Simply not smart enough to write this

Hey All,
You know when you want to do something, and you realize you simply do not have the brain power to pull it off? I am there, but I think maybe a little bit of help might get me over the really hard part.
GOAL: Pull scheme data from our instance (a massive CRM platform, basically just a fancy relational database system). Find all related objects, parse the data, and feed it into the JIT javascript visulization framework ( I want to use CF to pull the data, parse it, and feed it to JIT, however the format JIT requires is hard for me to write programatically.
Here is an example of the what the final result will look like, instead of numbers each node would be an object name.
Here is the data that powers that thing.
It's just JSON, but the nesting get's really brutal.
So far I have the code in place to get the data I want, and break it into chunks, but I can't think of an eloquent way to create the required JSON. Here is what I have so far.
Here is the code for that tool.
<cfsetting requesttimeout="5000">
<cfif isdefined("form.Flush")>
     <cfcache action="flush" >
<form name="FlushForm" method="post">
     <input name="Flush" value="Recalculate Relationships (Will Take a Long Time)" type="submit" />
<cfcache action="optimal">
     These results where cached at #TimeFormat(Now())#.
     <cfset GlobalObject = server.OSF.describeGlobal()>
     <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(GlobalObject.Results)#" index="ObjectIndex">
          <cfset Object = server.OSF.describeObject(GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex])>
          <cfset ObjectInfo = Object.RawSoap>
          <cfset returnStruct = structnew()>
          <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]] = arraynew(1)>
          <cfset numRefFields = 0>
               <cfset ObjectFieldReference = ObjectInfo.Envelope.Body.describeSobjectResponse.result.fields[i]>
               <cfif ObjectFieldReference.type.xmltext eq "reference">
                    <cfset numRefFields = numRefFields + 1>
                    <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][numRefFields] = structnew()>
                    <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][numRefFields]>
                    <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][numRefFields].label=ObjectFieldReference.label.xmltext>
                    <cfset RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][numRefFields].refto=ObjectFieldReference.referenceto.xmltext>
          <a name="#GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]#">RelationsShips in #GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]#</a>
               <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]])#" index="relationshipFieldIndex">
                    <li>  #RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][relationshipFieldIndex].name# to <a href="###RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][relationshipFieldIndex].refto#">#RelationShips[GlobalObject.Results[ObjectIndex]][relationshipFieldIndex].refto#</a></li>
So instead of creating that simple dumb list, I ned to create the JSON, but how? I just can't wrap my brain around it for some reason. Any help, sample code, anything would be of use. Thank you.

Ah, again sorry, we seem to be writting our posts at the same time.
Try that link. Thats what my formatted JSON ends up looking like.
There, sorry, just didn't want to be making huge posts.
        "ID": "Account",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "Account",
                "DATA": "Master Record ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Account"
                "ID": "RecordType",
                "DATA": "Record Type ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "RecordType"
                "ID": "Account",
                "DATA": "Parent Account ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Account"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Owner ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Created By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "Contact",
                "DATA": "Billing Contact",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Contact"
                "ID": "Contact",
                "DATA": "Primary Org Contact",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Contact"
                "ID": "Contact",
                "DATA": "Primary Household Contact",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Contact"
        "NAME": "Account"
        "ID": "AccountContactRole",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "Account",
                "DATA": "Account ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Account"
                "ID": "Contact",
                "DATA": "Contact ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Contact"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Created By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
        "NAME": "AccountContactRole"
        "ID": "AccountHistory",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "Account",
                "DATA": "Account ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Account"
                "ID": "SelfServiceUser",
                "DATA": "Created By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "SelfServiceUser"
        "NAME": "AccountHistory"
        "ID": "AccountPartner",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "Account",
                "DATA": "Account ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Account"
                "ID": "Account",
                "DATA": "Account ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Account"
                "ID": "Opportunity",
                "DATA": "Bid ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Opportunity"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Created By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
        "NAME": "AccountPartner"
        "ID": "AccountShare",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "Account",
                "DATA": "Account ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Account"
                "ID": "Group",
                "DATA": "User\/Group ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Group"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
        "NAME": "AccountShare"
        "ID": "ActivityHistory",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "Account",
                "DATA": "Account ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Account"
                "ID": "Contact",
                "DATA": "Contact\/Lead ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Contact"
                "ID": "Admin_Projects__c",
                "DATA": "Bid\/Account ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Admin_Projects__c"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Assigned To ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Created By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
        "NAME": "ActivityHistory"
        "ID": "AdditionalNumber",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "CallCenter",
                "DATA": "Call Center ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "CallCenter"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Created By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
        "NAME": "AdditionalNumber"
        "ID": "Admin_Projects__c",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "Group",
                "DATA": "Owner ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "Group"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Created By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Project Lead",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
        "NAME": "Admin_Projects__c"
        "ID": "ApexClass",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Created By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
        "NAME": "ApexClass"
        "ID": "ApexTrigger",
        "DATA": "{}",
        "CHILDREN": [
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Created By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
                "ID": "User",
                "DATA": "Last Modified By ID",
                "CHILDREN": "[]",
                "NAME": "User"
        "NAME": "ApexTrigger"
Their JSON (a small sample anyway)
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    string smtpAddress = "";int portNumber = 587;
    bool enableSSL = true;
    string emailFrom = "[email protected]";
    string password = "passw#rd";
    string emailTo = "[email protected]";
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    smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(emailFrom, password);
    smtp.EnableSsl = enableSSL;
    What is wrong in this code 
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    >>IF problem is limitation How i now the limitation finish or still exist
    I've just do a quick search. Please refer  to
    For more information about the options available to send more email than allowed by your current outgoing SMTP mail server, read
    Email Send Limits and Options.
    Based on your scenario, your Email is Yahoo, please also consider to post in Yahoo official website for more specific response.
    Note: This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience
    to you. 
    Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites;Therefore, Microsoft
    cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there.
    There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you
    completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    I have recently added an iPhone 4s, and cleaned out the hard drive of my eMac to use solely for iTunes, but now it will not let me download iCloud items from iTunes Match.  Do I need to change settings on the iPhone, or did I erase something I shouldn't have from my hard drive?

    I should have explored other threads before writing this, as I found the answer elsewhere. Turns out, the folder I was saving the podcasts to had been changed to 'read only'. Changed to 'read and write' and podcasts download successfully now. I'm not sure how that changed during the upgrade, but no matter, I'm back at it now.

  • The iPhone cannot be synced. You do not have enough privileges for this operation

    On a Win7 PC and iTunes I'm trying to sync my wife's phone while signed in under our Apple iTunes account. It connects, backs up but then displays the following message:
    The WIndoew accout has full admin privileges and the iTunes account is valid. Ideas?

    Thank you.
    I actually figured it out a while ago.
    Turns out it is not an issue with the iPhone or iTunes.
    By process of elimination I deduced it could be a permissions issue with the hard drive and/or folder that holds the contents of my Music Library.
    For example, if the "Sharing & Permissions" settings (found in the "Get Info" Window) are set to "Read Only" on the internal or external drive that contains your Music Library for iTunes then you can not write to the disk. Therefore, you do not have privelges to make changes to the internal or external drive and you get the error message when you try to sync with the information on that drive.
    Here's the kicker and million dollar questions:
    How did the "Sharing & Permissions" settings get changed on my Hard Drive without me doing it?
    Why did my iPhone sync fine yesterday and suddenly today the Hard Drive is doing this?
    I have to set all priveleges to all drives to "Read & Write" and that just doesn't seem very secure to me.

  • You do not have enough privileges for this operation

    This is what I tunes says when i open it.
    Then it works most of the time.  sometimes freezes...
    Also can't find lots of songs...

    I should have explored other threads before writing this, as I found the answer elsewhere. Turns out, the folder I was saving the podcasts to had been changed to 'read only'. Changed to 'read and write' and podcasts download successfully now. I'm not sure how that changed during the upgrade, but no matter, I'm back at it now.

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