Simple button issue

Why won't this work?
meta_nav.bm0.onRollOver = function () {
I;ve double checked to be sure all instance names and frame
labels are correct. And have tested the same function with bm0 on
the _root level, and this works fine:
bm0.onRollOver = function () {
I am missing something when nesting one MC within another to
make this type of function call?

that will work. you just need to fix your inicial (sic)
i assume your button is really a movieclip button so btInfo
on your timeline needs to be mc.btnInfo where mc is the instance
name of your button.

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    Happy New to all as well!
    You are absolutely correct! The moment reporting is activated, the EXIT no longer functions. Although in my case, we are not using the time/slider bar but custom navigation buttons with an exit button on the last slide (and at the top of each slide).
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    - It is a tough issue that isn't Captivate's fault
      With all due respect to the awesome person who keeps stating that, I have a feeling that you have not used other rapid elearning tools. Building an EXIT button in all the other major elearning tools is easy and works every time.
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    buttonWS2.onRelease = function(){
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              //if (puzzleschosenarray[0] == 2 || puzzleschosenarray[1] == 2) {
              // cannot be chosen -- make button non-functional
                        //puzzleschosenarray[roundnumber-1] = 2;

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    Hi OneHorse,
    I've uploaded a file showing my above code working. Instead of just using "play", I'm telling it to play from a label: play("in"). If your "NA" symbol has autoplay unchecked, there may be some weird action when you tell it just "play()".

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                this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, createLetter);
                trace (this.letter);
            public function createLetter(e:TouchEvent): void {
                trace ("You clicked it!");
                trace ("eName = " +;
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    package  com.freerangeeggheads.spellwhiz {
        import flash.display.*;
        import com.freerangeeggheads.spellwhiz.*;
        public class Letters extends MovieClip {
            public var letter:String = "";
            public function Letters(): void {
                this.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, createLetter);
                trace (this.letter);
            public function createLetter(e:TouchEvent): void {
                trace ("You clicked it!");
                trace ("eName = " +;

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  • Simple button in AS3

    hello everybody,
    in my website I have a simple button that should trigger at
    every click a different frame. Browsing the net I have found the AS
    for the simple button (attached code) that works for a sigle click.
    Would please tell me the AS to give to the button the
    function described above??
    thank you so much

    My line would replace the gotoAndStop(2) that you had in your
    previous code. But I'm not sure that it is what you want. The code
    I gave you will tell the thing you clicked on to go to frame 2 and
    only to frame two.
    I think you are trying to do something different that what I
    thought. I think what you want instead of your gotoAndStop() line
    you just want
    Of course you might want to do something special when you get
    to the last frame so you might want to add something like:
    next.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, release);
    That would go just after the nextFrame(). That checks to see
    if the current frame is the last one and if so removes the click
    handler from the next button and makes it transparent so it looks
    disabled. (That could be done in a lot of fancier ways, but this
    was just to give you the idea.)
    Does that help?

  • Simple Button.Text not changing properly

    Hi all,
    The WPF learning curve is steep.
    I have pulled my hair over this simple Button.Text change and I can't get it to work.
    In WinForms this works:
    Public Class Form1
    Private Sub BTN_1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BTN_1.Click
    BTN_1.Text = "CLICKED BUTTON 1"
    BTN_2.Text = "CHANGED BY BUTTON 1"
    End Sub
    Private Sub BTN_2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BTN_2.Click
    BTN_2.Text = "CLICKED BUTTON 2"
    BTN_1.Text = "CHANGED BY BUTTON 2"
    End Sub
    End Class
    I want to do the same thing in WPF
    <Window x:Class="MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
    <Grid Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0">
    <Button Name="BTN_1" Click="CLICK_BTN_1">
    <TextBlock Name="CLICK_BTN_1_LABEL_1" Text="Button 1 text" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="#BF000000" >
    <TextBlock Name="CLICK_BTN_1_LABEL_2" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="#BF000000">
    <Run FontSize="25">Button 1</Run>
    <Run FontSize="12">Label 2</Run>
    <Grid Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0">
    <Button Name="BTN_2" Click="CLICK_BTN_1">
    <TextBlock Name="CLICK_BTN_2_LABEL_1" Text="Button 2 text" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="#BF000000">
    <TextBlock Name="CLICK_BTN_2_LABEL_2" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="#BF000000">
    <Run FontSize="25">Button 2</Run>
    <Run FontSize="12">Label 2</Run>
    Class MainWindow
    Private Sub CLICK_BTN_1(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles BTN_1.Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub CLICK_BTN_2(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles BTN_2.Click
    End Sub
    End Class
    This used to be so simple with WinForms, what am I doing wrong here?
    New to WPF

    Yeah, I saw that as well but now I am stuck again:
    Same project but I have put the buttons in a usercontrol
    <Window x:Class="MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
    <Grid Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0">
    <Viewbox Stretch="Fill">
    <ContentControl Name="UC_BTN1">
    <local:btn1 Margin="20"/>
    <Grid Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0">
    <Viewbox Stretch="Fill">
    <ContentControl Name="UC_BTN2">
    <local:btn2 Margin="20"/>
    <UserControl x:Class="btn1"
    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
    <Button Name="BTN_1" Click="CLICK_BTN_1">
    <TextBlock Name="CLICK_BTN_1_LABEL_1" Text="Button 1 text" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="#BF000000" >
    <TextBlock Name="CLICK_BTN_1_LABEL_2" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="#BF000000">
    <Run FontSize="25">Button 1</Run>
    <Run FontSize="12">Label 2</Run>
    Public Class btn1
    Dim CL_BTN2 As btn2
    Private Sub CLICK_BTN_1(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles BTN_1.Click
    End Sub
    End Class
    <UserControl x:Class="btn2"
    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
    <Button Name="BTN_2" Click="CLICK_BTN_2">
    <TextBlock Name="CLICK_BTN_2_LABEL_1" Text="Button 2 text" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="#BF000000">
    <TextBlock Name="CLICK_BTN_2_LABEL_2" VerticalAlignment="Top" Foreground="#BF000000">
    <Run FontSize="25">Button 2</Run>
    <Run FontSize="12">Label 2</Run>
    Public Class btn2
    Dim CL_BTN1 As btn1
    Private Sub CLICK_BTN_2(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles BTN_2.Click
    End Sub
    End Class
    No warnings in the code but the error is: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' and I thought I did, obviously not in the right way.
    New to WPF

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    My wife's brand new iphone4 (which was a replacement for a 4month-old iphone4 with home button issues) is not recognized by itunes. Every other ios device on  the computer/Apple ID in question is recognized and syncs perfectly. Any suggestions?

    If the new phone has already been setup, make sure the phone and iTunes are both set to the same account.
    You might also have to authorize this computer for the new device under the store menu.

  • Next and previous button issue with Prettyphoto in filtered gallery

    Hi there,
    I'm stryggeling with a next and previous button issue with Prettyphoto in filtered gallery.
    Like to have it like this:!prettyPhoto
    (next and previous buttun are there as well social connection)
    My problem is this:
    (social connection is there but no next and previous buttons??)
    Anybody who has a solution fot this. Have tried to change the CSS, Javascript and has followed the instructions from Prettyphoto but without any succes.
    Your help we muchly appriciated,
    Best Regards,

    bump PLEASE HELP

  • Can't get Simple button to Load Movie Clip

    Hi I've looked around for the answer to my question on this
    but havent found it so here it goes. I am working on this
    Flash site that was built by an outside studio. I am using
    The url to the site is
    (this link will take you to the main page click the shadow
    on the left under Bubba and this will take you to the site I
    am speaking
    of. The site is basically 5 different pages or movie clip.
    What I am
    trying to do is basically change the "Spring Break" middle
    (which is a Movie Clip) on the HOME page and add a simple
    that will direct the user to a new page. When I replaced the
    with a new Movie clip there was no problem but I have added
    button to load a new page (movie clip) and nothing happens.
    button is in the movie clip of the new graphic which is
    called up
    when the page loads. If i take this button and just put it
    on the
    Main Stage in Scene 1 by itself it works and loads the page
    (movie clip). It does not however when it is embeded in the
    Clip. The Flash site is basically 5 different Movie Clips
    loaded into
    an "Empty Clip". This empty clip has a timeline with each of
    clips labeled and with their respective sized placeholders.
    when you click on either the links on the Nav bar or the
    for each page it loads that movie clip on the main page. It
    like the button only wants to work on the main timeline. I
    even replaced the code for the "Contact" button with the code
    for the new button and it worked (opening new page). Here is
    code for the new button that does not work:
    on (release) {
    _root.contentHolder.myHeight = 307;
    _root.contentHolder.newLoc = 9;
    I know the location and height from the above code are
    referring to the placement and sizing of each movie clip
    in the "Empty Clip". As i said before this heightAnimation
    and the resizing of the new clip works fine when the
    button resides in Scene 1 on the Main Timeline but not
    within the new movie clip (graphic Ive created.)
    I will upload the main chunk of the code that resides
    in Scene 1 on the first frame of the "Actions" layer.
    If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate it very much!
    Please let me know if I can provide anymore info.

    function newLayerBT_CLICK(MouseEvent):void{
    function newLayerBT_CLICK(e:MouseEvent):void{

  • Is there one simple button or option called "delete or remove duplicates" ??

    is there one simple button or option called "delete or remove duplicates" ??

    to winamp you simply click remove duplicates and all duplicate songs are removed. In Itunes it appears you have to click on each individuale song. (yes you can hold the control key and hit delete one time , but when yo uhave hundreds or thousands of songs this is very time consuming
    Surely there must be a faster simpler way??????
    Message was edited by: IanLeg

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    I have a map of the US. Each U.S. state is a simple button.
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    function addButtonListeners(btnInstance:SimpleButton) {
    btnInstance.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,
    btnInstance.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,
    Montana._color = 0xA6CsDA; //doesn't work

    I also tried this code, but I'm getting the error message:
    Access of possibly undefined property rgb through a reference
    with static type flash.geom:ColorTransform.
    Source: color.rgb = 0x00ff00;

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