Signature box on page 1 only.

I am producing a formatted report which has a sigature box on the 1st page only. I have tried the page break before option but this does not work. Any ideas.
Thanx, Art

I tried the book solution by creating a rectangle and setting page break before and print on first page, not only did page break not occur but the object printed on the last page only.... Note that I have 3 nested groups each having a repeating group. So what I need to do is interrupt whatever group happens to be printing near the bottom of the first page only. Art

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    1. Open a blank Word Processing template (they are listed in the Template Chooser sidebar), you have opened a Layout template that requires Textboxes for you to type into.
    2. To select a Textbox hold down the command key and click on its edge or lassoo it, then hit delete.
    3. If you don't want Headers or Footers, uncheck them in the Document Inspector
    4. Download the Pages09_UserGUide.pdf from under the Help menu and familiarise yourself with Pages' basics. Also look around your Menus and Inspectors which are laid out logically from left to right from broad to details.
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    end tell
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    end tell
    end tell
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    end tell
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    end tell
    end tell

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    Thank you in advance.

    This is a common question, but I'm afraid it's almost certainly the wrong question. It usually comes from trying to translate a system of paper signatures into digital signatures without really examining how different they are.
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    Okay - let's cut to the chase...
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