Should i write in English or puis-je parler en français?? Lost a file that I need to recuperate!!

I unfortunately delete a file on my ipad air while using adobe acrobat....can I recuperate this delete file somewhere??

Hi guylainel,
Unfortunately, there is no way to recover a file that you've deleted from your device. Did you happen to upload it your Document Cloud before it was deleted? If so, you may be able to find it by logging in to

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    American Express
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    "I know this thread is old and op may have discovered the answer already. However, I am posting this just in case someone else might be looking for a solution.
    The solution does not require any additional software nor require a jailbreak.
    All you need to accomplish this is already built into every iPhone and iPad with 3G.
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    You now have access to your wifi as well as 3G.
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    [email address removed to protect your privacy and security]
    <! [email protected] -->

    I found the images here:

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    Go to Solution.

    No need to use nested For loops. No need for any loop anyway. You just have to use a reshape array function. The picture below shows how to proceed.
    However, there may be an issue if your element number is not a multiple of the number of columns : zero value elements will be added at the end of the last column in the generated 2D array. Now the issue depends on the way you intend store the data in the Excel spreadsheet : you could convert the data as strings, replace the last zero values with empty strings, and write the whole 2D array to a file (with the .xls extension ) using the write to spreadsheet function. Only one (minimal) problem : define the number of decimal digits to be used;
    or you could write the numeric array directly to a true Excel spreadsheet, using either the NI report generation tools or ActiveX commands, then replace the last elements with empty strings.
    We need more input from you to decide how to solve these last questions. 
    Message Edité par chilly charly le 01-13-2009 09:29 PM
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        
    Example_VI.png ‏10 KB

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    See the appropriate sections in this Apple support document.
    iOS: Resolving update and restore alert messages

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Maybe you are looking for

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