Shortcut Question

I am a fan of tabbed browsing, but I can't figure out how to switch between tabs using only my keyboard. APPLE-TILDE (~) works for windows but not in-between tabs. I looked at that nice list of keyboard shortcuts, however, they don't mention how to manage in-between tabs (same window) with only the keyboard.
Should be simle, I just can't find it.

Shift-Command-Right or Left Arrow also works except when your cursor is in a text field such as a form field or Safari's address window.

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    That's "BacK" in Hungarian, correct?
    That keyboard shortcut is already written, meaning it is already part of the standard suite of shortcuts.
    If you mean how to enter it on the keyboard...
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    Message was edited by: bookmanjb

    Often when a page loads, one has to click somewhere on the page in order to use the arrow keys to scroll up or down. Why does this happen? Is there a keyboard alternative to clicking?
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    yeah... <enter>+H.
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    Hi Bony,
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    With the Photoshop CS6 Timeline Palette you create a video or frame animation and I think what you want to do is to create a frame animation not a  video.  Perhaps a video would be possible if you have the frame layers.  Either way I think a simple action would be very useful in the process.
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    Is CS6 what ypu ment with CS5+ ???

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    When I type alt+2 to get @, I get this ™ sign instead. What can I do with this? Is it something with the programming or is it something I can do to change it?
    Thanks, Martin

    I tried that, but then this " sign comes. I did alt+2 on my girlfriends white macbook and there the @ came.
    I just found where the @ is now, on the button with * on. Is this something I can change or is the keyboard set up in that in way on this mac?
    Message was edited by: Martinbj

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