Setup restricted user account.

First time user with MAC.
I do not own a MAC (YET), as I need to be sure that I can create a solution to the problem I am facing.
If it can be done (By me...) then I will purchase about 4 to start. I found some old ones running 9.2 (I think)
age and speed is not an issue, only disk space and portability as well as being robust!
I can set up a second user on the system as a "limited" user but I must be sure that they will only be able to stay within one folder and not move around to any other part of the system. They will not be able to DELETE or do anything but play the sound files chosen by them that are in front of them.
Can this be done?
Basiclly my problem:
I would like to set up a folder on the MAC with a structure that will enable children to navigate around and select different sound files to play/listen to.
These sound files will be copied from a standard CD rom to the disk.
I think a structure like...
CD1 CD2 CD...etc
sound1 sound1 sound1
sound2 sound2 sound2
sound...99 sound...99 sound...99
Now the issue!
If I give the student free run of the system I know some little angle will delete, move, copy, destory system files.
I had a play

You have to encrypt all the folders you won't to be delete or manipulled.
There're a lot of programms to encrypt folders or this one on Mac Aplications folder:
1.  Open the Applications folder and find the Security folder inside.  
2.  Open the Security folder.  
3.  Open the File menu and choose Open.
4.  Locate the file you want to encrypt, or its alias.  
5.  Enter a password for the file. Record your password in a safe place. (It is stored in your Keychain by default.)  
6.  Click Encrypt.  
7.  To decrypt the file, double-click it and enter the password for the file.
8.  Click Decrypt. Your password is removed from Keychain automatically.
Hope this helps!

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    Last edited by cyberius (2013-02-17 08:23:39)

    -Syu wrote:
    You might also want to limit those user accounts themselves. If you only use them vor rsyncing, remove them from all unnecessary user groups (the "users" group in particular) and take away their shells.
    On top of that, you may want to give each user a chroot jail, so they can't even write to /tmp for example.
    I'm not too familliar with rsync yet. If you really need to make your other machines log in and execute rsync themselves over SSH, you might want to take a look at limited shells like lshell to only allow execution of that program.
    Great, thank you! This was something I was looking for!
    But if I take away the shell completely (e.g. chsh -s /sbin/nologin username), I think I won't be able to rsync via ssh right?
    lshell sounds very promissing for my case, I will have a look at it!
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    iOS: Understanding passcodes

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    Hi cc_mac,
    I don't know if you have solved this one yet, but I had exactly the same issue when I recently had a hard drive failure and had to re-install everything. I had copies of all my files, but when I went to set up the user accounts, I could create each account, but I couldn't log in.
    There is a simple solution, you will need to be in an admin account and you will need to use the command line, so open up a terminal window.
    Use the following command for each account you need to fix:
    sudo passwd <username>
    where <username> is the account name that you cannot currently log in to.
    You will need to enter your admin password to allow you to use sudo, so do that. Then you will be asked to type in the new password for the new account. Just to be absolutely sure, you will be asked to re-enter the new password, so do that, and you are done.
    Log out of your admin account, this should bring you back to the log in screen. Now, if everything has gone according to plan, you should have an operational user account.
    I'm not sure what the cause of this issue is but it might be some sort of permissions issue happening in the background. Nevertheless, manually setting the password this way seems to have fixed it for me. I sincerely hope this helps you too.
    Kind Regards,
    Mark D.

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    Thank you for your answer.
    Unfortunately I can't try your solution on the computer where the problem occurred because it is used in another course for the moment and is therefore not available. But I tried to recreate the problem on another computer. I created a restricted account and when logged in on that account I opened my VI and it worked fine... (all subVI:s were found). By default, the restricted account had Read & Execute, List Folder Contents and Read permissions for the MAX folder. So, I then unchecked the Allow-boxes in an attempt to recreate the problem, but the VI still worked on the restricted account. Then I checked the Deny-boxes for the permissions mentioned above, but the VI still worked. Since I couldn't recreate the problem I don't know if your solution is the right one, but at least I can draw the conclusion that it is possible to run my VI from a restricted account.
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    Log into the account which has access to them, control-click their Dock icons, move them to the Applications folder at the top level of the drive if needed, and open them in the other accounts.

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    System Preferences > Network
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    ProRes ships with Final Cut Pro 6 - it does not come with 5.
    You can download the decoder separately but I don't know how well that will work on older versions of FCP:

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    Originally Posted by brpwll
    I'm trying to execute a script that works under an administrator account but not under our student accounts, access is denied. The script changes some keys/values in the registry. I've tried several different options in ConsoleOne and Group Policy, but nothing seems to work, I might be missing something though. Is there anyway to get this to run and change the registry under a restricted user account? We are running Windows XP at the moment on our machines. I would greatly appreciate any help and getting this to work. If you need anymore information I'll be glad to provide. Thanks.
    Simply set it to run as secure or unsecure sytem user.

  • Iphoto/preview crashing with multiple user accounts

    Hi everybody,
    I'm stuck for a while now with my iMac and parental controlled user accounts.
    It's for a few months now iPhoto and Preview keep crashing at starting up in these other accounts.
    All works fine in my own administrator account. I'll copy a the first part of the crash state, maybe that will help.
    I think the problem started with connecting a photocamera (Sony W125) directly to the computer.
    It seems that viewing pictures (PDF/iphoto) is corrupted in this way.
    I'm working on an late 2011 iMac 2,5 Ghz Intel Core i5 /12GB 1333 / OSX 10.7.5
    Allready done:
    removed plists
    repaired permissions
    re-installed Lion
    re-installed iPhoto
    give full permissions too all other accounts (checking out parental control i.o.w.)
    made a new user acount with full permissions except administrator function (also crashes of iPhoto)
    tried some searching in Root-account but where afraid to damage stuff.
    looked around on the web but I couldn't find people with the same problem
    Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
    Process:         iPhoto [1058]
    Path: /Applications/
    Version:         9.4.2 (9.4.2)
    Build Info:      iPhotoProject-710042000000000~2
    Code Type:       X86 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [807]
    Date/Time:       2012-11-05 10:30:59.667 +0100
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.5 (11G63)
    Report Version:  9
    Interval Since Last Report:          247 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           2
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1
    Anonymous UUID: 19E6D82E-8DD9-4044-B141-C67D09268E1F
    Crashed Thread:  0 Dispatch queue:
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    dyld: launch, running initializers
    xpchelper reply message validation: code signature invalid
    The code signature is not valid: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error 100005.)
    Application Specific Signatures:
    code signature invalid
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
    0 libxpc.dylib                      0x96b2254e runtime_init + 2014
    1 libdispatch.dylib                         0x92d10c27 dispatch_once_f + 50
    2 libxpc.dylib                      0x96b22d92 _xpc_runtime_set_domain + 350
    3 libxpc.dylib                      0x96b1f9af _libxpc_initializer + 578
    4 libSystem.B.dylib                        0x94ba77a7 libSystem_initializer + 199
    5 dyld                                  0x8fef1203 ImageLoaderMachO::doModInitFunctions(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 251
    6 dyld                                  0x8fef0d68 ImageLoaderMachO::doInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&) + 64
    7 dyld                                  0x8feee2c8 ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 256
    8 dyld                                  0x8feee25e ImageLoader::recursiveInitialization(ImageLoader::LinkContext const&, unsigned int, ImageLoader::InitializerTimingList&) + 150

    After searching the web and the discussion here, here's my minimal impact solution for multiple Macs with multiple users in a household:
    1) Set up Mac1 for myself only
    2) Set up Mac2 for the wife and kid
    3) Set up each Mac to backup to the Airport base station using Time Machine (this would create two separate backups on the Airport base station's drive, which from what I've read has its own problems)
    4) On Mac1 setup "empty user accounts" for the wife and kid. These will not have any files in them - just an access mechanism. If they want to access their files, they can use Time Machine's "The Browse Other Backup Disks Option" to get their file from Mac2, work on it and then drop it in the Shared Folder. Next time they are on Mac2, remember to copy the updated/created file from the Shared Folder into their Mac2 user account. If possible, get Time Machine to not backup the "empty user accounts".
    5) Do the same for me on Mac2.
    Not the most elegant solution, but until Apple get off their backside and make this seamless, I can't think of anything else :-( .
    P.S. iCloud is not a soluton since it costs hundreds of dollars a year, uses up intenet data allowance and is slow.

Maybe you are looking for