Sharing mappings for single dimensions between locations

Dear all,
In our application we want to load data into essbase as well as into HFM, so we are using the two different adaptors. We though about using on the one hand locations with the essbase adaptor and on the other hand locations with the HFM adaptor.
The account mapping table is the same regardless of loading into HFM or Essbase. The problem now is, that once a mapping in the account dimension is changed in an essbase location, it should also be automatically changed for the corresponding HFM location. The solution seems to be the creation of a location with a third adaptor that contains the HFM dimensions (until UD4) as well as the additional dimensions (UD5 - ...) for Essbase. This location is then the parent location for the HFM as well as for the Essbase locations. However, according to my understanding, this third adaptor can only be connected with one system (lets say Essbase). This means that once a mapping tabel for the HFM-UD3 is updated, it will result in an error, as FDQM can not find the corresponding UD3 member in Essbase.
1. Is there a solution for this problem, so that for some dimensions the mapping table refers to essbase metadata while for others the mapping table refers to HFM metadata?
2. Does anyone has a proposal for an approach to share the mapping tables of certain dimensions between different locations with different adaptors?
Any comments are very much appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance,

Hi Chris,
You put some good thoughts in here. Have you tried to use a parent location with the 3rd adapter yet? Depending on whether the adapter of the parent or the child location has priority this might work or not. Give it a try, might be a great reference for the rest of us, so thanks for sharing your results.
The only other solution I see would be to add some scripting to sync the dimensions that you need.

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    Matt Warden
    Balanced Insight, Inc.

    when defining multiple hierarchies in a dimension, the lowest level needs to be the same for each hierarchy...that's a prerequisite.
    But I think you can define them this way...and restrict your 'drill' level on your fact I think you will have a different aggregation level overthere.
    So for your dimension you'll set the logical level on the lowest level and in your fact you can play with the logical level depending on to the drill level?
    Can that help you?

  • Export all maps (mappings for all dimensions in EXCEL)

    it shouldn't be an unknown issue - but unfortunately I can't find the way :-(

    Below is updated code with the following changes :
    - Adjusted SaveAs logic to prevent Excel prompts in the event the file already exists, etc. (i.e. DisplayAlerts TRUE / FALSE)
    - Added Range creation logic for each worksheet page. If I really wanted perfect code, could do this better, but it gets the job done.
    Sub ExportAllCurrDimMapsForLocationtoXLS()
    'UpStream WebLink DM Custom Script:
    'Created By:         cbeyer
    'Date Created:       11-23-11
    'Purpose:               Export all dimension maps to an Excel workbook      
    'Declare Constant
    'NOTE : This will control whether the function gets the current map in the system or whether it looks back for a specific Period
    '       FDM stores the Map for each period that was loaded... You may want to export a particular POV Period for audit purposes, etc.
    '       IF you enable this, be sure to set the POV Period before running.....
    Const boolgetPOVPeriodMap = False
    'Declare working variables
    Dim intPartitionKey
    Dim strOutputMessage
    Dim strSQL
    Dim strCategoryFreq
    Dim objPeriodKey
    Dim strOutputFileName
    Dim strOutputFilePath
    'Get the location (PartitionKey
    intPartitionKey = RES.PlngLocKey
    'Create SQL Query to get Current Map Data
    If boolgetPOVPeriodMap = False Then
         strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tDataMap where PartitionKey = " & intPartitionKey & " order by DimName ASC"
         strCategoryFreq = API.POVMgr.fCategoryFreq(API.POVMgr.PPOVCategory)
         Set objPeriodKey = API.POVMgr.fPeriodKey(API.POVMgr.PPOVPeriod, 0, strCategoryFreq)
         strSQL = "SELECT * from vDataMap where PartitionKey = " & intPartitionKey & " and PeriodKey = '" & objPeriodKey.dteDateKey & " 12:00:00 AM' order by DimName Asc"
    End If
    'Create Recordset for all Exported Entities
    Set rsMap = DW.DataAccess.farsKeySet(strSQL)
    If rsMap.EOF And rsMap.BOF Then
         'No records
         If boolgetPOVPeriodMap = False Then
              strOutputMessage = "No Mapping data was found For " & API.POVMgr.PPOVLocation & ".  If this location Is using Parent Maps, you can only export mapping data at the parent location."     
              strOutputMessage = "No Mapping data was found For " & API.POVMgr.PPOVLocation & " for period " & API.POVMgr.PPOVPeriod & ".  If this location Is using Parent Maps, you can only export mapping data at the parent location."          
         End If
         'Records Exist, process
         'Generate file name / path
         If boolgetPOVPeriodMap = False Then
              strOutputFileName = API.POVMgr.PPOVLocation & "_DimensionMaps.xls"
              strOutputFileName = API.POVMgr.PPOVLocation & "_" & objPeriodKey.strDateKey & "_DimensionMaps.xls"
         End If
         strOutputFilePath = DW.Connection.PstrDirOutbox & "\ExcelFiles\"
         'Create Excel file reference     
         'Declare Excel working variables
         Dim oExcel
         Dim oBook
         Dim oSheet 'No puns here......
         Dim oRange
         Dim intCurrentSheetOrdinal
         Dim intCurrentRowOrdinal
         Dim intCurrentColOrdinal
         'Intialize Excel
         Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
         Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add
         'Declare working variables
         Dim strCurrDimName
         'Initialize variables
         strCurrDimName = ""
         intCurrentSheetOrdinal = 1
         intCurrentRowOrdinal = 1
         intCurrentColOrdinal = 1
         With rsMap
              Do Until .eof
                   'Check to see if current DimName matches existing DimName.  If not, add headers
                   If rsMap.fields("DimName") <> strCurrDimName Then
                         'If the dimension name has changed to a different dimension name, show total information before starting headers
                         'If the previous dimension was not "", then we are transitioning from one range to the next.  Lets create a named range on the just
                         'finished worksheet because we can or because you may want to use this for re-uploading
                         'NOTE : The range I'm creating is more for reference as to how to implement this and I don't know if I'm making the range in a fashion that
                         'FDM will pickup for importing. 
                         'NOTE : You probably want intCurrentRowOrdinal - 1 since it is 1 row past the last row of data at this point.  If you want to clean it up,
                         'then you need to make sure RowOrdinal is not going to be less than the starting point and I didn't feel like adding the couple rows of
                         'code to do the work properly as FDM will just ignore the blank row in all likelihood.
                                                                      If strCurrDimName <> "" Then
                                Set oRange = oSheet.Range("A6:K" & intCurrentRowOrdinal)
                                oBook.Names.Add "ups"&strCurrDimName, oRange
                         End If
                         'Create worksheet reference
                           Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets(intCurrentSheetOrdinal)                    
                          'Create default header at top of each new dimension group
                             If boolgetPOVPeriodMap = False Then
                                  oSheet.range("A1") = (API.POVMgr.PPOVLocation & " - Map Conversion")
                                  oSheet.range("A1") = (API.POVMgr.PPOVLocation & " - Map Conversion for " & rsMap.fields("PeriodKey"))
                             End If
                             oSheet.range("A3") = "Partition: " & API.POVMgr.PPOVLocation
                             oSheet.range("A4") = "User ID: " & DW.Connection.PstrUserID
                             'NOTE: I could make an array of the field names and do a loop here; however, this is easier to read.....
                             '      probably not how I would do it from an efficiency standpoint, but since it's a limited number of fields
                             '      this will work.....
                                 oSheet.range("A5") = "PartitionKey"
                                 oSheet.range("B5") = "DimName"
                                 oSheet.range("C5") = "Source FM Account"
                                 oSheet.range("D5") = "Description"
                                 oSheet.range("E5") = "Target FM Account"
                                 oSheet.range("F5") = "WhereClauseType"
                                 oSheet.range("G5") = "WhereClauseValue"
                                 oSheet.range("H5") = "-"
                                 oSheet.range("I5") = "Sequence"
                                 oSheet.range("J5") = "DataKey"
                                 oSheet.range("K5") = "VBScript"
                             'Update variables                   
                                strCurrDimName = rsMap.fields("DimName")
                                intCurrentRowOrdinal = 6
                                intCurrentSheetOrdinal = intCurrentSheetOrdinal + 1
                                'Update worksheet name
                       = strCurrDimName
                   End If
                     'Write Details
                            oSheet.range("A" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = intPartitionKey
                     oSheet.range("B" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("DimName").Value
                     oSheet.range("C" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("SrcKey").Value
                     oSheet.range("D" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("SrcDesc").Value
                     oSheet.range("E" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("TargKey").Value
                     oSheet.range("F" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("WhereClauseType").Value
                     oSheet.range("G" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("WhereClauseValue").Value
                     oSheet.range("H" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("ChangeSign").Value
                     oSheet.range("I" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("Sequence").Value
                     oSheet.range("J" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("DataKey").Value
                     oSheet.range("K" & intCurrentRowOrdinal) = rsMap.fields("VBScript").Value
                   'Increment Counters
                   intCurrentRowOrdinal = intCurrentRowOrdinal + 1
                   'Move to the next record
         End With
         'Final Sheet Named Range addition
         'Since the loop will end and we will not execute the above logic to create the range for the previous sheet
         'the easiest (laziest) solution is to just handle the last sheet after the loop.
         'We're basically doing the same stuff we did above, just down here.
          If strCurrDimName <> "" Then
              Set oRange = oSheet.Range("A6:K" & intCurrentRowOrdinal)
               oBook.Names.Add "ups"&strCurrDimName, oRange
          End If      
         'Close / release file objects
         'Added some logic here to ensure you don't get caught up on the file replace prompt.
         oExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
         oBook.SaveAs strOutputFilePath & strOutputFileName
         oExcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = True
         'Create output message          
         strOutputMessage = "Mapping data export for " & API.POVMgr.PPOVLocation  & " complete.  Extract file is : " & strOutputFilePath & strOutputFileName
    End If
    'Close / release data objects
    'Display output
    If LCase(API.DataWindow.Connection.PstrClientType) = "workbench" Then
              MsgBox strOutputMessage       
         'Let the user know we are done
         RES.PlngActionType = 2
         RES.PstrActionValue = strOutputMessage
    End If
    End SubEdited by: beyerch2 on Dec 14, 2011 9:43 AM

  • CAC Not limiting bandwidth or phone calls between locations.

    Hello, I'm running a test set up with a couple locations and attempting to make several calls between them to test the CAC bandwidth limits.
    The bandwidth limit between Location A and Location B is set to 50kbps.
    3 Phones 7940s are in Location A and 1 CIPC is in location B (When looking at Devices > Phones, it shows their respective Location A DP and Location B DP.  Regions are set up and G.729 is used between the locations.  I know regions are working, because when I look at call statistics, it shows the G.729 8kpbs used instead of the 711.
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    Any thoughts? Thank you very much for your consideration.

    Hello Harvey,
    First of all LCAC and E-LCAC require 24 kbps for a single G.729 call.
    Your are running CUCM 9.x which introduced Enhanced Location CAC.
    E-LCAC employs LBM service and uses Call Treatment When No LBM Available CUCM service parameter  to decide how to proceed if LBM is not available.
    For a fresh install LBM service is down and the latter param is set to Allow Calls.
    So please navigate to Serviceability and check if Cisco Location Bandwidth Manager service is activated and running.
    Once you confirm that:
    SSH to your server and issue file tail activelog cm/trace/lbm/sdl * recent to see requests for bandwidth deduction in real time,
    Make a test call and you should see something like:
    00117318.001 |20:12:09.240 |AppInfo  |LBMServer - Received from CallManager:
    msg = {
      messageId = (881)
      msgkey = ()
      nofwd = (0)
      choice = (reservationReq)
      reservationReq = (
        transId = (12071793471388647784)
        seqNum = (0)
        choice = (reserve)
        reserve = (
          sideA = (
            loc = (TEST1)
            fs_id = (StandAloneCluster:27335818)
            ext = ()
          sideB = (
            loc = (TEST2)
            fs_id = (StandAloneCluster:27335819)
            ext = ()
          a_bw = (24)
    This is a request to deduct 24 kbps from the audio pool for a call between locations TEST1 and TEST2.
    Next it will show you the actual deduction (160 kbps audio pool has - 24 kbps for a G.729 accounts for 136 kbps left):
    00117323.010 |20:12:12.350 |AppInfo  |LBM: RES_REC add Edge TEST1->TEST2. Left=136, Calls=1
    00117323.011 |20:12:12.350 |AppInfo  |LBM: RES_REC add Edge TEST2->TEST1. Left=136, Calls=1
    Let me know if that helps.

  • Is is possible to use creative cloud as a shared volume for collaboration between incopy & indesign?

    I'm a designer student and as a designer, I constantly have to make decks for presentations.  I typically work in a group of six and because I'm confident with graphic design, I tend to be the leader of these tasks.  I've found the best workflow for slide creation is Indesign.  Unfortunatly, I'm just an awful writer— so when I heard about Incopy's collabrative features(saw the post from indesign's facebook page) I saw oppertunity and got very excited.  My teamates and I typically all have subscriptions to adobe cc because of this, I was wondering (since I havent used it at all) if the storage given out from adobe cc was able to be that shared volume that is required for the live link between incopy stories and indesign layouts.
    Is is possible to use creative cloud as a shared volume for collaboration between Incopy & Indesign?
    If this needs any further clarification I'll gladly write a more detailed question — lastly, if this is not possible might you suggest an alternative?  Please assume that we go to school together but we work offsite also.

    You will not be able to use the Files page at for collaboration in this way. But you can share individual files in this way.
    When folder sharing is available this will be possible.

  • PO number not displaying for STO PO between storage locations in VL10B

    Hi Experts
    I have created a STO PO for stock transfer between 2 storage locations.
    The PO has been created correctly - along with the "Shipping" details aptly.
    However, when I execute VL10B along with the PO, the output screen doesn't show the PO created.
    I have checked various discussions and verified the same. However, I am unable to create the outbound delivery for the PO.
    Please help me on this.
    Best Regards

    Remove everything from the selection screen (including shipping point and delv. date). Just put the PO in the Purchase Order tab. Check all the other tabs, material, user role etc for extraneous/incorrect info.
    Does the PO appear then?

  • Please Help!  I have been writing using - Pages - app for years.  I still can not figure out how to make single spaces between paragraphs.  Pages automatically double spaces between paragraphs.

    I have been writing on - Pages- app for several years.  Pages automatically uses double space between paragraphs. I can not figure out how to make single space between paragraphs. Tried everything.  Please help!  

    Pages User Guide >
    Open the user guide then press Command + F on your keyboard.
    Type line spacing in the search field top right corner of that window.

  • Define Shipping Data for Stock Transfers Between Storage Locations

    Hi Guru,
    Can i know what is the purpose to maintain Customer, SHipping data for each storage location for the STO between storage location?
    Purchasing --> Purchase Order -->
    Set up Stock Transport Order-->
    Set Up Stock Transfer Between Storage Locations-->
    Define Shipping Data for Stock Transfers Between Storage Locations

    The Sales org, Distribution channel, Shipping point, Vendor and Customer are maintained to created the delivery.
    It is for the transfer of stock between storage locations with any movement type.
    Eg: When you do a 311 movement type from Sloc A to Sloc B, then it will create a inbound delivery with the Vendor specified for Sloc A and an outbound delivery from Sloc B with the Customer specified assuming the customer and the vendor as the Plant.
    You have to create a internal Vendor and Customer.
    Hope it helps.

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    I'm looking for a small distributable single click screen sharing system for tech support purposes. I generally support Windows users but sometimes need to quickly gain access to remote OSX systems from fairly clueless users. Every minute I spend explaining something that the user does not want to know or does not need to know is a waste of our mutual time. Thus I'm looking for something similar to UVNC single click for OSX. That is a distributable VNC server reduced to about 250KB or less that can be configured to automatically connect to a listening viewer on launch.
    Is there a program or perhaps an executable script file that will initiate such a connection?

    Start with Applications -> Automator. You can have it "Record" the setting up of the VPN server of your choice.
    Then there is AppleScript, but for me that generally requires a book and Google searches to find examples close to what I want to do.
    It may be possible to do some stuff via Unix shell scripts (sh, bash, awk, perl, python, ruby, etc...) and then invoke this via an Automator action, an AppleScript command, or just wrap the shell script using Platypus (search Platypus at
    If you need to configure the customer's Mac OS X firewall, that might also be an Automator action, or since the firewall is really the Unix ipfw (man ipfw), that could be a use for shell scripting.
    If you need to fetch stuff from the web as part of your installation, you could use something like /usr/bin/curl in a shell script.
    Setting up automation can be difficult and I'm not making light of the task. What might look like a good approach may find that the last 5 inches just can be done and you have to back track and use something else. And then there are the variables created by the fact that every customer will be different and you will find that some expected situation doesn't exist because the customer has customized something.
    NOTE: The Vine Server (aka OSXvnc) can be setup to make a reverse connection. It may even be possible to use an Automator script to setup that connection for you, specifying the address.of.your.VNC.client and port number you are using.
    Or create an AppleScript (which might be more robust than Automator).
    Or establish an example reverse setup, then using "ps -axlww" see what the actual server command line looks like, then create a shell script wrapped by Platypus to do this for the customer.
    OK, your turn to go chasing down dead-ends and practice backing out. After all you are the one that is going to get paid, I'm just doing this for fun
    However, if you need to configure a customer's router that could be a problem as every darn one of them is different.

  • Delete data for a single dimension member

    Is there anyway to delete all the data for a single dimension member from a particular cube?
    olap version:

    Nasar's approach should work, so I would use it so long as it performs well. But I have (several years ago) seen performance issues with CLEAR VALUES when it is applied to something smaller than an entire partition. So here is another method that also uses the FOR...BUILD construct. It clears the value of the PRICE measure in PRICE_COST_CUBE for PRODUCT = '48'. The cube has only two dimensions, TIME and PRODUCT, and I only want to assign to the leaf level of TIME, which is MONTH.
         "TIME" LEVELS ("TIME"."MONTH"),
    /You can increase parallelism here if your cube is partitioned. If you need to clear out other measures at the same time, then add additional SET command in the central block. E.g.
    )After this step you can re-aggregate the cube to make the aggregate values reflect the change.
         "TIME" LEVELS ("TIME"."MONTH"),
    /The simple assignment to NULL will generate a simple assignment in the OLAP DML.
    PRICE_COST_CUBE_STORED=NAYou can force the code to loop over the existing composite by replacing NULL with something that evaluates to NULL, but involves the composite.

  • Multiple storage locations for single material - ECC 6.0

    Can anyone let me know, how one can map multiple storage loctions for single material?

    Go to SPRO --> IMG --> Materials Management --> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory --> Plant Parameters.
    Tick Create storage locations automatically. System will extend the material to the storage location maintained in the transaction.

  • DSC - Event triggering for Single Process Shared Variables

    I understand how to set up a Value Change Notification for Network Published Shared Variables so that an event will trigger when that particular Shared Variable changes. However, I can't figure out how to do the same for Single Process Shared Variables. Is this even possible? Can someone shine a light on this, please?
    Thanks in advance.
    - James Pham
    Go to Solution.

    Hello! It is not possible to enable alarming for Single Process Shared Variables. A workaround to setup a Value Change Notification would be to create a network shared variable that reads from your Single Process Variable, but at that point in time it might be worth just replacing your variable with a networked shared variable.
    Ben Sisney
    FlexRIO V&V Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Multiple storage bin location for single material in material master

    HI experts
    1) we have a senario for our cliant , for which it is required to enter a 6 or 7 storage bin locations for a single part which is created in materials master without having a WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT .
    2) User can enter a quantity while doing GR in to that all locations.
    3) reports based on stock avialble in all storage locations ( like MMBE)

    Storage bin used in IM is stored in table MARD. Key fields in table MARD are: client/plant/storage location. So you can have only one storage bin for a plant/storage location combination - even if you want to have more.
    If you want more than one storage bin per storage location you have to use warehiuse management.
    That's all.
    Edited by: Csaba Szommer on Jul 26, 2009 12:35 PM

  • Disbale Desktop Sharing in Jabber for Windows for single users

    is there possibility to administrative disabling the desktop sharing feature for selected users?
    CUP and CUCM is 8.6. Jabber is 10.5. Use DesktopSharing via Chat without any phone or deskphone only.

    I am referring to the new Screen Sharing way in Jabber 10.5 for screen sharing without having a video call running:
    "In addition to the video screen share (BFCP) feature that is available to video-enabled clients when on a call, users can now screen share directly from an IM conversation when video share is not provisioned or available."

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    I sometimes think differently. I also think like what this person is asking..(although I have installed and administering 5 different RAC databases)
    The main doubt of mine is that we create multiple instances accessing the same storage area.
    Anyway the controlfiles of all instances will have the same information except the instance_names and instance id's.
    Hence I always think , why can't it be possible to to create another instance in the same system and point it to a controlfile which is copied from the other instance.
    Why can't the same files be shared between the two instances in a same system ?
    I know I am thinking a little bit confusing...
    Anyway I need to test that also...

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