Simple regular expression in oracle query

hi guys, I have this challenge.
say I have a query:
select name, user_name, object_type from questions;
now, for the column object type, I can get values that end in 'Q' followed by number.
So object type columns can be 00Q1, ABCQ2, 56Q7 e.t.c. It can be any number really.
The thing is, I want to add a small grouping, so that for the rows which have the object type column ending in Q followed by number, I can have an additional column whose value changes to question.
So the query now becomes:
select name, user_name, object_type, column_type from questions;
So column_type can be question if object type ends with Q and a number, otherwise just give it a default value, like Others or something.
Is this possible and if so how can I please achieve it.
Thanks very much.

Hope this will help.
SQL> with t as
  2  ( select '00Q1' element_name from dual union all
  3    select 'ABCQ2' from dual union all
  4    select '56QA7 ' from dual union all
  5    select '56Q7 ' from dual union all
  6    select 'ABCQA' from dual)
  7  select * from t
  8  where regexp_like(element_name,'\Q[0-9]')
  9  /
56Q7Or something like this
SQL> with t as
  2  ( select '00Q1' element_name from dual union all
  3    select 'ABCQ2' from dual union all
  4    select '56QA7 ' from dual union all
  5    select '56Q7 ' from dual union all
  6    select 'ABCQA' from dual)
  7  select t.*, DECODE(regexp_instr(element_name,'\Q[0-9]'),0,'Not Found',element_name ) comments
  8  from t
  9  /
00Q1   00Q1
56QA7  Not Found
56Q7   56Q7
ABCQA  Not FoundEdited by: Saubhik on May 18, 2010 6:41 AM

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    Hi, Parag,
    Look under [R in the index of the SQL language manual|]. All the regular expression functions and operators start with "REGEXP", and there are a couple of entries under "regular expressions".
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    PROCEDURE concat_columns(i_rowid IN ROWID, io_text IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
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    PROCEDURE concat_columns(i_rowid IN ROWID, io_text IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
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    b_req pjt_requirements_b%ROWTYPE;
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    Hi Prasad,
    Your regex could be as simple as '^83-'
    So, not much use for a regular expression:
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                       select '8307-YUF' from dual)
    -- end of test data
    select txt from test_data
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                       select '8307-YUF' from dual)
    -- end of test data
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    where regexp_like(txt, '^83-[[:upper:]]{3}$')
    1 row selected.Regards

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    Roger22 wrote:
    Does oracle 9i support regular expressions?
    I need to check if a varchar parameter contains only numbers OR letters, otherwise i should return false.
    Thanks.TRANSLATE is helpful to do such a check.
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       (SELECT 'abcdef' txt FROM DUAL UNION ALL
        SELECT '1234567' txt FROM DUAL union all
        SELECT '0' txt FROM DUAL union all
        SELECT '123a4567x00' txt FROM DUAL union all
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    1234567             1234567
    0                        0
    123a4567x00     ax     123456700
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    Problems are usually special chars and how you want to handle that.
    Edited by: Sven W. on Aug 11, 2010 11:07 AM
    Edited by: Sven W. on Aug 11, 2010 11:07 AM

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    Welcome to the forum!
    kitsune wrote:
    I am trying the regular expression SQL functions of 10g to Oracle 7.3 and it seems the older version does not cover this feature yet.You're right; regular expressions only work in Oracle 10.1 and higher.
    "Aaaa,Bbbb" --> "Aaaa, Bbbb"
    REPLACE *",[0-9A-Za-z]"* WITH *", "*
    The string pattern is to look for comma-punctuations that is not followed immediately by whitespacess so I can replace this with a comma followed by a whitespace.
    Any workaround for this?You're best bet in Oracle 7.3 would be a user-defined function. That's a very old version; don't expect much.
    Do you know anything else about the string? For example, is there some character (say ~) that never occurs in the string? Will there ever be two (or more) whitespace characters after punctuation? What characters do you consider to be whitespace? Which are punctuation? Depending on the answers, you might be able to do something with nested REPLACE and/or TRANSLATE functions.

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    INSERT INTO tst VALUES('13/12');
    INSERT INTO tst VALUES('30');
    INSERT INTO tst VALUES('15');
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    Hi Blu,
    Yes, I have tested with "0" in the figure (like 10/20 30/40). And it worked that time and then I replied. :) :)
    But Still it has a problem in pattern and rectified it below.
    Like :-
    SQL> select regexp_substr('10/40','[^/][0 9]',1,2) DD from dual;
    But if I (The way you test) use a non zero value like 43 ; below query will not return 43.
    SQL> select regexp_substr('15/43','[^/][0 9]',1,2) DD from dual;
    My pattern has a slight mistake("-" missing between 0 and 9) and I changed and retested . Correct pattern - '[^/][0-9]' and now it will return 43..
    SQL> select regexp_substr('15/43','[^/][0-9]',1,2) dd from dual ;
    43this '[^/]+' pattern also works fine.
    Thank you for pointing out Blu; as I came to know lot more about patterns.

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    HoganWang wrote:
    Ur regular expression is right. The regular expression has simple and complex versions. If the replaceAll is frequently called, it is recommended to use Pattern to compile the regular expressions first.How does the expression know that the hypen isn't part of range? I guess the only way is that it is between alphabetical letters or numbers.
    In terms of efficiency. This is called once per page request i.e.
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    If it must be a regexp, this is a starter for you, note it carries the caveats mentioned by both posters above and in the linked thread
    mkr02@ORA11GMK> with data as (select '10-jan-2012' dt from dual
      2  union all select '10-111-2012' from dual
      3  union all select 'mm-jan-2012' from dual
      4  union all select '10-jan-12' from dual)
      5  select
      6  dt,
      7  case when regexp_like(dt,'[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:alpha:]]{3}-[[:digit:]]{4}','i') then 1 else 0 end chk
      8  from data
      9  /
    DT                 CHK
    10-jan-2012          1
    10-111-2012          0
    mm-jan-2012          0
    10-jan-12            0It will not validate content, only string format.
    And to emphasis the points made in the linked thread - dates in text columns is poor design. Always.

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    For a particular requirement in Inventory, I have the following to be achieved:
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    Request to guide me for the same.
    Thank you.
    Kunal Gandhi

    If you are able, create a Structure in your Query and add 2 Selections to it.
    Restrict 1 Selection on Plant AB12, and Batch J****** using Contains Pattern as described by Mansi. Restrict the other Selection on Plant AB13, and Batch $*****K again using Contains Pattern.
    Activate Zero Suppression on this Structure.
    When the user selects a Plant in the input, only the Selection which contains that Plant will be displayed.
    Hope this helps. Sorry it is so long after the question, I found this while looking for something else.

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    This causes the entire script engine to freeze.
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    Any idea what's going on? Is it a bug in the scripting engine?

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  • Without using a regular expressions in oracle 9i

    dear all;
    I have the following test data below
      insert into p
      insert into p
       insert into p
           insert into p
          ('\J1\J2\J3\J4');and this is the output I desire though
    J3the output is gotten by looking at the second to the last entry and extracting it....
    so for \G1\G2 the second to the last entry was G1 hence we have G1
    for \A1\ there is no second to the last entry and that is why it is null
    for \B1\B2\B3 the second to the last entry was B2

    user13328581 wrote:
    ... the output is gotten by looking at the second to the last entry and extracting it....
    so for \G1\G2 the second to the last entry was G1 hence we have G1
    for \A1\ there is no second to the last entry and that is why it is nullSo backslashes at the end of id don't matter. Whether id is
    '\A1\' or
    there's only entry in id, and so you want to return NULL. Is that right?
    Here's one way to do that in Oracle 9:
    WITH    got_pos          AS
         SELECT     id
         ,     INSTR ( RTRIM (id, '\')
                    , -1
                    , 2) + 1     AS pos_from
         ,     INSTR ( RTRIM (id, '\')
                    , -1
                    , 1)     AS pos_to
         FROM     p
    SELECT       id
    ,       CASE
               WHEN  pos_from     > 1
               THEN  SUBSTR ( id
                                , pos_from
                      , pos_to - pos_from
           END     AS penult
    FROM       got_pos
    ORDER BY  id

  • Simple Regular Expression Question

    Or ist it not so simple? Decide yourself:
    If a random text (lets say "Nader") does not contain for example the string "Bush", then it shall match the pattern. But how would that pattern look like?
    First I tried ^(Bush). But it doesn't work. Then I tried lots of other things and googling, with no success.
    Any ideas for that simple thing?

    Let me get this straight.
    Text area A will have some text in it. Let's say the user supplies "Bush".
    Text area B is allowed to contain any text in it except an exact match of what is in text area A.
    if (B.getText().equals(A.getText())) { // or however you get the string from a TextArea
      // Uh-oh! They match!
    }But it can't be that simple, else you woldn't have posted.
    So what are you looking for?
    Can A contain stuff that is to be interpreted as a regex? That is If A has "B.*sh" then B must not start with "B" and end with "sh"?
    Will either or both of them be line-based? That is:
    and no line from A must match any line from B?
    Maybe I'm just dense, but I still don't really understand what you're looking for, or why you need regex since you seem to be just looking for an exact string match. Initially you said "contain", which suggests " .* Bush .* " but later you seem to be talking about exact matches.

  • A simple regular expression....

    What I need to do is find occurances of |A in a string, and replace it with another string. This sounds like a perfect use of the String.replaceAll() method! So, I gave it a try, and failed. The code String.replaceAll("|A", "ReplacedText"); doesnt actually replace |A. I was wondering if I need an escape character before the pipe or something since pipe I believe is used in regex logic. Thanks for any help in advance.

    You're right, you need to do:newString = oldString.replaceAll("\\|A", replacementText);...using the double backslash to ensure that a single backslash gets into the actual regex.

Maybe you are looking for

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