Simplifying Complex Polygons

Hi all,
I need to simplify a coverage data by removing the number of vertices for speeding up the analysis..I understand teh sdo_util.simplify will help us to acheive this.Can someone help me how to go about this.Do i need to write PL/sql to acheive this , can anyone post any examples how they simplify the complex polygons.
And what is teh difference between teh wrapper(sdo_sam.simplify_geometry) and sdo_util.simplify?
Thank you very much.

sdo_util.simplify uses the Douglas-Peuker algorithm to simplify geometry. It is the algorithm used by most GIS to achieve this as it removes vertices whilst retaining shape.
You do not need to use PL/SQL as you can do using SQL.
I have done some experiments with simplify to achieve greater performance in an application. It uses the same algorithm but uses a 3rd party package.
I used
SELECT fz_id, sdo_util.simplify(c.geom, 1) simplified, c.geom
FROM nfcdd_owner_flood_zone_3_fluv1 c
in my tests.

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    Where-Object{$_.operatingsystem -notlike "Windows RT*"} |
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    Where-Object {$_.operatingsystem -notlike "Antimalware Software"} |
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    Where-Object {$_.operatingsystem -notlike "SHA1/SHA2 hashes"} |
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    Where-Object {$_.operatingsystem -notlike "Operating System"} |
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    It still won't work because it is just a bunch of mismatched nonsense.  Most lines are meaningless and many will not work as expected.
    Thank you for your opinion, this is PS not bunch of mismatched nonsense and it is working, just want to simplify it ;)

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    I haven't used blender, but it is a free 3D program and pretty powerful if you can get around its archaic interface. You might try exporting an obj file from poser and rescaling it in blender and then pulling it up in Photoshop. It is worth a shot.
    All the best,

  • Is there a limit to the number of points in a polygon?

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    Anyway, we get problems occassionally with complex polygons and it seems that there's a limit fo the number of points they can have.
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    MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY VARRAY(1048576) OF NUMBERSo this means you have have a maximum of 1048576 ordinates in your ordiante array. So that would be 1048576/2 vertices if your data is 2d, or 1048576/3 if you have z or m values.
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    See [Increasing the Size of Ordinate Arrays to Support Very Large Geometries|]
    I recommend you don't make this change unless you need to as it adds a bit of overhead if you want to export the data later.
    Its always worth thinking about why your polygons are so big. Maybe they are country boundaries and there are vertices every few metres and maybe you need this level of data in your system. Or maybe the data was captured in this way, but that level of details is meaningless in your context and you'd be better off by simplifying it (i.e. reducing the number of vertices). Or maybe the polygons have lots of duplicate vertices that should be removed.
    Only you can answer those questions but you need to be aware that the performance of polygons with huge number of vertices is likely to suck.

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    Thanks for coming on this thread
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    (b) sub selects which will be reused
    (c) performance enhancements
    (d) left joins to summary queries
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    PostgreSQL.  That is why I think 66 minutes is excessive.
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    Tessalating the polygons (tax districts) is the answer!
    Since my use of SQL Server Express was brought up as possibly contributing to the slow runtime, the first thing I did was download an evaluation version of Enterprise Edition.  The runtime on Enterprise Edition dropped from 66 minutes to 57.5 minutes.
     A reduction of 13% isn't anything to scoff at, but total runtime was still 11x longer than in PostgreSQL.  Although Enterprise Edition had 4 cores available to it, it never really spun up more than 1 when executing the query, so it doesn't seem
    to have been parallelizing the query much, if at all.
    You asked about polygon complexity.  Overall, a majority are fairly simple but there are some complex ones with one really complex polygon.  Using the complexity index discussed in the reference thread, the tax districts had an average complexity
    of 4.6 and a median of 2.7.  One polygon had a complexity index of 120, which was skewing the average, as well as increasing the runtime I suspect.  Below is a complexity index breakdown:
    Before trying tessellation, I tweaked the spatial indexes in several different ways, but the runtimes never changed by more than a minute or two.  I reset the spatial indexes to "geometry auto grid @ 32" and tried out your tessellation functions
    using the default of 5000 vertices.  Total runtime 2.3 minutes, a 96% reduction and twice as fast as PostgresSQL!  Now that is more what I was expecting before i started.
    I tried using different thresholds, 3,000 and 10,000 vertices but the runtimes were slightly slower, 3.5 and 3.3 minutes respectively.  A threshold of 5000 definitely seems to be a sweet spot for the dataset I am using.  As the thread you referenced
    discussed, SQL Server spatial functions like STIntersect appear to be sensitive to the number of vertices of polygons.
    After reading your comment, it reminded me of some discussions with Esri staff about ArcGIS doing the same thing in certain circumstances, but I didn't go as far as thinking to apply it here.  So, thanks for the suggestion and code from another post.
     Once I realized the SRID was hard coded to 0 in tvf_QuarterPolygon, I was able to update the code to set it to the same as the input shape, and then everything came together nicely.

  • Errors with validate_geometry

    does anyone know what means the errors 13350 and 13351 when using Validate_geometry (using 8.1.7)
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    thanks for any information

    The error numbers don't change between versions. You can find the complete on-line documentation at:
    From there you can click on Error Messages or look in the error messages doc.
    The spatial users guide can also be seen from there.
    ORA-13350 two or more rings of a complex polygon touch
    Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon touch.
    Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric description of the object.
    ORA-13351 two or more rings of a complex polygon overlap
    Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon overlap.
    Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric description of the object.

  • PL/SQL: converting VARCHAR2 version of a geometry into an mdsys.sdo_geometr

    I'm writing some PL/SQL to parse through complex polygons and create new simple ones out of them. i.e. If i Have a multipolygon that contains 5 polygons, I want to produce 5 new polygons out of it. I'm generating the geometry as a varchar2 as I have some concatentaion to do and follow some logic.
    Once I have this geometry created as a varchar2 how can i insert this as a geometry?
    The following insert in PL/SQL
         insert into new_linestrings (id,geom,orig_id) values (se_new_linestrings.nextval,generated_geom,orig_id);
    where generated_geom is a varchar2 generates the following error
    26/2 PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    26/83 PL/SQL: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected UDT got CHAR
    And when I cast the varchar2 as a geometry like the following
         insert into new_linestrings (id,geom,orig_id) values (se_new_linestrings.nextval,cast (generated_geom as mdsys.sdo_geometry),orig_id);
    I get the following error
    ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CHAR
    ORA-06512: at "IVV.CREATE_GEOM", line 26
    ORA-06512: at "IVV.CONVERT_TO_SIMPLE_LINES", line 26
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    How can i create a new geometry passing in a varchar2 in the constructor?

    You can do this by creating a string which is the full sql statement
    and the executing it in PL/SQL.
    For example, you have str1 := 'SDO_GEOMETRY(2006, 600000, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 2, 1, 13, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(196741, 219623, 196743, 219623, 196745, 219623, 196746, 219637, 196742, 219639, 196741, 219623, 196746, 219637, 196746, 219637, 196746, 219637, 196746, 219637)) ';
    Then make a SQL statement like this:
    str2 := 'INSERT INTO new_linestrings (id,geom,orig_id) values ' || '('|| to_char(se_new_linestrings.nextval)|| ', ' ||str1|| ', ' ||to_char(orig_id) ') ';
    execute immediate str2;
    you may have to read in se_new_linestrings.nextval to a local variable

  • How to make spatial computations use more/all CPU power?

    In an service I'm calculating spatial data (using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types) in memory. These calculations often take 4-5 minutes but they are never, ever, using more than 50% CPU. I have tried this on a single core too (Azure) and still, CPU won't go above
    50%. I'd really like 100% CPU usage in these services. 
    What to look for in the code? I've got a lot of loops and where possible I'm using AsParallell() to take advantage of instances with multiple cores. 
    Why doesn't the service just claim full speed on the CPU and get the job done twice as fast?

    Can you clarify what it is exactly that you're trying to do?
    you say that you're using the .net libraries to perform spatial computations in memory but then you mention that you also have spatial data (i'm assuming from the index comment) in the database..
    Where is the bottleneck? on the db site for when you're pulling out the spatial data or on the .net app server that's running the service?
    Is the query using the spatial indexes? is trace flag 4199 on?
    I found that rolling my own tesselation function greatly improved parallelism in regards to spatial queries, although this is only applicable to point in polygon type queries eg return the name/attribute of the complex polygon in which the lat/long sits
    more info here:
    Jakub @ Adelaide, Australia

  • Layered PDF

    I'm wondering if it is possible to create PDF files with layers (OCG/Optional Content Group) in them using the PDF print driver.
    As expected... I have an application that can produced a "flat" PDF file when printed to the "Adobe PDF" print driver (supplied with Adobe Acrobat). What I'm looking to do is add layers for the content. I would like to programmatically mark the start and end of layers from within my application. Is there any way to do this? Does the Adobe PDF print driver support ExtEscape() or any other method of embedding commands to support layers in the PDF file?
    I'm not looking to write an "Export to PDF" option using the PDF SDK. The print to PDF print driver solution provides almost everything I need. What I'm missing is a way to start/end layer during the print process.
    It's a Windows application, written in C/C++.
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Thanks for the reply. It wasn't the answer I was hoping for. <g><br /><br />Our application is very graphics intensive. I was hoping to take advantage of using Windows Printing API/GDI interface. I really did not want to have to reimplement code for drawing (ie; brushes with various vector and bitmap fill patterns, complex polygons, etc.).<br /><br />I'm not very familiar with the PDF SDK. It appears to be very low level and not interchangeable with the GDI interface. It looks like it would require a lot of work to convert GDI styled calls into PDF SDK function calls. Is there any sort of higher level library that would allow me to use GDI/HDC type drawing calls, yet still have access to the layer/OCG functionality? If so, that would make it much easier for me to implement an "export to PDF" type of solution.

  • Not enough Memory, .3ds 3D Layer

    Excuse my english
    System Spec:
    PC 1
    Phenom 2 (4x4 GHZ)
    RAM 8GB 1333
    Geforce GTX 275 1024MB
    Scratch Disk - 40GB Raptor High Speed Disk unfragmented
    Phenom 2 (4x3,2 GHZ)
    RAM 4GB 1333
    AMD Radeon 6870
    Scratch Disk - 100GB unfragmented
    Its nearly not possible for me to open any 3d objects i created in 3ds MAX, sometimes its able to open a simple 4 sides box, but that was it. No change to get something just remotely complexer than that box. Always the same "not enough memory to open Layer Error. It not even trys, i geht the error msg in about 10 ms after klicking.
    I tried every preference setting i saw here on the forums. Turn open GL on / off, change the disc, more / less memory or VRAM, change opengl parameters and so on and so on. Im getting a little bit depressed from watching online tutorials where everyone is able to import even pretty complex polygon models into CS5, but not me....
    Please Help

    Check your export settings in MAX. I bet you are using features that are not supported by legacy 3DS files and that custom, MAX-only usable data is making things go haywire.

  • RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded

    Dear all,
    we are executing and EDGE project in a Samsung SmartTV.  In more powerful models (more memory and cpu) the execution is correct. but in some old TV models we receive the following  message:
    File:   file://c/........../EDGE_006/edge_includes/edge.2.0.1.min.js
    Line No:  135
    Error Detail: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
    It seems that this happens depending on the complexity of the EDGE project, as for some simple projects it works.
    we would like to adjust our EDGE project for this less powerful models modifiying animations and simplifying complexity, but we dont know where to start (which animations to remove, etc.)
    Or if there are some parameters in the edge API to adjust in order to increase performance in low memory browsers.
    Thank you in advance,

    sunil-online wrote:
    > I am calling an external DLL and running it in the UI thread. How much
    > stack space is available when they are on separate threads or on the
    > UI thread?
    > The problem is that I am getting seemingly random crashes while
    > running this VI and after I quit labview after stopping and uninit-ing
    > my DLL.
    Unless you know this DLL is using exceedingly lots of stack (at least
    several dozens of MB) for whatever obscure reasons it is very unlikely
    that running out of stack space is causing your problem. More likely
    either the DLL does something nasty to a data pointer passed in to it or
    you made an error in setting up the call to the DLL.
    For instace if the DLL expects strings or array pointers to be passed in
    they need to
    be allocated by the caller (here LabVIEW) and you need to
    tell LabVIEW to do that in the diagram code.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Identifying rings and edges with problems

    I have new polygon layers that produce a validation error for a polygon of gtype of 2007:
    13350 [Element <1>] [Rings 1, 8][Edge <9> in ring <1>][Edge <33> in ring <8>]
    The error is:
    ORA-13350: two or more rings of a complex polygon touch
    Cause: The inner or outer rings of a complex polygon touch.
    Action: All rings of a complex polygon must be disjoint. Correct the geometric definition of the object.
    I can see the vertices using SDO_UTIL.GETVERTICES but I cannot find a way to identify where the Rings start. I assume Edges are the connecting lines between consecutive coordinates.
    My questions are
    1) Where is the documentation on where Rings start?
    2) Is there an easy way to resolve this error? If I can find the ring docs, I can probably resolve the error by following the coordinates, but I am hoping for a clean tool to do this.

    hi roger,
    Are you patched all the way to I noticed a bug in SDO_GEOM.SDO_UNION in and below whereby if you try to UNION two polygons with a void in between and single touch point on one side of the void, the resulting polygon has the void still as a void rather than as a hole that touches the outer ring at a single point. This creates a 13350 error. Here is some lame ascii art you could view in courier new if I am not making sense. Its too bad we can't attach a little mspaint graphic to these posts. The problems is not present in
    | POLYGON A |
    | ------------ |
    | | VOID \|
    | POLYGON B |
    | ------------ |
    | | VOID \|
    | --------------
    | |
    If anyone knows the bug number off the top of their heads, I'd like to know since I am using this issue to push everything to

  • R-Tree vs Quadtree

    Oracle database version : 11gR2
    While trying some experiments on R-Tree vs Quadtree performance, I encountered a situation where the query on Quadtree did not complete.
    Quadtree creation generates error on 11gR2, therefore while create the index I have mentioned the parameters 'SDO_LEVEL=4 GEODETIC=FALSE'
    Please note the data in SHAPE_RTREE column and SHAPE_QUAD column are the same.
    SELECT ID FROM SHAPES WHERE SDO_ANYINTERACT(SHAPE_RTREE,<input point>) = 'TRUE';  --> Returns 13 rows in 8 secs (5800 gets)
    SELECT ID FROM SHAPES WHERE SDO_ANYINTERACT(SHAPE_QUAD,<input point>)  = 'TRUE';   --> Query did not complete even after 15 mins (Ctrl+c at one point showed 48,000 rows returned).
    SHAPE_RTREE and SHAPE_QUAD largely contain complex polygons with/without holes.
    I can paste the results after I am done with my tests. Just wanted to check if anyone has faced similar problems with Quadtree indexes.

    Gokul Gopal wrote:
    Oracle database version : 11gR2
    Just wanted to check if anyone has faced similar problems with Quadtree indexes.
    On 11R2? I don't think so, because I don't think anybody uses Quadtree's still. And you shouldn't, R-Tree's are noticeably faster, they require less work, and since 11 Oracle maintains them for you so there is no noticeable degradation. Plus (but I'm not sure of this one) AFAIK you cannot partition your table and use partitioned spatial indexes with quad trees, but as said, I'm not sure about that one.
    Out of curiosity, where did you find out about Quadtrees? They're not mentioned anymore in 11R2 Docs. I know them because back in 7 and 8 you didn't have any other option, but since R-Tree's came along I've used them. As I remember they were a nightmare to maintain with all the tile size estimates and all that baloney...

  • Framemaker to .pdf part of image missing

    I am using FM 10, Windows XP, Acrobat Pro X
    I have converted a book and two images (from about 100) have the bottom 1/8th cut off.
    The following may or may not be useful information:
    The image is a .png.
    The image has callouts drawn in in Framemaker which print fine.
    I have replaced the drawing.
    The drawing has been rotated 90 degrees.
    The same problem occurs using FoxIt.
    The same portion of the image is cut off if I move the image around.
    Any ideas?
    EDIT: I've reimported the image and pdf'd it again and it prints fine.  The problem occurs when I rotate the image 90 degrees counterclockwise.
    MORE EDIT: If I use the 'Rotate Counterclockwise' button, it crops a little bit each time it rotates.
    Message was edited by: A confused Technical Author with a rapidly humour failing boss

    You put a lot of time in to this place, mate, Adobe should be paying you.
    I'm just returning the favor. I've picked up several crucial tips here this year. Plus, you really discover if you know something when you try to teach it.
    Our company designs lifting tools.  The design boys create them and I make a operation/test/assembly manual for them.
    So are you working with wireframe hidden lines removed, or 3D solid renderings?
    If wireframe, you would ideally want the image to remain vector all the way into the PDF, if the vector count is reasonable.
    ... png, jpeg, gif, bmp, tiff, emf, exif and wmf.
    I don't know EXIF (except as a metadata format). Of the remainder, only WMF has a prayer of delivering vector, and I'm not sure how well Frame supports that mode.
    No eps unfortunately.  Would you recommend using another format?
    Autodesk can surely export DWG or DXF, but they are hazardous to your color catalog. Can Autodesk export vector PDF?
    You will need to experiment with stroke weights, depending on your print path and any expected PDF viewing size. I'd suggest starting with 0.2 points (as delivered in the final PDF).
    I find Illustrator really useful here. It can open DWGs, DXFs, and the EPSIs our older CAD software emits, and easily set stroke weights for final scale. It can also "simplify" complex drawings to some extent. When the PDF of a vector image gets over 250KB, we take steps (usually flattening it to 600 dpi raster). But we like to publish vector when we can.

Maybe you are looking for