Showing preview of downloaded pis fails

Hi there (second try),
this is a often discussed matter AFAIK. There are synchronizing Problems when downloading pics into a component that displays the pics. This could be solved by using imageObservers or MediaTracker Objects (I tried them, but they didn't work).
So far. In my application I have a different way of retrieving pictures. First I read in a jpg-File via a DataInputStream and write it directly to the harddisk. then I open the file and put it in a JLabel for previewing. The Streamreading and the displaying are obviously unsynchronous.
What I want is: Reading one File. Displaying it. Reading the next File. Display it etc. etc.
What I get is: Reading, Reading, Reading, Displaying the last file.
How can I handle this ? Is there a way to wait until the File is completley downloaded, display then the picture and start then to download the next pic?
Below you find a listing of a reduced version of my app (it has unfortunatly still around 200 lines, but if you ignore that swing stuff in the constructor, the real code is short enough.). Its fully working if you want to try it (before starting: copy any jpg named "title.jpg" into the same dir. make sure the workDir (Line 20) exists).
In the listing you will find methods that are responsible for downloading and displaying the Pics. These Methods are not too long.
they are called:
public void getAllPics() as a controlling method
public void getThePic() for really downloading a pic
public void showThePic() for Displaying the Pic in the JLabel
- rebelman
Here is the Listing:
*  ProblemApp
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.util.Vector;
public class ProblemApp extends JFrame {
     JCheckBox           previewBox;
     JLabel               previewLabel;
     JButton               browseButton, exitButton;
     JTextArea           myLogArea;
     JScrollPane      myLogScrollPane;
     JScrollPane          previewPane;
     String workDir = "c:\\";
     public ProblemApp() {                                             // **** Constructor
          super("Housten, we have a problem!");
          getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
          // Preparing Button Area
          browseButton                     = new JButton("Start   Download");
          exitButton                          = new JButton("Exit Application");
          // Preparing logging area
          myLogArea                          = new JTextArea("Log:", 6, 40);
          myLogArea.setLineWrap(true);                    // Wordwrap on
          myLogArea.setWrapStyleWord(true);               // Wrap on word borders
          myLogArea.setEditable(false);                    // not editable
          myLogScrollPane                = new JScrollPane(myLogArea);
          // Preparing Preview Area
          previewBox                          = new JCheckBox("Preview on");
          previewLabel                    = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("title.jpg", "titlepic"));
          previewPane                         = new JScrollPane(previewLabel);
          // Defining panels
          JPanel topPanel                    = new JPanel();
          JPanel middlePanel               = new JPanel();
          JPanel bottomPanel                = new JPanel();
          JPanel browseButtonPanel     = new JPanel();
          JPanel exitButtonPanel          = new JPanel();
          JPanel previewPanel               = new JPanel();
          JPanel picPanel                    = new JPanel();
          // Defining Layoutmanagers for Panels
          topPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2));                               // top Panel for Upper Panels
          middlePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());                               // middle Panel for middle Panels
          bottomPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());                               // bottom panel for logging
          browseButtonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));     // Panel for browseButt (for width)
          exitButtonPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));     // Panel for exit Butt (for width)
          picPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));                               // pic panel for the pic
          previewPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));          // Panel for the Preview Box
          // Adding components to panels
          middlePanel.add(previewPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          middlePanel.add(picPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          // adding panels to frame
          getContentPane().add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
          getContentPane().add(middlePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
          getContentPane().add(bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
          this.enableEvents(AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK);                    // enabling events (window closing)
          // ActionListener for Start Download Button
          browseButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {          // anonymous Class for start Download
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                    getAllPics();                                                  // calling method below
          // Action Listner, for exiting the Application
          ActionListener exitListener = new ActionListener() {           // anonymous Class exitListener
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
          exitButton.addActionListener(exitListener);                         // Register exitListener to Exitbutton
     }                                                                                // **** end of Constructor
     //Method for downloading all the pics
     // The caller for getAllPics must make sure, that the workDir allready exists
     public void getAllPics() {
          String theFilename;
          String myURL;
          Vector theList = new Vector(4,4);
          theList = getList();                                        // Trying to get a list of picture URL's
          for(int i = 0; i < theList.size() ; i++) {
               myURL = theList.elementAt(i).toString();
               if(myURL.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jpg")) {          // its a JPG: No problem, get it!
                    theFilename = workDir+"pic"+i+".jpg";          // workDir defined above. make sure it exists
                    getThePic(myURL, theFilename);                    // really getting a pic now
                    showThePic(theFilename);                         // Displaying the preview
               else {
                    addLine("This is not a JPG. Trying this later. ");
     // Method for downloading a pic when I know its URL and a valid Path icl. pic-filename
     public void getThePic(String theURL, String thePath) {               //complete URL of the PIC, and complete path
          byte thisByte;
          DataOutputStream picFile =null;
          try {
               URL myURL = new URL(theURL);
               try {
                    DataInputStream myPic = new DataInputStream(myURL.openStream());
                    picFile = makeOutputFile(thePath);               // getting output-stream
                    try {
                         addLine("Read: "+theURL);
                         while (true) {
                              thisByte = (byte)myPic.readByte();
                    catch(EOFException e){ // File complete
               catch(Exception e) {
                    addLine("Error while reading the pic!");
          catch(MalformedURLException mue) {
               addLine("Error in the URL!");
          finally {
               try {
                    addLine("Saved as: "+thePath);
               catch(IOException e){
     } // end of method getThePic()
     // Method for showing the given Pic
     public void showThePic(String thePath) {
               previewLabel.setIcon(new ImageIcon(thePath));
     // Method for the Pic Saver, that creates the outputstream
     public DataOutputStream makeOutputFile(String thePath) {
          FileOutputStream fileOut =null;
          try {
               fileOut = new FileOutputStream(thePath);     // give it the path, INCLUDING the filename
          catch(IOException e){
               addLine("Error while creating the output file!");
          return new DataOutputStream(fileOut);
     //Method for creating a URL List in a Vector
     public Vector getList() {
          Vector theList = new Vector(4,4);
          return theList;
     // Method for appending Logmessages to the log area
     public void addLine(String newLine) {
          myLogArea.append("\n" + newLine);
          JViewport vp = myLogScrollPane.getViewport();
          int height = Math.max(0, this.getSize().height - vp.getHeight());
          vp.scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle(0, height, vp.getWidth(), vp.getHeight()));
     public static void main(String[] arg) {                                                       //Mainmethod
           ProblemApp myWindow = new ProblemApp();

Apple - Mac OS X - Feedback

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    Hey ,
    I hope someone can help.. been trying to upgrade from 9841 to 9860 for the last few days.. and I cant seem to get the preview build download part to work..
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        BranchName = fbl_release
        ThresholdRiskLevel = low
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    Fault bucket 90636031462, type 5
    Event Name: WindowsUpdateFailure2
    Response: Not available
    Cab Id: 0
    Problem signature:
    P1: 7.9.9841.4
    P2: 80246017
    P3: 40B05ADC-889A-4231-8D8F-08ECAC4877D5
    P4: Download
    P5: 101
    P6: Unmanaged {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782}
    P7: 0
    Attached files:
    These files may be available here:
    Analysis symbol:
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    Report Status: 0
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    Update Client successfully detected 1 updates.
    {97699AF3-1EFF-46D1-A548-201B63749B39} 2014-10-25 15:48:56:326+1100 1 161 [AGENT_DOWNLOAD_FAILED] 101 {40B05ADC-889A-4231-8D8F-08ECAC4877D5} 2 80246017 Flight Settings Failure Content Download Error:
    Download failed.
    Sig[5].Value=Unmanaged {117CAB2D-82B1-4B5A-A08C-4D62DBEE7782}
    DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version
    DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID
    FriendlyEventName=Windows Update installation problem
    AppName=Host Process for Windows Services
    ReportDescription=A Windows update did not install properly. Sending the following information to Microsoft can help improve the software.

    I had this same issue and tried many things to fix it. I finally found a fix with a small registry edit.
    Open command prompt under admin and follow these steps (which I found here:
    reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "BranchName" /d "fbl_release" /t REG_SZ
    reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "ThresholdRiskLevel" /d "low" /t REG_SZ /f
    reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "ThresholdInternal" /f
    reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability" /v "ThresholdOptedIn" /f
    After you have done that open regedit and navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability
    If there is a folder called "recovered from" delete it. Then open up Windows Update in PC settings and go to preview builds and click Check Now
    This worked for me. Hopes it works for you to.

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    Sorry, no idea how I missed your reply back on the 29th!
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
    5. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    6. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then Safe Boot , (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it finishes.
    The usual reason why updates fail or mess things up, or things don't load/run, is if Permissions are not fixed before & after every update, with a reboot... you may get a partial update when the installer finds it doesn't have Permissions to change one obscure little part of the OS, leaving you with a mix of OS versions.
    Some people get away without Repairing Permissions for years, some for only days.
    If Permissions are wrong before applying an update, you could get mixed OS versions, if Directory is the slightest messed up, who knows!
    If many Permission are repaired, or any Directory errors are found, you may need to re-apply some the latest/biggest updates again, or even do an A&I if you have enough free disk space.
    The combo update for PowerPC-based Macs...
    The combo update for Intel-based Macs...
    Repair Permissions before & after re-install, then reboot again each time.
    If all the above do not resolve the problem, then it's time for an Archive & Install, which gives you a new/old OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space...
    I only use Software Update to see what is needed, then get them for real via...
    That way I can wait a week or so, check the forums for potential problems, and get Permissions & such in order before installing.
    If it appears to be time for An Archive & Install, which gives you a new OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space...
    Be sure to use Preserve Users & Settings.

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    Alfred Li

    alfredadli wrote:
    Please show me what else I can do to fix this problem.
    Fisrt step would be to ask in the proper forum.

  • Download Manager - failing with error 400 Bad Request

    Each time I try to download some patches from the download basket I get this error: The request failed: 400.  Download Manager says the files are Partially Downloaded but the downloads never complete (they just cycle round one after another attempting each download before failing).  The connection to SAP ssems to be made correctly (see trace file extract below)
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    Thanks, Chris
    PS - This is the relevant part of the trace file:
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:06   Opening connection to '\217\KGPHA68.CAR&uid=S0003245349'
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:06   Sending request to SAP Service Marketplace Server (no tunneling)
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13   A response was received from the SAP Service Marketplace Server.
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13   Response received: 400 Bad Request
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13   Response Http Headers:
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13      Server=AkamaiGHost
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13      Mime-Version=1.0
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13      Content-Type=text/html
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13      Content-Length=340
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13      Expires=Fri, 24 Aug 2007 08:28:49 GMT
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13      Date=Fri, 24 Aug 2007 08:28:49 GMT
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13      Connection=close
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:13   Response code: 400
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:18   Notifying subscribers of download state ...
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:18   The download has terminated ...
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:18   getUserProxy: true
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:18   getEffectiveProtocol: http
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:18   detected: http / https w/o proxy request
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:18   SMPResponse::sendRequestNormal
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:18   Opening connection to ''
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:18   Sending request to SAP Service Marketplace Server (no tunneling)
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   A response was received from the SAP Service Marketplace Server.
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Redirecting to 'https://WEBSMP108.SAP-AG.DE/~form/download_basket?_MODE=OBJECT_VERSION&OBJID=011000358700000485532007E&'...
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   getUserProxy: true
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   getEffectiveProtocol: https
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   detected: http / https w/o proxy request
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   SMPResponse::sendRequestNormal
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Opening connection to 'https://WEBSMP108.SAP-AG.DE/~form/download_basket?_MODE=OBJECT_VERSION&OBJID=011000358700000485532007E&'
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Sending request to SAP Service Marketplace Server (no tunneling)
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   A response was received from the SAP Service Marketplace Server.
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Response received: 200 OK
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Response Http Headers:
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25      Date=Fri, 24 Aug 2007 08:29:02 GMT
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25      Server=Microsoft-IIS/6.0
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25      Content-Type=text/plain
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25      Content-Length=44
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   getUserProxy: true
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   getEffectiveProtocol: http
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   detected: http / https w/o proxy request
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   SMPResponse::sendRequestNormal
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Opening connection to ''
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Sending request to SAP Service Marketplace Server (no tunneling)
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   A response was received from the SAP Service Marketplace Server.
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Redirecting to 'https://WEBSMP209.SAP-AG.DE/~form/download_basket?_MODE=DOWNLOAD_START2&OBJID=011000358700000485532007E&_VERSION=2.1.130&'...
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   getUserProxy: true
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   getEffectiveProtocol: https
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   detected: http / https w/o proxy request
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   SMPResponse::sendRequestNormal
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Opening connection to 'https://WEBSMP209.SAP-AG.DE/~form/download_basket?_MODE=DOWNLOAD_START2&OBJID=011000358700000485532007E&_VERSION=2.1.130&'
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:25   Sending request to SAP Service Marketplace Server (no tunneling)
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   A response was received from the SAP Service Marketplace Server.
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   Response received: 200 OK
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   Response Http Headers:
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26      Date=Fri, 24 Aug 2007 08:29:03 GMT
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26      Server=Microsoft-IIS/6.0
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26      Content-Type=text/html
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26      Content-Length=2416
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   Number of URLs: 1
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   Description lines: 56
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   Adding HTTP1/1 Header: Range: bytes=0-*
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   getUserProxy: true
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   getEffectiveProtocol: https
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   detected: http / https w/o proxy request
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   SMPResponse::sendRequestNormal
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   Opening connection to '\652\KGPHA69.CAR&uid=S0003245349'
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:26   Sending request to SAP Service Marketplace Server (no tunneling)
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:33   A response was received from the SAP Service Marketplace Server.
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:33   Response received: 400 Bad Request
    24-Aug-2007 09:29:33   Response Http Headers:

    Yes - I've checked the address w're pointing to & have rechecked several times with our network people re: the proxy.
    The trace seems to show that we're certainly making the initial connections to SAP OK - it just gives up after a few redirections.

  • Import From Device "show preview" Does not work for RAW (Canon T1i/500D)

    Not sure if anyone else has seen this.  I just got a canon T1i (500D for you Europeans).  When I plug the camera into the computer and select Import From Device, and select "show preview" in the import window, only the JPEGs show thumbnails.  All of my RAW images show up as grey boxes.  This is the first digital SLR I ever owned, and the first time I am really using lightroom.  This kills my workflow plans, as I ususally download images into folders, and name them, by category.  Without seeing the thumbnails, it is impossible to know what category what images belong to.
    Anywone have any ideas?  Does this happen with all RAW images on all cameras?  Is it a T1i problem?

    OK, I have the previews working now, which is good.  Here is how I am using the tool.
    1) put the card in a card reader
    2) select import from device
    I noticed a couple of things that are very frustrating:
    1) I Don't see a way to delete photos from the import tool, either manually or automatically after import.  I seem to have to delete thing through explorer (I am on windows xp)
    2) There is no indication of whether you have downloaded an image already or not.  The software that came with the camera puts an arrow on all downloaded pictures.  This is very nice if you are not importing all your pictures at once.
    3) My camera takes movies.  There is no way to import them along with the rest of the files (yes I know lightroom is not a movie tool, but having to use another program or explorer is annoying).  Furthermore,  every time I try to import files when there is a movie on the card, I get an error saying movies will be skipped.  The pics still import, but it is irritating.
    Any suggestions?  I am trying to figure out a good work flow.  I would import everything and than organize the files, but I don't see any easy way to resort files and rename them en-mass.  I tried moving files in explorer, but, as could be expected, LR could not find the files afterward.  I re-synced the folder, but that lost the changes I made on images (I did not have them saved as DNG, so the modifications were in the side car, I guess).

  • Download/install fails on 2730 Classic

    Have recently bought a 2730 Classic on T-Mobile. Everytime I try to download an app via OVI, it gets to 35% and then fails "Download/Install failed".  I've tried checking all the access point settings etc but I'm not quite sure what they should be or how to set them all.
    My login details are OK - it says I'm logged in.

    MODERATOR'S NOTE:  This post has been edited.We would like to inform you that we have removed your personal details from your post as it is unwise to publish it publicly on this forum.

  • Downloading Update Failed - Internal Module Error

    Trying to update my Nokia 6630, and each time it completes the 25mb download before giving me the error.
    Downloading update failes
    Internal module error
    Is this because my phone is a a Vodafone fone, and therefore locked by their software to some description? Or is it a more sinister (or simpler) error?

    28-Mar-2008 01:07 PM
    blue_panther9_9 wrote:
    Could anyone help me with this problem
    i've installed NSU and nokia pc suite(all latest..)
    i've plug the my n95(v20), detected by PC suite...
    i run NSU,, detected,,, and downloaded v21 firmware for n95 (112mb)..
    after it finished downloading, when it try to install it.. it says
    "Downloading update failed"
    "internal module error"
    maybe i didnt read the instruction about change profile to general..
    i changed it to general, the problem still the same...
    okay maybe after i didnt change profile there is some file left in my phone.. so i decided to soft n hard reset.... and i connect again... still showing the same problem, after it finished download...
    so i used my other computer(maybe there is some problem with my vista), so i used my XP...
    and it still showing the same problem..
    i've used that msxml4 solution, but it still didnt work...
    Please help me....
    28-Mar-2008 01:07 PM
    blue_panther9_9 wrote:
    Could anyone help me with this problem
    i've installed NSU and nokia pc suite(all latest..)
    i've plug the my n95(v20), detected by PC suite...
    i run NSU,, detected,,, and downloaded v21 firmware for n95 (112mb)..
    after it finished downloading, when it try to install it.. it says
    "Downloading update failed"
    "internal module error"
    maybe i didnt read the instruction about change profile to general..
    i changed it to general, the problem still the same...
    okay maybe after i didnt change profile there is some file left in my phone.. so i decided to soft n hard reset.... and i connect again... still showing the same problem, after it finished download...
    so i used my other computer(maybe there is some problem with my vista), so i used my XP...
    and it still showing the same problem..
    i've used that msxml4 solution, but it still didnt work...
    Please help me....

  • My ibook author is not showing preview and when i click preview it is saying ibook not installed even though i have latest ibook installed on my ipad mini and i am on ios 8

    my ibook author is not showing preview and when i click preview it is saying ibook not installed even though i have latest ibook installed on my ipad mini and i am on ios 8 can any one please suggest something

    What happens when you click the "Download" button for Mountain Lion? Do you get any response (error messages, etc.) from the Mac App Store?

  • I am wanting to update my Firefox browser but it will not download keeps saying file corrupt download extract failed. Im currently using Windows XP. Please help.

    Hi. I am currently using an old Firefox browser on Windows XP. I have attempted to update to the latest version but it keeps failing - download extractions fail. The file shows as corrupt and will not download or install.

    Try to download Firefox here:
    You can also try to disable the real-time file check in your anti-virus software during the download and installation of Firefox.
    Do not forget to re-enable once you're done.

  • HT2531 Spotlight lists items and shows preview images.  BUT what about showing the location address of an item in my computer. Especially important if I've put the item in the wrong folder and what to locate it without multi-steps. iMac OS 10.5 was more u

    Spotlight lists items and shows preview images.  BUT what about showing the path/location address of an item in my computer.
    Especially important if I've put the item in the wrong folder and what to locate it without multi-steps. iMac OS X 10.5 was more useful.
    Old OSX Spotlight function automatically displayed path/location within the machine:  e.g. desktop/folder/sub-folder/item.
    Can I make Spotlight show the path?

    Press option-command and the path is displayed at the bottom of the little preview window.  Press command-return and the enclosing folder opens. 

  • I show in iTunes that I have purchased some TV shows after view my purchase history. However these TV shows did not download in iTunes nor are they showing in unfinished/interrupted downloads. How do I recapture previously purchased items.

    I show in iTunes that I hve purchased some TV shows however they are not showing up in downloads. How do I recapture missing TV shows?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    So far as I am aware, books haven't been available for 6 years, so I'm wondering if you mean audiobooks.
    Audiobooks are not currently part of the content that can be re-downloaded.

  • I have purchased Wedding Style By Miracle Design - it is showing in the downloads but I can not get it into lightroom - I am using a mac and the instructions are for windows.

    I have purchased Wedding Style By Miracle Design - it is showing in the downloads but I can not get it into lightroom - I am using a mac and the instructions are for windows.

    Return, cancel, or exchange an Adobe order

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