Similar to multiple x sessions

I know that on linux you can initiate multiple x sessions so that when you connect to the computer using VNC and use the mouse and keyboard without interfering with what the user on the computer does.
Is there some way to start a new session on the mac and do that same thing?

TL;DR version - not really.
Long winded version...
Much of the apple magic in making X11 work within the Cocoa on top of Aqua on top of Quartz/OpenGL/QuickTime stack makes this really hard to do.
Have you looked over Xnest - it's really powerful and can act as a server and a client. If remote boxes are ssh into the mac and using the multiple displays set up under Xnest your local display would be cluttered but one mac could support many remote machines with X11 services.
See these links for some good reading on the subject:
[Fun with Xnest HowTo|]
[X11 for Mac OS X|>
The only time I've seen this actually deployed, xnest was ditched after a few days of pain. Instead, a beefy Mac Pro with RAM/CPU to spare was set up with VMWare fusion and a virtual machine per user with linux/freeBSD installed. Then X11 could roam there free of "the dictator" known as Quartz Compositor.

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    The problem you are seing is related to TopLink's existence checking. When you go to write an object from session 1 into session2 and it does not exist in the cache TopLink assumes the object is new. This is very similar to when you are running in a cluster and your write request ends up in a JVM where the TopLink session has not read in the object you plan to write.
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    HttpSession httpSession = (HttpSession)ectx.getSession(true);
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    Durga Rao.

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    document.onkeydown = function(e)
      var key;
      if (window.event) key = event.keyCode
      var unicode = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.charCode
      key = unicode
      switch (key)
      { //event.keyCode
      case 116: //F5 button
      event.returnValue = false;
      key = 0; //event.keyCode = 0;
      return false;
      case 82: //R button
      if (event.ctrlKey)
      event.returnValue = false;
      key = 0; //event.keyCode = 0;
      return false;
      case 91: // ctrl + R Button
      event.returnValue= false;
      return false;
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    Use PPT, or a tool of your choice, to create a slide/object with links to each room. Then the user can click between the rooms as desired.
    You may want to use the ?launcher=false command at the end of the URLs to keep the individuals from having the add-in launched multiple times and in multiple rooms at the same time. This will keep the meetings in the individual's browser.

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    Hi Mark,
    I suppose as per SAP multiple sessions are not supported if Communication Management Service is used.
    Please look at the last posting on the following thread.
    Can we have multiple IE in the same machine to access IC Webclient ?
    Therefore, in this case solution suggested by Glenn could be useful to you.
    Edited by: Deepak Ahuja on Jan 29, 2009 5:10 PM

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    That is part of the product roadmap to support multiple j-sessions for IOP fail over using Weblogic. That way, if the primary IOP server fails, the user can be re-routed to the backup server in a high-availability fashion. However, that is not supported currently, but will be over the next couple of releases.

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    If you're trying to burn from within iPhoto via the Share->Burn menu option to get a iPhoto disc that will mount and can be used by iPhoto like this then you can't do multiple burns. iPhoto does not support multiple sessions.
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    Attachments: ‏108 KB

    I have made a look at your VI. I don't have the driver for the instrument I couldn't go into the subVIs and its documentation and I could not change it for you.
    1. You initialise only 2 of the 4 meters. Initialize all meters.
    2. In sequence 0 you close the session to the meter. In the next loop iteration it will not measure as you intended. Delete the "VISA Close" function.
    3. The stop button would cause the while loop to exit. But your handling is a little bit complicated. Do following:
    Delete the "not" and case where the stop terminal is connected. Wire the stop terminal directly to the termination terminal of the while loop. With the context menu set it to "stop if True". Wire the VISA sessions to the right border of the while loop and connect t
    hem to the "VISA Close" function.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

  • Using Start-Job to launch multiple SSH sessions and esxtop?

    Hello folks,
    I am trying to start an esxtop session on multiple esx servers at the same time.
    I started trying using Start-Job thinking it would help do it asynchronously.
    The script I have below works on one host so far, but need suggestions to repeat it for multiple hosts, thinking by looping through changing the $i each time?
    Checking if anyone would have comment?
    $i = 1
    $seconds = 5
    $iterations = 2
    $esxtopfile = "esxtop$i_$((Get-Date).ToString('MMddyyy-hhmm')).csv"
    $ComputerName = "z420esxi$"
    # Start an esxtop session using and start an esxtop command - module already loaded.
    $sb = {New-SshSession -ComputerName $($args[0]) -KeyFile C:\esxi-key-openssh.key -Username root
           Invoke-SshCommand -ComputerName $($args[0]) -command "esxtop -d $($args[1]) -a -b -n $($args[2]) > /tmp/$($args[3])"     
    Start-Job  -ScriptBlock $sb -ArgumentList $ComputerName,$seconds,$iterations,$esxtopfile | Wait-Job | Receive-Job

A: Using Start-Job to launch multiple SSH sessions and esxtop?

You're starting for a job, waiting for that job to complete and then finally receiving that job
before allowing anything else to happen with your script.
In other words, if you had some code after the Start-Job line, it would not be executed until the job had completed and you had received the job, which partially negates the benefits of using a job to begin with (specially bearing in mind you don't have
a form).
The way to achieve what you're after is to start all jobs at the same time, one per ESX host, and then finally to wait for all jobs and collect all jobs at the end.
Here's a quick example that starts 5 jobs and wait for all of them to complete before receiving the results.
$jobs = @()
$jobs += 1..5 | ForEach-Object {Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Sleep $args[0]; "I just slept for $($args[0]) seconds"} -ArgumentList $_}
[void] (Wait-Job $jobs)
Receive-Job $jobs
Notice that each of the subsequent jobs will take longer and longer to run, with the first being the fastest and the last the slowest. Still, I'm waiting for *all* jobs to complete before performing the Receive-Jobs on all of them at the same time.

You're starting for a job, waiting for that job to complete and then finally receiving that job
before allowing anything else to happen with your script.
In other words, if you had some code after the Start-Job line, it would not be executed until the job had completed and you had received the job, which partially negates the benefits of using a job to begin with (specially bearing in mind you don't have
a form).
The way to achieve what you're after is to start all jobs at the same time, one per ESX host, and then finally to wait for all jobs and collect all jobs at the end.
Here's a quick example that starts 5 jobs and wait for all of them to complete before receiving the results.
$jobs = @()
$jobs += 1..5 | ForEach-Object {Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Sleep $args[0]; "I just slept for $($args[0]) seconds"} -ArgumentList $_}
[void] (Wait-Job $jobs)
Receive-Job $jobs
Notice that each of the subsequent jobs will take longer and longer to run, with the first being the fastest and the last the slowest. Still, I'm waiting for *all* jobs to complete before performing the Receive-Jobs on all of them at the same time.

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    We have also noticed that creating multiple Facetime Audio session, the problems is not present.
    We are using a iMAC with Yosemtime 10.10.3
    Is there any way to fix this situation?

    I can't active my FaceTime on Mac mini PLS   HELP

  • Multiple VISA sessions & diagram clutter

    I am writing automated test sequences that use multiple VISA sessions
    (multiple test instruments) and many sub VIs. Is there any way to
    reduce the diagram clutter from the error cluster & visa session wiring
    (i.e. hide them, or use some kind of global reference)?
    Sent via
    Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

    I have made a look at your VI. I don't have the driver for the instrument I couldn't go into the subVIs and its documentation and I could not change it for you.
    1. You initialise only 2 of the 4 meters. Initialize all meters.
    2. In sequence 0 you close the session to the meter. In the next loop iteration it will not measure as you intended. Delete the "VISA Close" function.
    3. The stop button would cause the while loop to exit. But your handling is a little bit complicated. Do following:
    Delete the "not" and case where the stop terminal is connected. Wire the stop terminal directly to the termination terminal of the while loop. With the context menu set it to "stop if True". Wire the VISA sessions to the right border of the while loop and connect t
    hem to the "VISA Close" function.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

  • How do I use the Profile Manager to run multiple PHP sessions?

    I have a website that tracks the session and state of users as they traverse through the site. Several users can "work together" simultaneously. To test this cooperative functionality, I ran multiple Firefox profiles simultaneously on my computer, using Firefox's Profile Manager. After logging in as two users (one on each separate running Firefox instance), one of my Firefox instances still works, while the other one does not seem to track the session.
    How do I create and run multiple Firefox instances to allow me to test the functionality of such sites? I believe this worked a few months ago. Perhaps this is a new bug?
    I even tried running normal Firefox and Firefox Extended Support Release simultaneously, but I ran into the same error.

    Disregard the question. The solution has nothing to do with any "Firefox bug". Turns out that my session wasn't being managed properly. Or rather, I was accidentally deleting other users' information when new users logged in. So if I had user 1 and user 2, and user 2 logged in after user 1, some of user 1's information would be deleted, resulting in the errors.
    Oops; sorry about the false alarm. :)
    (Was hoping to retract the question, but it looks like others have a similar problem.)

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