Sheet tab name

Hi report experts,
I have a small problem in Oracle Reports and Excel 2007.
When I have created a paper layout report and tries to run that rdf-file on my client PC with parameters:
* desformat='spreadsheet'
* destype=FILE
* desname='c:\temp\test.xls'
The report is created in correct folder. But when I open the Excel-file, the sheet tab name has been renamed into 'testCWHWZNAU'. The extra characters (CWHWZNAU) seems to change when I rerun the report.
Is there a way to change the sheet tab name into 'test' from the report created in Oracle Reports?

Reports does not create Excel xls files. When using SPREADSHEET, it creates a html file that can be read by Excel. It's up to Excel how to interpret this html file.
So, it might not even be a Reports "problem", it could be Excel.
I would change the file name from c:\temp\test.xls to c:\temp\test.html and see what happens. Excel might open it differently.

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  • In excel sheet tab name is not coming-urgent

    hi all,
    one small rewquirement. if u run this test program it opens a excel sheet which contains signle tab. here tab name is not coming. i dont no hot to display tabname here.anybody can  make the changes and send me the code.
    i am sending my code below.
    REPORT  ytestvij MESSAGE-ID zv.
    TABLES sscrfields.
    TYPE-POOLS: icon.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF zfnames_ds,
            reptext TYPE reptext,
            END OF zfnames_ds.
    TYPE-POOLS ole2 .
    DATA: wa_fntxt TYPE smp_dyntxt.
    DATA : wa_t75_booking TYPE zvt75_booking_h,
            t_t75_booking TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zvt75_booking_h.
    DATA : wa_fields TYPE dfies,
            t_fields TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dfies.
    DATA : wa_fnames TYPE zfnames_ds,
            t_fnames TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zfnames_ds.
    handles for OLE objects
    DATA: h_excel TYPE ole2_object,        " Excel object
          h_mapl TYPE ole2_object,         " list of workbooks
          h_map TYPE ole2_object,          " workbook
          h_zl TYPE ole2_object,           " cell
          h_f TYPE ole2_object.            " font
    DATA  h TYPE i.
    DATA : lin TYPE i.
    data: excel       type ole2_object,
          application type ole2_object,
          books       type ole2_object,
          book        type ole2_object,
          sheet       type ole2_object,
          cell        type ole2_object,
          column      type ole2_object.
    PARAMETERS : p_input TYPE localfile.
    Add button to application toolbar
    SELECTION-SCREEN FUNCTION KEY 1.  "Will have a function code of 'FC01'
    Add displayed text string to buttons
      wa_fntxt-icon_id = icon_xls.
      wa_fntxt-icon_text = 'Input File template'.
      wa_fntxt-quickinfo = 'T75 Header Data'.
      sscrfields-functxt_01 = wa_fntxt.
      IF sscrfields-ucomm = 'FC01'.
    do nothing
        PERFORM open_excel.
      PERFORM get_filename USING p_input.
    *set pf-status 'ONE'.
      WRITE : lin.
    *&      Form  GET_FILENAME
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_filename USING p_file TYPE rlgrap-filename . "localfile.
      DATA : w_rc TYPE i.
      DATA : wa_file_table TYPE file_table ,
              t_file_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF file_table.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
         WINDOW_TITLE            =
         DEFAULT_EXTENSION       =
         DEFAULT_FILENAME        =
         FILE_FILTER             =
         INITIAL_DIRECTORY       =
         MULTISELECTION          =
          file_table              = t_file_table[]
          rc                      = w_rc
         USER_ACTION             =
          file_open_dialog_failed = 1
          cntl_error              = 2
          error_no_gui            = 3
          OTHERS                  = 4
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                   WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      LOOP AT t_file_table INTO wa_file_table.
        p_file = wa_file_table-filename.
    ENDFORM.                    " GET_FILENAME
    *&      Form  open_excel
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM open_excel.
              INTO TABLE t_t75_booking
              UP TO 10 ROWS.
    start Excel
      PERFORM err_hdl.
      SET PROPERTY OF h_excel  'Visible' = 1.
      PERFORM err_hdl.
    get list of workbooks, initially empty
      CALL METHOD OF h_excel 'Workbooks' = h_mapl.
      PERFORM err_hdl.
    add a new workbook
      CALL METHOD OF h_mapl 'Add' = h_map.
      PERFORM err_hdl.
    output column headings to active Excel sheet
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 1 1 'Financial year'.
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 2 1 'Financial quarter'.
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 3 1 'Customer number'.
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 4 1 'Booking Year'.
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 5 1 'Financial quarter'.
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 6 1 'Contract type'.
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 7 1 'Sub Contract type'.
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 8 1 'Customer purchase order number'.
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 9 1 'Booking Amount'.
      PERFORM fill_cell USING 1 10 1 'Currency Key'.
    LOOP AT t_t75_booking into wa_t75_booking.
    copy items to active EXCEL sheet
       H = SY-TABIX + 1.
       PERFORM FILL_CELL USING H 1 0 wa_t75_booking-BOOKYEAR.
       PERFORM FILL_CELL USING H 2 0 wa_t75_booking-BOOKQTR.
       PERFORM FILL_CELL USING H 3 0 wa_t75_booking-.
       PERFORM FILL_CELL USING H 4 0 wa_t75_booking-BOOKYEAR.
       PERFORM FILL_CELL USING H 5 0 wa_t75_booking-BOOKQTR.
    disconnect from Excel
      FREE OBJECT h_excel.
      PERFORM err_hdl.
    ENDFORM.                    " open_excel
    *&      Form  ERR_HDL
          outputs OLE error if any                                       *
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM err_hdl.
    data test type sy-subrc.
    test = sy-subrc.
      IF test <> 0.
         Message e000(ZV) with 'Error in OLE-Automation:'.
    ENDFORM.                    " ERR_HDL
          FORM FILL_CELL                                                *
          sets cell at coordinates i,j to value val boldtype bold       *
    FORM fill_cell USING i j bold val.
      CALL METHOD OF h_excel 'Cells' = h_zl EXPORTING #1 = i #2 = j.
      set property of sheet 'Name'  = 'T75'.
      PERFORM err_hdl.
      SET PROPERTY OF h_zl 'Value' = val .
      PERFORM err_hdl.
      GET PROPERTY OF h_zl 'Font' = h_f.
      PERFORM err_hdl.
      SET PROPERTY OF h_f 'Bold' = bold .
      PERFORM err_hdl.

    Look at the below thread, i posted complete code in this one, just copy that Program and past in your SAP and run the Program, it will create 3 sheets with the names also, then look at the Sheet name in the code, you will understand where to add the code
    Re: format an excel

  • Query Name in Excel Sheet tab

    Hi Friends,
    Instead of display Sheet 1 in the Excel sheet tab(Bex), is there a way we can display Query Name in the excel sheet tab? please let me know.

    Hi Kumar
    Can you please share how it was solved ?

  • How to populate the data to second sheet tab in excel

    I need to populate data to the second sheet tab of excel sheet .
    Below is the code wherein I added datas to first sheet of the excel sheet.Can anyone help me in this ?
    response.setHeader("Cache-Control","max-age=0"); // HTTP 1.1
    response.setHeader("Pragma","public"); // HTTP 1.0
    response.setDateHeader ("Expires", 0); // prevents caching at the proxy server
    <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"
    <body link=blue vlink=purple>
    <table x:str border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=192 style='border-collapse:collapse;table-layout:fixed;width:144pt'>
    <tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>
    <td height=17 align=right >HELLO</td>
    <td align=right >HI</td>
    <td align=right >GOOD BYE</td>

    It's been a while since I did this stuff so I apologise if my advice is out of date.
    This is actually more of a Micro$oft question as this is their propriety SpreadSheet Markup Language so POI probably won't help. Also, you might want to look at using the default namespace of "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" as this is the more current implementation unless you need to be backward compatible.
    On your specific question, I think that you should be able to put the table tag (SSML not HTML) inside the worksheet and then create the rows and cells in there. I've never tried mixing the 2 markup languages though so I'm not sure how to get the HTML to go into the correct sheet.
    Sorry I couldn't help more :-(

  • Change Excel sheet tab color using Open XML dll

    I want to change the sheet tab color of an excel Xlsx  document. I am using the following code but it does not set the sheet color. I get object reference exception when I set the sheet tab color.
    public static string filepath = @"C:\Test\Book1.xlsx";
    private static void ChangeSheetcolor()
    using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(filepath, false))
    WorkbookPart workbookPart = spreadSheetDocument.WorkbookPart;
    IEnumerable<Sheet> sheets = spreadSheetDocument.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<Sheets>().Elements<Sheet>();
    //my code
    WorksheetPart worksheetPart =
    GetWorksheetPartByName(spreadSheetDocument, "Sheet1");
    if (worksheetPart != null)
    // worksheetPart.Worksheet.SheetProperties.TabColor.Rgb = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.HexBinaryValue.FromString("Red");
    worksheetPart.Worksheet.SheetProperties.TabColor.Rgb = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.HexBinaryValue.FromString("#CCCCCC");
    // Save the worksheet.
    catch (Exception ex)
    private static WorksheetPart
    GetWorksheetPartByName(SpreadsheetDocument document,
    string sheetName)
    IEnumerable<Sheet> sheets =
    Elements<Sheet>().Where(s => s.Name == sheetName);
    if (sheets.Count() == 0)
    //does not exist
    return null;
    string relationshipId = sheets.First().Id.Value;
    WorksheetPart worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)
    return worksheetPart;
    How to change the sheet tab color using Open XML dlls.

    Hi J_Prasanna,
    I'm afraid that it's not possible with OpenXML SDK, but it's possible if you use Excel PIA along with Internet Explorer. Use the Internet Explorer COM object to render the HTML content, then copy the document, use the Paste method of the Worksheet object
    to paste the text with format.
    Dim IE As Object
    Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    With IE
    .Visible = False
    .Navigate "about:blank"
    .document.body.InnerHTML = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
    .document.body.createtextrange.execCommand "Copy"
    ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")
    End With
    The code is similar if you use managed project.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to dashboard tab name

    My dashboard has 10 tabs (pages). 5 of them are main tabs which are shown all the time. The rest of the tabs are sub-tabs and hidden so user don't get confused. When user navigate to a sub-tab via a link in main tab, I'd like to show the tab name up next to the dashboard name. Something like
    myDashboard -> myTab
    Is there a way to do this?
    Thank you in advance for your ideas.

    You will have to write a VBScript to achieve what you want.
    Here is an example. This VBScript returns the name of the first tab:
         Set XLHandle = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
         XLHandle.DisplayAlerts = False
         Set XLBook = XLHandle.WorkBooks.Open("<path>\<file>.xls")
         Set XLSheet = XLBook.Sheets.Item(1)
         wscript.echo XLSheet.Name
         Set XLSheet = Nothing
         Set XLBook = Nothing
         Set XLHandle = Nothing
    Call the script tab.vbs from within your DS script and assign the result to a global variable.
         $TabName = exec( 'cmd','cscript //nologo C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\BI4B\\tab.vbs',0);

  • [SOLVED] Reverting Guake terminal tab names back to 'Terminal #'

    The new version of Guake (0.4.3) implemented 'Better Tab Titling'.  This means that instead of a new tab name being 'Terminal #' (where # is an auto incrementing integer), it instead forced the title to be equal to the VTE prompt.
    My issues were that there was no way to set a preference to switch back (as I prefer the simple tab name) and that tab names could/would take a very large amount of space (as it would put my whole username@server:/path/to/where/i/am/at).
    So   I figured out how to fix and thought I'd share in case anyone else would like to switch back:
    NOTE:  I believe python is spacing-sensitive (please correct me if I'm wrong).  All the lines (added/edited) are indented 8 spaces.
    edit /usr/bin/guake
    find: self.selected_tab = None
    after that line, add:
            # holds the number of created tabs. This counter will not be
            # reset to avoid problems of repeated tab names.
            self.tab_counter = 0
    find: def on_terminal_title_changed(self, vte, box):
    after that line add:
    find: Adding a new radio button to the tabbar
    the next line will read:
            label = box.terminal.get_window_title() or _("Terminal")
    change to:
            label = box.terminal.get_window_title() or _('Terminal %s') % self.tab_counter
    find self.tabs.pack_start(bnt, expand=False, padding=1)
    after that line add:
            self.tab_counter += 1
    After editing the file, restart Guake for the change to take effect.

    I have been using Guake for years and I think the tab bar is in the way. I disabled it a very long time ago and didn't look back.
    Here are the shortcuts that I use:
    "~" to toggle it.
    Ctrl+T for a new tab (just like in Firefox, Chromium).
    F1 and F2 for next and previous tab.
    F3 close tab.
    Basically, I don't need more than two tabs at a time; three tops, in very rare cases.
    Hope it helps.

  • How to get current tab name or tab id or related info?

    Hi ,
    I would like to hide/show tabs according to users' page privileges list. So I need get current tab ID or tab Name in runtime environment to know if show/hide it for current user. :APP_USER
    Could you please provide any info about this requirement? Or do you have alternative method to control tabs' hide/show?

    最爱用中文 wrote:
    Hi Jari,
    Thanks for your info. Even if set authorize schema to tabs, I still need to get the relationship between "current tab" and "privilege&users". So I think evrm's hard-code method above is avaliable.I agree with Jari: APEX provides Authorization schemes specifically for this purpose. You need to reverse your thinking on how to implement this.
    For more information consult the documentation on APEX security, specifically using authorization schemes to restrict access to pages and control rendering of components.
    Tutorial: Adding Security to your Database Application (APEX 4.0)
    Use Authorization Schemes to control access/rendering for security ("only managers see/access this page and it's associated tab"); and Conditions to control rendering for functional reasons ("region only displayed if account is in arrears").
    Authorization Schemes have the benefits of being reusable, performing better, and allowing central maintenance of security-related code. This makes it easier to change the implementation&mdash;say moving from role information held in database tables to groups defined in LDAP.
    I worked for a number of years with an application where authorization schemes are not properly used (decisions made before my involvement) and all security and business logic relating to rendering and processing is wrapped up in spaghetti code in conditions. It's impossible to maintain.
    It is of course advisable to make both authorization scheme and business logic condition code more reusable and maintainable by locating it in API packages.

  • Why is the tab name showing the old file type when I try to download a pdf from our wordpress sites?

    We have two wordpress sites. On each site we have uploaded some pdf files that viewers can download. I noticed that when you try to download a pdf file the tab name that appears when you click "Download" is not the same as the filename. For instance: when I try to download a pdf file titled "Weekly Retail Skeptic". In firefox - the tab name will say "Microsoft Word - Note_2013_0523_Skeptic - Note_0523_Skeptic.pdf". It seems like the browser is reading what the file was before it was converted to a pdf.
    I have tried both "print to pdf" in word as well as converting the word document to a pdf document using Acrobat.

    Many site issues can be caused by corrupt cookies or cache. In order to try to fix these problems, the first step is to clear both cookies and the cache.
    Note: ''This will temporarily log you out of all sites you're logged in to.''
    To clear cache and cookies do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > History > Clear recent history or (if no Firefox button is shown) go to Tools > Clear recent history.
    #Under "Time range to clear", select "Everything".
    #Now, click the arrow next to Details to toggle the Details list active.
    #From the details list, check ''Cache'' and ''Cookies'' and uncheck everything else.
    #Now click the ''Clear now'' button.
    Further information can be found in the [[Clear your cache, history and other personal information in Firefox]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

  • Why does right-click & "Open Link in New Tab" make the original tab name to change to "New Tab" when I back-arrow in the original tab to reach the original page

    I use Google as my home page.
    When I do a search in Google I have a practice of opening the search links in a new tab by right-clicking on the link and selecting "Open Link in New Tab". That way I can examine multiple links from the search page, which is now open in the first tab.
    The problem that occurs is that when I use the back-arrow in the Navagation bar to return the first tab to its original page, I find the tab name of the original page to be "New Tab" rather than "Google" and I have to click on the "Reload current page" in the Navigation bar to return the tab name to "Google".
    I'm using Firefox-25 on a Linux-Mint 64-bit platform with KDE-4.9.5.

    The problem is just with the name of the tab, not with the contents of the page -- the page looks normal??
    I ask about the page because Firefox 23 seems to have introduced a problem with Firefox's "fast back-forward cache" on the Google search results page. It is related to the "instant prediction results" feature interacting with Firefox is some different way. (More in this thread: [])
    Might be related. Not sure.

  • Setting tab name in Terminal

    The tabs in terminal show the current shell. Is there a way to change the tab name to something else?

    sudo scutil --set HostName whatever-you-want
    If that doesn't work, the hostname is being set to the result of a reverse lookup of your IP address on a local DNS server, most likely your gateway.

  • Getting tab name or tab id or tab label at runtime

    Hi All,
    I think the answer is "no" but I'm going to ask anyway just in case I missed something.
    I am designing some authorization schemes for my application. The context behind the design is this:
    1. Two-level tabs application.
    2. Access is stored in a table where an assignment between a level 2 tab is assigned to a user (well, it's really assigned to groups of users but that's not that important for this question). The level 2 tab is assigned via a select-list LOV defined as:
    tab_label d,
    tab_id r
    from apex_application_tabs
    where application_id = :APP_ID
    and workspace = :OWNER
    order by 1
    So I store the TAB_ID of the 2nd level tab and it's assigned to groups of users.
    So what I'd like is this at runtime:
    1. For page-level security, I read the Apex data dictionary and pass APP_PAGE_ID to a function that reads the page number. I traverse the tab hierarchy in APEX_APPLICATION_TABS to see if the APP_PAGE_ID resides in TAB_PAGE or TAB_ALSO_CURRENT_FOR_PAGES to get the TAB_ID. Then I check my own assignment table to see if that TAB_ID is accessible to the user. If so, return TRUE, else, return FALSE. This is working wonderfully and isn't a runtime if I navigate to a page that is on a 2nd level tab and I don't have access to the page, the security scheme errors (correctly).
    2. For tab-level security, I want that at the parent tab level that if the user has access to one or more of the 2nd level child tabs, display the parent tab.
    3. For tab-level security, if the user is on a parent tab (because he/she has access to at least one child tab), only show the child tabs to which they have access.
    Now the problem(s). The thing is that the user sees the tabs before they navigate to them (#2 and #3 I don't have working right now) and I want to hide them if they don't have access.
    For example, let's say my parent tabs are A, B, and C. Child tabs are A1, A2, A3 underneath A. B1, B2, B3 underneath B. C1, C2, and C3 underneath C.
    Let's say everything in A and underneath A (so A1, A2, and A3) are available to anyone who has a login to the application. No problem there.
    Then, let's say most or all users have access to B1 but fewer users have access to B2 and B3. What I want is that if anything from B is available to a user, show parent tab B. If the user clicks on parent tab B, then show B1, B2, and B3 but only show the tabs to which they have access (so if they have access to B1 and B2 but not B3, do not display B3).
    Then, let's say C is a very powerful administrative tab and very few people have access to it. I want to not-show C at all for people who do not have any access to C1, C2, or C3.
    The problem I have at runtime is that I cannot find a way for a tab to pass information about itself when the tab is about to paint (or not-paint). The only variable or substitution string at runtime that I can find to reference about a tab is "CURRENT_PARENT_TAB_TEXT". However this gives me only information about the parent tab's text of the parent tab that has focus right now; each parent tab cannot pass it's own info until I navigate there. I need to get that information w/o navigating to the tab first so that I can determine to show/hide the tab. Does that make sense? In other words, at runtime, I log into the system and let's say I'm not very powerful and should only be on tabs A1, A2, and A3 under A. I log in, I land on A1, and I can see A2 and A3 (good), but also I can see parent tabs B and C poking up there too. CURRENT_PARENT_TAB_TEXT does not resolve to B or C (it currently resolves to A) until I actually try to click on B or C. I need to hide B or C before the user clicks.
    Yes I can do it if I hard-code the name of the tab in a security boolean function, but I would have to have as many authorization schemes as I have tabs. This is why I want just one tab-level scheme where I pass the tab name or ID at runtime dynamically but I can't seem to reference it.
    Over in the template for two-level tabls I see #TAB_LABEL#, #TAB_NAME#, #TAB_ID#, and #TAB_LINK#. These don't seem to be available to PL/SQL to pass at runtime to a PL/SQL function. If they could, this would be my answer.
    Any other options or am I stuck on this one?
    BTW...we are on version 3.2 of Apex and going to version 4 soon. If something is available in 4 for this that helps, I can do it then.
    Ideas? Thanks!

    Hey gti_matt,
    Did you end up getting anywhere with this?
    I'm in the same boat atm...

  • Tab Name - What is going on?!

    Hi there,
    I'm having trouble with changing the tab name, it displays "Charle Fried" instead of "Charles Fried".
    I've tried changing the tab name in the page properties and adding a title prefix but nothing seems to work, any ideas?
    Edit: It only displays the wrong title when using the redirection link.

    You can only use funds in your paypal account balance if you have a verified back up credit card linked to your paypal account as well.

  • Tab name in browsers

    When opening a PDF in the browser, the tab name shows the root or path of the pdf... example...
    This creates a problem because only "htttp://" will actually be displayed for every tab open... making it very difficult to locate a specific PDF when you have multiple PDFs open.
    Why this doesn't simply display the title of the PDF is beyond me.
    So, is this possible to change? Is this handled outside of Adobe? If so, where and how?

    Have a look here:

  • Tab Name to be wrapped

    Is there any option available to wrap the tab name in 11g?

    Thanks Vinodh.
    I did the same change in all the files,but still of no use.

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