Simple Search is not working as expected

I am trying to execute code from the Brian "Bex" Heff book. The code is simple but I cannot figure out an error I'm getting. When I hit the search button I get following error.
A Runtime Error has occurred.
Do you with to Debug?
Error: 'document.QUERYTEXTCOMPONENTS.QueryBuilderQuery.disabled' is null or not an object
If I hit no I got the landing with with all the serach result. It seems like I not passing the querytext value to the next page.
Any idea on what is causing this?
We are on 10g.
hcst-advanced-search.hcst code.
<head><!--$include ss_layout_head_info-->
<!--$PageTitle="Guest Search Page"-->
<!--$if isTrue(IsLoggedIn)-->
<!--$PageTitle="Search Page For " & UserName-->
<!--$include std_query_html_head_declarations-->
<script language="JavaScript">
<!--$include query_form_submit_form_function-->
<!--$include body_def-->
<!--$include std_page_begin-->
<h3 class=pageTitle>HCST Search Page</h3>
<input type=hidden name="QueryText" value="">
<td align=right><span class=searchLabel>Title</span></td>
<input type="hidden" name="opSelected"
<input type="text" size=30 name="dDocTitle"
<td align=right><span class=searchLabel>Content ID</span></td>
<input type="hidden" name="opSelected"
<input type="text" size=30 name="dDocName" value="">
<td align=right><span class=searchLabel>
Release Date From</span></td>
<td align=left>
<input type="hidden" name="opSelected" Value="dateGE">
<input type="text" size=12 maxlength=20
name="dInDate" value="">
<span class=searchLabel>To</span>
<input type="hidden" name="opSelected" Value="dateLess">
<input type="text" size=12 maxlength=20
name="dInDate" value="">
<td align=right><span class=searchLabel>Full Text</span></td>
<td><input type="text" name="FullTextSearch" size=30></td>
<!--$c="This page is hcst-advanced-search.hcst, and we wish to render the results with the template hcst-advanced-search-results.hcst"-->
<!--$urlTemplate = strSubstring(fileUrl, 0, strLength(fileUrl)-5)& "-results"-->
<form name="SEARCHFORM" method="GET" action="<!--$HttpCgiPath-->">
<input type=hidden name="IdcService" value="GET_SEARCH_RESULTS">
<input type=hidden name="urlTemplate" value="<!--$urlTemplate-->">
<input type=hidden name="QueryText" value="">
<input type=hidden name="ResultCount" value="5">
<td><span class=searchLabel>Sort By:</span></td>
<td><select name="SortField">
<option selected value="dInDate">Release Date
<option value="dDocTitle">Title
<option value="Score">Score
<td><select name="SortOrder">
<option value="Asc">Ascending
<option selected value="Desc">Descending
<input type=submit value ="Search" onClick="submitFrm(false)">
<!--$include std_page_end-->
Edited by: user642006 on Apr 16, 2009 12:02 PM

I did not go through the complete code that you have put here.... but from the error "ent.QUERYTEXTCOMPONENTS.QueryBuilderQuery.disabled' is null or not an object it looks to me the js code for the querytextcomponents function is not initialised correctly. May just put a debug statement right before and after the code is called to see what value is being passed to this variable and check if thats the value you expect it to get.
Hope this helps

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    In SharePoint 2013, we could configure Result source to limit searched to certain content or to a subset of search results. This would be equal to a new search scope in SharePoint 2010.
    For your reference:
    Using sample below will limit search result in subsite:
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    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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    56 -- -- -- 21-OCT-2012
    76 -- -- -- 15-NOV-2012
    78 -- -- -- 15-DEC-2012
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    -> XA
    -> YA
    -> ZA
    -> XB
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    treeBinding = (JUCtrlHierBinding) model.getWrappedData();
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding root = treeBinding.getRootNodeBinding();
         Found = false;
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    private RowKeySet searchTreeNode(JUCtrlHierNodeBinding node,
    String searchType,
    String searchString) {
    RowKeySetImpl rowKeys = new RowKeySetImpl();
    if (Found == true) {
    return rowKeys;
    if (searchString == null || searchString.length() < 1) {
    logger.log(node.getName() + ": Search string cannot be NULL or EMPTY");
    return rowKeys;
    Row nodeRow = node.getRow();
    if (nodeRow != null) {
    String compareString = "";
    Object attribute = nodeRow.getAttribute("ATTRIBUTENAME");
    if (attribute instanceof String) {
    compareString = (String)attribute;
    } else {
    compareString = attribute.toString();
                   if (compareString.equals(searchString) {
    Found = true;
    List<JUCtrlHierNodeBinding> children = node.getChildren();
    if (children != null ) {
    for(JUCtrlHierNodeBinding _node: children) {
    RowKeySet rks = searchTreeNode(_node, searchType, searchString);
    System.out.println("child ren for " + _node.getRow().getAttribute("Cname"));
    if (rks != null && rks.size() > 0) {
    return rowKeys;
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    Please suggest.

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    private RowKeySet buildDisclosedRowKeySet(JUCtrlHierBinding treeBinding,
    RowKeySet keys) {
    RowKeySetImpl discloseRowKeyset = new RowKeySetImpl();
    Iterator iter = keys.iterator();
    while(iter.hasNext()) {
    List keyPath = (List);
    JUCtrlHierNodeBinding node =
    if (node != null && node.getParent() != null &&
    !node.getParent().getKeyPath().isEmpty()) {
    RowKeySetImpl parentKeySet = new RowKeySetImpl();
    RowKeySet rks = buildDisclosedRowKeySet(treeBinding, parentKeySet);
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    Data Type: VARCHAR2
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    Prompt: Work Order Number
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    Search Criteria: False
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    Criteria Item: xxWONumSearch
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        public class MainViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
                public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
                private int age;
                public int Age
                        return age;
                        /*Age has to be over 18* - a simple condition in the setter*/
                        age = value;
                        if(age <= 18)
                            age = 18;
                public MainViewModel(int age)
                    this.Age = age;
                private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
                    if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
                        PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
    In the MainPage.xaml 
         <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
                    Text="{Binding Path=Age, Mode=TwoWay}" 
                    Text="{Binding Path=Age, Mode=OneWay}"
    And MainPage.xaml.cs I simply instantiate the view model and set it as a DataContext.
        public partial class MainPage : UserControl
            private MainViewModel mvm;
            public MainPage()
                mvm = new MainViewModel(20);
                this.DataContext = mvm;
    I expect that this code will limit set the Age to 18 if the value entered in the TextBox is lower than 18.
    Scenario: Insert into TextBox the value "5" and press tab (for the binding the take effect, TextBox needs to lose the focus)
    Case 1: Debugger is attached =>
    TextBox value will be "5" and TextBlock value will be "18" as expected. - WRONG
    Case 2: Debugger is NOT attached => 
    TextBox value will be "18" and TextBlock value will be "18" - CORRECT
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    Has something changed in SL5 and logic in setters is not allowed anymore?
    VisualStudio 2010 SP1
    SL 5 Tools 5.1.30214.0
    SL5 sdk 5.0.61118.0
    IE 10

    Inputting the value and changing it straight away is relatively rare.
    Very few people are now using Silverlight because it's kind of deprecated...
    This is why nobody has reported this.
    I certainly never noticed this problem and I have a number of live Silverlight systems out there.
    Some of which are huge.
    If you want a "fix":
    private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
    if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
    //PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
    Storyboard sb = new Storyboard();
    sb.Duration = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100));
    sb.Completed += delegate
    PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
    The fact this works is interesting because (I think ) it means the textbox can't be updated at the point the propertychanged is raised.
    Please don't forget to upvote posts which you like and mark those which answer your question.
    My latest Technet article - Dynamic XAML

  • SharePoint foundation 2013 Search is not working

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    1. I Recreated Search Service Application
    2. Created Content Source and set full crawl.
    3. And service application is associated to the web application also.
    4. All Application pool id are running.
    5. Created Search Site collection, even though search is not working.
    The error message i got was shown below. How to resolve this issue. An help/thoughts.

    Try to use word Home in search
    Do we see site getting crawl in crawl logs
     Navigate to the site for which you want to control the Web Parts in search results.
    Click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings.
    Under Site Administration, click Search and offline availability.
    In the Indexing ASPX Page Content section, under
    This site does not contain fine-grained permissions. Specify the site’s ASPX page indexing behavior , 
    Always index all Web Parts on this site

  • Search is not working in HCM9.1 , pt8.52 after install

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    When I login online the search does not work (when i click search on any page that has a search record it just shows that progress gif image but nothing happens.)
    I logged in using PS/PS
    any ideas of what I did wrong during the installation?
    These are the steps I followed.
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    2-Installed web logic
    3-Installed Tuxedo and defined TUX_DIR
    4-Installed Peopletools in C:\pt8.52 and HCM9.1 in c:\hcm9.1 nad Verity
    5-Manualy created a database called HRSD using initHRSD.ora and configured the listner and defined ORACLE_SID , ORACLE_HOME and created the spfile.
    then ran the scripts in the documentation to create namespaces , roles , dbowner etc
    6-configured the application designer
    7-loged into datamover and installed a demo hcm9.1
    8-ran grant.sql
    9-ran pt851u.sql and pt852u.sql.
    10-configured the application server and booted it.
    Created a new domain and configured it and started it. 8 processes start
    11-configured the web server and started the PIA.
    12-loged in successfully but the search does not work
    Edited by: user2003312 on Feb 17, 2012 7:42 AM

    First of all I am very surprised you were able to get so far with the installation, since PeopleTools 8.52 is not certified on 32 bits systems and definitely not on Windows XP.
    Your are trying to install HCM 9.1 which is delivered with PeopelTools 8.50 and you are installing PeopleTools 8.52 so, you should have run the scripts as defined in chapter Updating PeopleTools System Tables in the installation manual to update your HCM 9.1 to PeopelTools 8.51.
    Did you run these scripts?
    If not please complete these steps as described in the installation manual.
    And I also do not see you mention you have installed any PeopleTools patch. We are currently at 8.52.05. It is common at installations to patch PeopelTools to the last patch level.

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    i had copied all related code from last jsp.but search is not working.
    i had modified only jsp.just guide me do we have to modify any other file or .do class file.
    Thanks in advance.
    Jayesh Talreja

    Hi Jayesh,
    When you copy <td> element of product search from "" to "" you also have to copy
    <form> tag and necessary java script function from "" file.
    Read carefully "" file and understand how it is working in it and then copy necessary code from this file to "" file
    I tried to post code here but some how it is throwing an error while replying you. Sorry.
    I hope this will help you to resolve your issue.
    eCommerce Developer

  • Search is not working for subsites

    SharePoint search is not working for any of the subsites and it is just working for top level site. I can see that all the subsites is visible in search. Any idea?
    interesting thing is, it is not working just for one site collection subsites. If i do search in subsites of another site collection of the same web application than it is working fine and it is working fine for all ohter web apps too.
    Please help.

    I agree with Chris, please check following in your sub site: http://site_name/subsite_name
    1. Click on Site Actions -> Site Settings ->Modify All Site Settings
    2. Click on Search visibility.
    3. Check All this web to appear in search results.
    4. Browse to the document library or list  in your sub site.
    5. Click on Settings->Document Library Settings or list settings.
    6. Click on Advance settings.
    7. Check the last item - All items from this document library to appear in search results.
    Hope this helps.
    Rock Wang
    Rock Wang– MSFT

  • Simple short cuts not working in CC?

    Does anyone know why simple commands are not working in Illustrator CC (Copy, Paste, Undo) This is such an irritating problem as these short cuts are so frequently used. My cloud software is up-to-date. Having upgraded my software I would prefer not to have us CS5 to combat this problem.

    Hi Vaibhav,,
    Thankx for the prompt help!!
    I'm using Submit to SAP button only and I do have xACF installed on my local m/c. I'm able to use buttons and validations on the form but I'm not able to get the values in my WDynpro ABAP Appl. For Eg. : and internal table is bound to a table UI in adobe iForm , I'm able to add row (using formcalc/JScript eventing in Adobe) but I'm not able to get the changed internal table in my WDynpro ABAP application after submit button is pressed.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.

  • Subtraction of two key figures normalized to result not working as expected

    Hello SAP Community!
    I am having problems with getting the right result from a subtraction of two KFs which are "normalized to results" which means the KFs really have values expressed as percentages. The substraction that should be performed is of two percentages (e.g.: 87.298% - 85.527% = 1.77%) but my report prints out the result as "number of units" instead (e.g.: 87.298% - 85.527% = 71,514.00 EA). The two normalized KFs actually "point" to two stock KFs, hence the "number of units".
    In order to explain the problem I am facing please analyze below text:
    1) Let's assume I have below data:
    200805         PLANT-A  MAT-1            200805         510,235.00
    200805         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200805          74,240.00
    200805         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200806         438,721.00
    200805         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200806          74,240.00
    200805         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200807         356,981.00
    200805         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200807          74,240.00
    200806         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200805               0.00
    200806         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200805               0.00
    200806         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200806         510,235.00
    200806         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200806          74,240.00
    200806         PLANT-A  MAT-1           200807         438,721.00
    200806         PLANT-B  MAT-1           200807          74,240.00
    2) Then, assume I have a comparison report, restricted by load month for two months May and June 2008 (filter restricted by two month variables) with FORECAST units spread accross columns for whole horizon (two months also in this case).
    Material  Plant                                 2008/06     2008/07
    MAT1      PLANT-A  
                       Base Units (May 2008)        438,721.00  356,981.00
                       Comparison Units (June 2008) 510,235.00  438,721.00
                       Base Units (May 2008)         74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Comparison Units (June 2008)  74,240.00   74,240.00
              TOTALS   Base Units                   512,961.00  431,221.00
                       Comparison Units             584,475.00  512,961.00
    3) Now, let's suppose we want to know the proportions (%) of Base vs Comparison units, so
    we normalize forecats to results an we get the below report:
    Material  Plant                                 2008/06     2008/07
    MAT1      PLANT-A  
                       Base Units (May 2008)        438,721.00  356,981.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)      85.527%     85.527%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008) 510,235.00  438,721.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008) 87.298%     82.784%
                       Base Units (May 2008)         74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)       14.473%     15.702%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008)  74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008)  12.702%     17.216%
              TOTALS   Base Units                   512,961.00  431,221.00
                       Comparison Units             584,475.00  512,961.00
    4) Finally, let's suppose we want to know the deltas (differences) of Base vs Comparison
    units, for both number of units and %. The report now look as below:
    Material  Plant                                 2008/06     2008/07
    MAT1      PLANT-A  
                       Base Units (May 2008)        438,721.00  356,981.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)      85.527%     85.527%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008) 510,235.00  438,721.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008) 87.298%     82.784%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units %  1.77%       2.74%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units    71,514.00  81,740.00
                       Base Units (May 2008)         74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)       14.473%     15.702%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008)  74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008)  12.702%     17.216%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units %  -1.77%      -2.74%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units         0.00        0.00
              TOTALS   Base Units                   512,961.00  431,221.00
                       Comparison Units             584,475.00  512,961.00
    5) PROBLEM:
    In my report, the "Delta base vs. comp. units %" is not working as expected and
    calculates number of units just as "Delta base vs. comp. units" does instead of calculating the % difference.
    So my report looks as follows:
    Material  Plant                                 2008/06     2008/07
    MAT1      PLANT-A  
                       Base Units (May 2008)        438,721.00  356,981.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)      85.527%     85.527%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008) 510,235.00  438,721.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008) 87.298%     82.784%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units %  71,514.00  81,740.00 <<<WRONG!!
                       Delta base vs. comp. units    71,514.00  81,740.00
                       Base Units (May 2008)         74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Base Units % (May 2008)       14.473%     15.702%
                       Comparison Units (June 2008)  74,240.00   74,240.00
                       Comparison Units %(Jun 2008)  12.702%     17.216%
                       Delta base vs. comp. units %       0.00        0.00
                       Delta base vs. comp. units         0.00        0.00
              TOTALS   Base Units                   512,961.00  431,221.00
                       Comparison Units             584,475.00  512,961.00
    The formulas are:
    a) Delta base vs. comp. units %
      Delta base vs. comp. units % = Comparison Units % - Base Units %
    b) Delta base vs. comp. units
      Delta base vs. comp. units = Comparison Units - Base Units
    The KFs
    - Comparison Units %
    - Base Units %
    Are RESTRICTED key figures (restricted to Base and comparison month variables) which
    are setup as:
    1) Calculate Result As:  Summation of Rounded Values
    2) Calculate Single Value as: Normalization of result
    3) Calculate Along the Rows
    The KFs
    - Delta base vs. comp. units %
    - Delta base vs. comp. units
    are FORMULAS setup to:
    1) Calculate Result As:  Nothing defined
    2) Calculate Single Value as: Nothing defined
    3) Calculate Along the Rows: user default direction (grayed out)
    Thanks for the time taken to read in detail all of this. Long text but necessary to understand what the problem is.
    Any help is highly appreciated.
    Thank you.

    The subraction will be carried out before doing the normalization of your KF's. So, it is displaying "number of units". Create a calculated keyfigure and subtract the KF's and in the properties of this calculated keyfigure, change the enhancement as "After Aggregation".
    I hope this will solve your issue.
    S P.

  • Adobe Reader XI and Adobe Reader X Pro (Editable PDF Combobox Search is not working properly.)

    I have created Editable PDF using itext(5.3.0) in java. I have used Adobe Reader XI and Adobe Reader X Pro.  But in editable PDF combobox search is  not working properly.
    It's only search first character.

    My (admittedly old and slow) system did this too the first time I opened Reader 11, but it "unfroze" after about fifteen seconds, (an eternity in computing time, I know, but it did eventually open all the way) What you're seeing on the right is the "Tools" panel initializing. That's exactly where mine would freeze up on starting. Once it did finally open fully, I clicked the "Tools" link at the top to close the panel, and I opened and viewed a document that way, then closed reader. Now when I open Reader, the Tools panel doesn't initialize and it opens immediately.
    Reboot and before you open anything else, open Reader. When you open it, DO NOT try to do anything with it until it fully opens, don't click anything, don't try to switch to another app. Give it time to open fully, and then click the Tools link to close it. Then, open and view a document, and close it. Close Reader and reopen it. the Tools panel should remain closed and Reader should open fully immediately.

  • Events in SubVi not working as expected

    Hi, I am reposting this question as my previous one didn't resulted in any satisfactory conclusion.
    I have attached my Vi's which are not working as expected. If I remove ONE subVi and its associated 3 controls and two indicators, the other one works just fine, but when I add two SUB Vis, it goes messy. I am trying to learn this way, I am sure it can be done many other ways, but please help me finding out the problem doing it this way as in my final MainVi, I would like to use 8 such sub Vis. Thanks.
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    Your main problem is DATA FLOW.  A loop cannot iterate until EVERYTHING in it has completed.  So, as you have it, you have to have both event structures execture before you can go back to look for the next event.  So if you insist on having these subVIs, they need to be in seperate loops.
    BTW, you can get away with a single subVI.  Go into the VI properties and make it reentrant (preallocated clone).  Then each call of your subVI will have its own memory space.  A lot easier to maintain that way.
    And I know you said you didn't want alternatives, but here's how you can do it all with a single event structure in your main loop.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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  • Site search will not work in Firefox but works with Chrome

    I run three websites. One is personal ( and two are for non-profit organizations ( and All have site search through Google, my own site is paid to be ad-free, the non profits are free and without adds because of their non profit status. For a while now, site search does not work with Firefox for the non profit sites but does for the paid site. Chrome and IE work fine. Is there a solution? Some setting to activate? Is this Google's doing?

    I am able to type a search word in but on clicking it, nothing changes. No results. the word just stays there.
    I also downloaded the -- at first I wondered if it was not letting me install. So I allowed it in exceptions. But I'm not clear on what it does or what I do to use it.

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