Simple Icon Theme Question

Hi everyone,
How do i Install an icon theme (e.g. … ent=128143) to then be used for thunar (in fluxbox)?  Also, how would I uninstall it if I were to want to try a new one?  I currently have gnome-icon-themes installed, would I still need this if I choose another theme?
Thank you very much!
Last edited by Aesir (2011-03-03 18:22:00)

Take a look at this, should suffice.
Last edited by bohoomil (2011-03-03 19:01:39)

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    I'm asking your thread get redirected to the proper forum. Please read this tip on how to post on Discussions for future threads:
    Is this issue with Tiger or Leopard? Your profile indicates you have a machine with Tiger, yet your signature of your post says you have Leopard.
    Also, there is no such thing as a Powerbook Pro. Read the text under the screen to tell us exactly which model you have. MacBook Pro is the name given to Macs that are for the pro lineup of notebooks once Apple shifted to the Intel CPU.
    Message was edited by: a brody

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    On your friend's computer with an internet connection, log into the Mac App Store with your ID and download Yosemite from the Purchases section of the Mac App Store. The make a bootable USB install media using
    Then boot from that on your computer and install
    You need an internet connection to install via Recovery mode

  • [SOLVED] [Openbox] Icon-theme not working(?)

    I hope you guys could help me with the following problem.
    Currently I'm running Openbox, compton, tint2, gtk2/3 on my Arch-system.
    The problem I'm having right now is that tint2 tray icons are not showing Faenza-Dark but showing gnome(?) dark icons. I would like to have white/grey icons instead of dark ones!
    My tint2 config:
    # Tint2 config file
    # Generated by tintwizard (
    # For information on manually configuring tint2 see
    # Background definitions
    # ID 1
    rounded = 0
    border_width = 0
    background_color = #FFFFFF 20
    border_color = #FFFFFF 0
    # Backgrounds
    panel_background_id = 1
    taskbar_background_id = 0
    task_background_id = 0
    task_active_background_id = 1
    systray_background_id = 0
    clock_background_id = 0
    # Panel
    panel_monitor = 1
    panel_position = bottom center horizontal
    panel_size = 0 38
    panel_items = LTSC
    panel_margin = 0 0
    panel_padding = 0 0 5
    font_shadow = 0
    panel_background_id = 1
    wm_menu = 1
    panel_dock = 0
    panel_layer = top
    # Launcher
    launcher_icon_theme = Numix
    launcher_padding = 10 10 10
    launcher_icon_size = 22
    launcher_tooltip = 0
    launcher_apps_dir = /home/archie/.config/tint2/launchers
    # Taskbar
    taskbar_mode = single_desktop
    taskbar_padding = 0 0 10
    # Tasks
    urgent_nb_of_blink = 20
    task_icon = 1
    task_text = 0
    task_centered = 1
    task_maximum_size = 58 0
    task_padding = 10 4
    # Systray
    systray_padding = 0 10 6
    systray_sort = left2right
    systray_icon_size = 22
    systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0
    systray_icon_theme = Faenza-Dark
    # Clock
    time1_format = %I:%M %p
    time1_font = Open Sans 9
    time2_format = %D
    time2_font = Open Sans 9
    clock_font_color = #ffffff 80
    clock_padding = 10 0
    # Tooltip
    tooltip = 0
    # Mouse
    mouse_middle = close
    mouse_right = none
    # Autohide
    autohide = 0
    gtk-font-name=Open Sans 9
    I'm running tint2-svn and already tried the normal one.
    Could some tell me a hint?
    Last edited by beta990 (2014-01-13 21:58:18)

    Thanks for posts!
    I have done all the steps, but real key was to reboot the system! Even pkill X didn't work. It's now solved.
    To give users with the same issue a solution:
    - Set icon-theme with lxappearance
    - Be sure that gtk3.0/settings.ini has fallback and icon-theme the same value (not know if it really needed)
    - Reboot! pkill X didn't work for me.
    Thanks again.

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    Last edited by theringmaster (2007-11-08 19:09:16)

    thayer wrote:
    Not sure if this helps, but both versions of dmz are available in the standard repos as pre-built packages:
    No that did not solve the problem, but thanks anyway.
    I tried installing this same cursor theme on my gnome arch (via virtual box) and it worked flawlessly. This makes me think that xfce4.4 is having a problem with this theme. conflict maybe??
    Last edited by theringmaster (2007-11-08 21:49:59)

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