Single channel audio edit

I am editing a project in FCP that has music on channel 1 and voice on 2. I want to edit on on channel 2 without disturb ch.1 but cannot seem to do this. If someone can help I'd be grateful.

If that is not the problem
select the audio clip you want to leave as it is and hit control+B to hide the track and control+B again to hear it again.
PS you can also toggle on/off the first little speaker from the far left on the timeline corresponding to the track (it turns yellow) but that will mute the entire track.

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    I don't think this is possible.

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    I do not see a way to separate audio channels to edit them separately in Premiere Elements (any version).
    Premiere Elements does have audio effects including Balance, Fill Right/Fill Left, and Swap channels, but that is not what you are seeking.
    I would refer you to an audio editor such as the free Audacity for what you want to do.
    Splitting and Joining Stereo Tracks - Audacity Manual
    I am not sure if this is close to what you seek
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    Terry Woolf
    Thanks for the reply.
    The link to your prior thread is
    I suspect that the issue of no audio for your .mp4 file goes to your conversion method MXF to .mp4.
    Please excuse if I am saying what you already know. When you import your video into Premiere Elements (in your case 12 Mac), a project
    preset is established, either by you manually or the project automatically. That project preset contains a description of the project settings
    for audio as well as video. Unless you select one of the project presets which are described for use with 5.1 channel, your audio in video audio
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    In the project, if applicable to your situation, you can duplicate an audio channel (See Fill Left or Fill Right under fx Effects/Audio Effects).
    Please let me ask this to make sure of the details.
    If you import your .mp4 with 2 channel audio (derived from your .mxf convert and dragged to Video Track 1/Audio Track 1) and cannot hear the sound....
    a. do you see any evidence for an audio file in the Timeline Audio track 1?
    b. if you do, how many wave forms do you see, one or two?
    c. if you have the audio meters opened while you are playing back the Timeline content in Edit area, do you see 1 or 2 channels and is
    there activity in both.
    d. when you import the file into Project Assets, do you observe any conforming activity going on in progress bar in the lower right cover of the workspace...if
    so, do you wait for it to go to completion before continuing on?
    We could also try deleting the conformed audio in the Media Cache Files Folder to force the program to re-conform the audio. See Edit Menu/Preferences/Scratch Disks should show you the location of the Media Cache Files Folder whose contents you will be deleting.
    Please review and consider, and then let me know if I targeted your question. If not, please do not hesitate to let me know, and I will rethink my reply based
    on your response.
    Thank you.

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    andynick wrote:
    … I find this rather klunky - the keyframes are never in the right place for me using the Range Tool.
    funny - I find your method more than complicated: switching to the range tool is a single click operation, and then just dragging - done.
    precision is accomplished a) by magnification, b) by setting in/out traditionally with I and O, c) shifting the 'rough selection' manually, or, at last d) first setting Markers and snap the Range Tool to it.
    don't miss Marc Spencer's advice on this topic
    5:15 shows the Range tool in action ......

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    I'm 99% sure that only the first 2 channels will be imported. I've seen some weirdness where multichannel audio has been bounced to a stereo pair on import causing a jump in levels. Your best bet is to use Soundbooth (or Premiere) or an audio/editing app to do the conversion.

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    Ok so i order to help anyone who is interested.
    The only ironic solution to this problem i found was to use a plugin called xto7 to convert the xml to the old fcp7 format.
    i then imported this into premiere pro.
    this was then able to export an OMF that when imported into logic 10 that was using the correct 6ch mono setting as separate tracks.
    Insane but it works until Apple fixes the incorrect meta data import in FCPX that sets the xml export to the default import that is always surround.
    this is the only way i was able to send stems with all the edit points and fades for the sound editor.
    If you don't have premiere lying around you maybe able to do it with fcp7 too we just didn't have it in this studio.
    Fingers crossed Apple fixes the fcpx xml export.

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    thanks rem

    Gonna try to break this down so that anyone could understand.
    You have 5 different video programs, apparently with no audio, that are going to appear on 5 different screens. Is that correct?
    OR... did you create one video program that has 5 pictures in it... like picture in picture x 5?
    You want 5 different stereo audio programs that you are going to somehow synchronize while these videos are playing... does that mean that you are going to be raising and lowering different audio programs to highlight different videos programs?
    OR... is it all going to play at once?
    You're either a genius or clueless as to how things work. Why don't you draw for us a picture so that we can better visualize what you're trying to do?

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    Ok so i order to help anyone who is interested.
    The only ironic solution to this problem i found was to use a plugin called xto7 to convert the xml to the old fcp7 format.
    i then imported this into premiere pro.
    this was then able to export an OMF that when imported into logic 10 that was using the correct 6ch mono setting as separate tracks.
    Insane but it works until Apple fixes the incorrect meta data import in FCPX that sets the xml export to the default import that is always surround.
    this is the only way i was able to send stems with all the edit points and fades for the sound editor.
    If you don't have premiere lying around you maybe able to do it with fcp7 too we just didn't have it in this studio.
    Fingers crossed Apple fixes the fcpx xml export.

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    Why do you want to change it to stereo? It isn't a stereo (two-channel) recording, it's a mono, single-channel recording.
    Mono is not somehow "worse" than stereo, don't feel that need that everything should be recorded to two channels, it's a waste of resources.
    You can pan it anywhere in the stereo field - with the pan knob central, the mono track will be centered in the stereo field. You can pan it left or right accordingly.

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    Hi, I made this silent movie to show you it works dragging voice files from iMovie to iTunes!
    I did say the exported quicktime file would be a single file, and you can touch that up with Audacity.
    Perhaps for more control you take each chapter from itunes into Audacity, do what tweaking you need to do and drag it into the correct place in iMovie timeline to end up with a continuos file.
    Ideally iMovie should have the editing capabilities of Audacity but it doesnt.

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    Trying to export an AS-11 UK DPP 1.1 with 10 channels. Export in AME has only 4 channels audio with no options to add more. The UK DPP spec allows for 16.

    You are correct. We are currently discussing this and are treating it as a feature request for a future update. In the future you can also submit feature requests here: Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form

  • Problem with Set/Get volume of input device with single channel

    from Symadept <[email protected]>
    to Cocoa Developers <[email protected]>,
    coreaudio-api <[email protected]>
    date Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 2:45 PM
    subject Problem with Set/Get volume of input device with single channel
    hide details 2:45 PM (2 hours ago)
    I am trying to Set/Get Volume level of Input device which has only single channel but no master channel, then it fails to retrieve the kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelsForStereo and intermittently kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalar for each channel. But this works well for Output device.
    So is there any difference in setting/getting the volume of input channels?
    I am pasting the downloadable link to sample.
    Thanks in advance.
    Tags: MacOSX, CoreAudio, Objective C.

    That works but the the game will not be in full screen, it will have an empty strip at the bottom.
    I actually found out what's the problem. I traced the stageWidth and stageHeight during resizing event. I found out that when it first resized, the stage width and height were the size with the notification bar. So when I pass the stage into startling, myStarling = new Starling(Game,stage), the stage is in the wrong size. For some reason, I can only get the correct stage width and height after the third resizing event.
    So now I need to restart Starling everytime a resizing event happened. It gives me the right result but I am not sure it is a good idea to do that.
    And thanks a lot for your time kglad~I really appriciate your help.

  • How to do a single channel DAQ using NI-DAQ driver software with a PCI-MIO-16XE-10 card

    I would like to find out how I could do a simple one channel Data Acquisition from a signal generator using the NI-DAQ driver software with a PCI-MIO-16XE-10 card.
    I have written some test problem but even when the signal generator is turned on/off I get back some weird values.
    Here is my code.
    CString sFunctionName("");
    double volt[OUTPUT_POINTS*2];
    double out[OUTPUT_POINTS*2];
    short timebase, ready, code, stopped;
    unsigned short sampleInterval;
    int i, status, count=0;
    unsigned long update, points;
    short* ai_buffer;
    short output_ch_vector[16];
    int local_ITERATIONS = 2;
    SAFEARRAYBOUND bound[1];
    double dataItem = 9.9;
    long j;
    long k;
    double* pTheValues;
    LPTSTR lpsz_ErrMsg;
    // Initialise device
    status = Init_DA_Brds (deviceNumber, deviceNumberCode)
    Initializes the hardware and software states of a National Instruments
    DAQ device to its default state and returns a numeric device code that
    corresponds to the type of device initialized
    Init_DA_Brds(DEVICE, &code);
    // Check return code from Init_DA_Brds
    Code return should be 204: PCI-MIO-16XE-10.
    if (code < 0)
    CString sError;
    sError.Format("Code error: %d", code);
    if (code == -1)
    sError = sError + ": No device found";
    LPTSTR lpsz = new TCHAR[sError.GetLength()+1];
    _tcscpy(lpsz, sError);
    delete lpsz;
    return S_FALSE;
    // Allocate memory for analog output and input arrays
    //ao_buffer = new short[OUTPUT_POINTS*2];
    ai_buffer = new short[OUTPUT_POINTS];
    // Set double-buffering
    status = DAQ_DB_Config (deviceNumber, DBmode)
    Enables or disables double-buffered DAQ operations.
    status = DAQ_DB_Config(DEVICE, 1);
    if (status < 0 )
    sFunctionName = "DAQ_DB_Config";
    goto TidyUp;
    // Get the rate parameters
    status = DAQ_Rate (rate, units, timebase, sampleInterval)
    Converts a DAQ rate into the timebase and sample-interval
    values needed to produce the rate you want.
    status = DAQ_Rate(RATE, 0, &timebase, &sampleInterval);
    if (status < 0 )
    sFunctionName = "DAQ_Rate";
    goto TidyUp;
    // Setup scan
    status = SCAN_Setup (deviceNumber, numChans, chanVector, gainVector)
    Initializes circuitry for a scanned data acquisition operation.
    Initialization includes storing a table of the channel sequence
    and gain setting for each channel to be digitized
    status = SCAN_Setup(DEVICE, 1, ai_channels, gain);
    if (status < 0 )
    sFunctionName = "SCAN_Setup";
    goto TidyUp;
    status = SCAN_Start (deviceNumber, buffer, count, sampTimebase,
    sampInterval, scanTimebase, scanInterval)
    Initiates a multiple-channel scanned data acquisition operation,
    with or without interval scanning, and stores its input in an array
    status = SCAN_Start(DEVICE, ai_buffer, OUTPUT_POINTS, timebase, sampleInterval, timebase, 1000);
    if (status < 0 )
    sFunctionName = "SCAN_Start";
    goto TidyUp;
    while(count < local_ITERATIONS)
    // Check whether we are ready to input another half-buffer
    status = DAQ_DB_HalfReady(DEVICE, &ready, &stopped);
    if (status < 0 )
    sFunctionName = "DAQ_DB_HalfReady";
    goto TidyUp;
    if (ready == 1)
    status = DAQ_DB_Transfer(DEVICE, ai_buffer, &points, &stopped);
    if (status < 0 )
    sFunctionName = "DAQ_DB_Transfer";
    goto TidyUp;
    // Clear the analog input
    status = DAQ_Clear (deviceNumber)
    Cancels the current DAQ operation
    (both single-channel and multiple-channel scanned) and reinitializes the DAQ circuitry.
    status = DAQ_Clear(DEVICE);
    if (status < 0 )
    sFunctionName = "DAQ_Clear";
    goto TidyUp;
    status = SCAN_Demux (buffer, count, numChans, numMuxBrds)
    Rearranges, or demultiplexes, data acquired by a SCAN operation
    into row-major order, that is, each row of the array holding the
    data corresponds to a scanned channel
    status = SCAN_Demux(ai_buffer, OUTPUT_POINTS * 2, 2, 0);
    if (status < 0 )
    sFunctionName = "SCAN_Demux";
    goto TidyUp;
    //Convert binary values to voltages (Doesn't actually take a reading from board)
    status = DAQ_VScale (deviceNumber, chan, gain, gainAdjust, offset, count, binArray, voltArray)
    Converts the values of an array of acquired binary data and the gain setting for that data
    to actual input voltages measured.
    status = DAQ_VScale (1, 0, 1, 1.0, 0.0, OUTPUT_POINTS , ai_buffer, volt);
    if (status < 0 )
    sFunctionName = "DAQ_VScale";
    goto TidyUp;

    Please take a look at lots of examples available at :
    1. >> NI Developer Zone >> Development Library >> Measurement Hardware
    2. C:\program files\national instruments\ni-daq\examples\visualc
    Sastry V.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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