Sign in process chain

Hello Gurus,
      I have a process chain,  in one process variant,  there is stop sign with 120 seconds besides, what does that mean?
Many thanks.

This means that this particular process will wait for 120seconds before it starts.
i.e. once it gets a trigger from the previous step, it will wait for 120 sec before it starts the job for this particular step.
it will be in yellow status till that time

Similar Messages

  • Stop sign in the start process of process chain

    Hi Team,
    We are seeing a 'stop sign' in the Start process of a 'Process Chain'.  Normally there's a green tick. Any idea why ?  We did manually post a day's data.
    R T

    option 1. right click and display all jobs. If you see two released jobs, delete one of them. Also check the validity on the user-id of the scheduled job.
    option 2. activate & schedule the pc again. If it still shows red stop. right click & get more info from the message long text. May be the start process is deleted somehow.
    Kumar Gudiseva.

  • Selective deletion based on Calendar Year/Month in process chains

    Hi all,
    I have a requirement from the business wherein I have to delete the past months data before I load the same data into 6 infocubes using a process chain.
    I checked the forums to understand how selective deletion is used in a process chain and I have come to know that RSDRD_DELETE_FACTS program or DELETE_FACTS Tcode can be used to generata a G* program that performs the deletion.
    I am to integrate this generated program in my process chain. I have 0CALMONTH(Calendar Year/Month) as the time characteristic in all my infocubes and therefore the only time characteristic available for selective deletion.
    My problem is that I am unable to create a dynamic selection for the Calendar Year/Month such that it takes the previous month.To be exact I am unable to use the "D" option in the Selection Variable column for this characteristic.
    Please can somebody help me out with this.

    Use this ABAP program code in your Process Chain...
    Type Pools
        TYPE-POOLS: rsdrd, rsdq, rssg.
    Local Internal Tables
        DATA: lit_msg     TYPE rs_t_msg,
                    lit_sel     TYPE rsdrd_thx_sel.
    Local Work Area
        DATA : lwa_sel_kf1     TYPE rsdrd_sx_sel,
                   lwa_range_kf1  TYPE rsdrd_s_range.
    Local Constants
        CONSTANTS :    lc_i(1)      TYPE c  VALUE 'I',
                                 lc_x(1)      TYPE c  VALUE 'X',
                                 lc_eq(2)     TYPE c  VALUE 'EQ',
                                 lc_kf1(11)   TYPE c  VALUE '0CALMONTH'.
        CONSTANTS :   lc_cube      TYPE rsddatatarget VALUE 'Z_C21'.
    Delete Existing cube records
    Key Field 1 (CALMONTH)
          lwa_range_kf1-sign    = lc_i.
          lwa_range_kf1-option  = lc_eq.
          lwa_range_kf1-high    = space.
          lwa_range_kf1-keyfl   = lc_x.
          lwa_range_kf1-low     = <Value of CALMONTH>.
          APPEND lwa_range_kf1 TO lwa_sel_kf1-t_range.
          CLEAR  lwa_range_kf1.
           lwa_sel_kf1-iobjnm = lc_kf1.
          INSERT lwa_sel_kf1 INTO TABLE lit_sel.
          CLEAR : lwa_sel_kf1.
    Selective Deletion through FM
              i_datatarget      = lc_cube
              i_thx_sel         = lit_sel
              i_authority_check = space
              i_mode            = lc_c
              i_no_enqueue      = lc_x
              c_t_msg           = lit_msg
              x_message         = 1
              inherited_error   = 2
              invalid_type      = 3
              OTHERS            = 4.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            REFRESH : lit_sel[],

  • Hierarchy Activation dumps when itu0092s executed from Process Chain. u0096 BI 7.0

    CostElement Hierarchy sign reversal is updated manually using ABAP Program to update sign reversal, which updates H and J tables and activates the Hierarchy using func module RSHIER_HIER_CHECK_AND_ACTIVATE. It works fine when ABAP is executed manually as well as when Process Chain is executed in BW 3.5.
    However, the same Process Chain in BI 7.0 it abends during Hierarchy Activation.
    From the Dump, find below call sequence of programs for more details:
    No.   Ty.          Program                             Include                             Line  
    6) METHOD       CL_RSSH_SHOW_LOG==============CP    CL_RSSH_SHOW_LOG==============CM008    53 
    5) METHOD       CL_RSSH_SHOW_LOG==============CP   
    CL_RSSH_SHOW_LOG==============CM007    52 
    4) FUNCTION     SAPLRSHIER                          LRSHIERU03                            121 
    3) FORM         ZBWUXXX1                            ZBXXXXX1                              382 
    005-ACTIVATE-HIER                                                     2) FORM         ZBWUXXX1                            ZBWUXXX1                              278 
    It abends during Container creation to send out a message.
    Any help to resolve this issue would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks, Vijay

    Due to the age of this post I am assuming did you find a fix to the problem?
    I actually would like more information about your abap program as we are trying to create a similar program.

  • Reg: Process Chain, query performance tuning steps

    Hi All,
    I come across a question like,  There is a process chain of 20 processes.out of which 5 processes are completed at the 6th step error occured and it cannot be rectified. I should start the chain again from the 7th step.If i go to a prticular step i can do that particular step, How can i start the entair chain again from step 7.i know that i need to use a function module but i dont know the name of FM. Please somebody help me out.
    Please let me know the steps involved in query performance tuning and aggregate tuning.
    Thanks & Regards

    Process Chain
    Method 1 (when it fails in a step/request)
    How is it possible to restart a process chain at a failed step/request?
    Sometimes, it doesn't help to just set a request to green status in order to run the process chain from that step on to the end.
    You need to set the failed request/step to green in the database as well as you need to raise the event that will force the process chain to run to the end from the next request/step on.
    Therefore you need to open the messages of a failed step by right clicking on it and selecting 'display messages'.
    In the opened popup click on the tab 'Chain'.
    In a parallel session goto transaction se16 for table rspcprocesslog and display the entries with the following selections:
    1. copy the variant from the popup to the variante of table rspcprocesslog
    2. copy the instance from the popup to the instance of table rspcprocesslog
    3. copy the start date from the popup to the batchdate of table rspcprocesslog
    Press F8 to display the entries of table rspcprocesslog.
    Now open another session and goto transaction se37. Enter RSPC_PROCESS_FINISH as the name of the function module and run the fm in test mode.
    Now copy the entries of table rspcprocesslog to the input parameters of the function module like described as follows:
    1. rspcprocesslog-log_id -> i_logid
    2. rspcprocesslog-type -> i_type
    3. rspcprocesslog-variante -> i_variant
    4. rspcprocesslog-instance -> i_instance
    5. enter 'G' for parameter i_state (sets the status to green).
    Now press F8 to run the fm.
    Now the actual process will be set to green and the following process in the chain will be started and the chain can run to the end.
    Of course you can also set the state of a specific step in the chain to any other possible value like 'R' = ended with errors, 'F' = finished, 'X' = cancelled ....
    Check out the value help on field rspcprocesslog-state in transaction se16 for the possible values.
    Query performance tuning
    General tips
    Using aggregates and compression.
    Using  less and complex cell definitions if possible.
    1. Avoid using too many nav. attr
    2. Avoid RKF and CKF
    3. Many chars in row.
    By using T-codes ST03 or ST03N
    Go to transaction ST03 > switch to expert mode > from left side menu > and there in system load history and distribution for a particual day > check query execution time.
    Try table rsddstats to get the statistics
    Using cache memoery will decrease the loading time of the report.
    Run reporting agent at night and sending results to email.This will ensure use of OLAP cache. So later report execution will retrieve the result faster from the OLAP cache.
    Also try
    1.  Use different parameters in ST03 to see the two important parameters aggregation ratio and records transferred to F/E to DB selected.
    2. Use the program SAP_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS (Performance of BW infocubes) to see the aggregation ratio for the cube. If the cube does not appear in the list of this report, try to run RSRV checks on the cube and aggregates.
    Go to SE38 > Run the program SAP_INFOCUBE_DESIGNS
    It will shown dimension Vs Fact tables Size in percent.If you mean speed of queries on a cube as performance metric of cube,measure query runtime.
    3. --- sign is the valuation of the aggregate. You can say -3 is the valuation of the aggregate design and usage. ++ means that its compression is good and access is also more (in effect, performance is good). If you check its compression ratio, it must be good. -- means the compression ratio is not so good and access is also not so good (performance is not so good).The more is the positives...more is useful the aggregate and more it satisfies the number of queries. The greater the number of minus signs, the worse the evaluation of the aggregate. The larger the number of plus signs, the better the evaluation of the aggregate.
    if "-----" then it means it just an overhead. Aggregate can potentially be deleted and "+++++" means Aggregate is potentially very useful.
    4. Run your query in RSRT and run the query in the debug mode. Select "Display Aggregates Found" and "Do not use cache" in the debug mode. This will tell you if it hit any aggregates while running. If it does not show any aggregates, you might want to redesign your aggregates for the query.
    Also your query performance can depend upon criteria and since you have given selection only on one infoprovider...just check if you are selecting huge amount of data in the report
    Check for the query read mode in RSRT.(whether its A,X or H)..advisable read mode is X.
    5. In BI 7 statistics need to be activated for ST03 and BI admin cockpit to work.
    By implementing BW Statistics Business Content - you need to install, feed data and through ready made reports which for analysis.
    You can go to T-Code DB20 which gives you all the performance related information like
    Buffer Pools
    Tablespaces etc
    use tool RSDDK_CHECK_AGGREGATE in se38 to check for the corrupt aggregates
    If aggregates contain incorrect data, you must regenerate them.
    Note 646402 - Programs for checking aggregates (as of BW 3.0B SP15)

  • How to create process variant for delete index in a process chain

    Respected all
    I am creating a process chain, but unable to create process variant for the delete index. kindly tell me the
    step by step proceure for creating the variant for delete index. also if we use variant which is previously prepared then will it be safe? will it affect the other running process chian.
    pls reply

    Please do not use an already created variant for index deletion. It might delete indices of some other cube.
    You can follow the following steps -
    1. Open the chain in Edit mode and click on "Process Types" button
    2. On the Left hand side you will have various process types. Choose "Data Target Administration" and expand it.
    3. Choose the first process "Delete Index" (it will be marked with a trash bin sign) and drag it to your chain
    4. It will ask you create a variant. Press the create Button
    5. In new window enter the Process Variant technical name and description
    6. Then in new window choose Object Type = Cube through dropdown and Object name via browsing. After choosing the cube name click on "Transfer Selections"
    7. Save and return to your chain
    8. It will automatically generate a create index step also after delete index.
    9. You need to break the link between create and delete step and insert infopackage in between to get the following steps - delete index --> load cube --> create index.
    Please let me know if this is helpful..

  • Process chain is not deleting overlapping requests

    Hi all,
    I did all the steps like I described on my earlier posts to delete the overlapping request from infopackage through process chain.  I tested it in development and it works fine with any condition, I mean automation through event, date and after seven days.  When it comes to production it is not giving me the same result. So when I checked the infopackage of production I saw a routine added in the data selection of infopackage to load two days old data in the routine.  We do not have that added in the development.  Now if this is causing issue, can I add a step in the routine to delete previous request after loading file in the data selection. 
    data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
      read table l_t_range with key
           fieldname = 'calday'.
      l_idx = sy-tabix.
    zdate = sy-datum - 2.
      l_t_range-low = zdate.
      l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
      l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
    modify l_t_range index l_idx.
      p_subrc = 0.
    Please help,
    Edited by: BW on Feb 18, 2009 8:18 PM

    Hi aanjaneya,
    If you want to select and delete only the previous request of previous day, go to the infopackage and in data target tab there is option for each data target for setting the automatic deletion.
    If you select it, you will get a window which has the option to delete the request. Select all the conditions and same or more comprehensive check box and also check the  request date to yesterday and today option.
    This will delete the request loaded yesterday and also with same selection from same source.
    Hope this is clear.

  • Require Q1 2012 data via Process chain

    Hi ,
    I want to trigger a process chain daily which will get only Q1 2012 data.
    Is it possible via sm36 tcode.
    how can i achieve it.
    please suggest.

    You can give selection at infopackage level.
    1>Either you can use standard variable.
    2>You can write a routine.
    Please find the sample code for previous month load :-
       data: l_month(2) type c,
            l_month_prev(2) type c.
              l_month = sy-datum+4(2).
              l_month_prev = l_month - 01.
            l_t_range-low = l_month_prev.
            l_t_range-high = l_month_prev.
            l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
            l_t_range-option = 'BT'.
                modify l_t_range index l_idx.
    Saveen Kumar

  • How to remove a requisition load from an infocube in a process chain?

    Hello everyone!!
    We have an internal BI in SAP APO and I have created a infocube to backup all data in the DP module.
    I have also created a process chain to schedule the load daily.
    Please, consider this:
    - I have to load every day a full load, I can´t schedule a delta load, because the data in the past can be changed and need to be load in the cube.
    - In the infopackage I´ll have to set a time period range, so the data would be loaded in the cube.
    My doubt is:
    - How can I set a rolling end date in the infopackage and how can I eliminate the requisition loaded using the process chain?
    Thanks a lot

    Please, consider this:
    I have to load every day a full load, I can´t schedule a delta load, because the data in the past can be changed and need to be load in the cube.
    In the infopackage I´ll have to set a time period range, so the data would be loaded in the cube.
    You can load day wise by using simple ABAP routine in InfoPackage, and also you can keep this InfoPackage in Process Chains.
    If you have 0CALDAY InfoObject in InfoPackage Data Selection tab, you write the following routines for that object
    *$*$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line        *-*
    data: l_idx like sy-tabix,
          dat1 like sy-datum.
          dat1 = sy-datum.
              read table l_t_range with key
                   fieldname = 'RDATE'.
              l_idx = sy-tabix.
    IF SY-SUBRC  = 0.
        l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
        l_t_range-sign  = 'I'.
        l_t_range-low   = dat1.
        modify l_t_range index l_idx.
        p_subrc = 0.
    *$*$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line         *-*
    Note: You can also do sy-datum -1 and sy-datum + 1 type of calculations.
    In my case  'RDATE' is teh field coming from ECC and mapped to 0CALDAY.
    My doubt is:
    How can I set a rolling end date in the infopackage and how can I eliminate the requisition loaded using the process chain?
    You can also check the following Article, I have teh similar requirement for SNP runs, so I resolved teh issue by using selective deletion.

  • Process Chain Logic Please

    Hello BI experts,
      Iam making a Process chain where I need to load the data in to 2 DSOs (say B1 & B2) from DSO A  . I have created Transformation and DTP between A - B1  and A - B2 . DSO B1 is required for the year of 2007 and B2 for 2008. Can any one let me know how to schedule this in Process chain ? Do I need to use ABAP Code for this, if so please let me know the sample code how to do this...
    Thanks in advance

    I want to do the following
    Check if LOad Date (SYSDATE) lies between TOO9B - BDATJ (20007) & TOO9B - POPER (01 TO 12)
    Then use DTP to load the the "2007 order cube"
    Check if LOad Date (SYSDATE) lies between TOO9B - BDATJ (20008) & TOO9B - POPER (01 TO 12)
    Then use DTP to load the the "2008 order cube"
    Please help me with logic or any standard functionaility that can resolve the above
    IT_TCODE-LOW = ''2007"
    IT_TCODE-LOW = '01'
    IT_TCODE-LOW = '12

  • Need help in process chain *need help immdtly*

    I need help in creating one process chain.
    1. i have to load one infopackage to a PSA.
    2. then have to do load for one infocube from two different infocubes one after the other.
    for all these loads one restriction of fiscal year period  to be common value.
    this value may either be allowed to user to select or loaded automatically taking the previous fiscal year value .. any of these two options are fine.
    it would be helpful if anyone can help me out.

    Here is the code for Z can create Tcode thr SE93 where user can enter value .
    parameters: fsper type /BI0/OIFISCPER DEFALUT 2010008.
    data: wa_tvarvc type tvarvc.
    wa_tvarvc-NAME = 'FISCPER'
    wa_tvarvc-TYPE = 'P'.
    wa_tvarvc-NUMB = '
    wa_tvarvc-SIGN = 'I'.
    wa_tvarvc-OPTI = 'EQ'.
    wa_tvarvc-LOW = FSPER
    INSERT TVARVC FROM wa_tvarvc.
    Code for DTP's in Field Level.
    data: wa_tvarvc type tvarvc.
    select single from tvarvc into wa_tvarvc where NAME = 'FISCPER'.
    L_T_RANGE-low = wa_tvarvc-LOW
    L_T_RANGE-SIGN = 'I'.

  • Process Chain - Delete File from Application Server

    Hi Gurus,
    Im working with Process chain, and i have a load from a flat file, so my question is :
    How can i delete that file from the application server after was loaded ?

    I have gone through the forum you have posted for deleting files from application server through process chain.
    I have similar reuirement in my project.
    Can you please provide me the solution?
    Your inputs will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

  • Questions on Multiprovider and Process Chain

    Hai All,
              I have two questions. One on Multiprovider and the other on Process chain.
    1. Multiprovider:
              For example, I have 2 ODSs. ODS1 has Objects ORDER NUMBER, COUNTRY and PRODUCT, ODS2 has objects ORDER NUMBER, DELIVERY STATUS, CREATION DATE.
    Now if I make a multiprovider on ODS1 and ODS2, then as ORDER NUMBER is common in both the ODSs, can I make a report like this:
             I have a problem here bacuase its not getting those details from the other ODS even though the ORDER NUMBER(value) is same. Am I making nay mistake or is it a system problem.
    I beleive thats how a Multiprovider works.
    2. Process chain:
                    I have an END connector in my process chain that connects 3 processes and lets the following task start only after the success of all the above 3 processes.
    The system is displaying the END connector seperately under each process. But the name and everything else is same. Is this a setting somewhere in the process chain?
    Thank you.

    1. Those fields are in ODS2, you don't need to make a multiprovider.
    2. You mean an AND connector. Maybe you need to refresh the screen. if this doesn't work, delete the three and connectors and insert a new one.
    Hope this helps.

  • BPM Process chain takes long time to process

    We have BI7, Netweaver 2004s on Oracle and SUN Solaris
    There is a process chain (BPM) which pulls data from the CRM system into BW. The scheduled time to run this chain is 0034 hrs. This chain should ideally complete before / around 0830 Hrs. <b>Now the problem is that every alternate day this chain behaves normally and gets completed well before 0830 hrs but every alternate day this chain fails…</b> there are almost 40 chains running daily. Some are event triggered (dependent with each other) or some run in parallel. In this, (BPM) process chain, usually there are 5 requests with 3 Delta and 2 full uploads (Master Data). The delta uploads finishes in 30 minutes without any issues with very few record transfers. The first full upload is from 0034 hrs to approximately 0130 hrs and the 2nd upload is from 0130 hrs to 0230 hrs. Now if the 1st upload gets delayed then the people who are initiating these chains, stop the 2nd full upload and continue it after all the process chains are completed. Now this entire BPM process chain sometimes takes 17 -18 hrs to complete!!!!!
    No other loads in CRM or BW when these process chains are running
    CRM has background jobs to push IDOCS to BW which run every 2 minutes which runs successfully
    Yesterday this chain got completed successfully (well within stipulated time) with over 33,00,000 records transferred but sometimes it has failed to transfer even 12,00,000 records!!
    Attaching a zip file, please refer the “21 to 26 Analysis screen shot.doc” from the zip file
    Within the zip file, attaching “Normal timings of daily process chains.xls” – the name explains it….
    Also within the zip file refer “BPM Infoprovider and data source screen shot.doc” please refer this file as the infopackage (page 2) which was used in the process chain is not displayed later on in page number 6 BUT CHAIN GOT SUCESSFULLY COMPLETED
    We have analyzed:--
    1)     The PSA data for BPM process chain for past few days
    2)     The info providers for BPM process chain for past few days
    3)     The ODS entries for BPM process chain for past few days
    4)     The point of failure of BPM process chain for past few days
    5)     The overall performance of all the process chains for past few days
    6)     The number of requests in BW for this process chain
    7)     The load on CRM system for past few days when this process chain ran on BW system
    As per our analysis, there are couple of things which can be fixed in the BW system:--
    1)     The partner agreement (transaction WE20) defined for the partner LS/BP3CLNT475 mentions both message types RSSEND and RSINFO: -- collect IDOCs and pack size = 1 Since the pack size = 1 will generate 1 TRFC call per IDOC, it should be changed to 10 so that less number of TRFCs will be generated thus less overhead for the BW server resulting in the increase in performance
    2)     In the definition of destination for the concerned RFC in BW (SM59), the “Technical Setting” tab says the “Load balancing” option = “No”. We are planning to make it “Yes”
    But we believe that though these changes will bring some increase in performance, this is not the root cause of the abnormal behavior of this chain as this chain runs successfully on every alternate day with approximately the same amount of load in it.
    I was not able to attach the many screen shots or the info which I had gathered during my analysis. Please advice how do I attach these files
    Best Regards,

    Normally  index  creation or deletion can take long time in case  your database statistics are not updated properly, so can check  stat  after your data loading is completed and index generation is done,  Do creation of database statistics.
    Then try to recheck ...

  • Error while activating Process Chains

    Hi all,
    while activating the Process Chains, i am getting the following error "Job BI_PROCESS_PSAPROCESS could not be scheduled. Termination with returncode 8"
    when i double click on the error msg, i got the following help msg: "
    <i>Message no. RSPC065
    Program RSPROCESS is to be scheduled as job BI_PROCESS_PSAPROCESS under user ALEREMOTE.</i>
    Can any one please show some way to solve this problem? please do this favor, i have been suffering with error for a long time.
    Points will be given

    Just analyze the error message that you get while activating the PC, don't give any server name.If you are trying to run process chain using Flat file, it won't work,
    and you should have source system R/3 or you have own datasources in BW system itself at that toime you can use PC to extract data. If your source system is Flat ile, it won't work. other wise you should place your flat file in application server, using AL11 tcode.
    <b>OSS : 511475</b>
    You cannot schedule or perform any batch jobs with the BW or source system background user.
    The error RSPC 065 occurs in the process chains:"Job could not be scheduled, termination with return code 8"
    <b>Other terms</b>
    <b>Reason and Prerequisites</b>
    The user type is
    "CPIC" up to 4.6B
    "Communication" as of 4.6C
    This user type may not execute or start any batch jobs, irrespective of the user authorizations.
    Set the type of background user to
    "Background" up to 4.6B
    "System" as of 4.6C
    This user type corresponds to the "Communication" type and may also perform background functions.
    Through the Customizing, the BW user is automatically created by mistake as a communication user.Depending on your BW system release, you can solve this problem as follows:
    BW 2.0B
               Import Support Package 24 for 2.0B (BW2.0B patch24 or SAPKW20B24) into your BW system. The Support Package is available once note 456551 with the short text "SAPBWNews BW 2.0B Support Package 24", which describes this Support Package in more detail, has been released for customers.
    BW 2.1C
               Import Support Package 16 for 2.1C (BW2.1C patch16 or SAPKW21C16) into your BW system. The Support Package is available once note 456566 with the short text "SAPBWNews BW 2.1C Support Package 16" has been released for customers.
    BW 3.0A
               Import Support Package 8 for 3.0A (BW3.0A patch08 or SAPKW30A08) into your BW system. The Support Package is available once note 452632 with the short text "SAPBWNews BW 3.0A Support Package 08" has been released for customers.

Maybe you are looking for