Show Menu bar selected state

Does anyone know how to show the selected state of a spry menubar butten when that button is clicked?

Spry does not provided such functionality nativly. So either add a extra "selected" class to your menu bar your self, or create a small JavaScript that does it for you..
For example a script that read the location; This example uses SpryDOMUtlis.js
Spry.$$('#id-of-your-menu-bar-here a').forEach(function(node){
          // if the location url, matches the href of the found <a> than add a "selected" class to the parentNode (LI)
          Spry.Utils.addClassName(node.parentNode, 'selected');
This is just piece of example code, it might work or might horribly fail. ;D

Similar Messages

  • Images Not Showing- Menu Bar- Please Help

    Hi, I have built a menu bar in fireworks cs4 and I have exported the file in html. I have a template all ready to go in dreamweaver and I am trying to add this menu bar to it. The html doc opens in dreamweaver fine when I right click on the file and open with dreamweaver. The issue is when I insert it into dreamweaver, the images are missing. In dreamweaver I go to insert and then Image Objects and then FIreworks HTML. It inserts the file but the images of the menu are not there. Can anyone please help? Thanks so much in advance!!
    here is the html code for the doc:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
    <html xmlns="">
    <title>Menu Bar.gif</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <!--Fireworks CS3 Dreamweaver CS3 target.  Created Wed Mar 17 08:58:22 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) 2010-->
    <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript" src="mm_css_menu.js"></script>
    <style type="text/css" media="screen">
    @import url("./Menu Bar.css");
    <body bgcolor="#000000">
    <div id="FWTableContainer1314331000">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="710">
    <!-- fwtable fwsrc="Menu Bar.png" fwpage="Page 1" fwbase="Menu Bar.gif" fwstyle="Dreamweaver" fwdocid = "1314331000" fwnested="0" -->
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="128" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="10" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="128" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="37" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="128" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="17" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="128" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="6" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="128" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" /></td>
       <td><a href="javascript:;" onmouseout="MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onmouseover="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0317085449_0', 'MMMenu0317085449_0',0,25,'MenuBar_r1_c1');"><img name="MenuBar_r1_c1" src="../Menu%20Bar_r1_c1.gif" width="128" height="25" border="0" id="MenuBar_r1_c1" alt="" /></a></td>
       <td valign="top"><p style="margin:0px"></p></td>
       <td><a href="javascript:;" onmouseout="MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onmouseover="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0317085449_1', 'MMMenu0317085449_1',0,25,'MenuBar_r1_c3');"><img name="MenuBar_r1_c3" src="../Menu%20Bar_r1_c3.gif" width="128" height="25" border="0" id="MenuBar_r1_c3" alt="" /></a></td>
       <td valign="top"><p style="margin:0px"></p></td>
       <td><a href="javascript:;" onmouseout="MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onmouseover="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0317085449_2', 'MMMenu0317085449_2',0,25,'MenuBar_r1_c5');"><img name="MenuBar_r1_c5" src="../Menu%20Bar_r1_c5.gif" width="128" height="25" border="0" id="MenuBar_r1_c5" alt="" /></a></td>
       <td valign="top"><p style="margin:0px"></p></td>
       <td><a href="javascript:;" onmouseout="MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onmouseover="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0317085448_3', 'MMMenu0317085448_3',0,25,'MenuBar_r1_c7');"><img name="MenuBar_r1_c7" src="../Menu%20Bar_r1_c7.gif" width="128" height="25" border="0" id="MenuBar_r1_c7" alt="" /></a></td>
       <td valign="top"><p style="margin:0px"></p></td>
       <td><a href="javascript:;" onmouseout="MM_menuStartTimeout(1000);" onmouseover="MM_menuShowMenu('MMMenuContainer0317085448_4', 'MMMenu0317085448_4',0,25,'MenuBar_r1_c9');"><img name="MenuBar_r1_c9" src="../Menu%20Bar_r1_c9.gif" width="128" height="25" border="0" id="MenuBar_r1_c9" alt="" /></a></td>
       <td><img src="../spacer.gif" width="1" height="25" border="0" alt="" /></td>
    <div id="MMMenuContainer0317085449_0">
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    I figured it out.
    I just had to move the foler and exported it again and it works now.

  • Dreamweaver Spry menu bar focus state

    How do I keep the link highlighted when I am on that page using the Spry menu bar feature in DreamWeaver CS5.5?
    Thank you,

    I understand what you are saying but do not have a clue how to implement this script. I am more on the designer end of things. I am comfortable editing CSS but this is a bit out of my radar. How do I make a separate SpryDOMUtils.js file?
    What and where of this info do I copy into my html file?
    Here are the pages I am trying to get this to work on. On this page I want the Dwell link on the left to be the orange color:
    Thank you for your time.

  • I am not able to view the default view of FF 4.0, It is showing menu bar with the windows border. When i turn off menu bar, the strip which should be present above the tabs goes missing.

    I have recently downloaded FF 4.0 and using a lot of add-ons. I am not able to view the default view of FF 4.0 with no menu bar. Even after turning off the menu bar from customization, I am able to see only the tabs and FF button, but not the strip over the tabs.

    When you hide the menu bar to display the Firefox button, the titlebar (strip above the tabs) is only displayed if the Firefox window is not maximized. If you always want the Window titlebar, you can use the Firefox 4 UI Fixer extension -

  • Os 10.7 firefox window shows menu bars only on new login

    when I login on our multiuser computer, firefox which was previously open in a full window, is now at the bottom of the screen with only the toolbars showing. You have to drag the actual firefox window open.

    You can also try to remove the Firefox plist file (org.mozilla.firefox.plist).
    * How .plist files become corrupt and troubleshooting the results
    Go to "Library > Preferences" and remove the plist file for Firefox (org.mozilla.firefox.plist).

  • Unable to click elements in menu bar when toggling (with alt) from hidden state

    I've put few elements in normally hidden menu bar, like "RSS icon" or "Downloaded files icon". After showing menu bar they look properly (e.g. icons highlight on mouse over), but won't execute action - menu bar will hide upon click on them.
    I've also put search bar there, selecting items from it works properly, after opening select search engine all other elements start to work, yet, after executing an action menu bar won't hide again until some menu is opened and closed. At the moment I'm using FF 5.0, but problem exists in 6.0 as well

    *bug541844(fix with autohide menubar):

  • Normal State Button Shows Selected State At Loop Point

    My menu shows the Normal State Button Shows as the selected state At Loop Point. I want it to show for instance black until it is selected then "rollover" to red. TIA for any help.

    There are two ways that you can do this without resorting to using a layer based shape or a layer based menu.
    First, you need to decide if it is important for the logo to appear in full colour or if you can get away with a single colour instance of it appearing. If the answer to this is that a single colour is OK, then use a standard overlay menu. Otehrwise, try using a masked overlay menu (there are limitations...)
    With a standard overlay, the background image is as you want it to appear without anything selected - all shapes and text, etc, should be in place as if no button is chosen.
    You then create the overlay, which is a simple .pict file that is the size of the menu. On this you simply place as many instances of the logo as you need - create them in black or grayscale and don't add anything else. The overlay will be mostly white with the black or gray shapes on it.
    Add this to your menu in DVDSP and drag out the button rectangles to cover the background text and the overlay shape. When the button is selected, the logo shape will show up, but will not show in the normal state.
    You can get the logo to be whatever colour you need by using the colour mapping within the property inspector for the button.
    If you definitley need a full colour logo to appear, you can either use a layer based photoshop menu, or use overlay masks:
    be aware that there are some limitations when using the masking technique - but all is explained in that tutorial.

  • Spry vertical menu bar size issue

    hello world,
    i've got a beautiful layout with a lefthand menu section that i would love to behave with pop-out menus.
    the entire design was crafted lovingly in fireworks and then exported as html with images, then opened in dreamweaver - looks great!
    remove the image that was in the slice where the menu will go, check.
    place cursor and select insert>spry>menu bar, select orientation, check.
    remove extraneous menu items in the properties inspector, check.
    and then, the problem...the box where "Item 1" (which will become my first button) is too big and shifts the entire table out of shape.
    i've edited the box sizes in the following CSS items:
    ul.MenuBarVertical li
    ul.MenuBarVertical a
    sometimes i can get it close to it being in-shape with no shifting if i make the menu box smaller than the image that will go in it, looks great in DW but it is then shifted down by a considerable amount when previewing in browers. any pointers will be greatly appreciated.

    hi hans
    i can't upload at the moment, don't have the password to the site at the moment.
    for now the best i can do is post the CSS, and let you know that the size of the image i'd like to place in the parent spry menu is 168w x 32h (in px)
    i hope this isn't too much goes:
    /* The outermost container of the Menu Bar, a fixed width box with no margin or padding */
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        list-style-type: none;
        font-size: 100%;
        cursor: default;
        width: 150px;
        height: 25px;
    /* Set the active Menu Bar with this class, currently setting z-index to accomodate IE rendering bug: */ 
        z-index: 1000; 
    /* Menu item containers, position children relative to this container and are same fixed width as parent */ 
    ul.MenuBarVertical li 
        margin: 0; 
        padding: 0; 
        list-style-type: none; 
        font-size: 100%; 
        position: relative; 
        text-align: left; 
        cursor: pointer; 
        width: 150px; 
        height: 25px; 
    /* Submenus should appear slightly overlapping to the right (95%) and up (-5%) with a higher z-index, but they are initially off the left side of the screen (-1000em) */ 
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul 
        margin: -5% 0 0 95%; 
        padding: 0; 
        list-style-type: none; 
        font-size: 100%; 
        position: absolute; 
        z-index: 1020; 
        cursor: default; 
        width: 8.2em; 
        left: -1000em; 
        top: 0; 
    /* Submenu that is showing with class designation MenuBarSubmenuVisible, we set left to 0 so it comes onto the screen */ 
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul.MenuBarSubmenuVisible 
        left: 0; 
    /* Menu item containers are same fixed width as parent */ 
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul li 
        width: 8.2em; 
    DESIGN INFORMATION: describes color scheme, borders, fonts 
    /* Outermost menu container has borders on all sides */
        border: 1px solid #CCC;
    /* Submenu containers have borders on all sides */
    ul.MenuBarVertical ul
        border: 1px solid #CCC;
    /* Menu items are a light gray block with padding and no text decoration */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a
        display: block;
        cursor: pointer;
        background-color: #EEE;
        color: #333;
        text-decoration: none;
        height: 25px;
        width: 150px;
        padding-top: 0.5em;
        padding-right: 0.75em;
        padding-bottom: 0.5em;
        padding-left: 0.75em;
    /* Menu items that have mouse over or focus have a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a:hover, ul.MenuBarVertical a:focus
        background-color: #33C;
        color: #FFF;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus are set to MenuBarItemHover with a blue background and white text */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover, ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarSubmenuVisible
        background-color: #33C;
        color: #FFF;
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenu
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRight.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;
    /* Menu items that are open with submenus have the class designation MenuBarItemSubmenuHover and are set to use a "hover" background image positioned on the far left (95%) and centered vertically (50%) */
    ul.MenuBarVertical a.MenuBarItemSubmenuHover
        background-image: url(SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-position: 95% 50%;

  • IMac first shows progress bar on startup and then won't start up at all!

    My iMac's somewhat ill I'm afraid. When I power it up, the Apple gong goes and I see the grey Apple logo appear. Few seconds later an progress bar shows up and it doesn't fill, in a minute it'll just disappears and the spinning thing under the logo appears. I've been waiting for over an hour and still nothing happened. I've tried force-powering it off and boot it up again, but still the same results, this is very very very annoying, especially since I don't know what to do at all about this expect for a complete clean install, but that'll be the last option I want, because all my photo's are on it, etc.
    I've installed, an complete clean install, of Snow Leopard a month or two ago, and yesterday I powered the computer off the regular way.
    Thanks a lot in advance you guys!
    Another weird thing going on: I have my hard drive configured in two partition, one for Windows (sorry, needed to run AutoCad) and one for Mac OS. Now when I start up with the option button I get to see the two partitions and their names. My Mac drive now has got a different name, it's the same name, but with a " 1" behind it.
    When I select the partition on Windows Vista, it now shows these disturbing folders:
    Message was edited by: RobinZ.

    HI and Welcome to Apple Discussions...
    Boot from your install disc and run Disk Utiity to see if there are errors on the startup disk that need repairing.
    Insert your install disk and Restart, holding down the "C" key until grey Apple appears.
    Go to Installer menu and launch Disk Utility.
    Select your HDD (manufacturer ID) in the left panel.
    Select First Aid in the Main panel.
    *(Check S.M.A.R.T Status of HDD at the bottom of right panel. It should say: Verified)*
    Click Repair Disk on the bottom right.
    If DU reports disk does not need repairs quit DU and restart.
    If DU reports errors Repair again and again until DU reports disk is repaired.
    When you are finished with DU, from the Menu Bar, select Utilities/Startup Manager.
    Select your start up disk and click Restart
    While you have the Disk Utility window open, look at the bottom of the window. Where you see Capacity and Available. *Make sure there is always 10% to 15% free disk space*
    If you cannot boot from your install disc, try booting in Safe Mode
    What is Safe Mode
    *" because all my photo's are on it, etc."*
    If you can get the iMac to boot normally I suggest you back up those photos and any other important data to an external source ASAP in case there's a problem.
    No idea why you are seeing those folders in Windows. Boot from your install disc and see what's going on.

  • When I turn on the mac there is no menu bar look that picture!
    Someone has this problem?

    Hey there Iboppie,
    It sounds like you need to have the menu bar showing in iTunes. This article will help you with that:
    iTunes: Turning on iTunes menus in Windows 8 and 7
    To turn on iTunes menus in Windows 8 or 7, do one of the following:
    Press the Alt key.
    This will turn the menus on and off temporarily. This will change back to the default, the iTunes menus being turned off, when you next close iTunes.
    To keep the iTunes menus active, change the setting by selecting the Menu icon in the upper-left, and then selecting Show Menu Bar. Alternatively, you can press Control-B.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • I have a VI with menu barattached i want to remove the menu bar.I am able to remove the menu bar in run continuously mode.but not in normal mode how do i do it in normal mode

    I have a VI with menu bar.I am able to remove menu bar in continuous mode by setting window appearence.But i want the menu bar to be removed at normal mode also.How do i do it

    You can trun off the menu while the VI is running by going into the VI properties (right click on the VI icon and select 'Properties). Then from the Catagory selestion box, select Window Appearance, click the Customize button, then uncheck the Show Menu Bar check box and hit OK twice. That shold do it.
    Note that this will only turn off the menu while the VI is running. The standard menu will always be showing when the VI is not running.
    Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
    Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.

  • My safari menu bar disappeared. Any ideas how to get it back?

    The safari menu bar normally at the top of the screen has disappeared suddenly and i dont know how to get ut back. has this happened before or does anyone have ideas on how to fix it?

    App icons at the bottom of the page? Do you mean the icons in your Dock?
    Check System Preferences > Dock
    See if you have: Automatically hide and show the Dock selected.
    Which Mac OS X do you have installed?
    And check System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver
    See if you have:   Translucent menu bar   selected.

  • Photoshop Elements Menu Bar Troublehsooting

    Hey everyone, first time poster here. I have a question concerning a recurring problem that I'm having with Photoshop Elements 4.0's Menu Bar (File, Edit, etc.) I bought Elements 4.0 new in 2005 and have used it often since without upgrading because it still does what I need it to do for graphic design and photo restoration projects, but often, Elements' Menu Bar will lock up after increasingly shorter sessions of use. I can still use photo editing functions in the fields on the left & right, but the Menu Bar's buttons will flicker and not open when I click on them. When this happens, Elements won't close without Task Manager, and I can't use certain keyboard shortcuts on open projects (i.e. I can copy work suing Ctrl + C but I can't save it in Elements using Ctrl + S.) An unistallation and re-installation does solve the problem at first, but the frozen/flickering Menu Bar does return eventually
    I don't want to buy a whole new version of Photoshop if I don't have to, so I was wondering if this was a recurring or fixable problem that I can correct, or is this a sign that I should get Elements 11 or 12? I'm running an HP Touchsmart 300 computer with Windows 7, and it flawlessly runs Elements 4.0 despite it's age aside from the aforementioned problem. This has been a recurring issue for over a year, but only now is it getting to a frequency rate where I can't move around it easily. I can provide other information if it's at all helpful, and thanks for any advance assistance!

    First, thank you lundberg2 for moving this to the right forum, I didn't know that Elements had a separate forum.
    I did delete the preference file for Elements 4.0, though not the way you gave because the Alt+Ctrl+Shift command didn't work on this version. I did it manually by deleting the Adobe Photoshop Elements 4 Prefs.psp file located in AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Photoshop Elements/4.0/Editor. This did help temporarily, but the problem returned after steady use today on restoring old family photos. Menu Bar buttons still just highlight and flicker, work can't be saved directly, and Elements won't close. I did notice that sometimes, changing the active tool on the left would get the Menu Bar selections open, but not all worked as normal, and the problem returned if I changed tools. Is there another possible fix/remedy that I could try?

  • Need menu bar on BOTH displays when using external monitor

    How can I have the menu bar on BOTH displays without using the "Mirror Display" mode???
    I bought a Thunderbolt and use it with my MBA. It works fine overall but this is still like having one display instead of two. A real downer!!
    There are 2 modes:
    Mirror Displays: (identical screen: why waste valuable screen realestate?)
    "Normal" mode: where it gives you access to the 2 monitors independently (you can move apps. windows and locate them on any screen you want).
    In the "Normal" mode, you can move the menu bar from one display to the other but it does not resolve the problem. We need TWO menu bars, which work identical and can be used on whatever display the mouse cursor happens to be.
    Currently, let's say I have applications A & B displaying on MBA, applications C & D displaying on TB, and the Menu Bar on TB. It is a nightmare to work!!!! Anytime I want to work on A or B I have to move the mouse side way to get to the MBA, then to use the menu, I can't even move up into the TB all the way to the menu bar: I have to move through the side onto the TB then up to the menu bar, select, down through the TB, side way to the MBA, and on and on and on....
    Anybody knows how to duplicate a functional menu bar without Mirror Display?
    Anyway of simplifying this nightmare?

    I asked the same question a few days ago, got some other options then ...
    Many many things to try ...

  • Unwanted shadow around menu bar.

    I'm sure this is an easy fix, but I can't get rid of the stroke or back shadow that is on my content menu. I attached a screen shot. Anyone know what I'm missing here? And can I just say, I HATE the change Muse made in asking questions! It took me 10 minutes to figure out how to even ask this question!

    Depends on where the stroke is applied. You can set a stroke & fill on the menu bar itself, or each menu item, or the text frame inside the menu item. Here's an example menu bar with a different stroke/fill on each of those things:
    The first click on the menu bar selects the menu bar, then you can change the fill stroke for the bar itself(brown & red in my example).
    If you click again, you should get a menu item selected, and you can change that stroke/fill(yellow & green in my example).
    If you click again on the text, you should get the text frame selected and you can change that stroke/fill(orange & blue-grey in my example).
    Hope that helps.

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    as the title... i wanna send text message from mac os 10.10(IMAC or Mac book air) is it only support imessage? anyway, sometimes i will receive message just like this... but i can't reply it on Mac...Is it possible to reply please help! thanks for at

  • My web brower is not supported???

    I work from home and am a first time Mac owner. One of the companies I work with has an online rating system I need to use on a regular basis. I tried to get into today for the first time and it says my web brower is not supported. I called them and

  • Ugly code - teach me :-)

    Hi, I have the follow code in my Session Facade: Software os = (Software)em.createNamedQuery("Software.findById").setParameter("softwareId", operatingSystem).getSingleResult();                 hardware.setOperatingSystem(os);Now, calling getSingleRes

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  • Is there a tutorial on the knife tool

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