Show All Always?

I am so sick of having to click "Show All" or "Show More" since Mavericks release. I've looked every where is the some way to have it default to always "Show All"? I don't know why it doesn't anymore. It doesn't make it look cleaner. All it does is make me take extra time to access the file/folder I'm for.

Do you find that 'grouping by kind' in icon view helpful?
Personally I hate the 'All My files' style listing with the horizontal scrolling, it never shows me anything that I want to see. A computer that wastes my time is pointless
Finder views have their own options, 'View Menu > Show view options', but the arranged views do not have an option to remove those 'Show all (N)' buttons, it seems like you might be stuck with that if you use arrange to group.
Click the 'arrange' icon (to the left of the gear in your toolbar) and set that to 'none' to see all the folder content without the grouping.
I also prefer list view or column view (the 2nd & 3rd icons grouped together in your toolbar).

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    Message was edited by:
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    I know that option, select none for arrangment and select 'kind' for sort.
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    Hi Hans,
    If you got to the application, and under the properties tab you would find some radio buttons as :
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    Hello Veronica.
    Although possibly not related to your problem, I will remind you that the version of Firefox you are using at the moment has been discontinued and is no longer supported. Furthermore, it has known bugs and security problems. I urge you to update to the latest version of Firefox, for maximum stability, performance, security and usability. You can get it for free, as always, at [].
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    I'm also referring to parentH1 and parentH2, but perhaps we're still speaking of different things.
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    - 6.5.2008   00:00 -  6.5.2008 23:59   Task 1 (1 day duration)  in UTC
    - 7.5.2008   00:00 -  8.5.2008 23:59   Task 2 (2 day duration)  in UTC
    - 5.5.2008   00:00 -  9.5.2008 23:59   Task 3 (5 day duration)  in UTC
    The Demo User which logs in has TimeZone "Europe/Berlin". The Calendar has a dropdownbox where the user can select either "Facility" or "My TimeZone":
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    In "my timezone", he should see the 3 Tasks in his TimeZone (Europe/Berlin is UTC+2h at the moment) --> so the tasks are always from 02:00 - 01:59 for him.
    The Problem:
    When the sap.authentification is enabled and a user logs in, the "Facility" never shows me this Tasks in UTC. The Task is always shown in his timezone (02:00 - 01:59). But I have set UTC anywhere.
    In "my timezone", where i load the current user-timezone its shown from 00:00 - 23:59.
    I have absolutely no idea why the context element shows this always in user timezone
    (_context element "timezone" of the Calendar view is bound to my attribute "zeitzone"_)
    Here is the code part - I've debugged already. Everywhere is set UTC, but the Calendar always shows in userTime.
    private void fillCalendar(String zeitstring) //
            // check which mode is selected
            if (zeitstring == "Facility")
                // default should be UTC
                zeitzone = TimeZone.getDefault();
                zeitzone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(zeitzone.getID());
                // calenderinstanz in UTC
                Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance().getInstance(zeitzone);
                CctDate firstVisibleDate = new CctDate(new java.sql.Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis()));
                Time myTime = Time.valueOf("00:00:00");
                CctTime firstVisibleTime = new CctTime(myTime);
                // determine the startdate and starttime for the calendar
                TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
                IECCalendarInterface calendarInterface = new ExampleCalendarEntrySupplier();
                List calendarEntries = calendarInterface.getCalendarEntries();
                int i = 0;
                zeitzone = TimeZone.getDefault();
                for (Iterator iterator = calendarEntries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
                    ECCalendarEntry entry = (ECCalendarEntry);
                    CctCode timeZoneCode = new CctCode(tz.getDisplayName(), null, null, null, null, null);
                    CctDateTime startDate = new CctDateTime(entry.getMStartDate(), timeZoneCode, new Boolean("false"));
                    CctDateTime endDate = new CctDateTime(entry.getMEndDate(), timeZoneCode, new Boolean("false"));
                    zeitzone = TimeZone.getDefault();
                    createEntry(startDate, endDate, entry.getMTitle(), entry.getMDescription(), WDTableCellDesign.valueOf(i));
            else if (zeitstring == "My TimeZone")
                ISessionContext context = SessionContextFactory.create();
                zeitzone = context.getCurrentUser().getTimeZone();
                Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance().getInstance(zeitzone);
                CctDate firstVisibleDate = new CctDate(new java.sql.Date(calendar.getTimeInMillis()));
                Time myTime = Time.valueOf("00:00:00");
                CctTime firstVisibleTime = new CctTime(myTime);
                // determine the startdate and starttime for the calendar
                TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault();
                IECCalendarInterface calendarInterface = new ExampleCalendarEntrySupplier();
                List calendarEntries = calendarInterface.getCalendarEntries();
                int i = 0;
                for (Iterator iterator = calendarEntries.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
                    ECCalendarEntry entry = (ECCalendarEntry);
                    CctCode timeZoneCode1 = new CctCode(tz.getDisplayName(), null, null, null, null, null);
                    CctDateTime startDate = new CctDateTime(entry.getMStartDate(), timeZoneCode1, new Boolean("false"));
                    CctDateTime endDate = new CctDateTime(entry.getMEndDate(), timeZoneCode1, new Boolean("false"));
                    createEntry(startDate, endDate, entry.getMTitle(), entry.getMDescription(), WDTableCellDesign.valueOf(i));
    Thank you,
    I've tried to fix the problem nearly the whole day.
    I've debugged the fillCalendar()-Method while inserting the first Task:
    - Default Timezone is "UTC"!
    - zeitzone.ID and tz.ID are always set on "UTC"
    - timeZoneCode is "Koordinierte Universalzeit null null null null null" (koordinierte Universalzeit is German for UTC )
    - startDate : "06.05.2008 00:00:00 Koordinierte Universalzeit false"
    - endDate: "06.05.2008 23:59:00 Koordinierte Universalzeit false"
    - is set to "UTC"
    ---> The Calendar shows the task from 06.05.2008  02:00 to 07.05.2008  01.59
    Somewhere must stand my timezone and the calendar refuses to display the view in UTC!!! But where?
    Edited by: Daniel Mler on May 8, 2008 3:31 PM

    Hi Frank,
    Thanks for your reply.
    You can now look only at the code in the first IF-Condition: (Facility)
    I've just tried to replace "UTC" with "CST"... in debugger he calculates me the new times:
    startDate: 13.05.2008 05:00:00 Zentrale Normalzeit false
    endDate: 14.05.2008 04:59:00 Zentrale Normalzeit false  It works...
    The problem is only that the calendar contextelement doesn't set this new time now. It creates the task from 7:00 to 6:59 .... 2 hours later.
    These 2 hours are the difference from myTimeZone (the user i logged in: Europe/Berlin = UTC+2h) to UTC.
    So I want that the default timezone of the calender is UTC and not the timezone from the logged in user.
    But I can't logon without user (then it works!) because I need the User for another functionality (myTimeZone)

  • How to make "Show All" folders the default in Finder

    I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion and I'm having a lot of problems customizing my Finder folders to my liking. I love the new "Arrange By..." function, but the only thing that's bothering me is having to manually click "Show All" for my folders and files every time. Is there any way of making this the default setting?
    If not, is there an alternative way for keeping my folders locked in a set order? For example if I have the a main folder and within it are the subfolders "Art" "Music" "Photos" "Misc" can I have them so they always show up in that order and won't rearrange themselves everytime I add new files into the folder?
    I hope that question makes sense.
    I am referring to that Show All button just to be clear

    Hello Joe63, use the specific plugin from Mycroft Project
    * eBay UK en-GB ( by Mycroft Project [Review]
    thank you

  • Safari 5 doesn't show all images on a webpage

    I'm using Safari 5, and my Safari doesn't always show all the images on a webpage but shows a "blue question mark" instead of an image. sometime when I try to reload the webpage, the image (that was a blue question mark) appears but some other images become the "blue question mark".
    The "Display images when the page opens" checkbox is checked, the connection has no problems…
    I've tried on Safari 5 on my PC, and it doesn't have this problem, all the images loaded well. The problem seems like only appears in Safari on Mac.
    it's really annoying…
    Any idea, please.

    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons and click Reset. Relaunch Safari. Try loading a page now. If you still have problems...
    Web pages include a small icon or 'favicon' which is visible in the address bar and next to bookmarks. These icons take up disk space and slow Safari down. It is possible to erase the icons from your computer and start fresh. *To delete Safari's icon using the Finder, open your user folder, navigate to ~/Library/Safari/ and move this file "webpageIcons.db to the Trash.*
    Relaunch Safari and try again. If that didn't help...
    Go to the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari/Preferences. Make note of all the preferences under each tab. Quit Safari. Now go to ~/Library/Preferences and move this file to the Desktop.
    Relaunch Safari and see if that makes a difference. If not, move the .plist file back to the Preferences folder. If Safari functions as it should, move that .plist file to the Trash.
    If nothing above helps, login to another user account and try Safari there. If you have problems with pages loading correctly there, then it's a system wide problem. Hopefully not.

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