickTime X.
Most Snow Leopard users use both player apps as X doesn't always work with all files and codecs.

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    How do you set the default character encoding for the portal to UTF-8 so that unicode
    characters work within porlets?
    Any help would be much appreciated,

    You can put this tag in the portal.jsp in the header:
    <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'>
    "Troy" <[email protected]> wrote:
    That doesn't seem to work when put into my portlet's content JSP. Is
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    "Sai S Prasad" <[email protected]> wrote:
    you can try the page directive with encoding as:
    <%@ page contentType="text/html";charset="UTF-8" %>
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    Hi Artur,
    there is a way. The property is file.encoding. Example:
    public class ShowEncoding {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Default encoding: " +
            new InputStreamReader(;
    }On my system I get the following results:
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    Good luck!

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    Hi Artur,
    please see my responses to the same question you've posted in
    Forum Home > Internationalization
    Kind regards,

  • How to set a platform's default character encoding

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    [email protected]

    You do 0mean for Java, not from Java? (The latter would make absolutely no sense at all.) If so, pass it to the runtime using the -D switch (you've got SUN's java, right?):
    java -Dfile.encoding=the-encoding-i-like

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  • Is there a way to set a default "Source Range" in AME when exporting from Premiere Pro CC?

    When exporting a sequence from Premiere Pro CC, you are able to toggle between 4 drop down options within Adobe Media Encoder on what Source Range you'd like to export (Work Area, Sequence In/Out, Entire Sequence, Custom) as seen here:
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    For reference, here's Premiere Pro CC in/out points in default dark appearance (notice the slightly lighter grey area):
    Now here's that same in/out in "Lighter Appearance":
    Not exactly optimized. Can hardly see it. Good luck spotting that little guy on a long timeline. Sadly, this affects in/out points in the Source Window as well. Really hard to see.
    Conversly, CS6 looked the best (the blue REALLY stands out making things easy to see):
    So my question there a way to set the default "Source Range" to something else besides Sequence In/Out so that I don't end up doing what I just did and leaving for several hours while batch exporting only to come back and find that I exported only a "portion" of one of my big sequences?
    Thank you!

    shooternz wrote:
    Here is the solution:  Slow down. Give your project some love. Smell the roses.
    Agreed about the roses but alas my next project always calls. Actually, I think what happens is I give each project SO much love that when it comes to exporting, I've run out of time.
    shooternz wrote:
    Then it would not be a would be an option and you already have that option.
    Semantics aside, I would love to be able to have it at least default to whatever option was last chosen. Or, perhaps I shouldn't use the word default again...I'd love it to simply remember my preferred setting. That's all.

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    However, what I want to do is to default the start (and end) dates for New Events based on the trigger date.
    I've tried the CalendarListener and can grab the Trigger Date from it - however, I can't see a way to pass this directly to the popup/dialog I'm using to create the new event.
    At present I'm putting the TriggerDate into the ADFContext session scope e.g. ADFContext.getCurrent().getSessionScope().put("TriggerDate",calendarEvent.getTriggerDate());
    Then, I've tried multiple approaches to try and "get" the TriggerDate from session scope to drop it into my new Calendar Event basically, I'm trying to default the InputField(s) associated with the Start Date using the value from the session - I've tried
    1. setting the default value for the InputField in the jspx using a binding expression i.e. value="#{sessionScope.TriggerDate}" - this actually sets the value appropriately when the jspx is rendered but, when I go to create I get a NPE and I can't debug. I assumed that it might be a Date type issue - it would appear that CalendarListener provides a date of type java.util.Date and that the StartDate attribute of my VO/EO/table is a DATE and therefore requires oracle.jbo.domain.Date so I tried casting it - to no effect
    2. Using a Groovy expression *(StartDate==null?adf.context.sessionScope.TriggerDate:StartDate)* in my calendar's EventVO to default the Start Date to the same result
    Any thoughts or ideas?

    Thanks for that suggestion - could not get it to work. However, I did manage a different approach. I finally determined the sequence of events in terms of how the various events and listeners fire (I think).
    Basically, the CalendarActivityListener fires, followed by the listener associated with the Calendar object's Create facet, followed finally by the CalendarEventListener - the final is where the TriggerEvent is available and then finally, control is passed to the popup/dialog in the Create facet. So, my approach of trying to set/get the TriggerDate in the user's HTTP session was doomed to failure because it was being get before it had been set :(
    Anyway, I ended up adding a bit of code to the CalendarEvent listener - it grabs the current BindingContext, navigates through the DCBindingContainer to derive an Iterator for the ViewObject which drives the calendar and then grabs the currently active row. I then do a few tests to make sure we're working with a "new" row because I don't want to alter start & end dates associated with an existing calendar entry and then I define the Start and End dates to be the Trigger Date.
    Works just fine. Snippet from the listener follows
    BindingContext bindingContext = BindingContext.getCurrent();+
    *if ( bindingContext != null )    {*+
    DCBindingContainer dcBindings = (DCBindingContainer) bindingContext.getCurrentBindingsEntry();+
    DCIteratorBinding iterator = dcBindings.findIteratorBinding("EventsView1Iterator");+
    Row currentRow = iterator.getCurrentRow();+
    if ( currentRow.getAttribute("StartDate") == null)+
    currentRow.setAttribute("StartDate", calendarEvent.getTriggerDate());+
    if (currentRow.getAttribute("EndDate")==null)+
    currentRow.setAttribute("EndDate", calendarEvent.getTriggerDate());+

  • Set up for custom encode preset in Compressor for ATV2

    using compressor 3.0.5 i would like to set up a customer encode preset for atv2.
    ver 3.0.5 of compressor was released prior to atv2 so i would guess the current preset is for atv1.
    here is a screen copy of the specs:
    Name: H.264 for Apple TV
    Description: H.264 1280x720 video @ 5Mbps, progressive. Audio is 44.1 kHz, stereo
    File Extension: m4v
    Estimated file size: 2.1 GB/hour of source
    Device: Apple TV HD
    Frame sync rate: 5 seconds
    Video Encoder
    Format: QT
    Width and Height: Automatic
    Pixel aspect ratio: Square
    Crop: None
    Padding: None
    Frame rate: (100% of source)
    Frame Controls: Automatically selected: Off
    Codec Type: H.264
    Multi-pass: Off, frame reorder: On
    Pixel depth: 24
    Spatial quality: 50
    Min. Spatial quality: 50
    Temporal quality: 50
    Min. temporal quality: 50
    Average data rate: 5 (Mbps)
    Maximum data rate: 14 (Mbps)
    Audio Encoder
    Format: MPEG4
    Sample Rate: 44.100kHz
    Channels: 2
    Bits Per Sample: 16
    AAC encoder quality: high
    Data rate: 128 Kbps
    What changes should be made?
    Thanks in advance.

    You have to add the Service Offerings and the Request Offerings in the Catalog Group. Nesting doesn't work because Service Offerings and Request Offerings are different types of objects.
    This offers the option the manage the access to Service Offerings and Request Offerings very granular if needed. For instance you can control access to a Service Offering in one Catalog Group related to one user role (A) and use two additional Catalog Groups
    with different Request Offerings related to other user roles (B) and (C). Result will lead to:
    User in Role A and B -> Can see Service Offerings A containing Request Offerings B
    User in Role A and C -> Can see Service Offerings A containing Request Offerings C
    User in Role A, B and C -> Can see Service Offerings A containing Request Offerings B and C
    User in Role A only -> Don's see anything because of the missing permission on any Request Offering. So the "empty" Service Request won't show up in the portal.
    Hope his helps.
    Andreas Baumgarten | H&D International Group

  • Can I set the default locale for jvm

    Can I set the default locale for jvm?
    How to do it?

    My windows default locale is chinese .I have thought of your opinion. But in
    windows nt , if I change the locale , all the environment will be
    destroyed(just like reinstall it , it's difficult for me) . So , Is there
    any other approach?
    Dimitri Rakitine <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Did you try to change the locale in the Windows control panel?
    (Control panel -> Regional Options -> Your locale)
    Pan YangBin <[email protected]> wrote:
    I have tried changing this system property and other properties such
    as -Duser.language=en -Dfile.encoding=Cp1252 , but all these properties
    not changed, you can get this infomation from the log file .Maybe these
    system properties are readonly.
    Thanks very much.
    Chris Halstead <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Try adding -Duser.region=US to the java command line used to start
    "Pan YangBin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    The problem exists in my project still exist.That is it.
    When I did not set weblogic.jsp.encoding to GB2312 in my web
    application(web.xml), and when the jsp file contain's chinese , the
    will be error(error chinese) .And when I did not set it , the output
    correct, but when I use request.getParameter("SomeFormElement")(theelement
    inputed chinese), the return value is error(still chinese error).And
    am in windows nt english version and do not set this property, all
    problems dispear. And I try to compare the java files those were
    by weblogic from the jsp file , there is only two additional clause
    java file. That's it:
    response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=GB2312");
    (the web.xml has <context-param>
    </context-param> to be set
    So, I think maybe it works well if I change the default locale toenglish.
    And unfortunately, your method is also failed.(I have to use weblogic
    chinese environment)
    Would you please help me to solve this problem?
    Dimitri Rakitine <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Try java ... -Duser.language=en ...
    or mode con cp select=437 in the command prompt before running
    Pan YangBin <[email protected]> wrote:
    I'm using weblogic server 5.1 sp6 in chinese environment, and I
    weblogic compile my jsp with en_us locale . So I can't use
    Locale.setDefault(new Locale(...)) to set the default locale ,butI
    want someway configure.
    Dimitri Rakitine <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Locale.setDefault(new Locale(...)) ?
    Pan YangBin <[email protected]> wrote:
    Can I set the default locale for jvm?
    How to do it?

  • Setting project default file locations and a few random interface questions

    I apologize for the randomness of this post, but it seemed better than spamming a bunch of different posts in a short period of time.  I've been using Premiere Elements 9 for about 6 months now and there are a few little things that I'd like to tweak.
    I'd like to change the default file save location for a project.  I've got different projects in different folders and it seems like I should be able to set a default save location for each project.  All I've ever been able to find in the help is how to set the scratch folder, which is different.
    I'd like to change the default encoding preset for a project.  For example, I have a custom preset for mp4 under the mobile phone category.  It would be nice to have that be the default whenever I pick the mobile phone category.
    With birthdays and concerts and plays and all that stuff I have about 50 videos and a couple hundred large photos already.  Every time Premiere loads, it takes a few extra seconds to load up all of the thumbnails.  I hide all the videos and pictures on the Organize tab and save the project, but it never sticks.  Is this just impossible?
    Finally, every so often, the end-of-clip marker acts funny.  I don't know what the proper name for it is, but it is the thing under the mouse cursor in the picture below.  It used to automatically move on the time line as I added or deleted clips.  Somehow I clicked a button and it no longer does that.  After a week or so of not working, it goes back to automatically adjusting as I add and delete clips from the timeline and then it will break again.  Ideas?
    Also in the timeline, I now have this huge gap of nothingness on top of video 1, see picture.  My ocd says that Video1 and Audio 1 should be at the very top and the gap should be on the bottom.  Ideas?

    I kind of wish you'd have spread these questions out over a couple of posts so that we could answer each thoroughly. If I answer all of them in depth in a single post, this answer would be the size of one of my books! (which, by the way, contain many of the answers to these questions.)
    1. The default save location for your videos should be the last place you've saved your video to. So that should happen automatically. Although in my books I recommend that, whenever you start a new project, you create a new folder for it. This is good housekeeping and a good way to keep your tmp and render files in the same place on your drive, which has a number of advantages.
    2. You can't create a custom project preset. The only presets available are the ones Adobe provides. And, although they are pretty extensive, some non-traditional formats (like video from some mobile phones) are not well supported. You may be able to get it to work -- but it's usually a hybrid solution and, personally, if you plan to use your phone's video as your main video source, I'd recommend you look at another video editing program. Premiere Elements doesn't do the hybrid stuff well. It's ideally suited for video from traditional camcorders.
    3. The thumbnails you see when the program loads are not in your current project. At least not until you import them into your Project panel. That Media panel is merely a preview to what's in your Organizer catalog. As I explain in my book, it's usually best to ignore this panel until you really learn your way around the basics of this program. It's very confusing. Fortunately, it adds very little load time to the program itself -- regardless of how much time it seems to add.
    4. The thing in the illustration is the Work Area Bar. It's used to isolate a segment of your timeline for rendering, etc. Usually, it will shrink and grow as you add and remove video from your timeline. Unfortunately, there's a bug in version 9 and, if you manually change it once during a project, you'll have to manually change it for the rest of the time you work on the project. But, if you drag each end of the Work Area Bar to cover your entire timeline of videos, your project shouldn't misbehave.
    5. The "gap of nothingness" on your timeline is just room for you to add more audio and video tracks if you'd like to. It's a good thing to have! BTW, as I'm sure you know (and my books, once again, explain) you can toggle the tracks on your timeline so that they display as either compressed (as in your illustration) or wide open, which allows you to see your clips and control audio and video levels. Once again, this is a very good thing!
    Happy moviemaking.

  • How can you set the default width of the 'Detailed Navigation iView'?

    we would like to reduce the default width of the 'Detailed Navigation iView' in order to save some screen space.
    So far, we havn't found the right item in the portal admin to do this.
    Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance.
    Frank Schülke, E.ON Ruhrgas, Germany

    Hi Frank,
    You can change the width of this navigation iview  by changing the value of "defaultExpWidth" in the file WAandNAVPanel.js present in the par file from default value 220 pixels to the value you want.
    upload the changed par file and restart the server.
    Hope this helps,
    (if not do get  back )
    Do award points for helpful answers in SDN!!!!!!!:-)

  • Default Character Encoding stuck on UTF-8 - Firefox 7

    I cannot change the Character Encoding - it is stuck on Unicode UTF-8 and I can not change it! When a web page opens I get these little boxes with "FF FD" instead of Quote marks. When I change the character encoding on that page using "View->Character Encoding" and click on the Western (ISO-8859-1), the page displays correctly. Every page opens using Unicode UTF-8 as the default.
    View->Character Encoding -- shows Unicode UTF-8 as the default.
    View->Character Encoding->Auto-detect -- shows OFF
    Tool->Options->Content->Advance->Fonts->Default Character Encoding -- shows Western (ISO-8859-1) as well as the "Allow Pages to choose their own fonts..." IS CHECKED in the check box
    THE PAGES ARE NOT UTF-8!!!! The "View Page Source" IS NOT Unicode UTF-8! -- It shows <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">.
    The "View Page Info" shows MetaTag - Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    Why can I not change the Default Character Encoding?
    I would also like to point out that the Unicode UTF-8 seems to be broken because it is indicating that the QUOTE CHARACTER is an UNPRINTABLE character "FF FD"
    ----- EDIT -----
    The UTF-8 is not broken. The problem as pointed out in is that my Firefox being STUCK processing UTF-8 encoding cannot read the clearly marked iso-8859-1 data. So the UTF-8 is reinterpreting smart quotes -&ldquo; and &rdquo;- (“ and ”) as replacement (unprintable) characters.
    So the real problem is why my Firefox is stuck on Unicode UTF-8

    The real problem is that the font that is used doesn't have those characters.
    Do you see the special quotes -“ and ” on this forum page?
    Does it help if you disable the website fonts and set another font as the default font?
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced

  • What are the softwares or tools present default in TFS 2010

    1.What are the softwares or tools present default in TFS 2010?Whether SCVMM is present by default
    2.What is the cost of upgrading to TFS 2012 from TFS 2010(VS ultimate version)?
    3.In Team Foundation Administration Console,what is the purpose of Lab Management,Build Configuration(Build
    Controller),Test Controller.Please guide me.
    4.How to create template for automation?What is the need of template creation.
    5.Whether I need to install build Controller & Test Controller for the lab Center  to work in MTM.

    Hi Nazimanasir,
    For your questions, check the replies in below items:
    1. Tfs is a dependent software, but have prerequisites for installation. And you may check MSDN pages to see the requirements like:
    If you want to know TFS architecture, you can refer to the
    page for more information. And you can get started TFS 2010 from this
    page. You have to install SCVMM if you want to use it to manage virtual machines
    2. For the license issue, you might contact
    directly for the better response, where specialized experts live in. You can also refer to the upgrade guide here:
    3. With the Lab management,  you can build and test in lab environment. Refer to this
    page for more information about lab management.  The build controller is for TFS build, and test controller is for testing which can be used to run test cases by MTM.
    4. I'm not quite clear the template you mean, please elaborate more details. If you're saying build process template, then you can use the build process templates that accompany with the team project. If you mean process template, you can check them in process
    template manager. You can also check this
    page for more information about customize TFS process template.
    5. Once you have setup your TFS machine, then you can configure build controller by following the instruction in this page: And check this
    link for setting up test controller. For MTM related questions, you can also open a new thread in MTM forum for a better response.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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