Should an application be converted to use ADO?

I'm just an Oracle DBA, not a developer, so maybe my question isn't phrased correctly.
Currently we are using Delphi 5 and Direct Oracle Access (DOA) from allroundautomations ( )
Our developers are considering switching to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) with Delphi 7 instead of DOA.
Is this a good idea? Any caveats, things to consider?
My understanding that when using ADO one also has to choose an OLE DB Provider. I think that we should use whatever driver is written by Oracle. Any reasons not to do that?

Whether it's a good idea or not really depends on the specifics of your application.
- I would assume that it would be more work to convert an existing application using DOA to use ADO in Delphi 7 rather than sticking with DOA.
- ADO is significantly more common than DOA, so it should be much easier to find people who are comfortable with ADO if you need additional help, and you should be able to find a lot more samples, tutorials, etc. on the web.
- ADO may be initially less familiar to your developers, which introduces scheduling risks since their estimates will tend to be less accurate.
- ADO (and the underlying OLE DB API) is designed as a "least-common denominator" sort of database API. I'm assuming from the name that DOA is designed to take specific advantage of Oracle functionality. If you're making use of Oracle-specific functionality, make sure you investigate whether and how ADO handles (or fails to handle) that functionality.
My hunch is that if the developers are considering the switch, it's probably a good idea-- they're the ones most familiar with the specifics of the code.
As far as choosing an OLE DB provider, I'd strongly suggest using the Oracle provider. Rarely, you'll hit a bug in the provider that's not present in some other provider, but that would be the only reason in my mind to switch.
Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

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    Dim sChunk() As Byte
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    Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
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    I have a similar code which works for chunk size >400,
    The image I am trying to retrieve is huge so the chunksize is also more.
    Did you try with any non meta table?
    For your reference I am pasting my application code below.
    Hope it helps.
    Private Sub cmdGetImage_Click()
    Dim bytchunk() As Byte 'variable to store binary data
    Dim destinationFileNum As Integer 'variable for filenumber
    'recordset for fetching Product Image for the product selected form the list
    Dim recProductImage As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim offset As Long
    Dim totalsize As Long
    Dim roundTrips As Long
    'variables used in calculation of time taken to fetch the image
    Dim startTime As Currency, EndTime As Currency, time As Currency, Freq As Currency
    Dim i As Integer 'counter variable
    i = 0
    On Error GoTo ErrorText 'redirect to error handler
    '** Step 1 **'
    'validating if product is selected from the list
    If cboSelectProduct.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Select product from the list!"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    '** Step 2 **'
    'validating if "optChunk" optionbox is selected then
    '"txtChunksize" textbox should contain a value
    If optchunk.Value = True Then
    'validate if chunksize value is null
    If txtChunkSize.Text = "" Then
    MsgBox "Enter value for chunksize "
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'validating that the chunk size entered should be a positive value
    If CInt(txtChunkSize.Text) < 1 Then
    MsgBox "ChunkSize value should be positive!"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End If
    '** Step 3 **'
    'open image column from product_information table using m_Oracon connection
    recProductImage.Open "SELECT product_image FROM product_information " & _
    " WHERE product_id =" & cboSelectProduct.ItemData(cboSelectProduct.ListIndex) _
    , m_Oracon, adOpenStatic _
    , adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
    'check if product image exists for the product selected
    If Not IsNull(recProductImage!product_image) Then
    'setting mouse pointer on the form "frmChunkSize" to wait state
    frmChunkSize.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    '** Step 4 **'
    'assigning "desitinationFileNum" variable to next file number
    'available for use
    destinationFileNum = FreeFile
    'allocates a buffer for I/O to the temporary file "tempImage.bmp"
    'at the current application path
    Open App.Path & "\tempImage.bmp" For Binary As destinationFileNum
    '** Step 5 **'
    'Get the frequency of internal timer in Freq variable
    QueryPerformanceFrequency Freq
    'start the timer
    QueryPerformanceCounter startTime
    'clear "imgProduct" imagebox
    imgProduct.Picture = LoadPicture("")
    '** Step 6 **
    If optValue.Value = True And optchunk.Value = False Then
    '** Step 7 **
    'using ADO Value property
    bytchunk = recProductImage("product_image").Value
    'appending byte arrary data to the temporary file
    Put destinationFileNum, , bytchunk
    'displaying "No. of Round Trips" in a label to 1
    lblRoundTrips = 1
    ElseIf optchunk.Value = True Then
    '** Step 8 **
    'converting the value entered "txtChunkSize" textbox to long
    'and assigning it to chunksize variable
    m_chunksize = CLng(txtChunkSize.Text)
    'assigning the actual size of the image retrieved to a variable
    totalsize = recProductImage("product_image").ActualSize
    'calculating and assigning the "No. of Round Trips" to a variable
    roundTrips = totalsize / m_chunksize
    'in case fragment of data left, incrementing roundtrips by 1
    If (totalsize Mod m_chunksize) > 0 Then
    roundTrips = roundTrips + 1
    End If
    'In this loop the image is retrieved in terms of chunksize
    'and appended to the temporary file
    Do While offset < totalsize
    '** Step 9 **
    'retrieving product_image from the recordset, in chunks of bytes
    bytchunk = recProductImage("product_image").GetChunk(m_chunksize)
    offset = offset + m_chunksize
    'appending byte arrary data to the temporary file
    Put destinationFileNum, , bytchunk
    'displaying "No. of Round Trips" in a label
    lblRoundTrips = roundTrips
    End If
    '** Step 10 **'
    'stop the timer after image retrieval is done
    QueryPerformanceCounter EndTime
    'close the opened file handle
    Close destinationFileNum

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    Create Table A
    (id number(7));
    I use ADO to access the table a;
    _ConnectionPtr pConn=NULL;
    _RecordsetPtr pRst=NULL;
    //It raise a exception,why?
    //If I convert the datetype of "ID" to CHAR(7)
    //and pRst->Fields->Item[0L]->Value=L"100",it is ok.
    catch (_com_error& e)
         return ;
    if (pConn)
    if (pRst)
    I create a table A。
    create table A
         ID number(7)
    Now ,I use OLE DB to access the table A;
    struct CIsA
              memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
         DB_NUMERIC m_ID;
              COLUMN_ENTRY_PS(1, 7, 0, m_ID)
    CDataSource DataSource;
    HRESULT hrt=DataSource.Open(_T("OraOLEDB.Oracle.1"),NULL,_T("ISVISION"),_T("ISVISION"));
    CSession Session;
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    propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetChange, true);
    CCommand<CAccessor<CIsA> > Command;
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    help me! thank you.

    create a table something like this.
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    Image_Id number(5),
    Image    blob);create a form with the same table and use the following code.
    when-button-pressed trigger.
    read_image_file('c:\image_name.jpg' , 'jpg' , 'image.image');if its correct/helpful please mark it thanks.

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    *UPDATE 1/23/2009 07:08 AM* This is a partial fix. I no longer think the Recurrence Range is the culprit. It seems the Time Zones features between Outlook & Palm are not cooperating. This explains why my 12 am events are syncing as 6 pm the day before; I live in GMT-6:00 so it's moving my events ahead by 6 hours. Another event I set for 1 pm in Outlook was changed to 7 am on my Treo. I am going to start over and recreate each event, this time setting the Time Zones, which I hadn't done before. I tested it out and it worked with a single event... let's see how long it lasts. I've also found that using 'No Time' on my Treo is not compatible with Outlook. It's better to set a time with 0 minutes duration.
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    After a WHOLE LOTTA trial-and-error (like 3 days worth), I think I finally solved my OLERR:14-001 issue!
    Problem: Syncing Palm Treo 755p calendar with Outlook 2007
    Error Message (simplified):
    HotSync session completed with messages on [date] [time]
    HotSync session started on [date] [time], and completed in [0] seconds
    Outlook Calendar synchronization completed with messages
    Duration: [0] seconds
    Outlook Calendar
    The multi-day repeating appointment titled [event] beginning [date] [time] cannot be converted for use on the Handheld. Please divide the appointment up into single-days and re-synchronize.
    - Desktop overwrite HH Sync
    Note: You will likely have several of these ‘Multi-day’ instances in your hotsync log (I had 58). You may want to change Calendar in hotsync to "Desktop overwrites Handheld" after you get this error, to avoid erasing events while you are fixing this issue. Otherwise, you may have to restore them from a backup copy (if you have one) and start over. You can switch back once you’re through.
    Solution: First, I tried this Palm KB Article: After this didn’t work for me… I did trial-and-error. I believe the problem is that each recurring event, which you set up as ‘All-day’, must be changed to have a duration of 0 minutes from within Outlook. I was able to change some events directly, but I found that some of the records had corrupted, and would just revert. My fool-proof solution was to recreate EVERY problematic event (yes, one-by-one) using the following steps:
    Open Outlook
    Go to your default calendar, where your events are synced
    In the top menu choose ‘View’ > ‘Current View’ > ‘Recurring Appointments’
    Open a ‘New Appointment’
    Enter subject and other options, such as Categorize, Importance, Time Zones, or Reminder
    Make sure starting and ending date & time are the EXACT same
    Select ‘Recurrence’ & choose your pattern
    I did not choose ‘No end date’ (hence the Palm article), but rather ‘End by:’ and typed in 2031, then pressed tab to auto-generate a suitable end date. I chose 2031 because that is last year my Treo’s calendar goes to. Click OK
    Repeat for every event in your error log, until you get a clean "Desktop overwrites Handheld" hotsync (Outlook should be closed when you sync)
    Switch Calendar in hotsync back to "Synchronize"
    Even though I still get the message OLERR14:001, my syncs are successful. Now I will give my Treo time to see if the issue returns later. Until then, happy Outlook syncing and good luck!
    Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)
    Message Edited by akeaw3000 on 01-23-2009 04:11 AM
    Message Edited by akeaw3000 on 01-23-2009 07:08 AM

    if all of your data is on the phone you can change the sync action to handhled overwrites desktop
    how to:
    open palm desktop software
    on the top left click on 'hotsync' and then 'custom'
    on the calendar conduit
    highlight it and click on 'change'
    then choose 'handhled overwrites desktop'
    hope this will help you
    Post relates to: Palm TX

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    Check to make sure your applications are compatible.
    Application Compatibility
    Applications Compatibility (2)

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    I am using ADO / C++

    I suggest you simply use the default fast-forward read-only (firehose) cursor to read the data. This will stream data from SQL Server to your application and client memory usage will be limited to the internal API buffers without resorting to paging. 
    I ran a quick test of this technique using ADO classic and the C# code below and it ran in under 3 minutes (35 seconds without the file processing) on my Surface Pro against a remote SQL Server.  I would expect C++ to be a significantly faster
    since it won't incur the COM interop penalty.  The same test with SqlClient ran in under 10 seconds.
    static void test()
    var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
    object recordCount;
    var adoConnection = new ADODB.Connection();
    adoConnection.Open(@"Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Server=serverName;Database=MarketData;Integrated Security=SSPI");
    var outfile = new StreamWriter(@"C:\temp\MarketData.txt");
    var adoRs = adoConnection.Execute("SELECT TOP(1200000) Symbol, TradeTimestamp, HighPrice, LowPrice, OpenPrice, ClosePrice, Volume FROM dbo.OneMinuteQuote;", out recordCount);
    Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP,

  • Install PeopleTools 8.53 with Linux Issue: Boot Application Server Domain PT853 using psadmin

    Hello. I am installing PeopleTools 8.53 Internet Architecture. Database Server is Oracle Database 11gR1. OS is Oracle Linux 5.
    I confront the issue regarding booting Application Server Domain PT853 while Database Server is listening as below:
    [user@userlinux PT8.53]$ . ./
    [user@userlinux appserv]$ export SYSTEM_PASS=SYS/SYS
    [user@userlinux appserv]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/home/user/OracleDB_Home
    [user@userlinux appserv]$ export  ORACLE_SID=PT853
    [user@userlinux appserv]$ export TUXDIR=/home/user/Oracle/Middleware/tuxedo11gR1
    [user@userlinux appserv]$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$TUXDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    [user@userlinux appserv]$ export PATH=$TUXDIR/bin:$PATH
    [user@userlinux appserv]$ ./psadmin
    Its output gets 2 errors in the current server log file /home/user/psft/pt/8.53/appserv/PT853/LOGS/APPSRV_0919.LOG as below:
    First, GenMessageBox(200, 0, M): PS General SQL Routines: Missing or invalid version of SQL library libpsora64 (200,0)
    Second, GenMessageBox(0, 0, M): Database Signon: Could not sign on to database PT853 with user PSADMIN.
    I create a symlink in /home/user/OracleDB_Home/lib and /lib32 as below:
    [user@userlinux lib]$ ln -s
    [user@userlinux lib32]$ ln -s
    After that, I run ./psadmin to boot the domain PT853 again, I see the first error is solved. Now, there is only one error in the current server log file /home/user/psft/pt/8.53/appserv/PT853/LOGS/APPSRV_0924.LOG is below:
    GenMessageBox(0, 0, M): Database Signon: Invalid user ID or password for database signon. (id=MyOwnerName)
    Server failed to start
    I have changed UserId as PSADMIN in Configuration file, purge cache and clean IPC resources and reboot. Password is correct. But the error always indicates id=MyOwnerName.
    Application Designer login as PSADMIN successfully. Data Mover Bootstrap login as MyOwnerName successfully.
    My question is:
    Why both PSADMIN and MyOwnerName are invalid user ID or password for database signon ? How to solve the issue ?

    As stated in the installation manual there are a few prerequisites in chapter CHAPTER 8B Configuring the Application Server on UNIX page 238
    Before beginning this procedure, you should have completed the following tasks:
    Installed your application server.
              See "Using the PeopleSoft Installer," Understanding PeopleSoft Servers
    Installed Tuxedo 11gR1
         See "Installing Additional Components."
    Granted authorization to a PeopleSoft user ID to start the application server.
         The database configuration procedure includes a step for setting up the user ID with authorization to start
         the application server. See the application-specific installation instructions for information on the user IDs
         for your PeopleSoft application. See the PeopleTools: Security Administration product documentation
         for information on PeopleSoft PeopleTools delivered user profiles.
         See "Creating a Database on UNIX," Running the Database Configuration Wizard.
         See "Creating a Database Manually <on Windows or UNIX>," Creating Data Mover Import Scripts.
    Run the following SQL statements on your database server to review and if needed, update the PSCLASSDEFN table:
    Note. Installers typically use VP1 or PS to test the application server. If these users are deleted or their
    passwords are changed, the application server will no longer be available. To avoid this problem, you can set
    up a new operator (called PSADMIN or PSASID, for instance) with privileges to start the application server.
    If you do this, you can use the new operator for your servers and you won't need to change the
    password each time VP1 or PS is changed.
    Does you user have privileges to start the applications server.
    Also pay attention to the connectid configuration in the application server. This should be the same connectid and password as you provided during the database creation script connect.sql

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    The file you really need is named Domain.sites2 which resides in your   Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb foldler.  It's independent from the iWeb application. If it's not in there do you have a backup of your hard drive from an earlier time? 
    Resinatll iWeb 3 from the iLife 09 disk or wherever you got it from originally and then try what's described below:
    In Lion and Mountain Lion the Home/Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and press the Return key - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.
    To open your domain file in Lion or Mountain Lion or to switch between multiple domain files Cyclosaurus has provided us with the following script that you can make into an Applescript application with Script Editor. Open Script Editor, copy and paste the script below into Script Editor's window and save as an application.
    do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write iWebDefaultsDocumentPath -boolean no"delay 1
    tell application "iWeb" to activate
    You can download an already compiled version with this link: iWeb Switch Domain.
    Just launch the application, find and select the domain file in your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder that you want to open and it will open with iWeb. It modifies the iWeb preference file each time it's launched so one can switch between domain files.
    WARNING: iWeb Switch Domain will overwrite an existing Domain.sites2 file if you select to create a new domain in the same folder.  So rename your domain files once they've been created to something other than the default name.

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    or is it strictly used to help with web base applications.

    the CE is basically able to check every request it supports. If you are using 3rd level products like smartfilter, websense or webwasher you can use the features of those products to supress/forbid certain requests(i.e MSN etc.)
    Kind Regards,

  • Can I use ado when I connecting to oracle?

    I programmed with VC++ and Power Builder to connect to oracle, there are no problem.But when I tried to use VB I found that I can not get data using ado function.
    Anyone can help me?
    Thanks very much.

    You should be able to access Oracle via ADO in VB-- this is pretty common. You'll have to be a lot more specific about what problems you're having for anyone to help, however.
    Justin Cave
    ODBC Development

  • Missing fields when querying citadel using ADO

    Hello everyone.
    We are logging 372 data points in citadel.
    We have a MS Access application running alongside Lookout that does a lot of processing. We use ADO to query Citadel and pull out the required data across all of the data points.
    However, each time the query is run it returns a different number of fields - sometimes 368, 370 other times the full count , 372.
    Obviously this is quite a problem.
    Any suggestions anyone?
    All the best,

    Hy Scotty,
    Obviously you are using ADO ODBC driver that connects to Citadels ODBC driver. I used sometimes the ODBC driver for Citadel but I did not encounter such problems so far.
    Do you have maybe a small MS Access example and a database example which would reproduce that behavior? I would be interessed to see how you'll get the different amount of results.
    Please, let me know

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    I am running OS X Yosemite on my four year old MacBook Pro which has become progressively slower and is loaded with applications I no longer use. I plan to start afresh by formatting a new 1TB SSD as a boot disk and reinstalling Lightroom 5 and PhotoShop CC.
    Is there a list of the files and/or folders that contain Settings and Preferences which can be copied from the old system to the new?

    with your cc apps you should try to use the sync feature.  that's never worked consistently for me, but when it does work, it's helpful.
    there are preference folders and presets and settings that you could copy but you're better off installing fresh because a common problem for people with adobe program issues is a settings issue.

  • Is there an application to convert VOB files to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger

    Is there an application to convert VOB files to Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, and if there is how do you convert.

    VOB files are video files.  Tiger is an operating system.  Converting video files to Tiger frankly doesn't make sense.  Can I convert a Beethoven symphony into a toothbrush?
    What is your actual goal in this?  You can play VOB files with VLC, and there is still a Tiger version of that.  Converting to another format is harder since usually when you are working with VOB files you are doing higher end video editing.
    If you goal is to convert commercial DVDs you have ripped, don't bother asking.  Discussing that is against the terms of use of this site since ripping commercial DVDs is illegal in the USA and some other countries.

Maybe you are looking for

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