Setup of SNMP trap

Can anyone please let me know how to setup snmp trap to send the target db alert to hp open view.
thanks in advance

You may use connectors for doing the same:

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    Hi list!
    Can you help me find a good doc explaining the experience of someone who managed to setup Oracle SNMP traps to an SNMP manager such as HP Openview? The document i've found in OTN is not what i'm looking...

    No probs, I have the answer.
    It's "config"
    int fc2/36
    no link-state-trap

  • Creating SNMP Trap Monitors in 2012 R2

    For the past week or so  I have been attempting to create a MP for my company's UPSs to be monitored in SCOM 2012 R2. I have created a custom MP with custom datasources and objects. All seems to go according to the plan until I attempt to create a SNMP
    Trap monitor for those objects. I am able to verify that the device is discovered and is sending the traps successfully with a view. The problem seems to lie within the setup of the monitor. I have followed the steps as much as I can from this page
    to create a monitor that will be triggered by an incoming trap saying the UPS is on Battery Power.
    This is the initial or trigger event information received by SCOM:
    <DataItem type="System.SnmpData" time="2014-07-03T08:48:07.6990732-07:00" sourceHealthServiceId="26DF02E5-DEA0-BED0-443B-3605A05D4790">
    <Value VariantType="19">17567220</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">.</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">UPS: On battery power in response to an input power problem.</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">.</Value>
    This is the event should signal that everything is operating normally once again.
    <DataItem type="System.SnmpData" time="2014-07-03T08:48:12.9133769-07:00" sourceHealthServiceId="26DF02E5-DEA0-BED0-443B-3605A05D4790"><Source></Source>
    <Value VariantType="19">17567730</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">.</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">UPS: No longer on battery power.</Value>
    <Value VariantType="8">.</Value>
    You may notice that these traps are being sent as SNMP v1. I am unable to change that on the UPS so i have modified the monitors to account for that. Here is the code for the monitor:
    <UnitMonitor ID="UIGeneratedMonitorc2c65f3c85fe42f48ce8d2580c57bbae" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="APC.MP.UPS" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.AvailabilityState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="SNL!System.NetworkManagement.SnmpTrapProvider.2SingleEvent2StateMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="false">
    <AlertSettings AlertMessage="UIGeneratedMonitorc2c65f3c85fe42f48ce8d2580c57bbae_AlertMessageResourceID">
    <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId2750c1ab2cd14b4a8a8e9f4633eba0b0" MonitorTypeStateID="SecondEventRaised" HealthState="Success" />
    <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId5753748399984d08953c1a46895df99c" MonitorTypeStateID="FirstEventRaised" HealthState="Warning" />
    <XPathQuery Type="String">SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">.</Value>
    <XPathQuery Type="String">SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">.</Value>
    I tried the following things while attempting to troubleshoot this issue:
    Leaving  First
    SnmpTrapProvider and Second
    SnmpTrapProvider blank while creating the monitor.
    Adding "" and also '' around the value as it is a string and perhaps that was the cause.
    Changing the First and Second SNMPTrapProvider to . since that is the specific OID I am looking for the value of.
    Reading every page of the internet and bashing my head on the keyboard.
     I am guessing that the issue will reside in the the monitor creation and definition, but I have not found anything that clearly describes how to fill out the SNMP Trap Monitor wizard given the trap info. Especially since the trap I am receiving does
    not seem to contain the usual OID with a common Int or string value.  Hopefully someone can provide assistance as I am nearing my wits end with this problem.

    Firstly, thank you Michael Skov, knowing that the First and Second SnmpTrapProvider or <FirstOIDProps> in the xml, needed to be blank got me pointed in the right direction. I figured I would come back and share my final working code snippet in case
    others run across a similar issue. 
    <UnitMonitor ID="UIGeneratedMonitorf9f671e5456c44fd807d6ec2bd09621d" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="Disc!APC.Disc.UPS" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="NetworkManagement!System.NetworkManagement.SnmpTrapProvider.2SingleEvent2StateMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="false">
    <AlertSettings AlertMessage="UIGeneratedMonitorf9f671e5456c44fd807d6ec2bd09621d_AlertMessageResourceID">
    <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId8700c95344254f87a60c92d30d4a3953" MonitorTypeStateID="SecondEventRaised" HealthState="Success" />
    <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId7bf68c6cfe3d4faabe83e630781c7327" MonitorTypeStateID="FirstEventRaised" HealthState="Warning" />
    <FirstOIDProps />
    <XPathQuery Type="String">SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">.</Value>
    <SecondOIDProps />
    <XPathQuery Type="String">SnmpVarBinds/SnmpVarBind[OID="."]/Value</XPathQuery>
    <Value Type="String">.</Value>

  • No SNMP traps from sun x4150 ILOM server

    Hi all,
    I have set up the ILOM alerts with SNMP traps (v2c,public) according to the ILOM user guide and pressed the "send test alerts". Nothing shows up in the SNMP trap monitor (using MG-SOFT software). When I add another alert of IPMI pet type (same destination ip as of SNMP trap alert) I see events in the trap monitor. It looks like the ILOM does not generate SNMP traps but only IPMI traps.
    In the ILOM user guide there is an explicit example of traps sent from the ILOM (in addition to the fact that the ILOM features include SNMP traps AS WELL as IPMI) so it seems this is possible...
    my ILOM version is
    SP Firmware Version
    Does anyone have any idea of any step I have missed ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Once the Network Device (Linux server in this case) is discovered you will still need a rule that targets that class and accepts incoming SNMP Traps for that OID, or All OIDs if you prefer.  I found 2 links that may be of help, the first is just a basic
    overview of the SNMP listener in SCOM 2012 as it has changed from the OS Listener in 2007 to a dedicated one.
    The second link covers SNMP setup, but starting at Step 7 there is a great how-to on creating your own SNMP rule which will be needed to collect your traps.

  • SNMP traps from EMC SRM to SCOM 2012 R2

    I'm trying to configure SCOM 2012 R2 as an SNMP trap listner.  I've seen many articles on setting this up but all are based around SNMP traps from network devices which must first be discovered and identified in the network device list.
    However in my scenario I am trying to monitor/listen for traps send by a Linux box hosting EMC SRM - this management software can be configured to send SNMP traps out so it is these that I need to try and listen for/capture.
    So can anyone explain how I can configure SCOM 2012 R2 to do this.  I have tried to just used the IP of the Linux box and discover it as a network device but it fails - in Network Devices Pending Mgmt it says No response Ping, even though I can
    ping the box from the Server OK - so I am guessing you cant cheat scom in discovering the Linux box as a network device in ths way?
    Can anyone offer any advice for setting this up.  Just to add I've ensured the RunAs Community String (public) and SNMP version is correct on both side...

    Once the Network Device (Linux server in this case) is discovered you will still need a rule that targets that class and accepts incoming SNMP Traps for that OID, or All OIDs if you prefer.  I found 2 links that may be of help, the first is just a basic
    overview of the SNMP listener in SCOM 2012 as it has changed from the OS Listener in 2007 to a dedicated one.
    The second link covers SNMP setup, but starting at Step 7 there is a great how-to on creating your own SNMP rule which will be needed to collect your traps.

  • Enterprise Manager Grid Control can send SNMP Traps to third-party?

    GC 11.1
    It looks like a simple config, but I've got into a confusion about it.
    I'm trying to figure out the configuration to send SNMP traps to a third party server.
    My scenario is:
    Node A (managed, monitored) ---- GC box------ SNMP box (final destination).
    My understanding is that the traps (notification methods) configured on GC box are generated by the Agent on Node A, then received by the GC and distributed as e-mails.
    What is the config to set the traps from A to reach SNMP box?
    There is the help page from the GC page (confused about interpretation):
    "Add SNMP Trap pageThe Add SNMP Trap page enables you to provide the name of the host (machine) on which the SNMP Master Agent is running and other details so that SNMP traps can be sent through Notification Rules.
    An example is shown below.
    Name HP OpenView Console
    Description Notification method to send trap to HP openview console
    SNMP Trap Host Name
    SNMP Host Port 162
    SNMP Community public
    This SNMP host will receive your SNMP traps.
    Note: A Test Trap button exists for you to test your setup."
    Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

    Please reply with the specific questions around this.
    EM can send SNMP traps to specific designated receivers. You create an advanced notification method (of type SNMP Trap) with the appropriate details about the receiver.
    (See Setup->Notification Methods)
    In the notification rules UI, you specify the alerts you are interested in forwarding and select the SNMP trap advanced notification method you created earlier.
    The SNMP receiver should be provided the correct MIB that defines the SNMP trap. There were some bugs with the MIB definition in one of the releases (don't recall which one off hand), so if the traps you are receiving don't match what the receiver expects - please let us know and we can point to the right one.

  • How to enable the "SNMP TRAP" Funcation in Prime Infrasructure 2.0 for receiveing the Third Party Device's SNMP TRAP

    I already uploaded the third party device's MIB to PI2.0,  but could not recive the third party device's SNMP TRAP properly .
    what do I need check for the PI ? or what do I need to setup for the PI?

    Duplicate post of :

  • Using SNMP traps

    We are trying to get our Ironports to send out SNMP traps.
    At this moment we use a M1050 for testing. we have no test C series and I do not want to pull out a power supply or disk on one of our production systems, just for testing :wink:
    At this moment the experiences with the M1050 are not very hopeful.
    At first the cold-start trap was send out on the default interface (data1) instead of the management interface which we configured for SNMP, most of the other traps where not send out at all. This was confirmed by support and they promised a better behavior for next versions.
    When we upgraded the M1050 to version 6 we expected to gain some traps but the result was disappointing. The cold start trap was now send out over the expected (configured) interface but all the other traps where not send out at all.
    Does anyone have other experiences with the C series?
    All input is appreciated.
    Regards Steven

    There is a known issue affecting SNMP traps in AsyncOS versions 5.5 and above. Look for a maintenance release next week and then try your tests again.
    Do you have a link to that case, as i have some issues in my own setup. We are using Cacti to monitor our 2 C350. From time to time, we get a timeout on SNMP, but the C350 i proccesesing mail.

  • SNMP Traps Monitoring problem.

    Hear is my problem. I am using SNMP Traps as Auto-Reaction Method to monitor some files system. I am already receiving Traps when the file exceeds the thresholds value (when change from Green to Yellow and when change from Yellow to Red). The problem that I’m having is that I am not receiving Traps to reset these values (Reset from Red to Yellow and Reset from Yellow to Green). What do I have to do to receive those traps?

    Hi Santiago,
    I am trying to send snmp alert from solution manager to Tivoli enterprise console. I did all configuration based on SAP document but Tivoli team keep saying that they did not receive anything. There is no way i can test on my side that what is the problem. When aler is generated, i see the MTE goes red and then alert status shows " Action required". However if I change the method to email, i receive emails. it is only SNMP which does not  work.
    Can you tell if i need to setup special parameter in SNMP method which i am missing. I did the following:
    HOST - Tivoli server
    Trapsort - UDP
    Port - 162
    MIB_DIR = /usr/sap//SID/SYS/exe/run/MIBS
    Also is there any settings which Tivoli team has to do for receiving traps? It is possible for you to share the setup document? you can send it to me on [email protected]
    Thanks for ur help.

  • Anyone have succes configuring SNMP traps?

    anyone have succes testing SNMP with snmptrap command?
    I am new to Ironport and the setup configuration of these devices. I am in the process of testing the snmp feature of these servers. As such I have configured the SNMP via snmpconfig command. From customer support I tried to enter the process for alerts and have not been able to get anything.
    Is the link to process. I suspect that the traps are not being sent from the appliance. I have gone over the Doc for the configuration and can't see any errors. I have AsyncOS 6.4 for IronPort M660. This is the Admin server for a C150 and C350. Of which I can get no snmp traps either. The snmp manager is CA if that helps. Is there a log file on Ironport to verify taht traps have been sent? I see my command in the CLI log file.

    The main issue is not being able to send a snmp trap to a CA NSM agent. Anyone been down this road before????

  • Configure SNMP Traps

    I am running SCOM 2012 R2 and I am trying to set up the server to receive SNMP traps from my HP Procurve switches.  I setup 1 switch to send all traps to my SCOM server.  The SNMP Feature is installed and the SNMP Trap service is disabled. 
    The SNMP Service is configured to the correct community and is setup to accept from all hosts.  I setup a rule that targets Nodes and I setup an Event View that uses this rule.  I trigger an alert on my switch and I see nothing in the Event
    View.  What am I doing wrong? 

    Im glad you got the SNMP working.
    You can either right-click an event, press Notification subscription and Create...
    You can also go to Administration and create it from there. The setup is pretty straight forward, but there are some guides here: -

  • SNMP traps config

    G Control 11.1
    My scenario is ( 3 components):
    Node A (managed, monitored) ---- GC box------ SNMP box (final destination).
    It looks like a simple config, but I've got into a confusion about it.
    I'm trying to figure out the configuration to send SNMP traps to a third party server.
    My understanding is that the traps (notification methods) configured on GC box are generated by the Agent on Node A, then received by the GC and distributed as e-mails.
    What is the config to set the traps from A to reach SNMP box?
    There is the help page from the GC page (confused about interpretation):
    "Add SNMP Trap pageThe Add SNMP Trap page enables you to provide the name of the host (machine) on which the SNMP Master Agent is running and other details so that SNMP traps can be sent through Notification Rules.
    An example is shown below.
    Name HP OpenView Console
    Description Notification method to send trap to HP openview console
    SNMP Trap Host Name
    SNMP Host Port 162
    SNMP Community public
    This SNMP host will receive your SNMP traps.
    Note: A Test Trap button exists for you to test your setup."
    Any suggestions are highly appreciated.


  • SNMP Traps Received are Incorrect

    I am running SCOM 2012 R2 and I have setup SNMP to receive traps from my HP Procurve switches.  All my switches were bought at different times so they have different revisions.  I opened a thread about this before, but it was not answered and has
    died off so I figured I'd open a new one.  If I connect to a switch and view the logs, they come out correctly.  The entries would read "Port #19 is now off-line".  That same entry in SCOM would read "19".  I configured
    the same switch to send traps to my PC and I used a simple SNMP trap receiver and the alerts were correct.  I was told to update the firmware so I did.  But even the switches with the latest firmware show up incorrect in SCOM.  Does anyone know
    how to fix this issue?  HP said to update the MIB's on my management server, but you cannot do that with SCOM.  The picture shows a PUTTY session and the logs are displayed correctly.  The second picture is the app on my PC and the one on the
    bottom is from SCOM:

    I did some more research and I found out that if I configure my switches to send all traps instead of critical, Not-info, or informs, then the traps are sent correctly.  EXCEPT for any "Warning" labeled traps.  Any trap that is "Port
    #19 is now on-Line" will come through fine, because it's an informational alert.  However, the alert "Excessive broadcasts on port #19" that is labeled as a warning comes in as only "19".  So it looks like SCOM cannot decipher
    a warning alert, but has no problem reading informational alerts.  Please respond.

  • ASA /Router -SNMP Trap when IP SLA monitored (ICMP timeout)

    I am looking for some solution for my below requirment
    Requirment is :
    How do I configure ASA or Router to send SNMP Trap when IP SLA monitored  features enabled (ICMP request or 900 millisecond delay from destination IP)
    Thanks in advance..

    Maybe this thread might help you?
    I have not personally configured these type of SLA configurations on an ASA other than for testing purposes. We handle Dual ISP setups outside the ASA firewalls.
    - Jouni

  • Generate SNMP TRAP when config changes

    Is there any way to generate a SNMP trap when new config is saved in ASA 5510?
    We are running ASA 8.3

    I have a clue about how to do it.
    I use in the asa the fallowing command:
    snmp-server host DMZ community *****snmp-server enable traps entity config-change fru-insert fru-remove
    And I setup a snmptrapd on a lin
    /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf# Example configuration file for snmptrapd## No traps are handled by default, you must edit this file!# authCommunity   log,execute,net public# traphandle SNMPv2-MIB::coldStart    /usr/bin/bin/my_great_script coldux box.
    But it doesn´t works when I do a config change, it doesn´t generate anything on the linux box log.
    Any idea?

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