Sign-up problem

Unable to sign in to Revel App on HP desktop with Windows 8.1. "We can't connect to the service right now. Check your network connection or try again later" message appears on trying to sign up. Uninstalled the app a number of times and restarted the PC to no avail. All other apps function normally. I have a fast internet connection. I have a Premium account.
I would be grateful for your advice.
Enda Gallagher

Hi Jayesh
Thank you for your reply.
The problem still remains with the Revel Windows 8.1 app. I am unable to
sign in.
The message is: "Can't connect to the service. We can't connect to the
service you need right now. Check your network connection or try this again
I can login to the web version.
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 8:18 AM, Jayesh Viradiya <[email protected]>

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     Ensure that you access the Forum Home page at this link:
     Click on Sign In and then you will be taken to HP Passport
     After signing in on Passport you will be automatically be returned to the Forums Home page.
     If you access the forum from a link in a notification within your e-mail for a post for which you checked the box "E-mail me when someone replies", you will encounter the problem first noted above.  After you follow the e-mail link to the forum DO NOT sign in then but instead:
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    Others and I have had to go through several steps to sign in to this Community/Consumer forum
    From a forum user here on page 6
    I don't see page 6.
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    It was funny. It did not know what to do.
    Because I have my settings to show the max number of posts per page.
    Here's what page it's on for me:   :-)
    Well this link should work. :-)
    Here is what page 6 looks like to me.  :-)
    Wayne Sallee
    [email protected]
    Message Edited by Wayne_Sallee on 12-03-2008 09:41 PM
    Message Edited by Wayne_Sallee on 12-03-2008 09:43 PM

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    We are looking into this and are confident to provide a permanent fix soon.
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

    As a temporary workaround please login to your web profile page and enter date of birth and gender information there.
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

  • Are you ever going to fix the "You've been signed out" problem?

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    Hi, here’s what Adobe has sent to me.
    Da: frost338 [email protected]
    Inviato: giovedì 1 agosto 2013 17.50
    A: Chili Monica
    Oggetto: Folio sign-in problems
    Re: Folio sign-in problems
    created by frost338<> in Digital Publishing Suite - View the full discussion<

  • Cant sign in problems

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    problem 2
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    the email i use to sign into skype is l***[e-mail removed for privacy and security]
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    Why not post in Safari or Lion if you just updated to Safari 5.1 or Lion.
    Mac OS X v10.7 Lion Communities
    Snow Leopard
    Pulling straws ends up in needing more questions and answers to go by and more details.

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    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails … s_and_Code [jwr] --
    Last edited by isitsaturday (2013-05-30 11:15:55)

    Close all running applications. From an administrator account, open the Terminal app and enter the following command. You can also copy/paste it from here into the Terminal window:
    sudo atsutil databases -remove
    Terminal will then ask for your admin password. As you type, it will not show anything, so be sure to enter it correctly.
    This removes all font cache files. Both for the system and the current user font cache files. After running the command, close Terminal and immediately restart your Mac.

  • How do I fix sign in problem with my Yahoo hompage via Firefox browser

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    The first pop up window is headlined as, "[JavaScript Application]. It then cites my correct Yahoo username and is followed by this text; "(my username)- Invalid username/password combination. If you continue to get this error, try entering your email address as your username".
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    message is the correct username as well.
    The second pop up window says,
    "We noticed you may have signed in or signed out in another window. Click OK to reload your page".
    Note: Clicking the "OK" button does not re-sign in the page. What does happen is that it reloads the generic MY Yahoo home page and then I have to manually sign in to get my personally customized My Yahoo home page.
    I have since upgraded to the most current Firefox browser version, but the problem remains the same.
    If anyone has any idea on how to remedy this sign-in issue I would appreciate hearing from you.
    Thank you

    If you had Firefox save your Yahoo password, first try deleting that here:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Security > "Saved Passwords"
    The "signed out" message seems to be related to how Yahoo authenticates you. Some users have reported that disabling automatic proxy detection solves the problem, and it also resolves an issue of getting logged out every few minutes, if you have ever experienced that.
    To make the change:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Advanced
    On the "Network" mini-tab, click the "Settings" button, then choose "No Proxy" and OK your way back out.
    If your work connection requires you to use a proxy server, try the "Use system settings" option instead.
    Does that help?

  • Signed Applet problems in Vista + JMF

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    I'm new to Java Applet programming. I wrote an application which works as a VoIP Client in a webpage (Using JMF). Its working very fine in allmost all Windows XP machines.
    But not in Windows Vista machines. In Vista i'm getting the following error :
    "No permission to capture from applet" - Since its a Signed applet. The application is digitally signed from a CA. Even though its not working in Vista (IE and Mozilla Firefox also).
    I have went through the following link which says IE in Vista will run on protected mode, so Signed Applet will not have all the permission eventhough its signed for "AllPermission".
    And also I'm not able to create a customized jar file for JMF using JMF Customizer. (JMF Customizer is an application which creates a jar file with specified classes). While creating a jar file I'm getting particular class is not available. (In Windows XP, this class is compilled at run time).
    Please let me know the following things,
    a) Is there any security settings i have to make to run Signed Applet in Windows Vista ?
    b) What is Java Policy file? I don't have any policy file - will it affect the application ?
    c) Do I need to sign each applet (say i have 5 applets in single jar file) ?
    d) In Vista how Mozilla Firefox are running (like IE7's restricted environment or XP compatiable mode) ?
    Thanks in Advance,
    Karthikeyan R

    I have exatly the same problem but not with the class itself. I have the problem with an jar that my class calls.
    I use jdk1.4.2. I think it's basicaly the same problem as "lfpgMW".
    I'll also whould like an idea...

  • CC desktop app Mac sign in problem - stuck in a loop

    When i try to sign in on the desktop app Mac it says I have signed out and I need to sign in again. This is a perpetual loop.
    many thanks for any help.

    I'm afraid that my problem with the CC Desktop App Home panel is NOT a disk permissions issue...
    Per your suggestion, I verified my hard drive, repaired permissions, and rebooted my laptop. However, when I click on the Creative Cloud icon in the Finder's menu bar, the Home panel still displays a continually spinning gear wheel, as it did previously. The Apps panel is properly displayed, and the Files and Fonts panels display "coming attractions" messages; I don't have any projects in the Behance panel.
    Prior to visiting this forum, I did a Google search on the problem of "CC Desktop App Home Panel Hangs," and I found a couple posts suggesting that the only way to cure this problem is to uninstall all CC/CS6 apps, use Adobe Cleaner to clean up the CS6/CC installation, and then reinstall all the apps via CC...and that doing all this does not necessarily prevent the problem for recurring.
    I must say that I'm finding certain aspects of the Creative Cloud implementation to be surprisingly buggy. I've already lost a couple day's work to dealing with Creative Cloud installation and functionality issues--which is very frustrating, to say the least.
    That being said, if you have any other suggestions, I'm willing to try them, as I would like to get my Creative Cloud installation working properly.

  • Lync HP 4120 Sign in problems with Lync Server 2013

    Hi, this is my second request for help, this with more information...
    I`ll ready install the follow infrastructure:  (I change the name of my organization for contoso)
    Lync Server 2013 Installation with Enterprise mode with 1 front end :  Pool:  Front End:     Back End:
    I`ll ready install a PKI infrastructure with two tiers, the root offline and the subordnate
    This with the defailt algorithm configuration RSA SHA1
    My phones are HP 4120 
    In the Front End Server i configured the SCHANNEL registers:
    EnableSessionTicket in 2
    Send..etc in 0
    Ok, the installation is ok, services are OK, Client login trough PC its OK, PSTN Configuration... (I can make a phonecall with the lync client of Office 365)
    Commnd Checks:  
    When i run the command Test-CsPhoneBootstrap -PhoneOrExt 12345 -PIN 123456 -TargetFqdn
    The result is:
    Target Fqdn   :
    Target Uri    :
    Result        : Success
    Latency       : 00:00:09.0559615
    Error Message :
    Diagnosis     :
    When i run the command Test-CsPhoneBootstrap -PhoneOrExt 12345 -PIN 123456 for
    check the DHCP the result is:
    Target Fqdn   :
    Target Uri    :
    Result        : Success
    Latency       : 00:00:09.0559615
    Error Message :
    Diagnosis     :
    When i run the follow command 
    PS C:\Users\Administrator> $cred = Get-Credential
    cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
    Supply values for the following parameters:
    PS C:\Users\Administrator> Test-CsClientAuth -TargetFqdn -UserSipAddress "sip:[email protected]" -UserCredential $cred
    I got this:
    Target Fqdn   :
    Target Uri    :
    Result        : Success
    Latency       : 00:00:00.3431783
    Error Message :
    Diagnosis     :
    But.. when i use the same command but i remove the -targetFqdn for check the Dhcp i got this:
    VERBOSE: Workflow Instance Id 'bca95636-af7b-4b0a-b43d-dba259294b2d', started.
    VERBOSE: Command line executed is 'Test-CsClientAuth -UserSipAddress "sip:[email protected]" -UserCredential $cred
    Target Fqdn   :
    Target Uri    :
    Result        : Failure
    Latency       : 00:00:00
    Error Message : 10060, A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period
                    of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
                    Inner Exception:A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after
                    a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
    Diagnosis     :
    VERBOSE: Workflow 'Microsoft.Rtc.SyntheticTransactions.Workflows.STClientAuthWorkflow' started.
    Workflow 'Microsoft.Rtc.SyntheticTransactions.Workflows.STClientAuthWorkflow' completed in '5.62E-05' seconds.
    Target web service Url not provided. Will have to extract it from authentication challenge.
    An exception 'Unable to establish a connection.' occurred during Workflow
    Microsoft.Rtc.SyntheticTransactions.Workflows.STClientAuthWorkflow execution.
    Exception Call Stack:    at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.SipAsyncResult`1.ThrowIfFailed()
       at Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling.Helper.EndAsyncOperation[T](Object owner, IAsyncResult result)
       at Microsoft.Rtc.SyntheticTransactions.Activities.GetSTSUriActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityExecutionContext
       at Microsoft.Rtc.SyntheticTransactions.Activities.SyntheticTransactionsActivity.Execute(ActivityExecutionContext
       at System.Workflow.ComponentModel.ActivityExecutor`1.Execute(T activity, ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
       at System.Workflow.ComponentModel.ActivityExecutorOperation.Run(IWorkflowCoreRuntime workflowCoreRuntime)
       at System.Workflow.Runtime.Scheduler.Run()
       at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
       at Microsoft.Rtc.Internal.Sip.TcpTransport.OnConnected(Object arg)
    'GetSTSUri' activity started.
    Starting STS Uri Discovery...
    ERROR getting STS Uri.
    'UnRegister' activity started.
    'UnRegister' activity completed in '3.12E-05' seconds.
    VERBOSE: Workflow Instance ID 'bca95636-af7b-4b0a-b43d-dba259294b2d' completed.
    VERBOSE: Workflow run-time (sec): 126.0548512.
    The Real Problem is that my Lync HP 4120 Phone can't make a sign in, not from USB cable loging, nor with PIN authentification
    When I try to make a login with the USB cable, I set the user and password and the phone says "Connecting to Lync".. "Downloading a certificate" ... "Installing certificate"... "Downloading Certificate"...
    "Installing Certificate".. forever 
    When I try to make a login with PIN Authentification, the phone first displays the following:
    Account used is not authorized, Please Contact your support team and then shows this:
    An Account matching this phone number cannot be found. Please contact your support team.
    The Pin authentification is enable
    In the Lync Server Enable Kerberos Authentification, Enable Integrated Windows Authentification and Enable Certificate Authentification are enable
    This is the configuration from DHCP 
    Starting Discovery ... 
    Sending Packet (Size: 284, Network Adapter: xx.xx.xx.xx, Attempt Type: Broadcast only)
    --Begin Packet--
    DHCP: INFORM                (xid=130EA7FA)
    DHCP: Op Code           (op)      = 1
    DHCP: Hardware Type     (htype)   = 6
    DHCP: Hops              (hops)    = 0
    DHCP: Transaction ID    (xid)     = 319727610
    DHCP: Seconds           (secs)    = 0
    DHCP: Flags             (flags)   = 0000
    DHCP: Client IP Address (ciaddr)  = Xx.xx.xx.xx
    DHCP: Your IP Address   (yiaddr)  =
    DHCP: Server IP Address (siaddr)  =
    DHCP: Relay IP Address  (giaddr)  =
    DHCP: Client HW Address (chaddr)  = FC15B4###--End Packet--
    Received Packet
    Sender:xx.xx.xx.xx:67, Size:363
    --Begin Packet--
    DHCP: ACK                (xid=130EA7FA)
    DHCP: Op Code           (op)      = 1
    DHCP: Hardware Type     (htype)   = 6
    DHCP: Hops              (hops)    = 0
    DHCP: Transaction ID    (xid)     = 319727610
    DHCP: Seconds           (secs)    = 0
    DHCP: Flags             (flags)   = 0000
    DHCP: Client IP Address (ciaddr)  = xx.xx.xx.xx
    DHCP: Your IP Address   (yiaddr)  =
    DHCP: Server IP Address (siaddr)  =
    DHCP: Relay IP Address  (giaddr)  =
    DHCP: Client HW Address (chaddr)  = FC15B4100289
    DHCP: Server Host Name  (sname)   = 
    DHCP: Boot File Name    (file)    = 
    DHCP: Magic Cookie                =
    DHCP: Option Field
        DHCP: DHCP MESSAGE TYPE(  53) = (Length: 1) DHCP ACK
        DHCP: Server Identifier(  54) = (Length: 4) XX.XX.XX.XX
        DHCP: Client Identifier(  61) = (Length: 0)  ()
        DHCP: SIP Server( 120)        = (Length: 17) enc:0 (00046C796E6306756E69736F6E026D7800)
        DHCP: Host Name(  12)         = (Length: 0) 
        DHCP: Vendor Identifier(  60) = (Length: 0) 
        DHCP: Param Req List(  55)    = (Length: 0) 0 0
        DHCP: Vendor Info(  43)       = (Length: 86) MS-UC-Clienthttpslync.contoso.com443%/CertProv/CertProvisioningService.svcÜNAP (010C4D532D55432D436C69656E7402056874747073030E6C796E632E756E69736F6E2E6D78040334343305252F4365727450726F762F4365727450726F766973696F6E696E67536572766963652E737663DC034E4150)
        DHCP: End of this option field
    --End Packet--
    Result: Success
    DHCP Server : xx.xx.x.xx.
    SIP Server FQDN :
    Certificate Provisioning Service URL :
    thanks for all, hope somebody can help me with this problem.. i am going crazy...

    Hi, i connected the Lync Phone to another switch and i update the firmware to the newest firmware and i got the same problem..  
    The lync phone download the certificate but cant install it and the still the same error with the SIP login
    An Account matching this phone number cannot be found. Please contact your support team.

  • Cs6 sign in problem

    last night I upgraded to cs6 creative suite and web design from cs.5.5.  install went fine but will not allow sign in to register product. it says, can not connect to Internet or your clock time is wrong.  I spoke with live help last night, they said to uninstall cs.5.5 after you deactivate it.  They also, said there is an issue and to speak with tech support.  Today, I spoke with them and was working along and just got disconnected, but, I received no call back.  This seems to be a too common of an issue.  anyway, I have uninstalled cs6 and reloaded cs5.5 and all seems fine.  no doubt, there are rollout issues with cs6 creative suite, just from reading the comments, but for such a wonderful company and product, there should be no shame in telling clients I'll investigate the issues and get back with you, or yes, we are seeing some difficulties in some client installs and are working to fix the problem.  at any rate, could you let me know what you think the problem might be, because I sure would love to get cs6 up and running.  Clock time is correct and I can connect to Internet and I have turned off firewall (bitdefender), antivirus and antispan and tried the sign in but no dice.  worked thru some of these issues with Matt,( tech. support) before we got disconnected.  thank for any help you can give...... I definitely will be waiting to reinstall cs6 sometime in the future................Adobe Rocks. 

    Thank you, I've completed all the steps listed and with flying colors all were successful. The problem seems to be elsewhere.  I will try to install cs6 again later today and let you know the out come.  My question for this reinstall is: do I have to deactivate cs5.5 and uninstall it prior to the new install of cs6?  And is there anything else I need to deactivate and uninstall prior to the new install of cs6, like acrobat pro or anything else?
    thanks again, Jeff.
    jone 1:28 am 5/18/2012

  • Mavericks upgrade - iMessage/Facetime sign in problem (MBPro 2010)

    After upgrading to Mavericks from Mountain Lion, now I can't sign in with iMessage and Facetime:
    In Console I'm getting this errors logged:
    25/10/13 21:56:12,674 apsd[66]: Failed to evaluate trust: No error. (0), result=5; retrying with revocation checking optional
    25/10/13 21:56:12,681 apsd[66]: failed to evaluate trust: No error. (0), result=5; retrying with system roots
    25/10/13 21:56:12,685 apsd[66]: Root certificate is not explicitly trusted
    25/10/13 21:56:12,686 apsd[66]: Untrusted peer, closing connection immediately
    I've tried many solutions with no positive result. It appears something is wrong with the Keychain. Something is missing or was not correctly upgraded.

    I've solved my iMessage/Facetime problem. This is the solution I've posted in another discussion.
    This is the solution if  you are getting errors like these logged in system.log:
    25/10/13 21:56:12,674 apsd[66]: Failed to evaluate trust: No error. (0), result=5; retrying with revocation checking optional
    25/10/13 21:56:12,681 apsd[66]: failed to evaluate trust: No error. (0), result=5; retrying with system roots
    25/10/13 21:56:12,685 apsd[66]: Root certificate is not explicitly trusted
    25/10/13 21:56:12,686 apsd[66]: Untrusted peer, closing connection immediately

  • Signed Applet problems

    Hi all,
    I have a problem with one applet. I just built an applet (JDK 1.2) to download a file to the local machine; so far is OK, I got my digital certificate and I have signed the applet. Now when I test it in IE 5.x or 6.x it shows me the certificate and of course I trust, so it writes to the local hard drive, but when I try to test in Netscape 4.7 or greater; it shows me the certificate, I choose the "Trusted option" but I got the error:
    access denied ( c:\mwSave.dll write)
    I don't have any idea why if my applet is already signed and the certificate is valid I am getting this error... I am using a signed applet to do not use the policy file.... and should work, well I think that....
    Any ideas....
    Thanks in advance.

    I have exatly the same problem but not with the class itself. I have the problem with an jar that my class calls.
    I use jdk1.4.2. I think it's basicaly the same problem as "lfpgMW".
    I'll also whould like an idea...

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