Several WEB CATALOG  UI Modifications Need

Hi all
We need to do  various modification to the ISA B2C :
1. We want to hide the price
2. We want to Hide the Shopping Basket Buttom and the Reserve Button
3. We need to change the way that is displayed the Product Proposals description, Ex. The descripción Alternative by the word Option.
4. W want to show several attached documents, we found the way to display 1 attached document, with the ext. dev. guide info, but if we attach several documents the system build a string delimited with comma betewen each doc. and we don't know how to read it.
5. We want to display a URL in the web catalog, this URL should be assigned n the product catalog, but when we display the link it's show as text.
The client only want to show the product information, not to sell products.
Thanks n Advance to all of you

I suggest you also open a thread on the MDM forums as the issue is more related to Core MDM than the SRM side of it, you can reach them [here|SAP NetWeaver Master Data Management;.

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    Login to Catalog Manager >> root >> users >> and assign full control to 'myusername' on 'My Folder' and restart OPMN.

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    No Flash for iPads, iPhones, or iPods
    Here's why there's is no Flash available for iDevices or other mobile devices. Adobe was unable to provide a product that was suitable to the needs of battery powered mobile devices used for Internet browsing. Existing Flash technology used too much memory, ate battery life, and was buggy. Simply put Flash did not work well on mobile devices.
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    So this is why there is no Flash for your iPhone or iPad or iPod nor for most SmartPhones. Flash has been abandoned by many sites in favor of supported technologies such as HTML5 or by providing their own custom app.
    Here is Steve Jobs official comment on his momentous decision to omit Flash from iDevices: Steve Jobs on Flash.
    Here is Adobe's later announcement to cease development of Flash for mobile devices: Adobe on Mobile Flash.
    Now, you are not necessarily out on a limb. There are some apps that can display some Flash, but don't count on there ability to display anything using Flash.
    Apps that can display some Flash from the Web:
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    There is no easy way to do what you want I think. By default Administrators don't have access to use folders. You can change this but you will need to do this manually for each user folder because if you do it recursively at the /root/users/ level then all the user's permissions are removed. You could do a script that checks the contents of the user's personal folder looking at the file system Web Catalog [Web Catalog Path]/root/users/[user name]/ to see if they have any requests saved or not. They are a few standard items in the user's folder so if you ignore all those plus all the .atr files (permission to items) then you should be able to get a list of users that have saved reports.

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    The plugin should work with WMP 12 as well.

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    Thank you Markus for the prompt reply.
    The link was very helpful. The line
    To build dynamic Web sites with complex MDM data layouts
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    Component Type Current Targets
    application.ear Enterprise Application (None specified)
    application.jar EJB AdminServer
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    web2.war WEBAPP virtualHost2
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    Murphy's Law: If anything can go wrong it will
    A corollary to Murphy's law: When everything fails, read the manual.
    Web application funda: Every web application must have its own context root. So, if wkfsocos is one
    web application then, wkfsocos1 is another web application -
    and hence must have its own context root.
    Hello Aman,
    If you are in E-Commerce version 4.0, then read this
    [ISA_Buildtool document |]
    to create a copy of the application in its own context root.
    From your URL pattern I guess you are in E-Commerce version 4.0.
    If you are in E-Commerce 5.0 or above, then the
    [Extension Guide |]gives steps to create a copy with its own context root for use in modification.
    (See the chapter on - Creating a project specific Web Application with own context root )
    Both these links require access to SAP Service Marketplace. You can also find the
    documents through /instguides shortcut in Service Marketplace.
    Easwar Ram

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    I wonder what's the best way to manage a query result through several web
    pages in the following context.
    The query result is large and needs to be available through several web
    pages. The user can scroll forward and backward through the pages.
    One can :
    - rerun the query at each web request and use random access
    - run the query once for the first request, keep the pm and the query
    somewhere (in a singleton class for example with a key in the HTTP
    session) and use random access for handling the other requests (the
    problems I see are to keep a connection for each user in this use case and
    to decide when to close the previously mentioned objects)
    - rerun the query at each web request, including in the filter a test on a
    field and an ordering to start the results from the last one displayed
    (being able to specify the maximum number of rows desired would be nice).
    Thanks for any advice or suggestion.

    I think Frank's suggestion is probably the best tradeoff between memory
    consumption (which would be high if you were to store the enire query
    result in the session) and performance (which might be hurt if you
    re-issue the query every time).
    Note that Kodo 3.0 will provide a getObjectsById(Object[] ids) method
    that should help in quickly instantiating a page of query results.
    Query result limiting is currently under discussion for inclusion in the
    JDO specification. We may have something for this in an upcoming Kodo
    release (although not for 3.0).
    In article <[email protected]>, Frank Riley wrote:
    [email protected] (Patrice) wrote in
    news:[email protected]:
    I wonder what's the best way to manage a query result through several
    web pages in the following context.
    The query result is large and needs to be available through several
    web pages. The user can scroll forward and backward through the pages.
    One can :
    - rerun the query at each web request and use random access
    - run the query once for the first request, keep the pm and the query
    somewhere (in a singleton class for example with a key in the HTTP
    session) and use random access for handling the other requests (the
    problems I see are to keep a connection for each user in this use case
    and to decide when to close the previously mentioned objects)
    - rerun the query at each web request, including in the filter a test
    on a field and an ordering to start the results from the last one
    displayed (being able to specify the maximum number of rows desired
    would be nice).For our paging code, we convert the query result to a list of object ids
    (using pm.getObjectId()). We store this list on the session and only
    instantiate the objects we need for a particular page (using
    pm.getObjectById()). When a user does something that could possibly
    change the query result, we rerun the query and replace the list on the
    Marc Prud'hommeaux [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

  • 11g - Automatic Deployment of Web Catalog

    I need a way of automatically deploying a new web catalog for OBIEE Has anyone had any experience of doing this before and can offer some advice?
    Presumably I'd need to 'lock and edit' the deployment, then copy in the new webcat files, then unlock again... all using a script.
    Answers on a postcard, please!

    I have plenty of thoughts on this and I'll point you in what I think to be the right direction.
    I wrote a post,, which talks about some new command-line capabilities in OBIEE 11g. The one you want to look at is how to access the catalog manager's command line functionality which may be one of the only two solutions possible for your automation requirements.
    1.) Locate the path of your catalog manager runcat.cmd as I highlight in the blog post. From a command-line prompt run the command, runcat -help to see the help menu for this executable. You will see there are functions for diff,creatPatch,applyPatch, etc. Take this as a starting point for your automation.
    2.) The OBI Web Services ( do provide a decent amount of web catalog interaction that could potential help you to automate some tasks but that depends on your full requirements which I don't know.
    Outside of those two options you are probably looking at using the antiquated but still viable solution of opening up two web catalog managers and doing the do.
    We crave points around here so if this was helpful or the correct answer please kindly award points.

  • How to merge tow web catalogs

    hi all,
    i need to merge tow web catalogs. how to do it.
    please help me out .
    my thought is that we need to create one more empty catalog and copy 2 web catalogs into that new empty catalog. is it correct way to do it?

    Hi user,
    Please follow this:

  • Multiple web catalog files for same rpd

    Is there any way to run multiple web catalog files for same rpd in OBIEE?

    Why do you want to do that? Why not merge them into one? You run seperate presentation servers againt the same RPD.

Maybe you are looking for