Sharing servletcontext with an object

If I create an object through a servlet or JSP, an object that is not a servlet itself, how can I get a copy of the ServletContext to that object (so it can use other objects in the ServletContext) other than passing in the ServletContext in a constructor or method or something?

If you're asking whether there is a method to call from the object that will return a reference to the ServletContext, then there isn't one.
If the object contains business logic, then it should be independent of how the request came in. i.e. business objects should not be aware that they are running as part of a JSP/Servlet app. If other object references are needed, they should all be passed as arguments to the constructor or method. You could also create a "global" object that includes references to several other objects and pass the global object ref via an argument.
If your object is a JSP or servlet helper object that is designed to be aware of the environment, then it's ok to pass the ServletContext reference to a constructor or method.

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    We are facing this issue in a distributed environment with version This applications are built here newly.
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    16] ERROR Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Hyperion.DimensionServer.CompareCriteria.<>c__DisplayClass5.<GetMemberClassProperties>b__4(Dimension dim)
    at Hyperion.DimensionServer.Library.IterateDimensions(Action`1 action)
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    There was a bug in earlier releases for deleting dimensions with children, making the children orphans.
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    Please help us out in resolving this error.

    I always ask this first, have you installed all the planning and epma patches as there have been many issues addressed in 9.3.1

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    public static void main(String[] args)
    System.out.println("In TestLoadLibrary.main()");
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /homes/soumen/work/event/featureB/ /homes/soumen/work/ev undefined symbol: featureA_func2
    at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
    at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
    at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
    at TestLoadLibrary.<clinit>(

    The use of "dlopen() application programming" to achieve dynamic link closure works if there are
    no circular dependencies. For example, I have the following dependency: ==>
    Even if I call Java APIs in correct dependency order, i.e.,
    there would be java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError for call System.loadLibrary("featureD").
    Now, I have a JNI method implementation, which makes native API call in same dependency order:
    dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL);
    dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL);
    and now System.loadLibrary calls succeed. Note that I had to set environment
    variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that dlopen call would find libraries to load.
    In other words, from a JNI programming point of view, "linking chasm" has been crossed.
    I am looking at circular dependency issue, i.e., <==>
    There may be library repackaging workaround.
    If anybody knows any workaround, please post.
    -Soumen Sarkar
    JNI code
    #include <jni.h>
    #include "TestLoadLibrary.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <dlfcn.h>
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_TestLoadLibrary_libLoadNative
    (JNIEnv * jenv, jclass class, jobjectArray libNames)
    printf("native: In TestLoadLibrary.libLoadNative()\n");
    char linuxLibName[1024];
    jsize idx = 0;
    jsize nLibs = (*jenv)->GetArrayLength(jenv, libNames);
    for(idx = 0; idx < nLibs; ++idx)
    /* obtain the current object from the object array */
    jobject myObject = (*jenv)->GetObjectArrayElement(jenv, libNames, idx);
    /* Convert the object just obtained into a String */
    const char libName = (jenv)->GetStringUTFChars(jenv,myObject,0);
    strcpy(linuxLibName, "lib");
    strcat(linuxLibName, libName);
    strcat(linuxLibName, ".so");
    printf("\nnative: Trying to open lib with name %s\n", linuxLibName);
    void* handle = dlopen(linuxLibName, RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL);
    if(handle == 0)
    fputs ("\nnative: Could not load lib\n", stderr);
    fputs (dlerror(), stderr);
    printf("\nnative: Loaded lib %s\n", linuxLibName);
    /* Free up memory to prevent memory leaks */
    (*jenv)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jenv, myObject, libName);

  • Where to put logic with Transfer Objects?

    I'm playing with Transfer Objects for the first time, and have got this one class I'm not sure how to design the Transfer Object for. The problem is that I have some logic that is needed by both the domain model and by the client.
    The class is named Moment. It's basically a wrapper around the java.util.Calendar class because I don't like passing objects of that type around in my code. That Calendar class is just to complicated to expose everywhere.
    So, an easy example is that internally, Moment stores time in millitary time. I need a method that will take an hour, a minute, and AM or PM and convert it to millitary time for storing internally in the Moment.
    Before Transfer Objects, this was easy enough of a decision. Moment had several factory methods called makeMoment. One of these took three arguments: hour, minute, and AM or PM. And, it internally converted to millitary time and stored the time in the Moment. However, now that the client is operating on Transfer Objects and not Domain Objects, if I put that method on Moment in the domain model, it won't be available to the client. If the client takes user input in AM/PM format from the user, it would have to duplicate logic already implemented in the model.
    Options I think I have:
    1.) Put the conversion method in MomentTO, maybe make it static. Then, my Moment class calls this method on MomentTO to do the coversion. This would work, but it seems funny to have the domain model calling business logic inside the Transfer objects.
    A variation of this solution is just whenever my domain model wants to create a Moment, have it first create a MomentTO via a factory method that could do the coversion, and pass the MomentTO to a Moment constructor. This seems even funnier though to have the domain model creating Transfer Objects for internal use. It just seems to me that the point of Transfer Objects is to export information about the domain model to the client, leaving a lot of the specifics behind. Not something that the domain model uses for processing internally.
    I could put the conversion method on the MomentTO and just say anybody who wants to create a Moment using anything but millitary time is going to come from the client that will be using Transfer Objects. Nobody else will be creating moments using anything but straight millitary time. But, this approach seems inflexible.
    2.) Make a separate library / package that is available to both the domain model and the client. The inital reason I don't like this solution include the fact that I don't need much more other logic to be shared like this, so this package would be really, really small.
    Any suggestions? Just can't seem to find something that makes good sense. I do have several other things like this for this Moment class in creating a Transfer Object for it. But, it is just this one class that I'm having this problem with.

    If this is for the pursuit of knowledge, then thatis
    all well and good. However, if you actually wantto
    do something with this application, I wouldrecommend
    the following link:
    - SaishI think you missed the part in the thread where I'm
    not seeing the evil of Transfer Objects. Please
    explain. They really don't seem that much work to
    develop to me.
    Fair enough. However, my point is that any time you develop something that 'might' be needed is time you are taking away from time developing things that 'are' needed.
    One of the listed advantages of the Transfer Object
    pattern in the Core J2EE Patterns is hiding
    complexities of the domain model from the client.
    This seems to be very handy for my application.The session facade pattern would accomplish the same effect.
    . Many of the domain model objects are versioned,
    but the first three iterations of development that I
    want to complete before deployment need to know
    nothing about the versions. With transfer objects,
    this can all be safely hidden in the Application
    Service objects.
    I fail to see how transfer objects themselves would not require versioning or modification. Given a large enough transfer in the domain model, it woud be difficult to insulate an associated transfer object. Granted, these changes may occur less frequently.
    Plus, I'm trying to figure out how the hell Commons
    Validator works with Spring. Really wish I could
    find a getting started guide. What I've found so far
    makes it look like it's going to be easier to
    validate Transfer objects than my domain model
    objects, because all the validated fields will be on
    one object. Not mostly on one object with some
    fields scattered about like they would be with domain
    model objects...I've found good FAQ and HOW-TO documentation at Jakarta while working on several Commons projects, including Log4J and FileUpload. Validator has no such online documentation?
    For Spring, I recommend the new Johnson "J2EE Development with Spring" and (I forget the author) "Spring in Action".
    - Saish

  • Performance issue with Business Objects Java JRC API in CRXI R2 version

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    exportControl.processHttpRequest(request, response, context, null)
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    In this regard, I searched for the above issue in the SAP community Network Forums -> Crystal Reports and Xcelsius -> Java Development -> Crystal Reports. But I did not find any answers or solutions for this kind of issue in the forums.
    Any suggestion, hint in this matter is very much appreciated.

    Ted, The setReportAppServer problem is resolved. Now I could able to generate the report with hardcoded values in the SQLs in just 6 seconds where as the same report was generated in CRXI R2 in 1 minute 15 seconds as mentioned in the earlier message.
    But, our exisiting application passes the parameter values to the SQLs embedded in the report. For some reason the parameters are not being passed to the report and the report displays only the labels without data.
    As per the crj 12 samples codes, the code is written as shown below.
    1. Created ReportClient Document
    2. SetReportAppServer
    3. Open the report
    4. Getting DatabaseController and switching the database connection at runtime
    5. Then setting the parameters as detailed below
    ParameteFields parameterFieldController = reportClientDoc.getDataDefController().getParameterFieldController();
    parameterFieldController.setCurrentValue("", "paramname",paramvalue);
    parameterFieldController.setCurrentValue("", "paramname",paramavalue);
    byteArrayInputStream = (ByteArrayInputStream)reportClientDoc.getPrintOutputController().export(ReportExportFormat.PDF); 
    6. Streaming the report to the browser
    Why the parematers are not being passed to the report?  Do I need to follow the order of setting these parameters?  Did I miss any line of code for setting Params using  crj 12?
    Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

  • Report with OLE Object Problem (Crystal Report 11)

    Post Author: ibertola
    CA Forum: General
    Hi all,I'm a new user, and I've got a problem with OLE object. I would like to have a report that show me ONLY one of many OLE (word document) in Crystal structure.I've created 3 section detail, and in each one I've insert OLE object (creating from a file, and LINK).So, if I change one document stored locally, and then refresh the report, the content doesn't change like the linked file! Actually I've got all locally  Please help me.

    CR XI r2 is not supported on WIN 2008. See the [supported platforms|]
    documentation  and [this|] wiki.

  • Documents with Smart Objects - Very slow to open and Save - CS6 Photoshop

    When opening and saving documents with smart objects photoshop freezes the adobe PS loader (circle dots) is replaced and the system loader (multi colored wheel of death) spins for 30 seconds or more.
    What I've tried so far based off looking at various posts.
    Photoshop Preferenes
    Save in Background off
    Maximise PSD and PSB file compatability never
    Cache Tile Size: 128k
    Advanced Graphic Processor Settings: Basic & Normal
    Layer Panel options: No Thumbnail
    Observations and workthroughs to date
    The file size and amount of smart objects effects the file expotentially i.e. The more smart objects you have the worse it gets
    These files worked perfectly in PS CS5
    It also happens on files natively created in PS CS6
    The CPU is maxing out at 100% while PS loads
    Closing or opening suitcase has no effect.
    iMac 27-inch, Mid 2011
    Processor  3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory  16 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Graphics  AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB
    Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
    Suitcase 4
    Anyone got any ideas? This is making me go nuts!

    A solution!
    It turns out the problem in my case was in fact Suitcase. Previously, I'd tried turning it off, but that didn't fix the problem, so this time, I uninstalled it completely and the problem disappeared. I then began re-adding it (installed 15.0.1, upgraded it, etc.) and the problem resurfaced with the addition of the Photoshop-specific plugin. Deleting that plugin solved the problem. So it seems that "disabling" Suitcase by stopping the TypeCore doesn't seem to actually disable all of the tentacles it sticks into your system.
    You can find the plugin here: Applications / Adobe Photoshop CS6 / Plug-ins / Automate / ExtensisFontManagementPSCS6.plugin
    (After a restart, I also had to delete the font cache, as described here but your mileage may vary.)
    Alternately, if you don't want to delete the plugin, disabling it from within Photoshop seems to work as well. To do that, go to File > Automate > Extensis, click Preferences..., then deselect Enable Suitcase Fusion 4 Auto-Activation.
    Fortunately, the plugin doesn't seem necessary at all to use the the core functionality of Suitcase (enabling and disabling fonts) in Photoshop. I didn't even know what these app-specific plugins did until researching this problem, and I still don't quite understand the point of them. I guess they allow you to let the apps for which they're installed do a little bit more of their own management (enable a font via Suitcase that isn't enabled system-wide), but that seems like more control than I need--if I'm enabling a font, I want all my software to be able to use it.
    Anyway, the problem seems to be completely solved on my system now, though I just did all this, so more testing over the next few days is required. I'll post here if any issues crop up. I'm interested in hearing if this solves it for anyone else as well.

  • How do I stop sharing mail with other users on my computer

    How do I stop sharing mail with other users on my Macbook pro?

    You may have to set up different user accounts in the computer if you wish to
    continue sharing the computer among other people, and only use the Mail app.
    Otherwise, if you use a webmail such as yahoo, gmail, or other, just use a browser
    and login each time; then there is no saving of your email to the computer as such.
    I've never used an email client software, nor had an ISP based email account. So
    my numerous computers have never downloaded email into software. No loss.
    But the answers do include setting up extra user accounts, not admin level, so the
    other users do not mess with the operating system; a standard account or just a
    guest account to use a browser to access web-based login email accounts, works.
    There are third-party email client for OS X, some are free applications, others are
    part of a larger browser product, such as SeaMonkey, & other Mozilla derivatives.
    They provide an email segment or client aspect; unlike Firefox that's a browser.
    Setup information should be within the Help viewer in the computer itself. Or by a
    simple search online, including the OS X version and any email client software
    your computer may have installed. Some browser software includes email client.
    Also there are several ways to go in this matter. I don't see questions, only answers.
    To learn how the Mail application works, if you want to import everyone's mail, then
    figure how to set up user accounts in the OS X. Or use web-mail & login by browser.
    Hopefully you can find the best solution for the unasked question.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Family sharing works with different regional accounts

    So I have my aple ID based in Ireland, and I just setup the family sharing option with my mom living in Portugal.
    Will she see all my purchases even if they are from my country? and more important: can she download them if they are country  store specific?
    Usually if you search for an app that is not available in your country you cannot download it unless you have an account for that specific country.

    All your Applications should be in /Applications folder by default to be accessible to all users and to be seen by updaters. If you created an "Applications" folder within your Home folder, then only you will be able to use those Applications. Otherwise there should be no permissions issues.
    Check Permissions Inside a Home folder:
    • Navigate to /Users/~(Home)/Library.
    • Get Info (Command - i) on folders for apps you are having problems with.
    • Open the "Ownership & permissions" disclosure triangle.
    • Make sure the user is the owner, with "read and write" access.
    • Click on "apply to all"
    • If this is correct, open the "Applications Support" folder and do the same procedure (Command+I) for the folders with the names of the applications you are having trouble with.
    [email protected]

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    here is the doc on htiTestObject for detecting collisions. ject.html#hitTestObject()
    for scene change use the second parameter in gotoandplay() to define scene name doc below .html#gotoAndPlay()

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    So far if I set it as above then shared does not show up? I have to set the firewall to set access to specific applications and services to get access to my windows based hard drive.
    Mike R

    Ok I solved it myself. Not an ideal solution as I have to connect it manually each time but it will do... Unless anyone has a way to have it auto connect when I start the mac.
    Mike R

  • Can an email address be a member of an LDAP group even if it isn't associated with an object in the Directory Server?

    Can an email address be a member of an LDAP group even if it isn't
    associated with an object in the Directory Server?
    General members of a group are the members defined in the
    Directory Server. They are full-fledged members of the group who
    may have a set of permissions associated with their membership,
    a title, or other attributes. Mail-specific users are users who
    are not full-fledged members of the group, but who receive mail
    sent to the group. Mail-specific users need not be identified as
    a user in the Directory Server--an email address is sufficient.
    An example of this is a group of salespeople, all of whom are in
    the group "North American Sales Team." They have access to a
    sales-tracking database, on-line quota information, and
    competitive information. The mail-specific users of this group
    are the admins who support the members of the sales team, who need
    to get the mail that goes out to the group, but don't need access
    to the applications and information that the salespeople do.

    Hey EllyK,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    I would suggest performing this workaround and then try to login to BlackBerry Link:
    Open BlackBerry World on the BlackBerry smartphone and sign in using the BlackBerry ID. 
    Connect the BlackBerry 10 smartphone to the computer. 
    Open BlackBerry Link
    Sign in using the BlackBerry ID. 
    Let me know if the issue still persists.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click  Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • I am on a shared computer with several profiles.  I had to delete my profile and create a new one.  Now, my question.  It transferred to Purchased Items to the new iTunes, so how do I get the rest of the songs to transfer to new iTunes?

    I  am on a shared computer with several profiles.  I had to delete my profile and create a new one.  Now, my question.  It transferred to Purchased Items to the new iTunes, so how do I get the rest of the songs to transfer to new iTunes?

    It sounds like you might have broken links to your content. Either repair these by putting the files you've recovered where iTunes expects to find them or delete the broken entries then go to iTunes Store > Purchased > Music > Not on This Computer, and click the download links.
    If you have an Apple device see also Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

  • Unable to update this object because the following attributes associated with this object have values that may already be associated with another object in your local directory services

    Getting this error from DirSync
    Unable to update this object because the following attributes associated with this object have values that may already be associated with another object in your local directory services: [UserPrincipalName
    [email protected];].  Correct or remove the duplicate values in your local directory.  Please refer to for more information on identifying objects with duplicate attribute values.
    Quick eyeball and couldn't see the cause in the user account so used the script here:
    And got these outputs:
    PS C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0> Export-OSCADUserPrincipalName -UserPrincipalName "[email protected]" -Path .\outputs.csv
    WARNING: Cannot find objects with specified duplicate user principal name
    [email protected]
    Found 0 user(s) with duplicate user principal name.
    Where to from here?
    Richard P

    Did you talk about the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync tool ?
    If yes, this issue occurs if one or more of the following conditions are true:
    An object in the on-premises Active Directory has an SMTP address that's the same as the SMTP address of the object that's reporting the problem.
    An object in the on-premises Active Directory has a mail attribute that's identical to the object that's reporting the problem.
    An object already exists in your organizational account and has the same SMTP address or mail attribute as the object in the on-premises Active Directory
    More detail information, please refer to:
    [Troubleshooting] Unable to update this object because the following attributes associated with this object
    Vivian Wang

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