Sharing Code Snippets with team

Does anyone know how to change the Snippets folder to a
shared network folder?
I've had a look in;
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application
Data\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Configuration
C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Configuration
But I'm not entirely sure, I'd like to set up a shared folder
so our team can add/edit and share a code snippet library within
Thanks a lot,
Jamie Mason

"JamieMason" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:esriha$m4r$[email protected]..
> Does anyone know how to change the Snippets folder to a
shared network
> folder?
> I've had a look in;
> C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application
> Data\Macromedia\Dreamweaver
> 8\Configuration
> and
> C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Configuration
> But I'm not entirely sure, I'd like to set up a shared
folder so our team
> can
> add/edit and share a code snippet library within
Dreamweaver doesn't support this functionality, even if the
same feature was
already available in Homesite almost 10 years ago.
You are not the first asking for this. Please cast your vote:
Massimo Foti, web-programmer for hire
Tools for ColdFusion and Dreamweaver developers:

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    I have to say that I can reproduce your issue on my machine via the steps provided in the walkthrough. However, I finally add that code snippets to C# language not that custom TestSnippets language.
    Here are some modifications which are made on my side, maybe these listed items can be helpful for you to trouble-shoot your issue:
    1). Delete the following line from the test.snippet file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    2). Edit the test.snippet file, set <Code Language="CSharp">
    3). Edit the SnippetIndex.xml file, set  <Language Lang="CSharp" Guid="{694DD9B6-B865-4C5B-AD85-86356E9C88DC}">
    4). Edit the SnippetUtilities class, and set
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    5). Then build and run your project again. And this time you should get the snippet under C# language.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Hi Ron,
    Office ships with a number of resources that you will find indispensable for the sort of work you're doing. Take a look at the VBA IDE (Visual Basic for Applications IDE). You may already be familiar with it, if you've ever written a Word macro, but to call it a macro editor sells it short -- it is a full-blown development environment. Its Object Browser allows you to browse Word's object model, search by keyword, and view call syntax.
    In case you aren't familiar with the VBA IDE, try this:
    1. Open Word
    2. Switch between Word and the VBA IDE by pressing <Alt><F11>
    3. Open the Object Browser by pressing <F2>
    Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the Object Browser. Constrain its scope by selecting the Word library instead of <All Libraries> (the default). Learn to search by keyword. Click on items within your results for details. If Visual Basic Help is installed, pressing <F1> will raise help on a selected item.
    Visual Basic Help may not be part of the Compact or Typical install. Running Office Setup, either from the install CD, or through Add/Remove Programs under Control Panel, will allow you to add the feature. (The Office installer lists Visual Basic Help in the Office Tools section.)
    I have found the VBA IDE to be the perfect place for prototyping and testing automated processes. It is a far friendlier environment for learning Office automation, as it offers code completion and context-driven help. Once the process works, I manually translate my VBA routine into Forms PL/SQL, which is fairly painless. I've written a short tutorial, that I will post shortly -- I didn't want to bury it in this thread!
    Hope this helps,
    Eric Adamson
    Lansing, Michigan

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    data : f1(2) type c,
           f2(2) type c,
           f3(10) type n value '12345'.
      clear: f1 with 'X',
             f2 with f1,
             f3 with '3'.
    write :/ f1 ,f2, f3.
    Process Error:
    The field "F1" must have the length 1.

    hi ,
    ther is not syntax with clear with 'X".
    but you can do one thing to get the one character.
    data : f1(2) type c,
    f2(2) type c,
    f3(10) type n value '12345'.
    clear: f1 with 'X',  "Comment this
    f1 = f1+0(1).        "write this
    f2 with f1,
    f3 with '3'.
    write :/ f1 ,f2, f3.
    now f1 containd one charater instead of 2.
    now you can display as usuall

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    You can use panel widget to create manual menu where set to show target on rollover.
    Something like this :

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    Rates and Hours
    FAQ - Yoga
    FAQ - Reiki
    FAQ - Massage
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    function land(ref, target)
    if (lowtarget=="_self") {window.location=loc;}
    else {if (lowtarget=="_top") {top.location=loc;}
    else {if (lowtarget=="_blank") {;}
    else {if (lowtarget=="_parent") {parent.location=loc;}
    else {parent.frames[target].location=loc;};
    function jump(menu)
    if (splitc!=-1)
    else {loc=ref; target="_self";};
    if (ref != "") {land(loc,target);}
    <style type="text/css">
    .combobox {
    background-color: #fef3e2;
    color: #463c3c;
    font-size: 13pt;
    font-family: optima;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: none;
    <form action="dummy" method="post"><select name="choice" size="1" class="combobox" onChange="jump(this.form)"
    <option value="">Rates, Hours, Reservations</option>
    <option value="*_top">Rates and Hours</option>
    <option value="*_top">FAQ and Reserve - Yoga</option>
    <option value="*_top">FAQ and Reserve - Reiki</option>
    <option value="*_top">FAQ and Reserve - Massage</option>
    <option value="*_top">FAQ and Reserve - Training</option>

    Here is what it should read, and does on Safari:
    Rates and Hours
    FAQ - Yoga
    FAQ - Reiki
    FAQ - Massage
    No, it shouldn't and it doesn't. It should look like :
    Rates, Hours, Reservations
    Rates and Hours
    FAQ - Yoga
    FAQ - Reiki
    FAQ - Massage
    FAQ and Reserve - Training
    Here's the correct part :
              <option value="">Rates, Hours, Reservations</option>
              <option value="*_top">Rates and Hours</option>
              <option value="*_top">FAQ and Reserve - Yoga</option>
              <option value="*_top">FAQ and Reserve - Reiki</option>
              <option value="*_top">FAQ and Reserve - Massage</option>
              <option value="*_top">FAQ and Reserve - Training</option>
    The <select> item was missing. And if you don't want the first line in the menu (Rates, Hours, Reservations) then don't enter it in the first place.
    BTW, it's not a dropdown menu. It's a selection list in a form.

  • Code snippet problem: creates wrong snippet

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    Am I dealing with a bug?

    hounddog wrote:
    It is a small snippet and it does contain property nodes, a local variable and semaphores to demonstrate resource sharing.
    Egads!  I just realized that a code snippet does not do what I thought!  I really thought that a snippet was a png screenshot, but the IDE is doing more than that.  It seems that it is trying to show much more than a simple screen shot!  This does seem like a strange thing to do unless I can embed a snippet of code into another VI and actually run it - is that the case?
    Yes just drag it into a diagram.
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Unable to run code analysis with WDK 9926

    I am trying to run code analysis with WDK 9926 and seeing below issue? can anybody help me to resolve this ?
    C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd>msbuild.exe cht4vbd.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Windows 8.1 Debug" /P:Platform=x64 /P:RunCodeAnalysisOnce=True
    Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 12.0.21005.1
    [Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.33440]
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Build started 4/7/2015 12:08:30 AM.
    Project "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" on node 1 (defaul
    t targets).
      Building 'cht4vbd' with toolset 'WindowsKernelModeDriver10.0' and the 'Deskto
      p' target platform.
      Using KMDF 1.11.
      Creating directory "x64\Windows8.1Debug\".
      Creating directory "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\x64\Windows8.1Debug\c
      Creating directory "x64\Windows8.1Debug\cht4vbd.tlog\".
      Creating "x64\Windows8.1Debug\cht4vbd.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "Always
      Create" was specified.
      c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\stampinf.exe -d "*" -a "amd64"
       -k "1.11" -f x64\Windows8.1Debug\chvbdx64.inf
      Copying "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\chvbdx64.inf" to "x64\Windows8.1
      Debug\chvbdx64.inf" for stamping
      Using version information from c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include
      Could not open version header file c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Inc
      lude\shared\\bldnump.h. (0x00000002)
      Could not determine version information.  Please specify using -v option.
      Updates common INF file directives
            stampinf -f filename [-s section] [-d <xx/yy/zzzz> | *]
                     -a architecture -n [-c catalogfile]
                                 [-v <w.x.y.z> | *]
                                 [-k nnnnn] [-u nnnnn]
                                 [-i path]
            -f  specifies the INF file to process
            -s  specifies the INF section to place the DriverVer= directive.  By
                default this directive is placed in the [Version] section.
            -d  specifies the date written in the DriverVer= directive.  Note that
                a '*' given for a date value means for stampinf to write the
                current date. If the date is not specified, the date is taken
                from the STAMPINF_DATE environment variable.
            -v  specifies the version written in the DriverVer= directive. Note
                that a '*' given for a version value means for stampinf to write
                the current time (  This is useful during development
                in order to get increasing version numbers. If the version is not
                specified, its value is taken from the STAMPINF_VERSION
                environment variable.
            -a  specifies the architecture string to replace the $ARCH$ keyword.
                The $ARCH$ keyword is used to tailor a TargetOSVersion decoration
                in a [Manufacturer] section, as well as its respective section
                name, to a specific platform. If no value is specified, stampinf
                takes its value from the _BuildArch environment variable.
            -c  specifies the value to be written in the CatalogFile= directive
                in the [Version] section. By default, this directive is not
            -k  specifies the version of KMDF that this driver depends on.  This
                is used to tailor the KmdfLibraryVersion & KMDF co-installer name
                in the INF. This will replace the $KMDFVERSION$ and
                $KMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$ keywords in the INF.  The string is of
                the format:
                As an example, supplying 1.5 as the version string will result in
                values of 1.5 and 01005 for the two keywords (respectively).
            -u  specifies the version of UMDF that this driver depends on.  This
                is used to tailor the UmdfLibraryVersion & UMDF co-installer name
                in the INF. This will replace the $UMDFVERSION$ and
                $UMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$ keywords in the INF.  The string is of
                the format:
                (where service_version is generally zero)
                As an example, supplying 1.5.0 as the version string will result
                in values of 1.5.0 and 01005 for the two keywords (respectively).
            -i  specifies the location of ntverp.h file.
                path represent the fully qualified
                location of the directory containing ntverp.h.
            -n  noisy mode shows verbose stampinf output
              -x  removes the coinstaller tag from the file and replaces the line w
      ith a ";"
            The environment variable PRIVATE_DRIVER_PACKAGE can be set to
            enable stampinf's 'developer mode' behavior. When this is
            set, the date and version used for DriverVer is set to the
            current date and time, regardless of the command line
            settings. Also, '' is written to the
            version section, unless a catalog was already specified
            with '-c'.
    c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets(355,5
    ): error MSB6006: "stampinf.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\
    Done Building Project "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" (de
    fault targets) -- FAILED.
    Build FAILED.
    "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" (default target) (1) ->
    (StampInf target) ->
      c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets(355
    ,5): error MSB6006: "stampinf.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Sr
        0 Warning(s)
        1 Error(s)
    Time Elapsed 00:00:04.07
    Thanks, Krishna

    I am trying to run code analysis with WDK 9926 and seeing below issue? can anybody help me to resolve this ?
    C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd>msbuild.exe cht4vbd.vcxproj /p:Configuration="Windows 8.1 Debug" /P:Platform=x64 /P:RunCodeAnalysisOnce=True
    Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 12.0.21005.1
    [Microsoft .NET Framework, version 4.0.30319.33440]
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Build started 4/7/2015 12:08:30 AM.
    Project "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" on node 1 (defaul
    t targets).
      Building 'cht4vbd' with toolset 'WindowsKernelModeDriver10.0' and the 'Deskto
      p' target platform.
      Using KMDF 1.11.
      Creating directory "x64\Windows8.1Debug\".
      Creating directory "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\x64\Windows8.1Debug\c
      Creating directory "x64\Windows8.1Debug\cht4vbd.tlog\".
      Creating "x64\Windows8.1Debug\cht4vbd.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "Always
      Create" was specified.
      c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\x86\stampinf.exe -d "*" -a "amd64"
       -k "1.11" -f x64\Windows8.1Debug\chvbdx64.inf
      Copying "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\chvbdx64.inf" to "x64\Windows8.1
      Debug\chvbdx64.inf" for stamping
      Using version information from c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include
      Could not open version header file c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Inc
      lude\shared\\bldnump.h. (0x00000002)
      Could not determine version information.  Please specify using -v option.
      Updates common INF file directives
            stampinf -f filename [-s section] [-d <xx/yy/zzzz> | *]
                     -a architecture -n [-c catalogfile]
                                 [-v <w.x.y.z> | *]
                                 [-k nnnnn] [-u nnnnn]
                                 [-i path]
            -f  specifies the INF file to process
            -s  specifies the INF section to place the DriverVer= directive.  By
                default this directive is placed in the [Version] section.
            -d  specifies the date written in the DriverVer= directive.  Note that
                a '*' given for a date value means for stampinf to write the
                current date. If the date is not specified, the date is taken
                from the STAMPINF_DATE environment variable.
            -v  specifies the version written in the DriverVer= directive. Note
                that a '*' given for a version value means for stampinf to write
                the current time (  This is useful during development
                in order to get increasing version numbers. If the version is not
                specified, its value is taken from the STAMPINF_VERSION
                environment variable.
            -a  specifies the architecture string to replace the $ARCH$ keyword.
                The $ARCH$ keyword is used to tailor a TargetOSVersion decoration
                in a [Manufacturer] section, as well as its respective section
                name, to a specific platform. If no value is specified, stampinf
                takes its value from the _BuildArch environment variable.
            -c  specifies the value to be written in the CatalogFile= directive
                in the [Version] section. By default, this directive is not
            -k  specifies the version of KMDF that this driver depends on.  This
                is used to tailor the KmdfLibraryVersion & KMDF co-installer name
                in the INF. This will replace the $KMDFVERSION$ and
                $KMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$ keywords in the INF.  The string is of
                the format:
                As an example, supplying 1.5 as the version string will result in
                values of 1.5 and 01005 for the two keywords (respectively).
            -u  specifies the version of UMDF that this driver depends on.  This
                is used to tailor the UmdfLibraryVersion & UMDF co-installer name
                in the INF. This will replace the $UMDFVERSION$ and
                $UMDFCOINSTALLERVERSION$ keywords in the INF.  The string is of
                the format:
                (where service_version is generally zero)
                As an example, supplying 1.5.0 as the version string will result
                in values of 1.5.0 and 01005 for the two keywords (respectively).
            -i  specifies the location of ntverp.h file.
                path represent the fully qualified
                location of the directory containing ntverp.h.
            -n  noisy mode shows verbose stampinf output
              -x  removes the coinstaller tag from the file and replaces the line w
      ith a ";"
            The environment variable PRIVATE_DRIVER_PACKAGE can be set to
            enable stampinf's 'developer mode' behavior. When this is
            set, the date and version used for DriverVer is set to the
            current date and time, regardless of the command line
            settings. Also, '' is written to the
            version section, unless a catalog was already specified
            with '-c'.
    c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets(355,5
    ): error MSB6006: "stampinf.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\
    Done Building Project "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" (de
    fault targets) -- FAILED.
    Build FAILED.
    "C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Src\kernel\vbd\cht4vbd.vcxproj" (default target) (1) ->
    (StampInf target) ->
      c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\build\WindowsDriver.common.targets(355
    ,5): error MSB6006: "stampinf.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\sw\dev\T4\windows\Sr
        0 Warning(s)
        1 Error(s)
    Time Elapsed 00:00:04.07
    Thanks, Krishna

  • Working code snippet for JSSE 1.0.2

    This code works only with JSSE 1.0.2. JSSE 1.0.1 has a bug I believe which give null cert chain
    error when using client authorization.
    Below is a java code snippet to create a SSL server and client sockets.
    This class is an utility class which gets you the Secure Socket for server and the client.
    It reads from the properties file.
    public class SocketsFactory{
    /** Creates a SSL client socket. It uses the properties obtained from the
    * sslPropsFile to create the client socket.
    * @param sslPropsFile The ssl properties file that contains information about the provider etc.
    * @param host The host to connect to.
    * @param port The port on which this socket should attempt to connect
    * @throws IOException if there was any exceptions in creating the sockets or if the properties file
    * was not found or corrupted.
    * @return returns the socket that was created.
         public static Socket createSecureSocket(final String sslPropsFile, String host,int port)throws IOException{
              Properties props = readPropertiesFile(sslPropsFile);
              SSLSocketFactory factory = null;
              //Getting a secure client socket using sun..
              try {
                   // Set up a key manager for client authentication
                   // if asked by the server. Use the implementation's
                   // default TrustStore and secureRandom routines.
                   SSLContext ctx = getSSLContext(props);
                   factory = ctx.getSocketFactory();
              catch (Exception e) {
                   throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
              SSLSocket client =(SSLSocket)factory.createSocket(host, port);
              return client;
    /** Creates a SSL server socket based on sun's implementation using JSSE. Uses the
    * sslPropsFile to get the keystore used for validating certificates and their
    * passwords.
    * @param sslPropsFile The properties file containing SSL provider, key passwords etc.,
    * @param port The port to which this socket should listen at.
    * @throws IOException If the properties file was not found or it was corrupted or if there was any
    * other errors while socket creation.
    * @return the serversocket object.
         public static ServerSocket createSecureServerSocket(final String sslPropsFile,int port) throws IOException{
              Properties props = readPropertiesFile(sslPropsFile);
              String trustStore = (String)props.get("");
              //     Getting a sun secure server socket
              SSLServerSocketFactory ssf = null;
              try {
                   // set up key manager to do server authentication
                   SSLContext ctx = getSSLContext(props);
                   ssf = ctx.getServerSocketFactory();
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
              SSLServerSocket socket = (SSLServerSocket)ssf.createServerSocket(port);
              return socket;          
         * Internally used function to read a provider from the properties and
         * add it as the current ssl provider. The properties should have the
         * property <i></i> defined. Otherwise
         * throws NullPointerException.
         private static void addProvider(Properties props) throws Exception{
              String provider = (String)props.get("");
              if (provider == null)
                   throw new NullPointerException(" is not specified!");
         * Internally used function to read a file and return it as java properties.
         * It uses java.util.Properties. Throws FileNotFoundException if the file
         * was not found. Otherwise returns the properties.
         private static Properties readPropertiesFile(final String file) throws IOException{
              if (file == null)
                   throw new IOException("SSL Context File name not specified!");
              FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
              Properties properties = new Properties();
              in = null;
              return properties;
         * Internal function used to retrieve a SSLContext object. It is used primarily
         * for creating SSL sockets that can authenticate each other based on the
         * keystores specified using the properties.
         private static SSLContext getSSLContext(Properties props) throws Exception{
              SSLContext ctx;
              KeyManagerFactory kmf;
              KeyStore ks;
              String password = (String)props.get("");
              if (password == null)
                   password = System.getProperty("");
              char[] passphrase = password.toCharArray();
              ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
              kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");
              ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
              String keyStoreFile = (String)props.get("");
              if (keyStoreFile == null)
                   keyStoreFile = System.getProperty("");
              FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile);
              ks.load(in, passphrase);
              in = null;
              //     All keys in the KeyStore must be protected by the same password.
              String keyPassword = (String)props.get("");
              if (keyPassword != null)
                   passphrase = keyPassword.toCharArray();
              kmf.init(ks, passphrase);
              ctx.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), null, null);
              return ctx;
    The Server properties file looks like this.
    #     Specify the SSL provider here.
    #     Using sun's reference implementation for testing..
    #     Specify the keystore file that this ssl socket should use
    #     Specify the password for this keystore file
    #     Specify the password used to protect the keys in the keystore
    #     Note: all the keys should have the same password
    The client properties file
    #     Specify the SSL provider here.
    #     Using sun's reference implementation for testing..
    #     Specify the keystore file that this ssl socket should use
    #     Specify the password for this keystore file
    #     Specify the password used to protect the keys in the keystore
    #     Note: all the keys should have the same password
    Now to create the certificates..
    Its a 5 step process
    1) Create the keystore file.
         keytool -genkey -alias mohan -dname "CN=Mohan Tera OU=IS O=IM L=sanjose S=NY C=US" -keystore server.ks -storepass servercanpass -validity 180 -keypass icanpass
    2) Create a self signed certificate. If you need to get it signed from
         verisign then you have to create a certificate request. For testing purposes,
         you can create a self signed certificate.
         keytool -selfcert -alias mohan -dname "CN=Mohan Tera OU=IS O=IM L=sanjose S=NY C=US" -keystore server.ks -storepass servercanpass -validity 180 -keypass icanpass
    3) Export the public key from the keystore to a certificate file that is to be imported to the client keystore.
         keytool -export -alias mohan -file fromserver.cer -keystore server.ks -storepass servercanpass
    4) Repeat the above steps for the client also..
         keytool -genkey -alias moks -dname "CN=Jennifer Poda OU=Javasoft O=Sun L=Edison S=NJ C=US" -keystore client.ks -storepass clientshouldpass -validity 180 -keypass canipass
         keytool -selfcert -alias moks -dname "CN=Jennifer Poda OU=Javasoft O=Sun L=Edison S=NJ C=US" -keystore client.ks -storepass clientshouldpass -validity 180 -keypass canipass
         keytool -export -alias moks -file fromclient.cer -keystore client.ks -storepass clientshouldpass
    5) Import the certificates that were exported in steps 3 and 4c in client and server keystore respectively.
         keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias new -file fromserver.cer -keypass keypass -storepass clientshouldpass -keystore client.ks
         keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias new -file fromclient.cer -keypass keypass -storepass servercanpass -keystore server.ks
    And voila you are all set to go..
    Hope this explains to all the people who are struggling with JSSE..

    when i using your method in my code i get the following exception
    pl. help me. Cannot recover key
    at ClassFileServer.getServerSocketFactory(
    at ClassFileServer.main(
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at ClassFileServer.main(

  • How can I use a shared library made with the application builder?

    I am using LabVIEW 7.1 running on Slackware 10.1 (kernel 2.4.29) and I am trying to call a graph display from a C program that I use for debugging VME access from a VMIVME controler. So using the application builder I built the VI as a shared library ( -> containing a function called "graph". In my main program the call to the dlopen fails with the error: " undefined symbol: UninitLVClient". When I examin with nm I see that UninitLVClient and other LabVIEW functions are indeed undefined and using ldd shows that has dependencies only on* and *linux*.so.* but not on LabVIEW related stuff. Those functions are defined in the that's in the cintools directory but I have no idea if the user is supposed to use that.
    So I think I am missing an important concept here. Can somebody help or direct me to some documentation (I found lots of information about how to link external code to LabVIEW but nothing about how to link LabVIEW code to an external program)?

    Thanks Watermann,
    your message has been very useful so now I am linking to the proper library but I still have problems when trying to load dynamically the shared library produced with LabVIEW. It is strange that I could successfully load the lvrt library at loading time but it does not work when I am loading the library at execution time.
    I made a small LabVIEW program that prints a hello window and I am calling it from a C program. In the first program main.c I am linking to the lvrt library at loading time and it works but in the second one I am linking dynamically at execution time and it does not work. For my work I need to be able to load code done in LabVIEW at execution time. Any help is appreciated!
    Program main.c:
    // small program to call a LabVIEW shared library
    #include "hello.h" // got this from the LabVIEW builder, i.e. when I made the
    int main(void)
    printf("Hello from C!\nLets call LabVIEW now\n");
    printf("Bye ... \n");
    return 0;
    The command to compile main.c, i.e. linking shared library lvrt when loading main program:
    gcc -Wall -I /usr/local/lv71/cintools/ -o main main.c -l lvrt
    The LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been defined and exported:
    $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    Program main2.c:
    // small program to call a LabVIEW shared library
    int main(void)
    void * h_lvrt;
    void * h_hello;
    void (* hello)(void);
    char * error;
    printf("Hello from C!\nLets call LabVIEW now\n");
    // open LabVIEW RunTime shared library
    // in my computer located at /usr/local/lib/
    h_lvrt = dlopen("/usr/local/lib/", RTLD_NOW);
    // check for error
    error = dlerror();
    if (error) {
    printf("error : could not open LabVIEW RunTime library\n");
    printf("%s\n", error);
    return 1;
    // open hello shared library
    // in my computer located at /home/darss/lv_call/
    h_hello = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW);
    // check for error
    error = dlerror();
    if (error) {
    // close LabVIEW RunTime shared library
    printf("error : could not open hello library\n");
    printf("%s\n", error);
    return 1;
    // get function hello from library
    hello = dlsym(h_hello, "hello");
    // check for error
    error = dlerror();
    if (error) {
    // close hello shared library
    // close LabVIEW RunTime shared library
    printf("error : could not get the hello function\n");
    printf("%s\n", error);
    return 1;
    // call hello function
    // close hello shared library
    // close LabVIEW RunTime shared library
    printf("Bye ... \n");
    return 0;
    The command to compile main2.c, i.e. dynamically linking library lvrt at execution of main2 program:
    gcc -Wall -o main2 main2.c -l dl
    The LD_LIBRARY_PATH still defined and exported.
    Program output:
    Hello from C!
    Lets call LabVIEW now
    error : could not open hello library
    /home/darss/lv_call/ undefined symbol: WaitLVDLLReady

  • EDGE ANIMATE CC (2014) : Missing Code Snippets sidebar - WHY!?!?!

    I just updated today, and now a project I had been working on for weeks (my first real project) won't open in CC anymore. The only reason I wanted to open it back up in CC - NOT Adobe Edge Animate CC (2014), was because this updated Edge Animate IS MISSING THE CODE SNIPPET SIDEBAR!! WHY!! WHY!! WHY!! It's a little hard to follow along with tutorials you have been using when they insert snippets from the sidebar and suddenly you don't have one anymore!
    I have rebuilt permissions and restarted hoping that would fix the issue but it has not. If I can't get this project to pen in CC, can someone tell me how to trick CC into opening it again? Byt he Way -- the old version of Edge Animate was AUTOMATICALLY UNINSTALLED with this update. Also very frustrating!! I had to go to my could menu and download CC (3.0) again.

    OK - Possibly Good News... I talked to Adobe Tech Support. I am able to download a previous version of the Edge Animate CC by choosing PREVIOUS VERSION under the FIND NEW APPS section of the Creative Cloud Desktop app. This is a new feature of CC. Thankfully. I can install CC and then do as hemanth kumar r suggested and edit the _edge.js file to allow 3.0 to open the file.
    Thanks for all of the help. Sorry for the frustration in MY TYPING . I'll reply if that all works.

  • Converting Frame files to PDF adds carriage return in code snippets

    Our writing group is using FrameMaker 7.2 with Acrobat 9. The documentation we write includes code snippets. Conversion from Frame to PDF adds a carriage return to the end of any line of code. This causes any snippet containing a wrapped line to be incorrect if it is copied and pasted directly from the PDF.  Does anyone knopw if there's a fix for this?

    Dear Alexander,
    Thanks for the reply.
    In this I am using the FM 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF'. I have checked the settings from SPAD that is also same in both servers for particular output device. But the patches are diffrennt in both the servers, the server from which layout is not coming properly having the high level patches in compare to the other server(which is working fine).

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