Setting row attribute doesn't

Creating a new row under a view I'm getting an expception indicating the key field isn't set (at commit time).
        public void save(ProductsViewRowImpl pRow) {
            String c = pRow.getProductCode();this.code is a string. I've traced into setProductCode and it's valid. No question of not it not being the variable I thought it was or anything.
c is null.
ProductsViewRowImpl is generated by JDeveloper and hasn't been modified in any way. It calls the appropriate internal attribute stuff with index 1 (which seems correct).
I've tried setAttribute("ProductCode", code); with the same results.

It looks ok. Can you provide the code for createVideoElement as well?
This is the snipet that works for me:
var resource:URLResource = new URLResource(" lv");
// Create the MediaElement and add it to our container class.
var videoElement:VideoElement =  new VideoElement(resource);
var mediaPlayer:MediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
mediaPlayer.autoPlay = false; = videoElement;

Similar Messages

  • Setting property attribute values for multiple selected objects.

    Is there an easy way to set the attribute property values for more that one selected Table Operator Attribute (column) at a time. For example the target table has over 100 columns but I only want to INSERT/UPDATE 10 of those columns. The generated MERGE, INSERT and UPDATE statements will perform DML on all of the columns in the target table, setting the 90 columns with no mapping set to NULL. This is due to the Loading Properties 'Load Column when Updating Row' and 'Load Column when Inserting Row' both default to Yes. I would like to select multiple Attributes in the Table Operator and change the 'Load Column when Updating Row' and 'Load Column when Inserting Row' to No. This is similar to what you were able to do in Oracle Forms 9.0 Designer select multiple Items in a Block and change the properties en-masse.

    Using OMB scripting to set attribute properties in a data mapping sort of defeats the purpose of utilizing a graphical user interface to define and set properties for a data mapping? Surely the GUI data mapping tool was created to get away from writing scripts and scripting would also require that you know the name of the data mapping, table operator and the set of attribute names for which you have to write one line of script to set each property value, i.e. 90 lines to set 90 attribute values.

  • Set row as header using applescript

    I am new to AppleScript and I am writing my first script to crunch some data in numbers. I am trying to figure out how to set row one as the header row in sheet 1 using the script. Can anyone help?

    Here is a script a bit more powerful that what you asked for but it's of more general use.
    --[SCRIPT set_count_of_Xers]
    Enregistrer le script en tant que Script : set_count_of_Xers.scpt
    déplacer le fichier ainsi créé dans le dossier
    Il vous faudra peut-être créer le dossier Numbers et peut-être même le dossier Applications.
    Aller au menu Scripts , choisir Numbers puis choisir “set_count_of_Xers”
    En fonction des paramètres passés, le script fixera le nombre de Rangs d’en-tête, Colonnes d’en-tête ou Rangs de bas de tableau dans le tableau table_name de la feuille sheet_name du document doc_name.
    L’aide du Finder explique:
    L’Utilitaire AppleScript permet d’activer le Menu des scripts :
    Ouvrez l’Utilitaire AppleScript situé dans le dossier Applications/AppleScript.
    Cochez la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre de menus”.
    Sous 10.6.x,
    aller dans le panneau “Général” du dialogue Préférences de l’Éditeur Applescript
    puis cocher la case “Afficher le menu des scripts dans la barre des menus”.
    Save the script as a Script: set_count_of_Xers.scpt
    Move the newly created file into the folder:
    <startup Volume>:Users:<yourAccount>:Library:Scripts:Applications:Numbers:
    Maybe you would have to create the folder Numbers and even the folder Applications by yourself.
    Go to the Scripts Menu, choose Numbers, then choose “set_count_of_Xers”
    According to the defined parameters, the script will set the count of HEADer ROWs, HEADer COLUMNs or FOOTer ROWS in the table table_name of the sheet sheet_name in the document doc_name.
    The Finder’s Help explains:
    To make the Script menu appear:
    Open the AppleScript utility located in Applications/AppleScript.
    Select the “Show Script Menu in menu bar” checkbox.
    Under 10.6.x,
    go to the General panel of AppleScript Editor’s Preferences dialog box
    and check the “Show Script menu in menu bar” option.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)
    property forTests : false
    true may be useful for tests. It triggers the handler select_SubMenu which list the UI elements.
    false is the setting to apply when the script is finished because it runs faster.
    on run
              my activateGUIscripting()
    This script is a general one allowing to treat the defined table
              set doc_name to 1
              set sheet_name to "Feuille 2"
              set table_name to "Tableau 1"
              set which_item to 10
              set nb_Xers to 1
              my setNbXers(doc_name, sheet_name, table_name, which_item, nb_Xers) (* to set 1 HEADer ROW *)
    end run
    which = 10 --> set count of HEADer ROWs
              my setNbXers(1, "Feuille 2", "Tableau 1", 10, 1) (* to set 1 HEADer ROW *)
    which = 11 --> set count of HEADer COLUMNs
              my setNbXers("my doc.numbers", "Sheet 5", "Table aux", 11, 4) (* to set 4 HEADer COLUMNs *)
    which = 14 --> set count of FOOTer ROWs
              my setNbXers("ASCII.numbers", "Sheet of paper", "TableTop", 14, 3) (* to set 3 FOOTer ROWs *)
    on setNbXers(docName, sheetName, tableName, whichItem, nbXers)
              my selectTable(docName, sheetName, tableName)
              if forTests then
                        my select_SubMenu("Numbers", 6, whichItem, nbXers + 1)
                        my selectSubMenu("Numbers", 6, whichItem, nbXers + 1)
              end if
    end setNbXers
    set { dName, sName, tName,  rowNum1, colNum1, rowNum2, colNum2} to my get_SelParams()
    tell application "Numbers" to tell document dName to tell sheet sName to tell table tName
    on get_SelParams()
              local d_name, s_name, t_name, row_num1, col_num1, row_num2, col_num2
              tell application "Numbers" to tell document 1
                        set d_name to its name
                        set s_name to ""
                        repeat with i from 1 to the count of sheets
                                  tell sheet i to set maybe to the count of (tables whose selection range is not missing value)
                                  if maybe is not 0 then
                                            set s_name to name of sheet i
                                            exit repeat
                                  end if -- maybe is not 0
                        end repeat
                        if s_name is "" then
                                  if my parleAnglais() then
                                            error "No sheet has a selected table embedding at least one selected cell !"
                                            error "Aucune feuille ne contient une table ayant au moins une cellule sélectionnée !"
                                  end if
                        end if
                        tell sheet s_name to tell (first table where selection range is not missing value)
                                  tell selection range
                                            set {top_left, bottom_right} to {name of first cell, name of last cell}
                                  end tell
                                  set t_name to its name
                                  tell cell top_left to set {row_num1, col_num1} to {address of its row, address of its column}
                                  if top_left is bottom_right then
                                            set {row_num2, col_num2} to {row_num1, col_num1}
                                            tell cell bottom_right to set {row_num2, col_num2} to {address of its row, address of its column}
                                  end if
                        end tell -- sheet…
                        return {d_name, s_name, t_name, row_num1, col_num1, row_num2, col_num2}
              end tell -- Numbers
    end get_SelParams
    on parleAnglais()
              local z
                        tell application "Numbers" to set z to localized string "Cancel"
              on error
                        set z to "Cancel"
              end try
              return (z is not "Annuler")
    end parleAnglais
    on decoupe(t, d)
              local oTIDs, l
              set oTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to d
              set l to text items of t
              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oTIDs
              return l
    end decoupe
    on activateGUIscripting()
      (* to be sure than GUI scripting will be active *)
              tell application "System Events"
                        if not (UI elements enabled) then set (UI elements enabled) to true
              end tell
    end activateGUIscripting
    ==== Uses GUIscripting ====
    on selectTable(theDoc, theSheet, theTable)
              local maybe, targetSheetRow, rowIndex, r
                        tell application "Numbers"
                                  set theDoc to name of document theDoc (* useful if the passed value is a number. Checks also that we passed the name of an open doc *)
                        end tell -- Numbers
              on error
                        if my parleAnglais() then
                                  error "The spreadsheet “" & theDoc & "” is not open !"
                                  error "Le tableur « " & theDoc & " » n’est pas ouvert ! "
                        end if -- my parleAnglais
              end try
                        tell application "Numbers" to tell document theDoc
                                  set theSheet to name of sheet theSheet (* useful if the passed value is a number and check the availability of theSheet if it’s a string *)
                        end tell -- Numbers
              on error
                        if my parleAnglais() then
                                  error "The sheet “" & theSheet & "” is unavailable in the spreadsheet “" & theDoc & "” !"
                                  error "La feuille « " & theSheet & " » n’existe pas dans le tableur « " & theDoc & " » ! "
                        end if -- my parleAnglais
              end try
                        tell application "Numbers" to tell document theDoc to tell sheet theSheet
                                  set theTable to name of table theTable (* useful if the passed value is a number and check the availability of theSheet if it’s a string *)
                        end tell -- Numbers
              on error
                        if my parleAnglais() then
                                  error "The table “" & theTable & "” is unavailable in the sheet “" & theSheet & "”  of the spreadsheet “" & d & "” !"
                                  error "La table « " & theTable & " » n’existe pas dans la feuille « " & theSheet & " »  du tableur « " & d & " » ! "
                        end if -- my parleAnglais
              end try
              set maybe to 5 > (system attribute "sys2")
              tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Numbers"
                        tell outline 1 of scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of splitter group 1 of window theDoc
                                  if maybe then (* macOS X 10.4.x
    '(value of attributes contains 0)': '(value of attribute "AXDisclosureLevel" is 0)' sometimes works in Tiger, sometimes not.
    The only possible instances of 0 amongst the attributes are the disclosure level of a sheet row and the index of the first row, which represents a sheet anyway.
    Another possibility is '(value of attribute -1 is 0)', which makes me uneasy. *)
                                            set targetSheetRow to first row where ((value of attributes contains 0) and (value of first static text is theSheet))
                                  else (* macOS X 10.5.x or higher *)
                                            set targetSheetRow to first row where ((value of attribute "AXDisclosureLevel" is 0) and ((groups is {}) and (value of first static text is theSheet)) or (value of first group's first static text is theSheet))
                                  end if -- maybe
                                  tell targetSheetRow to set {value of attribute "AXSelected", value of attribute "AXDisclosing"} to {true, true}
      -- Get the sheet row's 0-based index + 2 for the following row's 1-based index.
                                  set r to (value of attribute "AXIndex" of targetSheetRow) + 2
                                  repeat until (value of first static text of row r is theTable)
                                            set r to r + 1
                                  end repeat
                                  set value of attribute "AXSelected" of row r to true
                        end tell -- outline 1 …
              end tell -- System Events
    end selectTable
    my selectSubMenu("Pages",6, 4, 26)
    ==== Uses GUIscripting ====
    on selectSubMenu(theApp, mt, mi, ms)
              tell application theApp
                        tell application "System Events" to tell process theApp to tell menu bar 1 to ¬
                                  tell menu bar item mt to tell menu 1 to tell menu item mi to tell menu 1 to click menu item ms
              end tell -- application theApp
    end selectSubMenu
    useful to get the indexs of the triggered item
    my select_SubMenu("Numbers", 6, 10, 1+1) (* Table > Header rows > 1 *)
    on select_SubMenu(theApp, mt, mi, ms)
              tell application theApp
                        tell application "System Events" to tell process theApp to tell menu bar 1
                                  get name of menu bar items
    01 - "Apple",
    02 - "Numbers",
    03 - "Fichier",
    04 - "Édition",
    05 - "Insertion",
    06 - "Tableau",
    07 - "Format",
    08 - "Disposition",
    09 - "Présentation",
    10 - "Fenêtre",
    11 - "Partage",
    12 - "Aide"}
                                  get name of menu bar item mt
      -- {"Tableau"}
                                  tell menu bar item mt to tell menu 1
                                            get name of menu items
    01 - "Insérer un rang d’en-tête au-dessus"
    02 - "Insérer un rang d’en-tête en dessous"
    03 - missing value
    04 - "Insérer une colonne d’en-tête avant"
    05 - "Insérer une colonne d’en-tête après"
    06 - missing value
    07 - "Supprimer le rang"
    08 - "Supprimer la colonne"
    09 - missing value
    10 - "Rangs d’en-tête"
    11 - "Colonnes d’en-tête"
    12 - "Bloquer les rangs d’en-tête"
    13 - "Bloquer les colonnes d’en-tête"
    14 - "Rangs de bas de tableau"
    15 - missing value
    16 - "Ajuster les rangs au contenu"
    17 - "Ajuster les colonnes au contenu"
    18 - missing value
    19 - "Afficher tous les rangs"
    20 - "Afficher toutes les colonnes"
    21 - "Activer toutes les catégories"
    22 - missing value
    23 - "Fusionner les cellules"
    24 - "Diviser en rangs"
    25 - "Diviser en colonnes"
    26 - missing value
    27 - "Répartir les rangs uniformément"
    28 - "Répartir les colonnes uniformément"
    29 - missing value

  • Set OU Attribute via Script

    Is it possible to set the "ou" attribute of a computer object in AD via script?  That attribute is not listed as an option in Set-ADComputer and it doesn't auto-populate based on the OU the object is in.  How can I programatically set
    the attribute rather than modifying each individual object manually?

    You can populate it with Set-ADComputer.
    Set-ADcomputer -Identity xxx -add @{ou="yyy"}
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Get Active Directory User Last Logon
    Create an Active Directory test domain similar to the production one
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part I
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part II
    Management of test accounts in an Active Directory production domain - Part III
    Reset Active Directory user password

  • Wlappc ANT task "runtimeFlags" attribute doesn't take effect

    I am intermittently counter "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" error while I am running wlappc ANT task to compile jsp pages. I have lots of jsp files (about 500). According to weblogic's document, I set runtimeFlags="-J-ms512m -J-mx1024m". So my ant task looks like this:
              <wlappc source="${websrc}" output="${output}" runtimeFlags="-J-ms1024m -J-mx1024m">
              But it doesn't work. It still complains out of memory error. I tried various approach including "-J-Xms1024m -J-Xmx1024m". But not helpful at all.
              So I gave up and ended up using weblogic.appc class to build my jsp pages. So I have fully control of jvm options. I set up -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m as JVM parameters and works well.
              It looks to me that wlappc ANT task ignore runtimeFlags at all. It doesn't take any effect.
              Is it a known bug? anyone succeeded solving OutOfMemoryError by setting runtimeFlags attribute of wlappc ANT task?

    I was having the same issue.
              Try using the maxmemory argument for the standard java ant task and calling weblogic.appc:
              <java classname="weblogic.appc" fork="yes" failonerror="true" maxmemory="256m">
              <fileset dir="${weblogic.home}/server/lib" includes="weblogic.jar,webservices.jar" />
              <arg value="${ear.dir}" />
              <arg value="-verbose" />

  • EL expression to set row at particular index as selected row

    What should be the EL expression to set row at index 'i' as selected row in a tree binding.
    I tried *#{bindings.treeBinding.collectionModel.selectedRow[i]}* . But it doesn't work.
    I also want to make the selected row as current. Will *#{bindings.treeBinding.collectionModel.makeCurrent}* work?

    create a managed bean that returns the selected RowKeys for the tree. See this example:
    It searches for a specific label in a tree and marks it as selected

  • Setting an attribute back to null

    Hi All.
    During provisioning to certain resource, I set an attribute to some value (It gets set properly), Now I want to set it back to null(empty string). It is not setting back to null and still displays the old value
    <set name=''>
    <null/> or <s></s>
    Is there any way to set the attribute value back to null or clear that particular attribute

    Any update on this, Please reply

  • Need Help ::  Current row attribute value returning null

      Hi Frds,
    I am facing the problem that
    Current row attribute value returning null............ even though value is there..... plz.. he
    This is the code in PFR
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    if (pageContext.getParameter("queryBtn")!= null)
        String  pPersonId = pageContext.getParameter("ctrlPersonId");
         String rowReference = pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_SOURCE_ROW_REFERENCE);
         OptionsVORowImpl curRow = (     OptionsVORowImpl) am.findRowByRef(rowReference);
        String dtlsItem =  (String)curRow.getFlexValue();   /*  this is returning null value */
    /*  here creating  the hashmap and calling the page with the hashmap*/
    Thanks & Regards,
    Message was edited by: 9d452cf7-d17f-4d1e-8e0e-b22539ea8810

    Hi Jaya,
    You want to catch Flexfield values?
    Try below code for catch value.
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    if (pageContext.getParameter("queryBtn")!= null)
    OADescriptiveFlexBean dfb = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("flexDFF"); //get the DFF bean
    OAWebBean dffbean = (OAWebBean)dfb.findChildRecursive("flexDFF0"); //get the field that applies to the attribute1 column that is being rendered
    OAMessageStyledTextBean Stylebean = (OAMessageStyledTextBean)dffbean;
    String dtlsItem  = (String)Stylebean.getText(pageContext);
    /*  here creating  the hashmap and calling the page with the hashmap*/

  • Problem with setting custom attribute and it being searchable

    I'm having an issue with setting a custom attribute and having it be searchable using Portal 10.1.4. The situation that we have is that we initially added a bunch of files to Oracle Portal using webdrive. Later on, we decided that we needed another custom attribute called "Pinned Item" that will be used for searching (boolean value) and gave it a default value of false. The attribute was then added to the "File" item type in the "Shared Objects" group.
    It appears that since this attribute wasn't initially available on the file object, we couldn't search on it so we decided to set it programatically. First, I tried using wwsbr.set_attribute but it errored out seemingly because the value wasn't set in the first place. If I set a value first by using the web front end, I could then use the set_attribute procedure.
    So, I moved on to using wwsbr_api.modify_item and it appears to set it (although everything is being set to false until I changed it to "text" instead of "boolean" which is OK because that's what I wanted anyway... see metalink bug 390618.1). I'm using the method outlined in metalink doc 413079.1. When I do set it to a "1", and edit the item the check box is checked indicating that it is set correctly. And if I just click "OK" to save the attributes after I open it everything works like it should.
    However, the advanced search (and custom search portlet) and the search APIs are not picking it up. I'm not sure if I'm hitting Metalink bug ID 5592472 or not as that's using the "set_attribute" procedure instead of the modify_item procedure. And their "workaround" of setting the attribute in the UI isn't really feasible for a couple thousand files.
    So far I've tried the following things to get it working:
    1. I am calling wwpro_api_invalidation.execute_cache_invalidation
    2. I have executed wwv_context.sync
    3. I cleared the page group cache
    4. I invalidated all of the web cache
    Does anyone else have any other suggestions?

    I'm having an issue with setting a custom attribute and having it be searchable using Portal 10.1.4. The situation that we have is that we initially added a bunch of files to Oracle Portal using webdrive. Later on, we decided that we needed another custom attribute called "Pinned Item" that will be used for searching (boolean value) and gave it a default value of false. The attribute was then added to the "File" item type in the "Shared Objects" group.
    It appears that since this attribute wasn't initially available on the file object, we couldn't search on it so we decided to set it programatically. First, I tried using wwsbr.set_attribute but it errored out seemingly because the value wasn't set in the first place. If I set a value first by using the web front end, I could then use the set_attribute procedure.
    So, I moved on to using wwsbr_api.modify_item and it appears to set it (although everything is being set to false until I changed it to "text" instead of "boolean" which is OK because that's what I wanted anyway... see metalink bug 390618.1). I'm using the method outlined in metalink doc 413079.1. When I do set it to a "1", and edit the item the check box is checked indicating that it is set correctly. And if I just click "OK" to save the attributes after I open it everything works like it should.
    However, the advanced search (and custom search portlet) and the search APIs are not picking it up. I'm not sure if I'm hitting Metalink bug ID 5592472 or not as that's using the "set_attribute" procedure instead of the modify_item procedure. And their "workaround" of setting the attribute in the UI isn't really feasible for a couple thousand files.
    So far I've tried the following things to get it working:
    1. I am calling wwpro_api_invalidation.execute_cache_invalidation
    2. I have executed wwv_context.sync
    3. I cleared the page group cache
    4. I invalidated all of the web cache
    Does anyone else have any other suggestions?

  • How to set session attributes in a bean?

    How do I set a session attribute in a server-side bean?
    I'm not sure if I asked the question the right way. What I meant is, while it's easy to set session attributes in a JSP page (session.setAttribute("sessionname", "sessionvalue")), I'd want to set such an attribute within a server-side bean defined in this web application. But what is the syntax for doing it?

    Here a simple bean that stores something in the session and retrieves something from it.
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    public class TestBean {
      private String value;
      public void doSomething(HttpSession session, int a, int b) {
        if (a+b > 0) {
        } else {
      public void init(HttpSession session) {
        if (session != null) {
          Boolean b = (Boolean)session.getAttribute("ab");
          if (b == Boolean.TRUE) {
            value = "a + b is greater than zero";
          } else {
            value = "a + b is not greater than zero";
        } else {
          value = "no session";
      public String getValue() {
        return value;
    }In your JSP, use something along the lines of :
      TestBean bean = new TestBean();
    %>If your bean only lives during one request, you can pass the session to the constructor, which stores it in a private variable. This saves passing the session each time.
    Hope this helps,

  • Setting an attribute value of a tag equal to a String variable in scope

    I don't think this is possible because I get an "expression not allowed" error when trying it. But long story short I'm trying dynamically set attribute values on a taglib. For example:
    String value="attributevalue";
    // set the attribute of the tag below equal to this variable value
    <tag:mytaglib name="<%=value%>"/>
    I looked at the generated jsp page and seems like the variable "value" is not in scope of the method that processes the tag. Does anyone have any ideas or can confirm that there is no way to do this. Thanks!

    You can do it.
    In your tag library (*.tld) file, have an entry as:
        </attribute>This should do the trick.
    Let us know if it worked for you.
    Thanks and regards,
    Pazhanikanthan. P

  • Set type attribute search help in Web UI

    I've created a set type attribute in the SAP GUI in CRM 2007 which links to value table BUT000. On the product in the SAP GUI, the F4 search help brings up the standard BP search help (COM_PARTNER).
    I've assigned the attribute to the web UI, and the field displays correctly, however when I click on the F4 help, the system only shows me a list of BP numbers without even a description description, and not the standard search help. The response to my OSS message is that this is "standard".
    Any suggestions as to how to enable the correct search help for this?

    This is an example :
      READ TABLE lt_multivalues WITH KEY fieldname = 'ZOPERATION_ID'
      INTO ls_multivalues.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        READ TABLE lt_multivalues WITH KEY fieldname = 'ZKIT_ID'
        INTO ls_multivalues.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    Z search
        CALL METHOD me->search_by_kit
            it_search_tab          = it_search_tab
            it_multivalues         = lt_multivalues
            iv_number              = iv_number
            iv_item                = iv_item
            iv_archive             = iv_archive
            iv_call_authority_badi = iv_call_authority_badi
            et_guidlist            = et_guidlist
            et_return              = et_return.
    Standard search
        CALL METHOD me->search_standard
            it_search_tab          = it_search_tab
            it_multivalues         = lt_multivalues
            iv_number              = iv_number
            iv_item                = iv_item
            iv_archive             = iv_archive
            iv_call_authority_badi = iv_call_authority_badi
            et_guidlist            = et_guidlist
            et_return              = et_return.
    You have to fill et_guidlist with the results.

  • How to change set type attribute of a product

    Hi ;
    I created additional fields for products by using "COMM_ATTRSET". It created a table and functions but I dont know how to change this additional attributes.I cant use these attribute set functions because i dont know fragment_id yet. I think there must be a function encapsulates them.
    Is there any BAPI to change set type attributes?
    PS: In forums , I found an FM "COM_PRODUCT_MAINTAIN_MULT_API" but I think it hasnt been used anymore in CRM7.0

    Thanks for your reply ;
    but FM 'COM_PRODUCT_UI_MAINTAIN' doesnt have any generic import parameters to send my data to it in form of  newly created attribute set type table "ZPRODUCT".
    I want to set some fields of ZPRODUCT and i need to send them in this structure,  this table has column FRG_ID , if you set an additional  parameter for the first time , it generates new GUID..I think  'COM_PRODUCT_UI_MAINTAIN'  generates this GUID but i dont know how to use it.
    Can you give an example about using this FM?

  • Unable to set volume attribute "min-autosize" for volume

    We have a TDP volume(destination), that is in snapmirrored state from 7Mode to cDOT.While trying to resize/increment the volume size by say 100g we get the following error. clusterName> volume size volumneName -vserver vserverName +100gWarning: Volume "vserver:volumeName" is a SnapMirror destination volume. The Filesystem Size for this volume is derived from its source and cannot be changed. The specified size will be used as the Volume Size.
    Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y Error setting size of volume "vserver:volumeName". Unable to set volume attribute "min-autosize" for volume
    "volumeName" on Vserver "vserverName". Reason: Volume 'volumenName' is a snapmirrored volume.
    vol size: Flexible volume 'volumeName' size limit set to 8022664413184.  Any idea ?  Volumes autosize mode is false.

    Hi    I am not trying to change any setting. I am trying to increase the size of the volume. I understand in case of a Snapmirrored volume the fs_fixed options is ON.But one can always increase the actual volume size using vol size command. Even if I increase the size on ONTAP on the file system side it will show as the size same as source. I understand that. So my question is why is it prevenitng me from increasing the size. RegardsAdai

  • HELP - setting page margins doesn`t work correctly

    Hi there,
    maybe someone encountered the same Problems I am facing.
    I am setting the page margins for the Left-Side to have enough space to punch the printout.
    Somehow CR seems to ignore the values I set when printing a Report.
    Most of the times I have too much space on the right side and not on the left side.
    The margin on the Left side seems to be the min-margin of the printer.
    What`s wrong with the Reports?
    CR 2008 with SP1 is used.
    The Reports are not designed against a specific Printer.
    The virtual Printerdriver of CR is used.

    Don Williams wrote:
    > Hi Ricardo,
    > There is a new API that allows you to dissociate the printer... that is by default not checked on in the Report file.
    > Try setting it to true in your app and test again:
    >             // new API added to allow changing printing options
    >             newOpts.DissociatePageSizeAndPrinterPaperSize = true;
    > Search the Object Browser for how to use it.
    > Thank you
    > Don
    Don (or anyone else),
    I try to get to the DissociatePageSizeAndPrinterPaperSize but I can't figure out how to access it.
    I use CR 2008 with Visual Studio 2005, Visual Basic. My goal is to get an unrestricted right hand side
    of my report, so I can have as many columns as I want. (I have a different thread about this).
    First of all: If I search DissociatePageSizeAndPrinterPaperSize in the Object Browser, it can't find it.
    (I have performed an upgrade for CR XI R2 to CR 2008 and it seemingly went well).
    Here is what I do in code (a modified web download for testing):
    Option Strict On
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
    Partial Class _Default
        Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
        Private rpt As ReportDocument
        Private exportPath As String
        Private myDiskFileDestinationOptions As DiskFileDestinationOptions
        Private myExportOptions As ExportOptions
        Private selectedNoFormat As Boolean = False
        Private Sub ConfigureCrystalReports()
            rpt = New ReportDocument()
            Dim reportPath As String = Server.MapPath("Hierarchical Grouping.rpt")
            Dim myPrintOptions As CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.PrintOptions = _
                          CType(rpt.ReportClientDocument.PrintOutputController.GetPrintOptions(), _
            Dim newPrintOptions As CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.PrintOptions = myPrintOptions.Clone(True)
            Dim newMargins As CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.PageMargins = newPrintOptions.PageMargins
            newPrintOptions.PageMargins = newMargins
            newMargins.Right = 1000
            'newPrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.CrPaperSizeEnum.crPaperSizePaperA3
            ' newPrintOptions.PaperOrientation = CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ReportDefModel.CrPaperOrientationEnum.crPaperOrientationLandscape
            myCrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = rpt
        End Sub
    This prints a wider page on-screen than without the code, so it is an improvement. Still, I would like to go
    further, and the DissociatePageSizeAndPrinterPaperSize seems to be promising.
    Can you tell me how to set it in the context above?
    A little observation: When my newMargins.Right gets the value 145, the output is a narrow page.
    When it is set to 146, it jumps to a wider page.
    Setting the PageContentWidth doesn't help any more than the Right option.
    - Kjell Arne

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