Should my MacBook Pro be defragmented?

i thought I remenbered being told I did not have to defragment my hard drive. Now I am questioning this thought. Does someone have the answer?

On a Mac  defragment is not necessary.
OS X takes care of that itself.

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    If "Tap to Click" is enabled, click should register by tapping on any part of the Trackpad.

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    Message was edited by: Actually Human

    Yes. I think you're right about this.
    But I'm not at all new to Macs and used to myself work for Apple as part of the design folks. The experience I'm having right now is NOT the norm with Macs... AT ALL. Apple has been a leader if not THEE leader in usability where computers are concerned and they have been since their birth. Many many many $ and time at least used to be spent in targeting specific usability metrics. I firmly believe that what has happened here is a combo of your observation along WITH what has happened here and there in the past at Apple - the usability group/s demonstrate a clear need and solution for problems such as I'm having (I know - I've witnessed this). Decision makers or 1 decision maker at a higher level "rules" out the proposed solution. The consequences are errors and problems that you can read throughout the entire discussion board here - various problems people have are not necessarily because a solution has not been proposed, found, known, and pushed forward at Apple but is because someone/s rule out that solution being executed... the time/money business.
    The group, when I was in it, would have been livid and fired up had they seen what I have just been through trying to get going with this new Mac ...and I am no stranger to Macs and am not a new user and know my way around a Mac a lot more than most users.
    It has now been 2 weeks that I've had my new Mac and I've not been able to do anything with it due to the enormous problems. I hired a former genius bar guy who has gone out on his own to see what he can do. Unfortunately, the genius bar at the Apple store can't come to me (and I can't bring printer, scanner, router, modem down to the store with the computer - even harder for me since I'm disabled) so I hired this guy to come to me and see what he could do. There were so many problems with the thing, he has taken the computer back to his shop where he's going to find out whether the box is simply a bum Mac from the get go or whether it just needs a lot more tweaking and configuring than was led to have been the case from the outset.
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    Also he told me - there are a lot of folks here, as we can all imagine, who purport to be very expert and sound good but he told me there is a plethora of just plain false information and incorrect info all over these boards. For example, when I first posted with problems here, I was told the Migration Assistant doesn't work to migrate stuff from non-Intel-based Macs to Intel based Macs. He told me that is absolutely BS and he has used MA to do that very thing. He told me if there were a problem, it's due to other stuff... example, not ALL software on the computer (either one) have been updated or updates weren't completed or there was a glitch in an update or there is a low level problem that wasn't sussed out (in my case, for example, the FIRST thing he did was run DUtility on the SOURCE computer and repair ANYthing or any naming or any problem whatsoever on the HFS there... this is before doing ANYthing). Ok, not a single person here mentioned starting with that before even touching the new computer. This is why I really tend to believe those genius bar guys/gals that there is an unfortunate amount of mis-information here on these boards that is even more unfortunately passed off by the poster (not by Apple) as being all knowing and authoritative. And myself having worked for Apple, I also know (going back to your original post here) that usability and the design history at Apple is quite different than your current understanding and expectation of Macs. You need to raise the bar you've been using now that you're using a Mac. That's what the Mac is all about - usability. It is the primary way Apple has become a leader in everything it touches and its why long time users like myself are really shocked and affected when the user experience is as poor as its become for me.
    I WILL be taking this up with members of CHI because it really needs to be discussed and addressed. Have we lowered the bar. For Mac users, Mandy, it was NOT always as you have accepted it to be.

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    Mountain Lion has a annoying feature it loads the last used programs when you log in.
    So disable that, there are various hacks on this thread
    See if that improves your boot time and if not, then do the #12/#13 OnyC cache cleaning routine here and reboot when finished.
    ..Step by Step to fix your Mac
    If that doesn't solve it, investigate your Office verison is compatible with your OS X version
    Uninstall it and see if the boot time resumes normally, or update it or run further through the Steps.
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    The Mac's at work, are they running 10.7 or later? Or the fast and speedy 10.6

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    Processor Name:          Intel Core i5
      Processor Speed:          2.3 GHz
      Number of Processors:          1
      Total Number of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache (per Core):          256 KB
      L3 Cache:          3 MB
      Memory:          4 GB
    OS: OS X version Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or later.
    Processor: 1.3 GHz Intel CPU
    Memory: 2 GB RAM
    Hard Disk Space: 3 GB
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    Hard Drive: 200 MB available space
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    Your MacBook Pro supports that game without any problem. The only issue you may have is related to the GPU in case you have got a 13-inch MacBook Pro, because the integrated GPU may not work well with games, but this can be solved by setting lower game settings.
    The amount of RAM required by the game refers to the total amount of RAM your Mac has got, so you can also run it. To make sure you have the maximum amount of RAM available, close all apps while you are playing. You do not need any application while you are using any game

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    Watching video depletes the battery faster than typing a letter. My MBP battery will go down from 100% to about 65% (sometimes down to 50%)  in about 3 - 4 hours if I do nothing but browse this site and possibly watch a short video. It also depends on the screen brightness settings and a host of other things. If you only use it for 2 hours, then there is a problem and I'd take it to your nearest Genius Bar for a diagnosis.

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    you might have something running in the background - open activity monitor and check the %CPU section under All Processes and not My Processes.  Anything running around 10% and above will drain your battery.

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    All three drives I have are from PC's, and are IDE drives from a Window based PC, so should my Macbook Pro be able to read these drives, and be able to copy the files I'd like to save/copy from it?   I'd then like to transfer them to my external hard drive (4 TB) which are mainly photo's of my kids when they where little.   Not sure if having the IDE set as 'master' is the issue, or if the data being Windows based might be it?   I'm new to doing this sort of thing, so I appreciate any advice you might have.
    Thanks in advance!

    Remove the WiFi profile in System Preferences/Network and reset up the connection.

  • Simple Questions regarding temperatures for MacBook Pro

    I just bought a brand new Macbook Pro Mid-2012 2.9 Ghz, i7 Processor, 8 GB of ram, and 750 HDD. It's my first Mac I've bought I'm switching over from an overheating windows laptop.
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    Also, when watching youtube videos using flash I also get very high temperatures such as 150-170F.
    So are these temperatures normal? What temperature should my MacBook Pro be at? And what are good temperatures to keep my MacBook Pro at, meaning not exceeding it.
    I'd love any opinions and helpful responses.

    Yeah I know there isn't a normal temperature but I meant an ideal temperature to keep it running at, which you did answer to thanks.
    But here's the deal, I only have been web browsing so far not even mail, and I never go beneath 115F. Especially when using Chrome, my CPU get's used a lot and I reach unto 170F when using chrome, but on safari I can go down to 125F for web browsing only. As we speak I'm on 128F.
    Is there anything wrong?
    (I forgot to add that when I took it into an Apple Store, one of the geniuses told me not to use chrome as its eating up CPU and heating my MacBook and told me to use Safari, if I wanted to run my MacBook cooler)

  • Low battery life, heat or noise with Macbook pro? SOLUTION HERE

    Low Battery?
    Warm unit on Idle?
    Loud fan?
    Likely solution is here..
    I have a new 15" and had these issues, found the only working solution in the thread below, safe and easy to use. If you are worried do a
    time machine backup before doing this.
    Go here
    Read post #2, put the command into your Terminal (Found inside launchpad)
           - That command is the following "sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.citrix.agadminservice.plist"
    type password when asked ( you wont see any characters but it will be accepted when pressing enter)
    Restart, battery, heat and noise issue is completely solved, lion is fixed.
    You now have a very high quality product, that functions like it should. Macbook Pro still owns.
    Hope this helps everyone out.

    Same problem with shortened battery life here with 10.6.2 (2009 unibody 15" MBP 2.53 GHz.) Shutting down and removing the battery seems to have brought fully charged battery life back from less than 2 hours to over 5 again. Didn't bother holding down the power button with the battery out though.
    A few notes:
    1. Prior to the shut down + battery removal, I had noticed unusual warmth despite the CPU being only lightly loaded. Activity monitor showed no app using more than 4% of the CPU, with just a few apps running (Safari, Mail, iCal, Finder).
    2. Months ago, just a PRAM reset seemed to fix the problem, possibly with 10.6.1 or 10.6. Can't remember for sure. But PRAM reset doesn't help any more with 10.6.2.
    3. I have never reset the SMC.
    4. I don't recall this problem happening with any of the 10.5 releases. Just with 10.6.x.
    5. The bottom of the MBP's enclosure is cool again after the shutdown + battery removal.
    6. I am also running 10.6.2 on a 2008 aluminum iMac (20" 2.4 GHz) and haven't noticed any unusual temperatures, but it's much harder to tell. And of course, there's no battery life to measure.
    I'll see if the problem returns again, but it really seems like a Mac OS X problem instead of a firmware or runaway app problem. Maybe some daemon is stuck in a busywait loop or something?

  • Is there a compact flash and SDXC card reader with USB3 and or thunderbolt connections that will work with new MacBook Pro retina laptops running OSX Mavericks please?

    Is there a compact flash and SDXC card reader with USB3 and or thunderbolt connections that will work with new MacBook Pro retina laptops running OSX Mavericks please?

    Yes, I too had this problem.
    I was issued an update from Apple for a new version software as well as a new version of Lightrooom and now it shows up on the desktop and in finder as it should.
    MacBook Pro Retina running 10.8.2 (12C54)
    Lightroom running 4.1
    Hope that helps.

  • My macbook pro 13" 2010 runs hot . How hot is too hot?

    How hot should my macbook pro run? How can I tell? It's quite warm on my legs and the fan turns on soon.

    They do run quit hot, however should not be so hot that it would burn you.  If you feel your computer is running to hot, take it into your local apple store.  They can check the running temperture of your computer, and will tell you if it is outside of the norm.

  • Defrag for MacBook Pro HD?

    Does my MacBook Pro have a check error and defragment for my hard drive?

    you can repair a hard drive using disk utility->repair disk. to repair a startup drive you have to boot from a snow leopard install dvd or another hard drive.
    there is no real need to defrag in OS X. OS X does a pretty good job of it itself. any files less than 20MB in size are defragged automatically. so long as you keep plenty of free space on your drive (at least 10%, better 15%) there should be no need to defrag and little benefit in doing so. Most OS X users never defrag.
    there are no built in defrag tools. one way to defrag your drive (if you have to) is to clone it to another drive, boot from the clone, wipe the main drive and clone the clone back.
    lastly there are some 3rd party defrag tools like idefrag. you can use them if you regularly work with many large files (>20MB) that don't get defragged by the OS. but use them with caution and definitely back up. a defragging can go bad and damage the drive.

  • A few days ago i bought the macbook pro in a Providence. In late Summer i will come back to my Country - Ukraine. I would like to know about a tax for my laptop. Can i return tax? Through the TAX FREE or return in airport? What should i do?

    A few days ago i bought the macbook pro in a Providence. In late Summer i will come back to my Country - Ukraine. I would like to know about a tax for my
    laptop. Can i return tax? Through the TAX FREE or return in airport? What should i do?

    You need to talk with the tax authorities in the countries to which you traveled and that of your home country. We are all end-users liek you and not Apple agents.

  • I am about to buy a 13" MacBook Pro with 256 GB SSD drive.  I want a i am about to buy a MacBook Pro Windows partition set up.  How large should it be, and can I use XP Pro or does it need to be Win 7 or 8?

    I am about to buy a 13" MacBook Pro with 256 GB SSD.  I want a Windows partition set up.  What size should it be, and can I load Win XP Pro or does it need to be Win 7 or 8?

    You can use XP but it has to be in a Virtual Machine and OS X as the host instead of as a dual boot system with XP in its own partition. That is how I run Windows on my Mac, in a Virtual Machine.
    Take a look at VritualBox from Oracle. It's free and works very well.

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