Share/ Export book design

I have created several book layouts for clients using iphoto - some of them are mac users and would like to have this book layout in their computer - is it possible to export this layout into their i photo?
I found some old responses but the video tutorial link does not work.

You would have to give them the entire library.  One way to do that is to duplicate your library and delete all of the photos from it.  Also delete all of the projects, slideshows, cards, calendars, other books  except the book layout you want to preserve. I would also remove all keywords.  Also remove all face information according to this procedure:
1 - open the library like this in the Finder.
2 - in the Database folder move this file to the Trash: Faces.db.
3 - close the package/folder and launch iPhoto.  Close it after a brief moment.
4 - while viewing the contents of the package type Command+F to start a search.
5 - set the criteria of the search to:  Kind is Image and Name Contains "face".
7 - select all of the files in the search results window and drag to the Trash.
8 -close the package and launch iPhoto. 
The above will result is a rather small library that you can zip/compress and email to the clients.  They would have to unzip the library and open it with iPhoto and import the photos they want to use in the book.  That could be accomplished with  iPhoto Library Manager.

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    /fives -alldirs -network= -mask=
    /exports/fives -mapall=fives:fives
    ALL: ALL
    #here's proof that the daemons are running on the OpenBSD box;
    rpcinfo -p localhost
    program vers proto port
    100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper
    100000 2 udp 111 portmapper
    100005 1 udp 863 mountd
    100005 3 udp 863 mountd
    100005 1 tcp 613 mountd
    100005 3 tcp 613 mountd
    100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
    100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
    100003 2 tcp 2049 nfs
    100003 3 tcp 2049 nfs
    100021 1 udp 895 nlockmgr
    100021 3 udp 895 nlockmgr
    100021 1 tcp 706 nlockmgr
    100021 3 tcp 706 nlockmgr
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    showmount -e
    Exports list on
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    sudo mount -t nfs /imports/fives
    mount_nfs: /imports/fives: Permission denied
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    One thing not mentioned is that if you decide on the multiple user approach, you can have your music folder in Shared Documents so you only store the tracks once.
    Each user is free to choose which of those tracks they want in their library.
    There is an Apple help article on multiple users.

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    If you have two MBPs with exactly the same specs (including GPU) – and you have comparable free space on both system drives –and comparable free space on any media drives  – then verify that your perceptions of their exporting times are different by doing a test with identical projects media and export settings – and ith no other apps running. If you confirm that one is much faster than the other, I'd suspect the GPU. Also open Activity Monitor to see what's being reported – particularly to see whether there are differences in the way memory is being used.

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    I posted two videos on
    WMV cable modem settings PrEl (without audio, fps like original)
    Strange: in VLC media player there are bars on the left and right (and slight faded bars on top/bottom - hope you can see) and in and Media Player Classic there are bars at top/bottom
    FLV (no resize, without audio, fps like original)
    black bars on top/bottom, but only slight in Media Player Classic
    I had to deactivate sound because this is Creative Commons stuff and I don't want to give credits. And I changed fps to "like original" because 30 fps as standard in PrEl is wrong. It's PAL here.
    Thanks for your efforts.

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    The original thread, complete with kernel panic logs is here:
    Thank you,

    Hello VJ Maykel,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I understand that after you updated to Mac OS X Yosemite your computer randomly began to restart unexpectedly. It sounds as though you may be experiencing a kernel panic. If this is the case, please use the attached article as a resource for troubleshooting this situation. 
    OS X Yosemite: If your Mac restarts and a message appears
    Best regards,

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    I am trying to create workflow for my Share Point 2013 site. To do this, I installed Share Point 2013 Designer,
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    Please suggest me something for this. I tried all possible solution which are present on internet.
    Thanks in advance.

    Since you are posting the thread in SharePoint 2013 server forum, I assume you are using SharePoint server 2013.
    I understand the option SharePoint 2013 platform disappears when you create a workflow in Designer, the issue might be caused by workflow manager. Please refer to the article below and check workflow configuration per the steps listed:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected] .
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi jackkistens,
    Try the below js code.
    Note: you can change your preset name in below (e.g, Your preset name).
    var myBook = app.activeBook;
    myBook.exportFile(ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, File (myBook.filePath+"/"\.indb/g, ".pdf")), false, "Your preset name", myBook.bookContents, "Book_PDF", false);
    var myBook = app.activeBook;
    myBook.exportFile(ExportFormat.PDF_TYPE, File (myBook.filePath+"/"\.indb/g, ".pdf")), false, "[High Quality Print]", myBook.bookContents, "Book_PDF", false);

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    I don't think there is anyway to share with others, but they are backed up at Amazon,

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