Shipping type in Interlocutor Bussines Object

Trying to import Interlocutors, system tells me 0 cannot be a value because there is no 0 cardcode in OSHP table (in other words but that is it).
If I look in that table, there are 1,2,3,4 values ... but the new value is 5.
Can I manually insert 0 value?
Regards from Spain.

I am using something like this
Export in a xml ...
oItem1.SaveXML(strDirAux & "\" & oInterComer.CardCode & ".xml")
... and import from that xml in another database
strFile = strDirAux & "\" & oInterComer.CardCode & ".xml"
oItem2 = oCompany.GetBusinessObjectFromXML(strFile, 0)
intResult = oItem1.Update()
I have temporaly solved entering some values in database but certain fields like OCRD.DFTcnicians, OCRD.territory, export a 0 (having no value, being NULL, in source database) but after that 0 is not accepted in destiny database because is not linked to the key in another table.
I have created that necessary keys but I think it has to be another (and smarter) way.
In addition, DownPaymentClearAcount in destiny database has to be "not linked" to accept the value in the import. In most cases, source value is the same than destiny but, anyway, shows 5002 error.
I do not know what can happen wether all account has their linked property with false value.
I am new in this, I have much doubts a not so much clear.
Thanks a lot.

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    Jens Olsen

    Dear Jens Olsen,
    Go to SE16N give below tables which are relevant for shipping,
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    VTPA Shipment partners
    check and revert

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    What is the underlying database?
    It looks like the data is considered to have two decimals, but is rounded to zero decimals.
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    Is this a BW query?
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    Service Level - You can differentiate the type of shipment like Load, General Cargo, Express Cargo etc.,
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    I have gone into transaction f.01 and am unable to find the component Transaction type in dynamic selections. If however you want to find Transacttion type 120 use transaction SE16n and table ANEKPV add in the transaction types (technical name BWASL) add other parameters example company code, period etc to get the related information.
    Award points if useful.
    Sadie Gajanand

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    Hi Nitin,
    I believe CRM supports shipping types only for the Intelectual Property (IP) module. In CRM you can create shipping types via the table CRMC_IPM_SHPTY using SM30.
    But this field is not available in CRM sales order. I think this is supported on CRM contarct transactions, because the route functionality is also required to decide the mode of shipping.
    I think you need to check this functionality on contract how the shipping type is determined. Then you may use this in your sales order processing.
    <b>Do not forget to reward if it helps,</b>
    Paul Kondaveeti

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    THanks Jim Dyer

    Are you sure about this?
    Shiiping type is coming from Business partner
    It is OCRD table .
    Field name - [ShipType]
    Try running a simple query
    select * from OCRD from query generator or sql .
    Thank you

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    Try and use tcode OVTVT_CA - Configuration of Transportation Processing for Forwarding Agent
    Where, you can define the basic settings that are required for transportation planning, and for status and event verification through the forwarding agents. The forwarding agents work with the sender's.
    The following basic settings are possible:
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    Thanks & Regards

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    There is no check for shiping, because in are 1 values are captured from u r internal excise number.
    Try to use user exits.

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    In 0VTC maintain route & stages
    Then determine the route in delivery on basis of transportation zone or on basis on delivery type then it will populate
    If you are not determining then in delivery under TRANSPORT tab maintain route

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    Hey Chris,
    You cannot use the BAPI for class type 001, This BAPI can only be used with class types which have multiple objects enabled.
    For changing the characteristics of material try using  BAPI_OBJCL_CHANGE.
    Here the key of the object will be your material number

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