SharePoint Btach Process with List string items into list

I have a List<string> with 8000 elements.
I need to take 1000 everytime and run the batch process to insert data into list.
I cant apply all 8000 items in one shot.
Can you please suggest me that how  i can query List<string> and execute.

You need to use Skip and Take methods of your object collection.
This would skip the first 1000 and take the next 1000.
You'd just need to increase the amount skipped with each call
List<string> list = new List<string>();
//Code to get 8000 elements
for (int index = 0; index < 8; index++)
List<string> batchList = GetBatch(index, list);
//Code to insert data into list
And here is the GetBatch method...
public List<string> GetBatch(int pageNumber, List<string> list)
return list.Skip(pageNumber * 1000).Take(1000);
I found the answer

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    This is basically performing partial page rendering. There is no way for HTML or JavaScript executing in a user's browser to communicate directly with Java or your database. You'll either have to "preseed" the values from the database into the HTML page using JavaScript, and then change the select list w/ JavaScript based on what the user selects (this is how it's usually done.)
    Or, you could do something like using a hidden IFrame as a data conduit to your JSP which sends JavaScript back to the browser and updates the select list with the new values. A little more tricky, and doesn't work w/ all browsers, but it would work better if the data in question can be arbitrarily large.
    Hope that helps.

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    Here's the c# code
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    namespace WindowsApplication13
    public partial class Form1 : Form
    System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
    int position = 0;
    public delegate void delegateUpdateListbox();
    public Form1()
    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    timer.Interval = 1000;
    timer.Enabled = true;
    timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);
    void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
    position += 1;
    if (position == listBox1.Items.Count)
    position = 0;
    delegateUpdateListbox deleg = new delegateUpdateListbox(updateListbox);
    void updateListbox()
    listBox1.SelectedIndex = position;
    As long as the listbox's SelectionMode is set to "One" (the default), you don't have to do anything to un-select the previous item.
    For your secnd question, the code inside the timer checks whether the position is the same as the length of the contents of the listbox and resets its value to zero, so that the selection will go back to the first item in the list.

  • How can i get also the files in the root directory and how can i for testing add items of IEnumerable FTPListDetail to List string ?

    What i get is only the directories and files that in other nodes. But i have also files on the root directory and i never
    get them. This is a screenshot of my program after i got the content of my ftp. I'm using treeView to display my ftp content:
    You can see two directories from the root but no files on the root it self. And in my ftp server host i have files in the root direcory.
    This is the method i'm using to get the directory listing:
    public IEnumerable<FTPListDetail> GetDirectoryListing(string rootUri)
    var CurrentRemoteDirectory = rootUri;
    var result = new StringBuilder();
    var request = GetWebRequest(WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectoryDetails, CurrentRemoteDirectory);
    using (var response = request.GetResponse())
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
    string line = reader.ReadLine();
    while (line != null)
    line = reader.ReadLine();
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.ToString()))
    return new List<FTPListDetail>();
    result.Remove(result.ToString().LastIndexOf("\n"), 1);
    var results = result.ToString().Split('\n');
    string regex =
    @"^" + //# Start of line
    @"(?<dir>[\-ld])" + //# File size
    @"(?<permission>[\-rwx]{9})" + //# Whitespace \n
    @"\s+" + //# Whitespace \n
    @"(?<filecode>\d+)" +
    @"\s+" + //# Whitespace \n
    @"(?<owner>\w+)" +
    @"\s+" + //# Whitespace \n
    @"(?<group>\w+)" +
    @"\s+" + //# Whitespace \n
    @"(?<size>\d+)" +
    @"\s+" + //# Whitespace \n
    @"(?<month>\w{3})" + //# Month (3 letters) \n
    @"\s+" + //# Whitespace \n
    @"(?<day>\d{1,2})" + //# Day (1 or 2 digits) \n
    @"\s+" + //# Whitespace \n
    @"(?<timeyear>[\d:]{4,5})" + //# Time or year \n
    @"\s+" + //# Whitespace \n
    @"(?<filename>(.*))" + //# Filename \n
    @"$"; //# End of line
    var myresult = new List<FTPListDetail>();
    foreach (var parsed in results)
    var split = new Regex(regex)
    var dir = split.Groups["dir"].ToString();
    var permission = split.Groups["permission"].ToString();
    var filecode = split.Groups["filecode"].ToString();
    var owner = split.Groups["owner"].ToString();
    var group = split.Groups["group"].ToString();
    var filename = split.Groups["filename"].ToString();
    var size = split.Groups["size"].Length;
    myresult.Add(new FTPListDetail()
    Dir = dir,
    Filecode = filecode,
    Group = group,
    FullPath = CurrentRemoteDirectory + "/" + filename,
    Name = filename,
    Owner = owner,
    Permission = permission,
    return myresult;
    And then this method to loop over and listing :
    private int total_dirs;
    private int searched_until_now_dirs;
    private int max_percentage;
    private TreeNode directories_real_time;
    private string SummaryText;
    private TreeNode CreateDirectoryNode(string path, string name , int recursive_levl )
    var directoryNode = new TreeNode(name);
    var directoryListing = GetDirectoryListing(path);
    var directories = directoryListing.Where(d => d.IsDirectory);
    var files = directoryListing.Where(d => !d.IsDirectory);
    total_dirs += directories.Count<FTPListDetail>();
    int percentage = 0;
    foreach (var dir in directories)
    directoryNode.Nodes.Add(CreateDirectoryNode(dir.FullPath, dir.Name, recursive_levl+1));
    if (recursive_levl == 1)
    TreeNode temp_tn = (TreeNode)directoryNode.Clone();
    this.BeginInvoke(new MethodInvoker( delegate
    percentage = (searched_until_now_dirs * 100) / total_dirs;
    if (percentage > max_percentage)
    SummaryText = String.Format("Searched dirs {0} / Total dirs {1}", searched_until_now_dirs, total_dirs);
    max_percentage = percentage;
    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(percentage, SummaryText);
    percentage = (searched_until_now_dirs * 100) / total_dirs;
    if (percentage > max_percentage)
    SummaryText = String.Format("Searched dirs {0} / Total dirs {1}", searched_until_now_dirs, total_dirs);
    max_percentage = percentage;
    backgroundWorker1.ReportProgress(percentage, SummaryText);
    foreach (var file in files)
    TreeNode file_tree_node = new TreeNode(file.Name);
    file_tree_node.Tag = "file" ;
    return directoryNode;
    Then updating the treeView:
    DateTime last_update;
    private void UpdateList(TreeNode tn_rt)
    TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - last_update;
    if (ts.TotalMilliseconds > 200)
    last_update = DateTime.Now;
    ExpandToLevel(treeViewMS1.Nodes, 1);
    And inside a backgroundworker do work how i'm using it:
    var root = Convert.ToString(e.Argument);
    var dirNode = CreateDirectoryNode(root, "root", 1);
    e.Result = dirNode;
    And last the FTPListDetail class:
    public class FTPListDetail
    public bool IsDirectory
    return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Dir) && Dir.ToLower().Equals("d");
    internal string Dir { get; set; }
    public string Permission { get; set; }
    public string Filecode { get; set; }
    public string Owner { get; set; }
    public string Group { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string FullPath { get; set; }
    Now the main problem is that when i list the files and directories and display them in the treeView it dosen't get/display
    the files in the root directory. Only in the sub nodes.
    I will see the files inside hello and stats but i need also to see the files in the root directory.
    1. How can i get and list/display the files of the root directory ?
    2. For the test i tried to add to a List<string> the items in var files to see if i get the root files at all.
       This is what i tried in the CreateDirectoryNode before it i added:
    private List<string> testfiles = new List<string>();
    Then after var files i did:
    But this is wrong. I just wanted to see in testfiles what items i'm getting in var files in the end of the process.
    Both var files and directoryListing are IEnumerable<FTPListDetail> type.
    The most important is to make the number 1 i mentioned and then to do number 2.

    Risa no.
    What i mean is this. This is a screenshot of my ftp server at my host(
    Now this is a screenshot of my program and you can see that in my program i have only the directories hello stats test but i don't have the files in the root: htaccess.config swp txt 1.txt 2.png....all this files i don't have it on my treeView.
    What i want it to be is that on my program on the treeView i will also display the files like in my ftp server.
    I see in my program only the directories and the files in the directories but i don't see the files on the root directory/node.
    I need it to be like in my ftp server i need to see in my program the htaccess 1.txt 2.png and so on.
    So what i wrote in my main question is that in the var files i see this files of the root directory i just don't know to add and display them in my treeView(my treeView is treeViewMS1).
    I know i checked in my program in the method CreateDirectoryNode i see in the first iteration of the recursive that var files contain this root files i just dont know how to add and display them in my treeView.
    On the next iterations when it does the recursive it's adding the directories hello stats test and the files in this directories but i need it to first add the root files.

  • After trying to update itunes it now hangs moving items into place.

    I get the error that this copy of itunes is corrupted or is not installed correctly.  Please reinstall itunes (error -42037).  I have attempted to reinstall but the install process hangs at moving items into place.  I have left it over night, before manually shutting down and trying again, and then left it all day.  Still hangs, whilst hanging the time remaining goes up from less than a minute, to 1 hour 6 minutes, to 2 hours 50 minutes etc.  I need to fix quickly as I am setting up a new phone and was able to restore all but my music from icloud.  I need my music and playlists set up before tomorrow.  Thanks

    Hi, reinstalling iTunes should not mess with your music et cetera (however some users have suggested on here that it did), but keeping a backup is always recommended anyway.
    You can visit this link to install iTunes, the older seemingly corrupted version will be replaced...Troubleshooting iTunes installation on Mac OS X - Apple Support

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    I'm using AutoCompleteBox from
    Is there a way for oblige the user to select only items shown in list?
    I would avoid that user can to insert custom words in database.

    Hi robertino_salemi ,
    In my experience, if you want to "avoid custom words and insert into database", I suggest that you could check these words before user inserts into database.
    I have made a code sample , suppose there is a button, it will check the value when click the button. you can refer to code below.
    You can also use the other event ,such as LostFocus,MouseLeave etc.
    <toolkit:AutoCompleteBox x:Name="autoTextbox" Width="150" Height="30" SelectedItem="{Binding}"></toolkit:AutoCompleteBox>
    <Button Width="100" Height="30" Content="submit" Click="Button_Click"></Button>
    List<string> ls = new List<string>();
    public MainWindow()
    ls.Add("abc" );
    ls.Add( "acc" );
    ls.Add("affc" );
    autoTextbox.ItemsSource = ls;
    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    MessageBox.Show("Error data!");
    Best Regards,

  • C# SSIS Script component - Save List String to Object package-scope variable and read it in Script Task

    before posting this i was searching this on internet but was not able to find info regarding my specific case:
    i have a DataFlow Task with "Error output" pointing from FlatFile to
    Script Component that does below (variable "ErrorMessageList" is listed under ReadWriteVariables property):
    List<string> lsErrors = new List<string>();
    public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
        void PostExecute()
            Variables.ErrorMessageList = lsErrors;
    Then the DataFlow points to a ScriptComponent where this object variable is listed under ReadOnlyVariables property and does the below:
    public void Main()
    List<string> lsErrors = (List<string>)Dts.Variables["ErrorMessageList"].Value;
    and that is where i get exception-has-been-thrown-by-the-target-of-an-invocation
    What is wrong here?
    (i have mistakenly edited this first post before, so i tried to manually put it back to original version)

    i have missed the "override" keyword...
    public class ScriptMain : UserComponent
    public class UserComponent: ScriptComponent
    namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline
    public class ScriptComponent
    // i should have seen this before
    public virtual void PostExecute();
    i believe i must have deleted the PostExecute method definition right after the ScriptComponent generated the script for me... and then when i've realized that i can't change ReadWriteVariables as a part of:
    public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
    // --- can't change ReadWriteVariables here
    then i had to add the method back but forgot that the base method is virtual
    thanks for this hint, Russ!

  • Any way to assign value for  variable of type Class List String ?

    I'm puzzled why I can declare a variable:
    Class<List<String>> clazz;but I cannot assign a value to it as
    clazz = List<String>.class;The compiler also complains about
    Class<List<?>> clazz0 = List<?>.class;yet it has the nerve to warn about raw types when I give up and use
    Class<List> clazz0 = List.class;Even using a dummy instance does not work.
            List<String> dummy = new ArrayList<String>();
            Class<List<String>> clazz1 = dummy.getClass();I only care because I've declared a method like
    public String useless( Class<List<String>> unSetable){
      return  unSetable.getName();
    }And now there seems to be no way to call it.

    Hello chymes,
    there is no way to get an instance of Class<List<String>> without at least one unchecked warning. Otherwise you could get away with the following:
    List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    Class<List<String>> clazz = List<String>.class;
    List<String> strings = clazz.cast(ints);
    strings.add("No Good");
    int i = ints.get(0); // CCETherefore the only way to get it is via unchecked cast:
    Class<List<String>> clazz = (Class<List<String>>) (Object) List.class;With kind regards

  • Statements like 'List String .class' cause error.

    Consider the following simple code:
        Class<List<String>> cl;
        cl=List<String>.class;The first line is valid but the second one causes the "illegal start of expression" error.
    That's rather strange: the type
    Class<List<String>>is valid itself, but variables of that type cannot be assigned via the ".class" expression.
    Is this a bug or I am missing something?

    Java generics aren't C++ templates; they don't cause new classes to be created based on parameter type.
    What this means is that for types...
    List<String> stringList = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<Number> numberList = new ArrayList<Number>();...the class of those lists is, in both cases, java.util.ArrayList...
    numberList.getClass().equals(ArrayList.class);Neither class ArrayList<String> nor class ArrayList<Number> exist, because such generics information is wiped out at runtime. That's why an expression like...
    ArrayList<Number> illegal.

  • I bought a brand new mac and follow through setting up process with my apple id but when I open App Store I don't see lion into the purchases list. why?

    I bought a brand new mac and follow through setting up process with my apple id but when I open App Store I don't see lion into the purchases list. why?

    Updates come through Software Update not the App Store. If you have to reinstall Lion that is done via Internet Recovery.
    OS X Lion- About Lion Recovery
    OS X Lion- Run Software Update to use Lion Internet Recovery
    Lion maintenance and recovery operate via the Recovery HD. It's possible to create a separate recovery disk on a flash drive using OS X Lion: About Lion Recovery Disk Assistant.
    To boot into the Recovery HD:
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.

  • Deleting a contact list item through Powershell in sharepoint 2010 synced with outlook 2010, does not delete the item from outlook.

    hi All,
    I have a requirement for updating the contact list from CSV file and updating/ adding and  deleting the changes in the SharePoint list using PowerShell script. List is also synced with outlook.
    The problem arises, when we delete an item from the list using PS, the item (which was earlier synced with outlook) is not getting deleted from outlook.
    Strange behavior : when we perform the same deletion operation manually from the SharePoint UI, every thing works fine as required.
    Please refer the below PS
    #Adding the records from SharePoint not in CSV file
    if($flag -ne 1)
    Get-Member -InputObject $csvRow -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach-Object {
    $property = $_.Name
    $newItem.set_Item($property, $csvRow.$property)
    #Deleting the records from SharePoint not in CSV file
    CreatePSLog "Deleting the records from SharePoint not in CSV file"
    foreach($itm in $List.items)
    $del = 0
    $items | ForEach-Object {
    if($itm["SAP Ansprechpartnernr"] -eq $_."SAP Ansprechpartnernr")
    many thanks in advance, Please suggest as I am completly stuck on this :(
    Regards, Arun kumar

    Hi Kumar,
    Please remove the codeline $List.Update();, then run your code again, it works for me.
    You may need to firstly delete the synced contacts list within Outlook to remove those undeleted accounts, then re-connect the SharePoint contacts list to outlook, then run your modified Powershell code.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • SharePoint 2013 List View with query string filter stops working after editing view from browser

    I have created one list definition in which I have added one list view which will filter data from query string paramater
    So when I am creating list from my list definition, view with query string filter is working fine.
    But when I am modifying view from UI(I am not changing any thing , just opening "Modify View" page and then click on "Save" button), view gets stop working means it's not filtering data based on query string
    Any suggestion what I am missing?
    Below is my list view schema
    <View BaseViewID="11" Type="HTML" TabularView="FALSE" WebPartZoneID="Main" DisplayName="$Resources:OIPLBScoreCard,viewFilterTasksByTarget;" MobileView="True" MobileDefaultView="False" Url="FilteredTasks.aspx" SetupPath="pages\viewpage.aspx" DefaultView="FALSE" ImageUrl="/_layouts/15/images/issuelst.png?rev=23">
    <Toolbar Type="Standard" />
    <ParameterBinding Name="NoAnnouncements" Location="Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_LIST)" />
    <ParameterBinding Name="NoAnnouncementsHowTo" Location="Resource(wss,noXinviewofY_DEFAULT)" />
    <ParameterBinding Name="TargetId" Location="QueryString(TargetId)" />
    <XslLink Default="TRUE">main.xsl</XslLink>
    <RowLimit Paged="TRUE">100</RowLimit>
    <FieldRef Name="Body"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="Title"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="StartDate"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="DueDate"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="PercentComplete" Type="StrikeThroughPercentComplete"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="DueDate" Type="TimelineDueDate"></FieldRef>
    <FieldRef Name="oipscTargetLookup" LookupId="TRUE"/>
    <Value Type="Lookup">{TargetId}</Value>
    I have one lookup field from "Target List" in my source list and I want to filter data based on that lookup field.

    Hi JayJT,
    The Miscellaneous is located in the contact list that you used for the connection.
    So , you need to edit the page, then edit the contact list that you used, in the web part properties of the contact list, you will find Miscellaneous, then expand it and select ‘Server Render’ .
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How does sharepoint designer create item in list work ?.

    I'm using sharepoint 365, and the free sharepoint designer.
    I'm trying to make something so that if List A gets an update other lists get new records to.
    There is a sharepoint-designer action that lets one create a an item in another list.
    And i have tested it a lot but haven't got any of my tests to work, been trying for a week now.
    I'm not sure as how it is exactly named in English, since our sharepoint is al dutch  :(
    I think in English  it looks like:
    Create item in Yourlistname  (save result in variable
    When clicking on yourlistname, you need the all valeus of all required items in the list.
    Now asume such worklow rule is made to start after an Entry is made in List A, And we want to update List B
    Here i start i think my problems
    So you select List B as your listname, but then...
    How does one refer, to a required link title from List A?.  use current list item ?
    How to link to a 4th table entry of List C as value to make in List B
    If List A has a value that is clickable-link how to link that to Value B
    If someone knows of problems with this, permissions things, or knows a youtube explaining it, or can explain it himself. It would be of great help to me.
    Upon futher investigation, i got into problems where the workflow has to fill in an item
    Into a column type that is a lookup table (another list), if work with string columns it works, but I need the current "name" as a lookup link connected into List B

    Hi PGT,
    I have seen a similar thread from you. The solution is that you need to work with Item ID's when you define the workflow to work with Lookup columns links. only at creation time you need to enter what field you like to include in your list. Based upon ID
    it will then show the values. The thread is:
    I will mark this reply as answer to close this case. If you have any question about this issue, please feel free to reply.
    Best Regards,
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • SharePoint Designer 2013 workflow - creating new items in the list

    I need to create a workflow in SharePoint designer 2013. Basically the flow is like that:
    There is a Request List where people submit their requests. The requests have status: Submitted and Completed.
    Once the status goes to 'Completed" there should be a workflow triggered that creates an entry in another list; VoC list and populate VoC columns. Additionally there should be an email send to the requestor that the request has been processed.
    I tried to do that but I failed - what do I do wrong? It keeps telling me that there is an error in workflow.
    Could you, please help me? Thank you.
    Thank you.
    Kind regards,

    With this command it populated the Voc list. But when I tried to add additional fields, the workflow did not work. Fo example, I've got a column "Requestors Name" in Request List and I would like the same column in Voc List to be automatically
    populated with the data from Requestors List. I set Field Requestors name to Value Current item:Requestors name but it did not work :-(
    What do you mean by "VoC column is already created in VoC list"?
    And one additional question: is it possible for the workflow to automatuically create new columns in the VoC list?
    Hi Jowita,
    We could use workflow to populate values in column but not populate new columns, so the column should be created in list manually before workflow.
    As I understand now, you need to use workflow to populate at least two columns in another list, and one is person or people type. I captured a screenshot for your reference, pp column is in person or group type in both two lists, please set return
    type as Display name:
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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