SG200-26: dynamic VLAN - 802.1X

Last week I got my SG200-26 (SLM2024T-EU). The Data Sheet says, that the switch works with dynamic VLAN assignment over 802.1X.
IEEE 802.1X
(Authenticator role)
802.1X: RADIUS authentication and accounting, MD5 hash
Supports time-based 802.1X
Dynamic VLAN assignment
The authentication on freeRADIUS works. I client could get access to the network after entering username and password but the client is not assigned to a VLAN. I used wireshark to sniff the authorisation process between the switch and the freeRADIUS server and the VLAN information were transmitted to the switch.
I would appreciate if some could give me some help how to configure the switch to work with dynamic VLAN assignment and freeRADIUS. If you need some more information, please let me know. I will add them here as far as possible.
Thank you very much!

Hello Nico,
Thank you for your reply.
I will show you my scenario a little more in detail and explain, what I have configured:
I have got one server/router with a VLAN capable NIC connected to Port g1 on the switch. On the router I created 2 VLANs with VLAN-ID 5 and VLAN-ID 6.
Both VLAN "NICs" have a static IP address and there is running a DHCP server for each VLAN. On the same server there is runninga freeRADIUS server.
Now I did the following configuration on the switch:
1. I assigned a static IP on the switch.
I added the RADIUS Server IP address and the key string (same on switch and freeRADIUS) and I ticked Usage-Type: 802.1X
3. SECURITY -> 802.1X -> Properties
Port-Based Authentication: Enabled is ticked
4. SECURITY -> 802.1X -> Port Authentication
Administrative Port Control: Auto is ticked
5. VLAN-Management --> Create VLAN
Descr. VLAN5
Descr. VLAN6
I think, to this point the configuration is correct, isn't it ?
I would appreciate very much, if you could give me advice for the further steps like Port Mode Access, Trunk or General for the clients which connect to the switch and if tagged or untagged.
I have port g1 in trunk mode and VLAN5 and VLAN6 is tagged because my NIC is VLAN capable. But the other clients which connect to the switch do not have a VLAN capable NIC and these clients should get their VLAN assigned dynamically.
I attached the pcap file which contains the authentication between freeRADIUS and the SG200-26 (Port g1)
Thank you very much in advance!

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    Good afternoon,
    I need to deploy a solution with thin clients and dynamic vlans (802.1x). All switches are catalyst 3560 and superior
    Can I do this using only de ACS? Will it work?
    Thank you

    Dynamic Vlan assignment can be configure on the ACS.
    Please see the configuration example on the link below, this configuration example is for WLC but the ACS configuration is the same.
    If you have any doubts do not hesitate to contact me

  • 802.1x authetication with dynamic Vlan assignment by a radius server

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    When a student logs in, I want it to be placed in the "Students" Vlan, when a Administrative employee logs in, I want it to be placed in the "Administative" vlan and when the client is unknown I want to place it in the "Guest" Vlan.
    I have several SG200 switches and I configured everything as mentioned in the administrative guide but I cannot get it to work as desired.
    What does work:
    - If the client is permitted, the switch changes to "authorized" state. (before anyone logs on to the domain with that client)
    - When a User logs on that is part of the Administrative employees, the switch changes to "authorized" and when a student logs on, it changes to "unauthorized". 
    So far so good.
    But what doesn't work:
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    - I can not find the Guest VLAN.
    Any help would be appriciated.

    Hi Wouter,
    Can you see in the packet capture Radius accept message VLAN attribute? Also please ensure you have the latest firmware and boot code:
    I would recommend you to open ticket with Small Business team so they can go with you through packet capture and configuration steps:

  • WLC 5508: 802.1 AAA override; Authenication success no dynamic vlan assignment

    WLC 5508: software version
    Windows 7 Client
    Radius Server:  Fedora Core 13 / Freeradius with LDAP storage backend
    I have followed the guide at with respective to building the LDAP and free radius server.  802.1x authorization and authenication correctly work.  The session keys are returned from the radius server and the wlc send the appropriate information for the client to generate the WEP key.
    However, the WLC does not override the VLAN assignment, even though I was to believe I set everything up correctly.  From the packet capture, you can see that verfication of client is authorized to use the WLAN returns the needed attributes:
    AVP: l=4  t=Tunnel-Private-Group-Id(81): 10
    AVP: l=6  t=Tunnel-Medium-Type(65): IEEE-802(6)
    AVP: l=6  t=Tunnel-Type(64): VLAN(13)
    I attached a packet capture and wlc config, any guidance toward the attributes that may be missing or not set correctly in the config would be most appreciated.

    Yes good catch, so I had one setting left off in freeradius that allowed the inner reply attributes back to the outer tunneled accept.  I wrote up a medium high level config for any future viewers of this thread:
    The following was tested and verified on a fedora 13 installation.   This is a minimal setup; not meant for a "live" network (security issues  with cleartext passwords, ldap not indexed properly for performance)
    Install Packages
    1.  Install needed packages.
    yum install openldap*
    yum install freeradius*
    2.  Set the services to automatically start of system startup
    chkconfig --level 2345 slapd on
    chkconfig --level 2345 radiusd on
    Configure and start LDAP
    1.  Copy the needed ladp schemas for radius.  Your path may vary a bit
    cp /usr/share/doc/freeradius*/examples/openldap.schema /etc/openldap/schema/radius.schema
    2.  Create a admin password for slapd.  Record this password for later use when configuring the slapd.conf file
    3.  Add the ldap user and group; if it doesn't exisit.  Depending on the install rpm, it may have been created
    useradd ldap
    groupadd ldap
    4.  Create the directory and assign permissions for the database files
    mkdir /var/lib/ldap
    chmod 700 /var/lib/ldap
    chown ldap:ldap /var/lib/ldap
    5.  Edit the slapd.conf file.
    cd /etc/openldap
    vi slapd.conf
    # See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
    # This file should NOT be world readable.
    #Default needed schemas
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/corba.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/duaconf.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/dyngroup.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/java.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/misc.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/openldap.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/ppolicy.schema
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/collective.schema
    #Radius include
    include        /etc/openldap/schema/radius.schema
    #Samba include
    #include        /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
    # Allow LDAPv2 client connections.  This is NOT the default.
    allow bind_v2
    # Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
    # service AND an understanding of referrals.
    #referral    ldap://
    pidfile        /var/run/openldap/
    argsfile    /var/run/openldap/slapd.args
    # ldbm and/or bdb database definitions
    #Use the berkely database
    database    bdb
    #dn suffix, domain components read in order
    suffix        "dc=cisco,dc=com"
    checkpoint    1024 15
    #root container node defined
    rootdn        "cn=Manager,dc=cisco,dc=com"
    # Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
    # be avoided.  See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
    # Use of strong authentication encouraged.
    # rootpw        secret
    # The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND
    # should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools. (chown ldap:ldap)
    # Mode 700 recommended.
    directory    /var/lib/ldap
    # Indices to maintain for this database
    index objectClass                       eq,pres
    index uid,memberUid                     eq,pres,sub
    # enable monitoring
    database monitor
    # allow onlu rootdn to read the monitor
    access to *
             by dn.exact="cn=Manager,dc=cisco,dc=com" read
             by * none
    6.  Remove the slapd.d directory
    cd /etc/openldap
    rm -rf slapd.d
    7.  Hopefully if everything is correct, should be able to start up slapd with no problem
    service slapd start
    8.  Create the initial database in a text file called /tmp/initial.ldif
    dn: dc=cisco,dc=com
    objectClass: dcobject
    objectClass: organization
    o: cisco
    dc: cisco
    dn: ou=people,dc=cisco,dc=com
    objectClass: organizationalunit
    ou: people
    description: people
    dn: uid=jonatstr,ou=people,dc=cisco,dc=com
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: radiusprofile
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    cn: jonatstr
    sn: jonatstr
    uid: jonatstr
    description: user Jonathan Strickland
    radiusTunnelType: VLAN
    radiusTunnelMediumType: 802
    radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId: 10
    userPassword: ggsg
    9.  Add the file to the database
    ldapadd -h localhost -W -D "cn=Manager, dc=cisco,dc=com" -f /tmp/initial.ldif
    10.  Issue a basic query to the ldap db, makes sure that we can request and receive results back
    ldapsearch -h localhost -W -D cn=Manager,dc=cisco,dc=com -b dc=cisco,dc=com -s sub "objectClass=*"
    Configure and Start FreeRadius
    1. Configure ldap.attrmap, if needed.  This step is only needed if we  need to map and pass attributes back to the authenicator (dynamic vlan  assignments as an example).  Below is an example for dynamic vlan  addresses
    cd /etc/raddb
    vi ldap.attrmap
    For dynamic vlan assignments, verify the follow lines exist:
    replyItem    Tunnel-Type                                   radiusTunnelType
    replyItem    Tunnel-Medium-Type                   radiusTunnelMediumType
    replyItem    Tunnel-Private-Group-Id              radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId
    Since we are planning to use the userpassword, we will let the mschap  module perform the NT translations for us.  Add the follow line to  check ldap object for userpassword and store as Cleartext-Password:
    checkItem    Cleartext-Password    userPassword
    2.  Configure eap.conf.  The following sections attributes below  should be verified.  You may change other attributes as needed, they are  just not covered in this document.
    {      default_eap_type = peap      .....  }
    tls {
        #I will not go into details here as this is beyond scope of  setting up freeradisu.  The defaults will work, as freeradius comes with  generated self signed certificates.
    peap {
        default_eap_type = mschapv2
        #you will have to set this to allowed the inner tls tunnel  attributes into the final accept message
        use_tunneled_reply = yes
    3.  Change the authenication and authorization modules and order.
    cd /etc/raddb/sites-enabled
    vi default
    For the authorize section, uncomment the ldap module.
    For the authenicate section, uncomment the ldap module
    vi inner-tunnel
    Very importants, for the authorize section, ensure the ldap module is first, before mschap.  Thus authorize will look like:
    {      ldap      mschap      ......  }
    4.  Configure ldap module
    cd /etc/raddb/modules
    {        server=localhost       identify = "cn=Manager,dc=cisco,dc=com"        password=admin       basedn="dc=cisco,dc=com"       base_filter =  "(objectclass=radiusprofile)"       access_attr="uid"       ............   }
    5.  Start up radius in debug mode on another console
    radiusd -X
    6.  radtest localhost 12 testing123
    You should get a Access-Accept back
    7.  Now to perform an EAP-PEAP test.  This will require a wpa_supplicant test libarary called eapol_test
    First install openssl support libraries, required to compile
    yum install openssl*
    yum install gcc
    tar xvf wpa_supplicant-0.6.10.tar.gz
    cd wpa_supplicant-0.6.10/wpa_supplicant
    vi defconfig
    Uncomment CONFIG_EAPOL_TEST = y and save/exit
    cp defconfig .config
    make eapol_test
    cp eapol_test /usr/local/bin
    chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/eapol_test
    8.  Create a test config file named eapol_test.conf.peap
    {   eap=PEAP  eapol_flags=0  key_mgmt=IEEE8021X  identity="jonatstr"   password="ggsg"  \#If you want to verify the Server certificate the  below would be needed   \#ca_cert="/root/ca.pem"  phase2="auth=MSCAHPV2"   }
    9.  Run the test
    eapol_test -c ~/eapol_test.conf.peap -a -p 1812 -s testing123

  • RDP with 802.1x, machine and user auth and dynamic VLAN

    we have 802.1x implemented with machine and user auth. We also use dynamic VLAN assignment. Our client is AnyConnect 3.1. Operating system is Windows 7. With Windows XP, it works just fine.
    When we try to connect to the 802.1x auth desktop with RDP (desktop is machine authenticated, no user is logged in), we are able to authenticate but as soon as VLAN and IP address changes according to user authentication profile, RDP session is terminated. It is not just disconnected but remote user is logged out and AnyConnect reverts 802.1x session back to machine VLAN. We cannot login with RDP and just loop between machine-user-machine authentication.
    With this behavior the TermDD message (ID 56) can be seen in system log. Following the response
    , I was able to get rid of TermDD message but I still loop in machine-user-machine authentication.
    The following is TermDD message:
    [  Name]
    [  Qualifiers]
    [  SystemTime]
    Binary data:
    In Words
    0000: 00040000 002C0002 00000000 C00A0038 
    0008: 00000000 C00A0038 00000000 00000000
    0010: 00000000 00000000  D0000241
    In Bytes
    0000: 00 00 04 00 02 00 2C 00    ......,.
    0008: 00 00 00 00 38 00 0A C0   ....8..À
    0010: 00 00 00 00 38 00  0A C0   ....8..À
    0018: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ........
    0020: 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00   ........
    0028: 41 02 00 D0               A..Ð
    Also AnyConnect shows that upon successful authentication and DHCP operation, it catches some exception and reverts back from user to machine VLAN:
    3876: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-6-INFO_MSG: %[tid=1436][mac=1,6,d4:85:64:b8:43:61]: {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: Authentication Success
    3877: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2} canceling existing DHCP work
    3878: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: ipv4: {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2} stop
    3879: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (3) cdiOsIoctlSet: CDI_8023_FRAME_IO_ECHO, ifIndex(1), pData(0x0103FA38), dataLen(0) (cimdIo.cpp 2156)
    3880: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (3) cdiOsIoctlSet: echo (cimdIo.cpp 2270)
    3881: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2} creating a new DHCP work
    3882: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1448]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: executing: CancelCmd [state: COMPLETE]
    3883: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-6-INFO_MSG: %[tid=1436][mac=1,6,d4:85:64:b8:43:61]: {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: DHCP: Sending DHCP request
    3884: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: queueing DHCP work
    3885: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: ipv4: {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2} start
    3886: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.259 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (3) cdiOsIoctlSet: CDI_8023_FRAME_IO_ECHO, ifIndex(1), pData(0x0103FA3C), dataLen(2) (cimdIo.cpp 2156)
    3887: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (3)  data follows ... (cimdIo.cpp 2159)
    3888: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (3)      08 06                                                .. (cimdIo.cpp 2159)
    3889: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (3) cdiOsIoctlSet: echo (cimdIo.cpp 2270)
    3890: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (3)  pEthTypes data follows ... (cimdIo.cpp 2273)
    3891: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (3)      06 08                                                .. (cimdIo.cpp 2273)
    3892: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv6 Connect {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2} starting
    3893: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1448]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: executing: StartCmd [state: COMPLETE]
    3894: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (0) S_ndisIoControl: returning cached xmitLinkSpeed: 100000000 bps (cimdIo.cpp 3558)
    3895: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (0) NDIS OID: ifIndex=1 GET OID_GEN_LINK_SPEED(0x10107) datalen=4, cbRW=4 cbNeeded=0 acErr=0 winErr=0 (cimdIo.cpp 3686)
    3898: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Network CS-wired-pass: AccessStateMachine current state = ACCESS_CONNECTED, received adapterState = authenticated
    3899: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Network CS-wired-pass: port authentication succeeded
    3900: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Network CS-wired-pass: AccessStateMachine new state = ACCESS_CONNECTED
    3901: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: received Cancel event [state: COMPLETE]
    3902: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: state: COMPLETE -> INIT
    3903: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: received Get-Connectivity event [state: INIT]
    3904: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: state: INIT -> WAIT_FOR_CONNECTIVITY
    3905: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv4 Connectivity Result: IN_PROGRESS
    3906: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1448]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: executing: GetConnectiviyCmd [state: WAIT_FOR_CONNECTIVITY]
    3907: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv6 Connectivity Result: FAILURE
    3908: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: received Check-Connectivity event [state: WAIT_FOR_CONNECTIVITY]
    3909: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: (initial) ipCfg: IP: GW:
    3910: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1448]: Ipv4 {94B69AD2-E98C-4C94-BBC8-A94DC3894FE2}: executing: TestConnectivityCmd [state: WAIT_FOR_CONNECTIVITY]
    3911: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1468][comp=SAE]: API (3) event: complete (portWorkList.c 130)
    80: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAMSSO-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1524]: Tx CP Msg: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ssc="" encodingStyle=""> <SOAP-ENV:Body>  <networkStateEvent>   <sequenceNumber>19</sequenceNumber>   <groupName>Local networks</groupName>   <networkName>CS-wired-pass</networkName>   <networkState>AcquiringIpAddress</networkState>   <adapterName>Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet</adapterName>   <serverVerifiedName></serverVerifiedName>  </networkStateEvent> </SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
    3912: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1468][comp=SAE]: PORT (3) port: ARP_REQ (portMsg.c 731)
    3913: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1468][comp=SAE]: NET (3) cdiOsIoctlSet: CDI_8023_FRAME_IO_SEND, ifIndex(1), pData(0x024EEB40), dataLen(64) (cimdIo.cpp 2156)
    3914: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1468][comp=SAE]: NET (3)  data follows ... (cimdIo.cpp 2159)
    3915: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.275 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1468][comp=SAE]: NET (3)      00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF  FF FF D4 85 64 B8 43 61     ........ ....d.Ca      08 06 00 01 08 00 06 04  00 01 D4 85 64 B8 43 61     ........ ....d.Ca      0A BE 5F 4A 00 00 00 00  00 00 0A BE 40 01 00 00     .._J.... ....@...      00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00     ........ ........ (cimdIo.cpp 2159)
    3941: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.290 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (3) cdiOsIoctlSet: echo (cimdIo.cpp 2270)
    3942: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.290 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv4 Connectivity Result: SUCCESS
    3943: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.290 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: Ipv6 Connectivity Result: FAILURE
    3944: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.290 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: ACE: adapter SM current: state(STATE_AUTHENTICATED), event(EVENT_IP_CONNECTIVITY)
    3945: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.290 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: ACE: adapter SM state change: STATE_AUTHENTICATED -> STATE_CONNECTED
    3946: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.290 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: handleEventAndDoStateTransitionAction action : ACTION_IP_CONNECTIVITY
    3947: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.290 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (0) S_ndisIoControl: returning cached xmitLinkSpeed: 100000000 bps (cimdIo.cpp 3558)
    3948: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:44.290 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436][comp=SAE]: NET (0) NDIS OID: ifIndex=1 GET OID_GEN_LINK_SPEED(0x10107) datalen=4, cbRW=4 cbNeeded=0 acErr=0 winErr=0 (cimdIo.cpp 3686)
    1: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.007 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {25CBB996-92ED-457E-B28C-4774084BD562} LogLevel=0xF
    2: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.007 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: GetWrappedDllName: retrieved C:\windows\system32\authui.dll.
    3: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: LoadLib({25CBB996-92ED-457E-B28C-4774084BD562}): Attempting to load Dir=C:\windows\system32, FileName=authui.dll
    4: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000001FC050) instantiated for CLSID:{25CBB996-92ED-457E-B28C-4774084BD562}
    5: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {3DD6BEC0-8193-4FFE-AE25-E08E39EA4063} LogLevel=0xF
    6: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: GetWrappedDllName: retrieved C:\windows\system32\authui.dll.
    7: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: LoadLib({3DD6BEC0-8193-4FFE-AE25-E08E39EA4063}): Attempting to load Dir=C:\windows\system32, FileName=authui.dll
    8: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000001FC850) instantiated for CLSID:{3DD6BEC0-8193-4FFE-AE25-E08E39EA4063}
    9: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {503739D0-4C5E-4CFD-B3BA-D881334F0DF2} LogLevel=0xF
    10: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: GetWrappedDllName: retrieved C:\windows\System32\VaultCredProvider.dll.
    11: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: LoadLib({503739D0-4C5E-4CFD-B3BA-D881334F0DF2}): Attempting to load Dir=C:\windows\System32, FileName=VaultCredProvider.dll
    12: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.022 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000003A30B0) instantiated for CLSID:{503739D0-4C5E-4CFD-B3BA-D881334F0DF2}
    13: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.038 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {6F45DC1E-5384-457A-BC13-2CD81B0D28ED} LogLevel=0xF
    14: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.038 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: GetWrappedDllName: retrieved C:\windows\system32\authui.dll.
    15: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.038 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: LoadLib({6F45DC1E-5384-457A-BC13-2CD81B0D28ED}): Attempting to load Dir=C:\windows\system32, FileName=authui.dll
    16: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.038 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000003AF710) instantiated for CLSID:{6F45DC1E-5384-457A-BC13-2CD81B0D28ED}
    17: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.038 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {8BF9A910-A8FF-457F-999F-A5CA10B4A885} LogLevel=0xF
    18: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.038 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: GetWrappedDllName: retrieved SmartcardCredentialProvider.dll.
    19: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.038 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: LoadLib({8BF9A910-A8FF-457F-999F-A5CA10B4A885}): Attempting to load Dir=, FileName=SmartcardCredentialProvider.dll
    20: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.053 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000003B7D70) instantiated for CLSID:{8BF9A910-A8FF-457F-999F-A5CA10B4A885}
    21: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.053 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {94596C7E-3744-41CE-893E-BBF09122F76A} LogLevel=0xF
    22: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.053 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: GetWrappedDllName: retrieved SmartcardCredentialProvider.dll.
    23: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.053 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: LoadLib({94596C7E-3744-41CE-893E-BBF09122F76A}): Attempting to load Dir=, FileName=SmartcardCredentialProvider.dll
    24: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.053 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000003C03D0) instantiated for CLSID:{94596C7E-3744-41CE-893E-BBF09122F76A}
    25: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.053 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {AC3AC249-E820-4343-A65B-377AC634DC09} LogLevel=0xF
    26: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.053 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: GetWrappedDllName: retrieved C:\windows\System32\BioCredProv.dll.
    27: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.053 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: LoadLib({AC3AC249-E820-4343-A65B-377AC634DC09}): Attempting to load Dir=C:\windows\System32, FileName=BioCredProv.dll
    28: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000003CABC0) instantiated for CLSID:{AC3AC249-E820-4343-A65B-377AC634DC09}
    29: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {B12744B8-5BB7-463A-B85E-BB7627E73002} LogLevel=0xF
    30: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CClassFactory(00000000001FFF00)  CreateInstance calling CoCreateInstance on MS password cred prov
    31: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {6F45DC1E-5384-457A-BC13-2CD81B0D28ED} LogLevel=0xF
    32: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: GetWrappedDllName: retrieved C:\windows\system32\authui.dll.
    33: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: LoadLib({6F45DC1E-5384-457A-BC13-2CD81B0D28ED}): Attempting to load Dir=C:\windows\system32, FileName=authui.dll
    34: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000003D3220) instantiated for CLSID:{6F45DC1E-5384-457A-BC13-2CD81B0D28ED}
    35: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000003DB880) instantiated for CLSID:{B12744B8-5BB7-463A-B85E-BB7627E73002}
    36: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: DllGetClassObject CLSID: {E74E57B0-6C6D-44D5-9CDA-FB2DF5ED7435} LogLevel=0xF
    37: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: GetWrappedDllName: retrieved C:\windows\system32\certCredProvider.dll.
    38: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: LoadLib({E74E57B0-6C6D-44D5-9CDA-FB2DF5ED7435}): Attempting to load Dir=C:\windows\system32, FileName=certCredProvider.dll
    39: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:54.069 -0100: %NAMCP-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2680]: CredProvider(00000000003E3EE0) instantiated for CLSID:{E74E57B0-6C6D-44D5-9CDA-FB2DF5ED7435}
    3963: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:59.247 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2460]: SysLib:DBG: .\src\os\win\osAsync_win.c:233: => SL_STATUS_NO_CONNECTION
    3964: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:59.247 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2460]: SysLib:DBG: .\src\ipc\win\ipcPipeBase_win.c:102: => SL_STATUS_NO_CONNECTION
    3965: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:59.262 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2460]: SysLib:DBG: .\src\ipc\win\ipcPipeBase_win.c:194: => SL_STATUS_NO_CONNECTION
    3966: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:59.262 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2460]: SysLib:DBG: .\src\ipc\ipcFuncs.c:105: => SL_STATUS_NO_CONNECTION
    3967: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:59.262 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=2460]: CAUGHT: NoConnectionException
    3968: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:59.262 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: CoreLib:TRACE: context=acnam, thread join, ThreadImpl.cpp:58, m00585050, err=0(OS_OK), thread_id=2460
    3969: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:24:59.262 -0100: %NAM-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1436]: CoreLib:TRACE: context=acnam, thread join, ThreadImpl.cpp:58, m00585838, err=0(OS_OK), thread_id=3692
    89: XTCSSPWA03: 6 10 2013 11:25:06.367 -0100: %NAMSSO-7-DEBUG_MSG: %[tid=1228]: ServiceControlHandlerEx:WTS_SESSION_LOGOFF, Session ID: 1
    If we do not change VLAN from machine to user, it works just fine.
    Have anybody seen this problem? Have anybody fixed it?
    Thanx, Martin

    unfortunately not.
    I have gone through extensive troubleshooting from Microsoft and Cisco sides twice and the result is:
    1) AnyConnect performs EAPol logoff when it detects RDP session termination. So it goes from user to machine authentication
    2) Windows 7 performs RDP session termination when IP address changes due to the change of VLAN (from machine VLAN to user VLAN)
    Cisco claims that AnyConnect behavior is correct and Microsoft claims that they do not want to change this behavior (reset of RDP session).
    I can imagine that Cisco can detect whether RDP session was terminated due to the IP address change or not and do not revert back to machine authentication in such a case.
    In fact there was nobody at Cisco that was willing to listen to me or accept this like something that needs a fix. The only thing you can do is to enable "Extend connection beyond logoff". AnyConnect does not send EAPol logoff if it detects RDP session termination and you can establish another RDP session which does not fail and you stay connected with RDP.

  • 802.1x RADIUS with EAP-TLS/EAP-TTLS & Dynamic VLAN Assignment

    Hello, My team is looking for switches supporting 802.1x authentication on either EAP-TTLS or EAP-TLS protocols with dynamic vlan assignment enabled for these. Looking at the data sheets of the Linksys desktop switches, I found only SLM224G4PS and SLM224G4S models to support EAP-TLS or EAP-TTLS. Am I right? Do they support Dynamic VLAN Assigment for either of those protocols? This is not explicitly mentioned in the data sheets, and I happen to find switches from other manufacturers that announce to support EAP-TLS/EAP-TTLS but no dynamic vlan assignment. Thank you for any help.

    SLM switches do support 802.1x RADIUS with EAP-TLS/EAP-TTLS unlike the SRW switches which support MD5. But I don't think that they support Dynamic VLAN.

  • 802.1X for wired environments using Radius/ACS for Dynamic Vlan Assignment

    Currently Being Moderated
    802.1X for wired environments  using Radius/ACS for Dynamic Vlan Assignment
    Could someone please provide me with a simplest set of configuration steps to fire up Radius in ACS and 802.1X for dynamic vlan assignment. The objective is to roll out NAC L2 OOB using the 802.1X method for dymamic vlan assignments.
    If possible show:
    1. ACS/Radius Configurations.
    2. End User Switch Configurations
    Switch A
    MAC Address aaaa.bbbb.cccc     Vlan 10
                bbbb.cccc.dddd     Vlan 20
    Also, if someone posts the Pros and Cons of using Radius/ACS/802.1X for Dynamic Vlan Assignments.
    Other technology sets that can be used for Dynamic Vlan assignment EXCEPT from deprecated/obsolete VMPS.
    Thanks in advance. .

    Hi Guys,
        Hmmm, well if your just looking for Mac based authentication the good news is that is very easy.  Just set create your Radius server, ACS, FreeRadius, Steelbelted radius etc.  Then create user with the name of the Mac address, in other words if the mac address is 0012.0021.1122 the the name would be 001200211122 and the password would be the mac address.  Then you set the vlan and tunnel stuff, like so tunnel-Type would be vlan, Tunnel-medium would be 802 and Tunnel-Private-Group-ID is the name of the vlan(not the vlan number)
       So for the Cisco ACS 4.x you would create a user as specified above, fill in all the password boxes with MAC address, I believe the mac has to be all lower case in the name and the password.  Then check the Separate(Chap/MS-Chap/ARAP) box.  Then you pick the group the machine belongs to, the group is the part that defines what vlan it is on.
       Before you create the user, create the group with info I wrote above and in addition specify the Service-Type as Authenticate Only.
        Freeradius is a bit harder to configure the specifics and I am just now testing a freeradius server so I do not know the process for Machine authentication.
        If, however, you are trying to authenticate a user that gets a bit trickier and is not so straight forward.

  • 802.1x dynamic VLAN assignment with Radius NPS Server

    I can NOT get the NPS and Cisco 3550 switch to drop the authenticated user in a VLAN.
    I have followed this documentation,
    that basically says to use these Radius attributes,
    Tunnel-Medium-Type : 802
    Tunnel-Pvt-Group-ID  :  My_VLAN_Number  (also tried VLAN name)
    Tunnel-Type  : VLAN
    There is some Cisco documentation that says to use Vendor Specific attributes Cisco-AV-Pair,
    and I have also tried that,
    cisco-avpair= "tunnel-type(#64)=VLAN(13)"
    cisco-avpair= "tunnel-medium-type(#65)=802 media(6)"
    cisco-avpair= "tunnel-private-group-ID(#81)=vlanid"
    My user authenticates on the port fine, but doesn't get put into a VLAN.  If I add "sw acc vlan 110"  then the user authenticates and then does get an IP address in that VLAN and all is well.
    Anybody know how to get dynamic VLAN assignment working with NPS?
    NPS on Win 2012 R2
    Domain controller separate Win 2012 R2 server
    Cisco 3550 switch

    Hi All, Can any one guide me to
    configure 802.1x with acs 5.0. Its totally new look and m not able to
    find document related to 802.1x.Thanks
    Check out the below link on how to configure 802.1x and ACS administration hope to help !!

  • 802.1x dynamic vlan assignment using ACS 4.2

    we have 10 switches 2960 configured with 802.1x authentication against ACS server 4.2.
    we have 2 vlans configured on the switches for administrator and endusers. the end user vlan id is 10 and the administartor vlan is is 100.
    we need to apply the following scenario, if the enduser PC - that is connected to vlan 10 - has an issue and the administrator will login to the PC with the administrator account to fix that issue, the switch should dynamically reconfigure the port with the administrator vlan ( 100 ) .
    is the above scenario doable using dot1x with the ACS server?
    waiting your replies

    I have the following scenario
    2 bulidings with multiple floor
    Each floor should be in different VLAN.
    The network should be authenticated with 802.1x and each switch port should be assigned with dynamic VLAN from ACS.
    user should be able to connect and roam around between any building.
    when ever a user is connecting his laptop to any floor, he should be
    made part of that respective vlan. It is not requred to have the same
    IP rage to be allocated, but the dynamic VLAN should be based on the
    switch port location.
    I configure ACS in such a way that, the ACS will allocate dynamic VLAN
    for every 802.1x authentication  based on the Network Device Group.
    Please refer the attached diagram
    Check out the below link for your requirement for dynamic vlan assignement using ACS
    Hope to Help !!
    Remember to rate the helpful post

  • 802.1x and wired dynamic vlans on MAC addresses

    Hi All,
    I would like to setup our new offices with dynamic vlans determined by the MAC address of the device connecting. So I need a database of MAC addresses in groups for which vlan they will go in, with separate vlans for printers and servers and computers and BYOD. If this can work for wireless too then even better.
    I've done some reading but am really struggling to find the information I need.
    We have a Windows domain and brand new 3850 Cisco switches.
    Can anyone steer me in the right direction (or tell me how to do it!) please?
    Thanks for reading.

    So you need to perform MAB authentication. As you mentioned, you will need to create a DB of MAC entries.
    In order to configure the Windows server (2003 or 2008?) to assign the dynamic VLAN you need to define the Remote Access Policies and create the custom attributes. For example:
    Tunnel-Medium-Type. Select a value appropriate to the previous selections you have made for the policy. For example, if the network policy you are configuring is a wireless policy, select Value: 802 (Includes all 802 media plus Ethernet canonical format).
    Tunnel-Pvt-Group-ID. Enter the integer that represents the VLAN number to which group members will be assigned. 
    Tunnel-Type. Select Virtual LANs (VLAN).
    You can find more information here:
    Configure a Network Policy for VLANs
    VLAN Attributes Used in Network Policy
    802.1X Authentication Services Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Release 3SE (Catalyst 3850 Switches)

  • 802.1x Dynamic Vlan assignment using ACS

    I have the following scenario
    2 bulidings with multiple floor
    Each floor should be in different VLAN.
    The network should be authenticated with 802.1x and each switch port should be assigned with dynamic VLAN from ACS.
    Each user should be able to connect and roam around between any building. when ever a user is connecting his laptop to any floor, he should be made part of that respective vlan. It is not requred to have the same IP rage to be allocated, but the dynamic VLAN should be based on the switch port location.
    Can I configure ACS in such a way that, the ACS will allocate dynamic VLAN for every 802.1x authentication  based on the Network Device Group. Please refer the attached diagram

    I have the following scenario
    2 bulidings with multiple floor
    Each floor should be in different VLAN.
    The network should be authenticated with 802.1x and each switch port should be assigned with dynamic VLAN from ACS.
    user should be able to connect and roam around between any building.
    when ever a user is connecting his laptop to any floor, he should be
    made part of that respective vlan. It is not requred to have the same
    IP rage to be allocated, but the dynamic VLAN should be based on the
    switch port location.
    I configure ACS in such a way that, the ACS will allocate dynamic VLAN
    for every 802.1x authentication  based on the Network Device Group.
    Please refer the attached diagram
    Check out the below link for your requirement for dynamic vlan assignement using ACS
    Hope to Help !!
    Remember to rate the helpful post

  • 802.1x Dynamic VLAN Switching Question

    Trying to set up 802.1x dynamic VLAN switching, and have a question. I think I've gotten it working except for one part. The VLAN on a protected interface is never getting switched. I can see an entry in the ACS stating that it applied the appropriate VLAN via RADIUS response, but it never changes on the switch.
    ACS Express 5.0.1
    C3550 running c3550-ipbasek9-mz.122-44.SE6.bin
    Switch config:
    aaa new-model
    aaa group server radius dot1x
    server-private auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key 7 071C244F5C0C0D544541
    aaa authentication dot1x default group dot1x
    dot1x system-auth-control
    dot1x guest-vlan supplicant
    interface FastEthernet0/3
    switchport access vlan 3
    switchport mode access
    speed 100
    duplex full
    dot1x pae authenticator
    dot1x port-control auto
    dot1x violation-mode protect
    dot1x timeout tx-period 5
    dot1x timeout supp-timeout 5
    spanning-tree portfast
    ip radius source-interface FastEthernet0/1 vrf default!
    radius-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 key 7 01000307490E125E731F
    Am I missing something easy?

    It looks like "aaa authorization network default group dot1x" was the missing command I needed to get this working.
    The only issue I'm having now is that if the client fails to meet the authentication requirements, the line status gets set as "down"

  • 802.1x Dynamic VLans

    I'm trying to figure out a way to get to 802.1x and Dynamic Vlans.
    I have all types of devices, some login into windows AD some don't.
    Is this possilbe?
    port is setup to use 802.1x. Radius server first checks against AD, then checks for MAC address, if no conditions are met ports is set to a catch all type VLAN and starts forwarding.
    Something like:
    1. A Domain user/PC connects, user login to AD and assigned to a user VLan.
    2. A printer is connected and assigned to a printer VLan.
    3. A guest connects and is assigned to a guest VLan.
    I like to not have to put MAC addresses in for PCs that are members of the the windows domain.

    Please find the answers inline:
    1. A Domain user/PC connects, user login to AD and assigned to a user VLan.
    This is possible by using RADIUS extended attributes, to assign VLAN dynamically.. for this to work ,you need to define the radius server host & key on the switch/NAD. then enable dot1x on the switchport, to force authentication through RADIUS.. you can have a NAC client to key-in your AD username/password..  You would need to configure your RADIUS server to send vendor-specific attributes:
    –[64] Tunnel-Type = VLAN
    –[65] Tunnel-Medium-Type = 802
    –[81] Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = VLAN name or VLAN ID
    refer to CCO for more info on how the ACS server is configured for sending this info... apart from this on the switch configure "radius-server host x.x.x.x auth-port 1612 key *****" and the appropriate aaa commands to force dot1x to refer to RADIUS "aaa authentication dot1x default radius"
    2. A printer is connected and assigned to a printer VLan.
    For printers, or any non-dot1x compliant device, its general to use MAC authentication Bypass feature.. by doing this we can make sure the ports connecting to printers use the default "Switchport access vlan " configuration on these ports.. with MAB, we add the MAC address of the printer on the ACS server (with pw as mac-address) and make sure the printer is authenticated via the switch.. if you dont want to use MAC address for bypassing dot1x, you can probably disable dot1x on such ports.. similar methodology can be adopted for Servers, which wouldnt need dot1x.. since there are few printers & servers on networks, you can disable dot1x on these ports...
    3. A guest connects and is assigned to a guest VLan.
    This is achieved by using the guest-vlan feature.. guests who dont have dot1x client, will be put on a seperate isolated VLAN called guest vlan.. you can create a vlan say vlan  99 on the switch for guests, and on the switchport configure "dot1x guest-vlan 99" .. this would make sure the guests  are seperated and isolated.. make sure you have vlan ACLs on VLAN 99 to restrict traffic for guest users only to internet, or place them behind DMZ of firewalls... you also have "authentication failure" VLAN which you can enable for production users when they fail authentication...
    Refer to this Guide.. it has all information about 802.1x on switches...
    Hope this helps.. all the best..

  • Wlc2112-k9 802.1x dynamic vlans on multiple ports

    I have a wlc2112-k9. I have succesfully setup a WLAN with 802.1x authentication and dynamic VLAN assignment. The issue I have (and maybe it isn't an issue and just the way the controller works) is that if the vlan interfaces I have defined are connected to different ports from which the default interface for the WLAN it doesn't work.
    So for instance, I create my WLAN and set the interface to the management interface (which is connected to port 1). I then define all my other vlan interfaces that could be returned by my radius server.
         ex: vlan_102 connected to port 2
               vlan_104 connected to port 3
               vlan_106 connected to port 4
    And so forth.
    Port 1 is configured on the switch on vlan 21. If the radius server returns a VLAN ID of 102, 104 or 106 my client successfully connects to the WLAN but it gets put on VLAN 21. However if I move the vlan interfaces above over to port 1 the client correctly gets put on the correct VLAN.
    All ports on the switch are configured as trunk with the native vlan set to the corresponding value that is set on the WLC.
    Is this just the way the controller functions? That it can't assign a client to a different interface that is connected to a different port from the default one setup when the WLAN is created? I would have just though that if the radius server returned VLAN 102 that it would find that interface and connect the user session via that interface regardless of the port it is configured on.

    dynamic vlan assignment should work with the controller
    by returing the standard IETF attributes
    64,65, and 81
    You said that you have configured the native vlan on each trunk port to be exactly the same as the vlan assigned to dynamic interface on the neighbor controller port. Make sure to have the native vlan something else specially i guess that you have tagged the vlans on those dynamic interfaces.
    Please make sure to rate correct answers

  • FlexConnect, EAP-TLS and dynamic VLAN assignments

    I need to integrate Cisco ISE and WLC5508 with FlexConnect (local switching) using EAP-TLS security for wireless clients across multiple floors (dynamic VLAN assignments based on floor level). The AP model used is 3602.
    I have some questions:
    - What RADIUS Attribute can be used for dynamic VLAN assignments based on floor level? Is there an option where I can group all LWAPs in same floor for getting certain VLAN from ISE?
    - I intend to use WLC software version 7.2 since 7.3 is latest version. Has someone use WLC software version 7.3 without any major bugs/issues pertaining to FlexConnect and EAP-TLS?
    - I read some documents saying L3 roaminig is where the associated WLC has changed. However if user move to different subnet but still associated to the same WLC, would this be consider as L3 roaming too?
    Can someone assist to clear my confusion here? any reference url for layer 2 and layer 3 roaming details is appreciated. Thanks

    I'll give this a shot:)
    For radius vlan attributes, bothe ACS and ISE in the policies have the ability to just enter the vlan id in the profile. You can either do that or use the IETF attributes.
    The RADIUS attributes to configure for VLAN assignment are IETF RADIUS attributes 64, 65, and 81, which control VLAN assignment of users and groups. See RFC 2868 for more information.
    64 (Tunnel-Type) should be set to VLAN (Integer = 13)
    65 (Tunnel-Medium-Type) should be set to 802 (Integer = 6)
    81 (Tunnel-Private-Group-ID) should be set to the VLAN number. This can also be set to VLAN name if using a Cisco IOS device (excludes Aironet and Wireless Controllers however).
    You can find this by searching on Google.... A lot of examples out there
    v7.2 and v7.3 I have had no issues with, with any type of encryption used. With 7.0 and 7.2, I would use the latest due to the Windows 8 fix.
    Layer 3 roaming is what's going to happen if the AP's are in local mode. This means that the client will keep their IP address no matter what ap they are connected to and or WLC as long as the mobility group is the same. So a user who boots up in floor 1 will keep its IP address even if he or she roams to the 12th floor and as long as he or she didn't loose wireless connection.
    FlexConnect you can do that. The AP's are trunked and need to have the vlans. So what your trying to do will be disruptive to clients. When the roam to another floor ap that is FlexConnect locally switched, they will drop and have to re-associate in order to get a new IP address.
    Hope this helps.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

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