Diferencial de Alíquota - Optante pelo Simples

Experts, boa tarde.
Tenho um issue aqui no projeto e gostaria de uma juda de vocês.
O business apresentou a necessidade de ter um tax code  que calcule o diferencial de alíquota (DIFAL), porém quando a condição de ICMS for a ICM0.
Ou seja, complementar o ICMS mesmo quando ele não é devido. Encontrei pessoas com esta situação também no www.localizationforum.com.
Até o momento já tentei diversas alternativas através da configuração, porém sem sucesso até agora.
Algum de vocês já passou por algo parecido?

Nesse caso, o que fiz foi usar o campo setor industrial (no cadastro de fornecedor) e informar lá que ele é optante por simples e via abap colocamos que se esse fornecedor fosse optante deveria seguir a regra abaixo:
ZIM u2013 0% ICMS + Crédito de Pis/Cofins: Determinar esse IVA quando transportador é optante pelo Simples e da mesma UF do local de expedição.
ZY u2013 0% Subst. Trib. ICMS: Determinar esse IVA quando transportador é optante pelo simples e de UF diferente do local de expedição.
Antonio Oliveira

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    Pessoal, tudo bem?
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    Aliquota indicada:

    Oi Guilherme
    A automação não trata o simples nacional.
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    Espero ter ajudado,
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    Thank you!

    If you use regular expressions, you could do it in a single line and much faster:
    In the following example, only the first instance of "sh" (case-sensitive)  is replaced:
    var myPattern:RegExp = /sh/; 
    var str:String = "She sells seashells by the seashore.";
    trace(str.replace(myPattern, "sch")); 
        // She sells seaschells by the seashore.
    In the following example, all instances of "sh" (case-sensitive)  are replaced because the g (global) flag is set in the regular expression:
    var myPattern:RegExp = /sh/g; 
    var str:String = "She sells seashells by the seashore.";
    trace(str.replace(myPattern, "sch")); 
        // She sells seaschells by the seaschore.

  • Can someone pl explain Quota arrangement process in MM?

    Hi Folks,
    I am new to MM, could someone pl explain the quota arrangement steps step by step anything with screen would be very helpful
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    Also could some also pl tell me the Source priority in terms of Source of supply?

    Quota Arrangements :
    In simple words: Distributing the requirements quantity between potential source of suppliers (Vendors) - basing on their order fulfillment capacity.
    In business terminology:
    Quota arrangements allow you to define target percentages and distribute them between two or more purchasing contracts. A quota arrangement ensures that a contract is guaranteed both a minimum sales volume and a percentage of the total purchasing volume of the product category or product. A quota arrangement has the highest priority in the sourcing process.
    Quota Arrangements
    Quota Arrangements means a mechanism enabling the system to compute which source of supply to assign to a requirement for a material.
    If a material can be obtained from various sources of supply, each individual source of supply can be allocated a quota arrangement. The quota arrangement is valid for a certain period of time and specifies exactly how the receipts are to be distributed amongst each source of supply.
    We can set the quota arrangement for in-house production as well as for external procurement. Setting quotas permits the automatic apportionment of a total material requirement over a period to different sources.
    Sources of supply can be:
    - an individual vendor or outline agreement
    - another plant, from which material should be procured
    - a production version
    Quota Arrangement Usage
    The quota arrangement facilitates the determination of the applicable sources of supply for the following at a certain time.
    Purchase orders
    Scheduling agreement delivery schedules
    Planned orders
    Purchase requisitions
    Materials planning and control
    In customizing activity, we specify for each material master record which quota arrangement rule is allowed. We group the usage combinations you have chosen under different keys.
    We have to assign quota arrangement usage key to material master record in purchasing or MRP2 view (Maintaining Material Master Record T.Code MM01)
    The quota arrangement usage determines whether a material is included in a quota arrangement and which operations lead to a quota arrangement.
    We have to maintain the quota file for the material. Here we define the sequence of the sources of supply, the quotas per source of supply and numerous other parameters in the quota file.
    Maintaining the Quota File
    A quota arrangement file consists of quota arrangement records identifying the source (such as a vendor or an internal plant), the validity period, and the quota allocated to each source.
    We can maintain the quota file. Following are the steps for maintaining this file.
    T. Code: MEQ1
    The initial screen for maintaining quota appears.
    Enter the material number and the plant for the material that you want to use to maintain the quota file and choose. The header screen for maintaining quotas appears.
    Enter the Valid to date for the quota arrangement item.
    We can only define continuous validity periods for one material. In the first interval, the system sets the current date in the Valid from field. The Valid from dates of the other intervals are set continuously so that the day after the end date of the last quota item is set as the start date for the next item.
    If we want to work with splitting quota arrangements, we will enter a minimum quantity here.
    Double-click on the item to process.
    The item screen now appears.
    Here we will define the source of supply and other control parameters per item.
    Allocating the source of supply to the quota item determines the procurement type that the procurement proposal receives. Therefore, we can specify via the quota arrangement that, for example, 75% of a material is produced in-house and the other 25% is procured externally.
    Save entries.
    Syed Hussain.

  • Regexp_replace, but not enclosed in quotas

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  • Obrigatoriedade de emissão do CT-e pelas transportadoras

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    Em resumo:
    Os contribuintes do ICMS em substituição aos documentos citados na cláusula primeira deste ajuste ficam obrigados ao uso do CT-e, nos termos do § 3º, a partir das seguintes datas:
                            I - 1º de setembro de 2012, para os contribuintes do modal:
                            a) rodoviário relacionados no Anexo Único;
                            b) dutoviário;
                            c) aéreo;
                            II - 1º de dezembro de 2012, para os contribuintes do modal ferroviário;
                            III - 1º de março de 2013, para os contribuintes do modal aquaviário;
                            IV -1º de agosto de 2013, para os contribuintes do modal rodoviário, cadastrados com regime de apuração normal;
                            V - 1º de dezembro de 2013, para os contribuintes:
                            a) do modal rodoviário, optantes pelo regime do Simples Nacional;
                            b) cadastrados como operadores no sistema Multimodal de Cargas.u201D.
                            Parágrafo único. Ficam mantidas as obrigatoriedades estabelecidas pelas unidades federadas em datas anteriores a 31 de dezembro de 2011.u201D.
    O Anexo Único com a lista das transportadoras obrigadas a emitir CT-e em Setembro/2012 está no link acima.

    Bom dia Helio,
    GRC NFe 1.0 não tem mesmo esta interface para CT-e.
    Está disponível a partir do SAP NFE 10.0
    Atenciosamente, Fernando Da Ró

  • Variação Cambial - Regime Competência

    Bom dia Pessoal!
    Poderiam me ajudar em um problema?
    Ao fazer a baixa de uma nota fiscal pelo contas a receber (exemplo) é usada a variação cambial utilizando a data de inserção da nota (lançamento ou documento) e a data de inserção da baixa, isto esta correto se o cliente optou pelo Regime de Caixa, certo?
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    Alguém já fez esse procedimento correto?

    Olá, Leandro.
    Provavelmente você possui mais de uma moeda configurada para contabilizar e essa variação cambial está ocorrendo nessa outra moeda. Esse lançamento "zerado" é normal e acontece nesses casos.
    Faça um teste: Consulte o documento através da FB03 e troque a moeda de visualização. Em pelo menos uma moeda haverá valor no lançamento da variação cambial, nem que seja 1 centavo.
    Não há nada o que fazer quanto a isso. É o comportamento padrão do SAP. A menos que você configure o sistema para trabalhar com apenas uma moeda, mas me parece que nesse caso o ônus é maior que o bônus pois geralmente as empresas querem contabilizar os movimentos pelo menos em dólar além do real.

  • Duvida erros NFE

    Preciso de uma ajuda ,
    Até ontem estava tudo rodando normal, porem hoje aconteceu o seguinte problema, temos configurado dois sefaz para envio de NFe PE e AL, porem hoje quando fomos tentar enviar notas para PE começaram a aparecer alguns problemas, o batch fica com o erro "42 - Nº máximo de consultas atingido" e a nota " 90 - Verificação de status: erro de sistema PI"  e se tentar reenviar muitas vezes alguns lotes ficaram com "70 - Erro do Processamento da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica" e a nota destes "46 - Lote rejeitado pelo Processamento da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica"
    fui na sxmb_moni procurar o erro que poderia ser lá, em apenas 1 dos 5 lotes que deram erro achei
    SAP:Stack>Multiple receivers are not permitted in synchronous calls</SAP:Stack>
    os demais lotes não tinham erro nenhum,
    ja revi todas as configurações do directory e não encontrei nada estranho lá.
    Bom... Isso foi mais ou menos umas 3 da tarde até umas 18 horas,
    agora as 19 horas tentei reenviar  os lotes pra ver de novo, e todos deram certo! e o erro não aparece mais, tudo  isso aconteceu para o ambiente de homologação,  será que tem algo configurado errado? ou pode ser alguma instabilidade que aconteceu aqui ou no sefaz?

    acho que a msg de erro que vc achou na MONI e os sintomas apresentados por vc sao relacionados a problemas distintos, pelo simples motivo de que se a causa do erro fosse a reportada pela msg da MONI, isto deveria estar causando um erro permanente e nao algo intermitente.
    Provavelmente era erro da SEFAZ sim.
    Qto à msg de erro, verifique para qual cenario ela aconteceu (BATCH, BATSR, SRVSC etc) e dai vá no Integration Directory e verifique o Receiver Determination que determina qual eh a SEFAZ recebedora relativo a esse cenario (a interface é algo que termina com "_SYNC"). Verifique se todas as conditions (baseadas em tpAmb e cUF) estao mapeadas corretamente; ele está reclamando que há mais de um possivel receiver para uma interface sincrona, entao pode ser que esteja faltando condicao para algum receiver.

  • Strange problem pasting and backspacing in Mail.app

    I've been having a strange problem in Mail.app when composing messages.  Suppose I have a short, three-line message like this:
    Hi John,
    Here's the quote from Einstein:
    Simple enough, right?  So then I go to another application -- for example, Firefox -- to copy some text that I want to paste in.  I put the text cursor at the point where I want to paste the text; in this example, after "Einstein:".  I paste.  And then it looks like this:
    Hi John,
    "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
    Here's the quote from Einstein:
    That's right: it pastes the text ABOVE the line where I want it, instead of just on the same line.  It doesn't matter if I choose regular "Paste" or "Paste and Match Style."
    Now, I tried to be smart, and put a blank line below where I wanted to the text.  When I paste it in, I get the pasted text below "Einstein:" just as you would expect. But if I click at the beginning of the pasted text, and then press backspace so it goes up to the previous line, then it jumps ABOVE the line I want and the result is identical to the one illustrated above.
    Any ideas? This is driving me nuts. When I have copied text that I want to paste into an e-mail, I have to compose my messages elsewhere (usually BBEdit) and then paste them into Mail.app in their entirety.  HELP!
    Also, no: I have zero copy/paste problems in any other application.  I have no clipboard add-on software, either.
    (note that I'm at OS X 10.5.8 despite the "product" remark below)

    I have the same problem. It also happens in notes.
    Now I created a note in Mail on my Macbook and had this problem: Backspacing a line moved it above the previous paragraph. Then I opened the same note on my Ipad, and I did not have the problem, I could simply backspace the same line and it was connected to the end of the previous paragraph. What I did see in my Ipad note however was that the two paragraphs had a different font (which was not visible on macbook, until I edited it on my Ipad). Somehow my macbook mail creates unsolicited separate paragraphs, which use different invisble fonts, and these paragraphs may not be merged.
    The same problem probably also causes email messages that I compose on my macbook to end up at the recipient in a very different font (i.e., lines/ paragraphs are larger and/or in different font.) than what I see when composing the message. This is really annoying, because it makes you look like a complete moron who is unable to compose a properly edited message.

  • Mac OS X Leopard hates my domain address (apparently)

    I've had my Mac since December and up until a few weeks ago it had no problem going to any of the websites I own. Problem now is that it refuses to go to them if I use my actual domain address. The sites are blogs that I bought domain names for, but the bookmarks I have had all along no longer work and neither does typing in the actual domain address, BUT if I type in the much longer blogspot-style address my Mac will then connect. My domain server says it's a problem with my ISP, but that doesn't make sense since I can connect with my Windows PC without issue. Why won't my Mac go to my domain names anymore???

    Er, that should look like:
    {quote:title=dig andmenshallcallitblog.com +trace}
    ; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> andmenshallcallitblog.com +trace
    ;; global options: printcmd
    . 503490 IN NS J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    . 503490 IN NS I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
    ;; Received 420 bytes from in 0 ms
    com. 172800 IN NS H.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS I.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS J.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS K.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS L.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS M.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS A.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS B.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS C.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS D.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS E.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS F.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    com. 172800 IN NS G.GTLD-SERVERS.NET.
    ;; Received 499 bytes from in 15 ms
    andmenshallcallitblog.com. 172800 IN NS ns45.domaincontrol.com.
    andmenshallcallitblog.com. 172800 IN NS ns46.domaincontrol.com.
    ;; Received 127 bytes from in 87 ms
    andmenshallcallitblog.com. 3600 IN A
    andmenshallcallitblog.com. 3600 IN NS ns45.domaincontrol.com.
    andmenshallcallitblog.com. 3600 IN NS ns46.domaincontrol.com.
    ;; Received 111 bytes from in 88 ms
    And a simple lookup with dig:
    {quote:title=dig andmenshallcallitblog.com}
    ; <<>> DiG 9.2.4 <<>> andmenshallcallitblog.com
    ;; global options: printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 13078
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2
    ;andmenshallcallitblog.com. IN A
    andmenshallcallitblog.com. 1446 IN A
    andmenshallcallitblog.com. 1446 IN NS ns45.domaincontrol.com.
    andmenshallcallitblog.com. 1446 IN NS ns46.domaincontrol.com.
    ns45.domaincontrol.com. 2248 IN A
    ns46.domaincontrol.com. 2248 IN A
    ;; Query time: 2 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Tue Aug 5 17:26:43 2008
    ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 143
    It seems that the short-form is the address of a service that provides an HTTP redirect for you, so it will only work when using HTTP, and not if you have a plugin (like an Ad blocker or something) that will prevent the redirect. There's no native feature in OS X that would prevent the redirect -- unless it timed out at your ISP and your ISP gave you a bogus page rather than failed the lookup. If that's the case, you probably need to clear your browser cache.

  • Replacing Mac Book Pro battery

    I need to replace my battery for my original Mac Book Pro. Is there a specific battery I need to look for? Or do I just need a 15" Mac Book Pro battery? Do the older Mac Book Pro's run with a different battery than newer models?
    Thanks for your help.

    {quote:title=Templeton Peck wrote:}
    You're making this into more than it is. Tell him to get you a battery for your MacBook Pro. There's only one kind you can buy, which is the one I linked to.{quote}
    Sometimes the simple link doesn't really answer the question. Thanks for clarifying that there's only one kind you can buy...and that's all I needed to know! When you said I couldn't use my girlfriends newer Mac Book Pro you more or less implied that there is a difference...but since you just said you can only buy one kind of replacement battery...that answered my concern. Thank you

  • JSP&Special Character

    Hi all,
    I have a problem related to special characters. I have a list with set of parameters. One of the parameter contains an special Character (apostrophe) and I'm using the <bean:write ..... /> to display it and for the validation of the parameter i'm passing the value as an String argument to a function. But due to the special character it was not invoking the javascript function....
    Any body has any answer for this...
    Any further inputs will be highly appreciated....

    there're a couple of possible turnarounds:
    -escape quotes
    - replace spec chars by there &#<char_code>; value
    - delimit your parameters in javascript with double quotes, so the simple quote won't be interpreted(only differs th problem, i agree)

  • Destroyed my wifi/bt module socket on mpower max

    i assembled my entire computer, and then noticed when i had practically finished that i didnt put my wifi/bt module in, and to put it in at that point would mean removing EVERYTHING in order to remove the motherboard to get it in. I was pretty mad, so i removed a case fan and tried to force it in and out the backplate, and bent all the pins in the socket. i then tried bending them back with tweezers and snapped at least 3 pins off.
    is there any way to fix this? like can i order a new socket and replace it, or take it to a shop and have them replace or fix the socket?

    does a simple socket like that need ALL its pins?
    If it didn't Intel wouldn't put that many.
    Some carry voltage and some data. You can always check the pin arrangement in the Intel technical documentation. One bent pin alone will cause anomalies.

  • Hyphen Character missing

    I imported a docx and upon editing the para style from Calibri I see that my Times New Roman doesn't have available the Hyphen/Minus character.
    Is this just a case of having too old a version of Times New Roman and I need to find something more current? FWIW, my Times font loses the character also, but shows as a pink space wheras the shot shown shows a pink space with a box.
    Times New Roman - Open Type - version 5.01 Monotype Corporation 2006
    Times  - Type 1 Font file (.PFM) looks to be from 1999

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    [Jongware] wrote:
    Daniel, are you sure the Times version should be translated into a normal hyphen? The name "Hyphen-minus" comes from the Unicode consortium, but the character code -- U+002D -- is that of what everyone else simply calls 'hyphen': the character that gets inserted when you hit the '-' key, no modifiers.
    If you select the pink box, does the Info Panel tell you it should be a code U+002D?
    It's far more likely, given the locations in your screen shots, that Word silently (!) converted what the user entered into an en-dash (U+2013) in the Windows character set, not as Unicode. Due to ID's wonky import of certain Word documents, sometimes these characters don't get translated into the proper UC codes, so they are left as "unknowns". That may happen with en- and em-dashes, as well as with single and double curly quotes.
    A simple search-and-replace ought to fix that.
    Back to my original question, do I need a newer version of Times New Roman?
    Peter touched on it, and it's new to me - Case Sensative Hyphen, Unicode 002D - I grabbed the shot as clearly, with as much info as I could. Would this lack of Case Sensative glyphs be Microsofts current fault coding or a limitation of ID to recognize it because as I look back at my shot, the selected character is GID:882 HYPHEN/MINUS not case sensative and probably should be the glyph immediatly to the right  GID:883 Case-Sensative Forms HYPHEN/MINUS

Maybe you are looking for

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