Showing a movie clip

Hi. I've added a video clip to a web page. It is a quicktime
movie. At the bottom of the frame is a video controller (Stop,
Forward, FF, RW). Is there a way to remove that controller from the
bottom of the frame, and either place it somewhere else, or add a
separate control somewhere else?
This shows the current implementation in which the controls
get in the way of the picture:
Video Clip

Yes, the ColorPicker would be great, except as far as I can tell there's no way to assign names to the colors in my custom data provider. The user needs to know the name of the color (eg. P01 - Wisteria), but the ColorPicker only shows the hex values. Unless there's a way to change that?
Repasting the two code chunks from above, which didn't display properly:
Works, but doesn't show swatches:
TileList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, changeColor);
var colorBox:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
function changeColor(e:Event):void{  
   colorBox.color =;
   box_mc.transform.colorTransform = colorBox; }
Shows swatches, but doesn't work:
var aBoxes:Array = new Array(); var i:uint = 0;
var printColorHex:Array = new Array(0xfac9c2, 0xFF0000, 0x0000CC, 0x00CC00, 0xFFFF00);
var printColorNames:Array = new Array("R-01 Pale Coral", "Cranberry", "Sky", "Forest", "July");
var dpPrintColors:DataProvider = new DataProvider();
for(i=0; i < printColorHex.length; i++) {
     aBoxes[i] = new MovieClip();
     drawBox(aBoxes[i], printColorHex[i]);    // draw box w next color in array
     dpPrintColors.addItem( {label:printColorNames[i], source:aBoxes[i]} );
aTl.dataProvider = dpPrintColors;
function drawBox(box:MovieClip,color:uint):void {
   , 1.0);
   , 0, 140, 60);

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  • How to stop a slideshow and show another movie clip at the end?

    Currently my slideshow is in a loop. At the end of last slideshow, I want to show another movie clip (End_mv) that's on another layer. How do I do that? My current scripts are below:
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    //change scale on an image
    var fadeTween:Tween;
    //To slide in on X axis
    var slideXTween:Tween;
    //To slide in on Y axis
    var slideYTween:Tween;
    //To fade IN
    var alphaTween:Tween;
    //To get bigger on its X axis
    var scaleXTween:Tween;
    //To get bigger on its Y axis
    var scaleYTween:Tween;
    //var fadeTween:Tween;
    //description place holder
    var strDescrp:String;
    //source place holder
    var strSource:String;
    //x poistion
    var posX:Number;
    //y position
    var posY:Number;
    //degree rotation
    var degreeRot:Number;
    // delay between slides
    //const TIMER_DELAY:int = 5000;
    var TIMER_DELAY:int = 5000;
    // fade time between slides
    const FADE_TIME:int = 3;
    // reference to the current slider container
    var currentContainer:Sprite;
    // index of the current slide
    var intCurrentSlide:int = -1;
    // total slides
    var intSlideCount:int;
    // timer for switching slides
    var slideTimer:Timer;
    // slides holder
    var sprContainer1:Sprite;
    var sprContainer2:Sprite;
    // slides loader
    var slideLoader:Loader;
    // url to slideshow xml
    var strXMLPath:String = "lstHouse.xml";
    // slideshow xml loader
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
    // slideshow xml
    var xmlSlideshow:XML;
    var txtField:TextField = new TextField();
    var formatText:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    //start of sound section is for sound
    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("PaukenBrumfiel_AngelsOnHigh.mp3");
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    //end of sound section
    function onComplete(event:Event):void;
    function init():void
        // create new urlloader for xml file
        xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
        // add listener for complete event
        xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoadComplete);
        // load xml file
        xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(strXMLPath));
        // create new timer with delay from constant
        slideTimer = new Timer(TIMER_DELAY);
        // add event listener for timer event
        slideTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, switchSlide);
        // create 2 container sprite which will hold the slides and
        // add them to the masked movieclip
        sprContainer1 = new Sprite();
        sprContainer2 = new Sprite();   
        // keep a reference of the container which is currently
        // in the front
        currentContainer = sprContainer2;
    function onXMLLoadComplete(event:Event):void
        // create new xml with the received data
        xmlSlideshow = new XML(;
        // get total slide count
        intSlideCount = xmlSlideshow..image.length();
        // switch the first slide without a delay
    function fadeSlideIn(e:Event):void {
        // add loaded slide from slide loader to the
        // current container
        // clear preloader text
        //mcInfo.lbl_loading.text = "";
        // fade the current container in and start the slide timer
        // when the tween is finished
        //Tweener.addTween(currentContainer, {alpha:1, time:FADE_TIME, onComplete:function() { slideTimer.start(); }});       
        //strSource = xmlSlideshow.image[intCurrentSlide].@src;
        fadeTween = new Tween(currentContainer, "alpha", Regular.easeInOut, 0, 1, 2, true)
        //scale = new Tween(currentContainer, "alpha", Regular.easeInOut, 0, 1, 2, true)
    function switchSlide(e:Event):void
        // check, if the timer is running (needed for the
        // very first switch of the slide)
        // check if we have any slides left and increment
        // current slide index
        if(intCurrentSlide + 1 < intSlideCount)
        // if not, start slideshow from beginning
            intCurrentSlide = 0;
        // check which container is currently in the front and
        // assign currentContainer to the one that's in the back with
        // the old slide
        if(currentContainer == sprContainer2)
            currentContainer = sprContainer1;
            currentContainer = sprContainer2;
        // hide the old slide
        currentContainer.alpha = 0;
        // bring the old slide to the front
        mcSlideHolder.swapChildren(sprContainer2, sprContainer1);
        strDescrp = xmlSlideshow.image[intCurrentSlide].@desc;
        //strSource = xmlSlideshow.image[intCurrentSlide].@src;
        //txtField.border = true;
        //txtField.x = 0;
        //txtField.y = 600;
        txtField.width = 855;
        txtField.height = 200;   
        //txtField.background = true;
        //txtField.backgroundColor = 0xEE9A00;
        txtField.alpha = 20;
        txtField.text = strDescrp;
        formatText.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
        //txtField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
        formatText.color = 0x000;
        formatText.size = 30;
        txtField.x = 0;
        txtField.y = 550;
        posX = 0;
        posY = 0;
        degreeRot = 0;
        // create a new loader for the slide
        slideLoader = new Loader();
        // add event listener when slide is loaded
        slideLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fadeSlideIn);
        // load the next slide
        slideLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlSlideshow.image[intCurrentSlide].@src));   
    // init slideshow

    I got this error:
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
        at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/swapChildren()
        at University_Advancement_Holiday_Greeting2012_fla::MainTimeline/switchSlide()
        at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
        at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
    And here's the code:
    // import tweener
    //import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    //change scale on an image
    var fadeTween:Tween;
    //To slide in on X axis
    var slideXTween:Tween;
    //To slide in on Y axis
    var slideYTween:Tween;
    //To fade IN
    var alphaTween:Tween;
    //To get bigger on its X axis
    var scaleXTween:Tween;
    //To get bigger on its Y axis
    var scaleYTween:Tween;
    //var fadeTween:Tween;
    //description place holder
    var strDescrp:String;
    //source place holder
    var strSource:String;
    //x poistion
    var posX:Number;
    //y position
    var posY:Number;
    //degree rotation
    var degreeRot:Number;
    // delay between slides
    //const TIMER_DELAY:int = 5000;
    var TIMER_DELAY:int = 5000;
    // fade time between slides
    const FADE_TIME:int = 3;
    // reference to the current slider container
    var currentContainer:Sprite;
    // index of the current slide
    var intCurrentSlide:int = -1;
    // total slides
    var intSlideCount:int;
    // timer for switching slides
    var slideTimer:Timer;
    // slides holder
    var sprContainer1:Sprite;
    var sprContainer2:Sprite;
    // slides loader
    var slideLoader:Loader;
    // url to slideshow xml
    var strXMLPath:String = "lstHouse.xml";
    // slideshow xml loader
    var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
    // slideshow xml
    var xmlSlideshow:XML;
    var txtField:TextField = new TextField();
    var formatText:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    //var myEnding:MovieClip = stage.getChildByName('End_mc') as MovieClip;
    //start of sound section is for sound
    var soundReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("PaukenBrumfiel_AngelsOnHigh.mp3");
    var sound:Sound = new Sound();
    sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
    //end of sound section
    function onComplete(event:Event):void;
    function init():void
        //reference my movie clip "End_mc" oon the stage and turn its visibility off
        MovieClip(getChildByName('End_mc')).visible = false;
        // create new urlloader for xml file
        xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
        // add listener for complete event
        xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoadComplete);
        // load xml file
        xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(strXMLPath));
        // create new timer with delay from constant
        slideTimer = new Timer(TIMER_DELAY);
        // add event listener for timer event
        slideTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, switchSlide);
        // create 2 container sprite which will hold the slides and
        // add them to the masked movieclip
        sprContainer1 = new Sprite();
        sprContainer2 = new Sprite();   
        // keep a reference of the container which is currently
        // in the front
        currentContainer = sprContainer2;
    //function onXMLLoadComplete(e:Event):void
    function onXMLLoadComplete(event:Event):void
        // create new xml with the received data
        xmlSlideshow = new XML(;
        // get total slide count
        intSlideCount = xmlSlideshow..image.length();
        // switch the first slide without a delay
    function fadeSlideIn(e:Event):void {
        // add loaded slide from slide loader to the
        // current container
        // clear preloader text
        //mcInfo.lbl_loading.text = "";
        // fade the current container in and start the slide timer
        // when the tween is finished
        //Tweener.addTween(currentContainer, {alpha:1, time:FADE_TIME, onComplete:function() { slideTimer.start(); }});       
        //strSource = xmlSlideshow.image[intCurrentSlide].@src;
        fadeTween = new Tween(currentContainer, "alpha", Regular.easeInOut, 0, 1, 2, true)
        //scale = new Tween(currentContainer, "alpha", Regular.easeInOut, 0, 1, 2, true)
    function switchSlide(e:Event):void
        // check, if the timer is running (needed for the
        // very first switch of the slide)
        // ADDED: Check if using sprContainer2 and at the last slide
        //if ((currentContainer == sprContainer2) && (intCurrentSlide == intSlideCount))
        trace("Current Slide: " + intCurrentSlide);
        trace("SlideCount: " + intSlideCount);
        if ((currentContainer == sprContainer2) && ((intCurrentSlide + 1) == intSlideCount))
            // hide the slideshow (and other related elements, or remove them if desired)
            //mcSlideHolder.visible = false;
            // remove any clips directly inside slideshow (any timers/etc need to be stopped too)
             while (mcSlideHolder.numChildren > 0)
            // I do see a var named 'sound' playing so you might want to:
             //sound = null;
            // etc any other slideshow-only elements to hide/remove..
            // play your movie
            MovieClip(getChildByName('End_mc')).visible = true;
        // check if we have any slides left and increment
        // current slide index
        if(intCurrentSlide + 1 < intSlideCount)
        // if not, start slideshow from beginning
            intCurrentSlide = 0;
        // check which container is currently in the front and
        // assign currentContainer to the one that's in the back with
        // the old slide
        if(currentContainer == sprContainer2)
            currentContainer = sprContainer1;
            currentContainer = sprContainer2;
        // hide the old slide
        currentContainer.alpha = 0;
        // bring the old slide to the front
        mcSlideHolder.swapChildren(sprContainer2, sprContainer1);
        strDescrp = xmlSlideshow.image[intCurrentSlide].@desc;
        //strSource = xmlSlideshow.image[intCurrentSlide].@src;
        //txtField.border = true;
        //txtField.x = 0;
        //txtField.y = 600;
        txtField.width = 855;
        txtField.height = 200;   
        //txtField.background = true;
        //txtField.backgroundColor = 0xEE9A00;
        txtField.alpha = 20;
        txtField.text = strDescrp;
        formatText.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
        //txtField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
        formatText.color = 0x000;
        formatText.size = 30;
        txtField.x = 0;
        txtField.y = 550;
        posX = 0;
        posY = 0;
        degreeRot = 0;
        // create a new loader for the slide
        slideLoader = new Loader();
        // add event listener when slide is loaded
        slideLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fadeSlideIn);
        // add event listener for the progress
        //slideLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, showProgress);
        // load the next slide
        slideLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlSlideshow.image[intCurrentSlide].@src));   
    // init slideshow

  • TS4455 Why IMovie no longer shows all movie clips from movies from Kodak camera

    I am on an IMac 10.6.8   2.16 ghz intel core 2 duo with 3 gb memory
    I am using IMovie 11  (9.0.4)
    My camera is a Kodak Playsport shooting hd video
    On all of over 300 videos I have shot previously IMovie worked perfectly.
    On the last 3 movies imported from the camera, I movie loads the preview and I can drag it into the stage but instead of opening up and showing all of the clips, it remains a single image exactly as it displays in the playlist
    Nothing I click opens the frames.  Thus the only want to edit is to open the file into the fine editing frame
    But this is not as easy as it was before where I could see the clip and make the edits right there on the stage.
    What has changed?   What am I doing wrong?

    Hello awebstore,
    It may be that the view in your Project environment has been zoomed out.
    iMovie '11: Resize thumbnail images
    Hope this helps,

  • Problems coding a button within a movie clip to navigate scenes

    Hello there! I've got another probably noobish question to ask about CS6.
    My goal is very similar to the one mentioned in this previously discussed forum question: and also in this question
    I am attempting to make a button inside a movie clip in my first scene go when clicked to the first frame of my second scene. I named the button's instance menu_button_1 and I believe Scene 1 and Scene 2 are the names of the scenes. (If they should have special names or instance names, I did not see where to type them.) Because of the similarities, I attempted to follow the suggestions on those pages. However I probably did some small thing wrong, (Or heck, maybe a huge thing.) which I what I'd like help with to find.
    myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    function clickHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    gotoAndStop(1, "Scene 1");
    This seemed to be what was suggested to enter. I attempted to modify it to work for me as well. This is what I typed for the button's action.
    menu_button_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    function clickHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    gotoAndPlay(1, "Scene 2");
    (I removed the stop function because I have music looping in the movie clip that I want to play until the mouse is clicked.) (Also, I picked gotoandplay because I wanted scene 2 to start playing immediately when clicked rather than stopping.)
    I tried variations, including "2" instead of "scene 2" and whatnot. I also tried linking it to differnet places just to see if that would work. It seems like it could link if I only asked for a frame within the movie clip itself, but it couldn't go to any other frames in scene 1 or scene 2. When I attempt, this message is displayed in the output:
    ArgumentError: Error #2108: Scene 2 was not found.
        at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
        at interactivestgermant_fla::menu_1/clickHandler()
    It seems it cannot find my Scene 2. (It also cannot seem to find Scene 1 when I prompt it to do that.) I'm afraid I'm not sure of what I've entered incorrectly, though I'd imagine it involves how I typed the scene navigation. Should it have an instance name or something? I'd very muchappreciate a push in the right direction. If you need any more info I'll be happy to provide it. Thanks for the help! I very much appreciate it.

    I bet you're absolutely right. However I am not sure how I am misnaming it, as to my ametuer eyes, it seems to be entered properly into the properties box? It does show up as "menu" written in white over the keyframes and also in the properties slot. I can include some images here to help out in correcting me.   This image shows my movie clip. This seems to be the problem it's having, identifying "menu." Did I do that incorrectly? It looks to be in order. This is inside of the movie clip named menu. You can see I did the same to name the button menu_button_1.   This shows the action I gave to menu_button_1 in which I attempt to have it naviagte to Scene 1 frame 493.  This shows where I'd like the button to go to. (It is hard to tell if that's frame 493 or 492. I figured that it should be ok either way and if this frame is 492 then it's easily changed once I get the darn thing working in general) (Also, I named the layer "peanuts." I tired entering the name "peanuts" as well but it didn't seem to work either, so I figured "493" is easier since I know that you can go to a specific frame by doing gotoandplay("scene 1" , #) and I'm not sure if it requires any additional stuff to go to a name.    These are the errors I get. I totally agree with you- It seems very much to be an issue of getting it to recognize the "menu." However I am unsure where I named something wrong. Is this enough info to help you perhaps point out where that is?

  • Movie Clip in swf won't show animation in adobe premiere pro cs4

    Hi, I am new to this forum and as well as a beginner user of adobe premiere pro cs4. I am recently making a animation using Adobe Flash CS5, I've been using movie clips symbol to create all the movement of the character, background and stuff. Unfortunately, swf movies exported from Adobe Flash CS5 do not show any animation at all in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4. I have to use movie clips symbol instead of graphic symbol because filters can be added to a movie clip symbol but not graphic symbol. Is there any way to help making the movie clip symbol to be shown in Adobe Premiere Pro CS4? Your help is much appreciated.

    Check Flash help in the "video" section, specifically "moving content between" PR and FL. (I was looking at CS4, but it must be there in CS5 help as well.)
    Your movie is to be watched on a TV?  I would do this in After Effects. because you'll lose most of the flash functionality once you go to video anyway,

  • Not all my movie clips are showing up on the stage or playing

    II have 8 movie clips in 8 separate layers on my stage; they
    are set to play one after the other. First problem - even though i
    can see them all on the stage in my Flash document, when i test the
    movie, only the first 5 clips are visible, and these are the only
    ones that play through.
    why aren't the other 3 even showing up??
    i can upload the file if necessary...

    i have been looking at yer FLA for 5 min and i have no idea
    after looking at your codes and MC setup
    why it wont work.
    I copied just one of the offending images to a new FLA and
    tested it and it works fine...have to get
    back to some client projects but will return to your problem
    --> Adobe Certified Expert *ACE*
    BullocksTroy wrote:
    > i'm using version 8, but i just uploaded a version for
    > <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge
    > href="">
    > CCBannerMX.fla</a>

  • Formats for movie clip used in PSE 4 slide show

    Still finding it difficult to find documentation of what formats are supported for using digital camera movie clips in PSE 4 slide show.
    The movie file from my Canon camera is 640 x 480, 30 fps Motion JPEG and has a .AVI extension. I am able to use it "as is" in a PSE 4 slide show. However, sometimes I need to trim the movie clip in Windows Movie Maker 2 in order to keep only the best part.
    My question is what parameters can I specify to save my movie clip in Movie Maker 2 so that I can use it as a movie clip in a Photoshop Elements 4 slide show that will be saved as a WMV file?
    Barb O

    Karin Sue,
    >Also, are the projects saved in a folder somewhere, or only as part of the Catalog?"
    The definition of the "project", which is the "Creation" in Organizer terms is saved only in the Catalog.
    >If you publish your creation as a pdf or wmv they are saved in the folder you designate. Once published, I don't believe there is any way to edit. If you save the creation, you can go back and edit and republish if you like.
    Yes, the WMV or PDF file is saved in the folder that you designate. You are correct that if you save the Creation, you can go back and re-edit. When you Save the Creation gets a thumbnail within the Organizer photo well and you can click on the thumbnail to go back in to the Creation process make modifications and save a new WMV or PDF file.
    Note: that the Save window documents that the PDF choice does not support some options such as Pan and zoom, videos, and certain transitiions.
    Barb O

  • Is there a way to fast forward the movie clip, so it shows as fast forward.

    Is there a way to fast forward the movie clip, so it shows as fast forward in the final clip, please help. (iMovie 08')

    In iMovie 08 - the answer is no. It does not have the video fx that were in iMovie 06. You can get iMovie 06 as a free download, if you already have iLife '08. Then you have access to a much better programme for doing the editing tasks you want.

  • So I bought a video on iTunes, how do I make it compatible with iMovie so I can edit it and make my own video?  If I can't do this, then how do those people on YouTube make videos with clips from TV shows and Movies?

    So I bought a video on iTunes, how do I make it compatible with iMovie so I can edit it and make my own video?  If I can't do this, then how do those people on YouTube make videos with clips from TV shows and Movies?

    Videos purchased from iTunes cannot be copied.

  • Movie clip slide show

    Hello! I am placing the slide show template from Flash CS3
    inside of a movie clip, but it is not working! I’ve exhausted
    any ideas I had during the past 8 hrs! I’ve even tried using
    other slide shows, but no luck! What I am trying to do is, once a
    button is clicked from the home page (the site has only 1 scene), a
    movie clip slides in, holding a slide show… Is this possible?
    Would you be able to direct me to a tutorial or give me an idea of
    what I am doing wrong?
    I really appreciate your help!

    I wasn't sure what was meant with the mention of a slideshow
    template, but I finally figured it out I think... When you want to
    open a new file in Flash CS3, the offerings at the far right
    involve a number of templates, one of which is a slideshow
    template. I opened it up, managed to open the timeline, and I don't
    think it involves any kind of classes, none I could find anyways,
    and it appears to be written in AS2.
    So I imagine it would be useable as is. It's a basic frame by
    frame piece, no dynamic loading. And it otherwise has all the
    controls (buttons) that one would need, which could save some time
    if tyou wanted to try to create your own.
    It's possible there's just some error in how it was brought
    in or something... I would just copy its maintimeline frames into a
    movieclip in the new file and try to work it from there. One
    potential problem is that because it is written in AS2, and it uses
    _root references, it may not feel at home when it's placed in a
    movieclip on its own. So you probably need to look into the code
    and make some adjustments for that kind of stuff.
    If the main file is an AS3 file, then you will need to change
    the slideshow to AS3 as well if it's gonna live in the same file.
    You could save it as a separate swf in AS2 and load it into an AS3
    file during run time, but you still may need to modify the _root
    references to be _parent types.

  • How do I mute the sound on a movie clip that I'm using in iphoto slide show?

    I cant get rid of the sound on a movie clip I'm using in an iphoto slide show. I want to mute it as I'm using music on the slideshow. Thanks!

    Did your Mac come with iMovie preinstalled?
    Then you could export your video, import it to iMovie and remove the audio track. iMovie has two methods to silence a video clip - you can either select the clip in the project and use the command "Detach audio" or chance the audio settings of the clip and set the volume to zero. Then render the video new and import the silent version to iPhoto to use in the slideshow.

  • Imported movie clips don't show up

    I synced some photos and movie clips with my iphone and the movies don't show up. Do I need to convert them somehow?

    sunshade wrote:
    Do I need to convert them somehow?
    Yes, unless they are already in the m4v format. Handbrake does a great job.

  • Movies in iPhoto are not showing in iMovie clips

    I have movies in iPhoto that are not showing in the video clips to select for iMovie.  Is there anywhere I can export them so I can grab them for my movie?

    he iPhoto Videos do occasionally have problems. I've seen a lot of people write messages to this Discussion group describing similar problems. The only thing that seems to get around this problem is to pull the video clips out of iPhoto then import them directly into iMovie. Once the troubles with iPhoto Videos starts, I haven't yet seen anyone write back with something that they did to fix it.
    The most difficult part of doing this is the movies in iPhoto might be a little difficult to track down. But you can create a smart alum that does that for you. Go to iPhoto > File Menu > New Smart Album:
    Set the first pulldown menu to keyword, second to contains, then in the last box type Movie with a capital 'M'. Then click OK. This smart album more or less does as search of the whole iPhoto Library and only displays items that match your search tearm of "Movie" exactly. In that smart album then you can find the original Movies you want to move out of iPhoto and into iMovie, <CTRL> click on the Movie clip, then choose Reveal in Finder. That will jump you out of iPhoto temporarily and into the iPhoto Library folder. From there you can move that movie file to the desktop. Move all the clips you want, once they're all collected up go to iMovie and go to the File Menu > Import Files. Then point it to the desktop where you moved your video clips.
    This will put all those videos into an Event folder in iMovie and bypass iPhoto Videos altogether.

  • FLV in a linked Movie Clip slow to show at runtime

    Hi All,
    I have a linked FLV in a FLVPlayback, inside a movie clip that is a child of my main timeline. Let's call it 'redBoxMovie'. I have bitmaps on the stage and the redBoxMovie. I would like the first frame of the redBoxMovie to be visible on the stage along with the bitmaps as soon as the flash movie shows in the web browser. However, when I open the swf in the browser I see the bitmaps for about a 1/2 second before the first frame of the redBoxMovie.
    Is that because it's a linked flv? Is there any way to assure everything shows on the stage at the same time (bitmaps and flv)?

    Ok so it looks like you're referring to the method of placing a screenshot of the flv on the stage in front of the flv so that users don't notice that the flv loads more slowly than the other bitmaps on the stage, right?
    Looks like I'll have to do this (since embedding the flv in the main swf, which avoids the slow-to-show problem, is not recommended).
    that's also correct (and it will make your entire swf load slower).
    Thanks Kglad.
    you're welcome.

  • Empty Movie Clip Shows White Box before Movie Loads

    Hi all!
    I created a type of slide show template that imports external
    swfs. Everything works, but the client doesn't like the white box
    created by the empty movie clip that appears before the external
    swf loads. Does anybody know how to get rid of this? Any assistance
    would be greatly appreciated!

    > I created a type of slide show template that imports
    external swfs. Everything
    > works, but the client doesn't like the white box created
    by the empty movie
    > clip that appears before the external swf loads. Does
    anybody know how to get
    > rid of this? Any assistance would be greatly
    Hi there rs
    Forum archives:*&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF -8
    search for "white box" =&as_ugroup=macromedia.flash.*&as_usubject=&as_uauthors=&lr=&as_drrb=q&as_qdr=&as_mind=1&a s_minm=1&as_miny=1981&as_maxd=28&as_maxm=9&as_maxy=2006&safe=off
    Best Regards
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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