Simple Hangman

As the title suggest im putting together a simple hangman program. Ive been learning java for about a month now and I'm 90% done with the homework. The problem im having is actually outputting the correct slected letters to the screen. Im not trying to get game made for me, its just annoying that ive got all the core components worked out, i just cant output correct guesses to the screen :). For example.
I have created an array of 26 buttons, A-Z with this loop.
StringBuffer buffer;
          letters = new Button[26];
          for (i = 0; i <26; i++)
               buffer = new StringBuffer();
                    buffer.append((char) (i+65));
                    letters[i] = new Button (buffer.toString());
                    letters.addActionListener( this );
          }The below segment is what im using to distinguish between correct and incorrect guesses.
{code:java}     public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent ev)
for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)
     if (ev.getSource() == letters)
     if (Words[rnd].indexOf(ev.getActionCommand()) == -1)
          System.out.print("Incorrectguesses is: ");
     if(Words[rnd].indexOf(ev.getActionCommand()) >= 0)
          }As you can see, im trying to add the letter pressed (button) to a stringbuffer, so i can send it down to the paint method. This compiles. However. From what i understand, (and i want to understand) java is adding the letters into a single string so, "f""i""r""e" would become "fire". Is this correct? My problem is outputting the individual characters. I had got to:
{code:java}public void paint(Graphics graf)
if (correctguesses > 0){
          for (i = 1; i <=length; i++)
          } When i realised that this wasnt going to work. Basically i have no idea how to outprint the individual characters to their respective slots(check measurements in drawstring). Could somone explain what is going on, and suggest a possible fix please :)
Regards, D4rky
Here are my variables:String[] Words = {lots of words in here   :)  };
Random rand = new Random();
int rnd =(int)Math.floor(Math.random()*Words.length);
int length = Words[rnd].length(); //Length of chosen Array
int badguesses = 0;
int correctguesses = 0;
int x;
int i;
Button letters[];
StringBuffer letterbuffer = new StringBuffer(length);{code}Edited by: D4rky on Nov 1, 2009 11:20 AM
Edited by: D4rky on Nov 1, 2009 11:22 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    Grab the J2ME toolkit version 1 from
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    import tio.*;
    class Hangman {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         char[] theWord;
         char[] guesses;
         boolean[] correctGuesses;
         int maxWrong = 6; // We'll give them 6 incorrect guesses
         int numWrong = 0;
         boolean badGuess;
         char guess;
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         correctGuesses[i] = false;
         // initialize guesses
         guesses = new char[theWord.length + maxWrong];
         // Keep going until they have guessed everything
         while(!gameOver(correctGuesses) && numWrong < maxWrong) {
         // Print out the current state
         // Print out the status
         System.out.print("Status: ");
         for(int i = 0; i < theWord.length; i++)
         // Print out what has been guessed so far
         System.out.print("Guessed: ");
         for(int i = 0; i < numGuesses; i++)
         System.out.println((maxWrong - numWrong) + " incorrect guesses remaining");
         // Get the guess
         guess = getGuess(guesses, numGuesses);
         // Record it
         guesses[numGuesses] = guess;
         // See if it is in the word
         badGuess = true;
         for(int i = 0; i < theWord.length; i++) {
              if(guess == theWord[i]) {
              correctGuesses[i] = true;
              badGuess = false;
         if(!badGuess) {
              System.out.println("Good guess!");
         } else {
              System.out.println("Bad guess!");
              // If the guess wasn't in the word, increment numWrong
         if(numWrong == maxWrong)
         System.out.println("Too many bad guesses - you lose!");
         System.out.println("Good guessing - you win!");
    // Get the word
    public static char[] getWord() {
         String word;
         // Get a word
         System.out.print("Please enter a word: ");
         word =;
         // And return it as a char array
         return word.toCharArray();
    // See if the game is finished (all the letters guessed)
    public static boolean gameOver(boolean[] g) {
         boolean allGuessed = true;
         // if any element of the array is false
         // then they haven't guessed everything yet
         // and the game is not over
         for(int i = 0; i < g.length; i++)
         if(g[i] == false)
              allGuessed = false;
         return allGuessed;
    // Get a guess
    public static char getGuess(char[] guesses, int numGuesses) {
         char c = 'a';
         boolean done = false;
         // Get a character
         while(!done) {
         // Read and discard the previous newline
         while(c != '\n')
              c = (char);
         System.out.print("Your guess: ");
         c = (char);
         // See if they already guessed this letter
         done = true;
         for(int i = 0; i < numGuesses; i++) {
              if(c == guesses[i]) {
              System.out.println("You already guessed that");
              done = false;
         // return the guess
         return c;

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    words[2] = "dog";
    words[3] = "horse";
    words[4] = "sheep";
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    hidden[i] = choice.split ("");}
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    randGen = new Random();
    int index = randGen.nextInt(words.length);
    return words[index];
    does anyone know wot am doing wrong. its being written in an enviroment called bluej.

    If you want to convert a String to an array of chars do:
    String s = "test";
    char[] charArray = s.toCharArray();And I think you mean:
    private String[] words; // and not  private string[] words;

  • Hangman game - logic problem

    Hello, im trying to make it so that when an incorrect letter is chosen (arrayToPass does not contain string) the picture of the hangman is drawn.
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         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              boolean b = false;
              int count = 0;
              ImageIcon icon = null;
              String s = e.getActionCommand();
              String string = s.toLowerCase();
              b = arrayToPass.indexOf(string) > -1; //Sees if array word has letter in radiobutton in it
              //Split the word into an array
              char[] chr = arrayToPass.toCharArray();
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                   //String tempString = new Character(chr[1]).toString();
                   for(int k = 0; k < chr.length; k++)
                        String ss = new Character(chr[k]).toString();
                        jl.setText(ss); //Set label to correct letter found
                   if(count == l)
                        icon = new ImageIcon("E:\\HangMan1.jpg");
                   else if(count == 2)
                        icon = new ImageIcon("E:\\HangMan2.jpg");
                   else if(count == 3)
                        icon = new ImageIcon("E:\\HangMan3.jpg");
                   else if(count == 4)
                        icon = new ImageIcon("E:\\HangMan4.jpg");
                   else if(count == 5)
                        icon = new ImageIcon("E:\\HangMan5.jpg");

    Although this is still very simple code, it always pays off to bring structure into your code.
    You have a couple of tasks which you have to fulfill here.
    1) Analyze the game situation.
    2) change your game state accordingly.
    3) display your current game state.
    You can handle these three tasks completely seperate. First, you have to check for your words' validity. Depending on this, you have to change your count. Then, you have to repaint.
    So, what you need is at least a game state object. This one must live as long as the game lives, so fields like your "count" are defintely wrong inside the "actionPerformed" method. Don't misuse the Action Command to carry information. Allow access to your game state object, and store the hangman word there.
    Your word validity check is quite complicated. Maybe it would be a good idea to move it into its own method.
    Your painting method will contain more than just changing your hangman pics. For example, you also have to uncover letters that were hidden before, so maybe you should put this into this method, as well.
    This might look like overkill, but seperating helps you to distinguish between good code and wrong code. It also helps you to mentally concentrate on one specific topic, instead of handling everything as one mesh.

  • How do I get... (Hangman question)

    I'm supposed to be writing a non-graphical Hangman game. I was given a precreated superclass (BasicGame) and I'm supposed to write Hangman as a subclass of BasicGame. I am also supposed to have a 250 char (50 words) string class variable that stores 50 possible words at random and I am supposed to use the string.substring (start, end) method and the string.length() method.
    My question is, how do I get the letter inputted by the user to compare to a specific word in the variable list? I.e. if usersLetter is equal to one of the 5 letters from the chosen word, then do whatever.
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    String questionInput = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
                             ("Choose a letter. (Please type in lowercase)");I don't know if I explained this properly, but hopefully you understand. If you don't, please feel free to ask me.
    Edited by: Pluberus on Nov 19, 2008 2:12 PM

    try this
    create a for loop that checks the userLetter against every position in the 5 letter word ie. (something) like this
    checkingWord: is the 5 letter word that the user is trying to guess
    contained: is a boolean that is only true if the userLetter is contained in checkingWord
    there is a really cheap and easy way of searching for a letting in a string that uses something like
    String.contains(UserLetter);, but you have to use the .subString and .length methods so...
    boolean contained = false;
    for(int i = 0; i < checkingWord.length; i++)
          if(userLetter.equalsIgnoreCase(checkingWord.subString(i, i + 1))
                 contained = true;
    return contained;Now you said you had to create a NON graphical hangman game, so it would probably be best to use the scanner class
    the scanner class is a way of inputting (any type of) data, with out the use of a frame / panel / JOptionPane ect..
    a very simple way of dividing up the 250 char string would be to use a for loop and the .substring method something like this...
    for(int i = 0; i < 245; i = i + 5)
    checkingWord = string.subString(i, i + 5);

  • Diferencial de Alíquota - Optante pelo Simples

    Experts, boa tarde.
    Tenho um issue aqui no projeto e gostaria de uma juda de vocês.
    O business apresentou a necessidade de ter um tax code  que calcule o diferencial de alíquota (DIFAL), porém quando a condição de ICMS for a ICM0.
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    Até o momento já tentei diversas alternativas através da configuração, porém sem sucesso até agora.
    Algum de vocês já passou por algo parecido?

    Nesse caso, o que fiz foi usar o campo setor industrial (no cadastro de fornecedor) e informar lá que ele é optante por simples e via abap colocamos que se esse fornecedor fosse optante deveria seguir a regra abaixo:
    ZIM u2013 0% ICMS + Crédito de Pis/Cofins: Determinar esse IVA quando transportador é optante pelo Simples e da mesma UF do local de expedição.
    ZY u2013 0% Subst. Trib. ICMS: Determinar esse IVA quando transportador é optante pelo simples e de UF diferente do local de expedição.
    Antonio Oliveira

  • Simple Button

    I have a Dynamic page that is a parts list in a MySQL
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    The page uses a repeat region to list the parts depending on
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    button to the repeated region that when clicked will take you to a
    larger view. I have all of this setup and working fine except for
    the flash button.
    For instance when the page is loaded you may see 10 parts
    listed and the button will show up 10 times also, on button next to
    each part listed. I am currently using a simple image as a link to
    the larger view and it works fine. The link looks like this.
    largeview.php?SearchField=<?php echo
    $row_Recordset1['Part']; ?>
    My problem is that flash doesn't read the php in this code:
    "<?php echo $row_Recordset1['Part']; ?>". I need flash read
    the php code so it knows what part number to show.
    Is there any other code that can be used to have Flash read
    the php code?
    I hope I explained this properly and any help would be
    greatly appreciated!
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    Senior Member Posts: 2048
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    08/16/2007 07:41:46 PM
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    Tutorial on the subject:
    ~Flashtard - Giver of poor advice~
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    Junior Member Posts: 3
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    08/16/2007 09:28:43 PM
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    I guess I don't understand this very well I can't seem to get
    it to work.
    I can get the part # to show on the page using:
    print "myVar=$x";
    but the button link I am trying to use is:
    I know this isn't right but the button is just a button using
    the option in Dreamweaver to Insert > Media > Flash Button
    and the only option is a link.
    how should I write the link so that the flash button will
    read it?

    I fixed my own problem.... here's for anyone else with a similar situation or for future people searching the forums
    just use
    setLayout(null); This is not the recommended solution. Try resizing your frame. Does the position of you button remain centered relative to the frame?
    You should be using a LayoutManager as was suggested above. You should read the tutorial on [url]How to Use Layout Managers. I would probably use something like:
    JPanel south = new JPanel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.CENTER ) );
    panel.add( button );
    contentPane.add( panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

  • Generate report using CURSORS? - Simple question

    I'm a real newbie still with PL/SQL so please excuse my ignorance I have a simple report I need to generate. The following SQL statement gets me all my "header" records:
    ORDER BY ATT11, ATT12, ATT16
    What I want to do now is have a second script that will display all my detail records. Something like:
    I expect I'd do this with two cursors, passing the value of my HEADER_ID to my second cursor. But when I've used cursors before, they primarily have been to import data, and manipulate data. But what if I just want to create a report using these?
    I essentially want to display my header information, and then any lines below that data (if there is any, there may be a header with no lines).
    Can I create a simple report like this with cursors? Any help with this would be IMMENSELY appreciated. I'm really under the gun... :)
    Thanks so much!

    Here's one query that will give you everything:
    ;(correction in order by clause)
    Message was edited by:
    Eric H

  • I have one apple ID for multiple devices in my family.  I'd like to keep it that way for itunes/app purchases.  I would like a simple step 1, step 2, step 3 response on what I need to do to separate all other features like imessage, contacts, emails, etc.

    I have one apple ID for multiple devices in my family.  I'd like to keep it that way for itunes/app purchases.  I would like a simple step 1, step 2, step 3 response on what I need to do to separate all other features like imessage, contacts, emails, etc.
    I have been reasearching how to do this on the internet, but I haven't found an easy explanation yet.  My family is going crazy over each others imessages being sent to others in the family and not being able to use FaceTime because of conflicting email addresses.  I have read that if each person gets their own iCloud account, this would work.  However, I need to know what to do after I set everyone up with their own iCloud account.  Do I make that the default email address to be contacted or can they still use their hotmail email addresses.  Any help- with easy explanation- would be much appreciated!!

    We do this in my family now.  We have one account for purchases, so it is used to share music and apps (I think that is in Settings/iTunes & App Stores).  Each iDevice has this configured.
    Then, each of us has our own iCloud account that is configured under Settings/iCloud.  That then allows us to have our own Mail/Contacts/Calendars/Reminders/Safari Bookmarks/Notes/Passbook/Photo Stream/Documents & Data/Find My iPhone/and Backup.  That Backup piece is pretty sweet and comes in handly if you replace your iDevice.  You can just restore from it.
    So we all share the Apple Store account but we all have our own iCloud accounts to keep the rest seperate or things like you mentioned are a nightmare.
    In answer to what iCloud does for you:
    Think of it as an internet based ("cloud") area for all of those items listed in my response.  What you need to remember is photo stream only maintans the last 1000 pictures so don't count it as a complete backup solution for your pictures.  Even though I rarely sync with a computer these days, I do still try to sync my phone with iPhoto (I have an iMac) so that I have copies of all of my pictures.  1000 may not stretch as far as it sounds.
    Message was edited by: Michael Pardee

  • Looking for a simple, standalone desktop app for web stats

    Well, I see they've changed the forums here again. SIGH.
    Anyway, a certain web host has eliminated AWStats from it's shared hosting. So I used Webmaster Tools. And now they've changed, and no longer display the simple visitors and hits. Google Analytics is way too complex for what I need, as are many of the stats programs I've looked into.
    I can download the daily Apache log files, that's no problem. Just looking for a small standalone program to import these and show the data like AWStats.  Any suggestions? The only other options would be to go to a different web host. Not a big deal overall, but I would rather not deal with the hassle, especially the migrating the database.

    Not sure of standalone 'desktop' apps. But check out and Web Analytics in Real Time | Clicky  - they're both very intuitive and easy to use with a lot more simplified stats than Google Analytics.

  • Looking for a simple database app.

    I have an Excel sheet that i use to store simple database data. Like a flat file database with only 4 columns, no relations, no calculations, just data storage.
    I don't want to download and install over a 100Mb of OpenOffice or NeoOffice just to be able to see my Excel sheet so i was thinking at converting it to a simple cardfiler-like database.
    Guess what? There are no simple databases for the Mac! There is OpenOffice and NeoOffice and there is FileMaker. But no simple, small, configurable card-filer. I checked VersionTracker, IUseThis, but i cannot find anything.
    That makes me think that it already needs to be available on the standard installed apps (please say that i'm right) and i just don't see it.
    Any suggestions? Any help? Am i really missing the point here?
    Thanks all!

    Haven't looked at Wallet. Looked at iData, but that is payware now. I'm trying now woth OmniOutliner which seems to look ok.

  • Looking for a simple app that can output 8 channels simultaneously.

    Hello esteemed audio community.
    I have to create a little effect for an upcoming party. For this I have created the following audio tracks in Garage Band:
    - 4 separate audio channels (stereo front and stereo rear)
    - one mono combination of these four tracks (to drive a Light organ gizmo - makes the light flicker with the audio)
    - and finally two separate tracks with simple 1Khz pulses to trigger relays for a fog machine.
    I now need to be able to play these 7 tracks simultaneously and send them to different amplifiers and relays. So I need two things: 1) a software that can play them and 2) a hardware interface that can take these 7 channels out of the computer and convert them to line levels analog signals.
    I thought this would be pretty straight forward but it turns out that it is not, unless you want to throw $$$ at it which I really can't afford.
    Software wise, unfortunately, GB can only output 2 audio channel at one time. So I need to find a little app that can offers multitrack output. Ideally it would some shareware thing that would allow me to load in up to 8 tracks saved from GB, adjust their individual levels and then output them.
    Second issue is hardware. Here I have found the M-Audio 410 firewire. This box will take up to 10 audio "returns" and output them to analog. They can be found used for about $150. So I think this might work.
    Budget for this setup is very limited, hopefully no more than $150. Quality does not have to be very high although a good bass response will be important for the effect. I don't need any recording. Only playback.
    Would any one have any suggestion on how to best accomplish this? If this software does not exist, how complicated would it be to write it? Would Applescript be useful for this? All it needs to do is read 8 audio files (2 minutes max), allow me to adjust their level and output all 8 at the same time.
    Thank you very much for any help.

    Ah. I'm surprised, but there we go.
    Have a look here ...
    (courtesy of googling 'OSX free multitrack recording software')
    Didn't have time to do more than skim, but 'Ardour' looked promising. Protools is the only one I've used, the full product is one of the industry standards, but the free 'lite' version listed here seems to be limited to 2 in/out as well.
    Referring to your original post, I'd think trying to write or 'script' something would be a nightmare ... synchronisation of streams within something like Applescript would be a major issue, quite apart from anything else.
    G5 Dual 2.7, MacMini, iMac 700; P4/XP Desk & Lap.   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   mLan:01x/i88x; DP 5.1, Cubase SX3, NI Komplete, Melodyne.

  • After having no internet for over 24hrs, my IPad has completely shut down. I have tried everything I can think of, including a reset but think that was a really bad move!! Any ideas for how to get my pad back? Simple words please..I am not a pro AT ALL.

      My internet was down for over 24hrs after a storm. During that time, my IPad completely shut down and I can't get it going again.  I studied the manual but couldn't find a similar topic.  I reset it and now it is totally goofed up.
       Does anyone have any ideas or should I just take it to an Apple store and pay??  Any solutions you may have, PLEASE use simple words as I am not a pro, by any means....probably why I'm in this situation.
       Thank you in advance.

    Look at iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
    iPad: Issues connecting to Wi-Fi networks
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    Additional things to try.
    Try this first. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    Change the channel on your wireless router. Instructions at ork.html
    Another thing to try - Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    If none of the above suggestions work, look at this link.
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

  • A simple and free way of reducing PDF file size using Preview

    Note: this is a copy and update of a 5 year old discussion in the Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard discussions which you can find here:
    This is a simple and free solution I found to reduce the file size of PDFs in OS X, without the high cost and awful UI of Acrobat Pro, and with acceptable quality. I still use it every day, although I have Acrobat Pro as part of Adove Creative Cloud subscription.
    Since quite a few people have found it useful and keep asking questions about the download location and destination of the filters, which have changed since 2007, I decided to write this update, and put it in this more current forum.
    Here is how to install it:
    Download the filters here:
    Unzip the downloaded file and copy the filters in the appropriate location (see below).
    Here is the appropriate location for the filters:
    This assumes that your startup disk's name is "Macintosh HD". If it is different, just replace "Macintosh HD" with the name of your startup disk.
    If you are running Lion or Mountain Lion (OS X 10.7.x or 10.8.x) then you should put the downloaded filters in "Macintosh HD/Library/PDF Services". This folder should already exist and contain files. Once you put the downloaded filters there, you should have for example one file with the following path:
    "Macintosh HD/Library/PDF Services/Reduce to 150 dpi average quality - STANDARD COMPRESSION.qfilter"
    If you are running an earlier vesion of OS X (10.6.x or earlier), then you should put the downloaded filters in "Macintosh HD/Library/Filters" and you should have for example one file with the following path:
    "Macintosh HD/Library/Filters/Reduce to 150 dpi average quality - STANDARD COMPRESSION.qfilter"
    Here is how to use it:
    Open a PDF file using Apple's Preview app,
    Choose Export (or Save As if you have on older version of Mac OS X) in the File menu,
    Choose PDF as a format
    In the "Quartz Filter" drop-down menu, choose a filter "Reduce to xxx dpi yyy quality"; "Reduce to 150 dpi average quality - STANDARD COMPRESSION" is a good trade-off between quality and file size
    Here is how it works:
    These are Quartz filters made with Apple Colorsinc Utility.
    They do two things:
    downsample images contained in a PDF to a target density such as 150 dpi,
    enable JPEG compression for those images with a low or medium setting.
    Which files does it work with?
    It works with most PDF files. However:
    It will generally work very well on unoptimized files such as scans made with the OS X scanning utility or PDFs produced via OS X printing dialog.
    It will not further compress well-optimized (comrpessed) files and might create bigger files than the originals,
    For some files it will create larger files than the originals. This can happen in particular when a PDF file contains other optomizations than image compression. There also seems to be a bug (reported to Apple) where in certain circumstances images in the target PDF are not JPEG compressed.
    What to do if it does not work for a file (target PDF is too big or even larger than the original PDF)?
    First,a good news: since you used a Save As or Export command, the original PDF is untouched.
    You can try another filter for a smaller size at the expense of quality.
    The year being 2013, it is now quite easy to send large files through the internet using Dropbox,, etc. and you can use these services to send your original PDF file.
    There are other ways of reducing the size of a PDF file, such as apps in the Mac App store, or online services such as the free and simple
    What else?
    Feel free to use/distribute/package in any way you like.

    Thanks ioscar.
    The original link should be back online soon.
    I believe this is a Dropbox error about the traffic generated by my Dropbox shared links.
    I use Dropbox mainly for my business and I am pretty upset by this situation.
    Since the filters themsemves are about 5KB, I doubt they are the cause for this Dropbox misbehavior!
    Anyway, I submitted a support ticket to Dropbox, and hope everything will be back to normal very soon.
    In the meantime, if you get the same error as ioscar when trying to download them, you can use the link in the blog posting he mentions.
    This is out of topic, but for those interested, here is my understanding of what happened with Dropbox.
    I did a few tests yesterday with large (up to 4GB) files and Dropbox shared links, trying to find the best way to send a 3 hour recording from French TV - French version of The Voice- to a friend's 5 year old son currently on vacation in Florida, and without access to French live or catch up TV services. One nice thing I found is that you can directly send the Dropbox download URL (the one from the Download button on the shared link page) to an AppleTV using AirFlick and it works well even for files with a large bitrate (except of course for the Dropbox maximum bandwidth per day limit!). Sadly, my Dropbox shared links were disabled before I could send anything to my friend.
    I may have used  a significant amount of bandwidth but nowhere near the 200GB/day limit of my Dropbox Pro account.
    I see 2 possible reasons to Dropbox freaking out:
    - My Dropbox Pro account is wronngly identified as a free account by Dropbox. Free Dropbox accounts have a 20GB/day limit, and it is possible that I reached this limit with my testing, I have a fast 200Mb/s internet access.
    - Or Dropbox miscalculates used bandwidth, counting the total size of the file for every download begun, and I started a lot of downloads, and skipped to the end of the video a lot of times on my Apple TV.

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