Sharing reference

What reference do i need to add in a portal applicacation (service or htmlb) if i want to use classes like WDDeployableObjectPart from webdynpro framework.

Hi Florin..
Check this links..
<a href="">Reference and Reference properties</a>
and also see these links..
<a href="">PDF</a>
Urs GS

Similar Messages

  • IMPORTANT: JARs and Sharing References: New Reference

    Hi Portal Developers,
    A new reference is available that lists ALL public portal APIs, and provides the following information:
    Class/interface name
    Package name
    JAR file for compilation
    Location of JAR file
    Required sharing reference for portalapp.xml (runtime reference)
    The list is provided as a spreadsheet in XML, enabling you to sort and filter as needed, and to get a quick overview of the available classes, packages and JARs.
    Click <a href="">here</a> for the spreadsheet.
    The spreadsheet also provides similar information for using the built-in tag libraries.
    Feel free to respond to this post, or email the author, if you have any suggestions.
    Daniel Wroblewski

    Hi Daniel,
    > Despite its existence, people still ask for JARs and sharingreferences
    I think the reason is more that these people do not know ClassLocator instead of not wanting to use it... These who have used it once within the SAP/Java/Portal world will <i>never</i> give it away again...
    > The spreadsheet does help with the sharing reference,
    > as well as listing the built-in tag libraries.
    As said before, I didn't want to say <i>anything</i> against your sheet, I would never say anything against anything produced by yours
    > Hope to see you at Tech Ed, Munich. We can have a debate on this there.
    That seems to be a promise that you will be there   Very nice to hear, and I'll be there, too!
    Best regards

  • Wildcard in sharing reference?

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    Is there any way to say, I want a sharing reference to all services ?
    Or am I destined to write my own classloader and hack things

    Hi Dagfinn,
    using a wildcard * in the SharingReference doesn't work, at least not in the example I tried.
    I would guess you need to implement your own classloader.

  • Sharing References

    Hi all,
    I have a Web Dynpro application, and I want to use the PortalRuntime class to get a reference to a Portal Service.
    At runtime, when the PortalRuntime class is referenced by my code, I get 
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sapportals/portal/prt/runtime/PortalRuntime
    I've been searching for hours what sharing reference I must use to be able to use this class, without success.
    I've two questions:
    1. What sharing reference should I use (exactly)? Or is it sth. else I need?
    2. Why don't I find any information that tells me how to find out what sharing reference to use for a certain class? Isn't there a list of all available standard SAP sharing references?
    Many thanks,

    I don't really understand what you mean
    e.g. I have this class that reads documents through the KM API
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.IResource;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceContext;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceException;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.repository.ResourceFactory;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.util.content.ContentException;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.util.content.IContent;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.util.uri.RID;
    import com.sapportals.wcm.util.usermanagement.WPUMFactory;
    public final class KmService {
      private static final KmService KM_SERVICE = new KmService();
      private static final String PATH =
      private static final String USER = "cmadmin_service";
      private KmService() {
      static KmService getInstance() {
        return KM_SERVICE;
      byte[] getTemplate(String id)
        throws UserManagementException, ResourceException, ContentException, IOException {
        if (id.indexOf('/') != -1) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Template names containing "/" not allowed!");
        IUser user = WPUMFactory.getServiceUserFactory().getServiceUser(USER);
        ResourceContext resourceContext = new ResourceContext(user);
        IResource resource =
            RID.getRID(PATH + id),
        IContent content = resource.getContent();
        return IOUtils.toByteArray(content.getInputStream());
    Do note that I had to create a separate External Library DC that contains the necessary jar files (portal APIs are not available as DCs, so you need to extract them from the server). My Web Dynpro DC then uses the API PP of the External Library DC. My External Library DC currently contains bc.rf.framework_api.jar, bc.sf.framework_api.jar, bc.sf.service.cache_api.jar, bc.util.public_api.jar and (I also need it to use the KM cache service).
    There's an interesting post concerning this subject: Re: Portal Development via NWDI / massive ShowStoppers
    Kind regards,

  • User management sharing reference

    Hi experts!!!
    What sharing reference do i have to add to my web dynpro project, so i can create a new user from it?????
    I tried the, but the deployement fails..
    Thanx in advance!!!

    Hi ,
      Remove the sharing reference u have added and deploy the application , it will work .
    Sunitha Hari

  • Naming Sharing Reference of a WD

    Hi forum:
        How can i to know the naming of a WD, for use like a Sharing Reference in another WD ?

    Hallo Josue,
    deployable object names (correspond to Web Dynpro DCs) are named like this:
    <b><vendor-name>/<name segment 1>~<name segment 2>...</b>
    Deployable Object Name:</b>
    You can list all deployed DC via the telnet console of your SAP J2EE engine:
    1) Open telnet via SAPMMC: tree node <i><system name> - <hostname></i> - open context menu and then select item <i>All Tasks -> Telnet</i>
    2) enter login and password
    3) enter jump 0
    4) enter "add deploy"
    5) enter shell command "list_app"
    You can then see all deployed applications/dcs with their deployable object names.
    Regards, Bertram

  • Sharing reference to UINavigationCommand

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    What is the correct sharing reference ? I can't find this anywere. Is there some sort of convention for sharing references? (f.e. "strip the .jar and your good to go")
    Thanks in advance,

    Go to SAP Netweaver Administartor -> System Management -> Applications -> Search for the application and click on the START button.
    If it doesn't worked, check the default trace file. Also check whether u made any naming error in the application.

  • Sharing reference for IUserPhotoService

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    IUserPhotoService service = (IUserPhotoService) WDPortalUtils.getServiceReference(IUserPhotoService.KEY);

    when i searched in i found this information:
    IUserPhotoService (class/interface/exception) | List classes of namespace | No javadoc available | No Code Samples available 
    JAR: kmc.people.shared.photo_api.jar | Explore JAR
    Engine path: j2ee\cluster\server0\apps\\irj\servlet_jsp\irj\root\WEB-INF\portal\portalapps\\lib\kmc.people.shared.photo_api.jar
    Engine version: NW2004s_SPS13
    i guess instead of using shared refrences you have to use library references because jar is not situated under folder .and try to put <kmc.people.shared.photo_api> value.
    if it does not work then check the library name in visual admin.
    try to put value under shared reference ,if this does not work then try the above.
    Also make sure the jar exist on server and service is active/running.
    Edited by: Siddharth Jain on Jul 16, 2009 1:22 PM

  • Sharing Reference for Task API

    Does anyone know what sharing reference to use when using the Task API (, etc)?

    Hi Dick,
    for general advice, see Can't find them...
    Answer here is: The class can be found within coll.shared.task_api.jar, which is to be found under WEB-ING/portal/portalapps/
    So the SharingReference has to point to:
    Hope it helps

  • Portalapp.xml sharing reference

    I have the following import statements :
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentRequest;
    import com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.IPortalComponentResponse;
    And my Portalapp.xml definition looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <property name="SharingReference" value=""/>
        <component name="logonTest">
            <property name="ClassName" value="logonTest"/>
    Do I need additional entries?
    Message was edited by: Mario Bajic
    Message was edited by: Mario Bajic

    now i have put
    in my portalapp.xml.
    Same Error and sure that i am soon going to throw my PC out of the Window!
              Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
                   response.write("Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY : " + Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY + br);
                   response.write("IPcdContext.PCD_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY : " + IPcdContext.PCD_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY + br);
                   response.write("Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL : " + Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL + br);
                   response.write("Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY : " + Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY + br);
                   InitialContext iCtx = new InitialContext(env);
                   response.write("iCtx : " + iCtx);
                   response.write("iCtx.getNameInNamespace() : " + iCtx.getNameInNamespace() +br);
                   String id ="pcd:portal_content/de.local.m1/de.local.iV1/de.local.iVLogonTest";
                   response.write("before Lookup" +br);
                   IiView result = (IiView) iCtx.lookup(id);  <-- Here the Error is thrown!
                   Here is the Error :
                   Fehler aufgetreten bei der Verarbeitung eines Request für :
                   iView : pcd:portal_content/de.local.m1/de.local.service/de.local.s_logon/de.local.logonTest2
                   Komponentenname : logon.LogonTest
                   Exception id: 09:55_26/06/06_0016_36232950
                   See the details for the exception ID in the log file
                   My iView is assign to a role with the Id "s_logon".
                   All my Objects in the portal has the prefix "de.local".

  • Specific Application filter while desktop sharing

    I need help for the specific application filter while on desktop sharing. i.e i have to share entire Desktop with current running processe except server application window (UI).
    I got the samples for desktop sharing using Windows Desktop Sharing References. In that I need to filter the specific application. But i didn't know How to do that.
    By using following things we can try to filter the specific Application. But I want to know, how to call Viewer side share property to fire the OnApplicationUpdate Event on server side.
    RDPSRAPI_APP_FLAGS & RDPSRAPI_WND_FLAGS enumeration - How to set the flag for specific application to give high level security process.
    Please give me some examples to do this....

    Hi Narmadha,
    Your issue seems to be out of the scope of this forum. We only focus on issue about RDS/VDI deployment, management and operations. For development and API issue it is appropriate to ask in our MSDN Forum:
    Dharmesh Solanki
    TechNet Community Support

  • Web Dynpro Project Reference

    Hi all,
    I am working with DTR and I'm trying to figure how to configure DC references correctly. The DCs I have are:
    1. EJB module DC that contain a session bean.
    2. Java DC that uses the EJB module (#1)(client)
    3. Web Dynpro DC that uses the Java DC (#2)
    4. EAR DC that deploys the EJB module (#1)
    I tried to add the Java and EJB DCs as used DCs for the Web Dynpro DC, but this doesn't seem to work.
    How exactly should I define the used DCs (run time, design time, deploy time soft/hard etc? Do you know of any documents that describe how to do it (I found a tutorial in the Web Dynpro tutorials that explains how to use an EJB from web dynpro, but it didn't address any issue regarding DC references)
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi David,
    which part exactly "doesn't seem to work"?
    - Are you able to select the DC to be "used"?
    - Does the used DC appear in the list after you added it?
    - Or do you only have problems at runtime? (The Sharing reference should only affect runtime (!?) )
    I'm not sure which DC should be referenced from where, but do you get an error message, or does simply nothing happen, when you create a use dependency to the other DC?
    I had this problem several times. When I created a dependency nothing happened and after a few more tries the dependency suddenly was created and shown in the list of used DCs.
    This is just another suggestion. Maybe it is really not possible to reference DCs the way you try.
    Regards, Alex

  • **URGENT** Deplyment error while using service reference

    I am using Landscape service to get the system information from system landscape directory. I added the service reference inside my web dynpro application using NW studio. When I deploy this service I get following error:
    Oct 21, 2005 3:06:16 PM /userOut/deploy ( [Thread[Deploy Thread,5,main]] WARNING:
    [023]Deployment finished with warning
    URL to deploy : file:/C:/DOCUME1/sam/LOCALS1/Temp/temp61301XYZ_Web_Dynpro.ear
    => deployed with warning : file:/C:/DOCUME1/sam/LOCALS1/Temp/temp61301XYZ_Web_Dynpro.ear
    Finished with warnings: development component 'XYZ_Web_Dynpro'/'local'/'LOKAL'/'0.2005.':
    Caught exception during application startup from SAP J2EE Engine's deploy service:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Error occurred while starting application local/XYZ_Web_Dynpro and wait. Reason: Clusterwide execption: server ID 7099050:<Localization failed: ResourceBundle='', ID=' <Localization failed: ResourceBundle='', ID=' STATUS_MISSING', Arguments: []> : Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key STATUS_MISSING', Arguments: []> : Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key <Localization failed: ResourceBundle='', ID=' STATUS_MISSING', Arguments: []> : Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key STATUS_MISSING
    (message ID:
    Deployment exception : Got problems during deployment
    I wrote a sample iView without using dynpro & added the service reference as "landscape" inside the portalapp.xml & that iView worked fine.
    So I know that the service name is correct & the service is running on the portal.
    All I need to find out is how do I specify the reference of that service in my web dynpro application.

    I have exactly the SAME problem
    I tried putting<your service name> in the sharing reference as well as in the service reference. But I still get the error during deployment.
    I also tried putting it in "service referece". Same error.
    I also tried just<your service name>. But it didn't help either.

  • WebDynpro development : KM reference - PortalApplicationNotFoundException

    Hello All,
    I have created a WebDynpro application where i would read an XML in KM folder and display the content.But, when i *** the sharing reference "" as WebDynpro sharing reference, i get teh application but with warnings. When i open the message, i see the PortalApplicationNotFoundException.
    I have added the JARs bc.util.public_api.jar,bc.sf.framework_api.jar,,bc.rf.framework_api.jar, p5.jar.
    I would like what could be the cause, our team had used the same reference in previous project.
    Caused by: <Localization failed: ResourceBundle='', ID='Exception while starting: SAPJ2EE::local/DisplayNewsCategory', Arguments: []> : Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key Exception while starting: SAPJ2EE::local/DisplayNewsCategory
         ... 23 more
    Caused by: com.sapportals.portal.prt.runtime.PortalRuntimeException: [ExternalApplicationItem.prepare]: SAPJ2EE::local/DisplayNewsCategory
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.service.sapj2ee.Mediator.getAndStartExternalApplication(
         ... 24 more
    Caused by: <b> Could not find portal application</b>
         ... 29 more
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Sharath,
    the SharingReference should point to
    Not to
    Hope this helps.

  • Usage of shared members

    Hi, Experts..
    Here is an interesting question with me at the implementstion stage.we are building application for product structure.
    In that we have item x,item y,item z.
    a,b,c,d(childs) are required to make item x
    a,b,e,f(childs) are required to make item y
    a,b,g,h(childs) are required to make item z.
    That means a,b are used at multiple places to make different items.(i am supposed to build the hierarchy by taking item x,item y,item z as parents and a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h as the childs under specific parents.)
    I am willing to do using shered members concept.But here in this example 4 childs are there.but in our source file nearly 4000 duplicates are there which are repeating.I think it is impossible to assign manually every member as shared...
    How to proceed for this..?

    Well, you sure don't want to add them manually. :)
    How about a source table for this dimension in parent/child format?
    You can have the "master" a & b in the first rollup to a parent, and then the shared reference as many times as you want.
    Of course don't sum the parents or you will count the values of a and b multiple times and get a really screwy number.
    For an excellent review of how to do this through a dimension load rule, see our old friend the DBAG.
    Cameron Lackpour

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