Shift-click for brush

I've come to rely heavily on the PS brush stroke that connects the last brush position (mouse up) to the next brush position (mouse down) with a straight brush stroke. I use this technique to steady my hand as I lay down a mask. LR 2 seems (?) to be missing that feature, instead employing the shift key to constrain the angle (not very useful). Without the simple shift-click feature, laying down as mask requires a steady hand and takes longer than it would with shift-click (like PS).

Is anyone interested in this topic?

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    Could you please post a screenshot with the pertinent Panels (Layers, Brush, Brush Preset, Options Bar, …) visible?
    If resetting the Tool dow not help you can always try restoring preferences (preferably after after making sure all customized presets like Actions, Patterns, Brushes etc. have been saved). t-issues.html

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    *Tab Mix Plus:
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    OS X 10.4.10

    Hey - nice one!
    "Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:fc6ei2$q3a$[email protected]..
    >I have never had occasion to not use the targeting
    > --
    > Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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    > "Willy jojo" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    > news:fc6di6$os9$[email protected]..
    >> Yeah when it starts to flake out, that is what I do.
    It is just some much
    >> faster to use Shift+Click. I had to go through a
    site and link up some
    >> keywords, about three per page, in a 180 page site.
    Using the properties
    >> panel
    >> really slows you down.
    >> This always worked well in GoLive, never in
    Dreamweaver in my experience.
    >> I
    >> was hoping this would be one of the things Adobe
    >> So this only happens to me huh?

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    Hold shift until iTunes opens instead of letting go after you click. Just spent an hour and a half working on this myself, lol.

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    thank you

    You're doing something wrong. Thunderbird works the same way.

  • Why would a Shift-Click not open as SO in PS CC?

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    Where is that path specified?

    As I said, I downloaded Bridge CC,and I thought it installed with PS CC. If it did the icon on the flyout doesn't boot it.
    I *did* expect a SHIFT-CLICK to open the SO. I said that above. I did exactly as you describe back when I was trying to make this work, and it didn't happen.
    I say again:
    Placed mouse on Open and pushed SHIFT key, button changed names to "Open Object"
    Nothing showed up in Photoshop CC (open at the time) after three tries. However when I opened PS6 they were waiting for me and opened in that. So it has to be the version of Bridge as a Bridge CS6.
    I am rushing through editing a shoot and have to be out the door early to shoot something else so will get to the install fix later. (Glad to be this busy...)
    Thanks everyone.

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  • Why do you need to shift click to select stroke color with eyedropper tool?

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    Thanks in advance.

    Hi, Nori,
    If you have the red and blue rectangle selected and the Fill square selected in the tool panel, as at bottom left, then hold the shift key down and click with the eyedropper on the green stroke in the upper rectangle, then the red fill will turn green but the stroke stays blue. If you select Stroke, as at bottom right, then shift-click with the eyedropper on the green stroke, the blue stroke will turn green but the fill stays red. With Fill selected and shift-click on the yellow fill, the red fill turns yellow; with Stroke selected the blue stroke turns yellow. If you do not depress the shift key, the red and blue rectangle will become yellow and green.
    It's complicated to explain, but I think that if you try it step by step it will make sense to you.

  • Shift+Click And Drag Select

    In demonstration mode I can show how to select a range of
    cells in Excel by dragging with the mouse.
    I can achieve the same outcome by using Shift+Click on the
    start and end cells to select the range, although the viewer would
    not see the Shift key being held down of course.
    I am at a loss to see how to get (and require) a user to do
    the same things in a Trainng or Assessment simulation before being
    able to continue with the next step.
    Can anyone advise please?

    Hi again,
    I think I have something that will help you. It's in flash
    though so don't know if you're going to be able to use it.
    Basically it draws a rectangle that follows your mouse and then
    leaves the final rectangle in place if your user hits the target
    area. I must confess to heavily borrowing from the Flash help and
    then tweaking.
    I've just published this as player 7 and tested in Captivate
    2 and it works like a charm.
    This is what you do.
    1 - export the Captivate slide you wish to do the drag select
    on into Flash
    2 - get rid of everything apart from the screen shot of your
    excel. You can add everything else in afterwards.
    3 - put the background on the bottom layer of your stack and
    lock it.
    4 - Create a movie clip for the cell to be dragged out. You
    should be able to draw a rectangle the same size as a cell then F8
    it into a movie clip.
    5 - Create another one that's going to be the target.
    6 - Place these both on the stage in the correct location in
    a layer above your background.
    7 - Copy the code below into the topmost layer (usually
    called actions). You'll need to adjust the start positions and
    final rectangle positions (in the rectangle function and xpos and
    ypos) to what you want.
    8 - test the movie and it works :)
    9 - publish as a player 7 swf.
    10 - Import into the relevant place in Captivate - test and
    Now the code:
    1 - Creates a function for the final rectangle
    2 - Creates the mouse listener for the drawing
    3 - Draws the rectangle dynamically while mouse pressed
    4 - If drawing ends on the target area then the dynamically
    created rectangle is hidden and the full rectangle is displayed
    5 - If drawing doesn't end on target area, rectangle is
    hidden and the user can try again.
    function rectangle() {
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("rect_mc", 5);
    rect_mc.beginFill(0x333333, 30);
    rect_mc.lineStyle(2, 0x333333, 25);
    rect_mc.moveTo(100, 120); //starting point
    rect_mc.lineTo(400, 120); //top line
    rect_mc.lineTo(400, 120); //right side line
    rect_mc.lineTo(400, 320); //bottom line
    rect_mc.lineTo(100, 320); //left side line.
    var xpos = 100;
    var ypos = 120;
    this.createEmptyMovieClip("new_mc", 5);
    var mouseListener:Object = new Object();
    mouseListener.onMouseDown = function() {
    this.isDrawing = true;
    this.orig_x = xpos;
    this.orig_y = ypos;
    this.curPos_mc = new_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("",
    mouseListener.onMouseMove = function() {
    if (this.isDrawing) {
    this.curPos_mc.beginFill(0x333333, 30);
    this.curPos_mc.lineStyle(2, 0x333333, 25);
    this.curPos_mc.moveTo(this.orig_x, this.orig_y);
    this.curPos_mc.lineTo(_xmouse, this.orig_y);
    this.curPos_mc.lineTo(_xmouse, _ymouse);
    this.curPos_mc.lineTo(this.orig_x, _ymouse);
    this.curPos_mc.lineTo(this.orig_x, this.orig_y);
    mouseListener.onMouseUp = function() {
    this.isDrawing = false;
    this.curPos_mc.hitArea = target_mc;
    if (this.curPos_mc.hitTest(target_mc)) {
    this.curPos_mc._visible = false;
    } else {
    this.curPos_mc._visible = false;
    Let me know if you have any issues or want the .fla or .cp
    file with this.

  • Ctrl-Shift-Click to open link in new tab (v10)

    I came back to Firefox recently after trying to use Chrome for awhile. I was gratified by my return, except that in the update from v9 to v10, I found that one of my favorite keyboard shortcuts no longer worked as it had.
    In v9 and previous, Ctrl-Shift-Click opened a link in a new tab and switched to it immediately. In v10, Ctrl-Shift-Click still opens the link in a new tab, but does not switch to it, even with '''Options: Tabs: When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately''' enabled.
    When using the mouse method of opening a link in a new tab, it does switch to it immediately as expected.
    I thought I was going to have to live with this (or not), but then found a bit of documentation noting that Ctrl-Click now provides the functionality I was used to.
    Great! But on the other hand, backward compatibility with the old functionality would have spared me some temporary disappointment and some extra digging.
    BTW, I note in another post several of the reasons why I came back to Firefox from Chrome.

    Thanks, Edmeister, that info about the setting reversing the effects of the two key combo's is useful.
    Having just installed FF 10 on a fresh installation of Windows, I see that the default setting for '''When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately''' is un-checked, and Ctrl-Shift-Click switches to the new tab as I had come to expect.
    But on my own existing installation, that setting is checked. So if your observation about the behavior being uniform across v 8, 9 and 10 is correct, then I guess I must have changed this setting when I upgraded to v.10, or else the setting somehow "slipped" during the upgrade.

  • Photoshop CS4 or 5 curves command-option-shift click

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    Open Curves panel.
    Activate Targeted Adjustment Tool (the little finger thingy).
    Command-click on image places a point on the active curve.
    Shift-command-click places points on the all of the color channel curves.
    Cycle through channels:
    Option-2 for composite channel
    Option-3, 4, 5, 6 (if CMYK) for individual color channels.
    Takes a while to get used to, but it's the reality now. You'll get used to it.

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    It varies depending on which browser you're using. In Safari, choose Preferences from the Safari menu, click on the Privacy tab, and then on Details.

  • Illustrator CS6 Eyedropper tool SHIFT + CLICK no longer works!

    SHIFT + CLICK with the eyedropper tool does not apply color as it is supposed to anymore. It shows the color as applied according to the fill and stroke in the tool bar, but the object itself does not reflect that. This function worked perfectly up until recently and is now not working for no apparent reason. I use Windows 7. Everything is OK with the eyedropper options, all my updates are current. HELP!

    Everything is checked in the eyedropper tool option menu (appearance, character style, paragraph style). The tool ITSELF works just fine. However it is when I'm sampling a color while holding down shift that no longer works.

  • ITunes 12 - old style Get Info using Shift-Click not working

    I've become accustomed to using iTunes 12, but because I have for a number of years utilised most of the fields available in the older version Get Info screens (not available by default in iTunes 12) in order to create and manage smart playlists, I have been relying on retaining that access by using <Shift-Click> to bring them up.  Alarmingly today I've attempted to access the old style Get Info screens only to discover that the <Shift-Click> option is seemingly not working!
    As I hadn't heard of a change to this feature, nor can I find anything on the net about it, I am just wondering if anyone else is having this problem, and if so, does anyone know of a workaround?  I keep my versions of iTunes up to date and recently downloaded the latest version (to, so perhaps a change was included in that update?
    Without easy access to those fields I may as well give up iTunes and go fly a kite, so any advice will be gratefully received!

    Access to the "old style" metadata editors has been dropped from iTunes 12.1 - I suspect that it was left in 12.0, with the shift right-click option, only because the new style editors were somewhat unstable/unfinished.  In most cases all the fields that were available pre iTunes 12 are available in 12.1.  Admittedly, the layout is a little counter-intuitive as you may have to scroll up/down, or expand the window by dragging one of its corners, to see everything.  One issue that some have noted is that the available metadata elements are now more constrained based on media kind - for example, track and disc number fields that used to be universally available are no longer displayed or editable for TV Shows and Movies.  There are also some strange inconsistencies - for example, that the Description element for audiobooks is only available for single items but not for groupings of two or more items, including albums.
    For Music it looks like 12.1 has all the same fields available as were in iTunes 11.  For a single song you get this (Details and Sorting tab):
    and for an album (or any selection of two or more songs) the corresponding tabs are:
    Depending on the fields you use for your smart playlists you may find that the editors in iTunes 12.1 will work fine, though it may take a while to get used to the new layout.  If there still is a "back door" to the old style editors in 12.1 I've not seen any reports of what it is!

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