Simple Back Button

I know this subject must have been asked a thousand times but
is there anyway to get a simple piece of Actionscript 3 to navigate
to the previous frame in a timeline?
The interface has 14 buttons which are the same on every
frame. Each button directs the user to a different frame on the
timeline. I need to have a back button that directs the user to the
previously view frame.
I'm new to Actionscript 3 but I did try the following code
but it didn't seem to work:
btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btn1Click);
function btn1Click(event:MouseEvent):void {
btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btn2Click);
function btn2Click(event:MouseEvent):void {
btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btn3Click);
function btn3Click(event:MouseEvent):void {
//--- back button timeline control ---\\
function backbtn(event:MouseEvent):void {
If anyone can help by directing me to some code I would be
eternally grateful.
Thanks in advance

Hi Dzedward
Thanks for your quick response . I found that the code you
gave didn't seem to work so I added the following code: I have
tried this and it seems to work in a limited capacity. I still get
an error message and it doesn't seem to go back in the same order
that the frames are view in. I'm sure it's something that I'm doing
backBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backClick);
function backClick(event:MouseEvent):void{
The error message is this:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
a null object reference.
Any thoughts?

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    Flex has a history manager (Flex 2) and deep linking feature
    (Flex 3).
    For more information see

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    Hi Jarrett -
    How do you add images on the fly? From the app itself?
    The link I gave you last week should answer that question. Just add the code to PageControl and study it until you understand it.
    I hope my language wasn't confusing. "On the fly" is just a metaphor for an adjustment in response to an unscheduled event. In this case PageControl makes a static, scrollable sequence of images. The code at the link adds the capability to change the sequence dynamically.
    I am wondering about your on the fly code \[...\] i need to add pages, but I dont need the user to.
    I hope you didn't pass over that link because insertion/deletion is triggered by the user. Play with the code until it's yours. The code to activate it from a web event,, etc. will then write itself. Ok?

  • Problem displaying drill down STANDARD ALV for a particular record after pressing back button

    I have a simple interactive ALV grid report. NOT 'OO'. It display correctly on initial execution. AT the moment, 6 records. I want it to work such that if i click record '1', a drill-down version of that ALV with only that one record clicked is displayed. This currently occurs correctly. The problem arises when i click the back button and want to click on a new record, say in the 2nd row..this new 2nd row record is not displayed. The first one is displayed again. I tried clearing and fiddling around but then the last record is displayed. I have used the 'ID' field as a 'hotspot' getting picked up by sy-tabindex. Maybe it could be that i shouldn't loop and use  a work area e.g in my select statement. i'm not so sure i've looked around, and tried a few things. I can't get it right yet. My code is below:
    *& Report  ZALV
    TYPE-POOLS: slis. "slis contains all of the ALV data types.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_zcontact.
             INCLUDE STRUCTURE zcontact.
    TYPES: icon TYPE char4, "field holding traffic light value- adding a column to internal table to hold the traffic light
             END OF ty_zcontact.
    DATA: "fieldcatALOG TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv WITH HEADER LINE,
           it_zcontact TYPE TABLE OF ty_zcontact,"declares an internal table of type ZCONTACT
           wa_zcontact TYPE ty_zcontact,
           gd_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv,
           gd_repid LIKE sy-repid,
           g_variant TYPE disvariant,
           gx_variant TYPE disvariant,
           g_save TYPE c VALUE 'X',
           it_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,"declares field catalog table of line type alv
           wa_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv, "declares the work area of the field catalog
           it_list_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader.
    DATA: it_fieldcat1 TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
           wa_fieldcat1 TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
    V_VALUE(10) TYPE C.
           "izontact TYPE TABLE OF zcontact.
            "i_logo TYPE OT.
           "ls_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv.
    **Selection Screen details
    *PARAMETERS: variant like disvariant-variant.
    age FOR wa_zcontact-age,
    lastnme FOR wa_zcontact-lastname.
    **Getting default variant
    *    SELECT SINGLE age FROM zcontact INTO wa_zcontact-age WHERE age = age.
    *  IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    *    MESSAGE:'That age does not exist mate, Please enter another age' TYPE 'E'.
    *    ENDIF.
    *gx_variant-report = sy-repid.
    *  I_SAVE = G_SAVE
    *    NOT_FOUND = 2.
    *IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    *  ENDIF.
      PERFORM top_of_page.
    "g_repid = sy-repid.
    *Fetch data from the database
    SELECT * FROM zcontact INTO TABLE it_zcontact WHERE age IN age AND lastname IN lastnme.
    "assigning traffic light colour to each row based on a condition
    *  IF wa_zcontact-age GE 65.
    *   wa_zcontact-icon = 1. "Red Traffic Light
    *   ELSEIF wa_zcontact-age BETWEEN 40 AND 64.
    *     wa_zcontact-icon = 2. "Yellow traffic light
    *     ELSE.
    *       wa_zcontact-icon = 3." Green traffic light
    *       ENDIF.
    *       MODIFY it_zcontact FROM wa_zcontact TRANSPORTING icon.
    *       CLEAR wa_zcontact.
    *Build field catalog
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ID'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'The Contact ID'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'LASTNAME'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Contact Lastname'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FIRSTNAME'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Contact Firstname'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'DOB'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Date Of Birth'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'TEL'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Telephone Number'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ADDRESS'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'The Address'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'OCCUPATION'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'The Occupation'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'WEIGHT'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'WEIGHT'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'AGE'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'AGE OF THE CONTACT'.
    wa_fieldcat-do_sum   = 'X'.        "Display column total
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'SALARY'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'SALARY'.
    wa_fieldcat-do_sum   = 'X'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    gd_layout-lights_fieldname = 'ICON'.
    gd_repid = sy-repid.
    *Pass data and field catalog to ALV function module to display ALV list
           it_fieldcat            = it_fieldcat
           i_callback_program     = gd_repid
           i_callback_top_of_page =  'TOP_OF_PAGE'
           i_callback_user_command =  'USER_COMMAND'
           i_structure_name       =  'ZCONTACT'
           i_save                 = 'X'
           is_variant             = g_variant
           is_layout     = gd_layout
           t_outtab      = it_zcontact
           program_error = 1
           OTHERS        = 2.
    FORM top_of_page.
    *ALV Header declarations
       DATA: it_listheader TYPE slis_t_listheader,
             wa_listheader TYPE slis_listheader,
             t_line like wa_listheader-info,
             ld_lines TYPE I,
             ld_linesc(10) TYPE C.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'H'.
    wa_listheader-info = 'Contact Details'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-info = sy-repid.
    wa_listheader-key = 'Program Name:'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-info = sy-uname.
    wa_listheader-key = 'User Name:'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-key = 'Run Date :'.
    CONCATENATE sy-datum+6(2)
                 INTO wa_listheader-info
                 SEPARATED BY '/'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
    wa_listheader-typ = 'S'.
    wa_listheader-key = 'Time :'.
    CONCATENATE sy-uzeit(2)
                 INTO wa_listheader-info
                 SEPARATED BY ':'.
    APPEND wa_listheader TO it_listheader.
    CLEAR wa_listheader.
           it_list_commentary = it_listheader
           i_logo = 'KLOGO'.
    ENDFORM. "top_of_page
    *& Form sub_user_command
       WHEN '&IC1'.
    CASE p_seltab-fieldname.
       WHEN 'ID'.
       READ TABLE it_zcontact INTO wa_zcontact INDEX p_seltab-tabindex.
    ENDFORM. "
    SELECT * FROM zcontact INTO TABLE it_zcontact WHERE id EQ wa_zcontact-id.
    *Build field catalog
    CLEAR: wa_fieldcat, it_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'ID'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'The Contact ID'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'LASTNAME'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Contact Lastname'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
    wa_fieldcat-fieldname = 'FIRSTNAME'.
    "wa_fieldcat-seltext_m = 'Contact Firstname'.
    APPEND wa_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    CLEAR wa_fieldcat.
         i_structure_name       =  'ZCONTACT'
         i_callback_user_command =  'USER_COMMAND'
           T_OUTTAB = IT_ZCONTACT.

    Hi Ten Mariga,
                     I wonder why the second select Query is needed at all instead you can use
    ---> Not Needed
    SELECT * FROM zcontact INTO TABLE it_zcontact WHERE id EQ wa_zcontact-id.
    ----> Instead you can do
       READ TABLE it_zcontact INTO wa_zcontact INDEX p_seltab-tabindex.
      Append wa_zcontact to Second_table.
    And you can use the Second_table to display the second ALV. The second Select Query will affect the performance too.
    Krishnakumar B.

  • Is there a way to control the "back button"?

    i've got a simple animation intro, ending with the very last
    key frame being static with links. then the links will bring up
    another page in the same window. but i was wondering if there was a
    way in flash to control the back button to bring the user to that
    very last key-frame, at the end of all the animation. thereby
    skipping over the intro-animation.
    i have an html intro page, where you can go to the flash
    introduction, or the peoples' old website, or to a Flash-Player
    download window. i was wondering if there was a way to create a
    link to that end key-frame in order to by-pass the animated flash
    thanks for your help

    gotoAndPlay(32) if you have a continuos animation after that
    frame and you want to continue it; the number within the brackets
    is the number of the frame you want to go to. Or else if you want
    to go to a particular frame and stop there, gotoAndStop(32);

  • How can i create forward and back buttons for a dreamweaver slideshow?

    I am an illustrator attempting to create a website in dreamweaver (basically it will be an online portfolio). I would like to have a box/slideshow with images of my work that someone can browse through by clicking 'next' and 'back' buttons. Does anyone know how to do this? I have been trying to find out how to do this for ages - i dont want to use flash if possible as i am worried about making the site too complicated. I know how to make swap image thumbnails, but i think my site would be more user friendly (and look more professional) if i could have next and back buttons. Would this involve complicated css code (which scares the life out of me!) or is there a relatively easy way to do it? I have got two 'dreamweaver for idiots' books, but neither of them cover this topic. Can anyone help?

    If you are using CS4, there is a Command to create a Web Album... this does it automatically for you.
    Otherwise, you can create this manually.  Say you have 3 pages,
    page1.html  (is the index page of the album)
    Therefore, using ordinary text links
    Home would link to page1.html
    Previous would link to page3.html
    Next would link to page2.html
    You would need to make adjustments naturally to each page as you move along with the gallery pages, changing the previous and the next links as needed.  Below is a a basic example of setting up the links in a simple table structure.  You would also then style the table layout as you see fit - yes, using css preferably  :-)
    <td><h2>MY GALLERY OF PHOTOS</h2>
    <a href="page3.html">Previous</a> | <a href="index.html">Home</a> | <a href="page2.html">Next</a>
    <a href="../images/img_2401_jpg.jpg"><img src="../images/img_2401_jpg.jpg" border=0></a><br>
    Here's an article on creating an album using the DW Command I mentioned earlier. You could create the album and then copy and paste the code into a current page if you've already designed on.,... not too difficult, I just tested it.  You do however, need to have Fireworks to process the images. 10b1f693f21-7ad1.html
    You could also check out the Lightbox effect which is very popular:
    Or do a google search for 'jquery'.  There are different album effects using that framework as well.
    Hope some of this helps  :-)
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates |Tutorials |SEO Articles
    Book: Ultimate CSS Reference

  • I would like to move the reload button off of the location bar. I would also like to have a visible "forward" button as well as the back button.

    Simple as that. Given that I have OCD, it's extremely unpleasant to have both the forward and back buttons not consistently visible. How can I return to that appearance?
    I also want to separate the reload button from the location bar, as I had it before the update. I find myself reloading pages quite often, and having the button be smaller, and within the location bar, is well... kinda counter-intuitive.
    Ideally, I would like to have it ordered, from left to right: back, forward, reload, location bar.
    Firefox has always been very customizable, and very user friendly. A few hiccups here and there, sure, but you can typically get what you want done, one way or another. So can you guys help me out? This is driving me crazy. I have installed Classic Theme Restorer, and it doesn't change that I can't currently do this.

    Hi Rose1, if you mean in the regular address bar of Firefox 29, the Forward button should appear after you have used Back.
    If you mean in the Classic Theme Restorer, you first need to check the box for "Movable back-forward button" in its Options. Open the Add-on page using either:
    * Ctrl+Shift+a
    * menu button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons
    In the left column, click Extensions, then click the Options button for Classic Theme Restorer. On the "Main" tab, under General UI, you will find this option. As you check and uncheck, Firefox shows the result of the change, so you should see the arrows appear on the right end of the main toolbar.
    After finishing with this dialog, you can use Customize to drag them where you want them.
    Any luck?

  • JSF seems not to support the use of the back buttons and html frames.

    I�m having the following problem. I have a JSP which contains a button that register a listener. Here is part of the code:
    <h:command_hyperlink label="<%=engineBean.getId()%>" commandName="<%=engineBean.getId()%>">
    <f:action_listener type="helloDuke.CommandAction"/>
    This action listener only forwards the request to other simple JSP.
    The problem appears in the following situation:
    1 � I click in the button that generates the event that will be processed by helloDuke.CommnadAction listener.
    2 � It forward to a second JSP page.
    3 � This second page is rendered to the user properly.
    4 � The user clicks in the browser�s back button to return to previous page.
    Then if is the user clicks in first page button, the CommandAction listener was removed. You must click again in the button to forward to the correct page.
    The same happened if you are using html frames. If you have a frame with 2 pages and both pages register action listeners.
    The last loaded page cleans the actions listener of the other.
    Does anybody have any solution?.
    It seems JSF doesn�t support the use of frames and I think that in some situation the frames are the solution to several problems.
    Any help will be really appreciated.

    Using the saveStateInClient=true produces a faulty output when using the command_button and an action_listener. The page that is rendered is totally useless: the button won't work, and due to the faulty rendering there's an output like: >com.sun.faces.saveStateMarker
    So, why is it, that pressing the button (not using the saveStateInClient option) will only work the second time, same thing pressing the backbutton. Pressing the reload button will toggle between two pages - the one before the session id is assigned and the one that it's supposed to show.
    Any guess will be greatly appreciated !!!!

  • Back button is not working properly

    Navigation back is not possible to the first page. the defect was found with firefox 4 beta rc1.
    Open fresh page and open any website. Click on any link which navigates you to new page in the same tab. Back button is not active and coming back to the first page is impossible, however from second page onwards problem does not exists.
    My understanding is the stack holding "back" links is not storing page 0 but all.
    Should be simple enough to fix. It has cost me lot of important links.

    The back button will take you back one page. If you need to go back further than the first page then simply right click on the button.

  • Using "back" button breaks sample "play" buttons

    In iTunes 10.2.2 Mac, the sample "play" buttons in the iTunes Store stop working if you hit the "back" button to return to previous pages (unless you force them to reload).
    Is there a simple way to submit a minor bug report like this, when I otherwise do not really need specific help or a response?

    It seems that in IE9 if you switch to compatibility mode, the problem goes away. Switch back it reappears.
    I have a website about to be released that has this problem throughout. Please let me know if there is a solution.

  • IE and the back-button

    Hi all...
    I've used JHeadstart 10.1.2 to build a fairly simple UIX based web application. This application is completely a read-only view of some data, layed out as master-detail-detail over a few screens.
    As such, I followed the directions in the JHeadstart Dev Guide to disable back-button protection, since my application didn't need to be protected against misuse of the browser back button.
    Everything works fine in Firefox... users can query the master screen and drilled into details, and use the browser back button to back out of the details to the master page.
    However, IE does not like this at all. It intercepts this back-button use with pages that employ POST form submissions by throwing the following rendering when navigating back up from my app's details pages:
    Warning: Page has Expired The page you requested was created using information you submitted in a form. This page is no longer available. As a security precaution, Internet Explorer does not automatically resubmit your information for you.
    To resubmit your information and view this Web page, click the Refresh button.
    What kind of mods in my UIX/Struts JHeadstart code can I make in order for IE to accept use of the back-button in this scenario?
    I realize I can add breadcrumbs to my application, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the users will use this instead of the back button (especially since the users will be public anonymous Internet users -- training is not an issue)?

    If you google on "how to prevent Warning: Page has Expired" you will find lots of useful links. You nee dto set your caching policy on the http header. You can do this by overriding JhsActionServlet.process, and register your custom action servlet in web.xml.
    You can add calls like this to set caching strategies:
    response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=3600");
    response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "private");
    Google on "response.setHeader" or reponse.addHeader for more examples.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

  • How does the viewcontroller class draw that cool "back" button?

    When you use a view controller, as you get deeper, you see the "back" button on the screen. I don't use a top level view controller, but when I get to my second level down, i want to add a view controller, with the "back" enabled. I figured it might be easier just to create a toolbar of my own and put in a button just like there. Is there a predefined system button that has "back" inside it? anybody know where this kind of tapered button shape is really stored on the system? or how to get this shape programmatically? Weird that apple doesn't have a programmatic interface exposed for this button type, which they are using.

    Ah, but when I am doing this manually, and since I don't have a previous view controller, I want to fake up this button because it has a nice shape; where is this button coming from? it is clearly built in but not in the list of "standard" buttons which is a very short list I might add. This icon is a PNG resource undoubtedly in some framework or somewhere, and where is it, or how can I get this button to come up programmatically it is not a simple oval.

  • Firefox Issue With Back button

    I am having an issue with SpryHorizontal Menus in Firefox when using the back button.  Even did a tutorial with and found their solution file had the same issue.  Would anyone who has had success with 3 levels of submenus care to share a snippet of their code as I cannot find the error and outside help hasn't quite resolved the issue.
    My code is following this basic outline
    <li><div align="center"><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Academics</a></div>
          <ul id="Academics">
            <li><a class="MenuBarItemSubmenu" href="#">Departments</a>
                <ul id="Departments">
                  <li><a href="../tsc_bustech.htm">Business Technologies</a></li>
        <li><a href="../tsc_communications.htm"><font="11.75px">Communications</font></a></li>
          <li><a href=""../tsc_ethics”/>Ethics</a></li>
                  <li><a href="../tsc_finearts_hum.htm">Fine Arts and Humanities</a></li>
                  <li><a href="../tsc_math.html">Mathematics</a></li>
                  <li><a href="#">Natural Sciences</a> 
            <ul id="naturalsciences">
        <li><a href="../tsc_bioscience.html">Biological Sciences</a></li>
          <li><a href="../tsc_physicalscience.html">Physical Sciences</a></li>
                <li><a href="../tsc_socialscience.htm">Social and Behavioral Sciences</a></li>
    Thank you.

    Hi Beth,
    Just an FYI.  Also received another nice piece of information to store in the SpryAssets help file from an online Adobe Certified Course Director:
    Thanks for your email! It isn’t often I get a great question like that. I had to do some digging, but I came up with a solution. You might have already worked your way through it, but if not the problem is Firefox’s (and Opera’s) caching that’s causing the issue in question. To fix it, you have to reset the submenu dynamic class names when the user clicks the link (re-caching the page is a bad idea).
    This is a pretty simple javascript fix. The problem was so interesting that I posted the fix to my blog. You can check out the solution here: if you haven’t already figured it out.

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