Shell creation issue

Dear experts, I've got a question regarding shell creation of TDMS.
I've finished the export from ECC IDES system (SR3). The size of export files are over 30GB... is it normal? Can I reduce the data? Since it'll take me more than 200GB disk in target system.
Is it been setup in the step of "Determine Tables to be Excluded from the Export"?
Which data can be reduced in the table regarding IDES shell creation?

Hi Jett
Your first question is not very clear to me -
Seems that, the data folder of export is still the same as before. Is it normal?
>I think you mean to say that the size of the data folder of export is of same size as before. Yes that is normal. However i feel the doubt that remains in your mind is that you want to be sure that its doing a reduced transfer and not a full transfer. Well you cant make a decision based on the size of the export folder. To decide that you can do the following -
Pick one excluded table and in the exports folder try to search for its existence in the .TOC files. If you find it in any of the .TOC files then it indicates that a full transfer is happening instead of a reduced one. If you dont find it in .TOC but you find that excluded table in .STR files that indicates that a reduced transfer is happening and everything is fine. The existence of the excluded table in .STR file indicates that the structure information of the excluded table will be transferred although the data is not getting transferred.
Regarding your second set of queries -
Please understand that there are two parts to shell creation one is excluding the data to be transferred for a set of tables, so no data at all get transferred to the target system for all the excluded tables. Second part is that how much filespace (on target system) should be allocated to tables which are there in the excluded tables list, by default the import process will assign same space to a table in target system as the space allocated to it in the source system. So if a table for which no data is getting transferred was of size say 10 MB in sender so the import process will allocate a filesize of 10 MB to the table in target system also although it will be blank. To avoid this and to reduce the overall size of target system, we reduce the sizes that should be allocated to the excluded tables in the target system in the activity "Determin and Modify Size of Tables".
Now for the question what do the ratios mean and on what basis do we assign the ratios-
>Say for example Ratio20 means that the import process will assign 20% of the original size (in sender system) to the table in the target system. Regarding on what basis are the ratios determined - The ratios are determined on the basis that how much data do you expect each table to hold later on. So this depends on which process of TDMS (vis TDTIM, TDMDC, TDTCC) do you want to execute after shell creation. In case of TDTIM process type it may also depend on the period for which you want to transfer the data. For this reason we have provided various templates (vis TDTIM, TDMDC etc) in the activity "Determin and Modify Size of Tables". So we have tried to build this intelligence into the system. So if you want to excute a TDMDC scenario after shell creation then you should choose the template TDMDC in the activity "Determin and Modify Size of Tables" and the system will automatically assign defferent ratios to different tables.
In my last post i had suggested that if you want to further reduce the size of your target system (although the assigned template will automatically reduce the size of the target system) you can do the same by further reducing the ratios for the tables for which you dont expect much data to be transfered. This functionality of altering ratios for certain table or set of tables is available in the activity "Determin and Modify Size of Tables". SAP already delivers ratios which will be optimum for different tables, if you want to override those setting and provide your own ratios then it should be done at your own risk.
I hope this post explain you the entire concept. In case you have some doubt feel free to write again.

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    Dear All,
    I need to perform shell creation. I have never done this and need help with step by step instructions.
    I need to refresh my my development system with a TDMS shell creation from production client in production system.
    I am familiar with TDTIM and performed many TDTIM copies. I have gone throught the master and operational guides for TDMS also.
    I would try to list down my understanding so far after reading the guides.
    Please correct me if I am wrong ang also suggest correct steps.
    1. All my three systems (central, sender and receiver) are ready from installation point of with with authorizations and latest SPs.
    2. I log into Central/Control system and start a new package  "ERP Shell creation package for AP Release higher 4.6 "
    3. AS I have never executed this option I do not know what are the stps inside it.
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    6. I perform all the preprocessing steps of a homogenous system copy on the receiver systems.
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    8. Provide the export dump location to sapinst.
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    I request all you experts to please provide your comments at the earliest as activity would be starting from 5th of this month.

    Let me answer your questions.
    Some queries
    1. Is there a downtime for Production system (sender system).
       SAP recommends that nothing much should be going on during the export of the Sender(PRoduction) system, but so far i have never encountered an issue doing the export in online mode.
    2. Shell creation works on both Production and 000 client or only Production client,
       Be carefull!!! - A Shellcreation is a normal Homogenous Systemcopy using R3load. You will create a 'new' system with the DDIC and clientindependent customization of the Sender system. ALL former data of the target system will be deleted.
    You mention that you will refresh a development system that way. Please be aware of the implications that a development refresh contains. That said. After the refresh you will have the 000 client and parts (users ... authorizations of sonder) of the other clients on the new system.
    3. when I import the the dump using sapinst, how many clients are available in receiver systems.
    See above. All client configuration will be available, but nearly no data will be in these clients except 000. A manual part of the Shellcreation is to clean up the target system (delete the clients that are not needed) This is a fast process.
    4. Soem where in the guide it is mentioned that downtime depends on the type of shell I create.
    Kindly suggest should I create a master shell or slave.
    Hm. The master shell is just a concept that you create a complete new system and put that system into your transport landscape without filling it with data. You can then use that system as the source for a normal (database dependent) systemcopy without impacting your prod system. The result is a very small copy that can be repeated very often without an impact to prod/QA...
    Downtime is as described in point1 not required
    5. Once I execute this activity of shell creation for lets say receiver system A, then can I use the same export dump for second receiver system B.
    6. Lastly please suggest the activity execution time as customer has provided us 2 days to execute this activity.
    This depends on your knowledge of homogenuous systemcopies and the preparation + some items like size of stxl  and other tables that will be exported/imported.  If you are very familiar with the systemcopy process using R3Load 2 days are feasable.
    I have seen shellcreations done within 1-2 days but also much longer ones!
    As a prerequisite i would always recommedn to have the latest R3* + migmon exe available on sender + target.
    I hope i have clarified some of your items.
    Best Regards

  • TDMS shell creation  - R3szchk running longtime

    I am running a shell creation package, in Export ABAP phase R3szchk running long time and there is nothing written to log file
    -rw-r-----    1 root     sapinst           0 Oct  4 19:56 /tmp/sapinst_instdir/ERPEhP4/LM/COPY/DB6/EXP/CENTRAL/AS-ABAP/EXP/R3szchk.exe.log
    where else I can check to find out the issue?

    Thanks Pankaj for the valuable information.
    ---The size of exports may depend on the data in your client independent tables. There are certain client indepedent table which hold a lot of data for example STXL, STXH and DYNP* tables. It also depends on the volume of custom development that you have done in your systems. Most of the client independent tables are exported in full duing shell.
    I could understand that. I ran an optional activity u201CCheck size of large tables (optional)u201D  in TDMS Shell package, it returns witj some large tables, such as
    STXH- 190,854,900 KB
    STXL- 26,819,840 KB
    DYNPSOURCE- 20,452,251 KB, some of these are independent and some are dependent tables. For ex. STXH is dependent table with size 190GB, does it means that this table will be exported in full during shell export?
    However, you need to be sure that because of certain mistakes you are not exporting the complete system (including application data). As stated by Marcus, you need to make sure that you are using Migration monitor in manual mode and that you configure the Migration monitor control file with correct parameter values.
    I think I configured import monitor control file correctly and started it manually.
    Here is the import monitor startup log:
    Export Monitor is started.
    CONFIG: 2011-10-05 00:49:22
    Application options:

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    2. Select a region and save to clipboard
    3. Save as a new pdf file
    4. Then try importing it as a "Picture" into any of the new Office 2011 apps: Word, PPT, etc.
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    Any fixes (besides the previously suggested one of downgrading to 10.6.6)
    If it's a real bug (not just local to my system), then it's a more far-reaching one than previously described.

    rcberwick wrote:
    So, 3 different Apple tech support people say they know this problem affects
    "multiple applications, including any that deal with pdf files" but that "no fix is
    currently in the works"
    That is wrong because it only involves OpenType Postscript fonts.
    The only solution offered so far is to "downgrade by doing Archive & Install" and
    then re-applying each Combo Upgrade, starting with 10.6.3 up to 10.6.6.
    You wouldn't have to do that either. That is the point of a Combo update. You only need to apply the one you want. It includes all of the previous updates.

  • What is the "BW shell creation package for BW system" in TDMS?

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    types of systems.
    Could you explain what is that for?

    1) where to find the info about the copy sequence such as: first shell creation, then initial package or whatever, then ...?
    > TDMS solution operation guide will be helpful, the same is available at SAP service market place. In short the sequence is  -
    first shell (only if the repository is not in sync) then initial package (ex. TDTIM) and then refresh packages (as an when needed)
    2) for HR we do not have shell creation, what we have is "initial package for master data and customizing" , the next step is "ERP initial package for HCM personel dev. PA & PD". Why we do not have shell creation here?
    > For HR as only few objects are transfered the need of a full shell system does not arise. only the object to be transfered are synced.
    3) Will TDMS replace system copy for ERP, BW, CRM completely?
    > Shell will not replace them but we may say that it will supplement it. When you need a complete copy means repository along with application data then you need to go for system copy but if you only need repository to be copied from source to destination then shell is helpful. Also it should be noted that Shell is an TDMS package whereas System copy is a SAP standard tool.
    I hope the above response is helpful.

  • TDMS for BI - shell creation and SMIGR_CREATE_DDL

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    How does that integrate into a shell creation? Is the shell creation process aware of those scripts? I mean, it's theoretically possible that the SQL scripts has a table that is excluded from being transferred?

    Markus and Pankaj:
    I have created a SHELL (BW) using Markus' way as listed below.
    Because Markus did not mention that SMIGR_CREATE_DDL should be run at the beginning, so I did not run it.
    So how to determine in the created shell what is missing?
    We do have partitioned tables and bitmap indexes.
    Here is the way provided by Markus:
    I basically do shell creation as follows:
    - install the latest system copy tools (R3load, R3ldctl, R3szchk, libdb<database>slib.dll)
    - create an installation directory and give full permissions to <sid>adm and SAPService<SID>
    - create a directory for export location and give full permissions to <sid>adm and SAPService<SID>
    - open a cmd.exe as <SID>adm, step to the installation directory and execute "R3ldctl -l R3ldctl.log -p ." (note the "dot" which means actual directory)
    - in parallel start the client export of client 000 in source system using SCC8 (profile SAP_ALL) and note the file names you get in the last dialog window
    - when R3ldctl is finished give permissions to SAPService<SID> for all files in the installation directory
    - proceed with TDMS
    - when you are at the point to start the system copy start sapinst, choose system copy and select start migration monitor manually (VERY important!)
    - sapinst will run R3ldctl, R3szchk and then prompts you to start migration monitor
    - step to your normal installation directory (c:\program files\sapinst_instdir....), open and adapt the file. The import thing is, that you need to point to YOUR DDL<DB>.TPL file you create in step 4 (in my list here)
    - start export_monitor.cmd and export the system
    - proceed with TDMS to adapt the database sizes (DBSIZE.XML)
    - if you have an already installed system uninstall it
    - start sapinst normally, choose system copy and point to the export you created
    - install the system normally (as a new installation)
    - if you want to make sure the import works as the export choose "start migration monitor manually"
    - if sapinst stops and requests you to start migration monitor copy the kernel from source system to target system
    - configure and start migmon
    - logon in client 000, start transaction STMS and create a domain (basically only a transport profile will be created)
    - start program BTCTRNS1 (this will suspend all jobs from the source system but not delete them)
    - copy the files from the client copy to TRANSDIR/cofiles and TRANSDIR/data and import them to client 000 (either use STMS or use command line tp)
    - adapt profile parameters (RZ10)
    - run SGEN
    - invalidate connections in SM59 that point to other production systems
    - finished
    - to re-enable all the jobs run BTCTRNS2, however, I'd do this only if you're sure you have invalidated RFCs and or sending jobs (e. g. from SCOT)

  • SAP TDMS System Shell creation

    I am new to SAP TDMS. I want to know about System shell creation.
    Is System shell used to create a totally "new system" or can it be done on an existing system? Can it be done on an existing system by using a separate client??
    If we use existing system what happens to its already present data. As per the Operations guide it says we need to do a Homogeneous system copy by using TDMS tools.This will delete the data in existing system.So does it mean all database content will be deleted or only the client specific data?
    Many Thanks.

    You can get more details  from the following documents:
    Operations Guide -> SAP Components -> SAP Test Data Migration Server -> TDMS 3.0
    Security Guide -> Security in Detail -> SAP Security Guides -> SAP Test Data Migration Server

  • Migration monitor in TDMS shell creation

    I am working on a TDMS shell creation for ECC system, I have few question..
    1) Is it mandatory to run migration monitor manually while in both exporting and importing database with R3load option in tdms shell creation or only while running R3load export?
    2) How to run export monitor activity in background?
    3) How to parallel R3load processes to export a single package instead running one r3load for each package?
    OS: AIX
    DB: DB2
    SAp ECC 6

    Answers to your questions are below -
    1) It is mandatory during the exports of data from the source system.
    2) It should not be run in background
    3) Use table splitting using R3TA, but that should be done before exports.

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    We are facing some session creation issues. We are using Teradata and Oracle as source and extracting\updating data using some SQLs in script tasks. SQLs are targeting huge amount of data. We executed a job and checked on the servers, sessions were created on the databases. Job kept on executing for long time and was not getting completed, there was no error also. After waiting so long, I checked on Database server and found that session was lost for these SQLs on Database servers. We are able to create a successful connection using Data Stores.
    Please suggest something, Why the sessions are not getting lost on the database servers?.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Gaurav Bansal

    ginger_11 wrote:
    Hi...I'm new to the forum.
    2 of the same phones in my household having similar issues since OS upgrade. 
    -Text automatically going to MMS when sending pics and the pics won't send.  1 phone freezes, the other acts like its sent but not sent-this phone won't load emailed pics either.
    -Keep getting notifications that passwords need updated for email accounts.
    -Facebook app won't load on 1 phone-tried deleting, pulling battery and re-installing.  Still getting "session re log-in required" but there is nowhere to load the log-in info under accounts. Getting the same message on the other phone but the app is still listed under accounts so am able to log in.
    -Both phones are randomly re-starting. Multiple times over past 3 days. 
    Any known issues like these?
    There must be some common factor why both phones are having the same problem.
    With the, the only problem I had was a few contacts merged and surnames were repeated.
    I haven't noticed any difference with the latest upgrade.
    Maybe a security wipe and restore contacts and email then one app at a time.

  • Shell Creation after SAPINST Error: Graphics profile STRW, SWBOCUSTOMIZ

    Hi all
    we had finisehd Shell Creation and SAP live but now we had some graphical problems  Graphics profile STRW, SWBOCUSTOMIZ.
    Do we have create some error or has somebody a idea what we could do ?
    66 definition_instance = lrh_system_container.
    67 ENDIF.
    68 **** In case we read the method container: hook it on as an include.
    69 IF lrh_method_container IS NOT INITIAL.
    70 CALL METHOD lrh_task_container->include_set
    72 name = mc_method_cont_include_name
    73 included_container = lrh_method_container
    74 cascaded_save = space.
    75 ENDIF.
    77 IF im_container_id IS SUPPLIED.
    78 CALL METHOD lrh_task_container->set_guid
    80 guid_32 = im_container_id.
    81 ENDIF.
    82 IF im_persistence_classname IS SUPPLIED.
    83 CALL METHOD lrh_task_container->set_persistence <-ERROR
    85 persistence_classname = im_persistence_classname
    86 overwrite = 'X'.
    87 ENDIF.
    89 ex_task_container = lrh_task_container.
    91 CATCH cx_swf_ifs_exception.
    Thanks for help.

    > Do we have create some error or has somebody a idea what we could do ?
    I'd create a client copy (SAP_UCSV) from the source system.

  • ERP shell creation package

    For any ERP related package (except client deletion package), do we have to run "ERP shell creation package" at the very beginning? 
    The reason I ask this question is as follows:
    To bring HR configuration to the target, we have 2 different methods:
    1) client copy
    2) TDMS package called "ERP initial package for MDC"
    Therefore I have the impression that at least method 1) does not need a shell creation.
    I am not sure whether method 2) needs a shell creation first or not.
    Could you help explain?
    Is there any other exception for shell creation?

    No shell is not a mandatory step before TDMS ERP related package. General requirement of TDMS packages (time base or object based) is that the repository on both the sender and receiver should be identical. So in case the repository on both the system is already in sync then Shell is not needed. Also if there are minor differences in the repository then too it may not be required to do shell if the same inconsistencies could be removed manually or by importing some missing transports.
    If the differences between the two systems are many or if the receiver system needs to be build from the scratch then Shell is required.
    I hope that helps
    Best regards

  • TDMS shell creation

    Is TDMS shell creation for the ABAP stack only?
    What happens in the ABAP+Java systems?

    Hi Pankaj,
    I don't think TDMS is meant for JAVA. At preset It is only meant for ABAP stack to transfer data using different senarios.
    You can transfer the data from source and at the same time the Java settings in the target remain the same.

  • Shell Creation : Export Database

    To create the target system with shell creation :
    1. I've create control file in the folder E:\sapinst (*.TPL and *.STR)
    2. I've execute the steps "Define Environment Parameters and Excluded Tables"
    3. I've executed sapinst --> Export Preparation. The sapinst folder is :
    C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\NW04S\LM\COPY\ORA\EXP\CENTRAL\AS\PREEXP
    4. Now I would like to execute sapinst --> Database Instance Export, but my question is : where and when I must copy the fles create in step 1 ?
    Thank's in advanced

    You have to make sure that the export process uses your current installation directory i.e. E:\sapinst (for your case) and not the default one i.e. C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir. That is the main requirement of Shell creation process.
    To achieve the same you may need to do the following -
    > Incase you are not using migration monitor then you should start the export process from the current installation directory (E:\sapinst) and you should start the SAPINST tool with the parameter SAPINST_CWD and set it to E:\sapinst. for ex.-
    e:\sapinst>J:\xxx\yyy\xxx\zzz\SAPINST SAPINST_CWD=E:\sapinst
    > Incase you are using migration monitor then you should start it in manual mode and you should specify it to use E:\sapinst as the installation directory.
    I hope this helps

  • Site Creation Issue.

    We had a user report a site creation issue with their site. They had been able to create sites with no problem up to this point. But now, when attempting to crate a site they get an error "User can't be found". But if they create a blank site
    I or a blank team workspace. The site creates without incident. Any idea? The permissions appear to be correct but they can't create anything but blank sites without receiving the error. Maybe check permissions to webparts and templates (Do you know where
    I could do that)? 

    Did you mean create site collections in the CA?
    Did the users have admin permission or other permission? You can use the admin account to check whether it works.
    To narrow down the issue, you can use other web application to check whether it works.
    Maybe the web application had been corrupted.
    You can also check the event log and ULS log to see if anything unexpected occurred.
    To check event log, click the Start button and type “Event Viewer” in the Search box.
    For SharePoint 2010, by default, ULS log is at
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\LOGS
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Is an existing client the only prerequisite for shell creation?

    I am preparing my first shell creation. From what I read, I get the impression that an existing client is
    the only prerequisite for a shell creation. I already created the CPIC user and installed DMIS_  on the sender and central systems.
    Could you confirm?  Thanks!

    TDMS Shell is a form of system copy where you copy an existing source system into a target system but only the non-application related data. TDMS Shell is a prerequisite for other TDMS processes.
    Regarding prerequisites for Shell - all prerequisites and preparation that apply to SAP system copy apply for Shell also. Refer to SAP system copy guide for the same.
    Best regards

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